
πŸ€” KJ Uncensored: How do you pronounce KUNCE?

Published Nov 6, 2024, 7:48 PM

Kyle & Jackie had a field day working out how to pronounce an American politicians name, 'Kunce'. It was awfully close to one of our favourite swear words so a lot of the chat was beeped - but not this one! Have a listen to hear the full uncensored version.

The Kaal and Jackie O Show now less Meritan rats More gives the microphone is.


What's this guy's name?


Is this worth playing?

The senator?

The Senator?

Some of the boys thought it was worth a laugh.

Is it worth it?

Tell me how do you pronounce this name? Because he was all over the news, this particular senator. I'll spell it for you. You tell me how to pronounce it, because this is where everyone was struggling. Write this down, Brooklyn. You might need to help Jackie as well. Kay U n c E Kuntz, right, what is the German part? Everything's got to be Hitler related with you. I reckon it's Kunts is it not? I don't know. Let's see how all the journalists tried to pronounce this dude's name.

Lucas Lucas Koons, Lucas Kunz, Lucas.

Koontz, Lucas Koon, Lucas Kotz, Lucas kot Lucas Koons, Lucas ko Okay, so it is.

And you notice how they're they're being really soft on the n C. They're like Kuntz, you know, they're making sure that we all know it's not a tea.

I think right the first time. It sounds like an Irish person saying the sea word when you say it Jack. Because when our CEO is like you again, I'm like, my name is not Kuntz. I'm sick and tired of you Kuntz. All you see every day in the paper, nothing but Kyle and Kuntz. Again, I'm like, I don't think the paper actually says that. From our research, no one likes the Kuntz. I love some getting beets.

Yea, all of it, getting only some of them.

Sais like, what are you doing?

Let me do my job here, nobody, you're doing some doing the best it.

I think she's doing them all because she's concentrated. Come on, it's k U n C. Yeah, stupid person. Sorry, who was that, hey, stupid person? Yes, oh well that was a lot of beets. Then that was a lot of Hey, why don't we with this Kunz chat?

Why don't we do it as a kJ uncensored podcast, because I think it might have been a bit of a beep fest.

So wanted to have you not figured out how to beep out precisionally like the last Remember the last one. Vander such a great, such a great censor. She'd not spoke. She was very on brand for you. That's right. She never liked me, though, I don't think it was.

Weird because Vander would target people that she didn't like it. They'd be the most rand not target. Sorry, noause she never said anything to any one.

She was very to say something to me. She was very like just kept out of everything.

You know, she observed, and she observed. She didn't like I love then I love you.

She'd mentioned to me who she didn't like on the rig. I'd always be surprised to be like, really, you know what she said to me that you watch that coffee John, He's not to be trusted. And then that turned out to be right after you got blown by the guy and Pete got blown by him? Who else got blown by that? Blow? Everyone? Who's that? Who are you? Who's that? Where did you come from? Peter? Not you, Peter, I'm talking to there's a there's a Rando in the phone room. Who's that? Guys?

That's Jake?

Who's Mayo? Mayo? Look at me? Who's Jake from WAIVERFM?

Are your producers promotions from WAIVERFM? Jake? That's his name.

He learned how to take everyone's job. You're here. You're here to try and get a geek. Just learn how to learn how to do everyone's job.

Oh cool, Okay, welcome you have a nice hope you'll have a nice day, and make sure you look after Jake.

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