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Kyle Jackie.
On Jackie the Kyle and Jackie O Show.
Everyone High morning morning.
Hello, No, that's not happening in your headphones.
It's just mine.
Sorry, it's super go I hear you go thing, just check that out. It's like I feel like I'm in the tardest and I'm an alien. I can't hear I just I can't even concentrate when I sound like that. It's like hearing yourself back over and over.
And you, Oh, you've got an issue.
I've got an issue.
Should I go in there?
I can't hear you my headphones.
Should I come in.
Cayle, Hey, you can hear me? I can hear I think I'm just fiddling around there with jack Have a listen to that, Jackie.
Thank you?
Hello, Hello, Hello.
Can you hear me?
Hear me?
Hear me?
Is that better? Hello?
No, it's no better? Really no, Well, we can't hear it, so it's fine. I'll just deal with it. It might sound a bit slow this morning.
Then there won't be any different. It won't be an Apparently we can't talk to Lockey because Locke's on that same system and he can't be heard either. Oh well, never mind.
I like hearing from Lockey.
Never mind, never mind. In the news today it says twenty percent of drivers say they feel confident with their mobile phones driving texting, and these laws are ridiculous.
Oh interest you feel confident. I think we're confident. But I think we've all done it where we've gone wha.
I think nearly every time I've gone to text something and I shouldn't have, I get two words in and then I look up, I've nearly hit the wall of a tunnel or a bridge or not.
It's not the car in front that I've nearly hit.
It's always the side of the lane where there's a boulder or something you know, older or what a little bit of cement.
Where are you driving that there's boulders.
You know, where there's a separation between the lane. But it's a cement, little step.
They're not bolder.
That's not a barricade. Cricade is something high, right, No.
A barricade is anything that keeps you from one side to another.
Well, that thing I've almost hit very good.
Sorry, guys, it's very hard for us to have a conversation with everyone running around.
Well, it's probably to fix my headphones.
Is there an issue or not?
Yeah, there is not with you.
I mean apart from Jackie hearing triple things in their headphones, Lucky not being able to speak. There's no one air issue.
Everyone can hear everything fine, it's just that that Jackie's headphones.
You know, Can I just can I just let you know that when I'm listening to you, you're fine. Everyone else sounds weird.
Even I sound weird to myself.
Oh you've got it now.
Not a double, but it feels sorry.
A double is a wrong. It's just very point fixed.
Every day. Come in here. If I raise my voice, it gets worse.
We'll be calm then forced calmness, feel right.
Letbe me. Just turn everything off and started again. Reset, We turn everything off and start again.
What would the audience here though?
Who cares? On your own? Everyone? You're on your if we never come back, what's been nice? Smash us off? Hit us off, everything off? Ready and we're back?
Hello? Is that better? Nah? That's no better?
Feels worse.
That made it worse?
Okay, So there, I've always agreed. I think see there's other countries it's not illegal to talk on your phone, holding your phone in America, you can drive around talk on your phone, not allowed to text. Texting is outlawed. Talking is fine because they say it's no different than holding a cigarette and talking to whoever's in the passenger seat.
Yeah, I would agree, because you're not looking down. That's right with the call.
We're all hiding the phone, but no one sees us in our lap and then looking at your lap. Yeah, that's the issue.
That even making the call, like you have to go through your contacts or whatever.
Just it's on the side.
Figure that out without smashing.
But can't you just go, hey, Siri, call Brooklyn, Like you know, my phone, my phone.
I'm getting calls from everyone Jackie.
Not me though, who knows your number? I don't have anyway, I've got that more won't change anytime soon.
I don't think two podcasts hosts have gone viral because they're talking about the difference when it comes to men and women. Women talking to each other, just catching up. So when women catch up with women with other women, we talk about deep stuff. Emotions go into great detail, like when we tell a story, go into all the detail.
But men are the complete opposites to that. Have a listen.
Girls always joke about how guys will play golf for like eight hours and not know anything about their friends, Like what are you talking about in that golf court? I will meet a girl and in three seconds I'll know like her blood type, every guy she's ever been with her hopes in Duras.
Guys don't talking about anything deep.
Like my buddy could get married and then I'd see him the next week.
But what have you been up toys that I've been chilling? Did you just get married?
Chill, But like why, Like don't you want the tea? Like if my girl just got married, I'd be like, who got in a fate?
Who are we mad at?
Guys just don't like to get deep in emotions.
By the way, we don't call it tea either. That's a real type of person.
That call so fascinated to know what you boys talk about.
It actually plays on my mind a lot.
Well, don't don't think about it because it's just surface rubbish.
But but I don't understand how do you keep the conversation going if it's just surface.
We don't feel the need to continually talk the whole time we're with each other. We can just sometimes stand there smoking observing the world.
You guys aren't talking.
Don't talk at all, and you go, would you hit that? Yeah, yeah, it was someone who walked past.
Which it's more just little observations about whatever's happening right there, right then, that's right, little jokes or.
Whatever that's you'll say, Oh yeah, I like that car, yeah yeah. Oh excuse me, guys.
I have a bit of an example Kyle as to how blows speak to one another. Yesterday, you're on the phone to meet Kyle, and in great detail, it might have been five to ten minutes, you described what your pooh was like.
Oh, that's right, I did too. Apparently I went to my wife as well after because yesterday I was unwell, had running pooh, so end a bit ill feeling. So that's why I wasn't here. And yeah, Bruno was very open to me talking to him, and I went through great detail how far my ass opened, what it felt like coming out, like.
I wanted to know over the nuttiness, and so that's how you get deep.
Yeah. Yeah. And then when I went to tell my wife and child exactly the same story, I burst into the dining room last night and said, oh babe, my asshole just opened up to the size of a cup and they just came.
God, why did you have to tell her that it's.
The same ship. She went on with it, and I said, it just came flying out like a like a like a fireman's hose. And then I said, and she I'm looking at her, and she's got this squinched up face. Yeah, and was then they're eating dinner, and then she goes and then I said, oh, now, my asshole is really tender, and I can feel my heart beat in it, you know, like a pulse. And she just looked at me at this look of disgust, and she goes, baby, please, you give me so much detail.
Why are you giving her detail?
You know what? I said? I was shocked, right because I'm not well and they're sitting there and all they're doing is eating. And I said, well, who do I talk to? As a man? I don't have anyone to talk to. And she said, I don't need to hear that ship. Well, who's there for me? Is what I thought? And I stormed off to the room. I said, wellow, I be eating dinner, which was a mistake because I was starving.
I bet you snuck some things in box jats.
But when you go so when you catch up, right, when you catch up with male friends?
But I just want to know, so give me an example of the examples. You know, you can't remember the line you had with John. I want to know what exactly, that's my question.
I don't know. I don't know. I can't. We don't. We don't really go into detail. We just say how we going to say a few funny stories, or someone's dead or something like that. You know, oh that blog he's dead. Oh really, do you know?
I think I've had some male friends in my time.
Right gay adjacent.
I'm not talking about the gay ones.
I'm talking about the very straight ones, right, and they they tell me like everything, they get deep.
They talk about all that stuff.
But because I think they need that outlet, like and when they find it in a female, she's the one.
You know how we always have one girl we tell everything to. You know, that's a that's a good position to be in, Jackie. We call that the mummy position.
Yes, the mummy position.
Like we need someone like mum to hear all our stories and give a bit of gentle guide.
We don't use multiple ladies. We use only.
One lady for that, you don't use others.
We're not bouncing all our sadness off multiple women.
Right, Yeah, No, that's true.
Actually find someone obviously, and I think you do have what it takes to do this. You empathize and they tell you everything. Probably you'll find that they've told you too much where you're also turned off by you Probably don't even talk to those people, is that true? Well, they're not all but.
Ruined saying that.
I think they just appreciate that no judgment and the understanding and the advice. Right, yeah, But I think that's you guys need that because you don't get it with each other.
We can't. We can't tell our partners our deep insecure secrets because they use them against us. You know they do? You do?
You're the same, You know I don't. I honestly never ever use it against someone.
Well, you must be the messiah I am. Do you understand what I'm saying? Guys?
And it is frustrating that that mummy figure can't be your missus. It has to be a third party because it kind of feels like you're doing the wrong thing by like sharing that info with you. But it's necessary you must do.
It's like a priest. Actually, I think you and I had that relationship for a while. Bruiner was, Yeah, I.
Agree with that.
I feel that I've told you more stuff than my wife knows.
Yeah, that's why at every party you two are always in the corner burst crying and its arms like a bunch of weirds. We all thought for a while that you guys are banging always in other's arms.
It's just an honest, it's just an honest mummy relationship.
I always at my party is that you are is crying. So it's very.
Embarrassing because I've done so many horrible things things.
What about you, Pedro, You seem all wound up. You don't probably share anything with anyone.
No, no, no, So I was thinking back to my boys chats when I'm with the boys, and I can break it down for you, Jackie. It all starts off yep with the boys, like we'll go and eat something and one of us is on our phone and we see a hot cheek on Instagram, like boys, check this shit out and then we all have a look at it, and then you zoom in on, we zoom in. We do everything and then that sparks the conversation that goes, oh, that reminds me of Savannah, that chick that I rooted five years ago.
And then we get the whole story.
We get the whole story delved into the details when it comes to sex, absolutely.
The description of what it was like, what it looked like, what it everything, tastes everything, the.
Whole breaking mine. It's with she.
She what it tasted like, what it smelled like.
What positions were had, was the act was, it was everything, And then another boy would jump in with their experience, and it's just that's all the boys even think.
If a guy has slept with me, he would bring it up to his mate.
Of course, there's four hundred blots. For each one guy you've slept with, he's told four hundred other guys in detail, what you smell like, what you take.
I really think that he just never said a.
Word that I have chosen. Really honorable men don't talk like that.
There is no such thing.
Just the honor of the one's talk like that too, Jackie.
Even Lockie, you couldn't get more honorable. We can't talk to lockey unfortunately, because the something's wrong with this joint piece of ship joint. But even Lockie told us in detail about his only fans experience. Remember, yeah, I had my finger in there. Come to me, Come to me, Come to me. Remember that everyone was so grossed out by it. Remember when we told.
His mum, Yeah, that felt inappropriate.
M was so happy, was she?
She just seemed to about it.
If you were his mum, you'd think this kid is never going to get her.
You'd be happy.
You'd be happy on the phone.
Hey, locks morning, how for going.
On the phone. It's horrible. So yeah, so you know, what do you talk to girls about, Lockie? Do you do you give up all your sad, all your pathetic, all your secrets to them? Or are you trying to keep sexy?
I'll try and keep it fun, little light half, particularly if it's the first day, and I think you want to get too serious on the first day and dump all of your life problems on them, because that's just too depressing and too much for.
Them to handle, especially your life problems that would be never ending. Right.
I have a pretty good life, to be honest. Then I have fun working for you guys, and you know I obviously got my nose of stuff as well. But yeah, I mean, like, if it's the first date, you want not too seriously.
I get opened up to on the first date all the time.
Really, yeah, I think you're trying to pro people you're an interviewer.
At maybe maybe that's what it is.
Actually you open up on the first date every time as well.
You're funny bus boy chat right, this is there's no actual serious question, it's just in your window, understand.
Do you do you give up the pussy on the first date? Though I've never done it.
Let me think like I've had a hook up but a date a date?
No, I don't think I have.
Remember telling me this is what weird thing Jackie told me, which I didn't say anything afterwards. I was just confused. She said, if I I date someone, there's no way they're getting there, getting between my legs on the first night on a date. No way.
And I thought because just not because not because I'm like, oh, you must wait for this.
It's just that I'm not ready to do that.
But she will pick up a bloke out that's not a date and smash him, right, I can an.
I don't do that a lot.
I've done that a couple of times here and there, but I don't Yeah, I can do that.
Why would you have sex with someone that you've just met. But if they've given they've brought you in a way.
It's a different situation. The date is the guy that you're almost like keen enough to go, oh yeah, he could be somebody.
You're looking for the future. I'm looking for the future.
So that's it.
Your mindset is completely different for you. What it is when you're out with the girls, you're having fun.
You allow the guy you have no interest in the future with, You'll allow him.
To read my mind. You do not understan a little bit where I'm coming from.
Every boyfriend I've had I met at the club, you know, and and yeh sex that night about your that's where gas meet.
I get a jackie.
I'm with you.
Yeah, So it's just like a different mindset when you go out on a date.
Louis a school teacher. You agree.
I was going to say, when you go out and you meet someone out and you're looking for that, don't you reckon? You're looking for a different kind of sex though.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you're not after like.
You're looking for anal what's sexy for the one night stair abuse of sex.
I'm like, crazy fun.
You're a different person I think in that kind of sex than when you're looking for the guy that you want to date.
Totally sorry, can we get more details on what's a more fun style of sex?
It can just be anything you know you're up for, not anything in here. Yeah, just yeah him?
What is that? Details yet when they're required? He none? You know, euphoric type of sex?
Okay, So for me, I can't speak for all the girls out there, but when I have sex with the guy I've been dating and then we have sex like, that's more connected and then it can become crazy as we go on. But that's very ridiculous, a bit more connected. But then a guy you meet out is just like whatever, it's just like go for it.
And how many of those.
There's no feelings? Like, it's no feeling sex. Yeah, you're not having feelings for a guy you've just met. Yeah, like you you know you're happy to be a hope? Yeah, you get your hoe on.
Wow, isn't that's what? It's quite the eyebrow razor? Would I be right?
Kylin saying that when men have sex it's kind of the same every time.
All the same things. There is no feeling regardless of whether you're in a long term or you've just met him. It's the same feelings, feeling satisfaction and conquering. Yeah, and then moving on. You're very quiet, young Cooper Coops. They're sitting there all single and quiet.
I'm just listening to this, shaking my head.
Yeah, it's ridiculous, isn't it?
Just mate?
Yeah, Like imagine being the guy on a date with you, Jackie, and he hears about you the night before going out and just rooting.
Somebody Mirando, and then he spent a good eighty dollars on some sort of veal meal.
And you won't say nothing a cavia on light cruskets and you won't have sex with that sight.
You know why, because he's paying for the food. She'd rather they brought a tuber cards and coke. He's got two fingers in her at the bar.
It's ridiculous. Yeah, look a drink. To be honest, those like when you do that, you're like, oh, that.
Was just so. The guy who spends a good eighty dollars per meal, no go. A guy who spends thirteen fifty on two drinks he can sink down to the second knuckle in you.
It's not Oh, it doesn't have it all. Don't russ me.
It's quite confusing. Look at all the men, look a how confused we are.
Well, we get confused about you guys too.
Now, on the other note, then there's the other girl who is cheating out there. So if you're a person who's been thinking about cheating on your partner but you feel bad about it, this is for you. This cheek has gone viral on TikTok, teaching people how to cheat on their partner respectfully.
When I cheat on you, you're not gonna find out because I respect you, and I care for you, and I love you, and I care about your feelings. I can find ten years before you before I saw you, and I'm not gonna let you find out because I respect you and I don't respect your women. That's why I get caught so much. Ye'are careless when I cheat. I'm like, very precise with shit because I respect my nurse.
Why do they Well, I still understand why we have to beat the N word out when it's an when the woman's one herself. I still find that very disrespec padful anyway, editing out the voice of the black person. It's not good. But she raises a great point, doesn't she?
That it's it's essentially selfish to tell your partner that you cheated on them.
I thought you were speaking so much that she won't say, are you healing your own badness or putting all that horribleness on your partner?
Because I've got some friends and they're like not cool enough to cheat on their partner, and so if they do cheat, one of them, Pedro, Yeah, you'd never do that.
You'd never hit the Gold Coast on a boys weekend with Pedro.
Ever, because you know he's not going to be for it, like you guys.
Look, he says he won't be up for it. But it's a it's a it's a big man that can say no to a gobby from a Gold Coast.
But you're saying selfish to tell because like I don't. I don't agree with that right because I think cheating.
You love to be your shame onto someone else and make them feel No, just.
Don't do it in the first place.
But I think you're right in a sense that if you tell that person that is kind of ship because now that person is going to be scarred from that. That's going to affect their future relationship.
It's gonna it's gonna be bad.
You feel good, like to make.
You get it off your chess, like you can't carry the guilt anymore.
So but I don't know what what what do you do?
Do You just break up with them, I don't know, and not tell them about the you just soldier on.
Oh see, I don't. No one wants to think they're being lied to though and cheated on. That's awful.
That's on them.
Well, yeah, you're right, there's not really any good good paths to take there.
You're on the bad path. You're on the bad path.
To stop doing it, I guess, stop.
Advice, and then you'd be a selfless guy.
Yeah, would be a wonderful guy.
Yeah, mister wonder.
Back to Pedro not being invited, there's always one in the group that you think just don't bring him, because Pedro is the one to go home and say to his wife, baby, I was so good, but oh Bruno did some terrible things and Carl was up to no good. You can just tell he's one of those. He's a pillow talk sharer. Almost a woman. He's almost a woman.
I don't find that he talks to much.
No, no, a rule of no talking. Not during the week, just weekends.
Still doing that even she's pregnant. Man, what are you eating?
You're eating a chicken creop.
I love chicken cream piece.
This morning. I'm always amazed that you stop and buy things.
Like I met a window cleaner this morning is going to come around to morrow and clean all the windows of the house.
What was his name, Malcolm? I think you just met him at the servo.
Yeah, yeah, he's filling up.
Haven't cleaned your house?
And Malcolm was his name?
Are you doing it for free?
I don't know. I'm happy to pay, but I'm filling up. And then this Malcolm shows up and he goes, oh, mate, you don't have to need any windows clean. And I said, Malcolm, this morning, I was looking at my kitchen window that looked at Jurassic Parks.
Oh you manifested Malcolm.
No, No, I just ran into him.
You looked at.
Your windows and thought they need cleaning. And then a guy comes up to you goes, you don't happen to need.
Seriously, Like ten minutes after I was looking at the window. I met Malcolm, the only other guy.
That master manifestor I reckon you were didn't you do something the other day where I said, you just manifested that.
It has to say that a lot to me and I just ignore it.
No, but it was something bizarre like that, but even bigger. It wasn't just little like a window cleaner.
It was so big. You think you'd remember it.
Oh damn, I wish I could remember something quite big. You thought it and it happened.
Oh, that happens all the time with me.
Well it's just one of those. It's a magic. It's a little to magic. Have you got a bra on under that single? Yeah? Yeah, I thought so.
They were all possb Do you want me to take it off?
I'm gonna pose her what the bra or the whole top? She never asked me that before.
Well, we're waiting, no joking.
Let's kick it off. Trady verse, ladies up next men. Oh you're so close. The men are on fifty traders, ladies are only a head on fifty three. Let's narrow the gap. I love this bloke. Miles Smith out of the UK. The song is called Stargazing playing now a kiss? I stood still you Yeah, Miles Smith and Stargazing.
I want to start.
Welcome to Trady Verse, lady. The prize today five hundred dollars to spend at Elite eleven Premium Active where lambs were available online or in store.
Okay you ready, yep, I'm ready. Let me introduce you to my girl, Alisha.
How are you do?
You run a powder coating business?
Yeah, you know what that is, Jackie?
Let me think? Is it like you coat.
The you make up some mix to seal something like stone or wood or what is it?
It's like coloring metal, Like it's coloring metal, like your powder coat metal. So you like, if you've got a bit of metal you want to red, then you get a powder coated red. Oh sort of like paint, isn't it?
What's the most Yes, what's the craziest color? You've ever coated? It?
Threat of pink for the candy busses?
I see like that?
Okay, I got you had something different in mine. You drive a hold a astra opal and you've been with your partner for seven years.
That's correct.
Your favorite sex position is doggie and you had a friend who was a sex worker who offered you one thousand dollars to watch her route What.
Did she offer you the money to watch her? Or did she want to watch you?
It was her customer, so her customer wanted that.
And I was a friend that got up.
Oh so he just wanted someone to watch him have sex with a sex worker friend.
Yes, and you got paid a thousand to watch it, and your partner was.
From I did it was before my partner?
And what did you I don't know learn or observe an it's just a watch he look, he lose?
What was it like?
It was a bit awkward.
It was a bit awkward.
But you know, did you just sit in a chair in the corner like what did you?
Yeah, no dress up, no, nothing, to sit there and watch?
And how long did they go for?
About forty five minutes? Oh did you like go on your stage and the full steam pump pump pump or the whole.
The whole thing, oh you know the slow yeah, the whole oh wang bang? Was he hot?
Were you turned on by it in any way?
I guess forty five minutes you're going to be turned on at some point maybe.
Yeah, that's it.
Just because you're watching.
Some set not Actually, yeah, no, you're right.
I can look around the room here and think I wouldn't be turned on by watching anyone.
Oh that's that's a bit harsh. But anyway, Yeah, I get what you're saying.
True. Okay, Well get off on that.
Weighing in at eighty two kilos.
It's watching Erna Licia.
I like that. Okay, playing for the Fellas this morning. Let's get Remy on Hey Remy? Okay, bro great? He is a grave digger.
The official term is burial technician.
Is that right?
Digging holes for the dead? Someone's got to do it. Drives around the Mitsubishi has been in gauge for three years. Favorite act is when he gets a foot job and she runs her toes up and down his bull sack.
Oh you're one of those guys.
What's wrong?
Without wrong?
I just have never come across a guy who's into the foot thing.
Yeah, but then you don't give foot jobs, So how.
Have you never given one?
I don't even know if I am capable of it.
It looks so awkward.
Let's get a banana and some baby or give you'll enjoy it. Once I've had the foot, but from a from an Asian when I've been in when I've been in an Asian country.
Yeah, and what did you think, Well, it's just.
Like getting a hand job, not that great because girls are horrible at giving hand jobs. You guys should just give up that on why you just don't know what to do?
Is it the rhythm? Do we change the rhythm?
Rhythm? It's like changing pace right at the vinegar stroke? You guys, you're just not good. You don't know everything. A man will pleasure himself way easier.
Oh of course you were.
But even even other men aren't that great at giving other men hand jobs.
You need about that? That sounds gay?
It is gay.
Do you need your own thoughts hacking down there?
And you know when you want to increase, when you want to slow down, based on your thoughts and where you are in the city.
And you need to be able to be the type of girl who uses your foot like an extra hand. You know that like my wife she can grab the remote with her foot. Oh wow, very it's like a chimpanzee. She will.
She's making use of them.
She's put the baby in one hand, the bottom and she's grabbing the remote with her foot, and I thought, I'm married to a friction chimpanzee.
Go through your head in marriage? Yeah, when you look at the other person.
And go.
No, I don't think. Thanks for your sharing your thoughts. What's more about Remy okay? His favorite actor? Yeah? Yeah, we heard about the foot job. At a house party, he was hawking up with his cheek. Then the boys ran in and threw his clothes off the balcony. So he's left their nude no way to escape. Oh well, he finished her off anyway, That was fine.
Oh that's not the end of the way.
A hundred you've had your throat clothes thrown away, have you?
Jo No, No, but surely he can just get the girl to go down and get his clothes. It's not that big a deal, right, listen, that's.
The story he had.
You'd have to ship can the guys story?
I admitted getting the foot job? What else do you want from this? Podden? Two kilos? Playing for the trades? Your toes make me blow remmy love it? I might ask Alicia the first questions? Alicia, here we go. Question one, good luck? What is a wire brush?
You know?
There's really hard wire brushes. What are they typically used for? There's one thing?
What is it to wire brush?
The rust off metal?
Yeah, removing rust. We shouldn't have asked a powder coder.
Yeahs would have a clue that she knew.
Okay. Question two? What car brand makes the model? Nine eleven poors?
Nice? I love you, Alicia, good work.
You won't get this one. She might actually be in a sort of a trady girl. Question three, what are two materials you might find in aggregates?
Or just give me one?
There's several different in there. There's two.
As well.
Guess metal and no metal, No iron, metal and iron, sand, gravel, crushed stone, glass, cement, that type of thing.
You got two out of three.
That's all right, let's see how you go, Remy, what come on?
What does the tinder boost do on the app?
The tinder boost.
A boost your area from where you can see people.
No, it doesn't boost the area. You can do that yourself easy. The boost is you get shown to more people. Roger, Yeah, yeah, you're getting served to more people.
Yeah. I've never been on either, bro, I would never clue. We've got enough problems in real life without service. Yea.
Question number two, what is a naval piercing.
A naval piercing.
Yeah, i'd say that you knows.
No, it's your belly buttoner. Oh cannot be.
Sorry. What did she want, Jackins?
She's won five hundred dollars to send it Elite eleven, which is long.
You didn't even know. She had to give a credit.
And lounge where it's available online or in store. It's all yours for free though, Yeah.
Ship living in ship. There you go, ladies, well done? Are we going to get I know no one on the radio can hear, but this double echo I have to put up within my headphone.
It's so annoying.
It's not doing this ship. I'm going to get back to the old station and I'm going to broadcast from the old station where everything worked.
Are we going back to today?
N No, No, not that old.
The old building, not the old station. When you say the old station.
Yeah right. We had the opportunity to get back to the old station. They tried hard to get us, and we said, nah.
So what is left of our old building?
I can tell you guys if you like. There's not even walls up. Nothing's left, not even carpet. It's been stripped, right, back, yeah.
I says, no, we can't. We don't have the choice.
You can't go back there.
Well, what's the eta?
Hopefully by this break we're going to a break here? Yeah, all right, when we come back, it'll be fine, confident.
Where did you make that up from?
Just based off like conversations and overhearing you conversations?
Are you overhearing?
Like they figured out what the problem is?
What's the problem.
I can also jump in here if you want.
It's got a funk. Thank you, Peter, but no, thank you Tomic. Weok, guys here to comic book. What happened here?
Comic book? It's all broken, but we're fixing it.
It's going to be okay broken.
How long would it take to fix it? To you think?
One smoker and you right what.
A cigarette smoker or a proper session smoker.
It's got a full on like a blonde.
Okay, let's roll some green. Everyone will be back or not unless you won't notice it.
Kyle and Jaggio show.
Kile Jaggio.
The doctor's in everyone, doctor kiss in the building. You don't have to swape a Medicare card. You don't even have to pay. You have the Ring on thirteen when I was sixty five, and the doctor will take your calls. Morning doctor, Hey, doc, good morning, how are you.
I'm very good.
Hey, I read something really interesting this morning.
There's been no time for that though. That's sorry, God, no, Brooklyn.
This one.
Yeah's been a really interesting study come out that shows that you could get an injection twice a year that would completely reduce your risks to zero of getting HIV.
Yeah, I saw this, great news. Yeah, absolutely so.
Usually people in the most of the gay community can take tablets either every single day or just called prep whatever prep that's right, or just around having fun that dramatically reduces your risk of getting HIV.
How does it work.
It's an anti viral medication, so if you do get exposed to the virus, it just kills the virus, so it stops it from replicating.
And jeez, medicine is amazing, isn't it.
I know what you guys do, but some people struggle with taking it regularly, which puts them at risk.
Is it sort of like you know, when the girl forgets to take the pill and if you don't keep taking that prep.
Oh, I'm terrible at taking the pill.
I just get gape up from the end because I keep skipping days.
I couldn't do it. I hate taking a tablet every day.
Can a straight person take prep? Oh?
Not me? I didn't take the no no.
Sorry, comma. Can a straight person take prep?
I think we've got to uncouple the risk from the gay community. It's basically, if you feel that you are at no matter what your sexuality, then you should.
No matter what all you go in, you should take precautions.
Yeah, but the reality is that it is more common in the blokes that have sex with blokes.
So is that because it's anal or is that something to do with mail on mail?
What is it?
So the more traumatic the sexual intercourse, the more likely there is to be breaking, breaking of the skin, therefore bleeding, therefore exposure of body fluids to the blood stream.
So if you're yeah, okay, right, so.
You may call it traumatic, I call it true love.
I use very medical terms, but there's no love.
Yeah, let's go to the phone.
Okay, Katie, you're up with doctor kiss. What do you want to ask?
Don? Good morning?
Yeah, go ahead, Sorry, you're on you're on with the doctor. Hi, Sorry, I just love you.
That's all right, It's okay.
I just want to I'm just asking for one of my friends.
They do a lot of recreational drugs, and they snot a lot, So I'm.
Just wondering if that side.
Of the nose that they use mostly and it feels like it's getting bigger, can that be repaired when you stop, when you stop partying.
So your friend, see, I've got friends too that only use one one nostrul.
I was just going to say, do only use one?
I like to share the love around both nostrils. Doctor, what's best one nostril or share that snort around both nostrils.
Everybody that's using cocaine should consider stop using stop using cocaine.
I say that.
So that the initial effects of smoking smoking.
I was snorting smoke the coke too, but that's a whole different high.
Yes, so we're talking about sniffing here may cause some local inflammation, so some swelling of the lining of the nose. But over time, what it actually does is it constricts the bloodvest which can actually then cause some death of the lining, So some shrinkage of the lining, and the more and more and more you do it you can damage the cartilage in the middle, which can then cause collapse of them.
How much do you have to do it for that to happen, because you do see the odd person that has no cartilage in the middle.
I think it's going to be what's that called. It's not.
Deviated septum, will be a bend perforation, so that you can end up with a hole in there.
So how much do you have to do for the whole to happen?
You must have to do a lot.
Yeah, well, I think you'll find it's going to be a combination of the more you do, the more you risk, but also what the cocaine's cut with, because it's probably a combination of the cocaine causing the blood vessel constriction and then the impurities that are in there that are damaging the lining a lot.
And so what she's saying with one getting bigger, can that be repaired?
A lot of people just do it with the one nostril, that always use the right or they always only use the left. Is that a problem?
I look, I would be concerned that you're causing permanent damage there. I think over time, after you stop the greatest majority of that swelling and inflammation would settle down. But only time will tell.
Oh doctor. Just on a separate note, years ago, there was this particular model that also loved doing the coke and her nose was that clogged from a big bender? She asked me to Is that safer? Not for your bummerhole?
No, you're just creating a whole new problem with a number hole.
Right, So, you know, when you've got a cold or flu, you got constant and I think what.
Scene is to pull it? Use it as like a blowdout, Like is that Does that get into the bloodstream better medically? That is?
It possibly could, But you really want to be careful about damage down there, because you know a chronic inflammation rectal inflammation is going to be incredibly uncomfortable.
Can you also put the cocaine in the vagina or is that I'd say I've never done that. I don't know.
I'm not sure you probably could, and I'm sure it probably will lead to absorption. But once again, does a lady really want to have chronic inflammation and damaged Yeah?
I don't know, Katie, do you or does your friend? Does your friend?
I don't think that one should be getting bigger.
The front one. But have you ever had it? Has your friend ever had it? Blown up the back?
I don't think it's actually a man friend.
But no, I don't think he's done that to someone or had that done.
Oh here I am out on my own again, always the trailblazer. Have you noticed, Jackie?
Have you had it?
I've never had it.
I wouldn't let anyone go around this coda trail I've got going down the act there? Doctor, have you had no? No?
And everybody out there is you shouldn't either.
Yeah, sorry Bill, Bill?
Hey, Hey, you gone the doctors here? What do you want to ask?
Doctor? I've got a blockage in one of my arteries in more artistical area. I just want to know, like, would would that prevent me from having kids?
Or no?
No, it really shouldn't.
So the blockage in the artery, or have you got some swelling of the veins?
Then swilling? No swilling? Whatsoever?
You mean?
Blood coming problem?
You know, it's all good, I come no more and everything like that. I just want to know what is that gonna prevent me from having kids? Or do I have to do anything else too to help that problem?
Look, I don't think so, because we've got two nuts, which are both testicles.
Are reducing born with more than two nuts?
All great questions? I doubt it because we sort of start in two halves and come together.
Because I noticed very tragically yesterday an Indian child was born with four arms, four legs, and two faces. They said it was it's never been seen before. The little baby that was born but then didn't survive. Isn't that sad?
It's sure is so that's more likely to be effectively twins or two embro mixed up together?
Poor thing? Yeah, but Pete, can you google? Has anyone ever been born with more than two balls?
I'd love to know, so, buddy, I would have thought that things are going to be fine for you. One way you can check is to do a sperm analysis so that they can send a sample off to the lab. I look at it under the microscope.
So I've done.
I've done a sperman answers.
Yep, and they're good, saying all good or nothing.
No, they're saying that there's no storms coming through because of the blockage. Does that require surgery to unblock it or that unlock itself?
So hang on? The semen comes out but there's there's no viable semen in it.
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
So so your semen, the fluid, the white fluid, is a bunch of a bunch of secretions from the glands down and around there. But the little swimmers, the sperm, they actually come from your test.
To hang on. So the wide ship that comes out, it's not semen, No.
It is that that that's the semen, But the sperm, the swimmers come from your testicle.
Hang on.
Different places.
Actually, sperm is a little little you know.
And the semen is the stream.
So the semen's the whole fluidy volume which is made up of proteins and water and the oils and all sorts of things. And then inside that part of it are the little swimmers, the sperm, which come from your testicles. And sometimes your testicles don't produce it, or there might be a problem with the vas deference.
So he needs to go and get it himself untangled or something.
Well, is it an untangled issue or is it actually an issue with a testicle that's not producing enough of a sperm.
It sounds like he's got to visit a doctor. Uh yeah, but I've.
Got I've got an appointment on Tuesday with a specialist. I just want to get more what's called more information about this from other doctors as well. I'm just don't want to get to see one doctor.
You know, that's right.
But sometimes the testicles are producing the sperm, producing the swimmers, but they're not coming out, so you can put a needle in there and suck.
Some out and then go through the IVF process.
Okay, thank you and thank you doctor kiss. And I believe intered has an answer.
Yeah, we've got the answers. Guys.
So the official word for someone who's born with more than two balls is poly or chargism. Okay, so poly or chardism. There is more than two hundred known cases across the world with people that are born with three.
Balls three balls.
There is fewer than ten people in the world that are born with four balls four balls.
Fascinating here, Does that mean they're twice as likely to have to get you pregnant or no?
No, I don't reckon because okay, I'm on the Google now, thank you.
No, I don't have really those balls are they tiny little balls or are they both normal sized balls?
This is normal size balls, guys, jeez, it.
Can you find one of these four people and bring them in here. Yes, one moment, believe.
Remember we used to do that segment what's it like to and then we'd bring in someone you know that had no legs or that term.
What's it like to have three or more balls?
Yeah, But to answer your question, Jackie, we pump out about four meals exactly, seem and every time there's about twenty million sperm per mill So.
I looked at a video on what it takes for that sperm to finally make it to form, you know, an embryo.
Oh god, the odds of it happening. It's like Hunger Games is like a series of challenges that.
Has seen and hunger in the same sense.
It is the challenges that sperm has to face and beat for it to finally get there is pretty insane.
You need hundreds of sperm around the female egg to break down the outer coating, but you only need one to get through to fertilize.
But doesn't have to jump through quite a few hoops before it gets there.
Yeah, and a couple of hurdles around.
It did seem like that in his.
Video, you say men don't do any work during pregnancy.
Look at all that if so, you release it and a typical somebody else, something else does all the work.
That's something else comes from our ball back.
Yeah, you're just basking in the glory.
Sorry by that, guys, Just one more stat on the people with three or four balls, fertility is not affected. So it doesn't matter how many balls you got, you're still just as likely.
To have a baby.
And I don't want to sound lazy and brook to Brooklyn's point, I would say, with all the listeners we have out there, would there be one listen that has three balls? And if there have you there's only like two hundred worldwide worldwide.
What are the odds of one listening?
I reckon that would be.
It really would be.
I mean they could just call through.
We can take the word for it us.
No, we can't take them. I want to call to I want to see it.
Okay, that really reduced the.
You do like watching videos?
I think I do.
It's a big boy this. Yeah, not even not involved, but loves to watch. She loves the peekabootes watching. Clearly I'm not a watcher either. You do you watch a little porn? Doctor?
When you do, what's your what's your category? You've gotta have bloys go around? What's your mind? Is amateur? And I love when they're auditioning for the fake porn job. It's not really so you do know that one?
It doesn't the Rockets lives, so you have watched those ones I've heard people talking about.
But you know they're not amateur, no, because they're like you know that some of their boyfriends are waiting in the car parks for them while they're auditioning. Sure, that's what it says, Bruno, Which what's your favorite porn category?
Probably m MF, BICEX, amateur, cut, clean up?
What's that? Have no idea?
You know.
Bruno taught me what BBW was and all those phrases. I don't.
Can I just go back and ask one more time? What was the category Bruno forgot? No, I'm going to I'm going to go back on the podcast and listen, and then I'm googling Pedro, what's yours?
I'm sure he said clean up in there's some happening.
I like fake t actually fake taxi because what about Cooper John's what's what's your favorite there? Milf milf. Yeah, I've never believed those ones he likes cougars.
Step mom like, I love the stepmom sorry line where like the stepmom gets stuck in the washing machine.
Yeah, yeah, Alphie.
Gets stuck in the washing machine. Yeahed to broaden my search.
Yes, I'm into the step sister.
I think that's yeah.
I'm not opposed either.
Yeah. In real life I used to stand on a milk crate and look at my stepsister showering in the shower through the window.
You're doing it in real life. This is just make believe, pawns.
That's I did it. In real life, I felt about I was only like thirteen though, still that's sixteen. Every second weekend I'd be a dad's place and I'd be like, LOOKI LIEU at this.
Sister, inquisitive.
It's a nude woman, that's right, when there's a young boy.
Not related, No, it's no blood.
Sure my dad adopted her and she took our name. That's when the viewing stopped.
Oh I did it, Okay, Yeah.
Yeah, I felt like, well, dad didn't even want us, but has adopted these two. I best stopped looking at her through the shower window. Talked to you looking at me as a very judge haven't you got no stepsister, Well you don't know what it's like anyone anyone else got a stepsister? No, well you'll just have to take my word for it. It's allowed that ship when you're a little birthdays are up. Next thing, doctor for coming in, Thank you doctor, kids met blank, That old flop is fifty seven today.
I'm friends.
Yeah, Jason Dundas that I used to work at MTV with. He's a very good looking fellow. He's forty two, so we would have lost all his looks. God and knows what he is doing. And Jack Jones is thirty seven if it's yours, ring up now thirteen when I was sixty five had kissed we Okay, birthday is for today, a Thursday, July twenty five. Let's get them on. Chad's called through.
Hey Chad, good morning, good morning, good money Wednesday. Finally Yeah, Oh you've been waiting all year for this, no doubt.
Oh yeah, not just a year.
I've been waiting for the last ten years.
Six o'clock listening.
Here, a nice one.
So you're your birthdays today? That makes you a Leo? Would you like to hear the Leo horoscope?
I can't leave in this to channel.
What are those glasses my reading glasses?
I've never seen those on your entire life.
I know, I thought i'd pull them out for this segment.
Do you need glasses to read?
I pretty much do not really I can. I can do it without, but it's nice to have them.
Okay, have you got any mystic music? I'm going to see the mystic ship and you're going to say it like, so, what star sign is it today? Is Leo?
Okay? Chad?
Tell me if this applies to you, read between the lines today, Leo. What people aren't saying is as crucial to the story as the words coming out of their mouths. Although you want to believe the best in everyone, you also have to take their actions into account. So with the moon and boundary Hound Saturn, Oh Saturn connecting in your intimate eighth house, trust must be earned, not handed out too freely.
Here's a tip. Inconsistencies are a red.
Flag, so don't dive into deep with people who keep on running.
No, this is the last bit.
So if someone's basically this is if someone's running hot and cold with you and their words are saying something different to their actions that's a red flag.
As we your horoscope is.
Saying these are the longest timecop a line.
That was pretty easy.
It means nothing.
No, it means totally. Like if you've got someone running hot and cold on you. They're doing one thing and saying another. They're telling you to be warned.
I think we can figure.
You can figure that's not happening in your life.
Leo Cha Kyle, Well, you know what, guys just done into this, And there's a lot of Leo women out there that might right now be going, yes, that's me right now.
Well, good luck, ladies.
Let's let's get your cries on your birthday.
He is going to spin the wheel, going, yeah, pizzin because crow at and that's got two broken feet. We get slowing down. What is it? Number nine?
Number nine?
That means you've got yourself a ninja woodfire outdoor oven valued at five dollars.
This looks fantastic.
Yeah, you can.
Cook and create dishes from authentic wood fire pizzas to smoke barbecue meats all in your backyard.
We're going to send that out now.
Got a couple of songs. Brooklyn has got a song that kesher one.
Hey, Chad.
Yes, remember Kesher from back in the day. Well, she had this song called Your Love.
Is My Drug. But I've had it for like a week now, so it's time.
No, yeah, I know, but not to just listen to the actual song birthday like, Yeah, does he sound like a Keshra fan?
No, he doesn't.
You don't know, Carl, Chad.
Actually it could be anyway.
Hang on, are you gay?
What you.
Just checking? I don't like to answer that question.
You're out of there, Jackie, No.
But I don't know. I don't think you are around of Like.
Think Chad is going to love our song because it is Kimzell young Hearts.
Right, Wow, you're stereotyping there, Jackie. That's not all gays living in the Priscilla world, right, Chad.
It's your choice.
I know, I know. Look, you know what I'm actually pick of hearing Brooklyn?
You're going to yeah thing Brooklyn hat? You know, getting on through Superfici.
I just think we just played Brooklyn song just to get it over and done with and off the radio.
Can I just say something, If you don't pick us with this song, we're going to be stuck with this.
One probably, So who do you care about.
You got to get more gaze on or not.
That's right, that's right.
Look, it has to be Brooklyn, just to get rid of that song, and that way I can have something different.
It's his birthday, car Yeah, you're right.
Yeah, but can I just ask if you were going to make the call based off the song.
Gay Power Let's go Brooklyn.
No, you didn't answer that question.
You know what this guy is like. He's like the head of the Secret Service in the running Congress Vegas. That's right. And then that woman had to stand down. She lost the job. Who would have thought being the head security at PEPSI wouldn't give you the balls that you need to be running the secret Service.
But you've done, Chad, Carl's now on a ranch.
Oh no, do you like Kesh?
Just say yes, let's play Kesh done.
Still, that's all right, don't matter than Chad.
You are happy, my friend.
It's after seven eleven.
Yeah. Remember she wanted to have sex with Bruno at one She liked, she loved Bruno. Is that guy out there he's single? No, he's married.
I think it was because I was a bit wild and unhinged at the time.
You like that energy, and had hair.
Yeah, did your nose get bigger? I think so.
I've never noticed.
No, because you've been with him every day, you wouldn't.
Have you noticed.
No, I haven't either.
Jack's got some new scenes of the brand new film Arcadian with Nicholas Cage fronting. That's a great film. It's streaming now only on stamp.
Billy Ray Cyris has been caught in a secret recording from his ex.
Now who recorded it?
I didn't even know that Billy Ray was married to an Australian woman.
Oh yeah, she's a country artist.
Well, Phiros, this is all news to me, which is so weird.
She secretly recorded him. I never liked when when someone secretly records someone because you never get the real story of You only get whoever's doing the secret recording. They're always so nice.
Whatever it is, what it is, We've got the recording, so they Is it bad?
He's basically she's saying that during their relationship he subjected her to months of extreme verbal, emotional and psychological abuse, and this recording seems to have been recorded by her, and he's going off because apparently she may she's making him run late for a show, and that's kind of what the rant is to his wife in this secret recording.
Needed to leave two hours ago.
You didn't.
You can still leave and get there out of here.
I'm not in an old place to go do a show. I had to go when I was ready to go. If you, if you would when I've told you, I don't know who you think you are.
This is about you've been selfish.
I don't think you're real smart. This would not be happy, Eve though, if you would have just shut you out.
Look, what best.
To do?
Now that's done?
Because you have to know I tolerate that. You just don't know you you you know better than that.
Yeah, it's not getting out of it.
Yeah, there's no getting out of that.
He's got some It does sound nasty, Yeah, it does.
Even if even if she was on the best behavior, regardless whoever's recording it, it's very nasty.
It's so nasty.
Then he was later heard targeting Miley, who he says everyone knows is the devil, and Bazali is talking about himself in the third person in this, but he's speaking about the other women in his family.
And I think Tish's marriages before.
Yeah, him so that's kind of the context here.
It is the other two children that were there was from a previous marriage before she met Billy Ray, by two separate fathers. No, I said that wrong. Not a previous marriage. The other two children that were there. She was pregnated by two different men and had those two children before she met Billy Ray. Just think it said that the truth on. I mean, no Brandy Trace and everyone knows devils are.
Skank everyone knows Devil's the skanky Miley. Yeah, well, just is he saying that some of those kids aren't his?
Well, some of those kids aren't.
Oh, I didn't know that there was she had.
Them with two other relationships.
Oh, I didn't know that.
There's nothing wrong if a woman has a baby from a relationship and that doesn't work out and she has another one with it, this is just life. Oh yeah, I mean, you're scandalous.
He's weird.
Anyone who goes before she met Billy Ray like that, that's unhinged.
Yeah. I've never referred to I've never said in any argument, well, you know, if if Carl's not happy, Yeah, Carl's not happy. That's a that's a weird twist in someone's brain. Yeah, a lot of these music styles do refer to themselves in the third.
Oh, that's so deluded though, Like I can't imagine being in relationship and going So what happened before you met Jackie?
Oh well, let me tell you. Usher was just being Usher, you know, singing, dancing and you know, and then.
When Jackie O came into your life, she.
Thought, you know, maybe I maybe I'll go Wait. Yeah, that was Usher, big mistake, Usher, mate, It's weird.
Now Snoop Dogg has been announced as the final torch bearer for the game. Yeah, he's going to carry the torch through the streets of Paris and into the Olympic stadium.
That was confirmed by the town's mayor.
We wouldn't even let me to Australia for a concert a couple of years ago.
Now he gets to carry the torch.
You once had gun chargers, you're not allowed to come now the guys at the Olympics.
And he's also a commentator for NBC.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean they're really embracing Snoop, aren't they.
Snoop's one of the greatest.
You have a connection to parasol sports.
He's been there he watches it.
He wears tracksuit.
He is in the UK at the moment, and he joined Capital FM. The host Jordan North there for high tea and he talks about yeah, the.
Queen and what else he wants to do in London.
So how long are you in England for? I'm in England for about two or three days. I might have a fancy and some tea. I wanted to see Wimbledon. I think it's over with. Yeah, finished last week, Sorry about that, and go by the palace see if they let me in. Well, I've heard the future King Williams is a huge snoop fan. Hopefully I can't get in. What a queen was a fan? So feature to clean and that was my girl?
You know what I'm saying? A soul they're eating as well?
Then then then then then man, yeah, okay, what's that?
What happened there? A scone? He's eating a scone. That's how he eats.
Is that we're calling them scones. Just say, you know, I don't care what they call it. We call it a scon hate pumpkin SCons and I hate the SCons with sultanas in it. Need to give me a nice white scon.
Yeah, don't mess with it, gem and cream old school.
The most beautiful women in the world has been revealed according to math. So it's called the Golden ratio, and it's basically all about symmetry and where the you know, features sit in a in equation to each other. There's okay, so I'd say that there's an ideal number which should be around one point six to two. Don't even know what that means, but it's called the golden ratio and.
More. Some women have it more than others.
And in the celebrity world, they've revealed which celebrities have this. So number six is Taylor Swift. Number five is Ariana Grande God.
And that's bullshit. Ariana Grande is not symmetrical. One side is hot on the other side and he shows one side of a face, so this is live.
Then you've got Beyonce, Oh, yes, she's gorgeous. Then Bella had did.
Interesting symmetrical but alien like.
Yeah, Zendaya is at number two. I get that because she looks to me quite symmetrical.
She's got an anger about her. I don't like coops. Do you see what I see? A gorgeous woman? But she looks angry all the time.
Yeah, yeah, she'd be too dominant for me.
Are you like more of a submissive time? Correct?
And then the number one girl is a girl called you won't know her. I don't reckon Jody Koma. She was from Killing Eve.
Did you ever watch that? That was such a good series, Killing Eve?
And they reckon she's the most beautiful based on.
Mats, based on maths, Yes.
Not an ugly let me tell you that.
But no, I can see what they're saying.
Her features are well like space to pass has bought.
This chickup blonde, pinched in, little nose, normal lips, very Jackie looking.
Oh god, she's not like me, Jody Koma.
She look the same, except she has she's happy with her natural skin tone. You're not.
She's happy to be.
You want to look more like the Fijian woman.
That's fair enough anyway.
Shannon Doherty, who is now passed ye, did have a list of people she wanted banned from her funeral.
And this isn't just a stupid rumor.
She's a bit even beyond their keeps giving me.
In a podcast episode, she yeah talked about this.
And there's a couple in there, like Jenny Garth now that was her co host on nine O two one oh.
I saw Jenny Garth once they had a massive feud.
And then obviously Alyssa Milano, her charmed co host I didn't like you sorry Coastar was also at war with hers. So they're the main two here it is.
And there's a lot of people that I think would show up that I don't want there because the reasons for showing up aren't necessarily the best reasons, Like they don't really like you. I don't mind my fans showing up like those are you know, those are people who've supported me in my entire life and my career. I love you, and I love them, Like that's different. I'm talking about like people that really don't like me. I just don't want those people there, and I know who they are, but they will because it's the politically correct thing to do and they don't want.
To look bad.
Do you think if you've got a like a hectic feud with someone and they hate you and they talk about hating you in interviews and stuff, do you think that like now they're thinking, oh finally, key, right.
I wonder if they do or whether you.
It overrides like common decency overrides in that situation, you go, oh, that's sad.
I wonder which camp you'd fall into.
Would you be the person that goes, thank God, you know I don't have to deal with that anymore, or do you go that sad she died before her time.
I think, if you don't like someone, you don't care if they're alive or dead.
Yeah, but like at the end of the day, life and death is pretty.
If you don't like someone, you don't care if they're alive with.
You, you don't You don't either, Yeah, I think I would you not like? No, I don't.
And then think if they died, would you care? You don't care.
I don't have anyone where I would say, I don't care. I don't reckon unless it was a celebrity I didn't know.
You were trying to be nice. No, honestly in your life that you don't like if they died, what you'd feel little sad?
I think so I would, actually would.
I've even known people that I've not liked that have died and I think, oh, well they're dead, never mind, no feeling at all, none, you know what I mean?
Yes, I know what you mean, because I know what you're lying.
I'll tell you what's hard when someone dies and you find out after the dead they thought you were a piece of shit your whole life.
That black Men he didn't like you.
John Blackman guy. All I said was, oh, what a shame. It was one of my childhood heroes. Then I heard him bitching about me on a Sam Newman podcast and I thought.
Oh, well, good, he's dead.
Good. It's crazy how you change your mind when you hear people don't like you for no reason.
Here, someone doesn't like you. It is like war.
Okay, then it really changes your view of them. Anyway, let's do pop quiz if you guys would like to play. We're gonna try and off load ten grand. We'll open the lines on thirteen one oh six five.
I wonder why I never liked me.
I can't remember what he said in that podcast.
Now I remember he doesn't have a voice for radio. He shouldn't be on Red.
Like what? What?
What? What's this guy's issue?
Oh, don't worry about it, dull, don't worry anymore.
I'm not worried. I'm just thinking it's surprising. Yeah, all these old jealous broadcast are so jealous, Well because I don't. I don't have that big voice like this, So what no one cares about that ship exactly let's ring. You know what, I think it was Kyle.
He hadn't mentioned that he find that he found you to be crass, But when he was on that podcast with Sam Human, I've never heard anyone drop as many F bombs ASZ did.
So I didn't. I didn't listen to the thing obviously, but so he didn't like my crass what my normal frank way of speaking. But then he's doing exactly the same spot on Yeah weird, but you.
Know it's like ego gets in the way with life, Like no everybody's so at the end.
Of the day, I know what it would have been. See all these old timers, they read the newspapers that say it's just the iculous amount of money we get, And you know what, that's just because of good negotiations. It's not my fault that I've got a better understanding of how to negotiate than half these other flops, well a lot of them jealous. You should hear the bullshit that goes on. Really, they don't talk about Brooklyn because he doesn't get the same sort of salary package that we get, which is understandable being a gay.
Jealous That the reason I just assume.
They're not an equity problem. No, you know who no one hates in turn Pete. No one's jealous of him, No one admires, no one admires you know, the accomplishments, because he's got none. There's no hate for Pete. There's disdain, there is, like you.
Mean, there's no jealousy.
Yeah, no one's jealous of intern P.
I just get a lot of people saying, like, you have your job.
Yeah, everyone thinks they could do better than you in that job.
I'm sure that in all honesty, they probably could. But it's not about doing better, it's about actually, what is it about?
Why is he here?
I think it's his.
Personality that wouldn't be that.
Maybe just because he's like become a caricature almost.
You love to hate. Yeah, that's why he's here.
I know.
I said something funny a couple of weeks back that helps you didn't.
Does anyone know is there any research? Because I know they've tried to.
Get rid of that's a good question. They try and get rid of.
People here, like the management. They pick someone who they hate that month, and then they try and trick me in the getting rid of people. But I won't get rid of anyone.
From from a radio perspective, intern Peete works well because you're both very strong willed broadcasters and he's the opposite, so it works well, kind of having.
A will a week will a week will.
Yeah, it's entertaining, you know, but I just get very frustrated. I can't remember the last one I was entertained by intern Peep Bruno.
Can we do some market research on Internpete? Yeah, ask a listener advisory board a bunch of questions and then we'll read it all out on air and we'll get the market research because we've never done it on him.
Does everyone understand what a listener advisory board is? It's this dumb thing radio. Do they get all these fat pigs to come in here for free? They'd lure them free pizza and diet Fanta. All these toads show up with nothing better to do with their life, and then we ask them questions, do you like this song? And they play a bit of a song, and then some big pig who's already eaten a bit of pizza, goes, I don't like it, and then someone else goes, yeah, I don't like it either. They're just there for the free pizza, and they write down all their answers. Then they create the radio station around what all these big toads think. And I've always said, listen, you're gearing the radio station towards losers. Losers that come in for a free slice of Dominoes and some diet Panta. They've got nothing better to do with their life. Why would you model the radio station around what these people think?
Why don't did we do that anymore?
We don't on this show. The rest of the show is the day is all run by pigs. We're not it is it's run by dumb donkeys.
Give me a.
Couple of days, I'll get the listener Advisory board together about their feedback on Pete and we can read it out.
I feel like no one's going to want to be a part of this listener advisory anymore.
Good you've painted them as dumb donkeys.
They are dumb donkeys. Who's they don't even get paid? Point?
Your point?
But anyway, Peter will, we'll get the market research, which is always fun to be the target of that.
There'll be a whole break on Edge.
With quiz is up next, and then some bloke this doesn't make any sense a men's relationship coach.
Is this for other men or for women?
It's for men? Okay, you'd go to one? Well, yeah, what bloke would go? You know what? I need a male relationship expert. No, I don't believe that even exists.
Is this expert a man himself?
Yes? A man on man talking about their feelings? Ridiculous.
Well, let's see what he has to say.
Okay, I'll listen to him. Is this your doing? No?
Not this?
Who's doing this?
I think it's pedro?
Pedro? Why would you put such a stupid thing on air?
Because like, sorry, what's what's he on?
Like, you know, he helps high performing men who like you know, work hard, get home and then that I want to talk to the missus so like me, and he kind of helps men navigate like around that and not to talk to you miss exactly.
Right, you know how to have a more healthy marriage?
That's right? Yeah, I'll tell you without having to get a relationship coach on engage in conversation with your wife.
Well, a lot of men don't high performing, so you've got.
To go and pay someone to tell you to do something.
The rest of us, it's like having a life coach.
I guess All Loser Radio. Yeah yeah, this came out of some listener advisory board, but it did just on that.
I had a friend just messing me asked if he could be on that board as well, one of my very good friends. If that's all right, just one.
I think that I thought you can't stack the odds in your favor.
One, give him one?
Okay, I have one, Thank you. We'll get this flop coach on and we'll do the pop quiz next.
Kyle and Jaggio Showy Jaggyohile.
Jackie O Dash is on later this morning. Everyone, Yeah, I love this. Should be doing a songbook for us.
Oh yeah, and live live.
Pop quiz now.
Everyone's Kale and jackiears ten dozen dollar pub Quiz.
Pup Quiz playing this morning. Leah is on the air. Morning, Hi, I.
Love you know the rules. We're going to give you one hundred bucks for every question you get right.
All ten right gives you ten grand sixty seconds on the clock.
Okay, good lady, can I.
Sy you guys something.
Yeah, I'm a hairdresser and I've been doing my own listener advisory board on you guys in Melbourne and.
The people love you.
I don't know what the media you're saying.
They're out to get you, rekad guys everywhere.
See the people that write, the media writers especially, they don't really understand how radio surveys work, so they're like, I've even read comments like all hell's the ratings in Melbourne. Yeah, they're fine, don't worry you wait, by the end of the year, they'll be all eating their own assholes, is idiot? Some fun on the radio on the airwaves in Melbourne.
Finally, well, hairdresses.
No, they get to talk to everyone all walks of life. So that's good to hear. Lee.
Now let's see when you're some.
Let's do this, okay, question number one. Rebel Rising is a book written by which actress.
Which country? Yeah? Which country?
Is Wildlife TV presenter David Attenborough from the UK like.
Complete the title of this pink song, Raise your.
Lightsabers are weapons used in which movie franchise was Beck Hewitt is married to which former tennis player lighton hear it. What is Martin scorsesey famous for movie director? Which company makes the Alecxa virtual assistant?
Yes? Who sings the new song it Boy?
Which single won the ARI Award for Best Solo Art of the Year last year?
Aussi guy Ozzie.
Yeah, best solo Melbourne, Melbourne and.
No choice of plan?
And how old is Julia Morris forty six or fifty six?
And what about it boy? Who sings that we had him in the other day? Maybe no money?
Yeah, eight hundred dollars. That's real goodly, well done, congrats, well done. Thanks for which station did you listen to down there prior to us?
Like I was a station skipper, there was no solid station.
That's what I've noticed interesting about Melbourne radio ratings is they flip flop all the time.
There's no time because there's nobody good to listen to, you guys.
There is no clear winner ever in Melbourne. I think Christn O'Connell on the Gold station does really well for the fiefee in the other goons that's all right. Then there's Jason what's the name? Yeah, and that's a bit. They're all softlog radio. You're right, they're fine, they're no, they're not ship shows, but they're just not the same.
Well, we appreciate you listening, thank you.
I love you, honey.
We'll send the eight hundred out coming up.
This men's relationship coach, Well, let's see what he has to say.
So this bloke only sees men.
Yeah to kind of like tell men who are workaholics or high performance guys how to kind of nurture their relationship and keep that an equal priority.
Would I be a high performance skilly so you don't have to be an Olympic SPRINTO.
It's just someone who's like wrapped up in something else work.
Probably supporting the family that's called.
Yeah, but then coming home and not really wanting to emotionally support the family in any way.
What does that mean here? All the trials and tribulations.
Of the engage be present that kind of thing I would say.
I mean, you mean not just sit there and listen yeah.
Or be on the phone, or you know, go to the room and watch TV or separate yourself.
This guy's not like an Andrew Tait style guy, is he?
No? I don't think so. I think he's I think if he says something entirely different and I've got it all wrong.
Oh that would be great, but you know you might look at me and think, oh, he's not one to listen to women. I do most. I always. I've got no choice but to listen to women.
Yeah, I think you would work, and I'm.
Actually interested in what you've got to say. Thank you, except for when it's the science. I listen, but I just don't understand. And then at home, I feel that my wife doesn't listen to me, especially if she's in the middle of texting or going through the feed, because I can't.
I can't listen.
You can't listen and go through the feeds.
I can't if I'm if I'm messaging someone or going through a feed, my brain just cannot hear what somebody else.
The same with my wife and I'm like hello, hello, and she goes, babe, I'm texting yeah, and I go you you can stop texting.
For text second train of thought, Well.
So you can't multitask. Is that what we're saying women, I.
Can't multitask when it comes to that.
No, going through a feed. You must go through the feed.
I think your mind becomes so engaged in that.
But you're just going, you're flicking. There's nothing you've even engaged with.
Maybe not necessarily a feed, but definitely a text message. If I'm responding to a text message, I'm not going to hear you've seen it. I've been responding to a text message and Kirsten brings in the news and talks to me, and I had no clue she was even here in the room.
That's right, that's what happens at my place. Yeah, so is it me that needs the coaching or is it the female.
You do make a good point, but let's see what he has to say first.
I'm not even allowed to talk during Real Housewives, any Real Housewives show. If I go, oh, baby, this is what happened, she picks up the remote and goes pauses it and then turns around with the yes face.
Yeah, you've paused the show.
You're not missing.
Anything that she was into it in that moment. You ruined it.
You can rewind true.
Oh well, in this day and age, he goes playing the victim before this guy comes on, I know what you're doing.
I am a victem playing the victim.
I am a victim. We'll get this bloke on Jordish.
Candleish Jordan Jordan, What did I call him? Jordish?
Jordan Candlish helps men become less men I feel, I don't know. I'll hear him out. And then Dasher here a kiss and men and men on men. We're talking about counseling here, not six okay.
So Jordan Candlish is a men's relationship and performance coach and he joins us.
Now, Hey Jordan, good.
Morning, sir.
Hey, what's going on? Going to have me on?
Thanks for coming on.
So you look very young. What the hell would you even know about a relationship?
We're about to find out, aren't we. Yeah, I'm thirty.
Okay, So how many people have you, bangs even have any sort of knowledge on relationships?
Is it about that a nine year relationship? Cal So, I've learned a lot in a short space of time.
You want to kind of look into all of this.
This this like a lot of reading and therapy that you've done to you know, get that kind of knowledge.
It was more a path that I just fell into, if I'm honest, like I was, I was an accountant in a path life. So a tax accountant realized that that wasn't the path for me, and then I started to pursue the world of person development. I was making content online and then all of a sudden people wanted my support.
And then I've recently TRANSI transitioned into relationship coaching.
And do you and do you? Do you have fights with your missus or or do you hear each other out? And it's always an amicable sort of result.
I mean, we have certain standards around how we communicate with each other, like we never swear at each other, nothing like that, but we still have breakdowns. So we just I've developed tools, We've got tools and strategies, a way of dealing with it and NAVI getting through it and in a way that always brings us to close.
You're saying that, never in an argument have you referred to your missus as an F and C.
No, I haven't. I haven't.
Yeah, I've learned something.
I've learned something.
Then even when you're really even when they're being really like you know, they're really going at you, you don't go f off. You've never said that a man.
She wouldn't stand for it, bro, Yeah, you wouldn't stand.
For that from no one stands for it.
So what do men need to know? Jordan, what would you like to share with a lot of men out there? Is this mainly targeted at men who are workaholics?
Well, it's all men, to be honest, But what I find is the kind of high performing men, the men that work a lot are often the ones that struggle to feel their emotions. Like that's the main thing. And the better you can get it feeling your emotions and a man, the better you can get it communicated and expressing them and then supporting your partner when she's going through emotions.
Do you think those two go hand in hand, That the workaholic part is almost the way of distracting yourself from sitting with emotions.
Now do Yeah, it's a coping mechanism.
Because men do many things to cope. Some hit the booze, some hit the drugs. Yeah, or they throw himself into sport, or they build things in the garage, or or they just.
Bus you know, out all the time or working And just have.
You found men don't really talk to other men about their wishy, washy soft cock issues because no one they have to talk to someone like you that's open to that, right, they won't judge.
Yeah, man, well it doesn't have to be like that. Like essentially, what a lot I've found with a lot of men is they're kind of afraid to open up and get support in their life. It's almost like they think it's less manly. Or what I found is when you have a safe space, when you have a safe space with other men, bro who can kind of hold you to a higher standard, your relationship gets a lot easier. Things get easier, Like we men make it way way more hard of them.
What man wants to be held to a higher standard by a group of other men? No man wants.
And what do you suggest for the man who is caught up in work and not paying any attention to his partner when he comes And what's your advice there?
Well, really examine what's important to him. You know, if work in career, success and money is important to him and he's pursuing all of that, then is he happy? Because at the end of the day, if you're not happy, usually if your relationships forming apart, it you know, draws a lot of energy out of you. That's where i'd examine your priorities, examine how you're showing up right.
Okay, but is this based off what a woman thinks or what a man thinks.
It's for the man, I think, for trying to happiness for him.
Yeah, but it sounds like through the lens of a woman, like it's always you've got, always got to listen to what the lady is thinking, and like it's never the other way around. Have you noticed it's always men have to listen to the lady more or be more understanding or ask them how they're It's got to work both ways. It can't just be at one side.
If you're not getting that emotional support either, then that's.
No one's usually giving anyone anything, right, Yeah, so.
They both they both.
Have to change, they both have to make the effort.
Yeah, exactly. But at the end of the day, someone has to step forward and lead a conversation where you've abart to talk about.
And that's what you want to be different. That's the man.
Obviously, it doesn't doesn't always have to be it's always the most conscious one, whoever's more self aware usually leaves that conversation.
Yeah, that's so true. And what about the women who want to save men or change men? Do you think that's an uphill battle?
Definitely? The man ultimately has to want to change himself. Otherwise she's going to sound like his mum, and he's going to want to do the opposite. He would just shut down more.
And what's lone wolfing?
What do you mean? What is that?
I'm not.
Lone wolf Well, it's where it's where men Usually the men who kind of run businesses and work in high performing jobs, they'll just bury themselves and work, go home to their families and not really socialized with any other men outside of their work environment. So they don't hang out the lads, they don't spend time in conscious environments. Figured it out on themselves.
That's that is you Pedro.
Pedro, who's the executive producer of the show. Let me give you a little backstory. My migrant for a start from South America, lived here his whole life. Doesn't speak to his father at all because his father his mother's feelings when he was an infant, and he's still on mummy's side. Pregnant wife beautiful. She's not allowed to talk to him during the week because he's too highly strung and she's about four weeks away from having a baby. So he's in for a world to heard right, This isn't going to last long time, especially with the baby coming.
Well, yeah, well you need us men. We need spaces where we can just hang out with lads and talk about lads things. It's very nourishing because there's some conversations that are reserved.
For just men.
Like you know, you don't want to be talking to your wife about certain things and vice versa.
So like what type of things like you'd hit on Instagram?
Because we were talking about this earlier this morning, the difference between guy chat and girl chat. So what should guy chat be that's healthy for you?
That's a really good question. It depends on the context, right, Like for a lot of men in Australia, guy chat is go to the bar, drink some beers, watch the sport and don't talk about anything that's of depth. Yeah, but a good healthy god chat is like you're in an environment where maybe alcohol is not involved and you can talk about like what's actually going on, what are you struggling with, what are you afraid of, what's you struggling with the missus? What's going unsaid? How do you like getting advice? On how to.
Approach getting advice people when you're asking.
That's exactly what I was going to do.
When I ask a female friend for advice, the advice is amazing.
If I ask my friend, their advice is terrible.
There's no depth to it. There's no real advice there. It's just kind of surface level. So how how are they supposed to blind leading the blind?
What men are you asking for advice? You're not asking me, You've never asked.
Me for You might be all right, Actually you might be the one of the exceptions pretty good with.
When you do ask, which is rare. But a guy I will not only think of the answer. I won't just give you a lulla whatever. Yeah, I don't know, but still you don't take me.
I can tell there's some depth with there. You and Kyle. I can tell you give good advice, but but you know it. To Jackie, it depends on who you get the advice from. It depends on the circle of friends. Like if you're getting shit advice from your friends, and probably your time is a new friend to hang out with new people.
For example, Jordan, like, I know which of my friends, So if I had to fight with a girlfriend or a wife, whatever, I'd say to my friend, I can't stand this bitch. You know that blah blah, and he'd go, yeah, I understand, let's go down the oily joint. That's one advice right now, that's not necessarily the right advice to get whacked off by some poor girl working in an early joint. Yeah, that's wrong advice. Yea.
So did you do you have ones that give good advice?
No? No, I have no friends that give good advice. All of them would say, we thought all end up with let's go down the oily joint.
Yeah, ok, right, that's the that's the solution to every problem.
And I'm here for you, mate, if you need some advice, let me know whether.
You've got baby, you got baby, I got.
I got a question for you.
Car Last night, everyone in the household, they're sick right in his house.
So he comes to the dinner table.
His wife is sick, she's looking after the baby, sick, sick, and they're eating dinner and he comes out of the toilet and he sits down and he proceeds.
To tell her that he just took the massive, a massive.
Dump, a massive diarrhea, and.
Then his asshole opened to the size of a cup.
He said, it all poured out like a fire hydrant. And then I said, my ass now is tender, and I can feel my heartbeat in the pulse in the ring of my dogs.
She was repulsed and gave him a filthy look and said we didn't need to hear that dinner.
She said, hang on, and then I said, I stood up and I said, well, who do I talk to about my feelings? And she said not us? Now?
Now who she handled it differently? Her or Kyle.
Yeah, that's a good question, Probably a bit of both, because she probably could have approached that conversation in a way where you could hear how that made her feel when you expressed that, And maybe there was that feelings of pulling away clothes down and.
Maybe you might realized I want to keep doing that. I want to help your relationship. Maybe I shouldn't start expressing those things if my wife's going to start being repulsed.
But who do I talk to about my feelings?
But are they if you're around?
It's not really feelings, it's.
Just a gross story.
I was concerned because I could feel my heartbeat in my coin.
You keep that to yourself?
Yeah? Should she have to share?
That's something to share The lads that could have been bantered with the lads that'd have been fighting around.
With the lad I don't know why you felt the need to also share it with your wife, but anyway, you're.
Right because when I told Bruno this morning, he was full of empathy. Whent to Bruno. Bruno was full of empathy with the whole story.
Yeah, and like I wanted to help where I could, or you know, like if I could help soothe it or whatever.
Yeah, I'll always hear you, Susan.
Hey, we're going to take some calls if you want to ask Jordan a question. Thirty and one oh sixty five relationship questions from men.
Okay, so go deep, open yourself up. Yeah, we don't normally only vomited. Just saying that, trying to communicate to other men to open up.
It's a danger zone.
Everything's allowed, everything's allowed. What's what you just shot?
After that?
Everything's allowed?
Now, you're right, nothing'st out of the boundaries here. Men, are you sitting on an issue that you haven't discussed? Bring up nast Jordan and Jackie their advice.
I'm no relationship expert, we know, okay, call us thirteen one oh six FI Jaggio.
Kiss morning everyone, men and men with their problems. We keep all our issues deep inside.
Us too, and it's like you don't need to let it out. And we've got our relationship expert for men. Jordan Candlish taking your calls and Jake has called through Hijake.
You ready for some calls here, Jordan, Jake, what do you want to talk to Jordan about? Man?
Hey, guys here, he's going good.
Thank you, good mate.
I'd just like to ask. I've got to see a bit of stuff going on, so the most men hold in, And I'm wondered that if I cry in front of my partner, she's gonna think I'm less of a mean or something.
So you don't feel comfortable to, you know, pour your heart out and have a little cry.
Yeah, I've cried when I see a new carle once?
Mate, did you? Did you? Jack?
When you said the gave away the house in Iron Park, I don't remember. If you remember, I'll come up at the end when I was all finished and just shook your head, Oh yeah, thank you.
When I was walking to the car, I remember that just a triller.
Now I was.
I was in a dark place and you guys help me a lot.
Oh that's so nice.
So, Jordan, what do you say to him being afraid to show his emotions in a relationship.
M Yeah, Bro, there's definitely nothing wrong with crying in front of your missus. But one thing I would say is, like, make sure you have other places where you can process emotions. Don't just depend on her to hold that space for you, you know what I mean? Otherwise, the polarity, like she's going into her masculine and then you're going into your feminine. It's okay in the short term, but you do want to make sure it stays like that.
You know, I usually only cry in front of a partner over the years if I'm losing the battle and I need to squeeze out some extra tears to get to.
Reclaim, to manipulate the situation. Well, not intentionally, but yeah, that's called manipulation.
Well, you're not the expert here. You're a massive value when it comes to relationships. I'd rather hear from Jordan's Okay, go on.
Yeah, man, So how does that sound? First and foremost, just like finding a space outside of your relationship, bro, to process emotions, because.
What does that mean like you mean with someone else or just sitting in the water cranny.
Yeah, it could be an individual like it could be a therapist, psychologist, a coach, a men's group, or if if you're not able to do it on your own, I definitely recommend finding that.
But it's.
Sorry, She's my rock, like she holds me together more than anything, and I don't want to see like I'm breaking in front of us.
You want to still show like signs of strength. But I was just talking to Jackie in the ad break and Jackie said she loves when a guy is vulnerable and then tells her all his insecurity.
I don't like it when guys feel like this. And this came off the back of Bruno saying that and yourself that you wouldn't want to show your partner your Jesus in securities because you would feel that they would look at you differently or use it against you.
Of course, and you might have had experience.
I mean, I guess every woman is different, right, some women do use it against you, So women.
Do feel doesn't make very good, does it? The way the way you're explaining that, Jackie, Like maybe Bruno's white men horrible white.
No, no, no, no, no, I'm just saying, like every girl's different, obviously, but I feel that it's nice when someone kind of opens up like that and can share those things in a really trusted relationship.
Because I trust her.
Yeah, but you don't want to be crying every day, that's what you're saying, Jake, Right if you basically and what sort of what sort of shit are you dealing with? What? What? What sort of weight?
We've all matters going on with my daughter, to my daughter, keep her safe, and feels like I'm find the whole world just to do.
That, I suppose, Jordan. When a man has got a lot on or a lady or anyone is dealing with a lot of heavy emotional stuff, an outlet is required, right, whether it is with the lads, or whether it is with your partner, or whether you talk to your mother or a specialist. You've got to get you got to that volcano's got to erupt somewhere.
And it's important to have tools or rituals or practices in your life so that you're able to hold that volcano. You know. That's meditation, whether it's spending time in nature, like tuning into your body it's so important, man, otherwise it will erupt because emotions have to come out.
Okay, thanks for that, Jake. We need to move on to mow.
Hi. Mo, you're on with the expert. What's your what's your story there?
I look, so I'll get home from work. I've had a big shift. I just want to come home, show and play PlayStation by the missus wants to be or clinging and this and that, but I don't want to do that. I just want to kick back.
You know what I mean, the.
Miss and what show you affection? But you just want to hit the PlayStation wind do sorry, just to wind down. That's your way of winding down.
After you've done the wine down, do you then want to spend time with her?
It takes a few hours?
Does it go on? I'm not judging tho.
Men the man, You know what I mean. You've got to show the misses a bit of a fiction. But when I get home, I just want to l it to myself, you know what I mean?
Yeah, And everyone get that or like, because I don't know. I'm just newly. I'm just a newly with every man.
I felt that even in my like, I needed that myself in a relationship.
Did you get the PlayStation?
Jack, You're not the PlayStation?
What did you do? Crossword? What did you do?
I just I don't know.
How did you calm down?
I just needed some time? Is that normal, Jordan?
I'll speaking on behalf of men. Like all men need transition time from their workday into their downtime and then into relationship time. So brother, no worries playing PlayStation. But just make sure you communicate that to her. Just say, sweetheart, I need an hour to myself when I come home from work so that I can just unwind and then I can show up more present for you after that. Just it's the way you communicate it that will go on.
You've got to be more present. You've got to actually come through it with what you're saying. Try that out.
No, thanks man, Okay, Chris, what do you want to ask?
Chris, you're on the air with the experts. What's your what's your what's your issue? Buddy?
Just wondering with the double standards on everything. I'm not a huge fan of going to zoos or places like that because animals in captivity are.
Just not my things.
I don't prefer to go to the beach and watch the fish swim around or whatever. Right, and then it comes down to me wanting to take the whole family to go to a nice carshow or something, and it's like, oh, we're not into that. Now, I don't want to do that. Now I can't say, well, hang on, what about if we go to we don't go do what you want to do with the family that I'm not interested in or you know, my son's not interested in. Yeah, how do I go about that?
How does he negotiate? Who chooses what the whole family does and who's interested in what? That's that's a hard one.
Well, the time, I just pulled my big boy boots up and just do what she says.
Because the you know the other day where I had to go to parent teacher and I said, I ain't Yeah, absolutely fantastic, oh y, But I was so against hearing from a twenty year old girl what I need to do to my child. But when I sat there and I heard and I was listening to things I had no idea about, I was like, ah, I was totally wrong about this. I was so shut off to the idea that what can I be taught by a twenty year old girl at days my son about my own child when he's only been there nine times, and I learned so much?
Would you learn so curious how.
He's interacting and how he's doing with socializes and with other kids. It's fantastic. They all said everything is great, and you know, but I thought myself while sitting there, I was really shitcanning this whole idea that I didn't need to be schooled. But I did actually learn a lot, and I regretted, you know, shit canning the twenty year old.
So in Chris's situation, Jordan, there should be equal give and take there.
But there never is.
Chris, what's stopping you from just doing some of those things on your own, the things you enjoy it? What do you have to bring family with you?
It's just a family time, mate, Like I worked up early early mornings and after work I'll go pick kids up from school and then go to the after school dance stuff because my wife doesn't finish work until five pm, and they've got it. They could be out still doing dance at seven thirty eight o'clock at night and I want to go to bed, and she's just like, oh no, But I want you to come with me, all right, no worries.
There's a lot of this, there's a lot of this. Yeah, there's a lot of this. Doing only what the wife wants to do. That's family time. But when the man wants to do something, nah, it's not good.
Yeah, I would healthy time on your own. Healthy time on your own goes a long way as well. I don't think you need to do everything with the wife, especially if she doesn't want to do it, if it's not enjoyable for her white life.
But we have to do thinks.
But if it's not enjoyable for him, e, then why is he making all the sacrifices?
Yeah, I would communicate that.
What's with the double standards? If I don't want to do it? And I expressed, but no, I don't want to go to the zoo. Oh but it's my family time. You know, you've got to spend time with them. You got to do this. Well, all right, let's go. But then I say, well, what's wrong. We've taken the kids to someone apps for a couple of days. The kids, let's go to some apps.
It's well, then communicate that, bro, because it sounds like you're doing it from a place of love. You're doing it because you love your family, which is amazing, and maybe you want the same from your wife. Maybe you're wanting her to do it.
Jordan, Is it is? It? Is it the way that we don't say it and then when we actually say what we want.
That's what we come across a bit because the PRIs with Chris and I'm thinking of Chris, just to her, listen, let's have some compromises.
Why don't we do this.
We'll go to the zoo, but next weekend can we do this? And then we're both getting something out of family.
In theory, but putting that into practice doesn't always work. But you've got to You got to try it.
Okay, try try with the communication Chris one more locky the geek phone?
Did it works? Yeah?
Because we don't we can't get access him on the studio.
What do you want from the relationship? What do you what could you possibly ask morning?
How's it going?
Jordan good Man?
So my question for you is, and this is more about the early stages of the potential relationship rather than once you're in the relationship, But how do you avoid getting stuck in the friend zone?
You can't bro, you you can't. Most of us can.
But well the last the last an went on ki many st boid getting stuck in the friend zone.
Yeah no you didn't. You didn't. That's it that you're still in the friend zone. You she's an only fans star, not a normal girl.
Well, man, at your question. Down to your question, brother, I would be a lot clearer with your intentions from the get go. So she knows because maybe she's not. She doesn't want a relationship, she doesn't want anything more than friends, and at least you know, rather than investing all your time and energy to find out later on, he.
Puts it on before a date. He lets him know, Listen, if we go on a date, I'm intending for this to turn into something like a relationship.
That's a bit much.
That could be I'm into you or like I'm interested, Like this isn't just a friendship thing. Yeah, just expected it to be honest.
Yeah, yeah, just say, look this for me, this is a romantic thing. If it's not for you, then maybe don't leave me on totally.
Yeah that's good. I think you should be really upfront about it, Lockie.
Okay, thank you, Jordan, Jordan, thank you.
For joining us.
Jordan Candlish Men's relationship and performance coach. If you want to find him, you can on Instana at Jordan candlish one.
Thank you so much.
You mate. You're a better man. You're a better man than me. Is in touch with these feelings?
Is sensible.
I'm doing what I can.
Speak to Dasher. She's doing a performance, a live performance.
She's here in the building right this second.
Yes she is. We'll chat to her next.
Here a kiss, Hilan Jackie.
Oh songbook was Dasher?
Look who it is? Everyone in the building, high hand. Nice to see you in the flesh.
Miss you guys.
So you're an Californian girl. You're a pop star and a country artist. I've not noticed this before, but where you're a pop star and also a country star, very few people cross over to both.
Yeah, it's a very interesting wan to be and especially with country music doing what it's doing right now.
Country music, I know it's always been huge in the United States, Yeah, but it feels that it's got a new lease of life in any other countries. Have you noticed this?
Yeah, I mean especially like Australia for example. I know you guys have your Australian country music. But like seeing how you guys are reacting to it's very good.
It's amazing what countries have been reacting to it really well, Like.
The Nordics have been eating it up, which has been super cool.
Yeah, they're all getting around the cowboy.
Finally like on board. But you guys were the first ones to be like, you guys, this is legit. Germany also has been catching on, which is like the craziest market because like that isn't Yeah, it's so yeah.
You know what, even like twenty years ago when the Black Eyed Peas first came out here, that's where Will I Am changed the whole sound of the Black Eyed Peace because we were big into dance music in Australia. Yeah, he came here urban only and then adjusted the Black Eyed Peas sound to become a dance urban and created a whole new genre.
I didn't know that at all, but we got such.
Different diverse interests. Yeah, and we were testing ground for a lot of the U and the US X. If it does well here, they feel okay off Australia. Yeah, I like that.
So does this mean you're traveling around an awful lot now that it has taken off?
So much.
Yeah, it's been the schedule has been really really crazy. We're here for like two days? Is that all just two days?
Because I missed my flight coming out here, so what But it was not my fault, guys, Okay, well what happened?
What was was that that world? Daddy? Does it stopped you for?
I think I think I had to do with that. But I was flying from Pincacle to Dallas to catch the flight straight to Sydney, and my flight from Doubt to Dallas got delayed by like an hour and I ended up missing the flight by thirteen minutes. I'm still at the gate. They wouldn't let me on though, So.
That means you did your luggage get on that flight, but we did.
So nervous the luggage stayed like the background with the airport, and I had to stay in the airport for twenty four hours, and then we got on another flight the next time.
And you could with flying or bad with fly?
Honestly pretty good? Yes, Yeah, I could fall asleep standing up.
So yeah, yeah, that's going to do you well in this industry. Yeah, it is, because there's a lot of girl there's a lot of relaxing and now get up and go hot, hot, hot, then relax. It's up and down a lot.
It's like cold plunging and then being in the sauna.
Yeah for the all day.
Now you're only twenty four, so you're in the middle of what we call young love. Do you get to bring a love with with you or I.
Do what I want to?
I don't think the promo trips like this. I feel like this is more like lean and mean. But for touring and stuff, the world is my oyster. They're like whatever is going to keep you mentally happy, because like I've had a few days in the past couple of weeks I've been like this is hard, like it's catching up to me finally of like, oh, this is like my reality. It's sinking in And.
Yeah, only how do.
You find a guy that's willing to give up his job and just sit around And you can't.
Plenty of blokes, But I'm getting this guy who's an artist. His name's Arden and he's an angel. But because he also goes on tour, he like gets the chaos of it, and so him coming on tour is like not a brother fresh air exactly.
He stands what you're going through.
Do you guys write music together?
No, we don't. How I well, I don't know. Songwriting is such like an intimate thing, Riley is.
I thought you guys hooked up with other songwriters. They organized a session, your meet and we start.
Sure, but like, two artists writing together is very different than like because Sir a Strip just a songwriter and then the artist. He and I are both artists, so it would be like a battle almost maybe, or it could be really cool, we could write a duet. But also I'm like, it just cringes me out. I like, don't need to write it because.
What did you do when you're swift? Because when you're in a songwriting session, I'd imagine you're having to talk about some deep personal issues. Yes, because like with the song Austin, you were going to write it about a cheating boyfriend, but you couldn't relate because you hadn't been cheated on what so things like that must come up in songwriting sessions.
Cheated on? No, I've never not that you know.
Actually, the Austin situation was we were never a dating but he.
Was just banged buddies.
Yeah, rightang buddies. I like that. Yeah, But he was also bang buddies with girls that I didn't know about.
Oh yeah, it technically wasn't she But official, If you're not official, you're not official exactly.
Okay. Don't take the guy's side on no.
No, no, on your side, Like, if he's keeping it from you, then that's exactly.
I'm like, if you can tell me about it, there's probably something.
You're banging blogs. Do you tell the other blokes, Oh, you're not as good as the guy banged yesterday.
I don't do it. I don't do multiples.
No, I don't mean at the same.
Time, actually a virgin. She just told me.
About it.
Let me tell you she's not far from a virgin. Her numbers were quite low. Okay, Yeah, nothing wrong with that.
I had long relationships all my life, too long.
Some would say, yeah, maybe, but that's okay.
I feel like, also, sex is such like a personal thing.
Yeah for me, it's like you don't talk about it.
No, I talk about it for sure. I'm very open about that.
Your girlfriends about like this, I did this and that guy.
We go into detail.
You were just saying this this morning. The girls go into such great detail. The men who were surfers.
Yeah, they're like, oh, she came over and she stared and she liked yeah, like, and then he took his hair out, and he took his hat off, and then I took and what.
Do you think this means? And then it's almost.
Like you're writing a novel when you're describing girls want the details.
Yeah, it's literally fan fiction of like scenario.
And then you've got Brooklyn our news reader. He's homosexual, amazing homosexual. He's got amazing stories of Yeah, I used to be a big, big hole, but I've got to have a boyfriend for like five years now. So you missed the whoring?
Yeah do you No?
Not really?
No, it's fun for a fly.
And then after it's like, okay, yeah.
Yeah I liked it.
I liked doing it back in the day. I'm glad I did it, But I also like the new version of life now, you like love, building a life together.
There's one thing to feel the conquer of, probably you Brooklyn Dragon, some young blonde twink home and having your way. That's a conqueror. That's a conquering story. But now you're in the love story. Yeah, isn't it better?
It's a love story.
Yeah, and everyone puts on a bit of way, and everyone stars putting in the effort.
You know what about you, You've been talking about everyone else's love.
Oh my, my life's wonderful. It's been very up and down. I wasn't what they call an f boy.
I know it's hard to believe across here, it's probably hard to believe. But now I'm on my second marriage. I have my first child who's only just about to turn two. Oh my god, and things are lovely. I left my run late. You know, I thought this just didn't work at all, But now I'm super happy. You know what I'm saying.
Listen, My mom had me at thirty six. Yeah, no, my brother at thirty six, me at forty one, and my little sister at forty six. So she's too late.
She lived her whole.
She's a professional, she's lovingly professor. She's great.
Oh that's and you live that life. Yeah, and your dad's still on the scene.
Yeah, they're divorced. They're very divorced, but we love fun. That's great.
It's nice when they divorce and everyone's happy again. That does make sense.
I can never imagine how did they stay what it makes notes to.
What you say now them, Yeah, yeah, they do.
But they met in a drum circle. So I think they're both like in their hippy era when they met.
Were they just banging drums in the.
Literally, my hometown of San Luis Obispo is so hippy.
We're sol what's the name of that joint? What is it?
Drum circle, San Luis Obispo.
San Luis Obispo. Yeah, town Slow, Yeah, in California.
California on the coast, far from Los Angeles, three and a half hours and then also three and a half hours from from San Francisco. So it's like right in the middle the middle of everything. Yeah, nice central coast. It's beautiful.
And so they were in a drum circle.
Yeah, in the mission plaza. There's like a drum circle going on. We're like.
One of those.
She might have not for a while.
I love you.
I could see that. She's pretty cool and now professor now professor. Yeah, architecture. She is the smartest person I've ever met. It's crazy.
Yeah, loves architects.
She also loves drums circle.
Yes, she's got a bit you do the drum circle.
I do not know when my dad is such like a hippie that I kind of stayed away from that because there was so much of that happening, and I'm like, you got that covered.
I don't need to be like I'm taking another.
Path exactly exactly.
You're going to do a couple of songs for this morning.
Yeah, So you're going to perform Austin first.
Then after that we're going to get to the songbook, which is a song you're covering of a song that really was something during a particular time in your life, meant something to you. So we'll get to that in a moment, but first, when you're ready, Dasher taking the stage everyone.
Then it's powered by iHeart. Here we go. Listen up. This is Dasher with the song Austin Take it Away. Here a kiss too.
Today we had a plan wove out of the town. Baby was tooth sent. So we talked about Lately a packed carping, milk tar and James Smoke and the Saint song Que songs and we get going. Let you went home, waited on the porch for you, sat there the moon.
I few up the morning.
I cut a hunch down in the cut and snuck around the back and ants cans and knocked inser stuff step put? Did a boot stop? Where kids? Did you shut right out? Did you burn through money? Did an X fine? Here's a whilk years away? I damn sure you lost?
You shedn't even stake back?
You wish to new because what's the.
Worst cave open where you in? U didn't nerves come get you? What sir? And the main way that's still lay in, that's where you'll be forgotten. Forty years still be here?
Uh, hell of a bluff?
You haven me believe how many months did you plan on leave?
What happened?
That happens you go back?
Go bash?
I loved you out? Tragic?
Digital boots up? Where kids? Did your shark preyd your barn through money? It's an X fan where there's a will and there's a way. I'm sure you're lost. Sdn't even sake that a bitch cost? What's the worst case sold in?
Were you in of?
Isn't nurse come it? Sho's your out?
And the name way still day and that's where you be forgotten. Forty years still be here? Shown crush shopping? Uh did your shark prey down?
Did an X fan down? Mm though is still be here? John Gosh, spin.
Wow, my god, dash alive with a voice. You know what, I don't know what they call that, you know when you go really high and you think you think I should know that being an Australian Idol judge. But I just agree with what the others say when they go into the mumbo jumper.
Beautiful. I'm excited to hear the next one.
So with Songbook, we ask you to pick a song from a time in your life where anytime you hear it now you go, oh.
God, that reminds me of that period of time. So we've all got those, We've all got them.
Mine is mine is Uncle Cracker, Follow Me remember that, follow me everything? I loved that song.
What did that mean to you at that time?
In between the hose from one heard of the get yeah, little tear runs down your eye.
So we're gonna we're gonna take a little short break and then we'll come back and we'll find out the story of this song.
Anyway, live performance why.
It's important to you. Yeah, she's on air this morning, Dasher, Thanks for doing that. Yeah, I have part one all live on the way, powered by iHeart Next Here Kids Jaggie.
Oiland Jackie O's songbook with Dasher.
Yeah, Dash's our guests this morning. She's already done one live song. Now she's going to do the Kyl and Jackyo songbook. Okay by Story from the Past. Yeah, a song you used to listen to that has great meaning for whatever reason.
Yeah, so what are we doing?
Okay, We're gonna do is stay by Post Malone today. It's an og song.
When I heard this song, like I said, I could nerd out on songwriting for hours.
So it's an album track from Post Malone, right, yeah, I'm track.
Yeah, I don't even think it was ever a single, Like it just came out and I was listening to the album and there's something so raw and real about the words, like you put a cigarette, You put a cigarette out on my face, so beautiful. Please women, don't break your back from him?
What does that mean exactly?
It doesn't even mean like you put a cigarette out my face. It's so like push and pull. It's like but don't like don't kill yourself over me, like don't break your back for me.
Okay, right, So it's.
Toxic, but it's so loving and at the time I was like it's so me and.
You know that, you know that post he's been He's been in all different types of relationships, so that probably.
Has has he really I don't really know about his relationship.
Ye, like he's got a lot of love. Yeah, but it hasn't always been.
I mean when I met him, he's just such a sweetheart and you can tell he has like a lot of salt him and like probably sensitive around.
I love that.
And so were you yourself going through anything toxic at the time of this song.
I think I heard it for the first time in high school.
Yeah, everything about high school's toxic?
What was going on there?
I was such a flirt in high school. Oh my god, I had boys just wrapped from my finger. But it's funny because like I wouldn't do anything with them, though I would like maybe kiss something.
That's so your happiness was knowing that they were interested.
Yeah, it's the game of It's Cooper.
John's just said to me before after your performance, Jesus bro, what a weapon that was. That's quite the compliment. He's our sports guy. Hey, Coops, you want to say Hi, Hey, hey going dash, I have a weapon, he said you He said, your bro, what a weapon? I did say that. What does that mean? Like she's dangerous?
What you will experience?
Weapon? Right?
Yeah, like you know, I mean watch out for her?
Right? You mean like she's so.
What does that mean?
No, it's a good thing. It means she's gonna know.
I don't know what I know.
It's a good thing. To keep complimenting me.
He wants. She wants to make you feel like a bit awkward.
Coops is recently single. He's an ex footy player.
Right, broken?
What happened?
I think his missus wanted a football player when he became work. And here she's like, yeah, you're not, you're not you're.
Not, You're not anymore getting.
You're ready to You're ready to do? You wanna do? You wanna? Yeah?
I should be talking.
He can talk to each other.
Let's do the song first, and if you should probably sing the song for you, let me sing my song right now.
I'd love you to say, let's do that.
Okay, okay, let me tune up here Here she.
Is stepping away. That's her ready to do a post. What's the song is? Stay? Stay? Let's hear it kids this morning powered by iHeart, Let's.
Go well it's true. Oh that you know I saw that? You say that is so there? You want look off the poor another track? Tell me what you think you know? That out too, chunks. It's sock right now.
You put your cigarette out on my face, so beautiful.
Please wantment.
Don't wake your back for me, and I'll put you out of your mistery.
Tell me that it's so okay. I'm waiting on this so damn day. Call me in moment.
Tell me how last night when I'm here, let's don't come.
To stay a little long. If you convince me, tell me us things you have against me, If it's not a wake of the truth fad.
Everybody's blaming and feels amazing him.
Who are we?
And now give me have a little conversation. They give it out and ostoxication.
They carry me on. It's a motivation. Whenever wrong, he'll be gonna make him.
Maybe we're used to tell me what are we to do? It's like we only play loose. She's some payment ten excuse. I love the shitting so to you, but it's only.
Break your back for me and I'll put you out of your ministry. Tell me that it's all okay. Waiting on it. So damn day you call me in more. I mean, tell me how last night when I'm here.
It's don't come on me too, don't count, suh, let's doll count.
So ah dash. That's doing a post alone version of Stay here a kiss?
Thank you guys.
Okay, well it's fun.
Officially in love with that voice.
Yeah, such a great voice.
I was just telling Dasha earlier last year on Australian Idol, half the top twelve were country artists and that had never happened before. Yeah, we're auditioning again in October. Okay, what are you doing in October?
Probably going to be here.
You should come here and show these kids. They'd love you.
It'd be so fun.
Oh my god.
I would love that.
And I can bring in to some concerts free obviously in a special box with catering.
Absolutely the smoking section. I love smoking.
You love smoking?
No, I like smoking joints not the same.
I mean really, when I'm in a country where it's legal.
In my purse, theoretically I got I got I'm not actually just it's not.
Well, if you have a prescription, I do, same me too. I got one because I'm a very sick person. Me too. I'm very sick me too. It sucks, Jackie.
Not so sorry. You guys are associate. Yeah, we're very your medications working helping.
I feel like it's.
Nothing better than than a puff puff past exactly.
Really heals, heals the chronic illness.
Whatever the chronic illness is. You're fantastic one. And have you've seen her merch Brooklyn Show Brooklyn da'sh his hat it says country, but it's spelled different.
Country without the you know what I mean?
Well, country, I call people a lot of that. I use that word a lot. Silent tree though I never get the tree bit out.
Really, just the first part, usually in the traffic. Yeah. Do you ever use as a compliment like always serving country.
Yes, someone said that to me the other day. Don't lie, they did, You're serving And I was like what, he goes, No, that's.
Like it's the oldest, means like you're the baddest.
Yeah, And I was like, okay, what are.
You doing in here? Oh my god, we've got a limited edition colle.
I literally don't have a hoodie with me.
This is the best, awesome me Thank you, Peter.
Get out now, I have an extra. Yeah, thank you, Peter.
You can take that with you on the planet. It's all yours.
That's a new one news friend, that's not one I'm wearing. Thank you.
This is really beautiful.
You're fantastic. All props. If you can see this girl live, do yourself a favor and do it.
Come come see me on my headline to her? When is that in October? We're doing Europe first, and we're going August and Europe and then October is in the States, so we're all wrong.
Okay, So where are you in September?
September is in Nashville and in LA a lot of are you living in Nashville now around Nashville?
You know Keith and Nicole?
Yes, yeah, I do.
We good friends with him.
I'm not okay. I I know Keith, but I don't know Nicole.
Yeah, she's lovely.
She seems really lovely.
I mean, she's one of my favorite actresses.
So so good.
What a power couple. Hoh, he's still go to the streaks.
I told him lose the streaks.
He has the streaks. I think it looks good on him. I like what he does his hair me too, I do like Keith. Yeah, Keith's a great guy.
You give Keith a call, Peter, call him right now.
TV answers, well, yeah.
We'll borth ring him at the same time.
You see which you want to pace up for. Yeah, else comes up on Priday, so probably he won't answer.
Peter, Are you doing it dolling up?
You have the number? Actually yeah, we know, we know.
It's great.
Uh. They often when they're in Australia, they'll ring up and Nicole will be like, hello, Carl, we're listening.
Oh that's so fun.
Yeah, day we go pick it up.
Hello, Hello, sorry, here we go.
His daughter is the other day too. I was performing them in Nashville.
Yeah. Yeah, they're so faith and Sunday. Yes, yeah, they're nice kids. Well nothing's happening here.
Yeah it's not even Oh we've got that new system right where it doesn't ring. What the dumbest.
Who makes the system where you.
Can't hear you can't hear the ring?
If the phones we'll let you go. You think, Hey, nice to see you. We'll be in California in September and going to Vegas of the iHeart.
What are we going to hang out?
I think I think that's you like gambling and smoking.
I love both of them.
We'll see you there so much, Dasher, thanks for coming, Honey. It's kids, Kyle and Jackie. O's split horse to you today for Splitter Steel. It's the criminal edition have doing being to jail or currently in jail.
To play but but reform.
Yeah, also, we don't care about that.
I thought that's what we're putting to the test.
Are they actually well, we'll see what happens when we put the two fellas. Sammy is the first ex criminal and we've got John Paul is the other ex criminal. Good morning, Sammy, great, you're currently in or you out?
Okay, reform and John Paul you're in or out of prison. I'm they're all reform. Well, due, I.
Guess we've got to find out. What were you in for, Sammy? Robbery? What about you, John Paul?
I was in for supply and large commercial supply and firearms.
Wow? Okay, well let's see how reformed the are they now? Men of there were? And I said this yesterday, sorry the day before. My friends that have been that have been in jail or criminal element types, they're always the guys who are always men of their word. What they say yes is what they mean? Another people other people, they they're not men of their words.
Don't dog a mate, that's right. You don't dog people right like there, that's.
The Jackie, your real biky horse.
Talking like that. I like they're the low lives.
So you guys, aren't that, Sammy, Paul, your men of your word. Give each other your word now that you're going to split this money and not steal from each other.
You don't just dog a mate.
You don't dog anyone like any any crim like you know that go you respect each other's all. You have all lived the same life.
You know that a dog it's a yeah, okay, well there you go.
I'm not buying it. I am, I'm buying this wasn't enough for me and a few. You don't have to go on and on and on like it works with you guys, Like it's just.
When you when you've walked in each other's shoes, you know, you know it's it's it's what you know, it's it's when you're inside.
It's a different code. It's different, different to our side. It's quite different.
You don't walk out of you don't talk out of school, you don't rip your you know, it's.
Just there's repercussion. There's repercussions in that world for lying and ripping.
So if you're like one of those guys that's not a man of your word, are you just as bad as like an informer or a rat?
Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, pretty mu.
There's a term called a boneyard, so like that's a protection inmate, Like a protection inmate who's either given a rat or like is yeah, just no good there.
You guys don't want to be that. Okay, let's put you Sammy in the cone of silence while we talk to John Paul.
He goes, wait for it to lock in.
I'm now buying it it okay, sealed.
It's lo John Paul. Split or steal, steal okay, okay, let's bring Sammy back. John Paul off to the cone of silence game.
Okay, Sammy, we need to lock in.
Here we go split a steel, I'm stealing locked in steels.
Okay, let's bring it back everyone. Okay, stand by fellas, you're both out of the cone of silence. Jackie, would you like to.
Give them the did you call that term the boneyard dog or something like that? What was it something like that, Yeah, you're both that because you're both still.
Who would have thought, Yes.
Never knew it. I had a feeling on you.
Who they can laugh about it, well, of course they're not dirty about it having to laugh these fellows. Thanks for trying. Thanks guys, thanks for proving my point completely wrong. Up next, Jack's goott Own News. Don't go away. You're on the air, Kyle Jackie, Jack's got simon you since that brand new film Arcadian starring Nicholas Cage streaming right now only on stand.
Okay, So, Kevin Hart says that he sympathizes with Tom Brady over his Netflix roast.
Right tried, didn't he do inappropriate jokes?
Everyone did?
But the problem was is Tom Brady was married to Giselle, the supermodel, and it was around the time, like it was pretty soon ish after their separation, and Gizelle was obviously seen with that Jiu jitsu black belt a lot like she was having some sort of a new relationship with him, and there were jokes made about that. And I think the thing Tom has always said he regretted about that roast was that there were too many jokes about Giselle and the kids, and that's why he regretted it. And and Kevin has his own take now on it in hindsight, because he was the one responsible for a lot of those jokes, and one of those jokes being this one.
You left Bill Belichick with Matt Johnes. Goddamn. Oh you fed him. You fucked him, good, you did.
You did time. You fucked your coach.
But let me tell you something, people, let me tell you something. That's what you gotta do to maintain your happiness. You understand, you sometimes gotta.
Fuck your coach.
You know who else fought that coach? Giselle? She found that karate man.
No, No, that's what?
What an idiot?
Why would you do this?
What an idiot?
I mean, Jesus Christ, Tom one of the smartest quarterbacks I ever played a game?
How did you not see this coming?
Eight karate classes a day, eight karate classes a day.
Yeah, I'm sure Giselle was not happy about it.
Yeah, anyway, Kevin says he has no regrets because the whole thing just reinforced the idea that a joke is just a joke.
When he says he regretted doing it, I don't think he's referring to the it he means to some of the jokes. I think what he's referring to is saying, you know, I could have tapered it a little differently, saying or having a conversation pre of like guys, let's go and do this, but let's not touch this or this. And I think like the idea going all in and just saying I don't care because I know the world would love to see me being on the receiving end of shit because I'm Tom Brady and I've been at.
The highest stage yeah, all my life.
I think it was that.
But what it did for comedy and like our climate of sensitivity, I think was necessarily invaluable. But that thing made people comfortable with like the concept of a joke being a joke.
Yeah, fair enough, Yeah, yeah, all in the name of comedy, you have to be the sacrificial lamb sometimes, don't you Just a joke? So anyway, we reported this room of last week that Katie Perry would be performing at the AFL Grand Final, and that has just been officially announced on her Instagram today.
That's going to happen.
I've noticed there's people shit canning are in the press like, oh, it's a disastrous comeback. I think the song's pretty good. Some songs boom the moment you play it. Some take a bit of listening.
I like Katie Perry, Yeah, I do too.
And I'm sick of the newspapers always oh, it's always someone's turn, but everybody to turn on based off one or two random comments. But then it.
Becomes the narrative that everyone believes.
It's not true. Yeah, the truth is she's great.
And also Euphoria finally have announced that season three is in the making.
Because this was maybe not maybe not going to happen because it wasn't one of the stars at war with the writer.
Because the creator.
Creatise, he also created that idle thing that the Weekend did. Remember that, that's right, There was some concern there.
Well, yeah, that's the thing, right, This creator, Sam Levinson, he was best mates with Zendaya and they had a bit of a falling out because he felt like she was more focused on her own staff, which fine, like fair enough, but it's all you know, been patched up obviously, because they've just announced they're going to do season.
Three and it's been three years.
By the way, I really like I know it's a teenage girls show. Yeah, but I'm obsessed. I love it.
So anyway, Yeah, you've got Zendaya coming back, Sydney Sweeney, Jacob A Laudie, all these people who have in those last three years gone on to become huge Megastarf.
You'd convert back to straight for Sydney Sweeney, wouldn't your Brooklyn? Can't you even see the appeal there?
I wouldn't convert astray No, but yeah, Sidney Sweeney, n no, this must be touched there.
Yeah, Sidney, We're going to take your last calls, guys, if you want to phone in on thirteen one oh six five.
Thank you, refling Jaggie, Oh shure, Okay, you want to get a few last calls on thirteen when I six five, we'll get you through demo's rung in what's up? No, hey baby, guys.
Guys, you had a segment of a day called Signs from the Arter Life. Oh I remember it, Yeah, but it was quick refresher for those who are listening. There was a lady who found like two letters in an alphabet soup. Yeah yeah yeah, And you guys asked for a signed because your dad's dead. Do you ask for a sign from your dad to a total blackout of the studio. That's right, Jackie said, gimp in time. Let him let him come through, come through. Yeah, yeah, guys, that's in this morning.
I had to turn all your we had to turn we turned the whole station off.
It you had a total blackout.
Doesn't work if you do it yourself, though.
Yeah, I was gonna say, do you think your dad like couldn't quite make it happen, you know, in the afterlife, so needed us to physically make it happen. But it was still a sign.
I don't know. I don't think about those things that much.
I'm going to ask for a sign today. Okay.
Remember when they said one of the stories was I'm going to ask for a sign for a bug to come, but not a bug you'd see usually, so she said, praying mantis and one landed in her like.
A sigh bowl.
I want to I want to think of an animal that I could see but you wouldn't ever usually see.
Giraffe say that, you know, I'm just a bus could drive passed with the picture of a direction.
A picture anything acceptable.
Anything is acceptable, Oh Jackie, honestly you today, Oh.
Sees jack I am out and about today day?
What are you doing, Jackie? Don't tell me where?
Say where I am where? No clue.
It doesn't work.
You know.
We got one more quick one, Jared.
I'm going to ask to see Hey, Jared, a lady, Peter.
It's a real hard one, thank you.
They around in winter.
I don't know you're asking the wrong person. I'm no bugging, I'm not. I'm not the guy from I'm not.
Can you just quickly find that out before you wanted to say?
It's National Intern days and day?
And I was just wondering why you guys had planned for internet.
We didn't even know.
We could have had a full celebration.
How long we got left in this show? Thirty seconds exactly. Okay, Peter, Hey guys.
Are going the Intern day, Peter, thanks so much, guys.
A real real lite.
But in order to be here for nearly eleven, he's there eleven and you're still an intern.
By the way, beetles not so good in the winter, so good luck.
Then more hibernation. But yeah, ten seconds for me if you want.
And I'm going to change it to a grasshopper. Okay, you've got three seconds.
Oh sorry Pete, no time. See you tomorrow everyone. Happy birthday Cayle and Jackie.