Ben Damon is joined by two leading boxing writers while ring announcer Dan Hennessy discusses his dramatic year.
This is the Main Event Boxing Podcast and is your host Ben Damon. Hello, and welcome to the Main Event Boxing Podcast. I am Ben Damon and this is our end of year review show, looking back at the mixed bag that twenty twenty four provided to us on Fox Sports and Main Event Boxing here in Australia and overseas. Back via Lukewarm demand two of the country's leading combat sports journalists from News Brendan Bradford and from Fox Sports Nick Walshaw. Compliments of the season to you both, gentlemen, Thanks so much for coming along. First things first, as Callum Peter's last minute opponent, the Woolies delivery driver Mitch Holden dropped off your Christmas hands yet?
And how are you feeling about.
The boxing year that was twenty twenty four as we get a bit of perspective and look back at a really mixed bag, Nick.
Yeah, Hams and cartons received and ready to go.
Yeah, It's.
It's been a mixed year for Australian combat sports, hasn't it. I Mean, some of our biggest stars have taken some really tough losses and then there's been some other guys, some younger, undefeated guys who've continued their rise and in the case of Sam Goodman, have worked their way into a into a megaphight.
But it's been, you know, a crazy year, Brendan.
You were there on Saturday, just gone, Sam Goodman sliced over the eye. You might have been a little hungover going along to that event after our final domestic event of the year, but I wasn't in the room. That would have been a dramatic I've seen all the pictures, but a dramatic experience for everyone there.
I can tell you it did not help the hangover very Yeah, you're just I was standing like right there. Sam came over, took his head gear off and there's just blood streaming down his face. And even then he was like he wanted the fight to go ahead. Is we can glue it up, I can fly to Japan. We're good to go. Brian wil what was there going?
Yeah, that's a lot of positive energy.
One of the most experienced cutming in the country. He's just throwing positivity and it's not that bad.
It's not that bad.
Luke Phipps, he's right hand man's there off to the side as well, going, No, we're going to be.
All right, and doctor Allen Saunders is there.
Yeah, it'll be fine.
Ten minutes later, team made the call we can't let you fight, it'll open back up. So obviously Sam's just devastated, breaks down in tears on the steirwell goes and had get four stitches, came back, had a coffee with him a bit later, about an hour later, just tears in his eye, is drinking a long black as team, we're trying to get him to have something to eat, you know, have some waffles, have a sugary something like that. But he's like, we don't know when we'll fight. We might fight in two weeks, three weeks, whenever. So there was I felt like there was about three or four hours of just in the unknown for Sam, and yeah sounded horrible.
I had a lot of calls and miss calls and then a lot of communication as it was all unfolding. But I did propose to Sam that everyone just went to the pub and that's how we dealt with it. But he's slightly more professional than I. It's worked out for the very very best. Though Nick getting pushed back a month, he's going to have a bigger crew of the Mad Bunch will be able to make this trip. It's going to do better as a pay per view event here in Australia. I'm sure obviously he doesn't want to cut at any stage, but the fact that it's a better date, it's a Friday night, it's a glass half full sort of approach that everyone has to take.
I think, Well, for the Sam Goodman story, it's just another wonderful chapter right of this guy who was pulling beer is and has risen up the ranks and has been given nothing, who's sort of fought and scrapped all over the world and in the amateurs, and then, you know, ten days out has this cut.
I mean, it just only adds to the yarn.
And obviously then there'll be all you know, the stories around that in fight week, but as you said, it'll be an even bigger audience. I don't think as like the fight can't get any bigger, but in terms of his profile here in Australia amongst casual fight fans, it just makes it even bigger.
Yeah, so that's something very much now to look forward to in twenty twenty five.
I know that you are.
Now coming Brendan to Tokyo and Nick you're coming along as well. Okay, beautiful. Well that's good. So that's a good result. I was going to be by myself, but now I have friends, so that's most exciting. So we look forward to that in the future. But let's glance backwards. We've mentioned there were a lot of lows mixed in with some really good highs. But if you look Brendan for a key moment, a favorite moment if you like, or a most memorable moment over the twenty twenty four boxing period on Fox Sports and main event here and overseas, what immediately comes to mind. Favorite moment covering a fight or a fight event this year for me was Nikita Zoo and Cohen Mazudia. Yeah, the main event was maybe the best domistic fight of the year. I think Wildness on the undercard with Michael Zarafa's brother, just an entertaining, action packed night of fights from top.
To bottom, good to bad. That's the one that sticks out for me for twenty twenty five.
Yeah, I went.
Through and had to look at all the cards that I've called or been present at, and that was the key fight.
I think Zoo and Mazudia.
A fantastic fight, Colin Mazudia had done so well in the build up to that fight, he'd really matured. You knew that he was a chance, and then he proved that in the in the ring when Igor, the trainer of Nikita, is actually considering pulling Nikita out of that fight, and he came back and stopped him. A big fight, really really dramatic fight. We didn't have any of the sort of Brandon Grouch for Liam Tulliva fights like last year, where you know, that's just a standout fight of the year, incredible stuff. But that for for entertainment and quality, that was probably the one.
What about a key moment for you, Nick?
As you look back, I think the key moment was, you know, in.
Florida after we're not allowed to talk about.
It, It's like it's Florida, Florida, like when you've got and I mean like boxing is the harshest of sports, right and it's it's Tim Zoo in a corridor after you know, being knocked out and still, you know, fronting the media because that's what Tim Zoo does and basically saying I don't know what you.
Know, I don't recall yeah, yeah, and you know.
Someone asked, you know, what was the shot, and he's like, I don't know what happened, you know, And there was an F bomb in there about you know, But to me, it was like, you know. And obviously it was an incredibly sort of tough year for him. I mean, in terms of standout moments that that was a moment, but I mean it also went to the heart of who Tim Zoo is, the fact that he's still fronted up to speak to media.
And a lot of people have asked why he did that, and it was his decision. He wanted to come out and speak to everyone. He said, I do it after every fight. Usually it's when he's just knocked someone out, but in this instance, it was after he'd just been brutalized and upset in such an important fight for him. So not only did he drag himself off the canvas after that left hook, which realistically should have just stopped him the first of them, but then he dragged himself out of his dressing room and approached them media as well. So you saw a touch of class about.
Him even when he wasn't in charge of his faculties.
Well, and I think like from a media for most fans, they don't really give the stuff about the media, but from a media point of view, it's you know what I mean like that? That is also why it stands out. I mean, I've stood outside dressing.
Rooms in the NRL for far less issues, and footballers, young footballers have not come out to front us for issues far less than what Tims would be. Yeah, so I just I just thought it spoke to the bloke, but it was also you know, you have your highs and you know the timsu story is far from being fully written, and that would just be one.
Part of it. What was more dramatic, though?
Do you think the Floridian oblivion of what happened to Orlando there? Or was it the cut against Sebastian Fundora in Las Vegas, the fight that he took a replacement gargantuann opponent on eight or so notice and then ultimately should have been pulled out of that fight, but went the entire distance without being able to see anything. What was more dramatic out of those?
Do you think I think that the blood makes the Fundora one more dramatic. It was splashed across the back page, and just how he got through that fight basically blind and one eye, and it was able to go to the distance in one on one scorecard. That was for pure drama and guts and what tims it was made of. That was the one for me that Florida was just I agree with him, what the just happened? And it's still still part of me thinks, what the hell just happened over there? But the blood, the blood and the cut was for me the most dramatic.
Yeah, and a lot of it as well, because, as you mentioned, Nick, covering this sport is a lot different to covering other sports standing outside.
NRL dressing rooms and the like.
But when you're on an international trip and you're essentially a part of a team, like you've I spent the week covering this guy, or you know, in Tim's instance, we've spent his entire career really, and you're really invested. Even though you try and stay impartial, you're so invested to the process and the feeling after those events, and you guys would know it particularly well, the feeling after those events when an Aussie is just lost on the road, it's a very hollow feeling. As much as you want to stay unbiased in your coverage, yeah.
Oh absolutely, because I mean you've you're writing the story with him, right, you're cheering the story.
But I think to it it goes to like fighting is more than a sport, you know.
I mean, it's called a sport, but when a guy loses a fight and a big fight like that, I think it cuts deeper and goes deeper into their psyche than losing a football game or losing at a swim meet.
I feel it goes very much to the core of their being.
And that's why you know, we were there when Liam Willson and lost that you know that one over in the US where.
Arizona where we will never go again.
I went there again this year to Arizona and was with Liem Wilson when he fought against Oscar Valdez.
Did you guys didn't get to that? Didn't make that you were in Vegas just enjoying it a night. I think I watched it in a bar, but I was there.
Just another another incredibly flat experience on the road with Liam Wilson, who we saw last year in the very unfortunate long count of Glendale. He should have beaten Emanuel never Etzay. He should have been a world champion. Ultimately, he went back to the world in the same venue against another former world champion, and he lost his game plan when things were going so well and was stopped by Oscar Valdez. That was another really heartbreaking one because with someone like Liam, we've seen it. We've seen what he goes through and the torture that it brings to him in those sorts of moments.
What he's doing it for as well.
He always talks about his father who passed away several years ago. So to see him get so close on so many occasions, and even putting such a good performance against Oska Valdez had to come up come up short like he did. I'm kind of glad I wasn't at that one. We made the decision not to drive down from Vegas. But yeah, there's there's nothing like it in sport, the boxing. Just the you mentioned the post fight moments, there was a moment in Orlando. You know, all the build up had been about Costure coming first time he'd seen Tim since his debut. We wrote probably two two three stories every day was Costure and the headline. But after the fight, after Tim's emotional press conference, he walked out and it was his mum just putting her hand on his back as they walked out, and you know he was in tears. Just one of those super, really poignant moments, just beyond sport, beyond beyond the money and everything else, just sort of a glance into the human side of it.
And then we got to go and drink beers in a hotel lobby, which is the tradition after a brutal overseas loss, and some cranberry cranberry cranberry cheras that we got from an alligated theme park.
So that was did not taste good.
No, no, I didn't even worse in those circumstances. Do you guys have standout pieces that you're able to write? Was there anyone who gave you content? And often it is you, Mitch Holden's and these guys who spring from nowhere who will will lean into their own stories and give you moments of gold. Was there anything that really stood out through the course of twenty twenty four because we had a lot of those sorts of stories with late notice events. We had some bizarre events such as jenabek alimp Hannla who came to Australia on short notice to fight against kiw Andre Mkaylovich. That was one of the craziest fight weeks I think that we've ever had. We had those sorts of things going on. We had late withdrawals, We had a in this very building here at Fox Sports which nearly erupted.
At one point earlier in the year.
Is there anything that that you think back to it all that stands out the first one in terms of, you know, not your zoo's and not your goodman's. Colin Mazoudia was really good in the build up to his fight with Nikita. Had a few really cool interviews with him, really raw as well, and you know, he's he's spoken about some of what he's gone through in the past, but for him to I guess, open up the way he did about what he's what he's been through, his mental health and other things that the stories like that are the ones that I sort of hold hold closest to me. But yeah, the Jaennebeck fight week was was bizarre. Igus Klemus one of the most powerful men in boxing. He's got Usik and Lomachenko just here, and you know, the back and forth with him and the Rose Boys and and Andre's team.
It was just it was a will whend of a four or five days leading up to that one.
Yeah, it was wild, and the thinking being that jannebecka after collapsing trying to make late the previous time, was going to struggle. But he did not look like he struggled with anything the entire time. He turned up a day and a half before the fight or something looking ready to get on the scales and fight right then, and things went accordingly. Gee, we had some you mentioned egas claimus. We had some big names of Jannebeck himself of course as a part of fights and fight weeks for us here. We also had Vasili Lomachenko who came in May to Perth fought against Australia. George Cambosis was brilliant in the lead up to that fight. He's got a real aura about him and he was fantastic in the ring. We haven't seen him since he doesn't apparently want to fight Jamanta Davis, which is a real shame. That would have been a great fight to come off the back of that. But gee, he was, he was. He was great to have here in Australia. And one of my favorite moments was when I got to him in the press conference about his first meeting with a koava, and he said it's like a dog with cat, which was a moment that I've held on too, and I've really enjoyed.
I've watched that clip a lot of times.
Similarly, honestly, a career highlight was getting Lomachenko for about a minute after I think it was after the presser. He was just standing there and I rolled up to him and asked him a few questions. He could not care less about what I was asking, what are we talking about? It was the greatest moment for me. I'm talking to Lomachenko didn't give a race, which I respect.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Well, he was quite an experience for him.
I'm sure because at one point, for an open workout, they dragged him out to some rural gym on the outskirts of Perth, where a crowd of hundreds tried to cram into a room about three meters by four meters in forty five degree heat. I'm sure that one of the greatest amateur and then professional boxes of many generations now in previous was thinking what is happening here?
Well, when you mentioned highlights too, it was like because there was a typically boxing style, there was thread of rain.
So it's like, we can't have this beauty.
We can't be down on the foreshore in Perth for an open workout, which is the whole point of.
An open workout.
So off we went to this tiny gym which surprisingly had a sticky tape, a sticky tape with Bob Aaron's seat that surprisingly Bob didn't turn.
Up, not to see Bob Aram turn up in there were two seats that were set up. One was for Bob Aaron, one was for Ludabelle.
Lou actually didn't come.
A lot, but he never sat in the seat on.
This seat, which was a real shame.
But that was that was a fascinating fight week. And it'll segue into our guest, and we're only going to have one guest on this end of year review, but he's a very very special guest and what a year he's had. Lieutenant Dan Hennessy is his name. He's one of our very good friends on the road. He's great fun to have a beer with around these fight weeks and we always enjoy having him on this part.
Of the world.
But people will probably remember, but it's getting into a distant memory now that he had a very interesting experience during that fight week in Perth, and he's going to join us via zoom. I think we can just go straight to him now because I can see him there and he's ripped up, Lieutenant Dan. He's not mucking around, and I think he's actually in the gym as we speak. Lieutenant Dan, how are you mate? You are looking ready to go? Guys going, I'm just checking. We can hear Lieutenant Dan clearly there. Hopefully we are picking him up, okay, but yeah, we're hearing you reasonably. Well, that'll do. It's not in the usual dulcet tones that we get rings. So I but how do you look back on twenty twenty four Dan? It was a mixed bag for all of us in Australian boxing, But what.
About for you?
You had hurdles to overcome, but you overcame them and now it looks like you're entering mister universe.
Well, I'm sixty ys away from Florida drinking for two months, so I always have a prayer constraint. I hit the gym as long as I can until I hit Florida, and then I just blow everything that I've gained for the last eight months, right out of the bottom my mother's BLTs.
They just keep on coming and I can't say no.
So I will be I will. I will look like this and two much when I get back, that's for sure.
We'll talk briefly about what happened in Perth in a minute, but just tell us about you.
You tell us about your year. People don't I.
Think fully appreciate how many shows you do, the variety of shows across New Zealand and elsewhere.
How was the year for you?
You came here to Australia a lot where you had some great times.
How did you go through the course of twenty twenty.
To say he was a roller coaster affair and to say it was a learning curve year as an understatement.
I saw the good side of boxing, like you said, when we hang out and have beers and we joke, have a good time. And then I saw the other side of Marx and unfortunately with the twenty eight seconds which I'll never be able to get back. But hey, it's twenty eight seconds which leaves a scar and chicksteak scars, So I'm good.
Then I don't wish to make it appeal it. We're making a lot of you in any way because we are obviously it's swet.
No I understand any First of all, let me just say this to anybody that's listening. When that happened to me, I still it's a glitch in the matrix. People are like, what happened, man, what happened? And I try to explain him and I said, well, you know, from between New South Wales and Queensland and Western Australia, there's different combat sports authorities and there's different sheets and it looks like kind of oglyphics. Bottom line, I should have figured it out before I humped in that ring. For twenty years of complacency and not doing anything, I mean remotely like that probably fed my ego a little bit.
So after it happened, I was like Krypton.
And I got to say, the one guy that came up to me put his arm around me.
It made me feel semi human. Was Ben David.
So for any of the haters out there, for myself, for Nick, for Brendan, or for Ben Damon, Ben Damon calls me out the middle of the night and say I need you to get a shovel we're gonna kill some people and we and you can't never say anything word again.
I'm gonna say what kind of show will be?
Not well, thank you?
They're very con words, Dan, can you And we don't want to take you too far because I'm now you're doing this with a psychologists on a regular basis.
But take us to the moment after.
You realized that it had all gone wrong, Nanny Hugh s Shehanika Johnson, because the way that you tell it is uh is extraordinary.
For a moment.
It's exactly how it happened. Then I just, you know, it was like any other thing, and I couldn't just know. And I said to the guy and I said, Aunt's still, aunt Still?
And he said yeah yeah, And I thought, well, I thought, cheak him on that fight anyway, walk up there and I do my little announcement aunt still and blah blah blah. And then I go to just kind of pass the paper back down to the combat sports a thirty guy.
I always do.
And he looked up to me, and when he looked up at me, the look in his eyes was like a great white shark was behind them ready to devour him. And I just saw like no light in his eyes is all pupil. I looked at him and everything just kind of went into.
A slow motion and he went, you call corner me, and I went he didn't see it here, And I was like me, what he said?
You called for a corner?
And then I looked around and I was just like, well, I still have time to fix this. So that's when I ran into the ring and I grabbed you eak here, and I grabbed the other fighter from England and I got.
Up together and I fixed it.
But you know, girls have short one Street and as the world turns for their drama, and guys have boxing for their drama. So to get thrown out on the ledge like that self apposed fledge, it was targets for everybody around the world. And you know, once your eighty one year old mom starts starts catching a little bit of guff on Facebook for something that her son did, I was thinking, oh boy, this is you know.
I need a job. If I screw up, my mom's not going to catch crap for it, you know. But then with a.
Lot of people, I mean you, Michael Buffer called me, Jimmy Lennon Junior called me The funny thing is I look back at it now, Ben and somebody sent me away when it was all happened.
Bruce bufferd did.
The exact same thing the exact same week in a UFC.
He called.
I think it was a it was anyway fate anywhere called in person. He kind of rew did it again like I did, and they.
Were lapping about it.
And I'm thinking later, how coup responber gets a laugh about it and I'm getting death threat from Saudi Arabian.
I just didn't understand it at all.
Yeah, that's the thing, and it's when it ends left.
Yeah, it was great that both Jimmy Lennon and Michael Buffer both got in touch with me to get in touch with you, that both admitted they've done it before. Michael Buffer was like, I do that all the time, so to have that perspective, and really it was a ridiculous storm in a teacup.
But I don't know if I will let Dan go.
He's obviously super setting, like his life depends on it right now. But anything else you guys want to want to say to Dan before we let him go.
Oh, just that it was great to see your bounce back as well. Dan, I think I can't remember what the next card was, maybe Wollongong Sam Sam Goodman, perhaps a month or so later, and.
I could could see it and stay retired and ever looked one of my fighters in the eyes again, because Joe Parker got me he's another going to go home with Joseph Marker and he throw me at a hotel.
For a couple hours and he was like the after Joe joyceh fit. I had people in my own family and wanting me to retire. Yeah, now now look where I am so and.
How can you look another fighter in the eyes again? If you get knocked down and knocked down, you'll get back up Tennessee.
And I was like, you know what, You're right?
So I did and had a messed up sense and I'll probably mess up again.
But it ain't going to be like that, homeboy.
All right, We'll let you go, Dan, Congratulations on this year. You showed character beyond what anyone could possibly have expected. And it is great to have a friend like you for all of us personally and also for Ustralian boxing. So go and lift the hell out of those weights and we'll see you as soon as possible.
We love you guys, thank you so much for everything. I'll see you guys.
Soon, see you Soon'll take there you guys.
Always one of the contenders for Man of the Year in Australian boxing, and he is looking every inch of it. An incredible thing that he that he had to go through there that I met. I called it a storm a team. I truly believe it was. It wasn't even the main event. It was a well tited flight, yes, but he made an innocent mistake. You fixed at thirty seconds later. It was wrong for thirty seconds and for whatever reason, things turned on him as they as they only can really in television and maybe as they only can in boxing.
Yeah, and it's it's really you've just got to survive the cycle, right, It's it's in the new world we live in. Like there was a time where he used to you know, if you'd made a mistake, like back when I started, and you would dread. You know, if you were wrong in the newspaper, then you were wrong for a day, But then the next day's newspaper came out and on it went again. Yeah, you know, like but now it's like you just need to be able to survive the social media storm for however long it lasts, until you know, everyone lose their money in hawk to a girl's crypto scam, or go on to the next you go on to the next scene.
You know along those lines.
Well, I don't even have to ask you because you're still working off the typewriter. But but Brendan, I know you are more present in the social media space. Do you have any memorable sledges or anything that the trolls did of interest this year or was it the usual stuff.
I'm basically off Facebook. I don't go that. That's where all the hating vitriol goes.
So sometimes mates screenshot things and see me send me comments or whatever.
You can't read it. You just don't read the comments.
Well s, I got accused of bias in a number of fights, but for both fighters, so there was one only the other night. Actually, I saw comments that people send to me. I try to avoid them myself, of course, and I'm a.
Frequent blocker of everyone.
But yeah, I got accused of being biased towards camp A and so accused of being biased towards can't be so I think you probably can't win. And as as Dan taught us all, if.
You roll along, you're going to get out of it, okay.
And that's boxing is a little bit different, right because I kind of get why the fighters get get so upset, because, like as I said earlier, it.
Is sort of for all intents and purposes.
More than a like fighting is more than a sport, and so when you criticize a fighter or criticize a performance, it goes and cuts deeper than it might when you when you're criticizing an NFL player or a cricketer or.
Something like that.
It goes almost to who they are and to their you know, to a bit of their their being. So like, I get it, but you're also like, you know, by the ticket, take the right sort of thing, you know, if you're covering boxing, that that's that's part of it. But you at least after a while you get to understand at least why they are so can like fighters can be defensive about criticism, and I get that. But you know, you do get a few on social media, but as I said, at my age, you don't read it.
None of my mates have social media, so they can't tell me. So I had to live in a beautiful bubble everyone's still be so okay, let the editor. I had a few to the editor, I've still got a film with home.
Actually, anything else that either of you want to touch on from the year that's just gone, because I think last year on this episode we gazed ahead into what we might expect or might be what we might want to see in the course of twenty twenty five.
But anything else you think that.
We should have a look back at through the course of our build ups or our fights, or anything else that you'd like to mention.
Well, I think, you know, the closest one that's coming up is seem Goodman and to think where he's come from, and like obviously you know, his gym's five minutes down the road from my place, so it's a I guess for you know, it's a source of you know that this bloke who trains out of a little gym on the coast, and you know he comes from Albion Park and you know footballing family. He's like that all Australian family that we all know is going into this huge fight. I think that's it's only still weeks away. I think that that's you know, a huge one for us.
Yeah, anything to look back on or do you want to start looking ahead?
Sorry, we'll be looking back, yeah, next, no good Mostly if we think back twelve months when we're doing this podcast, I think we're all quite positive, quite high where it was just.
The last twelve months that not a fight out of us, but it's just.
We're in an interesting spot now where a lot of those stories have had a speed bump, I suppose you could say. So it's going to be interesting in the next six to twelve months to see what happens with you know, with Tim Zou and Sam Goodman coming over this cart and going to Japan. So certainly less sort of yeah, less less excited than we were twelve months ago, but intrigued about what's next.
Well, I'll get you excited.
There's going to be a point at some stage next year where there's a zoo in one corner and Michael Zarafa's in the other corner.
That's going to happen. We're going to do an.
Announcement press conference which will be Wild Fight Week, which could be anything. Who knows which members of the Zarafa family will be here or won't, so Rafa himself will certainly.
Be a part of it. That's going to be very Australian boxing.
The whole lead up and the build up and the excitement around that. You were around as was I for the first Anthony Mundanny Anthony Mundine Danny Green event that got everyone going, and I think this steps.
Towards that, yeah, which is you know, the fact you can have all these world titled fights and all these you know, superstar people coming over it. But the end of the day, when you've got two Australians who really hate each other.
Ossie's loved to watch that, and it's it's sort of again because of the length of the.
Story and the build to it all and everything that's gone on already, it's it's it's something to look forward to.
Absolutely, it's perfectly set up good guy bad guy sort of scenario. The build up is going to be wild. I think I'm looking forward to it.
I don't know, kids here, yeah, yeah, yeah, I understand that. Any anything else on your wish list for twenty twenty five, clearly we all want some level of success, whatever that might look like. In Japan in the end of January. We'd love to see those that big fight that I just mentioned. What else are you looking forward to a hoping that comes on the corner in twenty twenty five.
Well, there's a.
Lot again, there's so many Aussies who are in and around world title shots as well, right, like even you know, and it's been a tough year, but I think it goes back to again the state of Australian boxing is that we have so many guys in big fights, you know, and it feels like, I don't know, you've been around a long time as well, but it feels like Aussie boxing at least, even though it's been a tough year, is in a pretty good spot in terms of how often, you know, we're bringing big fights here or people in world title fight.
Yeah, it almost feels like it's taken for granted the amount of Ozzy Yeah big fights. We would at times have had one Ossie who pop up every couple of months in a decent level fight. Now well, as we're recording this, Dempson mcckein fights and on the biggest possible international stage this weekend, Jai Pattaya, who is one of the best fighters in the world, is having a domestic homecoming.
Skynick Wilson still undefeated, Lian Parry.
Just lost unfortunately his world title, but did great things. Then we've got the Maloney brothers who were there about Andrew had a big win. They'll be back in major fight shortly. We've got Sam Goodman about to fight for all the belts. Lean Wilson will be in a big fight again soon, the Zoo brothers, and as always I've probably forgotten twelve people who will directly get in touch with me after this episode to critique my performance. But yeah, we are blessed. And even though clearly the excitement has waned from one of the gentlemen in this room, as he just pointed out, we have plenty of reasons to still be at least modestly upbeat about where things are.
Headed, very excited.
One of my big sort of things I'm looking forward to is Giopatia, where he goes unified cer his weight up to heavyweight. That's one of the big stories I'm looking forward to seeing unfold over the next twelve to twenty four.
Months, and anything anything else quirky or interesting that we're expecting to see through the course of next year. I don't know if we want to see Mitch Holden's return after he has a little stint back in the Woolies truck. Will he return to our screens and our rings or what else?
Calum Peters.
I'm excited about seeing because he has a lot of personality for someone making his professional boxing deboo as he did the other night. Gee, he's got maturity beyond his years. The fact that and he was going around to everyone, and it's something that, to be honest, I've only ever really seen from people. And I'm not trying to make a comparison in terms of skill or potential here, but it's the sort of stuff that Anthony Joshua we used to do at the start of his career, go up to every member of the media and thank them for their time, for coming to his press conference and stuff like that. I was super impressed with him.
Yeah, it's always good to see young athletes still enjoying the media before it gets bat it out of.
The It's a real treat.
I mean, obviously he you know, he was going to fight George Rose. That never never happened, you know, so that late notice fight he sort of didn't get the test probably that he was after. But you know, there's some real excitement there for for what he can do.
And he did it wearing a pair of indoor football boots. I saw that. What's that about.
Lomachenko used to do it and Usak used to do it as well. I don't He said they were cheaper than boxing boots, okay, and they do the job just as well.
So he's going to go to keep going. Maybe there's a sponsorship, and I just want to make it I'm not having to go out Mitch Holden.
I thought it was incredibly brave for him to take that fight on two days notice, turn up looking in good nick, be a good character about it as well, and have a bit of a crack.
So I'm not going to go with him.
Please deliver my ham in due course. General we might we might wrap it up. There is there anything else you want to well?
I just like to point out that obviously this is audio, so people won't know, but the entire time we've been talking, we're watching Lieutenant Tan in the background still lift weights.
He's kept his he's kept.
His he's left it on, and he's just showing us around whatever Jim he's in today.
By the looks of him, he.
Is there a lot.
And here he goes now on to chest now I'm definitely hoping that my Christmas present off him is some tower tea.
And it's a public gym. There's someone skipping i think in the background here.
Yeah, so I'm.
Sure he's got that person to sign a waiver so that won't be a problem. Well on behalf of Lieutenant Dan, who is now going to move on to the four hundredth set of his weight routine.
Thank you so much for listening.
Nick, Thank you always a pleasure, have a great Christmas into looking forward to Japan in January. And Brendan, thank you so much as well for all your work through the course of the year. Do you want to say goodbye to our.
Loyal listeners, Thanks for listening, Thanks for reading during the year, Thanks for your comments, good and bad.
I don't read the bad ones and.
I don't read any of them.
Thank you for those who read.
Yeah, but if you make bad comments about me, my friend Lieutenant Dan will be in touch.
Thank you so much.
Though, everyone who's listened to this show, who has watched our shows, who's read the articles, and who's been a part of Australian Boxing through what has been a really turbulent twenty twenty four have a great Christmas and New Year's.
We look forward to seeing you all.
Again and taking you on the ride to Tokyo when Sam Goodman fights for all the Belts and everything else that is coming up in twenty twenty five. It's been an interesting year, but things, no doubt will be just as spectacular in twenty twenty five. So I am Ben Damon and I'll see you at the fights.