Ep. 677: Game On, Suckers! MeatEater Trivia CLVI

Published Mar 19, 2025, 9:00 AM

Spencer Neuharth hosts MeatEater Trivia with Janis PutelisBrody Henderson, Randall Williams, Collin Fopma, Nate Mason, Tressa Croaker, and Cade McParland.

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Welcome to Meet Eater Trivia, the only game show where conservation always wins. I'm your host, Spencer new Arth, and today we're joined by Jannis Randall, Brodie Colin, Nate Tresa, and Kate McParland Caid. Tell folks what you do here at Meat Eater.

I'm a retail store associate in the downtown location. And then when I'm not working in Bozeman, I'm a fishing guide in Alaska and a hunting guid here in Montana.

Oh so when does that season kickoff for you?

Right now?

Where I'm guiding aut in Alaska, we don't get started until the end of June, just because it's way up from the ocean. All the fish are still kicking their way up. So I started driving up there about the end of you know, June twentieth, something like that, and get up there for my first round of clients July six.

And I understand someone's birthday today, Happy birthday, Happy birthday.


How old are you, kid?

Twenty three? I hate to show my age, but hopefully I don't. I think I'm at a little bit of a disadvantage.

Gives you an excuse if you don't do well, be like I'm twenty three years old.

I'm half the age of that guy that just won.

Now, this is a ten round quiz show with questions from meat Eater's four verticals, which are hunting, fishing, conservation, and cooking, and there is a prize. Meat Eater will donate five hundred dollars to the conservation organization of the winner's choosing and for the stand of the week. This week we're looking at the continuation of the overtime drought that we're currently in. We haven't had a game go to overtime since December fourth, meaning we're on a fifteen week overtime drought. The world was very different fifteen weeks ago. You think you boys got in you today for an overtime game?


Yeah, I think we could rig it just to.

Have Yeah, I was gonna say we can arrange that fifteen weeks.

I'm gonna have to fans.

Check an infantly ask question just dropping it.

I'm gonna have to refact check these overtime questions. They were written so long ago. Who knows what's changed? All right, here's our Infrequently Asked Questions segment. If you have a trivia related question, for our crew. Send it to trivia at the media dot Com with the subjects line I f a q Landon. Tunker says, does the crew listen to episodes they're not on? Di Spencer listen back to episodes that he is on? What about Phil?

No, that's a good question.

Well, Phil has to listen to them, Yeah, too many times. No one's more familiar than Phil.

I don't know if I count as the crew.

You know, yeah, Nate, but I'm too behind Randall on the championship right now?

And okay, quite perturbed.

That means you're tied with Steve going to episode three.

Ye, and I know it's not the same blah blah blah, but dude, I'm.

I'm hot on it right Nate is fixing fixing to be the King Jabbroni this summer and we have the Jabbroni Tournament?

Does it?

Yanni? Do you listen episodes you're not here for?

Not usually up?


Nate, I'm spress.

You didn't score yourself, you know, instead of scoring yourself three or two behind me? How many ahead of seth are you?


Dude, I'll be honest. I think there's some chicanery going on with Seth being in and not being in.

But you can start keeping the stats, Nate, I do want to meet your set guy.

If there was like a little filter on Apple podcasts where I could just filter Yanni episodes or not, then then I would probably listen to it. But to go in and like figure it out and like, yeah.

What do you mean you listen to your own or not listen.

To No, I would not listen to the ones hours.

We're like one.

Hundred, We're like one hundred and sixty episodes in. I've probably listened to one hundred and twenty of them. It's like watching game film.

I want to.

Oh God, hey, sorry guys. If people watching video can see that, I'm doing some live troubleshooting here, I've just wrapped it up. I'm sorry about that.

What was that endless void?

It was just a feedback lift from the the Fun film. We're good now everything.

I listened back to the episodes to prevent things like that. I want it. It's like watching game film. I want to. I want to do really good job for you guys, So I want to know how it sounds.

You know what God no written, Nate, You're first speaking.

Of stats, well, I was in Germany, not employed at this company. I sent you an email about keeping stats. Oh yes, you can find it.

Wow, you shouldn't because it was a terrible attempt.

I'm going to go find that email. Nate thirsty Annie, what's.

The sort of biggest piece of personal feedback that you've taken from listening to one hundred and twenty episodes that you've changed about your the way you present the show.

I don't know that it's like one big thing. It's just like hearing what a good question is hearing when you like wrap up the banter, if we're taking too much time to answer, not enough time. I think things like that just finding filler for the show.

So when you cut Randall's Happy Birthday song off, that was.

Like songs never well, twenty episodes of data, we shouldn't have a full happy version.

Let it go. Randall sounded good.

Yeah, Well, the first part of the song's easy is when you get to the climb up to that higher pitch.

That's where I fall apart.

Sometimes I wish you were in the room when Randall's doing his movie reviews because they've gone a real.

No, those are meant to go.

That's part of the bit, Yeah, I didn't know what there was, like a different part in that song goes you know, al we can clear it.

Out random if you'd like to do the whole thing.

No, no, no, I'd have to start from the beginning.

It's in the public domain now, so you can go on for as long as you want.

We have some housekeeping to get to. During the Meat Eater Tournament, we had a question about taxonomic ranking. This inspired a few listeners to write in with phrases they've memorized so that they always remember the hierarchy of life domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Sean Richardson wrote in, and this is a classic mnemonic. King phil came over for green soup. Lady Miller had a similar rhyme to Sean. King Philip came over for good spaghetti. Logan fusen. This one is morbid. Kids playing cards on freeway get smashed. And then we had Mike Black. This one's really unique. Don't kick people's crotches otherwise fights get started. And then we had Alex Frost. He said he learned this from a teaching assistant in college. Dear Karen, please come over for Ganja Smoke, and then Emily Waller making a similar request as Alex, dear Kevin, please come over for great sex. So you've got a lot of ways there that you can always remember the taxonomic raggings like the kids on the freeway.

I remember that.

People are never gonna forget it again, especially thanks to Alex and Emily. All Right, the Shelby index for today is a four, so our winner should get eight correct answers. And with that we're onto the game of trivia. Play the drop, Phil, Look, I need to know what I stand to win everything?

How's that? Just tend to win everything?

Gamon Suckers.

Question one. The topic is hunting. This will be multiple choice in this first great question is via Randy Hodge. What does the federal tax stamp cost when applying for a suppressor? Is it one hundred dollars, two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars or four hundred dollars?

How do you know this? This?

This question weeds out those of us who have paid for suppress.

Yanni or people who are looking to get one.

Yanni owned a suppressor but didn't have to pay for his tax stamp, So what did that federal tax stamp cost one hundred dollars two hundred dollars three hundred dollars four hundred dollars. Nate, would you like to know who wins the meat eater trivia turn?

No, I want to be I want to be surprised.

All right, who do you think is gonna win?

I mean it'd be tough to beat Randall. He's up three.

Unless you're Nate and you're only two behind.

Yep, But you know, sucks to suck, didn't make the cut, sucks to suck?

Maybe this year? This is this is the beginning of your journey, Nate to qualifying for the twenty twenty five media Is that?

Is it based on a year?

Is we're going to go stats for this whole year again? Question one? What does the federal max stamp cost an applying for a suppressor? One hundred dollars two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars. This is the four hundred dollars.

This is the fresh new season. I've already forgotten about last year's champion.

Does everyone having an answer?

A changing a perfect year?

So far?

Here? Go ahead and reveal your answers, Nate saying two hundred, Tresa, two hundred, Kid two hundred, Randall two hundred, Colin one hundred dollars. Giannis and Brody say two hundred. The correct answer is two hundred dollars. The suppressor tax stamp was introduced in nineteen thirty four, and surprisingly it was also two hundred dollars. Then their goal was to discourage people from purchasing them, which they accomplished by creating a fee that's the equivalent of four thousand, eight hundred dollars today.

So wasn't that also the price of machine guns at the time, all NFA because it was supposed to be one hundred percent tax all class four.

Yeah, that two hundred dollars tax one seems steep, but one hundred years ago.

Like if you're going to sbr something at home.

I wish that that had happened. With the price of Latmin in summer of high school. I remember what it costs because my dad like pattered in my head it cost When I was I think it was it was like six weeks for like, it was either a thousand or fifteen hundred bucks. Twenty years ago it was. I was telling Jennifer the other day, I'm like eeah, no big deal, you know. And then also I look at the prices, I'm like, yeah, oh godly, Summer High school got really exchange. Oh my gosh.

Yeah, I just said something wrong and I'd like to crawt Okay, that's gonna bother me.

Go for it.

They're Form one and Form four, but they're Class three NFA items. So for those that would write in, please don't.

They've already sent three email rand it's too late.

Question to give yourself a nomination for head of ATF.

Here the topic is conservation and this next great question is via Colby Parrot. This man was the thirty eighth president and America's only president to work as a national park ranger. The topic is conservation. This man was the thirty eighth president and America's only president to work as a national park ranger. And Colby, I'm not sure if your last name is Pere or Parrot. Shout out for the good question this week, Randall, do you know this one. I'm working backwards making a list of presidents. He's the only one doing that right now. This man was the thirty eighth president in America's only president to work as a National park Ranger. I don't see any answers yet on the whiteboards. Nate is joining Randall by making a list looking for the thirty eighth president, Phil, Would you get this one right?

Just by using the Randall method? I did not know that this man was a Parker, right.

This is one of those questions that is going to show my age.

Yeah, you got a birthday that's in the two thousands, kid post nine to eleven. Man, damn, this man was the thirty eighth president in America's only president to work as a national park.

You got written down there. You're honest?

What do I? Oh?

You want to see it?

Do you two agree on your answer?


No, they have different answers.

Let me see Randall.

Do you have this one right?

I think so.

It's kind of an interesting interesting one thing about it correctly, but I could not.

Be Okay, we'll see Nate. I saw you making a list. How do you feel at your answer?

It's not good? Okay, not great?

All right? Is everybody ready go ahead and reveal your answers? We have Nate saying Carter, Tresa says Bush, Cad says Ford, Randall says Nixon, Colin says Teddy Roosevelt. Giannis says Hoover, Brody says Carter. The correct answer is gerald Ford.

Got that one right.

Cad gerald Ford works at Yellowstone as a park ranger. In nineteen thirty six, at the age of twenty three, he spent that summer directing traffic, supervising campgrounds, and greeting guests at the Canyon Hotel and Lodge. He said his favorite duty was running the truck that would feed the park's bears.

Gerald Hell, Yeah, question where we need to figure out where Cad pulled that from.

He was the only one to get it right.

Uh, Kate an extra president there?

You know, well, do you want to should we work through him? Here?


Seven? Trump and Trump.

Trump, Biden, Trump, Bomp, Obama, Bush, Clinton Clinton Bush Bush card for Nixon.

So you made it to thirty seven, So.

I guess did we do that right?

Question three, the topic is foraging. Porcini and penny Bun are nicknames for the king variety of this mushroom. Yanni quick to answer, Porcini and penny Bun are nicknames for the king variety of this mushroom.

Never heard the pennybun one.

Mm hmm, But you have heard Porcini, Mm.

Yeah, definitely had some questionable feelings stomach situations.

After you Okay, yeah.

Porcini and Pennybun are nicknames for the King variety of this mushroom. Randall, how do you feel about your answer this time?

Not good?

Mushroom's a real weak spot for me.

How about you, Nate?

No, No, Also bad.

Caid with the only perfect game so far. Caid's gonna earn himself invite to the twenty twenty five tournament.

Maybe I'm always rooting for the young ins. Dude, we got it. Tough out here.

Porcini and Penny Bun are nicknames for the King variety of this mushroom? Is everybody ready? Randall? Yes, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Nate saying portobella, Tresta says lions man, Cade says truffle, Randall says white, Colin says portobella. Giannis and Brody say bulett. They got it. The correct answer is bullet. King. Bolett's are one of the most common edible mushrooms in the world. They are also one of the biggest. They grow in grassy forested areas where you'd expect to find Chantrelle's. The nickname Porcini translates to little pigs in Italian, a moniker given to them by the Romans. Question four, the topic is gear. This brand, which made their first tackle box in nineteen fifty two and first bow case in nineteen ninety five, is named after an Illinois city. This brand, which made their first tackle box in nineteen fifty two and first bowcase in nineteen ninety five, is named after an Illinois city. Colin very quick to answer, Colin, you're from that part of the world, right.

Yeah, but I didn't know that there was a city in Illinois.

Hmm. Okay, but you think you know this one.


This brand, which made their first tackle box in nineteen fifty two in first bowcase in nineteen ninety five, is named after an Illinois city. YadA, you got this one right.

I've got two answers written down again. I'm with Colin, and I don't know my Illinois City's that well?

Okay, Randal, do you like your answer?

I do?

Okay, If you don't, though, you could start one for four.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm grappling with that possibility.

He'll be as bad as me.

I feel pretty good about this one, though. Okay, I'm still trying to count. I've wrote the numbers down again. I'm trying to figure out how I screwed this up.

M Did you come to a different answer this time? No, I will google the list of presidents.

I think he's got all the presidents. He just can't count.

Yeah, that's what I'm struggling with.

Here again, we have forty seven, Trump forty six, Biden forty five, Trump forty four, Obama forty three, Bush forty two, Clinton forty one, Bush forty, Reagan thirty nine, Carter, thirty eight, Ford.

H all right, did you do that again?

All right, here we go. We'll start from thirty eight. Thirty eight? Was Ford? Thirty seven? Was Nixon? If that is messaging? Thirty nine, Carter forty, Reagan forty one, Bush forty two, Clinton forty three, Bush forty four, Obama forty five, Trump forty six, Biden forty seven Trump.

See here's what I've done this time.

Okay, I have two lines going to Clinton, So I counted Clinton twice because of this corner in my list. I've I've really made a grave error here just in how I laid out my table.

But you feel good about your answer for the ship brand that made their first tackle box in nineteen fifty two and first bow case in nineteen ninety five. Is everybody ready go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Nate saying Pelican, Tresa or Vis Caid, Plano, Randall Plano, Colin Plano, Yiannis Plano crossed out Flambeau, Brody crossed out Plano and put Flambeau. The correct ants is Plano. About half of our players got that one right. Plano makes tackle boxes, bow cases, gun cases, storage trunks, amo cases, and coolers. They created the world's best selling tackle box after making a model with collapsible trays in the nineteen fifties. Both of their original factories are still in operation. Flambeau is in Wisconsin, and that's named after the Wisconsin River, the Flambeau River.

So what was throwing me off? As all I could think of was Plano, Texas.

Yeah, that would that would confuse you. Plano, Illinois is just outside of Chicago and it was a set location for Man of Steel. Can you picture that?


Have you seen Man of Steel?




Is that was that a bad one?

Pretty bad one. Okay, so one where Kevin Costner gets voluntarily sucked up into a tornado. It's very funny voluntarily voluntarily.

That's like to say the planet or because well, Superman has to have make a choice, Spencer to reveal his powers and say if his adopted father adopted father or let him get sucked into a tornado.

And Kevin Cosner puts his hand up says no, son, I will get sucked into this tournament.

In Plano, Illinois. He pulled that off. Question five, the topic is fishing. Lake Marion, Lake Strom, Thurmond, Lake Moultrie, and Lake Hartwell are the biggest lakes in this state. A tough round for our players to start the twenty twenty five regular season. Lake Marion, Lake Strom, Thurmond, Lake Moultrie, and Lake Hartwell are the biggest lakes in this state. Randal very quick to answer. Randal, do you know this one?

Do I know any of these answers? Spencer, I'd lost all confidence. Okay, these mushrooms, these poorly drawn out presidential tables. I think Phil's recounting of that plot Twisted Man of Steel is probably the highlight of this game for me so far, so.

Me too, Yani, Do you have this one right?

I've got a good, okay, good guess.

The biggest lakes in this state are Blake, Marion, Lake Strom, Thurmond, Lake Moultrie, and the Lake Heartwell.

I had a lot of good adventures walking around my neighborhood and uh lapt in summer camp with those a little plane, no tackle box, and I.

Think you can picture exactly tackle box that you're talking about with the foldable trays that really changed things in the fifties. Form Does everybody have an answer?

I think everybody went through the stage where if you sort of neglected it for a little bit and you came back and half the ship in there would be like melted somehow. You kind of had to decide you get a new tackle box there and it gets rusty.

You left a little styrofoam cup of nightcrawlers and there and then put it away in the garage for a few months.

Lake Marion, Lake Strom, Thurmond, Lake Moultrie, and Lake Hartwell. Is everybody ready go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Nate saying Alabama, Tresa Says, Kansas, Cade, Minnesota, Randall, South Carolina, Colin, Alabama, Jannis Alabama, Brody, Georgia, we have a correct answer. It's South Carolina.

No, just strom Thurmond.

At one hundred and ten thousand acres, Lake Marion is the thirty fifth biggest lake in America. It reaches across five counties, giving it the nickname of South Carolina's inland Sea. Lake strom Thurmond is the country's forty eighth biggest lake. Lake Moultree is fifty fifth, and Lake Murray is sixty eighth. And that Lake strom Thurmond. It has two different names. The federal name is Lake strom Thurmond, but then it's on the border of Georgia. South Carolina. Georgia calls it Clark's Hill Lake. I believe I think what was strom Thurmond? Was he a controversial politician?


And uh yeah. The federal level, though, recognize it as that name that We're halfway through the game of trivia. Givens a scoreboard update.

I don't even know what's gonna say here.

We are.

Everyone's on the board, but Nate Tressa and Colin I'll have one point, Fortie Henderson has two, and then we have a three way tie in first place are Randall Giannis and our post nine to eleven, baby k it's completely skirting the Steve Varnella theory that the older you are, the better you do.

I can smell overtime.

Oh Phil, can we clip that sound effect?

Question six, the topic is cooking. The New York Times recipe for this condiment combines ketchup horse radish, lemon juice, hot sauce, and worsh To Shyre sauce. The New York Times recipe for this condiment combines ketchup horse radish, lemon juice, hot sauce, and Worster Shyre sauce. Randal and Yanni quick to answer, you boys optimistic about your answer. I feel pretty good, Colin, you got this one right.


I feel okay, not that confident.

But I had some strong horse radish this weekend.

What was the occasion?

Hot dogs?

The Montana Wild Sheep Foundation banquet. Got a big slab of prime rib and a there's creamy horse radish, and then there's just the straight, the straight stuff.

Okay, yeah, I saw a picture of you there. You're looking all fancied up.

That's my banquet.

Give me a description, Yanni.

His hair was real slick, looked like his hair had some product in.

I put about Yeah, I put about.

Three hand fulls of slicked it straight back.

Uh huh, got a little cowboy shirt with silver piping.

And then uh, you couldn't see it but my belt buckle, my Cincinnati Bengals belt buckle was hidden just underneath the table.

And I had my Tacoba's boots on. Who looking like?

Speaking of whoever put the Tacoba's on the free table, thank you very much. Size my size brand Spiggotty, new out of the box.

I know, good for you, Phil, I know your wardrobe needed some cowboy boots.

These are just these are some classy looking work boots.

Takoba again. The New York Times recipe for this condiment combines ketchup horse radish lemon juice, hot sauce, and worster shyre sauce.

I make it about the same way. I didn't know you. I never thought to look up a recipe.

This is a very agreed upon recipe, the top recipe from all recipes, the top recipe from the Food Network. They all base use. Okay, boys give off yet, then, Brody, are you ready?


Nate go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Nate saying a one Tressa says a olie. Kate says fry sauce. Randall says cocktail sauce. Colin says fry sauce. Yanni says cocktail sauce. Brody says steak sauce. The correct answer is cocktail sauce. About half of our players got Cocktail sauce got its name because of how it was served in cocktail glasses during Prohibition. The condiment gained popularity once railroad transportation started moving shrimp across the continent. Besides shrimp, cocktail sauce is sometimes served with oysters, crab, mushrooms, and veggies. Question seven, The topic is conservation and this next great question is via Ethan's on Brecker. This oil tycoon has a wildlife refuge in Louisiana named after him, as well as a skyscraper in New York City. This oil tycoon has a wildlife refuge in Louisiana named after him, as well as a skyscraper in New York City. Nate the quickest to answer. Nate, you got this one right, yep? Brody, do you have this one right?

The way things are going? Probably not?

Okay? And Randall, how about you feeling good? Okay, This oil tycoon has a wildlife refuge in Louisiana named after him, as well as a skyscraper in New York City.

Janni, I don't believe I know any refuges in Louisiana.

Or many oil tycoons or skyscrapers or skyscrapers.

Do you know any oil tycoons though? Okay, I don't think so. Those three ingredients that are gonna be uh gonna be tough for you to solve this one if you don't know oil tycoons, Louisiana, wildlife refuges, or New York City.

So you're more of a steel magnate guy the.

Center whenever we're.

Wait, oh Randa was giving eyes to Nate. Kate also quick to answer, Kay, do you have a good answer?

I'm I'm confident, not overly confident.

Johanni, Do you give up?

I mean I should write something down.

As soon as you're done, we're gonna flip over the whiteboards. Go ahead and reve your answers. We've got Nate saying Rockefeller, Tresa says Trump, Cade, Rockefeller, Randall, John Rockefeller, Colin Rockefeller, Giannis says Shell Brodian Rockefeller. The correct answer is Rockefeller. That's John Rockefeller. Randall had his whole name. John Rockefeller was one of the wealthy America. His Rockefeller Foundation donated eighty six thousand acres of coastal wetlands to the state of Louisiana in nineteen nineteen. Sportsman can trap and fish on the refuge. The thirty Rockefeller Plaza in New York is formerly known as the Comcast Building in its home to NBC studios.

I'd like to call for a formal vote of censure against Nate. What saying Center?

Carnegie Center?

Oh, you're trying to throw them off?

Ye got question eight?

So you're finding that we would you like to vote on something?

No? No, we're good, We're good.

What question?

You're the one who threw out the steel comment eight?

Yeah, that was How would that lead him? All right?

It was the same thing.

The topic is hunting. Legendary hunter Jacques Lafleur is the antagonist in this nineteen eighty seven comedy about Bigfoot.

Hey, this will be tough for us.

Legendary hunter Jacques Lafleur is the antagonist in this nineteen eighty seven comedy about Bigfoot. Phil would you get this one right?


Do you have a movie review you can provide us after we reveal the answer.

I have not seen this film since I was probably six or seven years old. Okay, I mean if you want six year old me.

Yes, I do.

Man, two thumbs way up.

Someone passed the caprice, Sony, that was perfect.

Oh Man.

Legendary hunter Jacques Lafleur is the antagonist in this nineteen eighty seven comedy about Bigfoot Brody. Do you have this one right? We're about to find out, Yanni. Do you have an answer?

I have an answer?

Okay? Do you two think you?

No one have seen it?

One movie?

I believe.

I like to make jokes.

Yeah about this movie's title.

Oh to someone in this room?

Yeah, oh oh that's a magatide? Is everybody ready? Go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Nate saying Joe Dalt, Tresa says E T.

Kde without an answer. Randall says Harry and the Hendersons, Colin jack Linx, Jannis and Brody say Harry and the Hendersons. They got it. The correct answer is Harry and the Hendersons. What's your little joke, Yannie about Brody? Body and the Hendersons.

No, Brody's wife, I mean yes, but Brody's wife's name.

Oh, carry is Carrie. Carrie and the Hendersons.

I was trying to figure out who in this room had Harry.

As their real first name or whose name rhymed with Harry Harry.

The Sasquatch gets hit by the Henderson's car and is then taken to their Seattle home. The family attempts to protect Harry as he's being tracked by the French Canadian hunter who's dedicated his life to killing a bigfoot. The film has a noticeable continuity air when the flurs rifle keeps changing from having a five round magazine to a ten round magazine. Phil, we have two questions left. Give us a scoreboard update, Tressa.

Nate Colin. You are no longer in the running for the victory, but we have Kate with four points still in it. Birdie Henderson has four as well. Jannis Putellis has five and in first place, the big comeback Randall Williams has six points.

Question nine, the topic is public lands. This YouTuber was murdered by her boyfriend in the bridger Tetan National Forest in twenty twenty one. Brody has tossed his eraser onto the table. It's not like this question. Thank you, Tresa and Randall and Cott.

Me is a YouTuber and outdoorsman.

Not giving you any hints all the information.

Just wondering.

Me and Brody are both wondering how this one falls into Meeater's verdict.

Let me tell you. This YouTuber was murdered by her boyfriend in the Bridger Titan National Forest in twenty twenty one. The topic was public.

Lied o this YouTube murdered because high profile public lands crime.

Yeah, I see it.

Sure, that's what it is.

Listen, YouTube boys are wrong for thinking it's not this. This is a great question.

You stand your ground, Spencer.

I'm not also frequent Rose Hours supermarket. Is anything that happens in there also going to be a trivia question?

Maybe I've asked questions about the most popular onion color before, so sure. This YouTuber was murdered by her boyfriend in the Bridger Teton National Forest in twenty twenty one.

This fourteen and under soccer team, which won their local championship, went to Rose Hours for Fried Chicken to celebrate.

And ate their fried chicken and the Bridger of Titan National Story.

There you go.

You had a bad question, Yanni, but Brody made it good. This YouTuber was your support question and the Bridger Titan National Forest in twenty twenty one. This may separate Randall from the rest of the pack. Is everybody ready, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Nate saying, Jamie Tressa says Gabby petitod with an answer. Randall and Colin say Gabby Petito, Yanni and Brody without an answer. The correct answer is Gabby Petito. Gabby and her boyfriend Brian Laundry were aspiring van life influencers. Laundry strangled Patito near a campground just outside of the Grand Teton National Park in August of twenty twenty one. Laundry then fled to his parents' house in Florida and killed himself at the Carlton Reserve. A month after the murder, this was all over the news. They even made a Netflix documentary. They talked about I.

Love how you think that because there was a Netflix documentary. It's like some that somehow like gives it like a thing where.

This was one of the biggest stories of I get it, but I.

Want to know if they got it because of the Netflix documentary or if they got it because they already knew about Netflix for sure.

Okay, I just came out.

I haven't watched the Netflix documentary, but I wouldn't have had that, And I remembered the case. I didn't pay that much attention to it as it was happening, but the name stuck with me.

By you, Tresa.

I followed the whole thing to someone who was sitting next to Briant a beer around the time that it happened.

All right, here's the correct answer that got it right?

Would have gotten it right without the Bridger Titan National Forest thing like, I don't like. I think they were just known that.

Sure had nothing had nothing to do with the question.

Listen, I don't think I would have got.

It happened there, that's right. That's how are you new to meat eater trivia?

Or what the question? It was about?

Harry and the Hendersons. You guys had your softball question that was ours? All right, here's the correct answer review so far.

One was two hundred dollars. Two was gerald Ford three bullet four, Plano five South Carolina six cocktail Sauce seven, John Rockefeller eight, Harry and the Henderson's nine, Gabby, Petito, Phil give us one last scoreboard update.

Yeah, it's so well, what question was that was that? That was nice question? Well, Randall, Williams is far. No one can catch up. He's got seven points, but behind him are yanis with five, Brody and Kid have four, Colin has three, Nate and Tresa have two.

The revertime drought continue.

Guys, Yeah, I thought we'd agreed to just have an overtime game.

Here's question ten.

The topic is wildlife. This is our more question of the week, which was won by Josh Serp for sending this great question. Josh is going to get a board game signed by the crew. If you want a chance to win the listener Question of the Week, then send your question to Trivia at the meat eater dot com. What is the most common state insect in America? What is the most common state insect in America? You need to be specific. If you thought the answer was a black lab, you need to say black lab. You can't just put labrador. What is the most common state insect in America? Randall running away with the victory. Let me see if he can hit the Shelby index of eight.

I just decided an insect.

Okay, you don't want to give it any more thought.

No, no, there's really no point.

And I couldn't name a single state insect.

Actually not in any of the states you've ever lived. You don't know what their state insect was. No, Nope, state insect in America. I think there's only two states that don't have a state insect.

I think the Gabby petito question is more relevant to my engagement with the world of the Great Outdoors.

State insects.

Yeah, yeah, I agree. It's everybody ready, go ahead and reveal your answers. You've got Nate saying monarch butterfly, Tresa says mosquito okay, and dragonfly. Randall monarch butterfly. Colin read ladybug, Yiannis monarch butterfly, Brody monarch butterfly. Nobody got it. The correct answer is the honeybee.


There are nineteen states that list the European honeybee as their state insect or state agricultural insect. The second most popular state insect is the monarch, butterfly and ladybug, which represents seven states and the Eastern tiger swallowtail, which represents six states.

You know, I take back what I said.

The honeybee is Utah, right, probably one of the nineteen states.

Yeah, I guess, yeah, I do know a state insect.

All right, Randal is the winner with seven correct answers. Even if we throw out that bad Gabby Potito question, you still dominated these boys. Where is the five hundred dollars going to go today?


Give it to the UH National Wild Turkey Federation.

NWT for you fixing a kill a turkey. This here my first Okay, yeah, you have plans, no, but I'm just throwing that out there into the universe.

I'm seeding that now.

It's not going to happen.

Yeah, So I thought i'd, you know, try to get some karma from the turkey gods.

You've probably never donated to them before.

I'm guessing either, well I have.

On certain occasions when it's like one of the you know, but yeah, let's just.

Do that five hundred dollars.

Everybody around here is getting excited for turkey season.

Let's just get including Randall.

Yeah, let's get it hyped.

Okay, Well done, Randall. Seven correct answers to win the first regular season game Meat Eater Trivia in twenty twenty five. Join us next week for more Meat Eater Trivia, the only game show where conservation always wins.

Yeah. Spencer from South Dakota. He's the host, using those smooth, mellow tones. He lays them questions down, and he likes taking those two and three year old bucks. And he's an avid amateur rock how

Oh ho

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Building on the belief that a deeper understanding of the natural world enriches all of our lives, h 
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