Spencer Neuharth hosts MeatEater Trivia with Ryan Callaghan, Randall Williams, Cory Calkins, Alyssa Smith, Matt MIller, Tressa Croaker, and Nate Mason.
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Welcome to Meet Eater Trivia, the only game show where conservation always wins. I'm your host, Spencer new Arth and today we're joined by Randall cow Alyssa, Matt, Corey, Nate and Tresa. This is a ten round quiz show with questions from meat eaters for verticals which are hunting, fishing, conservation and cooking. And there is a prize. Meat Eater will donate five hundred dollars to the conservation organization of the winner's choosing. And today's episode is brought to you by Yetti, whose hard coolers are built to built to keep ice for days and live on for decades. For the stat of the Week this week, we're looking at the number one. That's how many days there are until the Meat Eater Trivia board game Collector's Edition is available. It will go on sale tomorrow, November fourteenth, at store dot themeadeater dot com. God, it's classy package, that's right. The whole thing is in an Ammo can.
How many cards fit in the salmi of can?
Spencer, there are thirteen hundred cards in there, and let me tell you about them. The Collector's Edition comes with all eight hundred questions from the original board game, all two hundred questions from the Hunting Expansion Pack, all two hundred questions from the Fishing Expansion Pack, and one hundred questions that are only available in the Collector's Edition. That's a total of thirteen hundred questions about hunting, fishing, conservation, and cooking. It also comes with a game, board game, tokens, and ammo can that are exclusive to the Collector's Edition. It costs fifty dollars, and as always, we're donating a portion of sales to conservation. That means your purchase helps fund things like land access and wildlife habitat. It's quite literally the only board game where conservation always wins. Now. Last year, we sold out of the board game well before Christmas, and we anticipate the same thing happening again this year, So go get yours before it's too late. The Meat Eater Trivia Board Game Collector's Edition is available tomorrow, along with the Hunting and Fishing Expansion packs at store dot the meadeater dot com.
Now for for our listeners as opposed to the viewers, I just want to I'm holding the board game right here now. Do you hear all the fun in that.
That sounds like fun.
Knowledge, entertainment for hours.
That's thank you, Randal. And for the watchers, you got to see him do a little Vana White impersonation over here, really really showing off the meat Eater trivia collectors. Now here's our Infrequently Asked Question segment. If you have a trivia related question for our crew, send it to Trivia at the Medeater dot com with the subject line I f a Q. Corey Hogland says, who do players consider to be their biggest rivals? Randall? Who do you think your biggest rival is?
I mean, I think we know the answer that Brody is not really Steve. I don't really think my biggest rival is me.
I think trip over my own shoelace metaphorically speaking, very meta, but yeah, I think I think we'd all like me to say Brody and Brody say me, and you know we're just friends, good, good colleague, competition.
Cal do you ever a rival you think in media or trivia?
No, no, I don't know rival. Okay, Phil, have you identified any rivals you've watched?
All rivals for cow, well, just.
Anybody in the room in general.
Who is on your email account.
That's true.
No, I mean Nate's Nate's kind of stepped to you. I think Nate's trying to make rivals for himself and hasn't really caught on yet.
But I believe in him. I think he'll he'll get there.
I think of Nate not merely not like a rival, but like, uh.
Like, I'm like, I'm coming up on the old lines trying to take them like you're a bride.
You're working behind the scenes to overthrow the regime, and so we need to clamp down with an iron fist.
Thank the goals to just spread fun knowledge.
Definitely, not everybody, Nate, Nate declared him and Corey. They're the featherweights going up against some of the heavyweights, like a bee.
Like a butterfly.
There we go, We have some housekeeping to get to you. In a previous episode of Trivia, we had a question about how many gizzards a male pheasant has. The correct answer was one, and in the follow up fact duyd I said that all birds have one gizzard, but about a dozen listeners wrote in to say that there is a bird that lacks a gizzard, and it's a game bird. Does anyone know what it is?
Sage grouse, greater sage grouse.
Now, despite all these emails, Uh, well, that that's correct. Cal a lot of folks saying that the sage grouse does not have one. Despite those emails, sources like Pheasants Forever say sage ground do have a gizzard, but it's described as quote not well developed or quote not muscular. Because of this, sage grouse can't eat seeds or grain, and most of their diet consists of sage and insects. William Clark even noticed this when gutting his first one, writing quote, the gizzard of it is. The gizzard of it is large and much less compressed and muscular than in most fowls. It resembles a stomach as much as a gizzard. So they do have a gizzard, but is not like other birds.
I have six pack abs.
They're just not that's right. Uh huh? Now did you have you ever gutted a sage grouse cow?
Many times?
Did that? Did that like get your attention? When it didn't have a well defined gizzard inside?
The smell gets your attention. Oh it's a stinky inside of that bird. Stinky stink like what bad sage. No, I mean, I'll all game birds, I think really do have a nasty smell if you clean enough of them. I have often said I'd rather clean a deer an elect than a pile of stinky bird. But I love the meat meats great.
It's where a lot of folks say you get the gutting bird farts.
After yeah, which is ridiculous not you though, No, I mean that first of all, they don't get it either, Like your farts don't smell like game bird through osmosis.
And that's right. I covered this on a fact checker on the medeater dot com and that was the verdict. It's all in your head and nose is one of the strongest things that's tied to memory. So now the shelby An extra today is a five, So I'm putting us some perfect score alert And with that, we're onto the game of trivia. Play the drop, Phil, Look, I need to know what I stand to win everything?
How's that? Just tend to win everything?
Gamon suckers. Question one. The topic is wildlife in this is multiple choice. Which of these national parks does not have bison? Is it Rocky Mountain Badlands? Glacier or Theodore Roosevelt. Which of these national parks does not have bison? Is it Rocky Mountain National Park, Badlands National Park, Glacier National Park? Or Theodore Roosevelt National Park? Three have bison, one does not. Corey quick to answer, Cory, you got this one.
Right, man, I think so twenty five percent?
Okay? Has anybody been to all four of these places?
Besides me, No, Rocky Mountain, Badlands, Glacier, Theodore Roosevelt. Which one does not have bison? Nate? I think we're waiting on you. You stuck between two of them? Calor you are you wrestling with the same thing?
I am um?
Which does not have bison? Rocky Mountain, bad Lands, Glacier, Theodore Roosevelt, Dang, Nate, Are you ready?
I mean the proximity?
Cal Are you ready?
Go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt, saying Theodore Roosevelt, Randall, Rocky Mountain, cal Rocky Mountain, Corey, Rocky Mountain, Alyssa, Glacier. Nate crossed out. Theodore Roosevelt wrote, Glacier, Tresa, Glacier.
Where is Theodore Roosevelt North Dakota?
The correct answer is Rocky Mountain National Park. I think we had three players, get that one right. Bison are found in about ten national parks from Alaska to Arizona. Bison are native to the Rocky Mountain. Bison are native to the Rocky Mountain National Park, but we're extirpated there between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The park is also missing grizzly bears and gray wolves, but has gained moose, which biologists say aren't native to that area. Question two. The topic is conservation. This next great question is via Cooper Gresham. What federal agency goes by the acronym USAC well, what federal agency goes by the acronym usacee? Nobody looking very confident. I don't haven't seen any answers yet. What federal agency goes by the acronym U s A category? Topic is conservation?
Nate, do you have this one right? I do, Nate, the only one confidence in the room.
I would give a hint, but I won't.
Okay, it's probably in your best interest. You could be the only one who gets this one right. Again, the topic is conservation. What agency goes by the acronym U S A C. Randall, is anything coming to mind?
No? No, nothing's coming to mind? Okay, playing around with some words that begin with those letters.
U, S A C E. Alissa, how do you feel at your answer that's better than the other side of the table is feeling? Yeah, Nate, show your answer to Alyssa. See if she agrees. Real sneaky?
Alyssa agrees with Nate and Randalls still has a blank board?
Does have a blank board?
I think the other five players are right there with him. Does everybody give up? Go ahead and reveal your answers? Matt says agriculture something Randall without an answer, account says United States Admin, Conservation Environment Corey, United States ACE, ALYSSA, United States Army Corps of Engineers Nate, United States Army Corps of Engineers, TRESA, United States American Conservation Entity. The correct answer is the US Army Corps of Engineers. Nate and Alyssa got that one right.
So who's the threat now? Damn man, It makes co makes sense. It makes sense that they just refer to themselves as the court.
The US Army Corps of Engineers is one of the world's largest public engineering design and construction agencies. They manage about twelve million acres of land and water, much of which you can hunt and fish. This is why the Army Corps calls themselves quote the country's leading provider of recreation. Question three, the topic is hunting. This next great question is via Alex Luster. What does the R in seventeen hm R stand for? What does the R in seventeen h m R stand for?
This time is the confident player? Cal do you have this one right as well? Okay, Randall? Do you own a seventeen HMR?
Adult aspiring owner of a seventeen HMR?
Not really, not really, buddy, just got one and uh we bought a couple of boxes of AMMO for it.
Actually, uh we go today?
Is anyone in here on a seventeen HMR? No? What does the always want?
As a two? That'd put Yeah, the old triple triple boz.
My grandfather didn't have many guns, but he had a two twenty two. Was always amused by that. What does the R in seventeen HMR stand for? I've seen the two twenty two referenced in some states RAG books about like the minimum caliber for deer hunting, Which is funny that that's where they would like draw the line. Yeah to twenty two. What does the R in seventeen HMR stand? Is everybody ready? Alyssa's might make a final change. No, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have met and Randall and cal saying rimfire. Corey says round, Alyssa says round, Nate, rimfire, Tresa recoil. The correct answer is rimfire. The seventeen represents the caliber of the bullet, and HMR stands for Horndy Magnum rimfire. The cartridge was developed by Hornady in collaboration with Marlon and Ruger in two thousand and two. To see how it stacks up against the twenty two read Jordan Siller's article on the medieater dot com called caliber Battle twenty two long rifle versus seventeen HMR. Question four. The topic is fishing. This next great questions via Richard Anderson. What two animals cross to make a sawguy?
What was that noise?
The noise of someone who doesn't feel confident about answering what two animals cross to make a saw guy?
Nate's on the US Army Corps of engineers. One. What was the hint that you didn't want to provide?
Oh, just that my.
Previous occupation gave me a heavy advantage. Every day I would walk by this project that was it was like us Army Corps engineers, like spelled out with a little you know, acrosstic completion twenty thirty five.
Oh that's fun. Wow, they got a great logo, the little red light castle looking things.
Yeah, it's like the engineers Army engineers.
I would argue that your previous occupation, like the amount of acronyms that you've been exposed to, greatly outweighs that of everyone else.
Yeah yeah, yeah, but he might just be drowning in acronyms.
No too many, got them all locked in?
Yep? Wrong question brand crazy crossword puzzle.
But fishing.
The topic is fishing. What two animals crossed to make a saw? Guy? Do you have this one right?
It's definitely not.
The topic is fishing, Corey, you have this one right? Yeah, Cal you have this one right? I believe so Randall.
Oh yes, okay, Matt, don't bore me.
Question topic is fishing? What two animals make a saw?
Listen, Nate, are you ready, give me like ten seconds? Ten seconds, okay, we can do that. Randall said he had ten seconds of material before we started the show in case this very thing arised.
It's not gonna do any good. Did that get it?
I think? So it's everybody ready, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt and Randall and Cal and Corey saying while I and Sager. Alyssa says Walleye, Nate says Walleye and Sakey. Tressa says sake and Gil. Correct answer is Walleye and Sagur. About half of our players got that one right.
What's a.
I'll tell you about their hybrid. Unlike many hybrids, Saga I can reproduce with Walleye, Sagur and even other saguy. They are most common in river systems that offer fast turbid water for Sager and slow clear water for Walleye. Some ways a spot. Some ways to spot a hybrid are by the low white marking on the tail fin or a dorsal fin that has a black blotch at the base and spots running across it.
So Saga can reproduce with anything with Sagui with or with WALLEYE Young that then can reproduce.
Saga can reproduce that's why, which is unlike a lot of high rids.
Well, yeah, is that like a fisheries anomaly too, You have a fisheries background.
It's it's unusual. Yes, but that probably tells you how closely related a walle line a saga are. And the difference nates just the visual difference is usually that saga very blotchy on the side, and they're smaller and they grow in rivers.
Are you saying sagi or sakey is a real thing salmon and that's different than sagi.
S A U G E.
Question five, the topic is cooking. What is the seven letter Polish word for dumpling?
What is the seven letter Polish word for dumpling? Randal very quick to answer, Cordy joining him as well as Nate. I'm just drawn the seven that always helps. The grin looked like you had it, Nate, you have this one right, Yeah, off, okay, Matt, you have this one right.
Maybe it must be really.
Seven letter Polish word for dumpling.
What was the name of that dumpling or the bun place?
It was the place Moshi food truck.
This was the ten seconds of material.
Yeah, it's seasonal. Yeah, I mean they'll be back, They'll be back.
You remind us next year, you send a slack message to the whole company.
I believe they closed the October thirteenth.
With the greening of the grass and butting of the trees.
We were there for the last night.
Oh wow, did you know it was the last night?
Oh yeah, okay, we've been counting down to it for about two weeks.
Oh wow. They say you don't know that you had the good old days.
It was nice because we just kept ordering things and then you get this little this little thing would flash on the register that said friends two percent off.
Wow you were you a friend?
I guess so it meant a lot to me.
Yeah, you spend enough money some point yeaheah.
And Randall did know he was in the good old days while he was living them there.
Yeah, the salad days.
We would have you on Moshi And then Hot Dog Champion closed about.
A week later.
So yeah, we lost our favorite taco bus a few weeks ago in Belgrade.
Also Greasefire.
No, they're just they're just closing, like after the first snow.
You like that better than Ramirez.
Yeah, I'm a big taco bus stand.
Okay, dude, Albertano is in the gas station. I mean, come on that place.
There's good options, but they are the best. Does everyone have an answer for the seven letter Polish word for dumpling? Yes, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt and Randall and Cal saying perogi. Cordy says biscuit, Alyssa and Nate and say perogy. They got it. The correct answer is perogy. Let's check your spelling. It's p I E R G I, Nate and Cal I got it right right, and Rent I have these in my freezer right now and really so costco. Parogis are made of on Levin dough that's filled with meat, vegetables, or fruits. The dumpling was introduced to Poland by a Dominican missionary who brought the recipe with him in twelve fifty seven. For a great, great parogi recipe, check out Lucas Leaf's article on the medeater dot com called the Shantrall Perogy.
My mind.
Just when you said Dominican missionary, I thought about a person from the Dominican Republic and I was envisioning that.
Phil, we got halfway through the game of trivia and give us the scoreboard update.
Oh, let's see everyone's on the board. Tressa has one, Alyssa and Corey have two points, Nate and Matt have three, and tied up in first place are Randall, Williams and Ryan Callahan.
Still so shaken by Army Corps engineers.
Yeah, like, what was the second one I got wrong?
Yeah, there it is.
Also they have four points. I don't know if I said that.
Yes, great, thank you.
Question six, the topic is gear. A ratchet strap wrapped around this submersible stayed intact after the vessel imploded during a twenty twenty three Ocean Gate expedition. A ratchet strap wrapped around this submersible state intact after the vessel imploded during a twenty twenty three Ocean Gate expedition. Randall the only player to come up with an answer so far. Randal, do you have this one right?
I believe so, although I'm i'm I'm recalling a conversation at a bar overhearing a.
Conversation at a bar and the guy claiming that.
This was fake.
Oh, interesting, and then he would be the motivation for faking this.
I think because I think his his belief was that since COVID was over, they needed something new to keep us distracted.
You know what, that was pretty distracting for eight hours, very exciting. A ratchet strap wrapped around this submersible stayed intact after the vessel imploded during a twenty twenty three Ocean Gate expedition.
What's nice about that is they know it had nothing to do with the ratchet strap.
That's right. The ratchet strap did not fake that.
Part, kept it intact.
No, that's yeah.
Anyone besides Randall feel good about their answer.
We talked about this a bunch because it was like, God, who would ever do that? And like rich people are so crazy and stuff, and I'm like, oh, I wouldn't pay for it. But if somebody was like, hey want an open seat, Yeah.
Okay, okay, could have been cal could have been cal Corey. I feel like you usually get these types of questions correct and then you follow it up saying, yeah, I read the news, Yeah you're right. Not confident in this one.
I'm sure what's going on.
I guess I was so wrapped up in the COVID you know COVID nineteen.
Yeah, no, it was over? Is it over? But I wish I wish I could remember. I'll explain this later.
Ratchet strap wrapped around this submersible stayed intact after the vessel imploded during a twenty twenty three Ocean Gate expedition. It's everybody ready, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt without an answer. Randall says Titania, Cal says Titan, Corey says submarine Alyssa without an answer. Nate crossed out Titan and wrote Discovery. Tressa says Yellow. The correct answer is Titan. Cal got it right, and Nate crossed it out.
And Randall he's thinking of that pop star with the song Titan that one.
Oh yeah, no, so the guy, So the guy was he was like, how stupid do they think we are? He said they couldn't even come because he was claiming that the submersible was also named Titanic ah, And I was like, going back in my head, was he like, which one was he saying? But he's like, He's like, they're so they think we're so goable that they name the thing after the thing. It's going to look at it, and I was like, that makes sense to me.
Actually, yeah, again, the correct answer was tight. Ocean Gates Titan submersible imploded on June eighteen, twenty twenty three, killing all five people on board. The event created one point five billion jewels of energy, which is the equivalent of fourteen hundred hand grenades going off at the same time. I reached out to Ocean to find out what brand of ratchet strap they used on Titan, but they haven't gotten back to me, and I suspect they never will. Now, if you look at Phil's TV, he's got a picture of said ratchet strap on the screen.
One of the advertisement for that ratchet strap would be.
I was gonna guess it was a harbor freight, but it's not Mora.
Maybe if one of our listeners with a keen eye can recognize the brand, we're going to shout them out. That ratchet strap stayed intact despite fourteen hundred hand grenades going off inside of the submersive around it. All that together, I think people were speculating that it was too h it was something to grab onto when they'd get back to the surface. Ideally related to that, hopefully it wasn't for the structural integrity.
Well, because with the submersible you're worried about the pressure from the outside, you're not worried about it exploder, so.
It would have gotten looser.
And that was the straw that broke the titans back.
And the ratchet strap stayed into.
Also, I heard they put out a statement they don't blow up submersibles just for the pr.
Question seven.
That is interesting though, because it should have gotten looser. There's your conspiracy theory. The deeper like it's on the bottom and it looks top to me, it's just all so the shell doesn't compress. It's like you can see it's just like a skin. You got to get on that. Mic mapp can't hear you.
Regardless, it's it survived and I'm very impressed it. Question seven, the topic is wildlife. Northern flicker, red bellied, red headed, red breasted sapsucker, and yellow bellied sapsucker are all species of what animal? Northern flicker, red bellied, red headed, red breasted sapsucker, and yellow bellied sapsucker are all species of what animal? If I was giving examples of labrador retrievers saying black yellow chocolate, your answer would be lab So that is the amount of specificity you need to have for this question. Northern flicker, red bellied, red headed, red breasted sapsucker, and yellow bellied sapsucker are all species of what animal? Nate? Are you confident? Alyssa? Are you confident?
Pretty confident?
Rest of our players? How about you? Matt, you got this one right? Nate? Or excuse me, Randall, do you have this one right?
Not so confident? Maybe?
Okay? Northern flicker, red bellied, red headed, red breasted sapsucker, and yellow bellied sapsucker.
It's a great Calvin and Hobbes comic about this?
Okay? About this animal? Interesting?
Maybe I'm wrong.
You don't think they'd cover this animal.
Alyssa different, different animal, not a tiger.
Show your answer to Alyssa against see if you two agree.
No, that's what I have.
Okay, I'm wrong?
Corey agrees with Nate, though. Is everybody ready?
I really I thought flickers were like their own thing.
Northern flicker of surprise to me? Everybody ready? Go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt saying woodpecker, Randall and cal and Corey say woodpecker. Alyssa says hummingbird, Nate, woodpecker trust. The correct answer is woodpecker. The room pret well. According to the American Bird Conservancy, there are twenty three woodpecker species native to the United States. The most common type of woodpecker is the red bellied wood which is found in nearly every state east of the Mississippi River. They have a population of fifteen million, followed by downy woodpeckers at thirteen million, and yellow bellied sapsuckers at twelve million. Question eight the topic is camping. According to campspot dot com, these are the three most booked holidays at campgrounds in America.
According to campspot dot com, these are the three most booked holidays at campgrounds in America. These are the three weekends I don't go camp The three most booked holidays at campgrounds in America. Quick answers from Melissa Randall, Tresla and Matt Nate Callan Corey searching for the last one three most booked holidays. Nat, Are you done?
Are you done?
Okay, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt saying fourth of July Labor Day, Memorial Day. Randall with the same answer. Cal with the same answer.
We don't celebrate the fourth of July. Spencer Cal has independence thank you. Corey has the same answer. Alyssa has the same answer. Everyone has that answer, and everyone got it right. The three holidays are Labor Day, fourth of July, and Memorial Day in that order.
Campspot dot com says the other two most booked holidays at campgrounds. Do you guys want to guess what the other two most booked holidays are?
M m mm President's Day weekend, No, Arbor Day? No, are we doing real holidays or made up easters?
And no? And no Indigenous People's Days that is one of them. That is that is fifth Thanksgiving. No, so we're searching for fourth. The fourth most booked holiday Veterans Day. No. Not The four holiday is Father's Day. Besides holiday weekends, they say the holiday. Besides holiday weekends, they say the busiest campground weekends are the fourth of July or the fourth weekend in July, the second weekend in August, the third weekend in July, the first weekend in August, and the second weekend in July. So basically, the busiest times from the beginning of July to the middle of August.
Not what I expected.
That's not what you expected? Joking, Yeah, Phil, we.
Have two except the fourth of July over Independence Day.
Give us a scoreboard.
I'm shocked, I do.
I do kind of agree with that argument, kind of come on.
It's a pretty good scoring game, guys. But unfortunately we have to say goodbye to Corey, Alyssa and Tresa. They cannot captch Up. But Nate and Matt have five points, Randall has six, and in first place with seven is Ryan Callahan.
Question nine the top of this conservation. This is our listener question of the Week, which was won by Sam Wineguard for sending this great question. Sam is going to get a board game signed by the crew. If you want a chance to win our listener Question of the Week and send your question to Trivia at the meadeater dot com. This ice cream brand donates a portion of sales from their fish food flavor to the Lake Champlain Initiative, and Fish is p h. I s h.
I never liked this particular group this ice cream brand named fish and inevitably.
pH fish absolutely not.
And I know what people would be like, bro no, bro.
No, this is my favorite like mass produced ice cream. This, I love it.
Interesting part flavor fish food?
Has anyone else had it in It's Yeah?
It is okay.
Lissa Corey, what's your review of it?
Whatever, it's really decadent, but I thought he's just perfectly balanced. You got chocolate ice cream, you got little fudge pieces that are shaped like fish, marshmallow and caramel. It's it's kind of overdoing it, but it's very good.
A good review from Phil. This ice cream brand donates a portion of sales from their fish Food flavor to the Lake Champlain Initiative. Is everybody ready?
What is the Lake Champlain Initiative?
In the flavor text, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have met Randall cal Everyone said Ben and Jerry's. Everyone got it right. The correct answer is Ben and Jerry's. Ben and Jerry's collabed with the band Fish to create the fish Food flavor. In nineteen ninety seven, Fish elected to funnel their royalties to water Wheel, a conservation group dedicated to cleaning up Lake Champlain. The popular flavor is chocolate ice cream with marshmallow swirls, caramel swirls, and fudge fish. So it's a group dedicated to cleaning up Lake Champlain, Phil. We have one question left. Who remains in the game.
Oh, yes, didn't score here. Scoreboard is right here. It's just down to col and Randall. Cow's got eight. Randall has seven.
Another super annoying fish story. When it's only annoying if you don't like the bandfish. When I was working on the East Coast doing the Warren Miller tour, and we'd go into all these old houses that we were super cool. But that's like where fish comes from, and everybody would be like super pumped to be like so little secret here. This is the theater where they did their first trampoline show. And I just have to be like, wrong audience, dude, where do you want me to hook this stuff?
She gotta tell that to Hillary after and Hilary again. Hillary is a big fish.
He's from that part of the world.
Yeah, they don't have brains are wired differently.
Long history, you know they don't. I don't remember the cool stuff that happened over there.
Question ten. The topic is fishing. Six of Iowa's record fish have been caught in this river that's named after their state capital. If cal gets this one right, he wins. The game of trivia. But if he gets it wrong and Randal gets it right, we'll go to a tiebreaker. Six of Iowa's record fish have been caught in this river that's named after their state capitol. Spelling counts always counts, that's right, Corey, Corey, do you have this one right?
I hope I know the state capital?
Randal, do you have this one right?
I do?
I do, but I'm afraid Cal has it right.
Do you have this one right?
It's gonna be embarrassing if I don't.
Oh, why is that?
Well? Is the body of water named after the state capitol? Like actually the same name as the state capital.
That's what I'm worried about.
Well, the question said, uh, six of I was record fish have been caught in this river that's named after their capital.
Is it like the Titan and the Titanic or.
The or the titan some call it is?
Everybody ready, We're gonna let a Lissa come up with their answer. No, okay, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Matt saying Cedar River, Randall and Cal and Corey say des Moine Alyssa without an answer. Nate says des Moines Tresa without an answer. The correct answer is des Moine, making col our winner with nine correct answer. The state record fish that have come out of the Des Moines River our big head carp, northern hogsucker, saw guy, which was a reference to the question earlier, shovel nose sturgeon, silver carp, and walleye. The Des Moines River is the thirty fifth longest river in America and the longest river that's named after a state capital.
Is there something, sorry, what you got?
Is there something that like makes that river real productive?
No? I think I was just not a real They're not a real rich place with lakes and rivers. So the Des Moines River has a lot of species and six the record fish have come there. Cal you get to choose with a five hundred dollars donation from meat Eater goes, what's it gonna be.
I'm gonna go to backcountry hunters and anglers again, Okay, because yeah, exactly, we got a big fight ahead of us trying to keep our public lands in the public estate. Can't let these very I would say, selfish folks from Utah, un American, Unamerican, that's right. I want to parcel off our federal estate to the highest bidder line their own pockets. Un American, it's a tragedy.
Cal with his second straight Meat Eater Trivia victory, he's now sent a thou dollars to BHA to fight that fight. I don't forget the Meat Eater Trivia Collector's Edition and Hunting and Fishing Expansion.
Five hundred dollars. How do I get to one thousand dollars?
The last game? You won two straight games.
Random must not have been here that first game.
He was, he was.
Til you're blowing up the ass spot.
And I don't forget the Trivia Collectors Edition game and Hunting and Fishing expansion packs are available right now at store dot the Medeater dot com. Go get yours before they're gone. The expansion packs are available right now the Collector's Edition. They're available tomorrow, November fourth.
Totally game show where Conservation Always wins.
Thanks to YETI for sponsoring today's episode of Meat Eater Trivia, the only game show Conservation always wins.
Thanks Spencer, Way to go Cal.
Yeah, Spencer from South Dakota. He's the host, using those smooth mellow tones, he lays them questions down, and he likes taking those two and three year old bucks, and it's an avid amateur lockhow