Is Education the Answer to Breaking Government Control? | Maj Toure

Published Oct 24, 2024, 3:25 AM

 In this episode, I sit down with Maj Toure, leader of Black Guns Matter and a prominent libertarian activist. We discuss how guns are often portrayed as evil, why we seem stuck in a cycle of unsolved problems, and the power of influencing people rather than controlling them. Maj also shares why he believes education is more powerful than legislation when it comes to creating lasting change. 

There is a concentrated effort to make sure that most Americans look at firearms as evil and anyone that owns utilizes is in support of the Second Amendment. Those people are not patriots or red blooded Americans. Those people are like the racists that absolutely need to be put off the face of the planet.

The solutionary life, yeah, because we should be talking about solutions and the problems all the time.

When our lifestyle should be solutionary.

Yeah, this is the problem.

Let's throw different things that could solve this at it. Get that actual solution. Hey, guys, we don't ever have to talk about this again. If we are still talking about the importance of the Second Amendment and then we already have a blueprint, we are having a problem.

We're revolving around this conversation, right, you know.

And so that is that overall thing of you know what a solutionary is. We see that problem, get them solutions.

Let's move forward, and you want to be an example for the So it's like more influence, Yeah, not power.

I can't run your life.

I mean I could coach you in certain areas, like you're trying and get ripped, bro, Like you want to change your diath. I like, there's too many X factors in your life that I'm not aware of.

Of that context.

I've experienced that most of the people that don't have no discipline don't never have no freedom.

Freedom comes from the discipline, right, Yeah. You know, do you think if you educated more around that, then it sort of again takes that curiosity away, teaches people to respect them more and.

Things like that. The education always beats the legislation having firearms and informing them the thought process of demystifying this firearm, because now I want her brain to understand it. Like a cell phone, it's the same, it's a tool.

Yeah. Yeah, Kobe, Kobe was a beast. I referenced him a bunch. My daughter started playing tennis, and you know, trying to get her to go put the work in and practice. She thinks she's working so hard. I'm working harder than the other kids. And I said, but they've been playing longer than you, Like you're trying to close the gap. But like Kobe would talk about how he would play, you know what, three four hours earlier every day before. But he did that so he could get better than everybody. But then he didn't stop, right, because he had to stay ahead of everybody. He was a beast. So using that sort of advice from Kobe sort of like not win or lose, Like it's just I'm focused on playing the game in the flow state, Like how would do you take that? You personally take that to that? How do you use that? And what game are you playing?

Initially I thought I was playing a firearms and Second Amendment game. But you know, you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans type of thing, right, It's really more about this overall concept of this thing that we've called the solutionary lifestyle. We have a community center in Philly right where we obviously we do firearms training free to everybody, voluntary donations.

We do it, blah blah blah blah blah.

But then it just leads you to different paths. So you'll go, Okay, I can teach him.

Part of the transcendence, right right, Yeah, and you.

Go, all right, I told this person how to put holes in bad people. Cool, there is a chance that the hole may be in a good person. Now we got to teach them how to stop the bleed. Now we're talking about blood, we're talking about heart rate, we're talking about tying a tourniquet. Now we're talking about firearms, we're talking about avoiding conflict. You're talking about all of these different things that you thought you were coming into this from a Second Amendment and firearms perspective.

We're all now at like, hey, are you in shape?

Can you run away from a scenario so you don't have to put holes in people or plug upholes? So now it's turning into this other thing where that you think you're doing this, but it's leaning you in a direction of this, and I'm just like kind of let go like fundraising, Like our model initially was fundraising, right, we raised the money, we give it away. We raised about seven hundred thousand dollars to do these classes for free. We raise it, we give it away, we get the content, We do all these different things. We obviously created the T shirt component after that to have you know.

Because it's voluntarily, but the shirts shirts.

Point being is during the fundraising phase, especially after you've had some success, there's a different level of plateau. It's like, well, you're on shows, people know you, you probably don't need our support, and then you go, this is difficult. And when that difficulty happens. Then you turn around and go, all right, why am I stressing about this? I'm doing good work, I'm doing this, I'm doing that. But that problem then becomes an answer within it. Well, it's because you're not expanding and going in this direction. So for me, it just became like letting go and going we have to have a holistic approach to the issues that are in our communities, mostly urban because that's where I do most of our work. We got to have this holistic approach that's not just firearms related, not saying that the firearm and a Second Amendment component is not important or we're anti at this point, it's just what are the other things that add value in that list of human those areas of human activity. And I've noticed over the last year or two, like I've been learning how to grow food. I moved to Miami for like two months and I was just on my homies farm and just growing food because okay, cool, you can defend stuff, you can patch people up. Can you feed like literally feed yourself from the ground, And so that part of me just letting go and accepting. I know that there's tyranny, but I also know that all historically all tyrants have fallen, like all of them. May take a while, yeah, but sometimes too long, sometimes too long, but it just becomes like, yo, are you being the most well rounded and holistic version of this being to be able to be an example for other people that whichever lane they are drawn to you by. Oh you minda like your gym content? Alright, cool, that's gym content. But what's your heart rate? Like?

What did you eat today? How much water did you drink?

You know, And so just letting everybody, just letting go whatever way that this personal group of people shows up in your life, taking them on the other parts of the journey. But that means you have to be as equally well rounded and inconsistent with that well rounded approach. And that's really where I'm at with this solutionary lifestyle brand because black guns matter. You know, it's been super helpful. I mean we're cited in the Bruin decision, you know what I mean.

So that's one area.

But just letting go and not making your identity only be this thing that because you are way more well rounded than the.

One thing that you're initially known for, yeah, you should be eventually, And that's the transcendence part, right, and instant to your point, it's not that guns aren't important. They don't matter, but you realize that it's one small piece of a much bigger puzzle at the end of the day. Right, So it's like, okay, work on that, but then let's go take care of these other things. Right. So the solutionary life, Yeah, that's your thing. I want to find out more about that. I like the name of it, yeah, because we should be talking about solutions and the problems all the time.

When we started it, the fund part of me for cutting you. Everybody was saying, what you're doing is so revel solutionary, and I got an etymological dictionary. I'm not revolve just means we're just doing this and I don't you know. And on a physical component, revolutions, you know, oh man, it's like the Panthers. It's like the Founding Fathers is kind of like that, and it's like your revolutions can get bloody. So I don't want to initially associated with that, not just because I'm not.

Capable of prepared, but it's like, yo, I get you, but our interest is not to revolve around this same issue. That's the problem. Most people just revolve around the problem.

So we were like, yo, we want to our lifestyle should be solutionary. This is the problem. Let's throw different things that could solve this at it. Get that actual solution. Hey, guys, we don't ever have to talk about this again if we are still talking about the importance of the Second Amendment. I think we're two hundred and forty eight.

Years in in America and then we already have a blueprint. We are having a problem.

We're revolving around this conversation, you know, and so that is that overall thing of you know what a solutionary is. We see that, get them solutions.

Let's move forward. Yeah, the one thing back to revolutions, they're they're bloody, and that's not good. And I think, I mean, this may be going off track a little bit, but like it's almost and maybe this is part of what a conservative would be would be like if we could just conserve that constitution. So it's not we don't want to revolt against that. Almost you would say the lefts are trying to have a revolution against that. We would want to preserve that, not have a revolution against that. With every way you look.

At it they yes, And the why is, you know, more so sometimes than what the why do they think that they need to revolt against this constitutional thing? I've noticed most of the people public servants allegedly right, they've never read the Constitution. They've never understood why at the articles of this? Why then the convening in Philadelphia twice?

Why these things?

So they don't understand context that makes them go, oh, well, this isn't that important again.

Me in high school, I used to skip school.

And go down to Independence Hall and take tours. I would listen to, you know, all of the tour guys have conversations about like Ben Franklin's print.

Shop is there?


This all of this history in Philadelphia.

And I would go back to my neighborhood or even my teachers and be like, Yo, what are we not going to talk about this? This in the social studies class? And you know, the teachers used to be like, where are you getting this from? And that always stuck with me.

Why do you know that?

Right? Right? And I'm just like, man, this is kind of like a concentrated effort to make sure that you know, remember that movie to Truman show, Yeah, well he just started to recognize like, is this are y'all like fucking with me?


And so I've recognized through that the initial high school era of me going to go study different things and I'm not supposed to. They didn't know. My teachers didn't know they had a degree in a school that was like, hey, just go teach in this area and we'll give you, you know, we'll cut some off for your student loans. They weren't passionate about the thing that they were teaching. To translate it to me, and I'm just nerd out because i done sold all of my out whatever and I'm going down to downtown and Yo, this's Liberty bell have y'all from the movie The Rocky Thing, The Steps. Yo, this is like stuff. And you know, people take for granted those things. So my point saying that is they rebel against it or revolt against it because they never understood it. They didn't get the why and the what behind it, so that context was totally missing. And then when you look at the thing that is highlighted, America has a complicated history. I'm a black dude. I know that there's been complicated history in its layer. I do think that most Americans are trying to aspire to go in a different but narratives in media are very powerful. So if we don't know this context here, we don't know the why and the what was actually going on, then media goes yo, it's because everything one percent all the time.

Was racist and there is no great area.

It's easy for them to say, hey, maybe we should revolt against this if I don't look at it objectively from their perspective to understand like, oh, you're kind of like a dumb baby, you don't know right, Not saying that I'm gonna acquiesce to their dumb babiness. I'm just gonna go, oh, you just don't get it. It actually gives me a better tool to engage that community because I know that that's an education and application issue. You don't know, so you can't apply it. So then I just show up and just start teaching people stuff. So with black guns Matter, I'm gonna I know, y'all vote this way?


All right, this is an educational opportunity when I show you, hey, the Second Amendment. You know, if you if media said everything is racist, that they tell you that gun control was a nigga, what I'm like, Yeah, yeah. It was the first federal gun grab, the massacre at Wounded Knee. Hey, you know Plymouth for Virginia, those colonies were like, absolutely not. No black people can have guns, absolutely not. And this predates the constitution that we're.

Now and now.

And so when you give that information, I'll go, yeah, man. So if you don't like the system, I get it. I'm not going to argue with you. But would you want only that system that made rules and regulations that you or the people that you say you're fighting for.

You're an ally whatever you call yourself.

Right, would you want the people that you say you're fighting for to be victimized by the government because they're not exercising their constitutional rights?

Does that really make you an ally?

And so that educational component, from a non adversarial perspective is how we were able to be very, very successful. Because I'm bro, you don't want a gun, cool, I'm not tripping, just like I'm gonna respect your rights to not have one. Yo, we both Americans. If you want one later, I'm here for you. We'll give you a class, but please respect my right to be like, nah, I kind of just want one. And so the empathy component based on knowing that they don't know, and then going like a cool, they not my adversary. There's always an unseen hand, you know, the money, like what people think is money.

Yeah, you know what I'm saying, It is money, yeah, right, you know, so I and now it's so much bigger than that. So the guns piece was a small piece, and so I want to get to the bigger piece. Obviously your shirt right there. Freedom above everything, I'm guessing that's what that means. Freedom over every freedom over everything. But but just sticking on the guns for a second. I grew up in Texas. My grandfather was a big hunter and my uncle was a hunter, and so I grew up as a young kid shooting guns. Yeah. And you know, I would hear even when I was a kid that you know, we didn't have mass shootings back then, we didn't have There was no such thing as school shootings. And in Texas, like people drove to school guns in their car. They took guns to school, right, and we didn't have them. And that's a whole other conversation. But I uh, but there were like accidental shootings. Yeah, And so like kids would be curious and they'd go play with their parents' guns and accidentally shoot themselves. And I just thought that me growing up around them, there was no curiosity. I knew exactly what they were. I was trained to handle them properly. I was trained to respect them probably, and so there's never any curiosity like, oh, let me go check it out with let me and I can remember specifically being at a friend's house and they did want to pull the gun out, and I was like new enough to be like not be around right anyway. So I'm just curious to your point of wanting to kind of bring that education, is it? Is it maybe part of that? I mean, obviously guns are a problem across, you know, everywhere, and now to the point shootings are getting more and more. Do you think if you educated more around that, then it sort of again takes that curiosity away, teaches people to respect them more, and things like that.

The education always beats to legislation all the time. In the nineties, we had problems with teen pregnancy. Tupop Branda's got a baby, right. They didn't go, hey, if we catch you young kids having sex, we're gonna put you in jail.

Legislators write it up. That's not what they did.

They were like, hey, we we have this sex education, like actual education, not like this weird shit that's going on right now. That's another job, right But they just said, hey, parents, do you want to sign off on this and.

We'll teach you about the reproductive system? And da da da da.

Da, And almost like within a couple of years, like the teen pregnancy conversation didn't exist anymore. There was no legislation. It was just we're going to inform people to your point. Yes, as we continue to inform more people about the safe. My daughter she's eight, she has a firearm in her room in a safe that we.

Is my beep vaultech.

But the process of what this is and having firearms and informing them to the thought process of demystifying this firearm because now I want her brain to understand it like a cell phone, it's the same. It's a tool. And so the problem is there has been a concentrated effort to make sure that demographics across America, even if it initially started in black communities, there is a concentrated effort to make sure that most Americans look at firearms as evil, look at them as this tool is going to turn you into a mass shooter, and anyone that owns utilizes is in support of the Second Amendment. Those people are not patriots or red blooded Americans. Those people are like the racists that absolutely need to be put off the face of the planet. That what they're doing is a good villain move. Like if I was a super villain, I would do it too, because they know how to educate through propaganda. We don't use the propaganda that we have on the side of right and righteousness and justice and constitutionality and human rights. We just don't play the media game the way that the left does. I mean they got good at it. Talk about Kobe Bryant. They have to put the reps in because they don't have substance, so they have to be I gotta consistently lie to you, and I get better at lying to you. So understand it that the key is to inform the people not only about the safe and responsible firearms handling, but also inform the people about this is the propaganda machine and this is why they're trying to trick you, you know. And that part is I'm a point guard and I'm a translator. I can make very complicated things seem very very simple, and there's still complex, but you can explain them simply, and when we can effectively do that, then we get some progress. As hands down, the reason why we had so much successful Black Lives Matter, I just was in those areas, explained it simply challenged their ideas, respected them as humans, and said, yo, we're not enemies.

You know. Yeah, I'm curious your take on this, because again, freedom over everything, and you think about the Second Amendment. You talked about people not understanding what the Constitution was about, et cetera. And then they're referencing they are the leaders the left, whatever you call them, right, I guess that's what you're referring to.

I see that.

Yes, I agree they're lying their gas lighting, et cetera. And a lot of what they do is they change definitions and they change definitions and so like we're actually talking about two different things, but we think we're talking about the same thing. And sometimes I feel like they change the definitions because then they can win that argument. And so back to the Second Amendment. Right now, you've referenced so many times about being able to protect yourself, protect yourself, protect yourself, and I feel that's one way that they're trying to change the definition because they could win that. So the second Amendment, I don't believe was about self defense. It was about protecting against tearing. And so they if they say, well, you don't, you don't need, you don't need, you don't need self defense if nobody has guns, then you don't need to defend yourself and the police have guns and the police will have your back, you don't, And then they could win that argument. But how do they win an argument that says no, we need it for tiering. And so I'm curious your takes.

So both both arguments. So I get hit with both, and I have an answer for each side when the person because again my job is to try to change their thought process a little bit. I can't, but I can at least destroy your arguments with logic, So I usually hit them with a socratic method when it goes there. So if that person is more left leaning, and they if I know that, they're like the entire system is racist, and I go, okay, cool, I'm not going to argue against you. I'll go cool, I just didn't know that you were so pro government, And they'll go, well, I'm not pro government, and I don't know. Well, you trust the government to defend you, and you trust that the government won't do the wrong thing. And they're like, no, I don't believe that. I'm like, well yeah, and then I start naming the names of the people that I know you're in alignment with.

I don't. My job is to not make you argue.

Whether, let's say, George Floyd is right or wrong as a human. I think he did shitty things part of my language, but I'm not going to argue that point to that person. I just go, well, man, you want the same government that you say is fully racist that choked George Floyd to death. You want them to be the only people that has firearms. That's a lot of trust in that g government. So I don't argue against them. I just make them think more things. Now, as as far as it relates to tyranny, they'll they're very inconsistent, whether intentionally or like being manipulative. So if they go, oh, if you say.

Tyranny, they go, well, what do you mean the government wouldn't do that?

And then I go, oh, but again, this system is racist and everybody's racist, so would that be And I'm like, listen, even if they happen to be black, Well, if the system racist and he's black cop and he works for the system, you a white dude, man, he might be racist toward you. So wouldn't you want to have a way of defending yourself against that type of tyranny. Every argument that they have, if not met with ad aggression, is met with like on some low key like redirection and challenging to their thought process.

Those are the ways.

That I get that person to concede. And if they say, well, if it's not about personal protection, it's about tyranny, I go that way. If they say it's not about tyranny, it's about personal protection, I go that way. The bottom line is I have to let them see that they're talking for the same government or the same system that they would be in opposition to. And when I can help them put that light bulb on by inception, then they'll leave. Even if they don't agree with me in the conversation. Right there, that inception's already that is, that idea is in your brain.

It's going to keep growing, and so.

Both arguments is what they'll do to be intellectually intellectually inconsistent you just have to have one already tied up and again reps.

I've done this a jillion times. So when they say, yo.

You know in the Constitution they didn't mean black people, and I go, well, they didn't mention race at all in the Constitution anywhere, and the declaration says the opposite.

Right, all right, So this is always always right.

But ninety percent of the time, and my lived anecdotal, lived experience, it is very much so an issue of education and application. If you meet me at the point where I can inform you and educate you later on, I don't need credit for it.

You're going to start applying it later.

Because something will happen and you'll I'll give you perfect example. I'm a libertarian, but I clearly cannot vote for Joe Biden, like duh, like, regardless of whatever.

Ideology wise or because he's a walking vegetable both.

Like how can you be the walking vegetable that also has horrible ideology? Right, he's checking all the hell no boxes.

I just I'm like a man, like whatever. Twenty five percent of people still think he should be running, and I'm just like, you shouldn't be allowed to vote, not because ideology you want communism cool, but like he's clearly a vegetable, right, So.

I think that I'm critical of Trump in certain areas. Now, I'm definitely not gonna pick Biden over Trump, just like anything hotel, international travel, Like, it's nothing that I'm gonna pick it more. But I'm critical of Trump and that level of criticalness that person that I'm talking to that may be hardcore Trump in that moment. My job is not to highlight just for Trump because I'm so because Biden's so bad. My job is to showcase which politicians and public servants are firing on all cylinders or most cylinders as it relates to the Constitution. So I just stay in the objective space. So if when I'm critical of Trump and I say, yo, he had that sentence, man, I don't trust that sentence. You know, take the gun's first due process later, I'm afraid of that sentence. Not to challenge the person that may be identifying as a Trump supporter or right of center, it's for me to go, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, all of the politicians need to be held to the standard, especially in a federal level, more specifically to this standard of this Constitution, because our founders to this nation weren't about like yeah red versus Blue, actually were like.

Yo, don't do party systems, you know.

And so that level of objectivity, just because I'm dunking on the left because they've given us so much material all of the time, doesn't mean that we don't keep that same energy because this is about the people. It's not about allowed media or very very powerful people. Oh you need a hero, Oh, we'll supply him for you. And it may not be in alignment with what you think it is, but he just looks like the lesser of two evils. And again I'm not advocating that Trump is that. I'm just saying our job, our highest alignment is to that truth and the Constitution, in my humble opinion, maybe up against the forty two laws of my aunt, but the Constitution is a document that I'm just like that system of checks and balances. It pun intended, it really checks out, you know, And so getting people to inform that way as opposed to letting them box you. You know, if I talk about the racist history of gun control, because I said, the word racist is going to be oh, he must be a leftist, right and then when I go, now, that's not what Trump said. He didn't say it's fine people on both sides, and that was it. Like our job is to be almost like our men and women are on their own islands, and the island is freedom in the constitution. So you can't get trapped by this binary that's what's killing us. There's no context, no great area, no nuance.

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Number one, everything has a cost benefit, right, and then the nuancet's in that as well. And even kind of going back to Trump being critical, I don't think there's anybody maybe short of Jesus, but anybody that you would want to be one hundred percent for, right, Like, everybody makes mistakes and everybodys bad things, and so it's like, hey, I mostly like him, Like I think Elon Musk has done some amazing things. There are things that I'm pretty skeptical about, right.

Right, And so I think you know, you know who's the closest though, the closest politician. He is a friend of mine, so full full disclosure, Yes, yes, Tom Massey one, he's a boss.


It's like I'm like, dude, like, is.

That because he took that family photo, the Christmas photo and they're all strapped out everything.

The first time I'm me at Thomas Messey it was years ago.

It was at the.

It was at the ten year anniversary for DC versus Heller and we're out in front of the Supreme Court and were chopping it up, and I'm like the Constitution and really really good public servants and his stories from historical and all of that. I'm like a nerd for that, and I'm like, this is the dude. This is that dude to me. And so we used to chop it up. And when I ran for city council, he graciously came and like helped fundraise for me, right, Yeah, And he gave this glare because we would chop it up on social media and we would call and talk here and I would go over to his office and little things like that, and he gave me the most. And that's not why he's like my guy in my head. He's just very very principled.


And that statement of if I need to be on the island and everybody's gonna be mad at me because I'm maintaining this constitutional principle, I think he and Ran Paul, and obviously Ron Paul exhibited and exemplified that.

And I asked him yesterday.

I was like, yo, bro, how how how were you not able to get swampy? You know? And because I felt that that when I was younger. I mean I was I was younger, but like your environment is like a major catalyst, maybe even the most dominant catalyst for your stuff, other than maybe your habits. Right, But like that, those things and those principles and those types of dudes, I don't think they come around very often when they're at that level of public awareness.

And like, you know, and huge outs to him.

He's obviously had a devastating lass love and light to his his family, but.

I just that that he's here even after that.

These are the things that like I honor as like solid dudes. Right, and he's never Also he's a genius by the way, you know, so.

Right, you know, going back to something you said earlier, you said something about being an example for others. Yeah, so you know you talked about starting with a small piece, the gun piece, but now it's grown into a bigger thing. Solutionary. I love that, right, Let's focus on solutions not problems. It doesn't do a lot of good to continually rehash the past, right, Like, let's build towards solutions or whatever. But anyway, going back to this, like be an example for others, Yeah, and that sort of you know, put the mask on yourself before you help your neighbor kind of thing, right, But I think it's also you know where you know, someone asked me a while ago, like how do you know you're on the right side? And I had to think about that one for a while, and I said, because I believe in like live and let live like you go do you? But they want to tell me what to do, right, And that's the problem. So going back to that, right, they want the power over you, and you want to be an example for this. So it's like more influence, yeah, not power.

Yeah, I'm not interested. This is around Paulline. I don't care.

Like I can't run your life.

I mean I could coach you in certain areas, like you're trying to get ripped bro, like you want to change your diet, but like I have no, there's too many X factors in your life that I'm not aware of. Of that context, the influence is really more so just like okay, here's blueprints, Like it's certain things that if you exercise financial, social, cultural, dietary discipline, these will be the outcomes by and large the.

Problems that's money, relationships, and health. Yeah, it just happens to be those things.

Right, there's like you gotta go out of your way to really mess up that formula for that formula to not work. I just want to influence people for the formulas and the blueprints that work. Like you know, I just finished reading Dallio's book again Principles, And Okay, this makes sense because I remember selling this. Oh I suck at this da da da da, and you know what I mean those loops and so these are blueprints. And if you have a constitution, you have a here of the basic rules of firearm safety.

Here's a if you don't drink soda every day.

Right, these are the things that I just want to influence you to do those things. Now I can't make you, and I could, but you'd have to like pay me tuition because I'd have to really really be on top of you. I don't think that the general public would not implement those things if they weren't like consistently being told to just eat the sugary stuff, to just like don't learn anything, Like the scab will heal if you stop picking at it. There are entities, and I'm leaning more towards that this may be more even spiritual, because I don't know a better word for it. There are entities that are one hundred percent going to try to make you keep picking at the scab as opposed to let's just leave them alone and they heal. The influence on my part is to just make people do things that are gonna just like heal and then grow from that healing and by leading by example and leading by that example and just going to like, you know, we got a solutionary group where we just chop it up. Y'all wake up at three point thirty every morning, Like I'm I work out, I'm going to drink a minimum.

Of a half of gallon of water every single day.

I'm not gonna like.

Drink sugary stuff all of the time.

And I keep going back to sugar because it's like six times addictive. It's cocaine.

Yeah, it's horrible.

So there are people or entities and energies that are like, no, just drink the soda and water's horrible. It has no taste, Like there are people doing it, and so that influence in being that example, people will follow it much more. I can tell you what to do, but if like we in the gym together and I'm pushing you through them reps.

We end this dog fight together, and I think that is.

More leader than boss, like the boss energy is like, eh, I'm not a fan of it, you know. I'm more of the energy of now. Obviously, it's chain of command and things got to get done. But I'm just a fan of like, yo, just do it by example. I got to be at the booth overhead moving shirts. I have to walk around with the brand. I have to show good economic and spiritual discipline. I have to do those things otherwise you become you are the intellectual inconsistency.

You're it, You're literally Yeah.

We'll think about how we opened up this conversation talking about Kobe Yeah, and being influenced by his work ethic right. He lived it, yeah, harder than any of us could ever live it. But that influences us. It motivates us if you will, to like go do that. We saw the work he put in and the results he had, and you're like, well, I guess I could work harder and better results. I'm curious. Two different things we'll talk about. We can addressing one at time. But we have a massive increase in crime across the country, and that's in California with theft under one thousand dollars all the way to you know, shootings, right, so all kinds of crime at the same time, we have a rise, like a rapid seems like increasing crime happening in the United States. Down in El Salvador, they went from the most dangerous nation in the world to the safest nation in the world. So we're seeing like maybe you know, the rule of law, like the United States, this foundation of freedom, becoming the most dangerous place, and then we have the most dangerous place become in the most safest place. I'm curious your thoughts on that.

The money, the changes in like culture, the money, the propaganda. If I can tie all of that into money, and I can tie all of that into culture. Now what's happening is I am of the belief and I have no proof of this is just the vibe and watching things. It's too well timed in this in all of those different areas of lanes at the same time for it to be accidental. The sun is going to rise at the same time depending on where you're on Earth. That's a highly organized phenomenon When it's this much right there. I know that government generally becomes really stupid. But it's almost you guys are really bad at the same time for me to not think that there's evil a few evil geniuses somewhere. So in America it's the we didn't inform people. Also, we're a republic that damn there, we're empire at this point, and your empire a couple of years left type energy right.

Two in fifty years, it's almost up.

And so all of these these cycles. So the cycles along with the lack of information and the lack of application. The information is there. The information is there. We had we know through dynastic periods and empires. Hey, empires usually fall when they do this list of things. And if you do this list of things, it's like the workout in reverse. And so seeing all of that, and then countries that have been through that ugly portion of the cycle and they are kind of like, well, we can't do that. We already printed everything, all of the bread, like we've already did all of this same thing, Like Argentina, Hey, guys, we've got to try something else. Yeah, well, maybe this bitcoin thing might not be so bad. And then okay, then you gotta got us like we got a slash government.

We got an alfuerta. It's gone, you know what I'm saying.

Yeah, And so we need those people here in America, with this solid constitutional republic that we have, we need those people to say no, I'm getting rid of this. This is a waste of time. It's like we just don't want to do a like an audit, like our own audit of like, Yo, this is bad policy, and it just translates in every lane. Education, bad policy, culture, bad policy, what a great foundation money, bad post policy.

And so when you do all of those things.

My Jewish homie, I'm thinking about converting, right, I've been talking about it for a while. My Jewish homie is like, I'm like, yo, what do you think is the thing? The reason why? Economically and culturally? Oh, we don't separate. We don't our economics, our culture, and the politics are all the same. And I'm like, wow. So now when I look at that and I go, man, if they're doing something and they're showing success in this that Big Three, and then I look at what's happening in the rest. You know, in America, you guys are doing the exact opposite.

In the Big Three.

It's it's almost I don't know the answer.

Of the word, but it has to be spiritual.

I don't know another word that it can incompetence could not be this exact At the same time, I believe it is.

I believe it's spiritual. It has to be. I mean, I think, and I think culturally people are waking up to this because you can see there's evil, yeah, like you can see it. What's happening to the kids, right, I mean it's evil, right, And if there's evil, then there has to be good, So then it has to be spiritual, right. And I think before maybe it wasn't as bad, So maybe there wasn't evil. Some people are just bad, but now it seems a lot more apparent. But going back to going back to the Jewish thing for a minute, right, Like in the Bible, and Jesus used money as one of his lessons, like more than any other thing you talked about, right, So the money is a big piece of it. And then and then there's living by a moral code, right, and whether that's Mormon or Jewish or Christian or whatever it is, but at least there's like some moral code that people get behind. And you mentioned earlier, like I can tell you what to live or we can lead by example kind of thing, And so it's like, you can't really legislate morality, and so like I can basically put you in a box so you can't hurt anybody else, but I can't really legislate it. And so I guess and I didn't think this, but tying it back to the original question, which was, we see the rise of crime happen everywhere, but then El Salvador is lowered down crime, and so you know, incentives if they well, I guess if we removed it's no longer criminal to steal up to one thousand dollars, then people probably steal up to a thousand dollars.

Right, It's like, wait, are you at nine hundred and ninety eight?


All right? We good? How many times can I go back? Right? Right?


So then there's incentesists. But at the same time, what makes all these people want to go wild out just because they can? So then you have kind of both and there's the morality and the legislation piece to it.

I just think that if people kind of like legislatively the constitution is solid, bro, Morally, you can't have the freedom without the response right, and that moral component of going like like I'm a fan of ostracizing people for doing morally repugnant stuff. I am a fan of it. Matter of fact, I'm going to shame you. I'm going to be like, yo, you're a clown.

If you're a law.

Enforcement officer and you're not upholding your oath to the constitution, that's clown vibes bro. I want to And equally, when there's a law enforcement office, a homicide detective is like I found out who killed your child, I want to champion that person. The moral code is being eroded by massive media campaigns, and we with dwindling financial strength and all of these other different things are not then going, hey, we gotta double down on stepping the morality game up. We gotta the reason why it's connected as the person maybe not government issued, but the reason why it's connected is because there's a form of discipline. Religion like means to retie to I have to retie myself to these disciplines because this will make me a better person. So for example, if I go, I am not gonna be a glutton. I'm not gonna overeat, So now my body is healthier, which means I'm taking care of this temple for longer, this amazing gift that I got from God, and I'm here to inform my family for longer. Now that discipline translates into hey man, don't overspend, don't.

Do it, just don't self control, self control.

These are all tied into moral disciplines, you know. And then when you're talking about the constitution, Yo, we got to have a system of checks and balances. I get it. All. Ten of y'all want to do this thing and I want to do this. You guys, don't just get to mob rule over me and call it democracy. Because I just want to do this and y'all want to do that. We have to have that system of checks and balances where that individual's right is respected, which is a form of discipline.

Nah, we don't just get the state. We ain't a monarchy.

Saying all of this to say the general public is not being bred into disciplines.

Trades skills, These are disciplines.

This is the difference between a Kobe Bryant and a Kwame Brown. And I'm not saying that the disc Kwame Brown. Kwame Brown was on a team with Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. He's not a legend, and so you have to make these individual choices and decisions to say, I want to improve my community by again being that example. But I'm exercising so much discipline. Yo, MIA's what you're doing? Or it's one o'clock, I have to take a twenty minute and that why because I wake up at three thirty.

Yo, MAI's just four thirty. What are you doing?

I am getting ready to go back and get my baby ready for tennis camp.

Why is that?

Areas too?


Yours too? Right?

See what I'm saying, And it's like, yo, and she's when they're in it, you like they're passionate about it because it's fun. But there's so many lessons that you see for them in that And that's important for me to make sure because now she has she gets to live that example.

So because she ain't gonna be in a gym with me like doing dead lifts.

The point being is we have failed to recognize the importance of all of these things being interconnected. When we talked earlier about that plank scale, it's the same stuff at the on a level. So this discipline, this thing when it bubbles up into the physical world. It's then going to be held to a standard of you know, immutable physical laws. But you get that from good solid foundations. We aren't explaining it properly. If we're not explaining it properly, and somebody those entities are deliberately trying to make the tower of babble, so we don't communicate well with each other, then nobody can apply it. You know, what's in't that?

You know who talked to bookbook was that Outwitting the Devil.

By Napoleon Hill. He kind of talked that Interview with the Devil, and that book talks about that, like, yo, all you got to do is not drift, stay focused and stay on the task. But if we don't even know that drifting exists, because somebody is saying, like, no, just drift, go ahead, this is life right as somehow discipline is contrary to freedom. I've experienced that most of the people that don't have no discipline don't never have no freedom.

Freedom comes from the discipline, yeah, you know, yeah, the freedom comes from discipe. Most people don't understand that. There was a book written called the e Myth Entrepreneurial Myth and people think, oh, I'm going to quit my job and start my own business so I can be free, but then they end up being more of a slave, right, And you have to set the systems and the discipline and have that freedom. But last topic is you mentioned that you know, there's a lot of these disciplines that have to kind of come together money, maybe spirituality, things like that, and so going back to the money for a minute, and you mentioned that maybe the difference between the US and El Salvador is the money as well. And so you know, when I think about the freedom movement, the libertarian movement, things like that, right, Like, well, I hope that we can get a better leader, and I hope that they won't go against the Constitution, and there's all these like things that are hoped. But you mentioned right now you mentioned immutable, right, and so we have bitcoin, and bitcoin is this immutable technology that no one can control, and maybe it's a way to limit their power by giving they're taking away their unlimitted check boocket as well, right, So never any wars, lockdowns or whatever that whatever that is, I'm curious your take on bitcoin.

My community center in Philadelphia has a bitcoin atum machine and I'm in the hood.

Yeah, because I'm like, bro, y'all.

Got to the people that come to the shop and they want to get a T shirt or something, I'm like, hey, you know you get ten.

Percent off if you buy it in bitcoin?


Really you do?

And then they'll go, well what is I don't understand it? And I make them download a simple wallet, like super basic wallet. I'm like, yeah, just do this, and I'm like, okay, you would have paid me twenty five dollars for the shirt, right, all right?


And then I'll walk them through the process, download the wallet, walk them through the process. Boom boom boom. Now when they have other things, or they want to take a class or they want to get some training, I'm like, yo, pay for it in bitcoin. Then knowing that they should hold bitcoin and they don't really know it yet. After a while, that other light bulb kicks and they go, bro, why am I paying you in bitcoin? Bro? And then they start to become more disciplined with their spend.

Why do you want to right?

So I like set up for that because.

I don't I'm not a I'm not you know how people say they're like a crypto whale. I'm not a whale, and I actually don't have a tremendous amount of knowledge around the subject. I can simplify things though, when I go every single time somebody took power from a super powerful thing.

Agency, whatever. To me, banking cartels are very, very powerful.

So if somebody starts taking power away from them, and I just look and juxtapose it. I remember when Napster came out and everybody was like the people were like, oh, this is awesome, right this the music spreads, the artist gets more concerts because people are like, oh that song by that dude because.

We're sharing or whatever.

Then I remember how the recording industry was like, we are going to destroy you Sean Fanning.

Yeah, they hated it right then.

I remember it with Pirate Bay with DVDs I sold DVDs. I remember them going after those dudes. Those dudes were like in Sweden and the United States was like, yeah, we're still gonna come holl at.


My point in saying that is, if bitcoin, being that transference between I can create store and transfer that wealth person to person without these other entities, I start to go, hmm, maybe the hood should get.

A jump on that.

Ye Because we I mean traditionally again, and when I say hood, I don't just mean black communities. If you do not live in a really really nice neighborhood, you probably live in a hood, suburban, rural.

Urban, whatever.

That sound. Monetary supply can be the revolution. That's not bloody, right, you know what I'm saying. And so from my mind, I'm like, Yo, the hood definitely need to get on this. And so I'll just inform people that way by just getting the machine, putting it there and people go, yo, what's this. I want to practice inception and influence, and then the information is there, and then I know that you're gonna run into a different question for me later. If we're in a gym. It's the same thing. If we're in a gym, you're gonna say, Yo, why don't my arms hurt? Or why don't my legs hurt? Two days after we did legs? Oh, here's why? And what should I potassium? I got you some coconut with it? You know. So this may be and I'm not saying this to like hype it up, bro, like you already know, but the viewers may need to rehear this. Bitcoin may single handedly be the thing that saves this republics as like grandiose as that sounds, and when you watch the powers that be that are doing the media propaganda on it, I'm like, wow, y'all are really really intimidated by that. I wonder why, for the same reason why somebody else will go why you want the biitcoin?

Well, why I can't. What are you going to?

Man bro? Every time I do this and then those lessons come, and so I think that, oh, I hope that we don't all the way crash out, because again I am a high school dropout. I have a ged but I kind of nominally understand things I don't. I don't know how bad it would be if, at the same time, the most powerful nation in the world, maybe in world history, the reserve money that falls during a time when that entire nation is going through a cultural, economic, and social upheaval or degradation. I am afraid, and I choose my words very carefully of the international impact of that on war on you know, I'm afraid for that. So I think that more and more people being involved bitcoin and sound monetary choices or not monetary in that sense, but like not FIAT. But I'm just I'm hopeful that more people will get in, so I'm willing to do my part to inform the people that are traditionally not involved in that conversation, as well as respecting the fear when that and gut feelings start kicking up and go all like, bro, we got to kind of do something about this, because there's never been a time where like this, this goes good with what we're doing, and maybe we're the exception possibly, but historic history doesn't say that we get through that smooth, right, you know, so maybe bitcoin will.

Be the bloodless revolution.

I love it. I love it. Cool, well, wrap it up with that good stuff. A lot of good takeaways from this, but the one I would say probably is just you know, live it, be the influence, be the change, and not by telling people to do, by demonstrating it right and empowering people to focus on solutions, solutionary rather than problems. Cool.

All right, all right, appreciate you for sure, Y,

The Mark Moss Show

In 'The Mark Moss Show,' we delve into the intricate worlds of Bitcoin, investing, business, and mac 
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