
#503: JJ McCarthy concern, Bathroom mishaps & Mouse traps - CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE

Published Nov 14, 2024, 3:49 PM

In this episode, the hosts embark on a humorous journey discussing various topics, including a mice infestation, a bathroom mishap, updates on JJ McCarthy's knee injury, an analysis of the Eagles vs. Cowboys game, and a fun game centered around the English language. The conversation is filled with laughter, personal anecdotes, and engaging discussions about sports and language. In this lively conversation, the hosts explore a variety of topics ranging from the bizarre phenomenon of a frozen caveman to the intricacies of cryonics and its cultural implications. They delve into Tony's new job in podcasting, share political perspectives on immigration, and recount humorous experiences from the restaurant industry. The discussion is filled with witty banter and playful exchanges, showcasing the hosts' chemistry and ability to navigate serious and light-hearted subjects alike. 

We're going on another adventure.

Choose your own adventure.

Choose your own adventure. I don't know where I got that from. Just made it up at the top of my head.

The introduction about zero point two seconds into the what.

Did he say? What did Tony actually say?

You choose your own adventure?

Well, choose your own adventure on this Minnesota Tim podcast. You can either swerve less, swerve right, or go right down the middle cut throat goes straight down the throat right down the middle. Lots of choices, lots of different topics they have last to this week. You know, we did it last week too, and it was so much fun. Jacob's internet wasn't working. Now it sound like RFK right now, it's like.

Glass of water.

I don't think I have the food back America healthy.

I guess.

Last week Jacob had the five screens on at one time. You couldn't see it on YouTube for whatever reason. When I downloaded the files, it didn't show.

Yeah, why did YouTube just put me on blast the whole time? And my internet con is clearly clearly fine. We just made it all up, made it all up for the audience.

Yeah, I got done kicking Jacob out coming back.

It's all part of the bit.

I put in the chat. Hey, what if we say he has three screens?

Now, okay, what if I said three?

What's feyer than three?



I got a story to share with you guys, and you guys can decide what is worse, what's more gross?

These are real life.

You can choose the other thing.

What's up?

You said, choose your own adventure. I was going to choose the other thing.

I really want to hear your story from being honest.

Yeah, okay, sounds good.

Well what other adventure did you want to go on? Did you want to start the new game? Got a new game this week? I'll tell my story. Okay, we're just chain, just just yanking.

Me by the neck. I'm a puppet.

You're Tim here, Tim, stand up. I can put my hand up.

You for the For the podcast listeners, that is a wonderful visual joke of Tony pretending to puppeteer Tim.


So if you want to those Apple Spotify listeners, go check out that YouTube channel and hit the subscribe button, because stuff's better on YouTube anyway. But as far as the story goes, this is a real life story. Two real life stories. One involves another person at our house and a story that I'm not gonna name names and just in case someone listens to this, And another one involves a mouse problem at our house and you guys have to decide what is more gross. So we've had in the last week, it's finally slowed down. But in the last week we've had like eight mice, like five in our garage have been caught, three in our kitchen have been caught. So it's just been a mice infestation problem.

I think mice.

Like to create depend with brothers and sisters, so you know, sometimes you get a mice infestation problem. So okay, now for the story from the other person. So we had a mice infestation problem. So the question is would you rather grab a mice by your bare hands and have to throw it in the garbage or would you rather have to deal with this problem? Okay, there's a guy at our house and we host a group once a week and there's anywhere from fifteen to twenty people here at our house on one night a week. And this guy group is over. He said he was tired. He asked me for a coffee. He said, well, we don't have coffee here, I decaf, but it's like, okay, that's not gonna do anything for you. So we find a mountain dew in the frigerator. He drinks the mountain dew okay, before he has to go, he said, oh, I got to go to the bathroom. So he goes upstairs and I actually forget that he's up there because everybody left besides this person, and and Haley didn't because he's she saw their shoes there.

And then we're getting our kids to bed.

Hayley's about to feed our son, and all of sudden we hear the door open. I'm like, what's that going on up there? It's the guy that was going to the bathroom, and he goes and the reason why he asked for the mountain dew he told me that he was afraid they were gonna fall asleep on the way home in this car.

So I was like, okay, yes, you have a question, Jacob, which is I.

Don't know forget how long was this period of time that he was in the bathroom.

About five minutes.

Wait, so in five minutes you forgot that he was there.

Yeah, because everybody left, everyone cleared out, you know, he just kind of assumed in your mind that everyone left and not making any noise.

Just kind of forgot in my mind. It was like a half hour later.

Oh yeah, it's not it's it's about five minutest.

So normal, normal ish time.

Okay, normalish.

It could be a number two, right, but number one most likely. So he comes out of the bathroom and he comes downstairs and says, guys, I fell asleep ballcoring to the bathroom.

Wait did he explain if it was number one or number two?

Yeah? Here he goes again. I peed on your floor, but don't worry.

Abound a random towel in the bathroom, but I wiped it all up and I put it in your bathtub.

And then I turned towards my wife, and I'm like, well I.

Turned towards him. Oh yeah, no big deal, you know whatever, you know what happens that turned towards my wife. He leaves out the door, and we just start laughing our butts.

This is a really human being.

This is a real human being. Happened two weeks ago.

I forgot to share the story last week, but it happened two weeks ago.

So first of all, I mean, I've been tired.

He said he was tired, and we provided a mountain. Do the right term?

Isn't that where you like randomly fall asleep and think it's a real thing?

Mm hmm.

I would maybe suggest that first of all.

There hasn't been any other problems with this, This is like a one time thing.


Yeah, did you ask if he was he did he stay standing or did he like fall over?

I think he was standing. I didn't ask.

I didn't ask, but he said it got all over the floor, So I would assume that he was standing.

And he wasn't clearly hurt obviously from like, yeah, imagine, can imagine that had to be a peaceful suck.

It's like a little rascals that there turn all out of those.

Jacob's can.

I just find it hard to believe that that a human being, Although what would say that happens to you? What would be your solution? The towel things another wild.

I'm trying to find a paper.

Towel or something like toilet paper, maybe toilet paper or something.

But we had to touch that towel. Of course I didn't touch the towel.

I mean I touched the towel, but like I grabbed like three pairs of paper towels and put it around my hands and grab the towel and pretended it was like an atomic bomb.

Bringing it downstairs.

I hope.

In the I don't remember, I'm to put it in the washer. Oh no, no, I probably I don't remember what I did with it.

Be like my Grandma's like that could be an antique or whatever it is. It could be the most bensive town in the world. I'm taking that thing and it's going to straight in the garbage can.

Oh man, So when you got there, guys, rather take care of this pist towel or grab a mouse by the bare hands and throw it in the garbage.

Can. I think I.

Was saying, I think I would go pee towel for this for the story. Yeah, because I would tell everyone that. I would tell he man, you ever fell asleep while you going pee, just get into this story.

Oh what's so funny about it is they came downstairs and they're like just blank face about it, just like, hey, you know, by the way, I fell asleep or taking a pee peek out all over your floor.

But I used to if I found out towel in the bathroom, So don't worry about it.

I found a towel that I took care of it.

It's in the bathtub.


The age of this person or the.

Mid mid twenties, Holy cow.

I was kind of hoping it because I know you do like a youth thing, right, Yeah. I was hoping you were gonna say, like, well, they're like sixteen or seventeen. It's like, okay, I get that they panicked. They're really young they but in your mid twenties man, Holy moly.

Yeah, I had a situation like that, as in a high school where use my buddy's bathroom a bunch of people over. Mine was a number two, though, and there was no toilet paper. So I did what I needed to do, found the hand tow wiped up. I threw that bad boy right in the trash, and then just no one.

Ever knows, never mentioned it.

Yeah, twenty years later, never mentioned the game.

I will say, as long as I guess we're on this category used a hand to all.

He said, Okay, it was nice, so good do it.

I don't remember how old it was, but it was either late middle school or the high school age. And you know that state of sleep where you're like somewhat conscious of what you're doing, but you're not like you're you're still sleeping, but you have some sort of cognitive ability. I had a dream. I remembering about the dream, but then in the dream I started to pee, and then the classic yeah, yeah, just literally just peed the bed. Woke up like, oh that wasn't a dream. That's too bad.

How old were you when this happened.

I mean it was late middle school, early high school age.


I have that fear as an adult, because I do. I'll have the same dream, like you know, three weeks ago. I'm thirty six, and it's like, man, and I I could just I could have just peed the bed right there, right because I was going.

It was a good pee.

I never it always is in the dream.


I even remember consciously thinking like, thank god, I'm.

Going to bed tonight. I'll blame not my son.

Looked like Murphy, looked like the diaper didn't hold them.

My own word, just so.

Fall asleep easy. I can't help bed dreams.

And I've woken up wet before in those dreams, but.

It was never pe.

Probably from sweat, you mean, right.

Yeah, let's be sweat. Sometimes it's a little warm.

You know, you go to bed sick and then you put that extra blanket on you. Well, then the fever breaks during the nighttime, and then you wake up just in a cold sweat.

That's probably what it was.

That does happen to me, Like the second I'm awake, I get super warm.

Yeah, I been there.

I know it's irrelevant information, just trying to keep them anch.

I don't know. I don't know. It's so funny.

There's two things that made them funny. When you first started that talking about your son, said your underwear or wet. That got me. And then the fact that you even brought up the second thing.

I thought.

I thought that was PG. I didn't say what it was, made a good point and said it was a fever.

Yeah, my fever broke.

Yeah, white sweat of fever, and I woke up in it broke.

The two thousands those Gataray commercials.

Oh wow, Glacier ice.

Before we get flavor dive into our next game. I'm very excited about this next game. Tony, want to give us one minute on the Eagle's dominant win over the Cowboys thirty four to six.

Yeah, I mean it's it's expected. No, Dak you're playing, Eagles are playing well.

Shout out Stevin sooner.

I would have liked to see it a little bit more in the first half, but they did what they needed to do, crushed them, five turnovers, just it all around, dominant effort. Love seeing it, especially against Cowboys. We'll see if they can transfer some of that momentum over big matchup this evening.

As an Eagles fan, do I start DeVonta Smith? And I mean, like he's been a little frustrating lately.

DeVante Smith usually goes off against the Commanders, So yes, all right.

Okay, are you gonna do it? Are you gonna follow his advice? Yeah?

I mean my other options kind of suck. It's like t Higgins who is still nursing a hamstring and some crepple like guys, So probably.

Jacob, do you want give us one minute on JJ McCarthy needing another knee injection.

I saw that. I didn't really see the details. I had a busy day yesterday, so I didn't really look at my phone at all.

Yeah, so basically that's what the details are. The timeline hasn't changed for his recovery.

For lack of a term, was it an expected surgery where like they thought this might happen, or it's like, oh.

I think so, I don't think it was expected.

It was it was there was swelling in his knee they discovered, and they're like, we need to take care of some of this stuff. My first reaction was like, okay, an injection is never a good thing. Is that you're not in the organization clapping hands and jumping for joy. And when Kevin O'Connell said his original timeline didn't change, well, the original timeline isn't until next season. It doesn't have to be ready until twenty twenty five. He's already out for this entire year on season ending ir so. But he said timeline hasn't changed. Didn't really mean anything to me. No, So, do you have any additional opinions thoughts takes on j J McCarthy needing another knee injection.

Like you said, it's not obviously every good thing. I mean, well, the interesting factor will be to see if they feel like there's enough there that they go after Donald for a two year deal or something like that to try to just give more time to JJ, or if they decide he's good to going healthy and just by cut bait there. But it'll be interesting see if anybody, if Donald has a market, you know, if anybody's going for two or three or four years for him, or if the Vikings are the best fit for him. So that'll be interesting to see if anyone, if the NFL thinks he's as good as he's actually been, you know, big first month, bad second month. We'll see what the true Donald is.

But yeah, would you all what Donald as like a backup to McCarthy over the yeah, McCarthy over the next two three years, or would you want to bring in some other just career journeyman, backup veteran who can kind of show him the ropes and all that. Donald's been in the league for what seven years now? And then I would say his career has been tumultuous at best.

Right and at this point, assuming this season ends even decently, and that's Donald really is bad the last two months here, If you keep Donald, there's that permanent kind of like well started last year, like he was pretty good last year, Like how do you justify starting JJ? And if j's playing poorly, do you want to put Donald back in?


Then you enter that argument, right, right.

So you'd almost rather have some old schmuck who's just gonna help him out, and then who's no threat of playing really right, I don't know, it'll be interesting to see what they decided.

All right, well, we can dive into our next game. And this next game has nothing to do with sports. But I was thinking about the English language the other day.

The dangerous thing for you to do.

It is dangerous, and there are a lot of words in the English language that aren't spelled how they sound. So I'm gonna do the exact ops that you guys are gonna have to guess the word. So I'm going to say the word how it's spelled, and then you guys have to guess what that word is, and whoever guesses what the word is wins the game.

Does that make sense, Greg Lewis, I'm just trying.

To figure out what words you could say differently that we're going to be stumped by. It seems like a very easy game.

Really Okay, well maybe it's an easy game.

Like NAT, but there's a g.

Sorry, not an Internet problem. I was trying to close a trying to close a tab that was popping up and then it actually went to it so kind of tab was Internet Gmail? Gmail sent me like three three emails and I was trying to close it.


I actually just got a Gmail to who's your Gmail from?

I think that one was from Matthew Berry in Fantasy Life?

Was it from Youth Works? Okay? All right, well maybe this game is going to be a bummer, but.

I mean trying to last momentum. I mean, we have you know, it's fine.

All right, So the first word.

Rec receipt, kill the music. Okay, what I thought you.

Were gonna do is just like a spelling bee of like weird words.

And I could do that too.

That probably makes worse sense. Again, I teach fifth grade that I hear that literally every day.

All Right, see if you can get this one, mister smarty pants, if you can give Tony a chance here, I'll let answer.

Well, you guys can answer first.

About two seconds after I said, I was.

Gonna say, yeah, we'll see my here's my thought process that oh process, I thought receipt and I was like, well, there's no way it's that.

Easy part of the game.

I thought the same thing. I was like, is it that lame?

All right, we'll try We'll try this one Mortgagy Mozart mort Godgy.

Mortgage structure on this we didn't go to the point is five points?

She rang in wrong?

No, that's just a one point thing view. Yeah, okay, you took your head like you took a little. It took a second to respond to that one, Jacob, But I.

Was gonna let Tony guests first. First of all, no, I'm dumb.

I didn't know that one.

But I did hesitate. But the first time you said it, I didn't gather it right away.

But yeah, I googled words that don't sound like how they're spelled, and there's a word here that does actually sound like how it's spelled, like epitome. Alright, that's one of the words that I'm supposed to say, and like some.

People try, like they'll say like epitome, epitome.

Well maybe I could have said that like that epitome.

Oh you're saying it right, Yeah, you're good.

Okay, all right, all right, let's do another one.

Chicks out.

Out like this is this what I signed up for.

That game?

Ever, this is the week my internet actually works.

It's gonna start freezing himself a right, guys, I lose you.

I can't talk. That's pretty good.

Wow, if you could win a contest of frozen Man, if you there's frozen man contests. You know, I was saying, there's like these frozen men that can like breathe under ice for like two hundred years.

Not Gonnare's like Captain America. Oh yeah, Captain America. You know, frozen a block of ice.

But yet some people like Captain America.

Yeah, you never saw that.

You never saw that fictional character that it just made up.

Make up the fictional character. The cat's got some action. All right, I'm gonna actually google frozen man and block of ice.

I think it's an l bit that they did, like frozen Caveman Lawyer, like in the early twenty nineties or something like that.

I'm pretty sure this is true. Sure has happened before.

A giant four thousand, forty thousand year old ice coffin found in the Arctic, Well, I guess it's five thousand.

I say, like, you're right that it might preserve like a body, but it doesn't preserve life.

He's not breathing an ice for two hundred years. Maybe, like you said, forty thousand. Yeah, it's ridiculous.

Equip it's unrealistic. What a dummy?

Forty thousands.

Here's an innistrating article I found on this frozen what's his name?

What's his name? Yeah?

What's forty thousand year old dead guy? Frozen guy's name?

It's a YouTube video. Oh, here we go.

The Caveman is still a live today social media. What's that mean? You guys are haters? A prehistoric man found frozen and nice as a revived by an Arctic exploration team with an attempt to you for their scientific research. It doesn't sound like he's alive, but it says in this YouTube video four thousand years forty thousand years frozen the Caveman is still alive today. I guess he's known as Caveman.

Yeah, like forty thousand years ago. Did they have the name like Jim, like Jim the frozen Caveman?

Or is it just like.

And those are the guys that made up the Human Dictionary?

Come on, it's ridiculous Human dictionary. Yes, they made the dictionary. These guys made up the English.

These guys made up the English dictionary. It says Colorado celebrates a frozen dead guy every year. While you're gathering to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. This year, thousands of people will be gathering in a Colorado mountain town to celebrate a frozen dead guy.


For more more than twenty years, a tradition turned festival has brought skeletons and ghostly figures to streets of Nedland, some forty miles west of Denver. It all began in nineteen eighty nine when Breado Morestolel Bretto died.

From a heart condition. Well look at this, I'll share the screen. Look at this. It's true. See if you can get this one.

Bredo mor Steel died from a heart condition in the European country of Norway. Instead of a traditional beer, who was packed in dry ice and brought to a facility in Oakland, California.

There he spent four years in liquid nitrogen.

That we said, Yeah, he's the t one thousand.

Both of these.

The senates are described as strong advocates for chronics who hoped to start a facility.

Of their own.

Okay, well, cryonics is always fell, It's always say it.

Chronics is something else.

All right, let's see we get another one where Tim just talks and the two of us correct.

That's actually what about I was thinking for this game.

All right, I'm good. The music left. The audience know that we're serious again.

All right, pneumonia?

Can I get another hint?

Yeah, that was unclear. I buy a bowel pneumonia.

But we're getting.

So sid.

Example good nap.

I was looking at the throd.

I'm like, oh, I think this one might be tough. As I said, I heard it. I can I hear yourself speak?


Know where were you moments moment?

It sounded so stupid?

You're going to get this one?

Has anyone buzzed it yet?


We wanted more hands?

Yeah, I need a second.

Alright, let me try to say it again.

They pronounced it a different way.

Pneumonia, the same thing, but slower.


Oh wow, with no regard for human life.

Oh my gosh, My stupidity is so stupid.

Stupidity just goes like, oh.

Man, there, you brought a game to the table, Tony and I did not bring any games to the table.

He didn't bring in the games of the table. Next week, you guys, bring a game to the table and I'll play the game.

No, I like this disaster is better.

Okay, all right, let's see if we're gonna get another one here? Oh wow, I can't believe that I just said that.

And it's so funny.

So funny is that pneumonia wasn't even one of the twenty words that Google gave me. I looked it up myself because I thought it was gonna be tough.

But isn't that.

I'm smart Google and AI Yeah, oh okay, here we go.

Parad Digham. Oh did you see Jacob's face?

He was like, parad Diamond, is that what you're trying to say?

What I'm trying to say? But you had a moment there. You had a moment because.

It's not like you said, yeah, Para.

I was sure that was parag.

Oh wow, all right, we'll do another one right away.

Guys like that be better the other one.

This is a better beat. But the melody on the other one's kind of nice.

It's kind of like interesting, you know what, kind of sucks and like kind of gets into the mood.

Yeah, I feel like it's a good gameplay.

All right, this is gonna be the last one.

Cashy, cashy, like clear your cash on a computer.

Oh I don't know it made that a h what did you say?

C h C H or No, c A C A h G.

That's right. But you said clear out your cash on the computer.

Yeah, that's really what it means.

C A C H E.

Yeah, that's maybe there's a second definition, but that's how I that's how I understand it.

A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. Yeah, at me, Wow, you're smart, Tony.

Tell us about this new job that you have.

It's a for a production company working on a podcast, doing some video editing, utilizing I'm a five tool utility player.

Is the production company Minnesota, Ta podcast.

Kenby for the Right Price, for the right Look.

At this guy? What's the price?

What? What kind of content you putting out?


A lot of let's see, can.

You can you? Can you elaborate on that?

The podcast that I'm working on is like a political podcast, a conservative speaker.

Yeah, you're you're a living Texas I would think that would be an.

Actually, when during the election we saw a couple of lines with the Harris Walt signs out.

There, interesting, probably there, but no, it's good three day or yeah, three days in so it's good.

It's beun good so far. The election was interesting. There was a statistic.

Stists that come out after the elections are always fun to watch and like see and to see that like seventy five percent of Hispanics in Texas voted for Trump and Vance, I think was an interesting storyline. And here's my theory on that, and you guys let me know if I'm wrong on it. We're diving in a little bit of a serious conversation. Hispanics get mistreated in the country because people look at them and they think, oh, you got in here illegally. You just fled the border and jumped over the fence or went across the river. And they don't want to be treated like that or have a stereotype as that. So closing off the border and sending people away actually holds them in a higher reputation kind of sense. What are you guys thoughts on that theory, Jake, Political silence.

I mean, in Minnesota, I feel like that's significantly less of an issue. Obviously that's true, right, but you're right that you know, generally speaking, majority does not ever treat minority well regardless of what country you're in. So yeah, there's probably a lot of truth what you're saying. I can't speak to specifics because you know, maybe Tony being in Texas now knows a little bit more for you. Tony the expert on the knowledge, host of a control considerative podcast. You know you should assume.

What what's this conservative podcast called.

It's called the DESA Podcasts.

If that word's spelled how it sounds.

That's yeah, I'm saying it's actually just Jim Carter actually ice man.

It always comes back around. I love it. That's funny. All right, Well, that political conversation really went somewhere.

I mean, good to talk about. The border is one that I don't have a you know, I of knowledge about.

I think in theory, a border Caesar Jacob, border Caesar borders.

What was it?

A border czar Caesar?

A border of Caesar sounds right.

I'll take a border Caesar salad and two large Pizzas I was before this job. This is completely off off what we were just talking about, but it maybe think of it. Before this job, I was working at a restaurant. It's a little French play French place. Yeah, French restaurant, so croissants like kind of just typical typical French stuff, loud bakery, coffee, pastry items and stuff. This dude comes in, we did like serve breakfast and whatnot. This dude comes in a couple of weeks ago, and he's talking to the other guy there, and he's like looking over the menu, and then just randomly he goes, hey, man, y'all got any breakfast burritos?

Dude, no breakfast croissant.

So I feel like a breakfast burrito falls underneath the same family as a croissant.

Absolutely not bread. Perfect, that's the perfect response from you cultured wine.

That might have been racist him. I don't know if you could say that really.

Would you go to an Italian place and be like, hey, you guys got tacos?


Oh, okay, spaghetti taco? You ever put the bread scagnetti on the bread?

That's a taco?

Actually, I've had that through a long time ago, Like, taco spaghetti sounds.

Really good, doesn't it.


No, really, no one's tried it over, Like, are you.

Literally putting it on a piece of white bread? Are you putting it on a taco.

Shell a piece of white bread? Okay?

Well that's yeah, I mean it's just garlic bread. Yeah, I've done that before.

That sound pretty good. Oh, but like you're talking about like a taco shell.

Even put it in a taco shell, that would be disgusting. Between that, garlic bread, a taco.

Shell and garlic bread are completely different things.

It's just bread. I mean, garlic bread has a little garlicly taste to it. But it's like the idea is the same.

Garlic bread is soft, Garlic bread is bread. A taco shell is not.

Taco shell is soft.

It's Yeah, a flour corn or tea is very different than wheat bread or white bread.

Yeah, even a soft shell taco is completely different. You look disgusted when you just did what the mic these kids.

They I did that had some boogers in my nose.

Ione like this like this the last time I let Tony and Jacob you know, the podcast at the same time.

And ruined my ideas of spaghetti spaghetti.

So, Tony, can you give us an example of how you would Was this a sit down restaurant?

What was going on at this restaurant?

Yeah, you could go, you could do a little take out, you could sit. It was mainly a sit down place.

And were you the welcomer? Were you the waiter?

I was a waiter waiter, come up.

No Australian.

Hey, put a little shrimp on the bobby.

No, and then yeah, I'd ask you for your order. I'd mess up a bunch and then it was great.

Did you do the did you ever figure out the one hand? Like you know people walk on their head and have to balance it.

On one arm.

I'd do it. I'd go underhand.

Underhand, Yeah, the same play.

Yeah, like some people will do like the plate plate plate like three on an arm. Could you do that?


I can't do that, but I could do two on the arm.

He has to be Caleb. We'll have to see. If Caleb texas saying he got to this point, then that's my only bat.

Well since the one here might as well.


It is remarkable. You have your part sound like like a fake one like a.

Sound very fake.

I was like, yeah, he don't.

That is up your butt bag your mouth.

Don't fall asleep, coop your pant now because you're trained to part so hard here.

It comes back at least meet low from last year, but it comes out what if our mouth was her butt?


Anyway, guys, that was just fun. Yeah, Jacob, do you need me to delete any parts?

Of this.

I don't know anymore.

You'll probably take out the plate thing. It'll be just for us.

Yeah, now, yeah, I thought you were actually giving a real illustration of a plate.

Well before I took it too far. You seriously, if you do the plate, hold it like that. Put a plate there, and then the pinky and the thumb stabilize it so you can put another one.

Yeah, And you're like, I always started a question why I was laughing so hard.

You're like, I don't know when's laughing so hard.

I started off serious and then of course went immature.

And it was like a visual joke. So for anybody that's listening, it doesn't really I mean, they probably can guess, but it's true better than sorry my philosophy.

Well that's that's probably a good thing.

Youth parent just told me last night that they're big fans of the podcast, So maybe listening to that's probably not the best thing, But maybe that's why they're tuning into the podcast. They were all our ones in the previous weeks, and it's what.

Draws the man. I you realize you can share a screen that was like a shirt m one of these weeks. It'd be fun to break down.

Be fun to break down the top ten to see if they got the top ten right, you know, like, oh, number seven should have been number four.

Number four sounded like it was straight from you, our rankings, everybody who's been waiting.

For that's right, all right, boys, it's a privilege.

Jake could see in your face.

Hey, we made it through without