John Edwards here. John Edward, our psychic medium extraordinary. John's in town is here visiting Australia. I know you can visit John Edward dot net for all the tickets details where you can seem great to see you in person, to be.
Bad to see you. Guys, bring you flowers because you're ill.
Oh, John, you're so sweet.
How did you read a drug o book? No?
But I want to actually listen to it the audio. Yeah.
I love when people do their own Yeah, their own books, and I kind of feel like I could tune into their energy.
You've done a few books in your time.
I've done a couple.
Yeah, Am I out of line saying you're a New York's best seller?
No? I am a New York Times best multiple multiple times over all time, and that is not an easy feat.
No, I bet congratulations. Yeah, that's sounds lovely.
Do you feel anything you're in this room? Do you feel anything in this room? I don't mean to.
Be spirit or anything in here that's different energy wise.
No, I told you.
I told you.
We just did a spirit circle inviting good energy in spirit, but you don't feel it.
We weren't successful.
You may have been successful. But I'm somebody who actually protects their energy, Like I am so locked down and shut down until I don't have to be real.
Well, can I just say something? I think this is a bit of a sign. You were just at Channel nine and you were stuck in the lift.
I was actually stuck in a in a closet for the freight elevator of the lift, and I'd like to go on record that I was the one who put us there.
So what did you do?
Did you go into the wrong way?
I did? Are you so nervous about getting here that I hit the wrong green button to get out? It didn't dawn on the psychic that there should have been three elevators, and why was there just the one elevator?
Well, I got to say that your publicist was keeping us up to date with everything, and she's like, no, he's locked in there.
I don't know what's going to happen.
But then when we did the spirit circle and we released our hands, then.
You you got out. She takes us straight away and said, oh, we've just gotten out.
Then I'm going to say, you guys were getting here?
Is that not a stretch? So that's a stretch, right, her trying to claim that what we did helps you over in the other building.
Who knows?
Who knows?
Stranger things have happened.
I believe it is.
I believe in positive affirmations, and so.
Me too, I believe in facts.
Shall we take some calls? Sure Brianna has phoned in. Hi, Brianna. John Edward crosses over.
Are you no, I'm in the zone. Hi, Good morning, Brianna. And now John's here. Now don't go telling him everything? And what do you need to know? John, John?
You're hoping to hear from.
I know who I'm hoping to hear from. Do you want me to tell you who I'm hoping to hear from?
Briann? I'm going to tell you whatever I'm seeing, hearing and feelings. So please don't just focus on what it is that you're hoping to hear from. I don't know, okay, So first and foremost, why is the month of May important? What's connected to May for your family, living or.
Past May is not something that jumps out at me, right.
So it's jumping out at me. So that means that there's some type of connection to the month of May to you in some way birthday or anniversary. Who are you actually what's the relationship you will hope me to connect with?
Oh it is my brother.
Okay, So think about your family in general, not just your brother. Why would May be significant? Did somebody was was there an anniversary? Was there a birth in May? And then who happened?
I think my grandma and May?
Okay, so if she did, yeah she.
Is, So that would let me know that your grandmother would be the first person that that comes in. Where's the mar name like Mark or mar name like Mary, m A R. Where's that connection to your family?
Oh, we have a Margaret okami?
And then is your dad pasted? So there's an older male that's with you. That to me doesn't feel like grandpa. It feels more like an older brother. If feels more like a father. It feels more like an uncle energy a relation from.
Though Yeah, well my brother was old.
Yeah, so your brother would come to me as the older person. Now is there three of you in the family or is it like three kids in a family. Where are the three kids?
There's two kids in our family and there's three grandkids.
So I need to acknowledge out of the three grand kids, two are similar. One feels different. And then somebody must have had either really bad egzema or somebody has bad examo or some type of weird skin thing. There's something. Okay, what's the skin thing.
I think that's one of the grandkids.
Yeah, okay. And then I don't know if you weren't able to speak to your brother before he passed, if there was a disconnect, Brianna, if it was somebody that missed out on the opportunity to communicate with him. But I'm seeing my symbol of wiping the slate clean, and you guys share the same Mom. Yeah, is there a may I be personal live on the radio?
Is there any type of disconnect between either you and mom or him and mom?
Soon, there was a geographical big space. I was overseas Okay, that's what she was away from him as well.
Okay, I'm looking for the disconnect. So when we have a physical distance as well as if there was a disconnect, when people are emotionally not connected, we feel the missed opportunity of being able to communicate and connect with the person before they passed, and when they showed me that. It's my way of saying, let's wipe the slate clean. Is he gone in the last five years?
Has my mom?
No? No?
Is he gone in the last five years?
Brother, No, it was longer than that.
So tell me who just in the last five years also just passed Actually tomorrow, it's like two and a half three to be honest, it's like right in the middle.
Look that there's an uncle that could have that. I don't know about other than that, Oh, I have two arms.
Okay, god, yeah, both.
Died in the last couple of years.
Yeah, So it's your brother's with family. So I'm going to let you know that he's that he's there, and then I'm going to tell you that there's something electrical going on in your house. Now, I want to logically say to you that it's because there's an issue with the electricity, like you might have to have something rewired and electrician comes in and looks at it. There might be something. But I would be remiss to say that they can't mess around with things that are electromagnetically can do that. They can absolutely mess around what.
They can flick clans and stuff.
Anything that's battery operated or has an electromagnetic charge they can use as a symbol. But eighty five percent of the time I'm always going to err on the side of it's probably something that needs to be looked at. But there's still that five percent where you can go like that could be his sign, and I hope, hopefully.
He would love to flick lights and the scare people.
When I'm looking at my baby monitor. So the baby goes to sleep and we put him in the cart. Ten seconds is asleep. Every time I was watching the baby monitor in that sort of you know that that the black and white looking vibe, right, and this is no bullshit orbes Two orbs like one after the other came into the camera and into the child like one, and I went, Babe, look at that. And then another one right yea, And I thought maybe it's a mosquito, but it went into the So here's what it wasn't about.
What I tell people, We have technology by today's standards that's so amazing, right, So shutter speeds on cameras, even something like a baby cam is so amazing that if light hits a speck of dust, it can create an orb. I tell people, like, ninety five percent of the time we could rationally explain away something but then there's that five percent.
Went really quickly. They flew like in the same trajectory, like from the same place. One and then I said, look and then another one.
But then I go, wait a second, look at the date and time. So the date and time that it happens, is there a connection to let's say, your dad, is there a connection to somebody in your.
Family's father and my father both did okay? And we often we have the photos of the two grandfathers in the baby's room and we're often saying, oh, well, you know, say good night to Poppy, and so can I make them up?
So can I make a recommendation, h don't bring them up to him until he's much much older. And the reason why I tell parents not to talk about their relatives who have passed with young kids is those young kids will let you know when your dad's are around in a way that they can't possibly know. So if you take away the subjective approach to it, then you get the opportunity for you to know. Like correct, my son was two years old and he made an amazing connection with my mom that was jaw dropping.
Really Yep, what happened?
He was two and he was sitting in this high chair and he was eating cheerios, and all of a sudden, he goes, do you hear it? Do you hear it? And I just like looked at him and I was like, do I hear what? And he goes, somebody dropped the pizza on the floor. Nobody was eating pizza, so I'm like not paying attention. All of a sudden, I got a pull like I would if I was doing a reading, and I got a pull to like my right, which was like kind of behind him, and I went justin, who's that? And all of a sudden, he like leaned over in his high chair and he gave this big smile, and he goes, Princess. That was my mother's name. My mom's name was princess.
Your mom's name was? She was for.
I literally did like like like a room, like like what and I said, justin, who is that? And then he said it again, and then my wife took up, but she grabbed his high chair, flipped him around, and she goes, justin, look at mommy, don't look at that. She goes, who is that? And he said it for a third time, and my wife's expression was like, oh, you didn't know. She was more like, oh no, not not another another, not another, Like I can't have two in the house you want and.
Your daughter has the ability? You got no abilities whatsoever? Is that wrong?
Everybody has ability? Everybody listening has ability.
She's not like you and the kids.
No, no, but she she's highly intuitive.
Must feel inferior in the family.
Can I ask you something and solve this mystery for me once and for all. When I lived in my old house, it was very like it had bad energy.
And divorced and things.
No, this was when I moved out on my own and I was with Kitty, and she would never go into her bedroom. She just said it was like And then one night on the security cameras, I was screen recording something in her room and ORB and and and I've got it on my phone. I just want you to see what you think, because I the next day was like, is it a spider's web?
Is there something to explain this?
But have a little look at that. John. John didn't realize who was coming in here doing a lot of personal things. But you gotta you gotta seize these when.
That's a non that that's a stationary thing, that is not a that's not a piece of dust moving.
No, what is it? It's an orb just sitting there. What do you what do you feel when you see that? Do you know what that is?
It immediately makes me. It reminds me of my daughter Olivia. And she didn't want to sleep in her room when she was younger, and she used to go, no, no, no, the beers, the beers. And I would be like, what the hell is the beers? And we just took it as she wanted to sleep on our bed. And you know, she was child number two, so you know, child number one, you do everything like to start away with child number two, you like, get in, right, yeah, as long as we can get something, get in. And then as she got you know, older, it was always about the beers, the bees, the beers. And then a psychic friend of mine slept over and she slept in Olivia's room and the next morning when she woke up, her name is Shar, and Shar said, is there another room I could sleep in? And I was like, why, what's the matter? And she's like, you know, I was very uncomfortable. There was a very large bear in the room. And I looked at her and there was a very large teddy bear in the room, like a big, big bear. So I was like, I could move the bear if you're not comfortable, you know, and she's like, no, no, not the stuffed one. She goes the energetic bear that's in there. And I looked at her like she had sixteen heads and I went, I'm sorry, what yeah, and she goes, hasn't Olivia ever talked to you about the bears in her room? She's like, it's very uncomfortable to sleep in there, so can I sleep in the guests for animals? And I looked at her, and Sandra and I looked at each other and we were like, oh my god. This kid was feeling this from like two, but.
She's forced to stay in the room.
It was her room, you know, she had a big girl bed and you know parents like to have their own quality time. Yeah, but long story short, she was seeing that. So I think kids in her case was reacting to something that she didn't quite understand.
She just can see this. And also people on their deathbed when they're old, they what.
Do you think though that video is?
I think that I think that could be an energy that was connected to the space that you were in. And your daughter was reacting to it and didn't want to be in.
There, so that you do think it's not a dust thing?
Moved and kept going that hovered. Yeah, that's deed.
Yeah, so I'm going to put that up online. It's I've always been so mystified by it, but just I couldn't explain it.
Of course with John Edward, have you got anyone that's passed? Also our psyching Georgina that comes on regularly. She said she was visited by Intern Pete's dead mum on the weekend with a warning and she was stamping her feet in the kitchen, going, Pete's not all right, Pete. We need to put attention on him because he's broken up with the boyfriend. The grandmother died. The mother died, he lost his house, he lost his car, He's living with some Indonesians somewhere in some group share place. Things aren't good for Intern Pete. Do you believe that was his mother that visited?
I don't know.
Okay, thank you? What would John up? You can visit John Edward dot net for all the info. He is in Australia, loves coming here comes every year, brings you bring the family they're coming over. They're coming over.
Okay, Mitch just called through. Hi Mitch, you're on with John Edward.
Hey buddy, Hi guys, thanks so much for the answering.
You're welcome now. John's great. And what I've noticed when John's doing readings is that people think, oh, you know me, grandma died, and you only think about Grandma. You can't think of anything else, and then other people sometimes come through. Right, You're going to have an open mind.
Happens quite a bit. People forget about their ex in laws all the time and they're like, why would they show up? Yeah, well, well you have kids with that family. Those are their grandpa.
That's right.
They make the connections show up. Hey, Mitch, how can I help you?
I've had I don't want to give away too much, but about a race. It really close death to me and it was very recent. But someone else that we know spoke to a medium. We were told that it takes about six months, but they showed up with.
Wait is that truth?
I can So I'm going to tell you honestly, like when I you know, I'm doing this now next year, forty years, so I've got four decades of experience that like I started at fifteen. I just turned fifty five. I did the math for you. I'm going to tell you that I used to say, like twenty years ago, you know, let's give them six to nine months to adjust to their afterlife experience. And then I too, started having people showing up literally right after they passed. I had somebody at an event come through and their family didn't know they had passed.
Oh God, at the event, I did not.
Yeah, they had a cousin that overdosed, and I got all the information and they said, everything you're saying is accurate, but that cousin's living, and we don't know anybody that overdose.
You would have looked like the fool on stage.
So what I said to them was, oh, my god, I don't know if I have enough time. What time is it? So the woman looked at her watch and she goes, it's eight thirty. I go, oh, we have plenty of time. I didn't care about the time. I wanted her to mark what time it was.
So when she goes, you knew that he'd probably they were there.
I got so many things.
What do you say to him, Hey, he might not know this, but he did.
I didn't think it was appropriate. So over the years of doing this, I also learned about the ethics and responsibility of delivering information.
Yeah, and we want yet to learn that.
But your thoughts, well, I have a I have a deep reverence for the world of energy, and I understand that if you don't respect it, you get slammed. So after many years of learning how to respect it, because I got slammed, I learned I'm not going to say that or I'm going to say it like this, And I think you have to be able to be you have to have enough ego to allow you to do this, but anything more gets in the way of the process.
Okay, wow, sorry it is Mitch.
You've had someone very close to you died six months ago.
Oh no, like yeah, not six months ago.
So more this, Mitch, was this like a sudden passing like one, two three?
So my feeling is like, I'm not prepared for this. This is not in my mind. This is not something that I'm waiting for. This is I get a phone call and I discover this is that accurate?
Pretty much? Yeah?
Okay, Mitch, where's the c or K name living or past connected to you? Living mother okay, And is there a connection to your mom and this person as well?
They knew each other, but not a not a very close.
Right, but your mom your mom had to give you insights or a statement that would help you understand something about this loss. Is what I'm being shown in other words, the C or K connection. Maybe it's maybe said something to you that was inspirational, helpful, healing in some way about this.
Say, the surname of the the surname of the person that I'm talking about.
Okay, And then did somebody have like some type of event or like car accident.
Yeah, there was an event coming up, and then the person was training for that event, which which caused the death.
Was it a car rights or something?
No, No, what they're showing. What they're showing me is that there If I could be really direct, I'm kind of feeling like this is something that would have been like a blood clot or this would have been something that would have caused somebody to have like a like a like an embolism or aneurysm in some way connected to you. So I don't know if it's the same person, but that's what they're showing me.
Well, it was it was a water skiing accident, and so we were we stuck the guy.
Wait, wait, hold a second, where's Jimmy or Jamie James? Who's the j name for you, Mitch Jay?
Oh yeah, his name's.
Jack Jack Okay because it cause it don Yeah, okay. So what they're showing me is that there's a one. There's nothing that could have been done for the person.
It feels like one, two three, Like literally like I'm hearing that. I'm gone. I am feeling like there's something that you're connecting somebody had like either an embolism or an aneurysm or like a heart attack as well. Do you know if Jack's dad's passed a ship?
He was he was with us the day before and complaining about chest pains, and then he to his girlfriend as well, complained about chest pains and and it wasn't really we didn't know because what happened is we think that we like because he just he never felt falls off skiing and he fell off and then that that's how he died.
But so do you think maybe something happened for him to fall.
Wait a second, he's also making me feel like somebody was filming this, So there must have been film of his last experience doing this. You have film of this?
Yeah, his dad and his girlfriend were just around the corner on the river filming him come past. They literally filmed probably the last ten seconds of his life.
Oh my, don't you know that? Because sorry?
Yeah, yeah, occupational hazard. Yeah yeah, he's just crazy, ro you No. I kind of feel like I'm supposed to say it's a bittersweet moment that they have that. So here's how I want to frame this for the people that are listening. When we come into this world, we labor to come in and we're met by family, and we take photos and videos and we celebrate that moment. When we leave this world, we also labor to leave in some way, whether however that happens. But we see that as being a negative because it's how the person leaves us. I kind of feel like we're left with this kind of moment of having this. Is there a twin in that family, Mitch.
Jesus, Yeah, yeah, he has a twin brother, Blake.
Okay, because I feel like if that's not an absolute proof of crazy power, but then nothing's you know, you can't just make this shit up.
No, I say everything that I'm seeing here and feeling. And then James, how's the leg tattoo coming?
Leg tattooed?
Yeah, who's going?
You should have pulled down.
One of these, one of these friends but that actually spoke at his funeral on the weekend, got a tatoo on his foot forever sixty five because sixty five was his right number.
So I'm gonna I just need you to know that he's not staying correct, always looking for the wrongness, but apparently know that he's okay. And Mitch, is your is your dad past? I'm not so who would I see as being like stepdad or father in law that's pasted? Father in law, the guy that works in the food industry. Who's that.
Food industry?
I hope someone hasn't just thaught And so I'm gonna I'm gonna say this. I don't know if it's for you, Mitch, or if it's for your friend that you're asking about. There's an older male that's in spirit and at one point he worked in the food industry. Just as an identifier.
They might there may be someone closed him.
You can ask family that.
Yeah, then you can let the show know. Thank you so much.
Mitch. Mitch, that's amazing that.
Yeah, I'm stoke with that, thanks so much.
Yeah, you're quite incredible, John, John, you are And not that you've ever done anything for me with my dad, but for everyone else, strangers that you've never met. Just a wonderful blow.
So crossing over with psychic comedium, John Edward is coming to Australia. You can visit John Edward dot net for all the info.
You don't have anything from Pete's mum. Petters maum didn't show up to you, John, nothing, No Pete push it, but you'd be good you and me. I don't know what your mum's doing with my dad, but they're way too busy to talk to us. Me immortals so busy. I know when your mamma'd be towy up there. My dad probably give your mam a go I reckon they would. Yeah, John, you wanted to say something. No, do you think that my dad and Pete's mum might be romantically involved in the afterlife?
I think my dad's just feeding at the Maryland and Monroe or something like that. You push yourself a bit of here, John, Just push push a bit hard. John, You reckon on. Sorry, can you close something?
When you try, I will do my best.
I don't want to force you.
Sorry, better, just not today.
This bittery nose.
Yeah yeah, the chance you have tell my family feels like yeah.
You just sit there with that cocky looking You've got nothing today but a complete stranger, everything, every detail.
I love you, John, Thank you so much.
Dot Net for info tickets, have fun, Bro, thank you everyone else.