πŸ’πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Karl Stefanovic addresses the 'hair plug' rumours...

Published Nov 13, 2024, 11:33 PM

Karl Stefanovic joins us for a catch up! We chat politics, married life, wig rumours and more. Have a listen for all the juicy details...

Kiss talking of diseases, not.

That I agree with the disease, but.

From Channel nines today's show, Hello my, can.

You not hear yourself? Turn up your volume? See that?

Hang on? There we are.

You don't have headphones? Do you just have an in ear piece? Do they talk to you much in that in ear piece?

They do?

But I don't listen. I just tell them, like the odd uncle, I can't hear it.

You can?

You can literally zone that out come compartmentalize it importantly.

Carlos, good to see you.

That's nice to see.

I was on the way uprom the lift. Jamie said, great to see you. The guys really looking forward to seeing you. I love seeing their friends rather than a listens.

Also, it was yeah, I didn't mean it to come out the way it came out. I was just saying, you're high in Australia.

You're talking international international.

Stars, carl was just in America. If that's not international?

Have you ever been recognized internationally by a non Australian.

So Jazz and I we were in the Hollywood Bowl and we came out of seeing this concert, Chance the.

Rapper, Yeah, your favorite.

We came bouncing out of there as you can imagine, and I went, we walked across the road and this guy who was controlling the traffic goes, oh, man, you're that crazy Australian guy on the interwear thee.

Yeah, so he's seeing you.

Which did he see the Dalai Lama interviews something?

I still love that. That was the best.

I thought that was one of the greatest jokes.

Yeah, I think.

So what of your videos have gone viral?

I think there's there's like a bunch of them from that era.

So there was the drunk after the Logis you reckon that that went?

Do you reckon that it went international?

Your Wonder Talk, Your Wonder Talk?

Yeah, totally, I know Alama definitely, the big stubby thing.

Yeah, ain't stabby things I didn't even know about.

So there was a story about how someone was intruding into Georgia Gardener's room and her husband had a long stabby thing under the bed.

It's very funny.

Okay, So there's that.

Right, we didn't there's a few like that this week.

What about the grumpy Cat? Didn't you have the grumpy cat that was the viral once.

You interviewed that cat?

Yes, I did, like at four in the morning, and I thought, how is this going to be an interview? I know, whatever was happening before sort of kicked in and I started laughing.

And that was the whole week. I see you all nervous about holding a little chicken. You were all all contorted and the chicken got in your way.

I don't like chickens. I don't. I don't like wildlife at all, but especially birds.


I was attacked by one when I was a kid.

That's what I reckon it is, you know, because I was not attacked, but like cockroaches would always fly at me on the Gold Coast and from that I developed a fear.

Smell Coaches Carlos. I saw that look to Kyle.

Gold Coasts.

Yeah, yeah, you Queensland. You're a Queen's I know Queensland men.

You know, I've got to compliment you because under very difficult circumstances during the recent presidential election in the United States, you were solid on the TV. There. You were sprouting out who's doing what, who's win, the likelihood of different states. And it was no easy task because I was continuously text bombing you, telling you off that you should do this. Where's your trump? Hat? Wise? Liz on on the Harris's side. I love Liz Hayes by the way.

Yeah, she's a real boss.

So she was on the wrong team literally for fourteen hours. You know, it's a long time on air. You guys know that only too well. But there's a lot going on. And then I just my phone starts lighting up and Liz, is that an important message to you need to get? And I said, no, my brother and she goes, well, where's he? And I said, he's in Australia and she goes, oh, isn't he Because it is the wrong brother. I couldn't be bothered explaining it.

But theres.

Get more Trump people on.

I want to see Trump people your Trump had on?

Ye, yeah it was. It was so embarrassing.

But where were you getting your information? Because I was noticing because I was watching Fox News, my favorite news channel of all channels.


Look, I think Fox News, I personally think they did the best job.

Well they were.

They called it, They called the win. And half an hour later I flicked over to CNN and CNN was still pretending that it wasn't each way bed but the other one. They'd already had Trump on congratulated.

The media landscape over there is shocking. I mean literally, they do lie, right, Some people just completely lie. They take the angle that they particularly want, and mostly it's for Democrats, and it's mostly it's left leaning.

And why is that when when most of the country by millions voted for Trump wife.

Because media are usually left swinging and some of.

The ones, some of the bigger companies over there, are own by people who are influential in that sphere, and so it's filters down. But I just think from a technical point of view and execution point of view, Fox News were really slick and it's probably the best election coverage that I've seen.

And you know, I know you're a TV man and you're a nine. You're a nine guy. You will always be a nine guy. You've got nine in your blood.

What are you hearing?

What I no, No, I'm not hearing anything. I'm hearing. Just what I wanted to ask is, when you're in TV and you're a news man, do you admire people like a Fox News The slickness, the sound effects, the quality, the accuracy. You admire that.

I think you don't have to.

I love certain things like you guys would listen to certain things on the radio.

Or only listen to this, and then I don't listen to anyone out of that, and that is true now.

But I do watch for those things, technical ability, execution wise, under pressure, what they're doing, the great afficts, how they're communicating and connecting. And I do think that that Fox News have come an awful long way from where they were even four years ago.

But they are clearly by big numbers. The number like no one watches the free to wear in America. Now everyone's watching that cable news.

Everyone all the cable stuff. And Lachlan's now in charge.

Of that's tried. Lachlan Murdoch he runs it as well.

Well, he's only really just taken over. I mean he's done it.

He's done a bloody good job, and he's been under all sorts of pressure.

I sent him a note, did you a handwritten note? God you congratulated? Now you get that to him? Well, I just got Bruno with a gift basket when he became the head of the company. I said, congratulations. You know, I know you'll do well. You've got ship tastes and radio broadcasters because he owns Nova. But you know, good luck.

I think he's had a bit on I mean, and all the family stuff that's happening. But he took over.

I think he you know, literally, this is the first big test for him running a big organization like Fox News in America, one of.

The it's the big, one of the biggest companies in the world.

And they killed it. I think he's a baller. He's an absolute weapon, that guy.

Where are you at with your fitness at the moment? It because you look like you look like you've been working out, Kyle?

Have you no?

Well, yeah, I have been Betty Forward over the the Magic film all about it, Kyle, you're not eating?

Have you been gearing up for summer? Your summer body?

I have been, because you know, whenever I go to the Sunshine Coast, no one ever knows about it. I can swim privately and NUSA, you just get the rig out.

And have a nice, leisurely walk through the park with your friends.

I don't know if I've told you this right.

So there's a shot of me on Christmas Day or whatever, coming out of the surf, and it was a bad shot. James Hacker sends me a note and says, mate, to get.

Your oh my god, you know it's serious.

Wait, don't put it.

I'll be he said it was his worst shot.

Put it on the screen, you'll see it. It's me coming out of the ocean.

No, no, there's another.

Oh yeah, when you log you obviously had no idea a photographer was there.

You can tell around.

And so when you log online and see that shot pop up, what's your first like?

How do you feel?

So? I feel like after humiliation then one it's it's a.

It's a lot of embarrassment. But then my wife is always so good about it. She's always like, you know what, you look really great from front on.

Bless the angle, the angle that makes you look like you're Yeah, my wife is thank God for chubby chasers. Don't you agree?

I think she's into it.

And actually she seems to have got less interested in me in the bedroom since I've lost weight.

She actually likes you being dad.

Body intern message you asking for a quote on why your hair looked different on the today?

Where's the leaf flower? Yeah? Bring bringing it and bring the with the leaf flower? Bro?

What's with the that looks like the hair has spray on hair, but in real life it does not.

All sorts of stuff in my hair and there's spray.

What is with the hair? Are you balled or not?


No, you're not now, but have you've done something?



Well? I got the hair from the back and the lower bum.

And they put it up. They put up there before.

So that's why it's cooling.

You got pubes.

Carl's got pubes. He's always going up there like Donald Trump's got weird hair. You should get weird.

It. Hit in with the leaf, just try and blowing. That'll do. That'll do? Okay, Look now.

That's strangely refreshing.

I couldnt take that to the Christmas party.

I don't think Channel nine wants anyone blowing in each other's face at the Christmas party. You guys have got to know that.

Hey, so funny.

You're not everyone everyone should.

I really would wake you up. Maybe that's our alarm clock morning.

You want to blow in Jackie's face?

I want it.

It's good Jackie.

So you just hold your breath, open your eyes as long as you can, and.

Even leave your mouth open a bit, bloody eyelashes.

Do it.

I'll come around, we'll do it together.

They're both going to get blown on. Ready go Well, yeah, thank you guys. Wow, don't forget Carlos if you want to see him in albow? Albow?

What is it?

Sarah? What's what's? Yeah?

Says she's an awesome, but it says A b o, she's a crazy.

Where's the R?

A b oh?

Yeah, there, where's the RAR?

You need a bit of culture in your life.

I think I think we know what's going on here.

It's Syrian.

You put in a fake R, pronounce it differently.

I can't even can you see?


No, that was an experience parachuting.

My eyes feel like ice.

You look good.

Yeah, it's kind of did give my hair? I think seventy? Yeah, yeah, there are forces.

I love it for after a big weekend with a million dollar man. Was good to see you. Good to see you and I going to catch up in private after you've finished on TV and I've finished on the radio.

For sure, So that would be in two weeks time on the Friday, and we can Well.

I have to ask my wife's permission because I'm not allowed to you know, you're not allowed to free think when you're in a relationship. Yeah, you have to actually ask.

I don't need to do that.

My wife is very comfortable with me going on a four day bender with Kyle.

She doesn't want you out of the house, anything to get out.

As long as you're with Kyle, you're sat.

Well. I liked it. She thinks that.

Yeah, she's you're a safe person for me to be around, like a like a safer room.

Oh and there's some that aren't though.

There there are some yeah, yeah.

Yeah, we've all got our mugg lare friends.

Yeah, the ones the wives don't like.

There's certain friends your wife said he ain't coming around here.

There are, but strangely there are others, you know, even our great mate Johnny.

Yeah, she feels very safe.

There's you know, just people around weirdly that she just you're you're you're with them, You're okay.

Yeah, but I.

Wouldn't want to be. I don't go anywhere in the car with John Ibrahim lately since the attempted assassination.

Yeah, but it wasn't really an intent, was them. I mean the guys were hopeless.

Well, yeah, they pulled the gun on the wrong person. So that's that's a head up start. Maybe you've hired the wrong folks.

Imagine being at assassination.

Yeah, I know, that's a low life.

They don't often give the assassination attempt right two fowls with Trump Ibrahim, they couldn't take him out.

It must be harder than we think.

Must target target not even there.

The Today's Show Channel nine nationally Monday through Friday. Do you want people to jump on? What if they watch Sunrise? Do you advise, Hey, I know you love Nat and the Big dict guy. Yeah, come over here to Sarah and the little dick guy.

Nah, not really like that.

You don't ask some people to give you a go?

No, no, no, no. I think people know what they've what they've got with only twenty years next year, like it's a long time. But I'm continually evolving as a presenter.

Yeah, but in the wrong direction, don't you feel? Yeah?

I think so.

It's pretty obvious.

I don't know how I still got a job.

Well, those photos you kept from the eighties have really really come back to pay your gived it.

They have and I look forward to showing them at some point and down the track when I get sacks.

I've got a book of my own jacket Kyle and Jackie O

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