๐Ÿ˜– The Jury of 7 goes VERY wrong...

Published Sep 5, 2023, 10:57 PM

Bec takes the stand to plead her case for $10,000 to a Jury of 7... will they believe her? If even one person doesn't believe her, she won't win the money. Our hearts broke for Bec... Have a listen to hear the verdict.

Jackie els Jerry seven is now unsersion.

All right, let's speak to our person who needs the ten grand But are they telling the truth? We need to listen real careful because last time, boy did he do a good job of duping us.

I was surprised, Like I'm easily conned, right, I know, I know I'm a soft touch when it comes to sad stories. But Jackie, you are not that easily con so I know.

And you know, I started to feel guilty when I was queerying this guy because they were there were holes in the story to me. But everyone was all like, oh, so you know sweet and all of this, and I thought, oh.

I hang on, now you're trying to make out that you knew.

Still I still believed him, though, but this time I'm sorry. I'm just going to have to remain cold and neutral.

Too hard, won't at all? Who is It's.

A girl and time is beck and she's forty years old?

How are you?

What's up? What's happening?

Oh not much. I'm nervous. It's a big opportunity, so I'm really excited to share my story.

On Yeah, tell us what you need.

So I need to get all of my teeth fixed. What so I've only got three on the top and four down the bottom. I don't know.

Oh Jesus, you're kidding, right, Yeah.

Most people think when they see me.

A minute, wait a minute, she burst the tears and you're now having a go.

Wait a second, what's it from, Like, why do you only have those teeth.

I've done a journey with IVF for the past ten years and I've got two living children and twins who passed with IVF. So to stop with all the miscarrying and stuff like that, I had to take a high dose of pread zone through all of the pregnancies to.

And that shit makes your tease fall out.

Well, I got osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, it's one of those. So the side effects for the mum is weak bones, which is teeth and my bones as well, and then cleft palette for the baby and things like that. For me, I got that, So I got through that, but I had to stay on the pregnant zone throughout the pregnancy, so that dodosee just.

Fall out one by one here and there, like you're chewing your meal and then there he goes an Otherwise that happened.

They're just really brittle. So I got gestational diabetes with my last like my seven year old, and you do the test after you finished your pregnancy to see whether you have the diabetes again through at a higher risk. So I did the test three months after and I didn't have it. So I just thought, oh good, you know, And that was seven years ago, and like, I've been fine living my life. Just a bit tired and you know, I don't know, just not feeling like myself. But still I've just lived my life.

Just so everyone knows. Makes in another boost. We can't see it, so we can't We can't see she could have a bloody head full of bloody Larry m to teeth for all we know. We don't know.

It sounds like, sounds believable, So I'll.

Just tell you something that happened. So I found out that I have type two diabetes. So I full on have that now, but I didn't know that I had it because it's not something you just test for if you've had the test after pregnancy and they don't have it. So I fainted at a shopping center probably a year ago now, and obviously got taken to the hospital and they did all the blood tests and all of that, and my level came up as twenty and that's super high. So I think it should be around you know, two to seven or something, and they can do some sort of test to backdate I don't know, three to six months or something to show how high it's been. Like for a prologue.

You're being boozling us with numbers.

It's making me suspicious.

Yeah, but it's too much information.

It affects my life, Jackie. I'm not my son, and it affects my kids. Somebody probably three weeks ago, because I don't do much of the school because I don't feel confident. I don't want to go out. It's not nice if you like, you have beautiful teeth, so you wouldn't you know, you don't understand how it feels. It's the first I don't make that mean, but it's the first thing that you see.

Sorry not you is somebody said to my son, you're just like your mom's a druggy. She doesn't even have teeth, because that's what I look like and I'm not a druggie, but that's the look.

That it gives.

Because so much for CO.

I can't she can't be that good an actor.

I don't. Can I tell you something? Oh yeah, I have a living seven year old and a living ten year old I've just taken.

It puts me off hearing about the living twins passed? Did you give birth to those twins.

Right about half an hour?

Oh no, that's the worst everything has been through, Helen back. This is shocking.

I don't know what else.

That's okay, you don't have to say anything else. So you want the ten grand to fix the teeth, right, Well, I mean we're not rich, you know what I mean.

So that's a luxury.

A luxury, you know, I've just a luxury to have.

Teeth, Yes, especially in big situations.

Taken on my twelve year old niece as well, about a year ago. So now it's three kids.

Well have you taken her on? She can't be at home.

She can't be with my sister.

Right, you're in a message.

Did you get a quote for the teeth at all?

So I know that you can get like the one tooth pitch, you know, if one falls out, you can get that. I'm not in that position because I have a lot missing, So I'm not so worried about the bottom because if I smile, you know, they're not the one scene. It's mainly the top. So if I want to get the full top arch, there's a new one called all on four. So it's basically, they drill four screws into your bone and they give you the full set of the arch. So that's all done, and it's done in one time.

So they screw they screw bolts into your jaw and then hang the teeth off those like a like a painting.

Yeah, so in two days, my thought life could change two days. It only takes one to two days.

To leave it with the jury of seven. They can you. Oh, I don't think she's lying.

I don't because of the crying. Yeah, because you know it's hard to fake.

Yeah, it's hard to make.

Yeah, I'm just going to.

Try and do it. Hang on, let me see if I can do it. Oh no, I feel like I'm mocking you.

That's just do it. Try it. It's this part of the contest.

Yeah, okay, all right, Yeah, it doesn't sound real.

Right, it doesn't sound yeah.

Yeah, I'm swearing on my two little boys in heaven. I'm not lying.

Oh honey, I believe you about that.

I'm not lying them. I'm not going to the other guy the other day that my heart to lie about something like that.

Yeah, yeah, the IVF he lied about. Yeah. Oh, I want to back out.

Okay, we are leaving it with the jury of seven. They'll come back. They might have questions.

They may not.

They may just believe her and want the tenth grand to go away. So let's see how the jury goes. It needs to be unanimous that they all believe her. One doesn't ask questions.

They can ask anything they want.

So stand by, Beck, it won't belong and we will know the fate.

Okay, Okay, good luck, honey. Then hope it goes your way. Okay, thank you.

Real snot right there, a massive bugger.

We'll get it back on.

Next Jackie, oh, Jerry. Seven is now.

Insert jury will be seated. We they're all on the phone. We've heard from this woman, Beck, God, she told a sad story, a lot of crime. I know sounded it sounded legit to me.

Because you got me is the crime.

And catch your breath in the middle of the story and the tears and the snot and the it sounded real.

Now she has been through the ring, I had type two diabetes. When she was pregnant, she lost her twin babies, and as a result of the medication she was taking, her teeth fell out. So what she would like is the ten grand for the teeth because her son, he gets teased at school saying your mum's a drug addict, and she never wants to go near the school for this reason. So there's there's there's a good reason for her wanting this.

But is she telling the truth? That's what we want to know, Joe.

You're what sort of person, though, would make up a story that's that involves the death of twins. That's I don't think that we all lie from trying. That's that's I just don't believe anyone would go that far.

All right, Joe, what do you want to ask beck she's here.

I don't really want to ask anything. I actually believe that she's telling the truth. I really hope that she's telling truth because I'd hate to think that she's lied about losing her children, especially being a parent myself one thing.

But yeah, yeah, I'm with you.

I was a big skeptical at first because she did actually speak really well, But then, you know, the longer if you don't have your teeth, you kind of get used to speaking with no teeth. So I was a bit schedule at first, but now I do believe her really.

Ten grand uh see yes, Jared, Hi fixed more?

Hey bo, Hey there you going? Good man?

Yeah, it's definitely.

Yet to me.

Thank you.

That's it.

No questions asked.

Well, I know how bad teeth affit your health.

On that and you'll feel a million dollars once are done.

So, yeah, you've had issues, Jared, have you?


Yeah, I've had bad teeth issues, and yeah you've You've got to get onto it. It's just affects your health in so many different ways.

Well, thanks man, Okay, that's too so far, so good. Harry's on. Hello Harry.

I just wanted to ask exactly how many teeth issue missing? Just because her voice sounds really clear. I thought if she was missing a lot of teeth that it would sound different.

How many teeth are missing?

Beg, Well, I know that when I researched the top, unch and bottom only, you have twenty eight to thirty two. And if you have your wisdom, which I don't anyway, but I have four top and then six on the bottom. In the middle.

That's all. You've got four on the top. And are they spaced out or are they all at the front or where are these four?

The bottom ones are sort of in the middle, and then the top one is sort of off to the right, if you know what I mean. Like they're not directly so you can see the big gaps.

There's gaps right missing teeth there. So what are you saying, Harry, Yes, you're saying, yeah, give her the money or no.

Oh I'm a bit sass. I also want to ask to how she do you want to quote on this? Because it's pretty expensive and it's only ten grand. Yeah, I just want to say, like, yeah, how she would get the other money as well for it?

So the quote that I've got for the all on four one is eighteen thousand and five hundred And I know, obviously I don't have that much. I know that I can access some of my super, but I only have about eight and a half in my super and that gets taxed if you take it out before like you're sixty.

This ten grand will help greatly towards towards THEE.

And because I'm not working, I don't qualify for a payment plan.

Harry, Yes or no.

Like, to be honest, I just don't really believe it, like taking money out of your SuPAR like for it. I just I'm more thinking no. At the moment, I think like and the whole like crying as well, like it almost seemed like too good to be true, Like She's like it was too much crying feeling.

So you've got a gut feeling, Wood, what are you going to lock in?

I think yeah, just because I at the start had the feeling no, just because like, yeah, the acting, I feel like the acting was almost too good, Harry.

But Meryl Street level acting. You feel this just random in the suburb has got Meryl Stream skills.

Yeah, I'm thinking, don't do this to me, Please don't.

I'm not acting.

See, the thing is, this is what the guy was doing the other way. They always say, oh, they tell the truth and the acting is so good. But I'm just I'm not buying it.

Okay, let's shelve Harry for the moment. Let's see.

Is there any chance of changing your mind? Harry? Do you want to do? You want to wait and see?

Orr Dean, Dean, go ahead, we need your answer.

If you've got a question, ask away.

No, I've got no question.

I'm going to give you to thank you. That's three yes is one? Maybe fran Hi.

Hi Hi, long time listener, but definitely a yes. I've been in a similar situation where I went through a windscreen and lived with crap teeth for years, and even though I've had them half prepared, I still don't like smiling.

My heart.

You feel a pain, I feel it, and I know what she's going through. Not the part where she lost the twins I could no one could understand. But as far as you know, her little boy being teased here. That used to happen to me when I was younger. My grandchildren used to say, why your teeth so crappy?

Locking in years? Let's go to Michael.

Hi, Michael, you're dura number six, Yeah, number six, good mate?

And do you have a question for beck?



Okay? Do you want to you're looking in yes or no?


Because I don't I don't think the story is connecting and the crying is just like fake and like I don't believe her.

So what part do you think isn't connecting?

I don't know. The whole story is like too much crying and the teeth are like just like the expensive But what is she going to do with like hold and grand I've just had a text.

I've just had a text message from my auntie Jill. You know, she's she's a retired nurse. Then she said that she understands all those you know, those numbers she was giving us with the twenties and the diabetes level. Yeah, she understands that from a medical point of view, and said, yeah she believes her. So I don't know if that helps twist.


Are we looking in?

Have you?

Are you dead set? Because we can't go back to everyone.

I think the crying is so much. I'm I'm saying, no, she's lying.

Well that's it. Then if you're if you're locking, no, that's the end. Oh no, she doesn't get the money. Is that what you're saying, Michael?

Yeah, sorry about that?

Oh Michael, what if she's telling the truth? Do you want to stand the line? Do you want to stand the line? I think.

I don't know.

Wait wait before we put her on the screen. Yeah, definitely we see yeah, Oh sorry, sorry, I know. Okay, all right, fine, let's bring her up.

Let's have a look at what we've got and now let's see your face and let him tell everyone. Were you telling the truth about the teeth and everything or making it all up for the cash? Oh she is too, I can see her now.

Oh she's devastated, Michael.

I'm sorry about that.

Okay, Well, Michael, have a nice day.

Thank you so much.

Oh, I'm so sorry. You know, the guy the other day was so good at it. I think people were thrown.

You know, he ruined it for everyone? Did he did?


Bear, honey, but.

You look like a lovely woman. I know you've got the problem with the teeth and what have you? Bet me looking at you now, you don't don't look like you lovely. You're beautiful woman. They just don't smile like Jackie is today. No smiling. That's such a This is why I can't stand these games. And they get a sorry sorry, I don't know.

What to do.

Just give it to me. You've got a little bubba, you do well.

I can't give you that like because this is the quandary. It's like we we these contests are run through through through laws and rules of lottos and all this ship. You know, you have to just give it that. I'll give you the money. I'll give you the money.

Guys, we can't put that to air and not. You just can't.

I'm giving you.

We'll give you the money personally. If we can't get this game is over. This game is just most worst game ever. Kyle and Jackie O

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