🔮 Psychic Medium John Edward jaw-dropping reading...

Published Nov 23, 2023, 10:20 PM

Psychic medium to the stars, John Edward joins us live in studio for a round of predictions, blowing us all away as usual. Have a listen to hear what went down...

John John Edward is in Australia. He is doing this the State Theater shows this Sunday. If you would love to be one of the chosen few in the audience, get on the ticketmaster dot com dot au. There are tickets there. He is the most incredible psychic medium we've ever had. And we've met a few, We've had a few on the show.

And the shows are always so good to see.

The oppressive best time when I would.

You say that you are the best in the world of what you do, but I will you won't. You won't. You won't put the crown on your own head.

No, that's not a crown better than you.

It is better.

You know, we're talking about connecting with people who have passed. I don't really think there's it matters like who's better, right, think it matters that they're doing an ethical and responsible jobs.

You don't want to be the optus of the of the you know, you want to be the telstra of the connection.

Understand that that's.

On him that I don't know what he knows.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you don't know that.

But yeah, I think it's like what happens like because sometimes people have expectations of certain people coming through, and then they don't.

Why don't they come through out of it?

I don't care, right John, They don't care.

Not, No, not, they don't care. I just think that anybody who can come through, who has the ability to come through, will open the door to get a message across, to show that there's a survival of consciousness. And a lot of times in a private reading, you might want to hear from one person. Three other people might come through first before you hear from the one.

Person, so you might hear from them but not first some is it? Is it a case of in when they've passed over, some are more pushy than others.

I think some people's personality wise, are a little bit more.

Is that true?


So do you have the same personality when you pass over? And you know what I mean?

Like that when they're coming through, they're going to wear the same personality to a degree so that you recognize that it's them. Okay, so otherwise you wouldn't think that it's them.

Yeah, So yeah, but do you know, like what they personalities like when they're not coming.

Through, so I could tell you what's going on there?

We just a ball of energy floating around.

Well, what's the I think that when when you look at a person's kind of energy coming through, what they're going to do is give validation to show that it's still them. So if somebody doesn't come through with information and one of the things that I'm trying to do, because I think astrologically at a time now that's very reminiscent between nineteen eighty five and nineteen ninety and back then I was working at psychic fairs, so I saw a lot of stuff that.

Was working fairs that sounds a bit hokey a tea. Yeah, team readings for ten dollars pretty much.

I was like fifteen years old and like learning how to kind of like you know, reach.

That's because you learned early, right, Yeah, yeah, you you were craft really young and one of the things that I learned was how not to be.

I met a lot of really wacky people. But yeah, in the years of doing this, I found that it's really important, that validation is important.

Can I ask you something, John, a friend of mine went to see a psychic medium long time ago, but her like grandparents came through and they were saying things that you know, only she knew like she had no doubt in her mind. But then the medium said, I'm being shown something and I'm actually embarrassed to say this, and I don't know if I should, and she Almos's vagina no, So she was like, yeah, no, say it.

And she said they've seen you in bed with.

The partner, and they they were they could see the sex injury you had the other night where she almost broke his penis, and and I was like, well, does that mean they're actually watching us?

Everyone they gathered around did they know that?

Only she and him knew that?

So they they really don't normally care about bedroom and bathroom issoes to be honest. Yeah, So I think that Lee's kind of on the psachah themselves being a little bit intrusive in.

DearS. Yeah, so that's it.

So they as a psychic, could you use someone's spirit to see what they're seeing, like see someone naked in that way?

Well, the way you guys interview people when they come on your show and talk about their projects, I feel like I'm kind of journalistically interviewing people who are coming through. You're asking the question, who are you, how are you connected? How did you pass? Give me some type of validation so that they know that it's you. What was your person on birthdays dates? How did you pass? What's happening now in the person's life?

What if I wanted what if I wanted you to connect it right now with Michael Jackson? How do we go about that? Is that when he and Michael Jackson, you haven't got a daughter on the ara.

Yeah, there's got to be a connection. Yeah, there's no reason. That's one of my biggest pet peeves. When you see like psychics in the media, when they're like so and so passed and immediately came to me and has a message for the family.

That doesn't happen.

No, no, in my in my professional opinion, because why would that celebrity choose that person. So what happens is that person puts out that message in the hopes that that person's.

Families don't hear that, and they'll get them as a client.

And then they get them as client, and then it becomes a selfil ill properly Yeah amongst the well, I'm not a fan of that.

That makes sense.

You know, if you if you ever talked of you, you would have spoken to a lot of you would have heard a few famous people you've channeled through with their family members.

Right, I have anyone that we know of?

A few names bro off a bit here.

I don't really, I don't really like I'm crossing over. I had that, Like I remember I read for some folks that had famous relatives, and but I'm not really a fan of reading celebrities. I know it's terrible to say, but I'm just I like regular people.

Yeah, but what if you're a celebrity's wife, what does she have done wrong to not get the reading?

It's funny you should say that I actually had. I actually had an experience with a celebrity's wife that would very difficult and very awry because there's so much public information out there, and they.

Like, you read that on the internet, and oh you didn't.

I had no idea what the person was.

That would suck.

Actually, if you're a psychic and you're reading for a sol they would think, you know, you could have just googled that.

Yeah, And the person gave me a very very hard time and they were like, well you could know that. I'm like, I don't know who you are. I don't know who your partner was, And right about now, I don't really care, ye like I'm coming from that place like the I'd rather I'm a regular person kind of guy, like I want to help people.

Think you are just saying you definitely got to know me since he was a young boys spoken to dead people. I don't know whether you class that is regular.

So I'm as the outside.

May I wave your hand to John, Wave to John. See yeah there, John, Now that's average, right, that's your average person in every way, shape and form. You you're not the average guy you are.

Let's take it.

Let's take a call real quick, and then we'll come back and take a couple more. So, Melanie, Hi, you're on with John Edward.

Hi Melanie, Hi, how you going? I'm good? How you doing? How can I help you?


I just wanted to touch base with whoever you'd like to bring through.

So, Melanie, I'm going to tell you whatever I see, hear, and feel, I'm going to tell you sometimes I'll go in a differ in area. So I don't know if your dad's passed, Melanie, but there's an older male energy that I want to talk about that I would see as being above you. That's like father, uncle, grandfather. I'm seeing my I'm seeing the number seven. So seventh to me either means the seventh of a month or the seventh month of July has some type of meeting, birthday or anniversary. And then somebody either lost their daughter or somebody has a younger female that's with them. So I don't know if he's got a niece that's passed or a younger female that's there, But there's a younger female connection as well. And I forgot your name.

You says that mean anything to you? The younger female connection.

No, not if it's a grandfather.

So your granddad's past, yeah, okay, so who around you?

Yes, okay, yep, yep. So I have a grandfather that I never met and his daughter had passed away before I was born.

Yeah, so that grandfather has the younger female that's coming up. I'm just curious, Melanie, is that on your dad'side of the family. Yes, okay, And then is there any any reference? So I'm going to give you a state's reference for me. In the States, there's a beer called Budweiser. Is there somebody that goes by the name Bud.

Not that I know of, unless my uncle had a name like that.

So I'm going to tell you that I feel like either somebody goes by the name Bud or somebody's named for a local alcohol, like they have an abbreviation, so like whatever the local brand would be like a VB or Yeah, somebody would go by something that I would feel in my reference, I always get it in the New York state of mind reference part of the one and then the lung cancer connection, Melanie, where's that for you?

Plung cancer?

Actually it's somebody who had one issue with one side of their lung. So if they had pneumonia, maybe one side was worse than the other, or if they had cancer, they discovered it on one side more than the other. And there's going to be an our name around you living or past, like Richard, or where's that I had?

Ronald? Who was my grandfather?

Okay, so is that a different granddad? Yes, so it's not the granddad with the daughter, it's the different side yet. Yeah, So then that lets me know that you have the person that had the lung issue. And the last thing. Just have a good time on the trip wherever you're going around going.

Yeah, who do you want to who did you want to connect with this morning?

My best friend passed away in March, so I was really hoping to get a message to her husband.

Oh hang on, Nope, I don't cheek, was it?

Yes, my a friend.

Maybe that's got something. Is that your best bud? Maybe that's got something to do with the bees thing? Bud? Is that a stretch John? Or is that not? If I don't know how to do, I don't know. I don't know how to connect.

No, but after all these years, that's a pretty good that's a pretty good way of looking at it. But if you looked at that, But.

If you if you got Bud and her best friend, which we would say best buddy, that's that's normal. Maybe, but you're not getting her. No, No, too busy.

But again, you know, you can't make somebody come through, like you can't make a celebrity come through. And even though you have a hope that a friend might come through. Yeah, this is a way of letting Melian you know that both grandfathers and and out that she never met or are still connected. That's not It also shows validity that that's she was calling and that's that's not what happened.

Yeah, yeah, it does work out in a weird way right.

We're going to take a short break and we'll be back if you want a reading from John Edward thirteen one oh six five.

He's in town if you want to see him live State Theater this Sunday. Oh man, these shows are good. Hey the ticketmaster dot com? That are you. We're just talking to John ed But during the ads and the song you were just a lovely calm. He asked how Otto was going and I said he's great, and yeah, I said that. You know what was those words of wisdom you gave John? It was it was beautifully phrased.

Oh. I said, how's he doing? And you said well, And you said your mom said you only get seventeen summers or whatever it was.

And seventeen summers and seventeen winters with your children. Then they go off to do their own thing. And I thought, gee, that's not that's not very long.

And I said, no, I think you're going to be able to get way more out of that. And you said you planned to, and I said I no, so, And I said most people will say you have to let them go and be the wrong people, and I said no, you have to let them grow to be the wrong people.

And if it leads to be on a T shirt that she's going to, that's gonna steak.

Let them go, let them grow, let them grow, that's cute.

You know, Mayo is pregnant. She's not just stacked on, she's she's pregnant. Wave again, Mayoi doesn't know who you are.

I have no clue. We talk often.

Yeah, she's pregnant, in contact with John for years, but but John wouldn't pay attention.

John's some of them creeps. He's like, oh good, Mayo, he doesn't care about that. What do you do? You have any predictions for her baby?

Oh? No, I don't do babies like that. I don't see stuff with kids. Yeah, fair enough, too boring? No, I just I don't couldn't care. It's kind of like I feel like it should be a surprise.

Yeah yeah, yeah, oh yeah. She's even the sex of her baby.

Do you know the sex John of the baby? Nope?

No, I don't want to do what you want to say.

I don't could not care the pregnancy or the baby. John.

Let's go to a calla. Jared is going d in Jared High. You're on with John Edward this morning?

Hey, here you go on Hey, Jared, good John. Now what do you need to know? If anything anything?

Jared? Have a question, Yes, oh I have a question.

Yes, I'm just wondering if you can see anything from my mom.

So, Jared, do you have a brother?

Yes? Okay?

Are you one of three kids?


Yes, technically yes for the daughter.

What do that mean?

So this is just me tuning in, Jared. If I said to you that there was an m a R name like Mark, or an m A R name like Margaret, where's that for you? Living or past?

Uh? I'm not sure?

Sorry, that's okay, Jared. How personal can I be live on the radio?

That's fun? Yeah, okay.

Is somebody going through a pretty big breakup right now?

No, not that I'm aware of.

So I could be wrong, but I think that you're gonna be navigating or helping someone communicate over a difficult breakup, like a separation of some sort. And I don't mean to death. I mean like a relationship, like a friendship that's falling apart, or.

I mean his what's gonna leave him?

You mean no, I just mean that being in thee having to navigate that for for somebody on that level. Where are the twins? Jarrett, who would be somebody that either is a twin, was a twin, or is the sign of Gemini because that means twins to me.

Mmm, I'm not sure.

I don't think.

There's any necessarily twins but the staff, so I'm not sure about.

So what month is that? That's June, right.

Yes, yes, the end of May into May and June. Yeah, I'm not really feeling your mom as I'm getting into your energy. That's kind of what's coming up around you. So yeah, it's making me feel like somebody navigating a separation, somebody navigating something like that along those lines.

Is there any yeah, okay, right, so there's not no fights, nothing, no big kind of no blow ups or nope.

It's more like be a good friend, m like, have they be there for someone and that's someone right. Yeah.

Sorry, that's probably one of my biggest things that I do. Tend to help other people more than myself.

Yeah, you're in that energy, so just be aware and you know, and for anybody that's like that, if you're very empathetic and you're very sensitive, always make sure that you kind of protect yourself as you're navigating somebody else's let's say drama.

Yeah, so let me just say, Jared, if you wanted to talk to your mom, which I often when John's here, I don't even ask how his family's coming. I just start asking about my dad again, because you know he's here, you don't get to see him, and when they don't come through, that doesn't mean anything, right John, That doesn't mean that that I like you there.

Has nothing to do with him or his mom. That has to do with what I'm able to tune into when I hear his voice and his feels energy.

Right. So yeah, So no, Andrew.

Has written on the screen that your family stopped talking to your mum who passed and you tried to repair the relationship.

Oh really Yeah, yeah, how do you know that, Jackie.

Because Pedro just wrote that on the screen there.

He told me off the guys, Oh I thought you were doing your own readings again.

Was like, yeah, maybe Jackie get the Melbourne Cup winner. So yeah, but that John, does that make sense? That him trying to repair the family with the mom that land that she makes more sense?

Yeah, that that, but that means that you have to protect yourself within the circumstance of whatever that whatever that is. So that I'm standing by what I said. Just be careful as you're navigating trying to help somebody deal with the separation because it might be overwhelming or taxing on you.

Yeez, Okay, thanks Jared.

Was it otherwise? How would she know?


Okay, Tara, go ahead with John.

Hi? Tara, Hi?

Hi? How are you?

I am really really good, Tara, I am.

I'm trying to I've got open mind. There's obviously we've all got people that have passed, but I'd really like to see if I can connect with my best friend.

I'm not sure I'm going to get your best friend. Where's the breast cancer connection for you?

Um My mom didn't pass off that, but she did have tuneus when I was baby.

Okay, has mom passed? No, So I have somebody that I'm supposed to talk about. I see this as a breast cancer scare where somebody had to navigate going for testing and then they were uncomfortable by the result, and then they had to go back for a follow up of something. So whenever I see that, that's what that would mean. Okay, where is that around you? Maybe in the last couple of years, like who had that?

I had a scare a few eas ago, but everything was fine perfect.

That's just my way of tuning in. And then where's the J or G name like Jim or James or a name like ja for you? And I know you're taking what I'm saying and putting it to your friend. Don't put it to your friend, put it to you.

No, the J name is my friend.

Okay? So is that?


How about yelling out that is that the that's passed?

Yes? Okay?

And was there a disconnect also before you passed? Before they passed? Like, let me just say what I'm saying. So I feel like there's an there was a miscommunication or a missed m I S S E D missed communication in some way. And my feeling is, don't hold on to that. And sometimes and anybody listening, if we've had a miscommunication with somebody right before they pass, we sometimes feel like we dwell on that.

What does that mean communication?

Does that mean like you've had a falling out or you haven't been as engaged with each other?

And so what that means like life happens, and then you know, life happens, and all of a sudden it's like, oh, I got to return so and so's phone call.

Oh, okay, so you didn't end up returning your phone call.

Something we missed an opportunity. But somebody's having a baby. Do you know that.

There's a few people, Yeah.

So connected to your jay. Is there a baby that's been born or is there a baby that's coming.

There's a baby that's being born after he passed his wife.

Yeah, I need to acknowledge seeing the baby. There's a reference to the baby.

Oh, well, hang on.

Your friend that's passed this Jane name, that's a dude.

Is that yeah, his wife baby, she moved on and had another baby.

Oh, that's why. That's why John said he sees the baby, not his baby.

Yeah, and she she moved on with somebody that they knew. Correct, I'm not sure who it is.

We don't speak anymore.

Okay, so that would be the missed communication.

Oh, I say so God, it makes so much sense at the end of these things.

Yeah, that's why I like to stick to That's why I like to state what it is that that I that I'm getting. And I'm going to tell you have a dog who's passed. Yes, yeah, your dog's there. They tell me to tell your dogs there.

Dogs that have passed community Pastard's dog.

Yeah, no, that's her dog. There's a dog that's ye. So so thank you, thank you telling.

You what if he said I see your dog there, I'd think, well, which one is it? See thousands of dead animals in my past, because I've got a problem.

And can I tell you. I literally had at an event. I had a person who had six horses and one dog come through, only not a not a human. And I was confused. I said, wait a minute, what kind of helicopter would you use to airlift an airlift a horse? Did you have to airlift a horse somewhere? And she goes, not in the way that you're thinking. And I go, did you airlift it to like an emergency hospital? And she went no, but when the horse passed, we had to use a crean to airlift it to bury it.


I was like, Oh, in my frame of reference, we would going to a vet.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're off. You're off to the emergency water at the local animal hospital.


It's quite amazing. You know what the hardest thing would be for you, John would be trying to get those fractured messages and try and I think.

I think, to be honest, in my years of watching you.

The hardest part is because people are so nervous they don't recall information straight away. You go blank, you panic, you go blank, and you can't think of those things.

So but also the tricky part.

I also like to give specific circumstances. And if you're being very myopic in a message and somebody just wants to know their loved ones are okay with them around and see them, and there's like a little bit of a validation of like a name or whatever, and then like there's a you know, the skeptics will say where the senex will say, you paint a bulls eye around those things. I will go towards the area that's going to be specific, and then in a reading it comes out yeah, because on it we have limited time.

But I've seen you at your show and sometimes it can actually be uncomfortable to.

Watch where.

You will say and double down on like this statue in the bathroom that of a bird with glitter on it, and they'll go, oh, I can't think, and then eventually.

They don't have there's no statue. There's no statue. Yeah, it comes and then and it's always the weirdest thing where they go, well, we got married in a bathroom under a statue with glitter, and you think Jesus Christ dumb? But yeah, are they all dumb the people that come or is there some nice people?

They're mostly dumb.

Mostly they're lovely people. Come on, John, it can be.

I've seen him be frustrated, but you're so gentleed because it's so emotional to the.

My daughter calls me the Gordon Ramsay of sake.

Does see it can't be no bullshit. I'm not gonna lie.

If you want to see him live, it is quite the show. You'll never forget it. I never have stay theater This Sunday head the ticketmaster dot com to are you.

Great to see you John, Thank you John Edward.

This morning. Here are kiss everyone, Carole and Jackie O.

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