Minnesota Tim and Tony discuss various topics ranging from ASMR to the Dwayne Wade statue, the current NBA season, and the nostalgia of sports. They share humorous insights about their favorite teams, the changing nature of sports fandom, and the quirks of NFL backup quarterbacks. In this engaging conversation, Minnesota Tim and Tony explore various themes related to sports, particularly focusing on anticipation skills, hypothetical scenarios in the NFL, the humor found in sports memes, the performance of the Eagles, and the struggles of the Vikings. They share personal anecdotes and insights, creating a lively discussion that blends sports analysis with light-hearted banter.
Hey, Tony should let this ASMR stuff just feel up the feed.
I like that. I finally figured out what that means.
Yeah, I still don't even know if I know what it means.
No, last week and then all I remember is we started laughing because it said something about head and then like tingly feelings, and then we just went and just went off. We did our normal thing with that.
Yeah, we took it. We took it to places unknown.
How are you doing, Bud parts unknown? I'm good. I'm good about you.
How's doing good? Worked the Minnesota Wild game last night, recorded a Minnesota Tim podcast while I was working the game. After that, a little trade piece coming over, so I put the people in my headphones, I turned down the audio and I just recorded straight into my computer.
That's the true Minnesota Tim grind.
That's the experience right there.
On the company dime.
That's right. That's right. There's nobody that knows how to spend the company dollar like me.
Only Minnesota Tim admit that he wasn't working while he was working and put it out to the world.
That's right, I was working while I was working. If you watched the episode, I stop because the Pittsburgh Penguins scored a goal on the Minnesota Wild, and I saw the Penguin just scored once zero. I gotta go back to work. So you know, there's ups and downs, there's flows.
So you're just freely putting that out to your employers.
But here's the difference. Last night, I did not use the company equipment.
M that's a big step for you. You have a tendency of using company buildings and just bringing random homeless people off on the suite to record.
There's something wrong with that.
You're like, what's up? What's up?
That's what that's good out here? Chop over sports?
Oh the good old DC days for no.
Dame has actually sent me a text the other day, but I recorded using the company equipment last week at the Minnesota Wild Excel Energy Center. Well, there you go, there's a sponsors drop, so they should feel good about themselves. Now, David said, this reminds me of the Washington d C series x M Days, So yeah, made up for it, good old times. Yeah. So did you see the Dwayne Wade statue?
I did?
What are your what are your thoughts on it?
A couple thoughts, A couple of obviously terrible Yeah, I don't know if I've ever seen a statue with like the fingers pointing like that, Like the face was obviously like didn't really Yeah, that did not look I mean, that kind of looks like d Wade, but it's just a weird like teeth are very.
You know, there's a separation between the two front teeth.
Yeah, the teeth are very defined, like the definition is very is very good.
It looks like he's pooping.
Yeah, it's a good statue in that regard. Like I get what they were trying to go for, but I just saw the picture on the side there, but I don't get if you have a picture of the of the full statue. His fingers just look super weird in the statue.
Here we go, there's a little video it. Let's see. Oh yeah, is how it's been funny if they used the middle finger for it.
Yeah, just I know that's like an iconic look at him, He's just like.
Oh yeah, apparently he knew what it was going to look like. He was involved in the process of making this thing.
Did I wonder if he saw it beforehand? Then yeah, yeah, definitely he did. Yeah, it wasn't a surprise to him. On what it looked like afterwards. So I don't know what's more dumb or who's more dumb Dwayne Wade for allowing a statue to look like that?
Isn't it funny? How you know you think about these jobs and you think about, oh, man, in order to get this job, you must be so good at what you do, right, Like if there's a jersey or something that gets released and the last name is spelled wrong, It's like, how does that make it through the the processes of being okay? You know what I mean? I do.
Yeah, I feel like with some of the stuff, it's just where we want to rush this out. Yeah, he as fast as you can to try to make as much money as you can. So and then I mean half the time, it's like, no publicity is bad publicity, you know what I mean? So even if something like the name on a jersey is spelled wrong, or the statue or whatever we're talking about d Wade, We're talking about the Miami Heat, right, I don't know, there's kind of that old, that old adage.
Yeah, that's for sure. But it's funny because I just keep on coming back to the thought of, like, Okay, how did this person get this job. And I've realized that, of course there's people that are right for the job and whatnot and whatever, but most jobs that people get just because they're connected to someone, that doesn't necessarily mean that they're right for the job. Right. So you think about this podcast job that you have right here, joining Minnesota Podcast on a weekly basis is the job? Is it a job? Are you gonna put this on your resume?
You've been holding out on a pay.
Well, I'm working on it. I'm just got monetized. But there might be you might you might want to check your VENMO after this recording.
Shoot a little fruits of my labor in my way.
That's right. I don't want to be I probably should send you over at W two form to fill this out.
Get our taxes filed, right, that's right.
I don't want the government I r A coming after your butt because you didn't put two dollars and fifty cents on your taxes from the Minnesota to Podcast.
Oh, government's got to get theirs.
That's right. But there would been some hilarious memes from this Dwayne Wade statue that have been coming out here. So here's Dwayne Wade and then here's Rocky Bombo as trainer throw in the damn tax exactly, throw the ding towel. And then my favorite one I think is this one right here, the Power Rangers. And then there's Dwayne Waite fake. Yeah, I love that one right there, that yeah Zord on.
Power Rangers kid.
Oh, definitely. I thought it was so cool in high school. I changed my phone ring tone to the Power Rangers theme. Yeah. Did you think the pink Power Ranger was hot?
Of course? Yeah, that was like everyone our age's first crush. Yeah, let me see if I can do a little test here.
Let's see, should I pull her up? Pink? I don't want oh oh wow, Power Ranger timers.
The timer that I have said on my phone Power Rangers, yeah, is the communication communicator beeper. That is my uh text message thing for a sure.
Try to contain yourselves, everybody that's watching this on YouTube, especially you Tony Pink Power Range.
Amy Joe is that her name? Yeah? I think Amy Joe Johnson, kimber Kimberly Kimberly Heart.
Yeah. Anyways, big Power Ranger for everyone's first crush back in the day. Hard to argue that, but Power Rangers great, great show. But anyways, what else was I going? We're also I don't remember where I was going with that.
How you feeling about the the start of the NBA season, You're Tea Wolves heading into the year?
Yeah, I feel dece lost of the big game last night against the Mavericks. They're up by ten to the third quarter, and the Mavericks went on like a fifteen to oer run, and then the Vikings went on their run, and then they came Vikings. Then the Timbrels went on their run, and then Arnold started. Yeah, Darnald late three through a pass to Justin Jefferson down the field and Jefferson shot up fade away and he high stepped into the end zone, but Kyrie Irving was able to stiff arm him away from catching up and winning that football game. So unfortunately, the Timberwolves still lost, but they cut it within like two points at the end of the game and just weren't able to seal the deal. It's fun to watch Julius Randall. It seems like he's been a solid addition. Dante DiVincenzo hasn't been a whole lot yet, but it's only been four games, so got to give it time, got to give it room to breathe a little bit. So that'll be fun to watch. What about your on that O Magic? Did I see your guy Panchero Pollo go for like fifty something points the other.
Night, fifty thirteen and nine, look at you. Yeah, they're three and one off to a good start. Yeah, coming off of a solid year last year, made the playoffs, almost made the second round. So there built some stuff, yeah in Orlando, which is good.
It's good that they've been bad for a long long time. Yeah, So I'm sure you're familiar with kind of the pain and misery there. I always keep up with it even when they're bad. It's you know, I'm I'm not.
You're a fan through and through through thick and thin.
I mean, I stick with all my teams, but I'm not. I'm not a die hard like you where especially in basketball where I'm watching most of the games and whatnot. But I look every night to see when they're playing, followed, you know, followed on the ESPN app and see what they did, read the recap and whatnot. But yeah, they're built some stuff. They're a fun team. They're a young team too.
So yeah, Yeah, it's they're they're an up and comer, like they've been waiting in the wings and they're just waiting to sail. They're they're they're a fun team when they're good. You know, the Dwight Howard Orlando Badger back in the late two thousands, like two thousand and nine, I think they made it to the NBA Finals. Was fun with love. Oh that's a fun run. Mortem Gortat, Jamir Nelson is your guard.
I think Jamir Nelson is running the point. Yeah.
It's funny how I can remember almost or how we can remember almost the entire starting lineup from the Orlando Magic in two thousand and nine, but I think I struggled to name the Los Angeles Lakers starting lineup right now. It's funny how your interest in sports like changes over the years. I remember back when I was like thirteen years old and I don't know the third string point guard on the Cleveland Cavaliers squad. And now I'm thirty three years old and I'm like, who is their starting point guard? I have no idea.
I just priorities change. You're married, have kids, all that kind of stuff. You don't have time to just sit down and like, all right, I'm gonna go I'm gonna watch three games tonight, right, and then I'm gonna go study who the backup to, the backup point guard is on the you know, some other team in a different conference.
All that stuff one of my funniest things that you see sometimes online. Then we are we do this too, as you started naming random backup quarterbacks in the NFL that have played like Brady Quinn or I don't know, just from random guys, and.
Who's that Tyler thigpenn thing Man.
That's a good one.
Chad Pennington was listening to uh was listening to Pardon My take the other day and they do the same exact thing. They just name random random funny. It's so great. And one of the guys brought up like, oh, yeah, this this game back in let's twenty thirteen. I forget what year, but twenty thirteen, and the other co host goes, uh, oh who was the who was the quarterback at the time, And he goes, oh, Brody. They listed off all three quarterbacks and one of them was Brody Croyle. Just like these just random names. The fast is awesome.
It's funny how these guys are absolutely garbage in the NFL. But you know, take them into the backyard of anyone's yard and they're just like throwing dimes. It's funny. And I've gotten to the point I've even thought, Man, if this guy can play in the NFL, why can't I play?
I could take a couple of snaps.
I can take. Yeah, one of the odds that I could complete a pass in ten attempts, a five yard pass.
Like an eye? Are I think you can complete a checkdown on checkdown? Yeah?
Maybe they're playing a prevent defense. Told men on the field free play.
Mmmm, could you complete a pass? So you've got a are you are you in shotgun or are you under her under center?
Well, we got to see what the defense has given us. Got to set up the play action. Get a couple of runs.
Oh you're going, Peyton, you're calling calling to play the line?
Oh maha, cot my hand oneath the crutch.
Putting things out. Fifty two is the mic.
Fifty micty two has got a big own to watch out for. That one.
He's blitzing.
What what's.
His erections giving away the blitz?
You got too excited back there? What was he watching on his iPad.
In between, Dick has the green dot on its helmet and the play cuts off fifteen seconds before.
It's a coordinator of the volume, like the headset. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's yeah. Oh that's funny. I think I could complete a pass because here's the thing about me. Here's the things. My anticipatory skills are very word that anticipatory. Yeah, okay, okay, go ahead. My anticipation and skills are very good. Like I can anticipate what someone's gonna do next. So if you can anticipate, I feel like you can be effective and even in the car, Like my greatest strength in the car is like anticipating when a car is going to move over into my lane, so that I can anticipate either I need to slow down or I need to speed up.
You're a great student of the game when it comes to reading traffic.
Yeah, I am. I really am. Like last night I was coming home from the wild game. I saw this guy starting to veer over into the right lane, and I'm like, uh oh, so I started revereing myself and then that guy went back to this left lane and I passed him.
Yeah. Kevin Harlan in the background. Here comes Minnesota. Tim Oh, he reads that car.
Beautiful dime dropping you, buddy.
He's making the pass.
I think if you gave me ten attempts in the NFL, I think I can complete a pass five yards.
It's got to go pass the line scrimmage.
Yeah, ten attempts, ten percent. I mean, Anthony Richardson doesn't have a much better completion percentage than that at forty four percent. But I think I could complete a pass. I mean, you look in the backyard and you see the dimes I'm thrown to my brother. That's the same thing practically, isn't it.
I mean, you got the you got the stature of a quarterback six three six three rocket arm.
That's right.
Hmm. It's a good hypothetical.
I say, no, way, no, not not even out of ten, not one pass out of ten.
I would say, you're getting sacked on five of those plays. Three of them are getting batted down, and the other two you're throwing it at the just that doesn't even make it to the line of scrade.
I think I could do it. I wish there was a social experiment where I could test it. I wish there's a way that the NFL would just give me an opportunity to see if I could throw ten pass Maybe maybe the worst team in the NFL would love to do a social experiment, the Carolina Panthers. Maybe they would call me up and you know, let's see if this guy can complete one out of ten passes.
Grassroots movement to get you on the field.
Right, that's my that's my movement. Carolina Panthers, give me a ring. Your season's going nowhere, Bryce Young stings, Andy Dalton's old. You just traded your best wide receiver.
Sell some tickets.
Yeah, that might actually be tough because the Carolina Panthers stink so bad that I might not be able to have a wide receiver on the team that can catch.
You put me on the on the best team with the best offense, best receivers, the best running back, and you know what, give me Tom Brady's arm, Lamar Jackson's legs. I think I could complete a fives.
I think I could do it. Let's gotta watch out for that mic out there, Scotch out for that Wiener. Did you see it? Speaking of Wieners, you know how there's situations where three different people have a different last name. And they stand up next to each other and it looks like something funny. Oh yeah, yeah, the Iowa Hawk guys did that?
Are Black Johnson.
That's awesome, isn't that funny? I love it when people take this and and have fun with it.
That's the what's the other meme or the whatever that goes around is going around right now. Guys will just see this and say that rocks see hell yeah, well I don't get that one. There's a Whenever there's something like that that, it's just like dudes will think it's funny.
Yeah, we'll quote it with.
Guys will just see this and say hell yeah, and it'll it'll be like a car, you know, of a truck driving through a big old mud puddle. It's like that.
It's true. You're not wrong. I mean you see stuff like that, and what other reaction can you have have other than that.
The Eagles a few years ago had Chris Long was on their team, and so they had for a long time they had Fletcher Cox, so they would purposely stand next to each other to say Long cosin was on there, you know, on their team. He would do that as well.
People that are doing that kind of stuff are going places.
See what I did is whenever they would do that and the picture of them would go viral, I would say, man, I would be the Eagles running back at the time. I would be his picture and his name was Wendell's Smallwood.
That's hilarious, small Wood. No, I was just checking my YouTube. I just checked my YouTube notifications. Some people were commenting on a YouTube video.
We don't don't let me interrupt.
Okay, sounds good. Well you're talking about your small wood. So I just thought it'd be an opportunity to my phone was going on. I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything.
I'm here whenever you're ready, Bud.
Okay, sounds good. You know what's so cool is the theme music two. There's some really good hardcore.
Jeez, speaking of cocks hardcore.
It's not even a conversation about that. It's a conversation about hold music, like when a company puts you on hold. There's some really good hardcore hold music that just really wants you, just really want a jam too. Oh yeah, yeah, I wish I had it, but I don't have it here. But the Eagles they won again and are five and two. Three game wins drink.
Hey, did you ever hear hold music? Yeah? It would be great to play some right now, don't I don't have any, but yeah, great, there's some good ones, okay, and the Eagles.
Is that not how you're supposed to transition from one point to another?
That was just the most random. You gotta put that as a chapter. It'll be like thirteen seconds as a chapter for the YouTube video.
Hey, I does it for me old music? HEYI riverside dot fm does the chapters for me? So I can't control it, bud Ai, Yeah, there it is. That one almost was a poop poops. Yeah, that was almost a short. I'm gonna be struggling. But the Eagles are five and two and would have been, you know, technically better than the Commanders except for the completed to Hail Mary. The Chicago Bears player wasn't paying attention. That's one of the funniest videos of the year. Next yearroun he's not fired.
Yet, not fired yet. I got a thought about the vikings or the there it is. I gotta thought about the Bears cornerback in that video.
Yeah, I don't.
I get the optics of it. I get why it's bad. It's snap. He's not paying attention. He turns around after two or three sets, like Jaden Daniels is back there for fifteen seconds before he throws the ball. He turns around, he sees that he gets in position. Well, not in position. Apparently he was supposed to be guarding.
Yeah, so's regard the guy that caught it. That's the problem.
Did the two seconds where he wasn't paying attention to that cause him not to guard like he was going in to try to swat that ball down. Either hit the ball, it bounced off of his hand and then right into Noah Brown's hand. I don't I don't think him jawing with fans at the beginning of a hail Mary where the quarterback is running around for fifteen seconds, is that big of a deal, right, He was still over in the play either way. I don't think he was going to be going to his his proper assigned Yeah. I think he was just saying he was thinking, knock it down, that's it.
Well, that's a fair thought. I had never really thought about it that way. Becauesse. The the optics are really bad, is the problem with the whole thing, right, I mean, he's not paying attention and then he's the guy that bats the ball and then it goes to the wider seem like this is the most unlucky break in the history of sports, Like this looks like a Minnesota tim moment, Like it really does. I remember I had this thought yesterday. I remember when I went on a date with that girl back in DC who was from Manassas, and I really thought that it was you know, we're gonna work out great. This girl's from Nassas. Things are already looking great. And then I walked through a cemetery to get to the date.
I remember this, it's a bad omen.
Oh, it was going great. And then I called her. I said, hey, you look nice, and I thought that was a good thing for me to say. And so the train was like a mile away, so that's why I had to walk through the cemetery and I didn't want to drive out there. And after the date, she drops me off at the train. She didn't let me walk, which I was like, Oh, that's nice of her. That day must have went well, Like if the date didn't go well, she'd think she'd just like get out of there. But then here's the catch. You remember the catch at the end.
Bud, Oh, do I remember the catch?
You remember the catch? What happened at the end? She honked, she howked exactly.
Little did you know? It was a farewell honk.
It was a bye bye. I never see you again.
You never.
Worked out favor for me long term. But that's exactly what I feel like happened to the Bears guy, Like he's like feeling himself. He thought it was going good, he thought they were gonna win the game. He even got the farewell honk, but then never got a text message back the next day. Got screwed over.
What a sliding doors moment there, Like you could have been NASAs Tim instead of Minnesota Town.
Oh that's crazy, you could.
You could be talking about Jade and Daniels and then Mary bomb. What was your headline? What would you capitalize for? I forgot about Nassas, Tim.
I think that would be the podcast title, Nassas in my mouth? No wow, But yeah the Eagles. So the Eagles are backs, are back to game win streak thanks to Rianni.
We're looking good. Like I said, yeah, we had the Browns. We struggled, but a win's a win. Crushed the Giants with the Giants suck. The Bengals are not a great team, nor are they, abould say, a good team but players. Yeah, but to dominate them like we did was It was good. All three phases of the game was really good. Defense, gave up a little more yards points at least in the first half, kind of locked it down there in the second half than I would like to see. But yeah, overall, I think it's good. They're building something. I think that's I think those the Eagles are a team where when you have the expectations on them, I think they let some of that get to them a bit. When when they're kind of flying a little bit under the radar, when the Chiefs are seven to zero, when everyone in the NFC North is, you know, pretty good, people are talking about them. People were talking about the Lions as the best team in the NFC, like duly. So when the Eagles can kind of fly a little bit under the radar, I think that's when they're at the most dangerous.
Yeah. I mean they have the weapons they did Brown and these healthy, DeVante Smith, Jalen Herts, Saquon Barkley, he got the guy that killed somebody in a car while he was in college and the drafted him the defensive tackle.
Oh, Jalen Carter.
Jalen Carter. He's a talented player. So the guy's got talent everywhere on your roster.
We do have talent. I think at the beginning of the year they were hurt a lot the game where they got smashed by the Bucks. They didn't have Brown, they didn't have Smith, they didn't have Lane Johnson either. So a lot of the stuff is they're they're kind of putting all this together and kind of coming together at the right time, even though it's midway through the season.
Well, let me say one thing about the Vikings so I can make this podcast title Vikings friendly, and then people can listen to twenty seven minutes in and still not have a Minnesota Vikings take. They lost against the Rams. Flacco starting against the Vikings on Sunday night, which gives the Cults a better chance to win. I expected this. What's that you think the better chance to win?
The Vikings a better chance to win against the.
Cults, gives the Cults a better chance to win. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't miss I miss spoke there. I gives the Cults a better chance to win with Flacco, so it gives the Vikings tougher chance to win. The odds support that odds changed over to five points instead of a seven point favorites Anthony Richardson's garbage. He sucks butt cracks, but a bad thing depends what kind of butt crack. All of a sudden, I really have to poop here, Bud.
All right, we can call it.
Oh wowsers who see got to stand up here?
Stand up?
Okay, yeah, I better go poop here? All right, all right, but well it's a pleasure. Enjoy it. This monasas is gonna come out on my butt nass. Have great joy it, Bud, Thank you, Budd. M