What is truth, if we deny it from ourselves? - 8/26/17
Truth...there is no such thing as truth, but there are examples of truth through music, art, oratory. The culture war that humans are losing, is resulting in ciber humans vs. Real humans. The president's speech on foreighn policy in which the day goes to the side that is first to plaster its oppone…
A party that focuses on being offended will never be satisfied - 8/19/17
USC's mascot is under scrutiny for having a SIMILAR name to Robert E. Lee's horse. Mike's advice: If you ever get the urge to turn on cable news, read a book. News is becoming more Buzzfeed/compilation style "news". White supremacists took a DNA test, and found out they aren't as white as they tho…
What does marriage have to do with white nationalists?
Mike talks about the "rise" in whtie nationalism, and how it relates to marriage. White supremacists make up 0.03% of the population... where is it coming from? Let's look at out marriages/relationships. We reap what we sew.
Social justice used to be very different
Mike talks about how justice has changed. Social justice used to be the Beatutudes. Next it was a way to make us better people. Now it's all about attaining equality through the government. It's the exact opposite of how it started.
Internet outrage is an addiction
Mike talks about our "process addiction" with internet outrage. Do you check your phone first thing when you wake up? Like when you're still in bed? Hate to say it, but you have a process addiction.
You can't reach good ends through evil means
Mike plays a clip of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech talking about "the ends justify the means". If you think about it, that phrase is evil. Just because the ends are good, doesn't mean the means can be wrong, evil or mean. Think about what kind of tree you have grown.
8/12/17 - Hour 2
Protests in Virginia... 3rd Wave Femminism ... Men being more like women... Pro-Abortion is racial justice... No such thing as biological gender... George Calnad talks natural Tibes and groups of people... If you find racism every where, you'll find racists everywhere... Kari Smith justice warrior.…
8/12/17 - Our natural instincts gravitate us towards groups.
Mike Slater talks about how George Calnad said "I love individuals, I hate groups of people, with a common purpose." He talks about how as humans we are tribal by nature. Our natural default it to see ourselves as part of a group. He discussses the adoption of Power and Superiority, True and Pure w…
8/12/17 - Hour 1
Former Google Employee fired over Memo… Men and women make different life choices … No such thing as biological gender … People judge not it but their own version of it… The Simpsons suggest the difference between men and women… 3rd Wave Feminism… Chart of College Majors broken down by gender… Larr…
8/12/17 - You're just waiting to talk.
We can't talk to each other because no one wants to listen... Mike discusses an evening with friends that escalated when one friend refused to listen to what one had to say, so that he could say what he wanted. Mike ties this event with the Google Employee fired for sending a memo. People judge not…