👀 MAFS' Harrison goes ROGUE in TELL ALL interview!

Published Mar 13, 2023, 8:26 PM

MAFS' Harrison joined the show to speak his truth and share his side of the story. He touches on his vulnerabilities, who has the biggest mouth, who got the golden edits and all the false accusations surrounding him. Listen for all the juicy details.

If you've been watching Married at first sight, Harrison's arrived. Everyone here, he is, bring him in. What a little show? People don't go on there and they get married and they live with each other and then it all falls apart and we get to watch it all on TV rather than to experienced it at home.

Yes, it's the best.

Hey, Harrison, you're joining us in the studio morning.

How are we guys?


Ago, before this even came on television, I ran into you on the street and you were saying, oh, mate, I might look like the villain of this because that I'm being honest. I'm not putting up with any shit, and you know, I'm just being me. And I was like, how could you be a villain? You seem like a top one.

How did you know you were going to be a villain then? If it hadn't aired yet.

That's good, that's a good question. I think pretty much all of the cast at one point or another, were like, Yeah, you're the You're the villain this year, dude.

I think you can always tell when you're in the commitment ceremony who the experts gang up on as to whether you're going to be painted as a villain. Or not?

Don't you experts?

Are these guys? You've got to ask what do they know? What's their relationships?

Like, No, I don't know what their relations.

Any of them, even with anyone.

They didn't look like the Actually, did you guys watch the last commitments that felt more like a railroading than it did a couple seves?

Is that the one where Jesse left and you got the blame for it?


Yeah, yeah, I feel I felt like that was unfair.

Hey, can I ask with that on that you said that Claire had told Bronti, your wife, that she was only writing Stay so she could redeem herself after cheating.

Now, we never.

Really got to expose or call Claire out on whether she said that or not because Bronti never said anything.

And Claire never did, so we just didn't see it.

Okay, there's a lot of stuff that happens at the commitments, so like there's like ninety nine percent of the show doesn't make it the air, right, Yeah, so yeah, it got caught out at the commitments? Should go longer four four hours?

Yeah, did she ever admit to.

It, Claire? No, Claire, so Bronti admitted that she'd heard it from Claire. So Bronti and Claire went to Manly one day and they went and got these matching ex tatoos. Yeah, and then that's when Claire and Bronti spent the day together. Claire told Bronti about what her plans were for the show. I think Bronti told Claire some stuff that comes out later in the show. And yeah, so when what do you mean their plans? They aren't planning to find real love and in this experiment, I don't think so, not at all. And then yeah, so they've got these matching tattoos. And then that's when Claire told Bronte about what she was doing with Jesse. That's when. And then after the Couple's Retreat, because Claire and Melinda ganged up on Bronty at the girls night, That's why Bronti told me about Claire because she knew I would just hammer that right. So it was basically like Bronti was getting back at Claire using me as a proxy, if that makes sense.

Did you feel in any way like, oh, it could have worked between those.

Two, because I've had so many like what you don't see as well at the Couple's Retreat, we do a boys night and I had like a probably a forty five minute conversation with Jesse about his relationship, and I asked him all the questions we all kind of shared. I didn't get an opportunity because the drama with Bronti, but like I was, like I said to Jesse, I was like, do you think she even likes you? And he's like, I think we're getting along. Like we're getting along, but that's not what I'm here for. I wanted a relationship. People being friendly doesn't mean we're in a relationship, but just or not. They only kissed like twice on camera. They didn't there was no relationship.

Yeah, yeah, that's why.

That's why I called it out because I was like, if if Jesse had said I really like Claire, well he did say I really like Claire and I think she really likes me, I would have left it alone, right, But because because Jesse was going, man, I don't think she likes me, like we're just treading water, like we're just killing time here told me that stuff. After the girl's Night, I was like, oh man, this has to come out, Like someone has to tell him and everyone wants to like everyone's saying like I just deflected.


So I sat there for a long time at that dinner party while everyone attacked my relationship. And Claire had the largest mouth in the experiment and the worst, like she was sitting in a glasshouse throwing stones. So I let her come at me for like probably ten fifteen minutes. You don't really see it. You sort of see me sitting back on okay, Claire, okay, okay, And then I just was like, okay, enough enough bang.

So you talk me through the edits of things, because watching it, you do look like you have a gaslighting problem, and it does look.

Like you.

The oldest trick in the book, the gas Why all you have to do to make a gas lighter is edit out my arguments and it looks like the other person's right.

And you are arguing, but they chopped that out because they haven't got all day.

If you and I have a conversation and I edit out all your good points and I just talk over you, you look like the gas lighter. That's the oldest trick in the book.

So you you're saying that you are nothing like what they're making you out to be.

But I'm worse. Oh, I think there's some truth in the edit. Like, I don't really want to talk about edit too much because because, like I asked this year, I'm really struggling with watching it because I know what happened, and then watching it on screen, I'm just like, this is not okay?

Is it? Like some things out? But aren't they actually making the narrative very different from what I've seen.

They're cutting the show to fit a storyline to the point where some scenes don't even make sense. There's conversations that are so choppy. I'm like, how did they get away with this? It looks like a five year old did it an MS painting?

Right? And you said that the girls are getting the golden edit? Who is looking nothing like what you experienced in real Like if they didn't get a golden edit, they would look like a villain?

Who would that be?

I think I think everyone that's got the villain edit, myself included, it's somewhat fair, like o'h cop that like, it's pretty fair in some in some respects, people that are getting a good like being trade as these like for example, Claire like, look, I've got nothing against Claire. I like Claire. I think you like I like, I like most of the like most of the people I went in there with are fine, like I've got I've got no hard feelings towards them. But like Claire being portrayed as this like super sweet kind of victim of the whole thing that's so far removed from no one thought Claire was a victim.

Do you think that the producer somewhere has decided I don't like that Harrison, Let's just make him look like an asshole girl, make her look like there is actually.

Have somewhere that said that. That's I know for a fact. But yeah, look, you just got to roll with the punches. I've got pretty broad shoulders, so I'm just gonna copy it.

Do you feel like the experts don't like you that much? Because what I feel like they do.

I feel like, well, judging by the last commitment ceremony, like I was watching that and I was like, I was pretty vulnerable. I said, like, I don't know what the issues are in the relationship, Like I'm sure I'm causing issues. I'm half the relationship. I'm sure like I'm having an issue where I don't trust what Bronte's saying. I don't trust that she's being honest at all here. But I want feedback. I want to know what my issues are. Please like help me. And John goes to me. He goes, that's the issue right there, and I'm like, no, Ship, But I don't know if someone's asking for help and you go, that's your issue, what is it?

Where's the help there? Though he doesn't care about you feeling they were.

You've got to remember that there is a storyline that they're also trying to work with, and you know they have people in their ear and it's it's a whole.

The experts watching the show we watch on TV or are they watching all of this ship?

They watched the entire dinner parties, Yeah, from another room and they supply commentary on that.

I thought they always watched an editor down version.

No, No, they watched the whole thing. I've seen them in the like. So we sometimes they go for a bathroom break at the same time.

You John, when it's got your penises out legit?

Yeah, yeah, a sword fight one time.

You should say to him, bro, that's not that's you.

Know, when you're at the commitment ceremony a few weeks back and Bronti wasn't there because she was struggling at home with endomitriosis and you broke down in tears.

Now I want to say that Bla on the show to talk about.


You could see at the last dinner party where I was having that interaction with Bronti and I said, like, it scares the ship out of me that you're not in this. You could hear my voice kind of change, and that's me quiver. Yeah, that's me when I'm emotional, like I will find it hard to get my words out. No different, Like I'm actually really upset that they made a mockery of that with.

With like because everyone's faces.

Bronti was on a chair crying her eyes out in a lot of pain, asking me taking home in an ambulance, and I was I was there, like trying to come for her, and then I had to produce it legitimately shoved me into the commitment ceremony, say no, you've got to do this. She's she can't go in. You've got to do this. So I'm kind of like a little bit like shaken up. And then when I sat down in front of everyone and the lights and the experts and it like it all just kind of hit me, and I was just like, I'm really struggling.

There was real emotion. You weren't trying to be like a nice guy.

Music over the top of it.

It was quite They made it quite comical that believe dude.

When you had the quivering voice, like I know when I struggled with something emotionally and I have to talk about it. You can hear my voice quiver. I knew that wasn't bullshit.

So did at any stage you and Brontie say to each other, let's just do this and stay in it for the TV show.

She tried at the Honeymoon. She pulled me aside and said, oh, look, you know, we could just we could just get through this. And I was like, Brontie, that's not what I'm here for. And then she gave me an example of Brent and Tamorrow from another season. Oh yeah, and I know Brent's been in Bronti's DMS. By the way, he's cracking onto it. That's why it's coming so hard for me in the media. I'm like, dude, just stop trying to stay relevant anyway. Yeah, So she gave me an example of those two and I was like, they hated each other and they wrote stay every week. That was the fakest relationship ever. Yeah, And she goes, oh, you know, we could just do that, and I'm like, that's not what I'm here for. And I spoke to my producer about.

What are you there for? Do you want Bronti or do you think maybe thrown one of the other wives or onto? Whatever?

I was there for a relationship. Like, I've been single for a couple of years.

I don't look like you have any troubles getting some relationship women.

I've been pretty open about that. I didn't have any trouble me.

What did you think was going to be different about maths than just meeting people on the outside?

Exactly what it is? They they sit you down and they say, these are your relationship issues. This is why this. If you can't make a relationship work on marrit at first sight with all of the help they give you and the fact that they match you with someone that they you know, they say that is matched with you for maximum success possibilities, if you can't make it work, you need to then start looking internally. And like I have been watching the show, I am looking internally. I'm watching it going back, going I shouldn't have done that?

What have you learnt from it?

Then? Heaps? So, for example, when Bronte and I say we would get into an argument, or really anyone even I just don't listen. I do not listen to other people. I wait for my opportunity to drop those truth bombs, or I'm listening for weaknesses in their argument rather than what they're saying.

Do you go see that's you have learned something negotiation.

I've learned how to gaslight better.

I love that we've got Brent on the phone.

I don't want to talk to you, don't. No, he had his chance for the limeline. I'm not giving him any of mine. But one thing I will say, Guys talking about one thing, touching back, touching back on the touching back on the show. Yeah, I find I find some things hard to watch. I find the fact that, you know, the last commitment ceremony, that I was watching the commitment ceremony and they've sort of strung a bunch of different audios together to make Brontes, to make Bronti's sentence makes sense.

Yeah, so they're not just not just filming the whole sentence using bits and pieces of different Wait, what.

Is So what are we about to hear?

This is in the commitment ceremony, and what are you saying that this isn't what Bronti.

Actually said, not even close.

Okay, so we're gonna hear what she said and then.

You tell us what.

Roll the tape.

This is what we heard. I guess for me, when I said I wanted to leave, it was because I was scared. Oh my god.

It sounds very obvious when you hear.

It sounds choppy when you hear without visus.

So the first or the first part of that audio that's out the commitment ceremony, the second part of that audio and the third part of that audio are two separate what we call voxes. That's like an interview, and they've just and they do it all the time to make a sentence makes sense to the storyline.

I have heard that you must be very infuriating, because then you're how do you know what to even say on this show? If you think you can be minifical, twisted any narrative, can.

They tell you from the start that you can be edited any way?

They like?

They do tell you that, Okay, I don't.

Think in the contract that yeah, what Bronti said was and again like I will do it. I'll do a tell all one day where I basically like our relationship could have been its own show. There is so much, so much in our relationship that I really struggled with that has to do with Bronti's side of things and so much stuff that, Yeah, it's take a whole podcast, I think to get from. But what I will say is Bronti out a commitment ceremony, said she basically apologize for lying about our relationship. She apologized for lying to me. She said that that that is a toxic part of my personality that this experiment has brought out, and I'm working on that. And they cut all of that out. Any ownership, any accountability, they cut it all out. And then it went to the villain.

I suppose this guy out here. Do you know maths Funny the Instagram page, Yeah, Josh, he works for us as well.

You know lots of stuff about maths. You get sent things. Do you have any questions for Harrison scene though we don't know. Yeah, he does get you get sent screen.

It was there for the commitment, final commitment ceremonial.

We really were you there for that, Josh, get into.

My car window with a boxing glove. You might need this. It was so funny. So what do you know?

Yeah, but no, but yeah, Josh, that we don't know.

We just wanted to ask about some old Facebook posts of yours which have come out, and one basically says it's a woman's right to an abortion or to keep a pregnancy, but should men be forced to pay child support for a child they had no choice in keeping.

That's a good question. I think there's a lot of a lot of old Facebook posts of mine that have resurfaced. And the funny thing is that the person that resurfaced them, her admin for her page, was the one liking the comments. So it's like a bit hypocritical that they're kind of bringing them up in a negative light.

You know. The person who's who's throwing all this back.

Up, the person that's doing this will slander and say anything for clicks. She's a terrible person. Look, I'll say this, I read.

Really, that's not that's not even like a belief that that's just you.

I enjoyed. I enjoyed having a conversation. Difficult conversations I always have. I like to find out you know where people stand on it. But look, I will say this. I read through. I read through a bunch of comments that resurfaced about previous MATHS contestants, And it's important to note that those all of those comments were made in a private Facebook group. You have to be accepted to enter, and so I never really intended them for like public consumption. It was more like I was having those conversations with like minded people that comment on reality television. Right, So that's one thing. It was in a private group. It wasn't really for it wasn't in like a public setting, person your.

Whole life, just explaining the real deal about all this shit.

But I want to say this, I want to say this what I made those comments that I know, and when I read through them, I thought, most of this is just critical stuff on the cast. Based on what I saw on the television. It was the same as any other viewer, really, and like, you should see some of the shit that gets written about me. It's putrid. But look, I went through the I went through the comments, and one comment in particular, I felt cross the line. I made a comment about someone's mental health, and I don't know the person. I reached out to them directly. I'm not going to say who it is because that would cheapen the apology, but I I reached out of the person directly got the number. I called them and said, look, I really feel like I don't know you. I made a comment that is completely unwarranted. I don't know you, I don't know your story, and I was commenting on something that I shouldn't have commented on. I just want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, I'm deeply sorry. And that person appreciated the fact that I reached out and accepted the apology, and I thought that was big of them.

So going back apologizing for these things that are coming up from the past because now you're a bit older, you've changed your views. You know, you're sixteen, seventeen years old.

I'm not above apologizing if I feel like I crossed the line or I've done something wrong.

I see you give us a good bloke.

I feel like I feel like I'm back in there on the show where I don't I've like, no, not only am I talking to like all of the room?

Can I.

Okay him?

No? No? No, only because I wondered why Josh was there, and then Pete put his hand up as well.

So don't feel like your so do you.

Still want brand He's still on hold. If I don't want to talk to Brent in another time, that's all good. I called him, so I just don't want to waste few times, Peter, we don't care about Brent at the moment, right Who cares about Brent? Now?

Some guys they just won't ever communicate their feelings ever.

Yeah, if you if you want to see this like I am, I am quite hard on the outside, but if you want to see like anything that really cuts to the core of me, you just look at my relationship with my Son's volumes to who I am underneath. You know, I like that. I like that. He's the best thing that I've ever done.

You think you've changed since becoming a father? Did you drop it knocked a bit of the deckhead out of you? Because it did for me. Yeah, I think I think it. I think having kids forces you to grow up.

Yeah, for sure.

You've got all that responsibility then, and you've got this little person that you want to see flourish and grow into. And yeah, it's it's it's the emotion again. Thing I ever did.

Wait, guys, can I just say one thing.

I'm sorry you.

Want to walk into the studio with the sledgehammer? Sorry?

Why did you dump Bronchie and say oh I don't want to be with her? Overtext? And then you both wrote stwn like you just wanted to stay on the show.

That's all I wanted to They changed their mind.

That is the most victim narrative. Bro Like Bronti came in like we sat down when we got back from the couple's retreat and our relationship had been called fake, we had been skewed in front of the whole group. Like, I was just over it. I was exhausted, and I just wanted to have the conversation be like I'm falling for you. You know this, you say you're falling for me. What's the future of our relationship? Look like like where are we going? Are we going to? That's the throughth I'm in Sydney. I can't leave, she can. So there was a whole conversation I wanted to have that we hadn't had up to that point. We sort of we touched on it, but we never gone into detail about it, right, And so I said like, Okay, what is the future of this relationship look like, to you, where do we stand once? We only have a few weeks left to go. I want to ask the big questions now and get out of the way. And in that conversation, Bronti was giving me answers like, oh, let's just get to I just really want to get you to Perth. You know, I really want you to see where I grew up. And I'm like, the Perth has nothing to do with you moving to Sydney, you know, I just you know, I'm not done in this experiment yet. You know, I'm not ready to let you go. And I'm like, answer, no real answers, And that's those were some of the things I brought up at the dinner party. And they've cut me saying that's a wishy washy answer into when Bronti was actually giving a really good answer. So there's little things there that I'm like, oh, look, I just got to live with that. That's part of it.

So I have no more questions because the answers are too long.

When I asked the questions, she just like didn't give it, and I was like, that's a bullshit answer, Like I can't I can't rely on she broken young girl, nuture of this relationship. She goes, that's it. I want to leave. I want to go home, walked out of the room and I was like, what a simple conversation. You're going to call it off? And I just said, look, I can't trust this girl. I packed my ship and went into another room and that's when I texted and said, look what are we doing here? I can't trust you. This is over. And you read like when he got broken up with and I'm like, you're the one that said you wanted to leave and go home back to Perth. That's the end of the relationship, not a text message confirming it.

I know, I know.

What happened. Shake the tv. It must be infuriated. Infuriating.

I'm sorry because I know you're going to stay with this bitch or not you finished with her?

Oh god, Look, Brunchie and I are sorting things out.

You having sex and stuff or not.

We're having pretty great.

That's you're halfway there. You just got to like her now exactly exactly you like her. I did like I do it, You did, You did like it, but you still having sex, but you don't like it.

Not Now they're probably not having sex. Now that's this was filmed? How long ago? When did it end?

Last year?

Probably through another sixteen by now?


How is the how is it when you walk down the street, Harrison? Is it like positive?

Do you get people yelling out anything?

I have had the most positive experiences. I love when people come up and say hello, they want to take a photo. He talk to me like, I love that. I've had the most positive experiences with people in real life. The online stuff is a completed differentory. But I just look. The only way the online stuff hurts you is if you go looking for it exactly, if you stay off it, or if you believe it and you believe if you believe that there's six comments there, they're all saying similar things.

People can believe that that's what everyone thinks, and it's not really what everyone thinks.

And it must be weird going from you know, last year to anonymity to now you must walk down the street and everyone would be double taking.

Yeah, I don't get away with what I used to at the couldipab that's for sure?

Going to be a good boy now, Yeah, I'm sorry you've had a rough trot on this thing like you did you predicted it. You were right.

You've been through it all. I've seen you over the years.

Controversy had an editor, though you can't blame editing because he's mostly live.

And I'm saying it all myself. Producers made me do it. Yeah, they know that.

I don't care about these producers. They've got no power here. Listen, owning your stuff, learning stuff. You're not going to learn everything.

You know.

You don't have to change your personality, but you will learn on experiment.

The thing. The thing about watching the showback is people like you do this, and you do this, and I'm watching it going, bro, I know, like, give me a chance to change, like you have to. Sometimes even watch it yourself and go yeah, I probably won't do that again changing.

Why don't you just find some of the life for you.

It's good to grow. I think you're growing from it.

You've definitely seen things that you don't like about yourself, and I think that's a great thing.

And I've seen things that I do like about myself. I've seen I've watched the show and gone, man, I'm like really honest, yeah, yeah. Every time someone put a tough question to me, like at the wedding, I said, no, I wasn't just seeing this girl, I was seeing multiple.

When this was the promo for the dinner party. So last week the promo was you throwing the bomb about Claire and knowing that that was derailing Jesse and questioning the whole relationship. And in the promo it cuts to you and you've got this smirk as though you're really enjoying the fact that you've just about split them up.

Did you actually smirk like that or is that an edit?

Look, I'll answer the question every time they cut to me looking sinister ashe I'm not even looking in their direction, right, I was smirking at another conversation.

Oh that smirk at that other conversation.

It would have been good genius, way too much. Don't mess with me, bro, I'll throw it. I sort of like smirk, Yeah, yeah, powerful, it was. It's a good little technique and there's loads of that, Like they can they can make something seem super disingenuous just by adding music that they can make. They can make something disingenuous seem genuine with the MEI.

Or they make it look like an idiot with the goofy music they played.

And you're crying about in playing funny music. It was funny, laughing.

In his misery. I watched it. I watched it and I was just like.

What, it was funny, But that's the that's That's something that kind of really pissed me off with with the with the show was that that was that was one hundred percent genuine.

I was showing real vulnerability and empathy for Bronte's situation.

Yeah, they were like, I'm not going to show that.

People came out, People came out and go, oh, do you think you? I said, I said specifically at the start, I made a point of saying, I'm not the whisk of this. I didn't even know what it was until I was with Brontie. I thought it was a guy that used to it don't how women's plumbing works. So there when when when that came up, I was like, I got to deal with this, and I was so awkward, so upset for her, and that just made me look like the biggest it is, can I.

Give you something? Just don't worry about this ship. I never worry about any of this ship ever. There's people, there's this, there's that, there's governments, there's government inquiries. I don't care about any of it. I care about none of it.

That twenty years of.

It, nothing ever happens.

Ever, what I will say is, though, is again watching the show back, I'm pretty I'm pretty happy with every time something tough gets posed to me, like I'll sit there and own it. And then Claire and the experts and that sort of stuff had the hide to accuse me of deflecting. Well, let's look at the let's look at other people in the experiment. When I said that comment that Layton had made to me about sneaking out behind Melinda's back to go to the gym, that was a deflection because he didn't own what he said. He made out like he didn't say it. When Dan and I were in the hot seat for getting numbers that night, Dan just denied it. That was a deflection.

Still worrying about I'm not worried about it. I'm just too interests.

I'm not worried about it. But the thing is, it's like I'm getting accused of not owning my ship. I own my ship all the time.

Tell everyone to suck your dick and just run through life, not worrying about anything serious.

Needs to come back next year is one of the experts. I would watch that show twice.

If you come in again, just let us know, but just don't get down in the.

I'm just going to sleep in my car downstairs until you guys need me again.

I love this Caesar. It was a good blow.

It is on again tonight at seven thirty channel I thanks for coming in, Harrison

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