Jess asked Kyle & Jackie for their help in trying to get herself un-friendzoned. She's known Dylan most of her life and has developed a big crush now that they're older, so she's hoping he feels the same... have a listen as we call him live for Jess to confess her feelings.
Ah, someone wants to get out of the friend zone. Don't you hate being in the friend zone when you really don't want to be?
Yeah, this is happening to Jess.
Who's going to call the guy that she wants to get out of the friend zone with?
Dylan? Jess, Jess is nineteen, Dylan's twenty five.
A Hey, Hi, what's going on here? You're like this fella? But he doesn't know.
Yeah, he has absolutely sure idea.
He has no idea.
So Dylan's in a band, right, This is so great, This is excellent. And Jess, you're nineteen. I'm looking at a picture of you here. You look like a model.
You do you do a little pocket rocket?
Do you do modeling? Is that what you do?
I do?
Yeah, Yeah, you can tell straight away you're a model.
I'm nice and tall and thin.
Yeah, I know you're cute, so nice.
So what is it about Dylan that makes you want to be with him more than friends?
How do you even know this book? Do you know him? Or yes?
I've actually been like friends since we were really little.
One of those and because of that age difference six years, you would have been just a little girl when he was into girls. And he'd probably see that as inappropriate.
Bro, unless the guy is blind, why doesn't he Why hasn't he said his attention on this young girl?
Maybe he doesn't know what you feel?
Does he know? Have you put it on him? No?
I have never said anything before. I've been like, way too scared.
Has he tried to Has he insinuated that he likes girls that look like you? Or what's his time?
What's his time?
To be honest? Like, all of the girls that I've seen him get with are like kind of like edgy looking girls, Like you know, He's got all these groupies that like following him around and he like show me them, And I'm like, what.
Is he in the band five Sauce or something? Yeah? Is he known? Yeah?
Does he a fan?
I mean like they're like ipcoming. I think they're doing pretty good.
Right now on them. What's the name of his band? Oh?
Yeah, Okay, you don't want to say.
You don't want to be identified?
Maybe it depends on the turnout.
It's only the biggest radio program that breaks millions of ours. Why would you want to be known?
Can I ask when you say the girls are edgy that he gets with, what does that mean.
You mean like the veronic is looking sort of check. Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, like you know, they've got like crazy like cool hair, like big eyeline.
On tattoos, all of that tattoos.
Yeah, little rats. He likes rats. That's as a term of endearment, not as a negative thing, like you know the lady look. You know, I could say that bit emo vibe.
You know that type of this is going to come as quite a shock to him. You reckon, He has no.
Idea, probably say what do you want? What do you want from him? Do you want him to be your boyfriend or something?
I mean, if you like kind of feels like the same way, then maybe this is.
So cut dude. Oh I hope this is a years.
I really do, because like, you know, when did you start to have those kind of feelings for him?
I mean I guess when I like, so, I broke up with my last boyfriend last year, like August last year, and then kind of like after that, you know, we could like hang out a bit more.
And then I was kind of like, so he was he was showing up to your joint just to hang out.
Yeah, we hang out like quite a.
Lot, and he never put it on you No, well, you know, in this day and age, it's you've got to be careful.
There's always something you can drop that's an indicator.
You know.
From the girl's point of view.
But have you ever dropped to the indicator or anything at all?
Wie, Oh my god, let's just let's just do this. I can't wait to see what you call him and put it on him. Just just be honest. Oh it's okay, you know what, like you, it can happen.
He can go gross, there's no way.
Because like you don't want to be sitting here waiting and wasting your time, like just find out, you know, yeah, like yolo, like.
Is he a ladies man? This dealing?
Or is he is he playing? No?
No, I mean like not like in a bad wayver like candor, but like I kind.
Of like that, but it gets plenty of puss, Like but is it just casual stuff or he doesn't Ever, he doesn't date.
I think I'm pretty sure his last girlfriend was like ended in like twenty twenty two and like ever since then, nothing special that I know.
All right, so just hook ups and fiddles and you know groupiees and yes, yes, yes, and would you be able to would you be able to be like relaxed about all the groupies if you guys started dating it, would you be of these ferrists that you can't do this? Now you're not doing that, you're not meeting anyone.
No, I'm not a crazy bitch like that.
Okay, you're crazy. It's in another way, obviously. Let's give him ring.
Let's do it. I want to find out. Let's get him on.
Yeah, all right, ship, Relax, relax, relax? What's oh?
Here he is? Here is hey Dylan? It's Kylin Jackie. Oh how are you?
Good morning?
We heard you're in a band. Oh yeah, yeah, we heard you do pretty well and you've got the groupies and you know, living the life, my friend. That's what I'm hoping I wish. Yeah, is it all good? Is this? Is this what you're gonna do for for a career?
Oh well, I'm a session news though, so I do recordings for like solo artists.
We need instruments done. It must be pretty good at what you do then, yeah, I try to be. I hope. So you know you're your mate, Jess? Yeah, yeah, slind that long hot blonde thing. Have you ever have you ever thought about anything more there? And have you ever like, let's say, let me ask you man to man, have you ever jerked off over Jess? No that I have. Don't be afraid.
Let's just let's get just because I feel like she she needs to say this, so she she wants to talk to you.
Dylan, here we go, Jeff.
What are you doing right else?
I'm on my way to work. Okay, Yellow, I think maybe I should have done a bit more.
You can do it.
I kind of have to tell you something. You might be really cringe.
So take it as I'm seated.
M hm.
Basically, bro, you know, yeah, I think like you know, we've been friends for a very very long time. Okay, you know the vibe. Yeah yeah, yeah up. You know, like every since I broke up with.
Ship that's quite the original name.
You know how we like hang out and stuff. You go out and whatever. It is like really weird. But I think I like you more than brand.
When you say trust you to go on Carlin Jackie to say she needed the support. She was a beautiful young girl.
She didn't think she'd ever say it unless she put herself in this position.
She's looking at you and you're the big rock star root and groupies, and she's just like creaming over you and just wishes she could tell you how much are you into that at all? Are you into her? Because she's Yes, we're like.
Like we're really close family friends and like we've been for a very very.
Very long time.
Yeah, And I really don't want.
To jeopardize that.
I'm really like and I think it's absolutely adorable.
And I'm gonna rub it in your face every family, But.
That's exactly what she wants. Isn't that what she wants? Check it.
Our moms are going to get a right out of this.
I'm are you saying that because you're not into it like that? Or do you? I don't think who cares about the female.
I think it's because you grew up together.
I think I see him more as like a sister.
Like every woman's worst nightmare.
She's one of my best mates. And it'd be silly to jeopardize that over like yeah, okay, yes.
Oh you know what though, honey, I love that you put it out there and now you know and you can just move on.
But yeah, you better to say it.
Don't regret saying it, because then you'd always just be wondering.
He'd probably end up giving you a syphilis anyway. You know these band types, you know, you know, you've seen all the documentaries and you know you live in that life for a reason. One you've got two. There's no commitment when you're in a band. Yes, you just have to wait that you'll find someone.
Just yeah, but I know, but like I just thought, like, you know, have you.
Dreamt of him in that way? Jess? Have you have you had thoughts what you know, like how he'd be if you were together.
I mean, like I figured out it here and there we hang out, like I go home and I'm like, yes, you.
Know what rejection is the universe's protection.
So listen that the mirror.
It is the universe protecting you from getting into the wrong relationship.
Because the right guy's just around the corner.
You better hit the road.
Well, you're all good jazz. Good on you for doing that.
And you know, Dylan, good score because you're trying not to make it awkward between you two from here.
Which sounds like friend. Yeah, Jess, you're not gonna have any problem just looking at the photo there. Most girls here would kill their whole family just to look like you for one day, so don't worry about that.
Yeah, you're absolutely gorgeous.
I'm surprised Dylan wasn't super keen Dylan, he's got.
To do what's right in his heart as well. Jackie. You know, he's not a bad he's not a bad guy.
He's not.
No, no, he's definitely not. I'm just gonna accept it and move on.
That's right, that's right.
Yeah, it's fine.
Yeah, anyway, it's fine, it's fine, work about it.
Don't worry about it, Dylan, Thanks man, thanks for chatting. Good luck with the band. Bro. Dylan's like, you know what's gonna happen now, Dylan's going to write some Taylor Swift song and Dylan's going to turn the biggest star in the world. She's a good material. The worst Kyle and Jackie. Oh,