We interview the president of Canadians for Nuclear energy Dr. Chris Keefer to discuss nuclear energy and why the current government has suddenly taken a u-turn on nuclear energy policy. We then discuss the Federal budget update, housing funds and the AirBnb changes coming. CPI in Canada falls back to within the BoC's target, and comments from Tiff Macklem.
Check out Canadians for Nuclear Energy: https://www.canfornuclearenergy.org/
Check out industry-leading BMO ETFs here: https://www.bmogam.com/ca-en/products/exchange-traded-funds/etf-centre/?ecid=dw-LHPODNovGAM1-ADBMO26
The Loonie Hour is live in Toronto on November 30th! Join us for drinks, appetizers, a live podcast, and Q&A session!
Tickets for the live event in Toronto: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-loonie-hour-live-in-toronto-tickets-742892650917?aff=oddtdtcreator
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