🥴 Wedding night DISASTERS!

Published Jun 22, 2023, 12:36 AM

We found a reddit thread of staff/friends/family telling their stories of when they know a couple wouldn't last after something that happened on their wedding night. From cake fights to bridezillas, we go through the list along with taking calls on some insane stories.

The Kyle and.

Jackie O Show, Carl and Jackie O Famous, Oh dear Jack has been flicking through the Reddit thing I have.

I've never gone on Reddit in mind, Tyler.

Reddit comes up all the time when you ask a question or you know someone on question Google.

Oh, yeah, I don't ask questions to Google either.

Are you how do you live? What do you mean you don't ask questions to Google? Ask? I reckon? I ask about eighty questions a day to Google.

Maybe not eighty, that would be that would be too much, Maybe twenty, I reckon.

I never. I never one of my bodies.

I was thinking the other day, how did we survive before we could ask Google everything? We would?

It would just be a mystery. You just never know. And I actually.

Remember, like my dad calling other people to find out the answer.

About what just general thieves.

They'll know, I'm going to call that person and they and that that person didn't know, so he'd call someone else.

I don't even know what. I don't know, So how would I even know what to ask Google?

Well, just when you can't think of the answer to something that doesn't happen, Yes it does.

Kyle, we all go through life with unanswered questions. We we're like, oh, who sang that song again? Just little things like that.

I never get stuck on shit like that. If I go I watched that song, and then I think I can't remember, and then I just keep keep moving on. Simple man, Simple man, that's right. I don't ask for much.

Okay, there was speaking of Reddit.

There was a thread on there right about when you knew someone's marriage wasn't going to last.

And this is wedding day stories, so even on the wedding day, on.

The wedding day, you knew that they weren't going to last.

And I've got someone's here.

So a wedding planner wrote that she planned this whole wedding on a golf course. Obviously the groom loved golf, and they spent over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars diling it on the golf course and doing everything. And apparently the groomsman spent the whole whole wedding with his mate just continuing to play golf. He did the vows, but then he just continued to play golf while everybody else.

So disinterested, so disinterested.

Another wedding venue organizer said she worked at one of those hotel venues where you can have simultaneous weddings happening side by side, just in different rooms. And she found the bride of one wedding at the grooms room of the other wedding and she was doing lines of coke off his penis. She walked in on that. And this was all before the first dance. They were about to do the first dance married to other people, both been married to other people, and then I don't know, somehow their paths crossed, probably when they went to the toilet and they hit it off, and then they just yet they went into a room.

And that's quite the hitoff to do lines of someone else's cock at your own wedding.

No, I know, And you're looking like that's normal and the I mean, I'm impressed that they both managed to somehow figure that out.

Yeah, yeah, you know what.

I'm impressed too. I think that is the right word.

Yeah, that's an impressive story. Who said what? I reckon? I reckon he's offered her coke.

It started like that, like, all, congratulations, Hey, do you want to do a line of.

He's just to put it out on the old fella.

And he's probably they've probably done the line a couple of lines already, and.

Then it's got for someone who's never done.

I'm imagining it all play out in my head right now.

Yeah, do you want me to stand that?

No, I don't need the visuary to go with it. I'm pretty good at imagining that myself.

As celebrant, he wrote, I worked with the bride that did the whole clicking of the fingers thing to everybody, Like when she was in pay or wanted something, she'd click her fingers to the weight stuff. She'd even do it to the bride'smaid, the mother in law, and even at the altar when the groom wasn't producing the ring to put on her finger quick enough, she clicked her fingers and told him to hurry up. Oh that sounds right then and there that marriage like that?

What a punish, right?

I've found one here?


The wedding photographer had sex with the hottest bride he is ever photographed three hours before he watched her get married.

What's going on? Why are people getting married and doing this?

Well, slut's get married to Jackie. It's not just the good girls.

Don't slots fall in love and realize, oh, that's the one for me.

Sluts, slut. It might be in love, but if someone else catches eye, that's what sluts do.

Do you think people get caught up in the in the organization of the wedding, and then they've lost interest in.

Them, maybe get they get distracted by all of the pretty things, and then they forget what the day's about, and so therefore they're like by that point, yeah, you're like, whatever.

Find a hoe and if this is going to happen, you don't just you're not a nice, goodie two shoes girl who gets distracted by the flowers and there's lines of coke.

Yes, maybe make a good point.

You've either got it in you or you haven't.

Yes, I would have to agree with that.

What would it have taken you at any of your weddings to do some blow off the photographer's dick?

You would have had to have drugged me without me knowing.

Yeah, right, okay, write that down in the book Things We Like to Know About Jackie. Well, that's interesting. When did you know? Maybe you're listening, you think, oh, the moment I knew the marriage was over was when this moment happened.

At the wedding.

Are we talking?

Yes, I think it should be at the wedding.

At the wedding.

Yeah, things happen at weddings. And just know you're like, oh, this is no good.

Did the principle about it yet? I don't know?

Okay, thirteen one oh sixty five. If you can relate, call us and we'll do those necks.

Mickey, you're on that's son roof. You're at Kiss FM. You're on the eciloge Ako seven to nine nine degrees outside in Sydney and only looking for top of sixteen. A little bit of clown today.


Yeah, we asked you thirteen when I was six y five, ring in and tell us, were you at a wedding and noticed the moment you knew the wedding would not last it's over before.

Started, Bella's called through, Hi Bella, good.

Morning, Hi guys, good morning.

Good morning, rolling through.

What's the story.

Okay, So I run a wedding car business in Sydney, and I had once a groom come in book cars with me and everything, you know, and the moment he walked out of our showroom, he started persuading me, you know, for a one night stand before his wedding. What he tried every aspect, He got to my snapchat, he got to my personal numbers. He tried every single aspect to get to me, despite me telling him I'm happily married with kids. Didn't work. I'msueing I had to. At the end of the day, I knew. I knew it was not going to last guy.

The balls on that guy to think that knowing you married and he's getting married, that you'd be that sort of glowey there.

He actually met my husband.

Crazy. Imagine imagine marrying a guy like that, where you know, he's trying to hook.

Up with this girl. I know.

I wonder if she was ever aware of what he you know, if he was just so good at covering up who he really was.

The thing. The good thing is that I have a really close relationship with all my drivers. So with one of the drivers on that day, I explained to him what had happened and to keep his eyes and ears open and stuff like that, and they said to me, the bride is just so beautiful, she's close.

Oh so sad. I wonder if they're still together or whether she did find out things like that.

Eventually, we can wonder all we like will never Linley's called through morning.

Good morning guys.

First of all, I've been loving following you on socials. Everything looks awesome.

Thank you.

It's been great so far.

Yeah, having a fantastic time.

Okay, so my story.

I have an ex best friend and her name was care about naming her. The morning of her wedding, I had to drive to find her and stands her in another man's bench, and then really had one on each group.

He's gonna see.

That the last hurrah happens with the ladies in the group.

Who was this guy that she ended up looking up with?

She was a friend, well she was.

He was one of our mates. His name was mates. He was hot, A wow, wow?

Did you did you? Did you have?

I wanted to, but you know every time I wanted to slay with someone, she will always cut in first.

So that's why you don't mind naming and shaming her.

But I got to say, like the balls on, knowing.

She's getting married the next day, to give her hickeys on her breast as if he's left his.

Mark on there. That's right, it really is pretty low.

It didn't stop once she was married. Then she went on to have an affair with my sister and my brother in law and the cook from the restaurant she worked at.

And yeah, wow, doesn't she thank you?

Linley Rosie's called through Rosie tell her story.

Yes, Hi, good morning. How are you guys?

What's yours?

So my fiance there at the time, we were getting married the next day, and I was getting a little bit nervous, so I was. I called him like eleven PM. It wasn't that late, And I told him, Oh, I'm so nervous. And so he goes and says, are you a cow? Why would you even call me? I need to get a and night sleep.

Wow, And you thought you were going to marry that guy the next day?

Yeah? I did marry him the next day after Yes, what do you do?

I wonder that, like, if you're the day before you realize it's a mistake, do you do you care? That's what I.

Reckon. I do the same.

And isn't it crazy because the only reason you're not is because you don't want to be embarrassed in front of everyone.

Your entire life. Yeah, embarrassed for five seconds.

It's funny that all three would still do it.

He'll be kidding, well, yeah, go on.

A week later, we were in Mauritius at this really nice resort and he doesn't eat seafood, and he was looking at me getting some seafood from the buffet and he looks at me with disgusts and he goes, is your stomach like a garbage drain? Why are you eating seafood?


And so wow, you really know how to pick him.

What a trauma for ten years? So razy is? Did he was?

He always lied that and you just got.

Jack of it.

No, no, it was just sudden. And then he started cheating on me and then that was like three times with my limits and then that's it.

Called it quick wow, wow, Okay, that's sad.

Gave it, you gave it a red hot go though, that was it. You've got a new man now, much much more happy and no.

Man's much happier. Yes, yes, yeah, but no regular d no man no no yeah yeah.

Oh well what that's like.

Kyle and Jackie.


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