Ep. 675: MeatEater Radio Live! The Goosinator, Vintage Guns, and Movie Taxidermy

Published Mar 14, 2025, 9:00 AM

Hosts Spencer Neuharth, Randall Williams, and Cory Calkins get the lowdown on "The Goosinator," put One-Minute Fishing champ Pat Durkin back in the hot boat, play another game of MeatEater Radio's The Price is Right, and catch up with Joel Kolander of Rock Island Auction about a bevy of beautiful rifles.

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Smell us Now, lady, Welcome to Meet Eater Trivia podcast. Welcome to Meet Eater Radio Live. It's eleven am Mountain Time. That's ten am for our friends in Depot Bay, Oregon on Thursday, March thirteenth, and we're live for Meet Eater HQ and Boasman, Montana. I'm your host, Spencer Newhart, joined today by Corey Calkins and Randa Williams. On today's show, we'll talk to Aaron mchelraith about how in Alberta City Hayes's geese. Then we'll do one minute fishing with American hero Pat Durkin. After that we'll play The Price Is Right, and finally we'll talk to Joel Collander about some rare guns from the Rock Island auction Randall, I was jealous last week that you came up with a new bit of shouting out a time zone? Would you do last week.

Hungry Hungary our friend mogor So.

I was inspired by that. Plus my favorite radio station grown up as a kid, Kicking Country, would have the South Dakota town of the day. So now I want to shout out little towns or places that I really like, and yeah, just give them a little not today. Deep Otbay, Oregon. I've been there twice. It's the whale watching capital of Oregon. And the one time I saw some whales right from their dang main street. Real fun, fascinating, philed you ever you like from that part of the world.

Yeah, yeah, no. My family used to go to Deepot Bay every summer. We would stay at the surf Righter Inn just north of Deepot Bay. The most violently ill I've ever been was on a whale watching tour that went out of Deepot Bay. Also a fun fact. And to kill not to kill a mockingbird?

What's the side of the mountain?

No, the mental institution. Oh yeah, I'm getting my birds mixed up.

I thought you were talking about coming of age when they.

Go out on a boat on the ocean that was shot in deep.

O Bay, world's smallest navigable harbor. I think they. I think some win themselves out. Shout out Deepot Bay. I love your little town you got there, koy Ran. What you boys been up too lately?

Oh Man, not much?

Well, you know, I don't want to I don't want to insert myself here, but it's been a good week for uh Randall yeah.

Yeah, now we can acknowledge that.

I want to there's an elephant in the room.

Twenty twenty four meat Eater Trivia champion.

And I see the support in the chat. I love it. Where uh, we'll be working on that randomal shirt. It might be like a twenty twenty eight twenty nine project.

Dylan's asking for some clarification. Is it random les with an I or randomals with an A? And I've got a second point of clarification. Is it Randall moles. That's a little that's kind of a mouthful, but to me it makes more sense.

I don't envisioned randomals with an I like. I like that rand animals. It should have been the animals.

Okay, next time you win cooy, which you've been up too lately. Besides, you know Pat and Randall on the back over here for winning.

Well, yeah, congrats, buddy, well deserved. You know, we just wrapped up a couple of days with Taylor and Will from busting with the boys.

Because I've ever heard of them, Yeah, I've seen those tall fellers.

Yeah a tall.

Well, it's not that tall.

I mean tall the regular folks in the media to office.

Yeah, I guess it's just that he hangs out tall. I call myself six two, but posture wise probably five eleven getunched. But when you say you're two hundred fifty pounds five eleven, it gives off a very different impression, so I go six to two.

Yeah, so you're showing those boys around Montana while they're here.

Well a little bit.

Yeah, we had them out at the gun range getting prepped and ready for a coyote hunt. They went out with Steve. Was that yesterday morning? It was quite a whirlwind while they were here. Oh, here's some good shots when they went coyote hunting and beaver trapping with Steve yesterday. Very successful on the beavers. They killed a pile of muskrats as well while they were out there.

And smell it in the office. Still, Yes, as soon as I walked in.

I tried spraying the poopery sent helper in here and I can't really do it. But yeah, there's a good photo of Cal there showing them the works on some sig rifles. There's Steve flesh and a beaver looks like. But yeah, showed those guys a great time. They got to get their hands dirty. Didn't kill any coyotes. I heard shots were fired, but no dogs were harmed in the making of this fun time we had. But Steve will be on their podcast next week listen for that, and then there'll be some fun video content following that. Not sure when, but in the near future, so keep an eye out for that.

If you want more content with Steve and Meadeater, the bust and Channel is going to have that soon. All right, let's go to our first interview. Joining us on the line now were two employees from the city of Lethbridge, Alberta, who have a unique way of keeping geese off their lakes. Aaron and Nelson. Welcome to the show.

Hi, thanks for having us.

First thing, tell us where you're standing right now.

Okay, we are at the beautiful Henderson Lake.

It's one of our premier parks in Lethtbridge.

It's one of my favorites because I've had the opportunity to work here for many years. It has walking past or the whole park and this beautiful body of water. Historically there's been a dance hall and basically it's a hub of activity winter and summer and leftbridge.

All right, now, tell us about the goose problem. That your city parks have.

Okay, so we have some resident geese that have decided they love living in Lethbridge and they don't want to fly south like the rest of their friends do. So the goose problems are basically we want to make sure that we keep our waterfowl safe and so we like them to keep moving on.

We want to keep people safe who use the parks.

There can be human goose conflict as well as with people's pets, so we don't want.

That to happen.

We also want to make sure that we reduce the fecal matter in the park. So one goose can look up the two pounds in a day, that's a lot.

Of food, my goodness, kids.

In the park and a lot of activity.

So we want to try to keep our pathways clean and free of that foo u. And then just making sure that we protect our assets and our turfs. So when geese feed, they can pull the roots of the grass out and that can cause long term damage with our turfs. So yeah, it's a multifaceted issue.

And in the past, what did you guys try to keep these geese off your lakes and parks.

Well, at one point in time we had employees got out with a dog. They went out to try to deter the bees term being in the park, but then it would just make the beast go on to the.

Lake and we couldn't do anything about that.

We've done some egg management with a Damaged Danger permit, which is a federal hermit, and we really like we've communicated a lot with the federal government under the Juice Medice Plan and just trying to make really good decisions about how to manage the population. But it's really tough because basically they have a really perfect.

Environment to live here. It's safe, there's really.

No preserve here, and there's water, there's an island, So it's really tough to manage here.

And that brings us to why we're talking to you today. Tell us about how you decided to try to solve that problem this year.

Well, I've wanted the guscinator for a really long time. I kind of was researching best manag of practices and this came up as a hazing device, so just trying to make the area less popular.

For the geese.

And when I saw.

This working, I was just amazed by the fact that I could work on the craft as well.

As in the water. So when we got the goal had to purchase it.

We decided that Nelson, who's now management program, to get good at operating it.

I kind of missed my chance to be the operator by a year or two.

Yeah, So we are looking at photos right now of what is called the Gusinator. It is a large, bright orange styrofoam like an RC car looking thing with a couple of a couple of tracks underneath it, and it's got big eyes and big mean teeth on it. Terify, that's what they're telling us about, is the Goosinator. How much did the Gucinator cost?

It was around four thousand dollars.

Okay, four thousand dollars, all right, I want to talk to Nelson for a bit. Nelson is the one who operates the Goosenator. Nelson, what's it like to drive that thing?

It's fatly easy.

I got the remote rate here. It's just like any normal sugar operated remote control. It slides a lot better on the ice in the water than it is on land. It actually has some reals that you can attach to it while you're using it on land, but primarily we've been using it on the water in the ice okay.

And what's your strategy for scaring away the geese with the Goosenator? Do you drive it like right into the flock?


Actually, that's part of like learning how to use it, and especially with a lot of communication from the manufacturer and the designer about how to use it properly. It's meant to look like a predator, so you're supposed to operate it like stalking the geese really slow movements and you're basically trying to herd them out. The more that fly away at once, the better of them not coming back.

And how did the geese settive?

Repetitive usage of it is key to so using it all the time to the point where they recognize the truck and it coming out of the truck. They start getting a little frantic when I show up.

Okay, So the reaction the geese have they just want to leave when they see that.

Then, Yes, it's meant to look like a predator and act as a predator.

It's meant to.

Make them feel like the area is unsafe.

And how do people react to seeing you use the goocinator? Like have the cops been called on you yet?


At first, like I think we did a good job with preparing the public of its use, especially with like Aaron said, communication with the federal government. It's in our goose management program. Even before we had bought it, we had started talking about using one and just being prepared for the feedback that we're going to get on it really helped out. And while I've been using it, there's a lot of people that come here to look at the birds and stuff like that, so they're quite knowledgeable about why we're using it, and just being able to talk to them about it has helped out immensely. And for the most part, the feedback's been pretty good, like very positive, a lot more than I anticipated, actually, But yeah, we haven't really had any.

Complaints local coops.

The federal permitting officer did get some emails and calls, but he already knew about us using it because we've gone through the proper.

Okay, big question, then, can we see the gusinator in action?

Yeah, you can't.

I gotta rate behind me on the truck here. I'll plug the battery in and obviously there's no lights here anymore, but there is an island behind me that they tend to nest at, so I'll just cruise by the island, and that's what we'll be using it for in the spring until they actually start uh nesting with eggs and bolting and stuff like that.

Then we can't use it.

The usage of it, Okay, we'll be using it to try and keep them from nesting on this island.

Perfect. Let's see that thing in action now. Nelson has kept it hidden in the back of his truck because he said usually like seeing his pickup is enough, but seeing the gucinator especially, we'll get the geese to start to lift off. He is grabbing the giant r sea boat. That thing is is quite enormous, and he is now taking it to the water. We could hear the geese the entire interview, So I'm optimistic that Nelson's gonna put on a show for us here. Yeah, look at that thing.

That's straight up nightmare fuel if you were a good.

Yeah, it's running it. It's got a prop on the front. Yeah, understandably.

Will oh Okay, here he goes and the geese are leaving.

The ones in the background.

Yeah, so you can see this happening on our YouTube channel. The geese have taken off at this point. Nelson's only got the Goosinator about twenty yards from sure. Uh, smooth operator. We've got here.

That's unbelievable.

Need some Jaws theme music going there?

They go there, got a couple from the island.

It's something off. The cool thing about the Goosenator is it can drive on ice, land and water. This thing is like even more amphibious than amphibian vehicles because it can also go on the ice.

He's got a couple of stragglers there.

Uh huh oh, I love this couple stubborn geese. And the person who makes the Goosinator that it looks like a now a lot of cities and golf courses use uh. They wanted this thing to look very offensive, so they might have made it bright orange. Cameraman, can we punch in on the Gousinator a little bit? Is that? Is that an option for us? Would love to see these geese. I don't know.

Jom's going to speak for him. I don't know if you can pinch zoom on the stream yard app here.

It's not. That's okay, all right, It's still thrilling even at this distance.

Yeah, yeah, that you can see that Goucinator from a long ways. Always picking up speed.

Yeah, oh it's got some.

That's great.

Yeah, here it comes. This is the Gooses perspective here because it circles.

In Nelson, tell us a little more about what the geese are doing right now. We can't quite see too far off in the distance as to what's happening.

So basically everything on this side of it's all the geese have left the islands. Like even the sound of the gucinator, like we can't we hear a different pitch than the geese actually do, and the sound of the gucinator itself is actually very terrifying to them. Like different colors. They actually see more colors than us too. And the whole design of it is meant their characteristics as dislike on the website that quotes Cornell University did this study that characteristics and traits that like, and that's basically but design off. The big the eyes, the slickers, the colored orange and the reflective color itself, these are all things that don't like to see.

Yeah, that's uh, that's enough to scare me off to you. Can we see that thing at top speed? Nelson? Can you can you ramp it up for us?

Give her a rip, I'll go out and then I'll bring it back.

Okay, we're not.


Very impressive. Oh yeah, wow, what a beast. You are not welcome in the city of Lethbridge.

All right.

That was That was a real treat. Aaron and Nelson, thanks for joining us, and good luck, good luck with the goose hazing program. We're cheering for you, guys.

Thank you, thanks for having us. You fun little fact about Randall okay, which makes me a real advocate for their cause. When I was too young to even remember this incident, uh huh. I was at I believe, at the National Zoo in Washington, d C. I've been told, and a Canadian goose bit me on the foot and broke my toe.

Broke your toe? You think the goose broke your toe?

Like did your two baby little baby toes, Spencer, Like I said, they're tiny. That's what I'm told.

Okay, bye?

Who my parents?

Uh huh.

It's a It maybe explain some of my idiosyncrasies around birds. Uh huh, if I get into the dark recesses of my mind.

They needed a goucinator.

I know.

So I appreciate that. Trying to avoid goose public conflict.

M all right, moving on. Our next segment is one Minute Fishing. Do I feel lucky?

Will do you? Punk? Go ahead make my cast.

One Minute Fishing is where we go live to someone who's fishing and they have one minute to catch a fish, and if they're successful, we'll make a five hundred dollars donation to a conservation group. This week, our angler is American legend and one Minute Fishing Legend Pat Dirkin in Wisconsin and he's fishing for a donation to the clear Water Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Pat.

Welcome to the show, Hey Spencer, Thanks for having me on.

Pat was very motivated to make this work for us today. He was scouting some fishing spots earlier this week and if the weather had been a little colder, he'd be standing on ice right now, but instead it's warmed up and he's sitting in a boat. Yeah, Pat, tell us about the boat that you're in.

Pat, this is my It's a fourteen foot three inch cedar strip rowboat.

I built.

I lost it nineteen years ago in June. It took me about two and a half years to built and to spend my pride and joy ever since. And as I've written about in my newspaper College Spencer.

I always advise young men we meet women, this is what I need.

Is a boat, a rowboat, that cedar strip rowboat. Not just any boat. You got to have a cedar stripper. Because I pulled this boat into a gas station, into a fast food restaurant, whatever it is, and women always walk over and talk to me.

That's truly a chick magnet.

Okay, what about men? Do they show interest in the boat as well? Say, say your your female seeking male companionship. Would it do the same.

Thing' that's a great question.

Distinction I've noticed is that it's it primarily attracts old guys. Yeah so, so my wife likes it because when I leave here at the pier to hold on the boat while go get the truck, all the old guys come over and they it gives them the pretense of talk never so.

But it's not. It's really uh.

I built it for musky roll trolling, and then I found that I'm not really much much of a musky fishman, because you know, it's the guilt trip you if you eat one. So I pretty much turned into a pan fishing machine.

Okay, cool. Now this is the maiden voyage of your boat in twenty twenty five.

Correct, correct, correct, Yeah, it's first time on the water this year.

Okay, And how's the fishing band today? So far?

Been pretty lowsy?

I you know, I'm blaming mother nature because, like you said in the intro, I wanted to be up on on Lake Altuna, which is north of me a little ways where the perch are biting, just on Sunday for me. And I was all gassed up about, you know, keeping my string intact for two straight appearances, you know, on on women at fishing and catching a fish. And then it's gotten so warm since and I didn't want a hazard, take the risk of going out there and punching through and dying prematurely, you.

Know, So, Pat, this is like Major League Baseball. If you're batting five hundred, you're ahead of the game, So don't worry about that, yes sir, All right, Pat?

So what are we What are we fishing for today?

Okay? Well, the goal was to come out here.

I'm a little bit early for the river, but usually this is a good section of river I'm on for for perch when they start spawning and use a mid to late march. They will pretty be pretty thick in this river, the Chippleware River that I'm on. And also you'll catch walleyes in here, and some guys. It's really a good fishery for a small wolf pass, but I primarily come here for.

For perch and walleye.

So okay, I'm trying it, and I have some guys downing down the river for me a lot ways. They pulled a couple of fish in, but I can't quite figure out what they're fishing for.

And it looks like you're jigging this afternoon.

Correct, I've got I got one line.

This is Wisconsin, So everyone who's going to play the game warden on me. You can you can use three lines in Wisconsin. So I got one out with a crappie minow birch minow on. I got one with a bigger walleye shine around, and I'm casting a little little crank bait, a little rapala. So I figured i'd use for for my one minute attempt here.

Okay, everything but the kitchen sink pad is using today. All right, pat, You're one minute of fishing starts as soon as you make that first cast.

All right, here we go.

Get them past casting out into casting out into the stronger current and bringing him back along the little a little more unprotected water. Okay, and this particular ex rap I.

Think it is. I'll give you a little twitter right now and then. And I've taught everything.

From big crappies, the big perch on, but mainly walleyes.

Well, you are twenty five seconds into your one minute, right is Is this the same rod that you used in Idaho to be the first successful angler of one minute fishing?

Right? It is?

It is?

That's why, that's why it's in my in my hand right now.

Okay, you got twenty seconds to go. Pat got some good mojo with that rod.

Well, this suspense is killing me.

I know we had we had a great video with Pat right before he started he cast, and now it's a little little spotty.

It's gott gotten bad five seconds, Pat, Okay, crank it. Well, it did not happened today for Pat. But you know what they say, Pat, A bad day of fishing is better than a good day of being a freelance writer in Wisconsin, Isn't that right?

But that's my purpose?

Though, you know I heard this morning specer that you know I'm almost I'll be seventy years old in January, and I heard this morning that Andy Rooney in the Great sixty Minutes commentator and journalist, he lived into his late eighties early nineties, and he lost his job, and a week later he died, lost his basically lost his purpose and he was gone.

So I figured I keep working a while.

Yeah, don't quite right.

Keep those fingers spry. Pat.

A beautiful boat though, that he's sitting in. I think we'll see that boat again on one minute fishing. Thanks for joining us, Pat, happy to.

Say, Pat, thank you. Take care of Pat.

You guys, sounded like he needed that goucinator back there.

You know, it's still like waterfowl over the top of them.


Today, boys, we have our third guest coming up later. He's gonna talk to us about some rare guns from the Rock Island auction. If we hear geese in his background, we really got problems at that point. Yeah, that'd be weird. All right, Phil, Let's take a break for some listener feedback. What's the chat have to say?

Yeah, just a reminder. If you guys have questions for the crew, go ahead and submit him now. We'll hit him in the next few minutes and at the very end of the show. So anything for Corey Randall or Spencer. But first off, some behind the scenes questions from Brady. He asks was trivia Was the Trivia Tournament actually filmed in multiple segments or in one sitting?

So the Trivia Tournament it was three episodes. We filmed two of those episodes in one day, back to back, so we knocked those episodes out in about a two hour window, and then one week later we filmed episode three. So there you go, Brady, that's your behind the scenes look. We tried to record it in twenty twenty four because it's the twenty twenty four championship, but Steve skied schedule with filming his History Channel show just didn't really allow that, so we had to wait until now and then I think this summer we're gonna have a Jabroni tournament coming for all those folks who didn't qualify for the big leagues.

And I would like to apologize. I saw someone in the chat hadn't listened to the final episode yet, so we should have maybe added a spoiler alert. Although if you were paying attention to scoreboard at the end of episode two, yeah.

Yeah, let's say this. There's there is something fun that happens in that episode anyway, so you should go listen to Yes, Yes, we have some very competitive scores that happened. What else you got, Phil?

Well, on that note, we're getting a lot of requests for a honkin for a Bonkan X Randomle t shirt our two most requested t shirts recently.

So I don't have my face on the goose though your.

Face on a goose maybe maybe being chased by a goosenador as well. Oh broke in to throw it all in and.

Explain, and my origin story will be captured in the art.

Yeah, that reminds me lay And we had somebody write into Mediater Trivia saying that they and their buddy have a competition and the loser of their year long tournament a Mediatter Trivia has to get a tattoo of our choosing. I think we offered a few suggestions, and then a lot of people wrote in afterwards saying we missed the obvious one of getting the tattoo of honking for a bonkin that appeared on a previous episode of Media to Radio for a tattoo that someone ended up regretting but I think they gave that person words of encouragement.

They should. I hope they no longer regret that tattoo.

It's a good tattoo. So if that person is listening right now who lost their trivia championship with their buddy, they ought to get the honkin for a bon goose tattoo.

To piggyback on some more trivia stuff, John has a comment. He says, in regards to the Dermefted incident, I think incorrectly spelled answers in trivia should only be counted as correct if they can be reasonably pronounced correctly. And I agree with John, which is why I was against Steve getting that's the part point.

Yeah, here's John articulated it rather clearly. Here in the back of my mind, I had some sort of animal instinct to reject Steve's answer, but John really hit the nail on the head.

Yeah, here's the deal, John, It's it's very hard for seven people to argue with their boss who's right and who's wrong. So sometimes we just lose that argument in that case, and that that means that in other cases, Randall doesn't get credit for putting crystalis instead of chrysalis, even though you know the logic should have been applied there as well. So sorry, apologized to you Randall for months ago when you gave that answer.

Yeah, and did you go back and look at whether that would have affected the outcome of the game. I believe I would have tied it.

I don't think I'm going to anything else, Phil.

Aaron got turkey season coming up, Aaron says. He says, I turkey hunt solo a lot. How do y'all usually spend the back half of your day in a hunt till noon state?

Well, Aarin, my great flaw with turkey hunting and with shed hunting is that it always devolves into two other things, and that is mushroom hunting or rock hunting. So Aaron, keep your eyes on the ground, look for cool rocks, look for mushrooms that are if you hunt in a if you're in a hunt till noonstate, and I feel like those are mostly in the South, is like Kentucky or Tennessee. Someone to write in. I'm sure you've probably got mushrooms popping up here very soon, So get yourself educated on what edible mushrooms you can eat, and then go look for those things. How about you boys, any any suggestions for what Aaron should do after the turkey hunting season ends for him at noon o'clock each day.

Man, around here, we're hunting turkeys from sun up till sundown, so I'm trying to think.

Put myself in your shoes. I'd probably go fishing.

Or if you're in a state that has an open black bear season, you can cruise the roads, do a little glassing up high look for bruin.

Or take a nap, or take a nice afternoon nap.

Yep aps are good.

Lance suggested putting a GoPro on the goosinator. That's a great idea. And also our guy Mogor, apparently Daylight Savings works differently and Hungry he missed the beginning of the show, but we're glad to hear both, honestly. Yeah, when the timer was happening, I was looking in the chat as usually our guys in there saying hi, and he wasn't in there, And I'm glad to see that he didn't miss that.

I hope I didn't screw up my Hungry time last week when I announced it. That would be embarrassing.

Mogor, you're gonna have to go back and listen because we talked about you again this week and how Randall's shot out to your time zone. He's going to inspire a new little bit immediate least. I don't know about the other hosts.

I'll do one one more fluffy one, but we'll hit more of these at the end of the show, so keep the questions coming in question for Phil, what are the odds you implement your harmonica into one of the jingles? Pretty low because the jingles are usually just, you know, rip off parodies of pop songs and stuff. But I did play harmonica for the theme song I wrote for the Meat Eater Kids podcast. So if he wants some more harmonica action, you need.

To just do like some piano man that has a strong harmonica in it. Anything with Blues Travelers has a lot of harmonica.

Oh, I'm just as good as that guy, John Popper. He's got his bandoliers of harmonica.

The hook always brings me back.

I'm with you. I think gen Z just discovered the Blues Traveler.

Is that a thing?


Is he big on TikTok now?

Or I say it's just blues Traveler.

Yeah, Blues Traveler more than one of them. So anyway, gen Z has just discovered them. The specific clip of him doing the is it the the harmonica solo in hook that is quite popular? Right now? Wow, people are thrilled. That's it exists? All right? Moving on, our next segment is the price is right?

Let's move over to my thing here, sorry, Spencer. Here it comes from Bozeman, Montana Media Radio's most exciting ten minutes. It's the prices right, yes, Cory Culkins come on now, Randall Williams.

Come on the.

Next what's your contestants on meeting to radios? The price is right? Now here's your host, Spencer new huh, thank you.

Phil, thank you, Cory's third appearance all your price is right, and Randall's first appearance here. All right, this game is really simple. Phil is going to tell you about a product from the meat Eater universe, and you need to guess its price. The player with the closest answer without going over will be declared the winner. If both players go over, then you'll both be told to try again, and the chat should play along as well, because whoever has the closest answer we'll get a shout out from Phil. All right, there are three products for today's show. Phil tell us about the first item up forbid.

How about we start today's show by giving you your very own Big Buck Hunter reloaded arcade game. Do you want to live like a bachelor? Do you love slugging beers and shooting deers? Here's your name, Randall Williams. Well, we've got just the thing for you. The Big Buck Hunter Reloaded arcade game comes with forty two inch monitor in two toy rifles, and if you get tired of gunning down booner white tails, just turn on one of the other seven thrilling games, such as The Walking Dead, Duck Dynasty, or Terminator Salvation.

There's also thirty three mini games and eleven huntable animals, including a zombie deer mission called Dough of the Dead. All right, Randall and Corey, what does that bar worthy arcade game cost?


Sorry, is this used or is this new? This is brand new. I'm not going to tell you the website, but this is a brand new Big Buck Hunter reloaded arcade game. Phil is showing us a few screenshots from the game, as well as that arcade game itself.

Without going over Randall.

Phil describe the graphics you're looking at here?

Oh sure, yeah, for the audio listeners. We've got some deer with some real thick antlers frolicking around a farmhouse here, but they are completely eaten up by some sort of zombie parasite. They've got some green slim all over their ribcage, you know, their their jaws are torn apart, you know. Picture of zombie deer. That's what we're looking at here.

So that's one to be Why are arcade game graphics always like fifteen years behind the rest of video game graphics? And if you showed me this screenshot, which you can see on our YouTube channel, I'd be like, yeah, that's from two thousand and four.

Well, arcade games need to they're in a cabinet that needs it's hot, it needs to be running, you know, not twenty four to seven, but in some cases, yeah, twenty four seven. So they can't use two intensive CPUs or graphics cards that would so they they're a little bit behind the times, but that keeps them running for longer.

Sure, So a forty two inch monitor, it has two rifles, seven thrilling games, thirty three mini games, eleven huntable animals. This isn't your Dad's Big buck Hunter arcade game.

God, I want one so bad in my house. Yeah. Well they make a mini one now, which is what I do. Yeah, so you can.

This isn't that.

My buddy's got one in his basement. That one is actually quite affordable. Okay, this one though, it doesn't shoot like the real thing. Yeah, this is one you'd see in your favorite bar. Sydney and I used to go play buck Hunter on our anniversary every year.

Wow, and you quit doing that?

They sold that buck Hunter machine?

Okay, I bet we could find another one.

We used to go to the bar where we met in Missoula and play it.


There's also a great buck Hunter machine there used to be one of the cannery. There's a great one at a laundromat in Whitefish.


Yeah, I used to play that when we were up in Whitefish. It's it's really part of our journey, my wife and I. It's part of our story.

Do both of you have an answer price of the Big buck Hunter reloaded arcade game? Go ahead and reveal your answers. You have Randalls saying coward five thousand, six hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents, and we have Corey going low. He says six hundred and one dollars.

Hate the player, not the game, coward.

The correct answer is six thousand, four hundred ninety five dollars, giving Randal the first point. He was only nine hundred dollars off the correct answer.

If we had Big Dough in the chat, who gets sixty four hundred very close?

Tell yeah, Big Dough.


Now the mini one that Randal is saying his buddy has that one's like six hundred dollars, maybe you were right on thought, and they sell that one at like best Buy, Yeah, Walmart and fun. Yeah, this this was the real deal, way off, all right, Phil tell us about the second item up.

Forbid, Well, if you like shooting thousands of virtual deer, then you'd probably love an autographed copy of Ted Nugen's book God, Guns and Rock and Roll. The whack Master himself signed hundreds of items that he's selling on his website. Besides his memoir, there's also autographed cookbooks, posters, and hats, including a chic Camo cap that says elect that mother effor again. Ted calls it the super Gonzo Sorry hold on, Ted calls it quote because that's important. The super Gonzo Mojo Voodoo America Freedom battlecry hat of all time. But hey, feel free to choose your own nonsensical string of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Well, I know what I'm getting filled for Christmas?


Yeah, all right, Randal and Corey. What does that autographed book from Terrible Ted cost? This is straight from his website. He has I think four books for sale that have his name on him.

Yeah, that's the only one I've read this. You know, your kid, I read that. Yeah, I read that in high school.

You did. Yeah, you made it one of the New York Times bestsellers, which it has that stampo Oh.

I think it was long out by the time I read it.

Give us a review of God, Guns and Rock and Roll.

I don't remember much about it, I'll be honest with you, but I did own that. I remember sitting there on the that's sitting on my bookshelf.

It's a pretty book, pretty looking book. And he sells hundreds of things on his website that are autographed by him.

Yeah, I just I mean, my gut tells me that he val use his own signature rather highly. I know that's what I'm worried about too, but it's also a book.

It is a book, but it's signed by the whack Master himself.

Can we get a pub date on that film?

Unfortunately I don't have that in my script, but maybe Spencer could We could look that up.

Yeah, now, sorry, you're juggling too many things.

Back to item one though, the six four hundred and ninety five dollars that was from hangout haven dot com. If you want to make it online qubat compatible, you'll need to fork over another forty dollars per month.


Figure, there's like people across the globe in big buck Hunter. Wow, we're on.

It looks like it got August fourteenth, two thousand and one for that publication.


I could read that in high school. Maybe I was one of the ones that one of the individuals.

Put it in the best. I'm surprised to hear that that book looks like a post nine to eleven book, not a pre I know he was time, he was three weeks.

I don't think Ted's changed his tune much. Well, I guess like since he you know, dodged the draft by shooting his pants.

But you boys got an answer for the costs of that autographic. Remember I think he said that in an interview and then later denied it. Who knows? You boys? Ready, yep, go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Randall saying seventy nine ninety nine, big, we have Corey saying forty nine ninety nine. The correct answer is lower than both of them, So you will try again write down a new answer. What was yours, Corey, forty nine ninety nine. You'd know that it's lower than fifty bucks. How's the chat doing, Phil as anybody else?

Well, I don't want to give too much away that we have. We've had a lot of people get it right on the money, so I'm sure there are some good guesses and saying some cheaters in there.

But all right, man, Randall and Corey, it's lower people are cheating than I have no problem accusing them. Be careful here, and both of you have an answer. Go ahead and reveal your answers. We've got Corey saying thirty four ninety nine, Oh boy, Randall saying twenty seven ninety nine.

Come on, uncle Ted.

The correct answer is twenty nine ninety nine, giving Randall the victory and the second point of the game. And that is twenty dollars cheaper than his autographed hat that says American shit kicker on it. So if if you're looking to get Pat Dirkin his seventy seventieth birthday present for about fifty bucks, two autograph pieces of ted nugient merch. Phil tell us about the folks who got it right on the nose.

I'm putting them up all on the screen here because I don't there's a lot.

Of Mark Hodges.

Hello, get them all there we have, we have five or six people, get it, get it right on the money.

There on you guys?

All right?

Phil tell us about the third item up forbid today.

Oh, surely just bring it up here and do that.

Do that?

And then I got you heck over here? Do you do you like it when I narrate all the things I'm doing. That's trying to yes, silent.

Let me guess what we're talking about here.

It's a yeah, actually rand, how about you guess? And then I'll read the description.

It's a four x six harbor freight tarp.

Our final light.

I'm up for bid today. Is a taxidermied whitetail doe from Craigslist. Oh really, this full body mount portrays a dead deer lying on its side. It doesn't sound too interesting. Well, you'd be wrong. The New York City seller said the white tail was used as a movie prop. When Spencer reached out to ask what movie, the Craigslister wouldn't say, but did reveal that the film will come out later this year and stars an Oscar winning actress. Could it be Jurassic Park, maybe Avatar or The Conjuring, or it might be the seventh film and the Predator franchise. I guess we'll never know.

That's right, Phil. Even when I begged the seller to tell me and added pretty pretty pleased to my email, they held firm and said legally they couldn't leak the title of the film. All right, Mandolin Corey, what does that full body white tailed dough mount cost? Beautifully done, piece of tax, very real. It's a white tailed doe who looks like she's in her early summer coat. And then it so, I think the bloat that you're seeing there are her utters. This would be a deer that died like right in the middle of May while she had a little fawn under her belly.

Or it's been sitting on the side of the road for twenty four hours.

That's right, So what does that piece could be at any cost?


Golly, I can't go out zero to three here.

It looks so good on the tarp.

I know, I know how much the tarp cast.

I need our listeners to watch every film that comes out this year that is starring an Oscar winning actress, so we can figure out where this taxidermy dough is from.

If it's in the new Jurassic Park film, so I watch, it'll be co starring with some FHF gear.

That's right, Scarjoe. She has an oscar, so I thought it could be that. But when I watched the trailer, it looks like it's taking place on a tropical island.

Carl Jansen has an oscar. She's been nominated multiple times.

She's never Okay, now we got it. Well, if that's not the case, then we can eliminate Jurassic.

Part hershlaw Ali, I think is in that movie. He does have an Oscar, but he is a man actress. Yes, oscar and actress. Do both of you have an answer for what that taxidermied dead deer costs? I do go ahead and reveal your answers. We have Cory saying carry one hundred one dollars, Randall saying two thousand, four hundred ninety nine dollars in ninety nine.

He's a Hollywood history to be Yeah, but they're just trying to get rid of that thing.

The correct answer is four thousand, five hundred dollars, and they said, if I pick it up by Sunday, they'll give me a discount. Wow, maybe maybe you could make twenty five hundred dollars. I'm going to be in New York City next week. I could. I could genuinely bring this thing home if we can solve where this movie comes from.

You got four grand burning a hole in your pocket?

I do not, But maybe this company whose airwaves ron does offer him three hundred and one dollars Randall a dominant victory coming off being the twenty twenty four Media to Trivia champion, So we do now defending his title is that that.

One goes out to all the randoms in the chat we had Kevin Guess ninety nine. But also, you know, I don't know what it says about me that I don't trust anyone who gets it right on the money, but especially with something like this. But Lance, guess nine point fifty Lance, if you are a true to your word, then I apologize.

Four thousand, five hundred dollars, though those are the closest we had.

Oh sorry, I'm looking.

We're life. That's okay, I'm looking at.

Last episode's price of a taxidermy or you know the camouflage. I'm looking at the wrong price.

That's okay. Five hundred dollars, five hundred dollars. You were close in the chat on.

You Big Dough put a winkie face. We know what he's about. He got it right off the Big Dough the dirty dog.

So if you live in New York City, that taxidermy doe could be yours. And uh, like Randalls said, it's a piece of Hollywood history.

Maybe it's Big Dough pushing his own product.

The chat you just flat outset see this, this is what I'm talking about.

Well know who to watch next time when we're playing Randall?

Now the championship price is right and me Dieter trivia. All right, let's move on to our last interview for the day. Joining us on the line next is Joel Colander from Rock Island, auction and he's here to show us some legendary guns that are coming up for sale. Joel, Welcome to the show.

Gentlemen, afternoon. Always a pleasure going to be back.

All right, Joel h he's a recurring guest. But real quick remind folks of what Rock Island Auction is.

Sure, we're the number one auction house in the world for fine and historic collector firearms. Of course we're known for six and seven figure of firearms. Those are the ones that catch the headlines, but absolutely catering to collectors, users of all budgets, all levels of expertise, everything. If there's something you're looking for, it's not a question of of if we'll get it, it's usually just when.

Now, before we get to today's guns, I want to ask you some questions about Rock Island. What's the oldest gun you've ever sold?

The oldest that I've seen since I've been here, and that's just about twelve years are actual hand cannons, So before there's you know, triggers and firing mechanisms, you literally have a cannon you hold in your hand with a touch hole and you're and you're firing it off.

So how old are we.

Talking, oh, fourteen hundreds in earlier? Wow, gun powder dating back to you know what, some people's in the earliest between like eleventh century at the earliest. So in between that area and there's a lot of you know, of course development in that time.

And what part of the world would that gun come.

From, Asia, Japan, China of course gunpowder you know developing in China, so whole lot of that section of the world will have that. The earliest gun that we've sold of significance comes from about sixteen ten sixteen twenty, so you're looking right around the time the King James Bible is introduced, and that was a wheel lock that belong to Louis the thirteenth.

Now, what's the most famous gun that you've ever sold?

Oh, well, we brought it up in the last interview.

I'd have to say it's that Blastech Deal forty four blaster. It was a Han Solo's blaster from Star Wars episode four. It was one of three ever made, and it came to us, you know, from the owner of a batting company from the actual prop house, had documentation from the armor of the film.

So that one got some international press.

Also went for over a million dollars set a Guinness World record actually for that, so that was definitely the most I'd say the most famous one.

Now. I just finished reading a book about art thieves and a lot of these crimes happen at auction houses. Have you guys ever dealt with any kind of an attempted heist?

Thankfully, No, we have had no problem with heist.

We take a security pretty seriously at our locations, though we have had guns that have been involved in heists.

We've had a revolver that actually a Colt.

It was a fit Special and not a factory fit special one that he had modified from Clyde Barrow from the Barrel Gang Bonnie and Clyde. We've had a public enemy number one who is at Floyd Hamilton. He was a part of our gang. He helped in the in the Big Bust when they broke four people out.

Of jail, Pretty boy Floyd.

Yeah, well no, that's a that's a different with with Floyd Hamilton part of the Barrel Gang. We have had a gun tied to pretty Boy Floyd in a separate, separate Tommy Gun related story.

But the big one and I like Bob Dalton, you know, leader.

Of the Dalton Gang, and uh of course leads the failed Coffee Bill raid. But before the raid they ordered ten colts, fancy colts, pearl handled, engraved, case hardened like beautiful guns. And they ordered these ten guns for the gang to do this, you know, double bank robbery in one day. And we have Privilegius sell on one of those class amazing.

All right, now, the guns we're about to see will be available at the Rock Island Auction happening May second through May fourth. All right, Joel, what do you have to show us?

Well, first and foremost brought something for the for the mountain men, something for the long hunters. This would be a hawk and rifle. Now, a lot of them it's you know, quintessential American frontier sort of rifle. A lot of them get the name of hawk and Rifle. This one is actually made by Hawkin, Daniel Hawkin. They begin producing guns around eighteen fifteen. We know this one gates from about the eighteen fifties because Jacob Guyes Batamuel keeps making guns and it's marked with his store in that they founded in Saint Louis. But it just has his name, So just a quintessential piece of America. This one's the full stock. A lot of times the half stocks were more popular despite being more expensive to produce, because they were a little more labor intensive, So you don't see the full stocks as often.

But boy, just just.

What a piece from that, you know, from the mountain man era, from this fur trading era, whether you're a pioneer explorer, et cetera.

What that might ring overwell with some of the fellers.

Yeah, what do you think that gun is going to sell for?

Well, we have an estimate, I believe on a genuine Hawken sixty five to ninety five thousand.


Okay, what's interested in that price?

Yeah? What's what's the bor on that?


Sorry, you know the apologies and Jeremiah Johnson, this one's fifty four gallony.

Aah. Yeah, I was gonna say, I know a guy who might be interested.

And Randall, did that gun show all up show up a lot in your coverage of mountain men?

Yeah, I mean, the the Hawken is the gun that's most commonly associated with that era, and it's obviously it's like probably the most iconic firearms since the Kentucky long Rifle. What what's interesting in our research is that there's a few, like very high pro file individuals that had genuine Hawkins. But you know Jazz, Jim Bridger, oh, what's his.

Name, Hugh Glass, Kit Carson famously of course.

Yep, and and but you know a lot of your sort of day to day boots on the ground mountain men were getting by with cheaper guns, you know, but those those the Hawking is like the legendary piece from that time.

All right, Joel, what gun do you have next for us?

Well, I know it's been something for the buffalo hunters in the group. I had a Sharp's last time. This one's got a couple special different tweaks to it's Sharp's model eighteen seventy four business model. This one ship's actually in eighteen seventy eight. So that prime like huge commercial bison hunting era, you know out there in Montana and big Sky country or territory. I guess I should say this is one a very few shipped. Tech the president of Sharps at the time, so it's a it's a rare gun. There's all the business models like sixteen hundred made, so it's a classic gun definitely associated with the with the bison hunting at the time in the commercial hunting rare one because of that ship to the president of the company. But more than that, this gun has won some awards because of the accessories that it comes with. It has maintained all these years, not just as kind of a rare and desirable firearm, but it comes with the full sort of buffalo hunting kit. There's that rifles case in a case entirely coded with bison fur. It comes with the full skinning kit from the field. Oh wow, in bison for and just like not every shape, every size. There's things in here that I mean, I think look like they're going to be for for woodworking. This was one, but you know it's for sure these things can get drawn and back to market.

Now what that makes that the business model? And like what sets it apart from just a regular one of.

Those caliber configuration is so they're set with a I think it's a twenty eight inch barrel round barrel, although there are a lot of varieties seen during that time. It's also produced during a pretty narrow window, so it's it's I don't want to say it's a collector designation because it was absolutely an original designation from Sharps for how they chose to sell it, but basically a configuration again aimed at sort of that big market you see, where people wanted accurate guns, reliable guns that could put a lot of firepower on big animals like an American bison.

And what do you think that gun is going to sell for?

I have to write them all down.

That one we have estimated actually with all those like original period accessories fifteen to twenty five thousand, okay, cheap.

Fors with some extra goodies.

No, I hate to be I hate to repeat my question, familiarer. What's that one chambered in? Is that a fifty? Is that the big fifty?


It's a forty five? Gotcha?

Very great classic yep, and again shipped in eighteen seventy eight, so it's right in that window.

Now are you working on the Buffalo Hide Hunter's book right now?

Is this is yeah? Gun?

Very famous in your research?

Oh yeah, yeah. The Sharps. I mean again, like the Sharps. If you associate one firearm with that era and that particular hunt, it's the Sharps and legendary for shooting animals at distance and putting a big wall up on them.

And what is the third gun you have with you today, Joel.

Well, third one is actually one that's gonna kind of one of the headliners of the auction. This is a Winchester eighteen model eighteen seventy three, one of one thousand that was actually one of three made for the film Winchester seventy three starring Jimmy Stewart.

That's that gun is a piece of art. He is holding. Now, how old is this gun? And what do you think that'll sell for? Is it from eighteen seventy three?

Nope, So that's just a model designation.

There were some original one to one thousands made, like eighteen, mostly from eighteen seventy five to eighteen ninety three. This one was manufactured by the company some years later, specifically to be proper for the movie. It's an original manufacturer though right at the right at the turn of the century.

That's it.

It is because of its significance to gun collecting, I mean, the movie, the campaign, the gun itself like changes fine arms collecting in the United States forever. It's not like the sole catalyst for it. But to say it's not a major player would would be a mistake. This's see what is the estimate on that's about three one hundred seventy five to three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars.


Wow, So based up there right with you know, original rare one of one thousand Winchesters like these holy grails, these crown jewels of fine arms collecting. And here you have the one that's that's on screen. You can look at the buttstock. There's the plaque on the butt stock that starts the whole movie, and actually this is that rifle. There's you know, we have plenty of paperwork coming with this to show that when that movie opens, this is the rifle that you see.

Beautiful, that's amazing. Now, I'm not a huge lever gun guy. I sort of know the origin story and the early models, and then I'm familiar with what's available to the shooter today. But could you tell us a little bit about where the seventy three fits in with sort of the development of that technology.

Yeah. Absolutely, So.

Of course you have a lot of lever actions dating to the mid nineteenth century. Of course, the most famous one as the patents are bought up, is the Henry rifle that's pre Winchester that's New Haven Arms during the Civil War era eighteen sixty sixty five.

Winchester of course buys these patents.

A little bit of a drama there with Benjamin Tyler Henry starts his own company winch Oliver Winchester, a shirt maker from New York, comes out with the Winchester sixty six using a lot of those Benjamin Tyler Henry pattens. His next rifle that he makes is the eighth is the model eighteen seventy three.

And what do you mean, Joel By, what do you mean when you say this gun changed gun collecting?

So the movie, I mean they're famous for being the rare guns, you know, these holy grails. There's only of the original Winchester one to one thousands. There's like one hundred and thirty two ever made, and of course just under half of those are known to exist today. They're extremely rare, deluxe guns made for a narrow window of time. People love these with the move and they're kind of forgotten about. There's a period of time in the twenties even into the forties where there's some curiosity about them by known by people who know find a collector of firearms, but they're not the famous guns.

That we know today.

Well, the movie comes out in nineteen fifty and when the movie comes out, there's a huge publicity campaign and this is done kind of headed by Steve Depperman, who runs an agency in New York and he's a name collector should know because his campaign is looking for the original Winchester one on one thousands. They launched this huge campaign, tens of thousands of posters, not even domestically but also internationally. They're in gun stores, they're in Winchester dealerships looking for Winchester one to one thousand rifles, and they don't want them.

They're not taking them. They're like, we're just trying to document them all and.

If you have one, if you have a Winchester eighteen seventy three one to one thousand, we'll send you a Winchester eighteen ninety.

Four deer rifle brand new.

A lot of people are submitting submitting these, But what it really did, how it changed gun collecting, is it's introducing people to the concept of rare and desirable firearms. Gotcha that those firearms are worth money, that those are valuable. It's teaching them how to identify them, and it's got them like people actively searching for them, like it's for quin essential gun collector behaviors, and it's just launching this on a on a fairly unprecedented scale. And then we call the fifties sort of this golden age of gun collecting or of fine arms collecting. And it's largely due to impart this massive influx of people who are now looking for rare, desirable guns, of course, starting with the Winchester eighteen seventy three one to one thousands. But you know, eventually, you know, colt single action armies are being collected, civil war arms, revolutionary war arms.

It's just it's it's varied, of course, is whatever people have an interest in.

And if Randall is interested in one of these guns, how does he make a bid?

We of course you'd call us. We'll have the catalog up probably early April or maybe late March. Here the way we're moving, which is good news. You can hop on the line. There's all the pictures, the full descriptions, calibers, any other questions people might have, and it's as easy as clicking on the website, but of course people want to come do it in person. These are these big auctions are premier auctions, they're live events. We built a new facil oh just about year and a half ago in Bedford, Texas and it is absolutely outstanding. So come see him in person, put him in your hands before you place a bid.

You can do that.

Yeah, don't try to make a heist because they're watching you closely. All right, We're gonna check in with you later this year to see what other cool guns you have at the auction house. Already looking forward to that interview. Thanks for joining us, Joel Deger, Thanks very much.

You have a real good one, you.

Too, all right. That brings us to the end of this week's show. Phil, let's get some final feedback from the chat.

Yeah. Steven asks Spencer any chance he'll be rock hounding on your trip to Lake Superior. I would love to see a colloud with agate Dad. I don't know who agod Dad is, but I maybe I'm assuming you do, but I don't know if you do or not.

I do not know who Agadad is. I follow a handful of rock hounding influencers, most of them in the West, but yes, I do plan to rock hound on that trip. I'd love to find a Superior ag. I have a few, but they're ones that I have traded for, so I don't have any that I have myself found, which makes them a little more special. So I'm going to attempt to find one on that trip. I also have my UV flashlight with me, and walking these shores of Lake Superior is a great place to bust one of those out to find some unique rocks. So I'm gonna try to do it.


Right on, I want to give a shout out to Sarah, who didn't cheat and was the closest for that dear prop. She gets twenty five hundred, which which I think was the closest, even though I think the price was what almost five forty people. People were really low balling that one. Truly, you guys can get as deep into this as you want to. But Jack's he says, I was inspired to pursue a degree in range management by you all. Any words of encouragement or advice for someone looking into this career with the current political situation, what do you got, Randall.

Man, I would just say keep the faith. You know, we're in a very strange moment right now, but there's always going to be need for people to watch out for our soils and our vegetation and all that habitat out there. And yeah, I don't know that I would make any rash decisions at the moment, as other rash decisions are being made by the powers that be, So keep the faith, Jack, and I appreciate your I appreciate your chosen career path there.

Jack, I went to school for biology, ecology, and evolution. I'm not using that degree today. And if you don't use your range management degree either, I don't think you would regret going to college for that. You'll be exposed to a lot of fun, interesting things that any outdoorsman would like to know. So good luck, jack Well.

Said Harrison asked question for the crew, what do you think of Western states moving to having people purchase a tag to shed hunt and should Montana follow suit?

Thanks? Well hereson, I would say I typically trust the folks making those decisions. If they think you need a tag to either track how many people are doing it or to limit the amount of folks that are like pushing around animals during a very vulnerable time, I'm okay with it. I also don't know those tag prices, but I assume it's less than thirty thirty bucks. As outdoorsmen, we spend a lot of dumb money on a lot of dumb things. That thirty dollars tag, which is probably on the expensive side of what these Western states are charging, is money well spent. What do you guys think?

Yeah, I think it's an activity that, when done I guess carelessly, has a pretty significant impact on the resource. And I would support our wildlife managers having all the information that they can to sort of understand better what that impact is and what steps we can take to make it more wildlife friendly because again, deer elk getting pushed around when winter range is a serious source of mortality.

And I think like shed hunting in the West is probably more popular now than it's ever been.

Yeah, And it's one of those things like on a limited basis it might not have a huge impact, but as it's grown in popularity, it certainly is making its it's you know, impact on the resource.

Corey, when you were in your shed hunting heyday, would you scoff at a thirty dollars license if you needed to buy one to do that?

No, No, I wouldn't. I'd pay that in a heartbeat Yeah, just I think along the lines of what you mentioned, I think anything that becomes a little overcrowded or overpopular has to be regulated somehow.

And yeah, but I will say probably the worst defenders are the guys that are going to go out and not buy the tag, right Yeah. Yeah, people like the people that are the people that are kind of renegade shed hunters and like chasing down bowls and stuff. They're probably not going to follow the rules. So it's a double edged sword. I think always like supporting our agencies and providing them with information and data is a good thing.


I don't think they're out to get you when they make you buy one of these licenses to go shut on, So I just trust that they're doing it for the good of the critters and the good of the resource.


I don't think Montana's anywhere near having one, but I'm sure at some point it will happen.


What else, yet, Let's.

Do one more? This is probably the most important one. Kevin asks what new hair product is Randall using.

Oh, I believe it's called spit. Yeah, a little water little comb. I did get a I don't even know what you call it. It's like a little tub of stuff. I think it's made by Old spice. But they have like five different words for things you put in your hair. Now you know, there's gels, there's bombs. Yes, I don't know. I don't know. I had to do something. I had to do something because otherwise it's just you know.

Did we get an answer there as to what you're putting in your hair old spice? Okay, there you go.

All right.

That brings us to the end of the show. Thanks for watching, Thanks for listening. We'll see you back here in a week.

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