🔮 Psychic medium John Edward chats Madeleine McCann case

Published Feb 28, 2023, 11:00 PM

The famous psychic medium John Edward weighed in on the Madeleine McCann case, connected to Kyle's late dad along with other emotional readings with our listeners. Get the tissues ready.

John Edward. Everyone, here we go. He's in New York City. If you want a private reading with John Edward, you'd think, how am I ever going to get that to happen? Easy? You go on his website John Edward dot net not dot com. He was late to the party, John Edward Net.

Hey John, good morning, John, Good morning.

You're looking great an age. Have you got some special s room that you use?

No stilating light, legitimately delating.

Hey Jesus, great to see you again.

Yeah, John, You're the best in the world when it comes to this.

There's no question.

Who's your competition. Do you have like other foes in psychic mediums where you're like, oh, that the new Jersey medium, she's all hair, no cared. Do you have any or do you know these people?

No? I know a few people in the in the field, and a few of them count as like friends and colleagues.

Yeah, absolutely battle.

It, but we don't. You don't ever do all where you battle out. No, No one tries to battle out who gets the biggest celebrity crossing over anything like that.

No, everybody.

I would literally defer to anybody that wants to read a celebrity it's my least favorite thing to do, is that right? Oh?

Is that wrong?

Least why.



I think that that sums it up.

No does. But there's that other that armies looking kid ron who does Only celebrities.

They come with a lot of baggage. They come with a lot of like their life is out there. So when there's so much of them out there, it's actually harder, yes, to get them, because they.

Can always say, oh, you could have googled that, nor their friends say oh, he would have googled that, So that makes it hard. Can I ask John you would know about the madeleinemccann case, and there was recently someone that came out.

That said they could be her. Do you ever get a feel of that or any kind of you know.

You with that case that go to disappeared in Spain?

Actually I think it was Portugal, and that's the reason why I'm freely with it. My wife is Portuguese, so we were having a conversation about like how that, how that had happened. I don't like missing people cases, and the reason why I'm not good with that is that I can get accurate information, but I can't tell if they're living or a past. That might sound strange because I'm a medium, but you'll see when I read for people, I'll say I need you to listen because it might be to somebody that's living, it might be somebody's past.

Because it's all the same for me, it's not.

Your mini you're a medium, you all of those things.

If you're not read a story like that and go, I'm going to see if I can't connect with this, and you know, like just out of curiosity, see what comes to you about it.

I have in the past, when I was a baby medium, there was a couple of things that I wound up getting involved with. And I have had a connection with somebody here in the States who has pulled me into a lot of his cases and he's actually writing a book about it.

Oh you mean like like some sort of investigator or law enforcement has been leaning on you for extra help twenty years. What have you?

How have you helped him anything?

So I say the same thing everywhere the way I can't cure somebody's grief, I can't solve a crime. Well, what I do is I give the person that's working on whatever the issue is insights and guidance that has been influential in helping him do what he does, sometimes to great success. Yeah, so it's been a it's been an interesting journey because I didn't have a really good relationship with my dad, who was a cop. So working with this gentleman was almost like working out Yeah, it was like working out some of my daddy issues.

Yeah. Hey, hey, there was this woman here in Sydney. She was ended up being like claimed to be a fraud star and she was living the high life and she's one of those investment type of people and taking money up like a Ponzi scheme vibe. And she vanished. But her foot washed up on the beach in a shoe and everyone's like, oh, she's cut her own foot off. She's probably limping around somewhere, and other people think, oh, she's dead, she's she's from Do you get anything from her the foot?

Is that?

Really? That's a real story.

It's a real story. It's quite quite recent too. Just her foot washed up on the beach. Is she alive?

I don't know. Again, that would be a missing person thing for me.

That's an odd odd But while we were while you guys were in commercial, you asked you a question sincerely about your dad.

So I literally said it.

I was like, if I'm going to get something about Kyle's family, but it could be for Jackie as well. Is there any reference that you have Kyle to a small like a very small knife, like a pocket knife, or any story about somebody that would whittle or that would make something out of wood?

Well, well, god, I'm not from the cowboy era. I know, I'm not that old where we're whittling sticks. But my dad did give me when I was young one of those you know, Swiss pocket knives, like you know a lot of dads kids of the little magnifying glass and little souls, and like he did give me when I was a kid.

And when you got that as a kid, you might have applied that maybe internally somewhere, or you might.

Internally right, because that didn't happen no matter what you see in your mind, I mean in your.

Like maybe you carved your name somewhere or maybe oh my.

God, oh my god, yes no, not me. My step brother count a math's equation into the lead of my piano, and that.

Okay, And that I feel like one.

So the last thing I'm going to tell you is that I believe your dad's around you. I believe he wants to acknowledge the changes that are happening in your life, the ones that you talk about and the ones that you maybe don't talk about publicly but you will. And then I feel like there's some references to Now, I know your son's name from what i've heard, is auto, right. Why why would he tell me to call him just T T, just playing, just playing T.

I don't know, I don't know, so there's.

Not a first name. And then you called him Otto.

Like his name is Otto. But I do when I write his name, I always use capital t's, like a little O and then two capital t's and then.

A little and tea sometimes or not tis you just say yeah, yeah, right.

But I do. When I write his name, I write, I'll write it on this little teet here, right, I write little O and then one big like T T and then like I just have one big line across the top of the tess.

I feel like I'm supposed to I feel like I'm supposed to say, like, you know, these are like the little validations that they'll give me to show me that that that like that that's happened.

I want better validation. Tell him I want I need more clear validations that I can't be this skipping around some pocket knife when I was ten and and some little t But is it factual?

It is factual, And that's the important part because anybody could say, like, hey, your dad's with you and he loves you, but I always need them to back it up with something that would be.

Do they ever see us masturbating in the shower or do they don't? They're not hanging around all the time, are they?

They are connected to us in the physical world, Kyle, So I will tell you that they don't watch whatever it is that they want to see. But I don't think that they're like rating you like in the Olympics, you know, like I don't think they're holding up signs.

All right, because that'd be quite a low score or this age. And that's not my around with my life. You cross over.

Because the one, the one last thing I have to just say, Kyle, is that just be careful with the ladder.

You just had a ladder thing.

So I've just purchased the ladder that has all the extension things that the platforms and everything.

Well, he just had to be careful with the ladder.

So I'm just going to plan I was planning on hanging up paintings and everything. You have got all those weed stairs, and I had to get all this weird letters that that do different angles.

Oh that doesn't. I'm good to me an angle that.

Just means be careful, that's all. If you're gonna do it, I'm gonna Can.

You put some sort of inflatable beneath you.

And someone else? What some fun and just.

Like yeah, that's a little camping back.

Clear all that rubbishaid on, John, I know you know what you're doing. I don't need clear He is Michael. He lives in Penrith. Michael, you're on the air with John Edward.

Hey John, Hey, Michael, Hey, you doing all right?

Okay, what do you need to know? John? Do you need to know anything? In particular?

He can ask me whatever question he has, But the first question that I have for him, it's.

A it's a it's a weird thing, you know how, Like we have Krispy Kremes.

Yeah, the donuts.

Yeah yeah, Michael. Will you near like a Krispy Kreme place or a parking lot or are you there now?


No, the next with caf.

So like you can get pastries and donuts where you're at Yes, Okay, they're just shown me like you're someplace where I would buy like donuts or like someplace that I would do that. And then is there an older male for you that's passed like dad?


Is it your father's connect with Okay, you're on the road track here, John mind but very good With Michaels.

Michael, I feel like I'm supposed to highlight that there's another Michael besides you.

So either there's a big.

Michael and a little Michael or he calls you Mikey. But there's another name that I feel like I need to bring up with an am so I could be off by the name.

I won't be off by the initial. I don't know.

If I don't know, that's that's my, that's my my, that's friend. He's also out there as well, called me Mary.


And then I'm supposed to reference the fishing hook in the hand or somebody got a hook in their finger.

What's the story? What is that?

Damn the car?


Okay, So when you were like eight years old, you got separated from your family, like you freaked everybody out.

I mean, what's that, honey, which said black?

I wanted to say that was having to go on the base and most family somewhere else, and I went to it and I lost you.

I lost Is that what you told me about? John?

Yeah, I feel like I'm separated, like and I feel like there's.

Well, first for first for the child.

I feel like, well, this is cool and this is fun, and then the realization is I don't know where I am. You know what I'm saying, Like, I don't know where where they are, and I feel like there's like panic that comes in there. Michael, I don't know if somebody just made a very bold family move where they decided to step across the boundaries of what the family would expect. But he's making me feel like like he's supportive of the of the decision of making transformation and change.

Do you know what that is, Michael? And anyone doing anything odd?

Yeah, my daughters for a year. I haven't seen my daughters for a year. What does that mean He's okay with that? Of course he's the federal.

No, it feels like it's it's more about what ceremony we would stand on or what boundaries we would create, what obstacles we would.

Self sabotage with.

I feel like getting assistance and help and transforming that is kind of what he's supporting.

Okay me all right, Yeah, I'm going at a load of tablets and everything like that.

So he was or sarcoatic was okay, So what you're you're you're fixing your medically fixing a problem or what.

Yeah. Yeah, I've got up a lot of tablets. I'm on medical marijuana and yeah, so I'm just going a right way. So he's happy with that. That's because we didn't talk.

Happy that you're putting your mental He's happy that you're putting your mental and spiritual and physical health like in balance so that you can. Yeah, so you stay here and be as healthy as as you can. Is your mom still living?

Your mom's still here?

So is she the one that is having the birthday coming up soon?

My brother's birthday? Yeah, my oldest brother is the fortieth.

Because I feel like I'm supposed to wish somebody in the family a happy birthday, like around now or coming up. And then he's got two he's got two families. You've got two families.

Yeah, well, what do you mean two families?

So like was like, do you are you? Do you have kids with two separate people?


No, no, no, I have I have got it. My oldest daughter is technically not mine, but I had one three the same lady.

So what I'm seeing at right, So out of the four kids that you have, like one is not with the relationship direct.

Not mine?

Yes, okay, I just want to be clear and and just to just just say, you know, they see this is their way of coming in. And I don't know if you are stopping at that cafe to get coffee, if you're stopping in there to get something, But I just feel like I'm supposed to use that as as an acknowledgment if I see where you're at.

Okay, Michael, A thank.

You mate, Wow, Michael, thank you. Isn't it great when Michael's dad is obviously died and still loves him enough to come through very clearly.

Oh you get messages from the with the message, but this guy knows the guys that the freaking cafe.

What's your dad going to say? I see your microphone, Like as if John's going to say.

That John saw that he would say it.

I know, but we all know that.

So he's got to go something obscure that you've never spoken about.

Obviously, the more they love you, the more they come through. Is that right, John? Is that right?

I feel like I need to get like an afterlife therapist session.

Am I the only one who's always disappointed? Or because everyone else seems very satisfied with these readings? Yet I get I get a little fish scale of something every time, but nothing.

Too concrete to be really honest to two things. One, I always tell people to try to appreciate the message, whatever that message might be, because sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it will come. It does, sometimes it will come through a view. And then the other thing is I think everybody's disappointed even the best reading I could possibly do, because ultimately nobody really wants to be sitting in front of me.

They want their love on you.

Oh no, you've done readings John, that I know what you're saying, Like, Yeah, but it is.

There's just no question, no question that what's happening is real.

That's your experience. Yeah. Sorry, many people over the years, many many many folks have come on here and I've thought shit, come on, but there did give me that message. Remember when I was running around for the the the funeral, the shoes or something.

That's what I'm saying. You got a reading the last time.

I will never forget your your red Mustang story.

That's right.

There were all these things that came through that you had done that no one could know.

You were blown away, and yet here we are again somehow enough.

It's never enough.

It's never enough, And that's the guy's on the truth. I almost wrote a book with that title, that It's never enough, and the publisher told me it was too negative.

What the hell would a publish for the idiots anyway he publishes? Wow, okay, okay.

Well we'll take more calls if you want John to connect with your loved one that's passed thirteen one oh six five.

Wow, what a song Dean Lewis this morning. It always makes me cry I hear that.

Yeah, that's a good song.

About his father dying and.

John still more people to get through. Are you ready for danniel If you want.

A private reading with John John Edward dot net, that's the side to go to put your details in and and have fun.

There with Dannielle. You are on with John Edward.

Good morning.


Hi. Okay, John is here. John is in New York. We got the zoom happening, John. Are you anything off the cuff there or do you need to hear her speak or what do you need from her?

Is it Danielle?


It is Hi Danielle. How are you doing?


You're not driving right?

No, I'm not I'm talking the car good.

Perfect, Okay.

So Danielle, I'm going to tell you what I'm seeing here a good feeling. Unless you have a specific question or something you want to ask me about.

I'll tell you my story and you can well hang on.

We don't need you to blow the whole story. Do you need any story, John, or what do you want?

You don't want really, just just the relationship if you wanted from one person, my mother.

Okay, So Danielle.

The first thing I'm going to tell you is that I'm seeing something that actually started in November twenty nineteen for me, when I was in Australia, where I noticed that at every event that I had done in the previous year, I was telling people that nobody passes alone. And I kept saying it, nobody passes alone. And I remember walking around Circular key saying it's kind of weird. I was with my cousin and I say, it's kind of weird. Every event that I do, this is the message that keeps coming out. And then COVID happened. When COVID happened, Danielle, there was this recognition that people were passing and their loved ones and friends couldn't be there, and everybody felt like they weren't able.

To be there with that person. So I want everybody that's listening, as well as.

Yourself, Danielle, to know that nobody passes alone, and that even if somebody wasn't physically there with them in the physical world. I need you to know that loved ones and friends who've gone on before us actually come and greet us. Do you understand what.

You relate to that is, did your mom pass alone or anything like that.

I was with her for the two months when she was just before she passed, and I told her I wouldn't leave her and I was care for her and I couldn't. I couldn't attend her name.

She wanted more, more sane in oxygen and everything. So I said, the best way for you is.

Palty scared.

So we I with my position or my sisters agreed, but we I was the one that forced it for her to go to Palti's care, and I said, like, please, don't hate me and don't help me.

Danielle. I want you to know that I just wrote a newsletter.

My last newsletter that went out last month is all about this. Because when you have a child and that child is sick, it cannot communicate with.

You what's wrong. So what do you do.

You do the best you possibly can, and then you listen to the healthcare community and they tell you what to do to assuage anything that's happening with that child right out of your love. You do what you can to make sure that that baby's okay, that child is okay until they can talk, and then they tell you this is where it hurts. Yeah, well, at the end of our lives, Like in your mom's case, there was a there were circumstances where maybe she couldn't communicate with you in the way that you would like or that maybe she would like because of the illness that she was navigating.

And what did you do. You listened to the healthcare community.

You did the best job you possibly can, but you did it out of love right now?

She has a sister who passed right?

No, No, she her brother passed.

There was no sister.

Who's friend.

Frein Francis?

Could it be Francis, Well Frand and Francis. Frank Is going to sound the same. Who's Francis?

That's my grandfather's middle nine and.

He's passed, Yes, he is.

So is that after your dad's side?

Though, no worries from my mom's side.

So I'm confused. I'm actually confused.

So she has two dads, No, she only had one dead, Okay.

So I'm gonna just tell you what I'm saying.

My feeling is that somebody's got two father figures, like a father and the stepfather or somebody else helped raise them. That's my symbol, Like I've got two dads. I know that there's a friend or Francis connection. I know that there's a jo name like Joseph or John. There's a jail connection. And I feel like something happens in the month of May or the fifth to five of a month has some type of connection.

But there's a May connection.

And I'm going to tell you that your mom's letting me know that she's got a sister figure that's with her. So whether that be a like a friend or a sister in law, a best friend, but she's got a sister figure that's there.

Okay, who's the you said? You? You said?


With the Jo name?

Is that something that rings the bellt My My uncle's name's Jo or his name was William, but we always called him Joe.

And my birthday is in May.

Okay, right, and then just know that your mom's got a really close female contemporary that's with her.

And does her mum hate her for the pelative care or that's not the case?

Never all never, it's always gratitude and appreciate. The greatest gift we can give somebody is a death with dignity and free of pain.

So hospice, end of.

Life palliative care is the most unconditional, loving thing we can do to make sure that somebody is leaving this world with our pain.

Were you there when she passed?

And elm, I just left because I've got multiple scleroses. So I stayed with through the two nights before the Friday night and this Saturday night. But I wasn't going to stay Saturday night, so I didn't take any I didn't take my bag or anything, so I had.

No I call them drugs. It's my you know, in my paint medication. And I just stayed with her all night.

With my two sisters, and I said to her.

I gave her a kiss on the floor, and I said, I've got to go home to take my drugs.

Mind you, else.

Is two minutes away from the hospital. But they said trying in the middle.

Danielle, I'm so sorry to interrupt you. Is there a reference? Is there a reference to Frankie Valley in the Four Seasons with her?

Oh? She used to love it.

Is that that song for me night?

She told me like Jersey boys, Jersey boys like the Frankie Valley in the Four Seasons.

Like that's a message. You need to remember that, Danielle.

Okay, Frankie Valley, I'm just looking at it's I Can't take My Eyes off You as one of the songs. Oh that's weird. That's a weird song. I can take my eye is off for you? You know that song?

Yeah, just girls like big girls, don't cry Frankie out. It's like all Jersey voice and stuff that I'm saying.

Yeah, yes, she did.

She did love those.

Songs, aw, and you weren't there. You know what, John, You've said this before. Often people will hang on and if you just slip out and gave a quick coffee from the coffee machine, that's when they choose to go. Yeah, So to say you the pain of watching them die, is that what happens.

Yeah, And it's it's got to be about them. So when we can't make it about them. So we can't hold somebody back once they've crossed, but when they're here, we can, actually our energy can kind of hold them back a little bit because they could feel like us, going like please don't go, Please don't go, Please don't go.

Well, yeah, I.

Gave the permission to go before I left, but I just I just wanted to be there. My sister didn't want to be there and she was, and I wanted to be there and I wasn't. So it was vice versa.

Jenny think she's okay staying Jennyelle. Yeah, Okay, we need one more call, like Josephine. We're going to do a quick one.

Hi, Josephine.


By the way, if you want to direct reading with John John Edward dot net, that's the website addressed to go to Okay, Josephine, you're connected with John Johnny getting any vibes. Here is another call reading.

Josein what's your question?

Sonds? Very funny?

Good morning John. I just wanted to call in regards to my best friend who passed away three years ago. I just she passed away during COVID, so I never had a chance to say goodbye.

Did she die from COVID or not?

No, no, no, it wasn't COVID related. She had medical health problems.

So so you heard my answer to that already, Rachel.

You heard me.

You heard me say like, okay, So I'm going to jump in and tell you that I have written down in front of me like baby baby, baby, baby, baby, baby baby baby.

So is somebody having a baby.

My brother had a baby a year ago, like the most recent baby in our family.


And is there anybody that had like a slight scare neurologically?

Was there like a neurological scare my mom? Okay? Did they send her for an m R?

Yes, she has been every few months.



And then is your mom's mom passed grandma's passion?

Yes, yes, okay, so I feel like.

I've got your grandma coming in congratulating about the baby. She's making me feel like if she was here, she'd be making, like, I want to know, a christening gown, or she'd be she'd make it, she'd.

Be making a garment.

Yeah she's Grandma.

She was.

Yeah, she was.


And then and I kind of feel like I need to say that three people in your family, you all do the same thing. So it's like they might call you Jojoe, and then they might call somebody else c C, or they might call somebody else you.

Know, row row.

But there's like a double doubling of a person's name as a theme, like in your family.

So there's something about that.

September is important, Josephine, there's a birthday anniversary in September. And your dad's here, your dad's living, okay.

Is he in the process.

Your dad's in the process of either looking at real estate or helping somebody do something with a house.

No, I know that, I'm aware. We're all kind of settled.

So I kind of feel like I feel like Dad's getting involved with either helping someone real estate wise, fixing a house, looking at something, talking about a move. There's a real estate thing that comes up, and then they want me, Yeah, they want me to talk.

Can I ask you what city you're in?

Like? Where are you like the part of Australia you're in city?


Do you ever?

Do you have a sibling that's in a different place? Was your friend in a different state?

No, we're all in the Sydney So I need to.

Go to Adelaide. Who would be in Adelaide?

I have a friend with me in Adelaide?

But okay, did you just talk to that friend?


I haven't spoken to for quite a while.

So I feel like the friends in Adelaide and your friend that's passed has something in common. So I don't know if you knew them at the same period of time or there's something else that's in common.

My friendship past has family in Adelaide.

Oh thatay? Okay?

Is that making me feel like.

People that have a more clear message, wouldn't you? I don't understand that.


I'm getting loud and.

Clear, clear as mud to me.

You're one of those people?

What do you mean?

And I would be frustrated with as far as John.

But Jose, your grandma, your grandma's good and your grandma's concerned about your mom's health, so I know that they're actually monitoring or looking at something. But I feel like I feel like your mom is positive about whatever she's doing, so that's good. And you're a friend that is coming through courtesy of a grandmother who also has an M.

Connection around her.

By the way, so I don't have your friends on them, but there's an M connection name wise around that.

Her name is Mary.


Yeah. Twenty years later, Kyle's like, Kyle's like, really, her name is Mary.

It is always surprising to me that it's some bloody great.

I feel I feel like we're Kyle, I feel like we're married. My wife does that to me still. I say something and she'll go, really, how about God?

How did you know that?

I'm like, seriously, Oh, and Hans your kids going everything? It's everything wonderful in your world me or just not kid, it's in the middle of isn't that Well?

I just want to say, one last day, just if you can let Mary's family know that that she came through and that she's good. But your grandma's making a big deal about the family and then the expansion in the family, so if the brother's baby is the newest baby, and it's like the newest, youngest excitement, and I kind of feel like there's a little bit of an inside joke like wow, he had a baby, Like wow, he had a child, you know, like wow.

Yes, Well, even if you're responsible, people can turn into your parents. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's the address to go to if you want to have a one on one reading with the world's greatest socking mom. Everyone knows it. It's the sacred.

So nice to see you, man, same.

I look forward to seeing you guys again.

Thank you John Edwards. This morning exclusive to us everyone, Kyle and Jackie Oh

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