Mark the Week: We are in deep, deep trouble with the economy

Published Jan 30, 2025, 9:42 PM

At the end of each week, Mike Hosking takes you through the big-ticket items and lets you know what he makes of it all. 


Donald Trump: 8/10 

Yes, there's some madness and puffery and stuff you know will never happen, but he has a lot of energy and “buy in”. This will be a dramatic and, I think on balance, successful four years. 


Our economy: 2/10 

While we distract ourselves with frippery over Mexican barbs and asset sales that aren't happening, listen to the Reserve Bank or HSBC or any financial commentator of note. We are in deep, deep trouble, with no growth and growing debt. It never ends well. 


Charter schools: 7/10 

One of the good news stories of the week. Not only did more schools apply than they had money for, but more pupils applied to those schools than they had desks for. 


Jobs: 6/10 

Another good news story. We grew jobs at the end of last year, not by much, but we didn’t go backwards. 


Speed limits: 6/10 

This week is a start but really, does it have to be this hard and slow for the rest? 


Sail GP: 7/10 

One of the highlights of the holidays. That thing is slick, it's well run, and it makes New Zealand look great. Coutts is awesome. 


Winston Peters: 4/10 

The race thing I thought he had moved on from. He looks better than that these days, until he doesn’t. 



Right time now to mark the week, the little piece of news and current events. It's as popular as a long black for under five dollars. Trump eight have to be talented, naturally talented geniuses. Yes, some madness and puffery and stuff you know will never happen, but a lot of energy and buy in this week. It'll be dramatic and I think on balance is successful four years our economy though two I mean, while we distract ourselves with us refree over Mexican barbes and a sis sales that aren't actually happening, listen to the Reserve Bank or the HSBC this week, or indeed any financial commentator of note. We are in deep, deep, deep trouble. No growth, no great I mean no growth at all, backwards and growing debt. It never ends well. Deep Seek four not the world change they freaked out about day one, but a reminder of the Chinese never sleep. Actually Deep Seek seven that actually, I think is the real lesson in the story this week. Sanctions as in the Chips didn't work. All it did was make shy nerds in China more creative. Charter School seven, one of the good news stories of the week, not only did more schools apply than they had money for more pupil applied to those schools than they had desks for jobs six another good news story. We groudra jobs at the end of the year, not by much, but we didn't go backwards a dairy seven stopping more news. What are you doing? Another increase in the latest dairy auction? Of course boom seven. I think what they will find is reaching mac one and a plane as small as they did is easier than reaching mac One in a big plane with a lot of people playing less than a small fortune to fly fast. In other words, not a lot's actually changed since Concord Speaking of speed speed limit six this week is a start, but really does have to be that hard and slow for the rest of these roads they promised sale GP seven one of the highlights of the holidays. That thing is slick ass. It is well run, It makes New Zealand look great. Courts is awesome. He's brilliant Winston for mister Hoskins, quote my words, the race thing I thought he'd moved on from. I mean, he looks better than that these days until he doesn't. Shane Jones sid goot machine jo it's my hardy Minister of the week. Taking on the banks over fossil is a fight he shouldn't have to have, of course, but he's got the bulk of us on his side. I reckon no limits on Eden Park seven Idea of the Week. How about we actually do it instead of just gasbagging about it? And that is the week copies on the website and part of this was written for the first time, by the way, by digital nomads, or at least that's what they said.

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