Janis Putelis hosts MeatEater Trivia with Brody Henderson, and Penn State students Sean Farrell, Allen Clapp, Levi Haines, and Tyler Kasak.
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All right, welcome to Media or Trivia, the only game show where conservation always wins. I'm your guest, Tociannis Tellison. Today we're joined by Brody Henderson and some very special guests with us today. Our Sean Ferrell, Allen Clap from the taw Phi Delta Fraternity. I say that right, better known as the Treehouse Rap, and Levi Haynes and Tyler Kasak from the national champion Penn State Wrestling team. Is that how you guys pronounce it? Here? Is wrestling? Depends? Our buddy Doug Durton does a thing called farm wrestling. Do you guys know what that is? I think it used to be called, uh like leg wrestling. We got. Do you guys do that Indian leg wrestling? Yeah? I probably don't use the term Indian anymore for Indian wrestling. But is that a thing that you guys practice for your matches? I have not? No? Yeah, all right, all right, I'll tell Doug that he was just wondering. All right. Today, we're coming to you live from the tailgate of the Penn State Nitny Lyons and the Ohio State buck Guys in State College, PA. We're here on the last stop of the Meat Eater Tailgate Tour, which traveled across the country this fall to some of the biggest college football games of the season. Levi Tyler, Sewn Allen, Welcome to the show, Fellas from the Treehouse Flat Frat. Give me a quick rundown of the Treehouse Frat and sell me on it, like if I was an incoming student pledge. Okay, if I was, well, but that's only if you want to be a potential new member. You did. No, I'm asking them to pitch me. I appreciate the banter bro to keep it coming. Yeah.
So we're the only outdoor oriented fraternity in the nation that we know of. All we do really is hunt fish and have fires in the backyard. We have a skinning shed, a woodshed with trees we just cut down so it's completely filled up. Whole basement's filled with elk mounts, moose mounts, goat mounts, bear muskie, and quite a few other deer and mule deer. We have house bear drives, house deer drives, house pheasant hunts, house dove hunts, house duck hunts, really anything that you could really hunt or catch. We're all out there together doing are you guys open to bringing in like non hunters or non anglers, help them become outdoors folks. Yeah, I don't think clap hunted at all before you join. I don't even know if you ever caught a fish until last year.
Maybe yeah, you're right.
But no.
Yeah, we have a lot of guys that just joined because they're really interested and want to get more into it, and we accept everyone with open arms as long as you want to be a part of it and enjoy the outdoors.
Nice. Nice, I love it all right under wrestling fellas, You guys have a heck of a tradition going on here, don't you. Oh yeah, with Penn State Wrestling one of them. What's the most famous wrestler to ever come out of this place? I would guess because I think I met him like a couple of months ago. I don't know. It's hard. There's a lot of them.
The most famos will probably be be if I had to guess, because he got the UFC publicity, I think, now, yeah, he's a hot shot.
Now he's got a he's got a about coming up here this month. I believe, right, you guys, you guys gonna have a big watch party, whole team. Nice. Nice, I like it. I like it all right for everybody here, what's the what's your just favorite part about like being in Penn State? And then let me know if did the location for hunting and fishing, because I know everybody here is an outdoors person. Did the location play into your choice to come here at all? Yeah, without a doubt. I mean this is the best fly fishing h east of the Mississippi. So I could drive six minutes and be at Spring Creek, which is the most fish per square foot in the state. He's spot burning, man, I mean you could go. You might not catch anything, though, Brody, I've seen, dude.
I was fishing that thing when you were like ten years before you were born.
But yeah, great, probably but but yeah, and then Penn State has a lot of public land that Penn State owns, and you're a lot of hunts so I've been able to turkey hunt, deer hunt those locations and there they.
Did it play in your decision to come here? Oh, without a doubt? Really alan about you.
Honestly, I came here to drink beer and tailgate. But but I will say it does play a big role in why I did choose to come here. There's all the public land that we go to is like five minutes outside of the campus and we always go and have fun.
So nice, Levi Tyler.
Yeah, I definitely played a role in my decision to come here. Obviously, Like these guys are saying, there's a lot of resources in the area that you can at your disposal. So fishing hunting is unbelievable in the area. And I grew up in Pennsylvania, so kind already knew do it a little bit. So yeah, it's a pretty easy decision.
It had no factor for me, to be honest, I wanted I just came here to wrestle, really and then but I will I won't lie. As soon as I committed here, I was finding spots are turkey hunting and deer hunting as fast as possible. So once I was here, I was locking down spots. But it wasn't wasn't the main reason I.
Came right right, right right. I appreciate your honesty, all right, real quick, I know everybody's been in the woods lately, So on a scale of zero to ten, we're gonna do a rut report. Ten being it's on fire right now.
Probably like a three, four, three or four.
That's it.
Well, this past I'm getting pretty rough.
Let's say I'm thinking five or six. I've seen some pretty good road actions starting. They're not definitely not full swing, but they're getting there.
Actually, I could I take that back because last night I was driving home and I seen the buck getting it on with a dough right in my front yard. So maybe maybe it might go up a little couple points.
I forget that rout report zero DA, probably like a six or seven. You could just always tell when the roads start to be covered in, And I just drove back from Virginia and it was just plastered with deer all over ninety nine, So I'd say six or seven.
I'd also give it a six or seven. I think a lot of a lot of the guys in the house have been seeing a lot of action on their trail cameras and stuff, so I think it's pretty good right now.
Yeah, my trail camers aren't quite blowing up, but they're like one step removed from blowing up right now for sure. All Right, So today, the way we're gonna play is Treehouse is a team, and you guys can do combined answers, So come up with My advice would be to come up with different answers, because if one of you gets it right, you get a uh you get you get a point. Same thing here for the wrestling team, and you guys are all playing against Brody. Let's go all right, ready, yeah, question one, it's fishing. Which of these Pennsylvania state record fish is smallest? Is it bullhead, blue gill, crappy as Brody says, or American shad? So again I'll repeat the question, which of these Pennsylvania state record fish is the smallest? Bullhead, bluegill, crappie or American shad? Remember, Felas, you can't whisper when you got a mic on. Everybody else is going to.
I was thinking about it.
I was about to whisper something. What do you got an answer?
I'm thinking, now, how's this working? They each get to supply an answer and then yeah.
Yeah, if one of them gets it right, they get a point. You got that matting awful?
Yeah see, I'm already kind of preparing to argue.
All right, well, these are Spencer's questions I can't argue with. All right, reveal your answers, all right, Sean is saying Shad, and Alan saying crappy. Bro He's saying bullhead. Levi's saying crappy. Tyler says sunfish. Hold on, that wasn't a possible answer. All right, it is Bluegill. We're gonna give it to the state record American Shad is nine pounds, the state record bullhead is five pounds, the state record Crappie is four pounds, and the state record Bluegill is two point five pounds. All right, we're on number two gear. This Pennsylvania Brand is the creator of the original wool buffalo check shirt. This Pennsylvania Brand is the creator of the original wool buffalo check shirt.
If I get looked, if I could tell the location, do I get an extra point? No?
But I'll let you do the uh you can do the flavor text at the end of it is this multiple choice or no, I'm not multiple choice? And the rest of the team got this one man? Yeah, all right, one more time. Pennsylvania Brand is the creator of the original wool buffalo check shirt. Brody, you got an answer?
Oh yeah, I can come up with you used to see a lot of these in deer camp back in the day.
Yeah, he's giving you boys hints. I think my old man still has Yeah, yeah, they last forever. Yeah, I got yngling. Treehouse says yngling and na correct. Brody wool Rich, Levi, Woolrich, Tyler, Woolrich, good job, Fellas. The correct answer is wool Rich. Yeah. The first very first red and black checkered shirt was introduced in eighteen fifty. They mark did their flannels as being soft, sup supple, yet tough as iron. All right. On the question three, which is cooking in the cooking category, what kind of fish is traditionally served in a Philadelphia sushi roll? I should know this again. Question three is in the cooking category, what kind of fish is traditionally served in a Philly roll? Can we get a hen if it's fresh water? Saltwater? Brody says no.
But but I will give you a hint about sushi. You're not eating too much fresh water fish when you're eating sushi.
There you go. I gave you a hint. What a kind soole? Everybody have an answer, all right, Treehouse, what you guys got about the genre flounder? Alan salmon? Brody salmon, Levi, Samon, Tyler Tuona smart fellas going with two different answers there, The correct answer is salmon nice. Philadelphia role is often made with smoked salmon, cream, cheese, and cucumber. Is created during a Philadelphia culinary competition in the nineteen eighties. You guys big sushi eaters. No, no, we crushed sushi out. Yeah. Is there a good sushi joint.
In this Townshi's right downtown?
All right, we go, Brody, let's go there for dinner. Yeah, all right. Question number four hunting, Which neighboring state of Pennsylvania has the highest deer population? Which neighboring state of Pennsylvania has the highest deer population? Brod, he's thinking, no, No, you got an answer already. I got my answer, man, Damn, he doesn't know. He thinks he knows. I think I know.
I was gonna say that.
Yeah, I think I know. I got two guesses.
I don't know which.
It's probably Delaware. You can't have both of them written down, definitely, No, you got your chills. One.
It's probably Kansas, probably.
I don't think that counts as a neighboring state. They do have a lot of deer though. All right, you guys ready reveal your answers Ohio, West Virginia, Ohio, Ohio, New Jersey zero correct. The correct answer is New York. Dude. Wow. Interesting. There are forty five thousand deer in Delaware, one hundred and twenty five thousand in New Jersey, two hundred thousand in Maryland, five hundred and fifty thousand in West Virginia, seven or twenty five thousand in Ohio, and one point two million in the state of New York. Interesting. All right, still level playing field, all right? Question five, guess that still in hunting? Which of these birds do Pennsylvania hunters harvest the least of?
This is?
Multiple choice? Pheasants, turkeys, doves, Canada geese. Again, Question five, multiple choice, Which of these birds do Pennsylvania hunters harvest the least of pheasants, turkeys, doves, Canada geese. Yeah, that's probably a good backup. I love it. These fellows are taking this game seriously, all right, Matt. After they reveal their answers here, we're gonna give a scoreboard update. You need to help me out with that. Oh, this is a tough one, man. I don't think it is. No, I would get it right if I was playing well. That's bold. Since you're well, I can't believe New York has more dear than Ohio. All right, I'm gonna repeat the question. Which of these birds do Pennsylvania hunters harvest the least of pheasants, turkeys, doves, Canada, geese? Yeah, no, one doesn't, right, all right, reveal your answers turkey, geese. Brody says turkeys, Levi, turkey and geese. For Tyler, the correct answer is turkey. Good job, everybody. It's estimated that Pennsylvaniania hunters kill about one hundred thousand geese, doves, and pheasants each year and only twenty eight thousand turkeys each year. Just still a fair amount of turkey. Yeah, yeah, all right, Matt. We need a scoreboard update. Well, Treehouse, you guys right now are in third place with two correct answers, Brodie's in the second place with three, and the wrestlers are in number one spot with four correct answers. Anybody's game at this point, anybody's game, stay positive? All right? Question number six, We're going into gear again. This company, which is named after a Pennsylvania city, claims to have the world's largest selection of archery equipment. Levi is already riding. Can you read that again, I'll read it again. This company, which is named after a Pennsylvania city, claims to have the world's largest selection of archery equipment. Another one, dude to play something else.
Yeah, that's right, it's not.
I thought this would be a little bit of a gimme if I'm right. I want to see if you say this city like a pencil.
He's got it, then he's got it.
I'm not gonna pronounce it right. Yeah, LEVI knows what I'm talking about.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
You guys have an answer? Yeah, all right, Treehouse saying Matthews and Hoyt. Rody says Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster. The correct answer is Lancaster. They don't say it like that on their commercials. Come on, well are they actual? Lancaster Archery has been open for thirty eight years. They have a ten thousand foot pro shop that's complete with archery ranges, showrooms, and lots of taxidermy. Question seven hunting fence posts painted this color indicate no trespassing in Pennsylvania. Rody's got an answer. Levi's got an answer, Sean and Allen, You guys got answers? All right? Purple purple, rowdy purple. Everybody says purple. Good job, we got one hundred percent. There are about a dozen states that have purple paint laws. Some of the others include Arizona, Florida, Missouri, and North Carolina. Question eight fishing. This one's a little bit tougher. This one I would not get right. Since you guys are all from around here. Let's see what you guys can do. What river is formed by two smaller rivers in Pittsburgh? Oh? What river is formed by two smaller rivers in Pittsburg. I don't need to know those, the two small ones. I need to know the one main river that's formed in Pittsburgh. Bro, Do you got an answer?
Yeah, Alan, How you feeling about this one?
I mean, he's from Pittsburgh, so I'm feeling Pretty's okay?
You can put it?
Okay, you guys need the question again? Are you good? All right? Reveal your answers? Ohio, Ohio, Ohio, leave Allegheny, Susquehanna. Correct answer. That was a big miss, boys? Was the correct answer? Is the Ohio River, the Allegheny and the mononga Hala rivers. I was thinking formed the Ohio River at Point State Park in Pittsburgh. Early settlers considered the Allegheny to be part of the Ohio. All right, Question nine? Right the half point? No, but good job for knowing that you would, Terry, all right? Hunting Question nine, Which neighboring state of Pennsylvania has the highest population of black bears? Should we make this one? Multiple choice? Brody? No, there's only so many neighboring states? Which multiple choice? Which neighboring state of Pennsylvania has the highest population of black bears? Mmm? You feel confident? Mile or actual? Just total total population? Everybody else has answer you never know. Come on, give me a little time to think. Roll with it. No, don't, don't change your answer and be confident. Probably not right, though it's probably not right. I wait that one. What if it is? There's no way? Oh, all right, reveal your answer. I'm just sticking with my original, but I think it's wrong. All right, Treehouse, you guys got New York and Maryland. Brody, New Jersey, Levi, West Virginia, Tyler, New Jersey. We do have one correct answer. It is West Virginia. There are no bears in Delaware, seventy five in Ohio, two thousand and Maryland, three thousand in New Jersey, seven thousand in New York, and thirteen thousand in West Virginia. Did you guys get it? Yeah, we got West Virginia all right? Uh Matt, you ready for another scoreboard update? Yeah? I got it. While we're waiting for that. For if you're playing at home, quick recap question one answer was Blue Gale. Two question was Woolrich three Salmon four New York five Turkeys six, Lancaster Archery Supply seven, Purple eight, Ohio nine, West Virginia. Scoreboard update is oh Man Treho is not looking good for you, third place with four, Brody still in second with six, and the Penn State wrestling team is sitting at pretty at seven with one question to go. You guys get it wrong, Brody gets it right, We're gonna have to go to a tiebreaker like that. Get it wrong on purpose, I'm gonna I have some options here. I'm gonna pick one that's gonna favor you. Boys. Come on, Brodie's You're always winning the world's rooting against you know. It's probably like the rest of the collegiate wrestlers, or everybody's rooting against you guys, right, sometimes something? All right, let's go with this one, all right. Considered the longest river on the East Coast. This waterway flows through New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.
I don't know what's felt it right, but.
Considered the longest river on the East coast. This waterway flows through New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. He had written his multiple choice. But I feel like you guys are locals. You guys should know this, right, Yeah, yeah, definitely, Oh you do. Let's see what you got. Don't look, Brodie, I got my answer. You already do? Yeah, all right, reveal your answers. Then, Treo says Susquehannah. Alightya, Rody says a scanna? Is that how you pronounce it? Y, Susquehannah, good job? Correct answer is the Susquehannah River? Making the Bead State Wrestling team or winners today? Watch fellah? Yeah? Now, as the winners, you guys get to choose where we donate the five hundred dollars donation. Where's it going to go to the nd A National Deer says he? Okay, awesome? Why do you like them.
It's a big white tail guy and I think, uh, they do a good job just promoting conservation, especially in the state of Pennsylvania. You feel like they've had a pretty big impact.
Awesome, appreciate it. Thank you guys for playing. And uh, what do you guys say to root on the Lions? We are we are? That's it. With that kind of energy level, we are here.
We go.
Spencer from South Dakota.
He's the host, using those smooth mellow tones.
He lays THEMN questions down.
And he likes taking those two and three year old bucks
And he's an avid amateur lock house