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We'll do it live.
Go write it and we'll do a lot fucking thing.
Sucks broadcasting live. I'm mi Kyle and Jackie otow.
I hear you if you're read across Sydney, Australia and around the world, the biggest stars hied.
Sharon and Jackie.
A lot of people thought, oh, it's Sharon didn't bad habits, but you never saw it.
If you google that. Sharon Brits two thousand and fifty, pretty out of it.
This is Taylor swim On, Kyle and Jackie.
Oh you are to getting left on. You're pretty much lading at the moment he said.
Something so nice to me, just said, I'm used to that. That's great.
This is Harry Styles.
And Jackie, Kyle and.
D d J Jackie and.
Old Faky.
You're so jealous. Charlie Sheen called the Kyle and.
Jackie osha good perfect because HIV is such a great big up line.
Why don't.
This is the Kyle and Jackie O Show.
And I was just thinking about that worthy other day, thinking mmy is spelt that way? How odd?
Well, gee, you must have not a lot going on, makes some beautiful The Kyle and.
JACKIEO Show is just one big breakfast party.
This is eleg I only listened to Kyl and Jackie A live on the iHeart Radio.
Actual, don't be a legendary by you're listening to the boy.
From the Big Beast City.
This is the best radio show I've ever heard in my entire life.
You guys are incredible.
You guys the ship.
You are my Carnded family. It is comfortable. She just has a little bit of class. Microphone is.
Hi, good morning. How's that fine?
What are you dressed up as a tennis player?
Like three weeks after the tennis finishes on television see Rocks and she's going up against Venus and Serena Williams.
Have you actually been playing games?
Just still haven't played one.
No, but I'm playing one today.
Ah, well that makes sense.
Yeah, I'm not just dressing up as a tennis player and a tennis player.
Can we have a look at the stand up on the chair. Yeah, my god, you are all ship. You've got the little skirt, You've got the Roslin packet jumper over your shoulders. You're ready.
I'm ready to go.
Well, I'm not gonna lie. There's a part of me that just wants to do it for the outfit, but I do, I reckon that's a big part for a lot of people who start tennis, you know what, especially for girl not guys. Girls think the outfits so cute. Maybe I should give it a guy.
No, honestly, the outfit's not that cute when you think of it.
It is a white little skirt and a white like whites.
Now what underwear have you chosen? Please don't tell me you've gone with the g string because that's a trap because the tennis skirt usually remains quite up in the air.
Yeah, it does.
Know these come with little bike pants underneath, built in. Ye're built in, so we're all good.
On that protective.
That's no fun.
Sort of a game.
You guys won't be there that you would care.
We loved this, even though it's quite taboo. But like men, we do enjoy a little peekaboo during sports. Remember that one photo. Everyone wasn't to pretend they weren't looking at that one photo of that the women's I recall what it was. I myself never perved at it, right, yes, but yes, the women's footballer, and everyone was like you had to pretend that you that you weren't amazed by the photo.
Oh okay, I was amazed, But that was because she was up so high, wasn't she She was jumping up or shelf.
The ground machine suspended in the air. So I never I never got a chance. And who will you playing? Is Mayo playing today?
Mayo and I a little game today?
About time old Fatty got a run on the court there?
Oh who's fatty Mayo?
Have you got some weird vision when it comes to me?
I'd just like to just keep a tort Why haven't you got an outfit on?
I didn't know Jackie was gonna wear her as all the whole show, so I brought my So I'm going to get dressed later.
But mine's not a white skirt. They sold out of the white.
I know the black.
I know they've sold. This is what I'm saying. They sold out everywhere.
She's chosen the black skirt to look thin. I know, I know what it's like. Why do think I wear black all the time?
She tried to get the white.
They just don't.
She's not going to show up in their bloody white looking like some ice cream man.
No, no, I tried. I sent Jackie some options that are nice, and then.
I had to get you've been coordinating your outfit.
Yeah, it's coordinating a lot just to get the one tennis day going.
Do you guys ever do that?
Like if you've got to a forty five, do you check with each other?
What do you wear it?
Should I get these bike pants? No?
Never, I've never asked any advice from friends on clothing purchase.
Do you do that?
Do you ask your little friends about clothing?
Purpose away?
We just swear what we want.
Yeah, I don't even know what I'm wearing those days.
Black, Yeah, black T shirt, black pants, safe to say.
Tried to get a white shirt the other day and I was flicking through that, I thought, I've got nothing, only faded ass black shit.
You're trying to get a white top?
Excuse me? I forgot we were actually working or we're just chatting on It's okay. Yeah, I wanted a white shirt, like a white just like a business shirt. Haven't well, a few people coming in today, right, what's happening?
I am just coming in to test us on the on his game show Man, I nailed that yesterday. Yeah, it should have been the change.
Can you tell me some of the questions you got right, just so I just test me.
I can't recall.
Oh, come on them so quick.
You just have to yell the answer and then they move on. There's no time to think. You just have to wait and see what happened.
You either know I'm a disadvantage with this game.
Look, you don't have to make everything a tennis reference. Lets. I don't even know what means me either.
I know I watched the tennis. I still don't know what.
Let's only a half sentence. Let what what?
What do you want to happen?
I don't know why it's lets, but it's when it touches the nets.
Why don't they just call it? I don't know exactly, but it isn't it. They've just made an error somewhere.
And now I never understand what's a fault? Like they serve it gets it in the box, But it's a fault. Why well, it doesn't talk to the wrong person, it doesn't go in the box.
Twice yell out faults, Yeah, yell at double folds, double.
Double fouls. You're over sorry, sorry, double fall.
You know what I'm saying. If you don't get it in the box.
Yes, yes, yes, I understand.
You don't have to man explain these things to me, Kyle.
Christ some one more versus as man's playing.
Well out why.
They call it, by the way, if you want to.
You figured it out.
I googled it so apparently.
It originates from the old Saxon word lettion, which means hinder.
No one cares.
That wasn't ala And you don't have to say it with conviction.
You're barely able to get your sentence out. I don't care. I don't want to. I don't have been mean to Mayo today because she looks like it's having a bad time at home. What I don't know? You can? I can just trust in your head.
Do you always think you have this superpower?
You know?
Women are sad?
I do I do know?
Can I ask? Okay, let's put it to the test all right now without lying, without throwing your husband under the bus. Thing's a bit rough at home from other people. I know, from from other people.
I'm not giving up my sources whatever.
Since when have you not?
When have you cared about a sword?
Not giving up my sauces?
Thank you Peter for going downstairs. And cleaning up that poo that my dog made. You're so sweet.
Doing I was.
I will say to that Jackie's dog had a big ship in the back of the car. So I'll just cleaned it all up with some pinea clean wipes and the other I.
Didn't ask him to.
He sho was getting on.
I said, leave it, I'll clean it after the show.
It's fine. So the first time there's been ship in that car, it was a confidential documents.
So I've left the pooh on that because I'm not sure want to.
Touch what were the confidence That's fine?
Yeah, yeah, that's all right.
You know those confidential documents we got the other day from Tony No when we're on the program director cont sorry, yeah, when we're on the roof, and he gave us that folder full of all that stuff.
I know where my father is. Are we supposed to kick.
Downy I might dog shout on that one. Yeah, And I don't know where mine is, so can we have another?
They're quite confidential. No one's going to open up Jackie. That's what.
That's a sure fire way to keep people out.
That actor and director and like all round amazing sort of unit. Matt Nabel's coming in. He's a good actor.
What was the thing he was in Transfusion?
No, not the transfusion one, that's the name in between. Yes, that's when I first thought, who's this blow? I thought they'd really got a gronk from the suburbs to act, and I thought that what a good act of is Gronk is? But he's actually an actor to be a writer and director. It is very good. He's terrifying, this bloke.
Like if I know, he's got a lot of state, he's got a lot of screen presence.
Yeah, don't you find like as a baddie?
Yes, definitely.
I reckon he's got bad blooding in. He has to. He's done time for sure that I don't think he has totally.
Look, I don't think he has.
He's done something. I wouldn't be surprised if he changed his name as Blue. It's terrifying, great actor. You know when some actors you just think, oh, come.
On, you're pretending.
You can tell you're not scared of Like you know, Leonardo DiCaprio, he never plays one no oh, one hundred thousand dollars noise that's on. I'm going through the running.
Went out to dinner with Damien's family last night. The questions about the noise.
How annoying?
What kind of questions?
We were all just like trying to figure out what it was, because I don't know what it is either, And then I don't think they believe me that I don't know. Yeah, I don't know.
Why would they think a low grade newsreader would know anything?
Well, yeah, that's what I said. I'm the last to find these things out.
Here's the noise. If you're having a listener, you're curious now, it doesn't sound like that. That sounds to me like a cann of coke being opened. Yeah, does anyone even guess that? Yeah?
Yeah, mm hmm.
Okay, someone's given me a Larry the Chase question. Do you want to hear it?
Okay, here's an example of a question on the chase.
Pegging out and opponent's balls is a common tactic in which the lawn game.
Balls b croquet, c quites, croquet.
Lorn balls bowls.
In which game would you peg out and opponent's balls?
Well, I've always wanted to try and cocaine croquet.
Okay, because I figure you can have a glass of wine.
Why anyway, so Larry will be in what was the answer, Well, where's the answer? You've done?
It was croquet, Thank you, I got that point.
It was yes, I need the proof.
Well, but because there's pigs involved with that, so it seemed obvious. Pegs, it was something wooden sticky thing their peaks, Ye pegs you.
Okay. Pedro is a minute penis weight contest back today. So we weigh Pedro's penis and then we weigh other objects, and you guys have got to guess what weighs more, is tiny penis or three mento.
I saw that was another very popular game at my dinner last all talking about it, and I said us, you'll be pleased to know it's back tomorrow.
And the moment that Harry Connick Junior and I that was the end of the friendship. Did it even start? I say no, But the moment there's an exact moment from Australian idol that you will not see on TV.
Why won't you see it on TE?
I believe, and I might be wrong that Harry's asked it to be removed from the show. Wow, even the audio we've got Pedro from Channel seven. Harry is also removed from that audio. Is that true?
He wants nothing to do with it. Wait a minute, are you telling me we're going to play the audio but Harry's.
Not in it?
Yeah, you don't need him in it. Look watch the show you it's not in the show. That's right. But he hardly speaks at all anyway, so that.
They are falling out, So wouldn't you.
I'm not arguing with him. He just leaves the set. I'll explain what he's doing. I'll play the part of Harry whilst Harry has been removed. Great idea, because I won't be ruined here by anyone, especially some fly in flyout type.
He's a FIFO worker, he is.
Okay, let's start it off. Tredy verus, ladies, what we're going to do first this morning? If you win, you get tickets for you and three friends off to the Palm Tree Music Festival that's in Sydney. Ties O kaigo, these types will be there. You can buy your tickets from ticker tech. If you're like, come on, were you guys talking about pegging last night at the dinner? It seems like a lot of topics were coming No pegging chat. How do you sit down and chat to a man's father about what you're doing to his son.
Well it's not peggy.
Well, oh that's right.
What is it?
What do you call it? Jackie? You got a little shiver there. I saw you shiver. What you're ready to start?
I'm ready? Come on and play my favorite song?
What's your favorite song?
I love this?
Jason Derulo, let's go shouse teaming up with him the Grammys ro yesterday. We'll cover all that this morning. You know news A kiss. Jason Derulo was shouse this morning.
A kiss.
I want to start to say, Oh, by the way, if you're heading outbound from the city over the Harbor Bridge, say what up to the highway patrol hiding there under the North Sydney turn off.
Oh thank you for that.
I think I saw them this morning. They would have seen me. Whit pass like a ball of fire. I saw them standing outside the car and I went.
Oh, so they weren't pinching people.
They were pinching people.
Well, how come you didn't get pinched?
Maybe too quick?
Maybe because I don't think it works like that where they go, He's a bit too quick for us.
They're out of the car. What are they going to do anyway, Just keep an eye out there because it is a sixty zone, because apparently there's all the signage and all the traffic cones are out and they're pretending they're doing roadwork there. But for the last ten days I've seen not one asshole there.
Oh, and it's still a sixty zone.
I feel if there's no one digging or working or driving a machine, then you can't pretend that it's a work zone. No people working, no work zone. As far as we'll talk to the premier about changing that.
For the election, Yeah, no, I don't think that I was going to Well that.
Seems but why are we doing sixty in an eighty zone for a week for no reason?
That's true, That is true.
It's too annoying, makes people agitated.
All right, let me introduce you to Emily from Newington playing for the Ladies.
Hi, Emily, good morning.
On my own welcome.
You've ever heard.
She's a medical student and wants to be a doctor. How fabulous? Good on you, Emily.
He must be clever him, Is that right? You are smarty pants?
I like to study a lot.
Yeah, that must be nice, actually enjoying studying.
That was never my thing me either.
I tried to do it and then just lost interest so quickly.
Well, I never even tried to study really like I did school work, and then as soon as I'd get home, I'd say no to homework.
No, no, Mine wasn't it. Yeah, she's been in a relationship for five years and met her boyfriend in a very interesting way.
He threw a firecracker at her.
Wow, that's the ultimate negging.
So why did he throw a firecracker at you?
Well, it was a funny story. I was just walking home from dinner with some friends. I was about seventeen, and he was driving around the town with his mate and thought it would be funny to throw a firecracker out at my group, which we were all horrified by.
Oh my god, didn what happened? How did you end up being with this guy?
That's the guy for me?
Actually we actually had mutual friends, and from there kind of just started talking.
Oh wow, did he ever say why he threw that at you? Did he like you and trying to get your attention?
I think so.
I think it was something along those lines.
Five years. To clarify that a fire cracker and a stranger on the street.
That's a Marzole move.
In the countries, you'd be incarcerated.
Her favorite sex position is doggie. She's a tennis coaches as well. She really, you achieved a lot in your time, haven't you. You're only twenty three.
Yes, I've heard that you guys don't really know much about tennis.
We don't.
Jacki's dressed up a tennis plan.
Yeah, I look all the gear.
No idea today, She's.
Going off to do tennis. It'll last a day or two, I think, like all fun.
Weighing in at sixty kilos, it's fire cracker, Emily.
Little cracks years. Okay, let's let's meet Bryce. Bryce is playing for the trades. Good morning. Bryce is a but he's been a carpenter for five years, traveling in the same footsteps as Jesus drives a white side of highlights. I don't think Jesus drove that has had a girlfriend for two years, loves to get his penis out and make his friends laugh when they're drunk. What do you do a little puppet show or something?
What do you do?
Oh? We just start.
I think when I've had too many I just decided to just get nude. And run around and do you have.
Quite a good like a decent donger on you? Because I've got a friend who likes to place his long penis over someone's shoulder when they're sitting there.
He just sort of it's not.
It's nothing really to look at. Oh oh yeah, pretty embarrassing.
Really, don't worry about this Blake Jackie. I think she's sworded right. He was a reverse cow girl in the bedroom because he loves looking right at the dot hole. His favorite kind of porn is lesbian porn. So you watch what you can't get? Is that right, Bryce?
Yeah, exactly right.
Oh yeah, see I watched what I don't do. Have you have you noticed? You have noticed?
I don't know.
Actually, see, I.
Don't Now this is very personal, but I don't release in the mouth. Is that a nice way to say it. I don't know why. I really want to, but I haven't been able to do it. And I think it's because I respect women to make I'm not joking. You've never never well once once? But oh and how did it feel with I didn't anyway? If that never happened anyway, So that's the only sort of porn I watch chick's guzzling that down summer day.
And I don't know that's the only like barely ever watched porn.
But if I do, it's that some issues. Don't even get me started weighing in an eighty kilos. It's high lux driving Jesus Bryce, let's start.
With you, okay, okay? Question number one? Soft arch s, shape and round are all types or shapes of what?
What are they in?
Soft arch? Soft arch s?
Shape and round s? Shape and round and round?
But no, it is shapes of what things? Shapes of things.
I won't accept things right, No idea eyebrow shapes?
Hang on, where's the round? Who's got who's got round eyebrows?
Like in terms of a semi circle?
You know?
Well that's soft art, no, because then the soft goes into a little peak, gentle peak.
May I ask what the s?
Myself? I mayo? Warded? The hell is an S shape? By brow?
Maybe that's out your area?
Is it?
They are getting around with the S shape?
What is it?
Pardon you? Mayo? Are you? Are you?
Are you?
Are you?
With this?
He's a full quid?
S shape ibrahead of them?
Oh you wrote it no thing roaded.
You know what.
Go outside? Thing got outside? Here we are asking out a question things standing right next to me.
He says nothing, it's nothing and doesn't even start googling it starts googling now it just goes like.
Up a bit and then waves at the end.
That's we've never seen that before.
Even he disagrees that's rubbish. Okay, next question, all right?
Question number two, how much caffeine can a woman have while pregnant?
Okay? How many grams?
All yeah, yep? How many grams a day?
Coffee by Graham ten grand?
We can have two.
Hundred milligrams the number one medium coffee.
Okay, all right.
Question number three, who knows how many grams of coffee is in things?
Who knows? He ends to half your questions. You know some of these are hard, Yeah, that's true. Are you ready for your last question? Bryce Jackie?
Okay, the pink stuff has gone viral on TikTok.
But what is it?
The pink stuff?
The pink stuff?
Yes, goodness me.
I can anything of one thing. I don't think that's it? Not on Instagram, No, it's TikTok.
It's gone viral.
Is it a cleaning product.
Yes, it is a cleaning product. Oh my, he's got a point on the board.
Yeah, what is it clean? Does anyone know what to clean?
It just removes stains, very good at removing stains, like a paste it.
I think paste nice.
I'd throw it out before if I'm putting paste on something in the laundry, it's getting thrown out, not pasting out rubbish. Bryce, Well done, bro Emily. Are you ready for your questions? Yes, okay, doctor, here we go. What type of petrol? Does standard lawnmowers take.
What is that a bad answer?
I'm a doctor, but I've got no ide.
Is that a bad answer?
Because no, no, no, no, lawnmower takes diesel. Standard lawnmower unleeded two strokes.
And if you got an oldie, does anything like apart from cars take diesel?
Yeah, trucks, tractors, maybe a ride on lawn mower, but that must be some motors.
You're talking about motor vehicle ride on things.
I'm talking about lawn mowers that you.
Push yea, yeah, yeah, I know that.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
I'm sorry, I'm trying. I'm not being facetious.
I just don't understand why it's a dumb answer, That's what I'm trying to say.
Oh, because blokes know that our lawnmowers don't take disail, right, an idiot would think that. Okay, question too, if you have an R license to drive motorcycles, what does the R actually stand for?
She's thinking, Oh, you can guess, jacket, I guess anyway. It doesn't matter. See, you're making a She's afraid to answer now because you're just going to say she's stupid.
So this is nothing compared to what happens in the emergency area in the hospital. You need to be dusting yourself off. Okay. The answer rider okay stands for rider like L stands for learner. Peace stands for provisional. I didn't know that, though, So that's fine.
Stupid you didn't know that.
You didn't know it.
I knew it. How do you know?
I've heard it a provisional license, heard it a.
Million while talking about provisional. I'm talking about ah for writer.
I thought you said you didn't know peace stood for provisional.
Everyone knows, Okay, I just told you provisional.
Was what you meant until recently. I didn't know that.
We don't get on during this. You get along fine, except for this game. Okay, you need this, Emily to actually be even okay? Around and guess what state is Cooper's beer? Brewed in Cooper's Beer. Now it's nothing, it's not New South Wales?
What else? What state is it?
You got it?
Good guess, Emily.
Okay. Now it goes to the tiebreaker. Bryce, you're back in play. Emily, you're in play. You will both get one question. Whoever answers first wins.
Are you ready?
Okay, Emily, you're ready.
Be careful, Emily, it is a trick question.
How many moons does the planet Earth have?
Are the doctor losers? Yeah? Never mind an.
Not only is Bryce not a doctor, but he is victorious this morning. He's one tickets for him and three friends with the Palm Tree Music Festival that's in Sydney. T s be their Caigo and all those types. It'll be excellent Friday, March ten. Buy your tickets today from ticket Tech and enjoy the festival. Everyone, boy, come on, Jackie, why are we good?
We drink tors Ship by all yet refuses to sing.
Although yesterday on the way up to the roof, that was I was absent mindedly singing that.
She's walking down the hallway and I appeared and she's like, yeah yeah, And I paid my head around and said was there was embarrassed. You can't help but sing well done, Bryce, Well, Emily, Emily, listen. It was just I just hated you during the game. But if I show up in the hospital one day in the future, it'd be lovely to meet you personally.
Okay, thanks, okay, oh bye?
You never know you yeah, doctor death, Yeah, never know.
You know.
I've once said no to someone from IDOL years ago, and guess what happened to them. They became a female highway patrol officer. Really, they would find me on the rig.
Oh you never know where people will end up, do you.
You've got to be nice to everyone.
Yes from Maths is joining us next.
I talk about nice blokes. This guy was honest enough to say, hey, I've rooted you once, never again.
Oh that was so sad.
Yeah, he has sex with his wife the next day goes just don't find you attractive anymore. Oh my god, that's so brude.
Sam Smith and Kim Petris This Morning. You're a Kiss had one Best Pop Duo Group performance at the Grammys yesterday. More details coming up with Grammys in on.
You what a debate on that as to whether it's a good song or not. So I'm glad it wont of Grammy because I believe it's a great song.
It is.
Ye, it's not like not something i'd run home and put on. But I listened in the car.
Yeah, That's what I've been doing.
Are you watching Married at First Sight? We're all watching all the shows so idols on, Married at First Sights, on, Survivors on, We're watching them all. Yep. You think they'd spread him out a bit, but no.
No, all go up against each other.
Yep. And Harrison is one of the guys I married at first Sight that we know Harrison because he's been in here for naked dating, got his cock out. He did dated the girl that was fun.
That was years ago.
Then I ran into Harrison. He's traded. He's working on a house across the road from my house, and I pulled up there one day and he's like, Yo, what's up? And I was like, hey, bro, what are you doing? Then he said he's going on maths and I said, oh god, And I said, I know. He said, I hope I'm not cast as the villain.
Oh he is.
Well that's what you were telling me. Anyway, this is what happened. He had sex with his wife on the show, and then they had this chat, which I found fascinating.
We had a lot of chemistry at the start, but it's not there now. I think when we did, you know, have sex, just it lacked a bit of passion, you know. I just felt like I did know it was a turning point before it went wrong for us, and I just need time to find you.
You sexually trapped him again?
Oh god? Just what every woman wants to hear after having sex with a guy.
Do you want honesty or do you want what? Do you want him to pretend? What is it you really want you to go?
I'd rather pretend, really think so.
In all honesty if it was reversed, I would also don't tell me. I feel all any conquest I've ever had, including and my current fiance is doing a lot of pretending.
Harrison joins us on the phone today, Harris, look at you.
Bro on TV. Good morning, and you were right you were right, mate, I'm great. You told me. I hope I'm not the villain. You were right. They're trying to make your villain.
Now I'm the super villain.
What's going on the villain? But I was just talking to Jackie. Then if you have sex with someone, then go, yeah, not into your I think that's honest, isn't it.
Look all the way through the experiment, I've been honest. I was honest at the start, you know, at the wedding, I was honest. Then I was honest on the honeymoon about my feelings.
You want to be the hot we want, we want us to add the Hotti year route. Though on the other Hotty when asked, he was that's true, that's true, that's true. Yeah.
The thing is, people just don't seem to like how I'm honest. They don't mind that I'm honest. They just don't like how I'm honest.
What do you mean?
What sort of position does that put you in? Like you've got to tip tie around everyone else's weird issues.
Exactly exactly. But the funny thing is people don't see that. On the on the honeymoon, there was four days between when we when we actually had sex on the first night and then that awkward dinner sit down conversation and there was like four days of a lot of arguments that we just weren't getting along.
So did you only have sex with the one or did you try it a few times?
I don't really want to go into details, guys, that's sort of between myself and Bronti. But things changed, you know, feelings changed. That's fine, And you know there's there's times in the experiment where Bronte changes her feelings too, so it's not it's not one sided, but at least at least I went into the experiment and said, look, I'm going to be honest. I'm going to stand up for how I feel. I'm not going to back down from anyone. And you saw it last night with Melinda. She really give it to me at the dinner at the dinner party and really put me on the off the spot. And you know, she had a really good point, and that was why are you here? Why are you here? If you can find someone on the outside, book, excuse me, if you can find someone on the outside, why are you here?
And it was a good question, So can you answer that?
Does everyone in there. They can't pull a root? Is there what she's saying that you have to go on that these other people have to go on the show to find someone. Surely that's why interesting.
I found it interesting. And you didn't actually see me say that last night.
Look not not Everything that.
Gets said and done makes it on the show, right. And I said to Melinda last night, I said, well, if your metric for measuring whether or not someone should be here is whether or not they can't find someone, and you've chosen not to date and focus on your business, and I've chosen to date and we still couldn't find someone, then we both deserve to be here, right Yeah. And then she didn't have an answer for that. But they don't show that. They just showed me going.
Yeah, yeah, that's true. They did do that too.
I also said, I'm on idol at the same time you guys are on, and I also think, oh they cut out the best bit. Oh what about this great thing?
You know?
You are my idol, Harrison, your mild you know what, but you know what I admire about you, Harrison.
When Harrison was in here and he pulled his penis out for naked data, he showed us his little trick called the bouquet. Do you recall this, yes, yes, where he is junk and his bull bag turned into a beautiful boucttle flowers, which I found absolutely beautiful. Every woman would love that.
Well, with Valentine's Day coming up, guys can watch that and they'll never be ampy handed.
I don't know that they are the flower Well, maybe they are the flowers the girls want.
Actually, well, there are a lot out there.
Yeah, And can I ask Harrison, when you guys were talking about you girls you having sex? Bronte said, and yeah you had to stop, and he goes, well, we don't need to talk about that, and then you guys moved on.
So I need to talk about that.
What do you want to feel?
I feel like we're going back in a detailed territory here.
Yeah, yep, that's what I want to go on the flop?
Did you go on the flop while you were banging out?
No, no, not at all.
And I was actually really disappointed to see that that that sort of came out what happened there? I'm actually pretty Look, I don't think anyone's going to believe that with my track record with women that I'm going to be a ship route. I don't think anyone to believe that.
That's what I thought. I thought, well, why do they have to stop? And then in turn Pete said maybe someone pooved themselves, and I said that was highly unlikely. Wait wait he didn't himself. Okay, didn't she didn't go on the flop?
Well then what's the topic?
It turned Pete having where people are shooting?
Well, you know what he's doing, So what what do Why did you stop?
Then? What happened?
I'm so curious.
Oh, look, it just it just wasn't good for both of us. So we actually you hear me say, look, we tried again in the morning. It just still wasn't good. It just wasn't I don't know, there was just nothing there. It just it just was two people that were forcing themselves into that position.
Right mechanically you were doing it.
I don't give any details the way. You've got to remember, where two strangers that just got married and now we're trying to make a marriage work. We were trying to run before we even knew how to walk, and we were doing the things that married people do, but we didn't know each other.
Bro Let me tell you what married people do. Their sex is loveless, right, that's what married people alike. It's I thank my.
Dad, I rang my dad and he goes, Mate, that's marriage. That was so funny, right, he's obviously joking, but yeah, no, it was funny. He made the same joke.
And so is it going to get worse for you on this show? Or do you think you'll shine by the end of it?
Mate? This is what you've seen is nothing You've got to strap in. This is going to be a massive season.
Oh god, Oh god?
So it just gets worse and worse, does it?
Look, we have some good times, we have some bad times, but I'm not saying the experiments well and truly not over.
It's only week one now, Harrison. Please tell me, because every now and then in these shows, someone catches the eye of someone else that's married to someone else, and then there's some side rooting going on, because do you know about any of that?
I know about things, but I'm not gonna Are you.
Involved in tapping anyone else's missus? Or is anyone actually?
I actually can't say, right so that the way I love.
That always happens every season doesn't it.
Who would have fall?
Three seasons? You get a bunch of strangers together, then you marry them, and then you just see what happened. Put a bunch of cameras in the room.
Yeah, because they never used to do the dinner parties, did they?
What at the beginning?
Yeah, in the initial seasons, I don't think no.
Well, the dinner parties are the greatest.
Well, that's what makes people end up hooking up with other people because they all get drunk and stuff to other guys.
The dinner parties made made people hate other people, know the worst. It was the worst time to be hooking up with other people. A lot of the A lot of stuff seems to happen outside the dinner party this year.
I see. That's interesting.
Do they film all Do they get to film all this stuff outside the dinner parties? Or or these all little things you see them.
Follow our lives?
All the way through the experiment.
Yeah, because I heard something.
Really, I didn't get to come in the studio. I would have loved to have seen you guys, Why.
Didn't you come in next week? If you want to get Pedro, organize Harrison to come on in. Send the limo to pick.
You can come in on Valentine's Day and do the flower bouquet with his penuts for Jackie.
I would I would love to do that, but I'm actually spending value time. They were very special.
My son.
Oh how old is he? Is he there? Three or four or something?
Your son three and a half? Yeah?
How good is it to have a son as a man? Oh? I love it.
He is the absolute love of my life.
I love hearing that.
I get it.
I get it now because I'm a dad. My sperm grams and legs as well. Now it talks.
Yeah, I'm just keeping it as a pet, aren't we? Yes made It's the best, the best thing I've ever done.
And it's not easy to be like introducing another one like this woman, whoever you marry or who have you end up with, whether it's on this show or not, You've got to be it's not just what you're not just to get your rocks off, but also you don't want to expose just random rats to your son. You're looking for a proper marriage or a relationship in some way, shape or form.
Well, yeah, exactly exactly.
I was.
I was in there.
I was going like I wanted a partner essentially, you know. So that's that's what I went in there looking for.
Well, see what happens.
I can't say how it goes because that ruins the show. But I can't wait, Harrison Lovely to talk to you man. Come in next week. I'd love to see you again and give you a little boucane.
Harrison Bye.
And Jackie's VARs as they say, make sure it's got water and eat their flowers to dry out. I was married at first sight returns tonight seven thirty on Channel nine. There's Harrison Blo.
There you go, just being honest. I guess really, isn't he At the end.
Of the day, everyone wants honesty, but when they get it, they don't like it.
It's not nice.
No, no, I stand by everyone. Birthday wells up next Chris Rocks fifty eight. Ashton Kutcher is turning forty five today. If you're celebrating dial Up now pick the power pick and win yourself a prize. Thirteen when I was six five, Jaggio, it sounds like we're doing the merrit at first sighting of you again sounds like the things fired the wrong open.
Yeah, it's supposed to be open off an.
Idiot, Turn it off, start again, turn it off, turn the thing off and get it sorted. Sorry, guys, we'll just wait here. Eggs of her eye. Well good, I was gonna have to have a meeting with the boss. It's going to be robable too hot to we.
Vicki at Maruba is having a birthday today. She's thirty three. Happy birthday morning.
Thank you guys.
I'm moving around here like crazy, trying to keep my baby occupied so I could.
Reach your car. How old is your little baby? Eight months?
His name?
Can you give me the.
He's having some right yet?
Hey, Jeremy meets the hot felon that Jackie was in love with. Remember that guy with a really pretty green eyes. Yes, he's thirty nine to there.
If anyone's in, are you share your birthday with the hot felon?
And Chris Rock fifty eighth and Ashton Kutcher forty five.
Oh some good people there, well sort of, Vicky. We are going to spin your birthday will and get you a lovely prize. First up. Okay, Vicky, think.
Has crossed O time? When you're ready, let's go round and round Ago Larry Amda coming in soon. Everyone to quiz Jackie and I and Chase questions on number five? What's that one?
The five you've worn yourself three hundred dollars to spend At Condor Apparel, they are offering premium Australian Street where you can find Condra Apparel online and on socials.
Fabulous, nice work. A couple of songs. You've got to choose one of these, Vicki, it's up to you. Alexis Jordan, Jackie and I chosen with Happiness.
We love this song.
It's about fifteen years old and we love it's just a great positive yeah, and hang on, hang on, hang on here. Oh that's my favorite bites.
Okay, sorry, I would be happy if you chose that anyway, or you could do what I've picked, and that is Natasha Beddingfield unwritten.
That's all right, chosen this morning.
See over in Island, they are no fans of Spidey.
And then on the Hills you're a fan of the Hills, Spiky.
Now we're going Happiness, We're done, all right.
They love they love things like they love their own reality shows over in that area, like the only way is Sussex and things like that.
Well, first of all, you're in the wrong country, the same it's the same cluster. Yeah, same cluster.
It's like us in New Zealand. We're not the same country, but we're like cousin you know.
Yeah, that is true.
Okay, let's get this snik.
Here is your song and we got a round of Owe news coming up next.
Guys, Thank you, Hi, okay, little bit of Alexis Jordan Happiness, Enjoy, honey, bye bye, stay by. Larry MDA in armed with a whole heap of Chase Australia questions. I'm good at this. I nail that yesterday would have won.
We'll see, we'll see.
Out of test Larry mda on the way A kiss happiness this morning. Here it kiss bit cloudy, today's shower or two around twenty seven the top of the city and twenty nine our west. If you like heat, you're happy today. It's thel and Jackie Osho Australian idol back on tonight seven thirty the top fifty. Those spots are running out. It will squeeze a few more in What's Live seven thirty on Channel seven and seven plus What.
Have you Got?
The Grammys? They were on yesterday. We had a big discussion actually about this yesterday on the show. That's right, we went through all the nominees for song or Record of the year is what they call it.
That Song of the year.
Well, actually I'll tell you who won. Lizzo did win.
Record of the Year for about damn time.
Yeah, great song.
She won Harry Styles one Album of the Year, which is so great. I mean, we had this conversation off air that we were saying, I bet you the voters of the Grammy Awards, being the industry, wouldn't vote for Harry because he hasn't done his time for long enough.
And here he is winning enough of the Grammy winner's wives that he got the tea. He loves the old chick.
Remember, Adele won Best Solo Performance for Easy on Me, and then of course Sam Smith and Competrous one for Pop Duo and Holy Excellent, and then yeah, Lizzo for winning that Record of the Year, went up and did her acceptance speech, also thanking Beyonce, Me and Adele having a good.
Time, just enjoying ourselves.
Just rooting for our friends.
So this is an amazing night. I decided to dedicate my life to making positive music.
And this was at a time when positive music was.
In mainstream, and I felt very misunderstood, but I stayed true to myself because I wanted to make the world a better place. And now I look around and there's all these songs that are about loving our bodies and feeling comfortable in our skin and.
Feeling fucking good, and I'm just so proud to be a part of it.
And anybody at home.
Who feels misunderstood, just stay true.
To yourself, because you will attract people in your life who believe in you.
And support you.
Beyonce in the fifth grade.
I'll skip school to see you perform. My sister, she got me out of school.
It was literature and good.
You changed my life and the way you made me feel, I was like, I want to make people feel this way with my music.
So thank you so much. You clearly are the artists.
Of our lives.
Little in there, Hi, I don't you know. I don't know.
When I was five, I was taking.
Real Yeah, well.
Yeah, that's a ha.
To the Grammy Awards.
So she missed, she missed her first award of the night.
I heard on CNN that she got stuck in traffic, and I thought that doesn't seem very well organized.
Yeah, I have a theory on that. I believe that Beyonce did it deliberately because.
But didn't she miss some awards or something.
She missed her first award, fine, you know, because she could deal with that. It's also amazing that she made this grand entrance, you know what I mean. We're all waiting on beyond her. But the reason I think she did it is because everyone got their red carpet photos taken, but because she was late, she didn't do her red carpet photos on the red carpet.
She did her own red carpet photos.
They weren't on the red carpet because you can see there's no signage behind her.
She's just standing what looks to me almost like a studio setup.
And that's they were forced to use her pre approved photos that she personally she wasn't wasn't getting any bad photo I swear.
Or something.
She did no red she didn't there. I didn't see any. I just saw her own looked almost like red carpet shops.
You know what I feel that you are probably exactly right. Oh, the babies are right right in the middle. Of own news. Sorry, everyone, you're gonna have arrived unannounced. Don't worry about the job you're doing. Jackie, Hey babe, how are you?
Look, look you look at you with your godmother, with the little godchild.
I'm so happy to see you.
We were going to bring him in the other day. We had a milk pimple and I refuse to allow him outside.
Oh my god, you're huge. I want to stand up, but it's really hard because i'm attack.
Oh hey, I am your father, laughing.
You like that, don't you look? Can you see my microphone?
He's touching it.
Yes, you are.
The kid's got expensive taste. He's not going to say anything, so unless.
I'll just continue doing our news while I hold him.
Sure, he's so good, isn't he very good?
You're so cute.
Looking to get you forgetting the news.
This is his first time in the radio studio.
Yeah, if she can't do.
Beerus kicked in.
Okay, okay, get it together, so Beyonce. Yes, she did win, and she broke the record for the most amount of wins in Grammy history by any artist ever.
And this was the moment.
This was the award where she won for Best dance electronic music album and it was presented to her by James Cord and have a listen.
This is an honor. We are witnessing history tonight, breaking the record for the most running winds of all time. Be upstanding and show your respects. It's renaissance. Thank you so much.
I'm trying not to be too emotional and I'm trying to just.
Receive this night.
I want to thank God for protecting me.
Thank you God.
I'd like to thank my parents, my father, my.
Mother for loving me and pushing me. I like to thank my beautiful husband, my beautiful three children who are at home watching. I'd like to thank the queer community for your love.
Thank you so much to the Grammys.
Okay, well, goodness, that got her to the record number of thirty two wins.
She is well done for.
Her pretty good going. Okay, you know anyway, there was one win that had people very confused, so the song category Best Song. There were artists nominated in that category like Lizzo, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Beyonce, Adele.
Wow who won that.
Bonnie Raite won.
Bonnie Rait had a song called just like That Now this song just to give you some idea of its popularity is this woman. Oh she's old, redheaded woman. She's seventy three years old. Even she was in complete shock that she had won this category.
Oh this sounds like her friends all voted for her.
The song never even made it onto the mainstream charts anywhere in the world. On YouTube, the amount of views it's had one hundred thousand, which is absolutely minuscule. This poor woman was in shock because she knew.
She just thought, I'm never winning this category, and she did win.
And in case you're wondering what the song sounds like, here it is.
I wasn't Curiosity the Angel. This is just an old rant I leave my head of That was with my boy. Yeah, worst man, so long in darkness? That's the thank you?
What is with the Grammy?
What's with that?
Listen? If you've ever won a Grammy Award ever in your life, and let's face it, a lot of old farts have won over the years, right, they're still alive. A lot of these old gronks. They're just thinking, oh, that's old Bunny Ray. Oh well, they're probably friends with her from yusing and that's how they've won. And that is that's that's the reason the old vote, yeacause everyone who's ever won a Grammy votes. That's how you win a Grammy. It's not a real popular thing.
That's how this is definitely not voted for by the public.
But a couple of other moments worth mentioning Chris Brown's about the dummy for not winning Best R and B Album, Well, yeah, he went on because a guy named Robert glasper one and Chris Brown went on his Instagram stories saying stuff like who the f is Robert Glass exactly?
Yeah? And then Taylor Swift is being praised after her run in with some aggressive photographers on the Red carpet. What happened there, Well, she was getting a photo taken before it started and her publicist was in the shot and all the photographers were like telling her to get out of the shot, and she had to tell them all to calm down.
Taylor did here it is.
There's always some fat publicists in the road, fluffing the frock and everything, and they are always being yelled at, and they should be yelled at because they're annoying. Publicists are the worst, the worst on earth. Some are not all A lot of them have no idea. What their real job is to publicize? Yeah, not high the artists.
They're on power trips, some of them are.
They have some great publicers us out there.
Remember that one I threatened to kill?
Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, so I think there's been more than one you've threatened.
Actually, but this one I was going to kill. He made Jackie cry Brooklyn.
Talk about this.
I can't fer one.
Hey, Otto is so well behaved like it's crazy.
Well, there's no choice in it. He's my son.
He was so got your How much I love you?
Do you know what you do?
Know? Because you're smiling?
Look at you.
You're such a happy word for it.
Because he's so happy, isn't he he is?
He's always happy, bless you.
Did you hear that?
Will? How about getting him out from the under the air conditioning?
Duh, there's no weirkordrezing over there.
Well, that's your doing, not mine. And you knew Otto was coming in. I didn't know. At least she could have done was turn off the air con What.
Sort of a father making me out? By the way, this is how cold it is at home. The child's used to this. Really, he lives in twenty one degrees days.
He got is that strawberry blondie hair?
No, that's very Brooklyn's making out this kid ring. He did have strawberry blonde hair, but it's it's blonding right up now. Yeah, thanks to well a woman getting woman from chemist warehouse today. No, no, that's his real head. Well, check the traffic then Larry Mder's in. I'm loving the chase. Daddy is talking now, it's not for you. That is moment.
That's okay.
Your moment is when Nana comes around. That's it. Yeah, So Larry's on soon. He's got to hip the questions from the chase. Will you stop touching the microphone. I've got to discipline my child. We're back in a stead Amy Shark this morning here at Kiss FM. Morning everyone. She's on Idle again tonight seven point thirty seven and seven plus. Oh you know that boys? Do you know that music? Larry Emda host The Chase Australia. It's on weekdays from five pm on Channel seven. So I watch The Chase. Then I watched seven Years. Then tonight I'll be watching Home and Away then Idle.
Oh, yes, the storyline on Home and Away at the moment.
Hey Larry, Hey, good morning, sir and adorable.
But then, okay, you've shohn.
Jackie's got a puppy, and so your third down here?
Ye, well, no I came in.
You're welcome regardless. Hey Larry, I've got to say I've been telling Jackie for weeks. Yeah, I'm watching the Chase. I started watching The Chase, and I was a real simple simon. I didn't know any answer. I'd sit there through the whole show, not answering one question. Right now, I don't know how I've become smarter by just watching.
Your brain is switching on a lot more. I feel I'm in and you're getting You're pulling out the filing cabinet of information, and it's.
Quite shocking amount of information, I know. So I've asked you to come in today and put Jackie and out of the test as if we were on the Chase. How do you go?
You never watch it anyway, You're busy, evn't.
I'm going to watch it because Carl is such a fan and my mom is such a fan, so everyone around them talks about the Chase. So I'm going to start watching it because I love this stuff.
Yeah, it's fun, right, Yeah, and then you bring out all those old, those old weird chase people, like there's some scary there's some scary people that you've got.
Yeah, but they're brilliant, hey, very smart.
That worries me.
You know what, I worried the most. I thought, I've got to give it to Larry because even just asking the questions, I think I'd trip up.
You don't right the Latin word to the Chinese words, to the Japanese word.
I'm barely able to get English together. And I've asked you to bring some questions.
In calling BS on this, you're saying you're a genius guy. You get everything right, You're limitless, and Jackie's going BS.
That's right.
So here we go.
Are you ready? I'm so excited.
Okay, it's multiple choice.
Multiple choice ones.
All right, I'm ready to hear Question one? What name is given to the soundhole of a vile in.
A Z hole? B?
F hole, C A hole, Z hole, F hole.
I'm locking in F hole.
You just said Z hole for the joke.
There's no joke.
Yes, you are god the smartest person I feel I would have heard that before I come from the he's a.
While in between f holes for Jackie and all.
Here's a question about seamen. Traditionally, seamen would get a tattoo of what bird after traveling over five thousand nautical miles? A swallow, B, seagull C swan? So seamen, A swallow, B, seagull C swan.
Wow, jeez, over five thousand nautical miles. I'm looking in seagull because seagulls do travel long distance, because the swan that just swims around in circle.
Yeah, swallow, swallow.
I'm going to go I'm going to answer the same, Actually.
Seagull locking, seagulls swallow. Gosh, the gag.
Okay, we need to be going for the gag because clearly the correct answers.
There's a lot of gags. There's a lot in the coughing on TV. We'll cut that out.
Next question, which organ in the body cleanses the blood of bacteria and viruses?
A heart?
The kidney see spleen?
Oh god, these.
Are hard viruses, and so what are the what are the examples again? Half the kidney, kidney, locking kidney. I'm going to go, spleen, spleen, spleen.
I don't know I'm just kidding.
Of course, it's the.
Right answer, Jackie.
Spleen is right?
Is that?
You going over there, genius.
I don't even know where.
You don't even know what the spleen is?
No idea?
Where is the splen I think.
It helps you swallow?
I don't know if you're.
Next question what? Twenty twelve nickim naj song shares its title with a reno car catchphrase, A vava voom b automatic ce whip it.
Yeah that one? Ye, look is right? Yeah, I see we're good.
Okay, yes, it is on the celebrity.
How many days do you do those? Yeah, I've never seen one. Yeah, yeah, maybe maybe you've got low grade celebrities on there. I haven't realized that celebrity. They're not maths. People don't know.
What is the capital city of Lithuania A Riga, b Vilnius.
Or c Havan Havan. Yeah, Nis, I'm not as good. Maybe I shouldn't be sure you're watching the chase anymore? Yeah, yeah, you want more? Of course?
All right?
Which of which of the.
Following is not a room in the traditional board game pluto, A theater, B, dining room see bedroom Jackie theater.
Is it theater?
Bedream? Oh damn.
At this point you're jumping up and down again.
I got another one.
You got three rights.
Over what river forms the border between Mexico and Texas.
A rio gram real brand?
Hey you sure you don't want to hear the other gives Columbia or Yukon?
Oh go Yukon.
Wrong you watched I watched a lot of Fox News, and I watched all the pedros running across the water into America. Hey, Pedro, you did a good job, brother, thank you, yes, yes, and here you are a success story. I am sorry.
This is the last one to go and do the morning show.
That's right.
Uncle Ned is Cockney slang for what a head? B bed see bread?
What's the first one?
Head or bread?
What are you saying, KRL, Come on, Carl.
Uncle ned head locking in head. I shouldn't follow you. I don't want to do the celebrity version of the jacket.
Call them it's already on.
Okay, well i'll have to do you then.
Are we on the same team playing against Okay, she'll get knocked out first round. I'll be going underestimate me. I'll come through on the day.
Top off of Jackie.
You'll do it. I love it, Barry, thank you. I do love the game. Well and then obviously you got you got double duties. Yes, I think I'm the only Channel seven personality with only one show to do the rest of you multiple shows. Well, don't know.
We'll get in quick because doctor Chris Brown's coming across.
So I heard that now they said on the on the on the Daily Mail this morning that his Coschi's replacement. Did that put you in the Did you think what the hell was going to be my rep? Because wouldn't you step down to you?
No, you don't want that.
No, No, I love the morning morning shows.
Unreal exactly you ever, you and Kylie are so good together.
She would have got all those questions.
She would have really smart woman.
I doubt that she would have. Sorry, not that she's not smart, I just doubt she would have beaten me.
What you did?
Even do that?
I did well enough?
Did okay?
Just how many questions did you ask?
Doesn't know? That's exactly is Chris Brown taking over Costi's job. What have you heard around the hall?
I've only heard what you just said. And if you heard it from Daily Mail, then I'm not exactly sure. Well, they'm pretty good sometimes, you know, I don't I don't think so.
Is he even leaving though, I didn't think he would be.
Leavings going to sit there for three hours in the morning and talk about sick dogs. That's how's it going to work.
I don't know. Maybe they're trying a different strategy over there. Told she's there for a while, I would have you.
Yeah, he's the but he signed up for twenty years year and I've signed up for fifty, So back off bed.
Yeah you can do. Harry's great to see you. Larry be on the Morning Show this morning with Kylie at nine. Get to be back on TV at five. The guys flat out busy man, Mary to think you gat to see by The Morning Show starts at nine this morning. You left to wait until ten because we're going to.
Do pop quiz guys if you want to have a crack at that. Thirteen one o six guys, Kyle is Jackie out and Jackie.
Just kissing my son goodbye. He's going home now.
I know he's such a good boy.
Though we're really trying to do each other today. You brought in your puppy. I put in my baby. Then I brought in Larry Mda.
It's just cuteness overload today.
I've beaten you. What are you bringing in?
I got nothing?
You should bring a little mister hanky or something going on at your place.
I can provide. Getting so cluck you though?
Do you Damien ever talk about having a baby?
Yeah, Damien's wanted it for ages and now coming around.
Yeah right, yeah, that's so great. I think you guys would be great parents.
You've got to figure out some plan of attack though, what.
Do you mean it? Yeah? Oh that's right. You're gonna get a shield.
Y's not easy for us.
Does anyone want to provide their womb from Brooklyn?
And if I could, I would, I would. I would do that for you Brooklyn?
May I you're young?
Not right now? Well, I will have one and then I'll hold yours.
Okay, that sounds good.
You're going to have your own baby.
I want my own baby and then I will carry Brooklyn's.
How long until you think I need a succession plan?
Yeah? We need to know what time frame are we looking at.
Planning on it? What are you doing? If it happened?
It happens, she is.
Are you off the pill?
Yeah, oh you little ship.
You can say that in this day going out?
Film me up, film you're trying to have a baby.
No not now.
You and I need to have a conversation just for you know, men have got to roll up their sleeves and take care of things when women decide, okay, it's to give a birth.
I think it's wonderful, may I I think it's great.
Thanks ya, Peter, don't get excited. You will not be moving up the rot He thought it was his big opportunity to rise through the ranks.
But no, it's.
Not even then. Okay, let's go pop quiz is next? It's worth ten thousand dollars. That's not the only amount of money you can win this morning. Also later one hundred thousand dollars. Kiss noise. Oh yeah, I gotta go everyone, it's got to go. Good luck.
We'll do pop quiz next.
Miley Cyrus.
Now this is flowers a kiss, Were good?
Miley Cyrus, love her cloudy. Today's shower twenty seven in the City, twenty nine out in the West, there's.
My mind DL and Jackie ears ten thousand dollars pub quiz pup Quiz.
This is the first round of cash to win, starting off with ten thousand. That'll be a nice little injection to your account.
Will Lee is playing at it.
Alexandria Giday Lee, Hello, good.
Morning, Hello, Hello, my friend. You're playing pop quiz. This is the rules. Sixty seconds on the clock. Every question you get right, you win one hundred dollars. If you get all ten, that's the big one. That's the ten.
That's what you want.
Like passah, so pass if you are stuck on anything, and we'll try and nail it all.
Here we go, okay Lee.
Question number one? Who won Record of the Year at the Grammys yesterday?
Kendall Jenna was recently unfollowed by which family member on Instagram? Two stars alongside Adam Sandler in the movie fifty First Dates.
Who sings the new song trust Fall?
True or false?
The Amazing Race Australia has been axed this year?
Is Paudiepie a YouTuber or rapper Rappertuber?
The Taken movies All Star Liam, Who Cloud is a perfume? By which female singer cloud? And what did Rebel Wilson name her little daughters? Okay and Hillary Dove stars in the show How I Met Your What Father? Yeah, let's go back to what did you pass on? Which female singer is the Perfume Cloud? She has that out, no Ariana.
Grande seven hundred dollars.
I think that's the best we've done this year. Yeah, people have been slow to start, but Lee, well done.
A had that cloud. Roycelyn Lillian is Rebel Wilson. That's what she called her daughter. And you've got pewdie Pie you said rapper whether he was a YouTube Rother good thanks you man, well done. More money to win coming up, one hundred thousand dollars cash with the kiss FM noise, good luck. That's about twenty minutes away. Before that, Matt Nabel is coming in. You've seen Transfusion now streaming only on stand excellent show. I've seen him on a many shows. Is very good.
It's so good.
Is very great actor, great director, great everything.
We'll bring him in for a chat.
Jaggie O, the kid Lerroy Tim and uple Justin Bieber this morning here it's in his number one. This is the Kyle and Jackie O Show. Morning guys, Thank you Biber. Cloudy today, a few showers around town. Twenty seven in the city in twenty nine our West Camra. Hey, remember a couple of weeks ago we had Sam Worthington in here with another young actor from that Transfusion show on stand.
That's right, the movie.
It's great. I love that movie.
And one one guy we were talking about when watching the movie was Matt Nabel, Australian actor, writer, director, and how we love watching him on screen and we wanted to get him in because we're fans.
I think this guy they found in prison and he just happens to be a wonderful actor. But he's a screenwriter, a director. This guy's done many many films. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here he is. He's just arrived in the traffic. Come in man, terrified.
Good mornings. Terrified of you because you're such a freaking good actor.
And when I'm watching you, welcome first. Thanks. I've watched in lots of things like there's underbelly, there's like you've missed it. In between you're always that you don't want to open the car boot and have you looking down.
I think that's it.
I'm done.
I'm done here. But Matt. This this show streaming now on Stand by the way, if everyone's to check it out, it's an amazing film. Sam Worthing is the star of it. He's some sort of ex sort of commander, a special sas Special Forces guy going through some mental health struggles. Yeah, and turns to a life of crime. Yeah, to try and make ends meet. We've all been there. I've done that. I've done that back in my teen days. But you seem to me, I think you might have similar friends than I do. A bit of rough trade and you're inspired by the lifestyles of others.
Yeah, Look, did this film particularly you know, as a director, I sort of wrote what I knew, which was I was in and around a lot of these affected men.
My father's now.
I mean, if it's twenty years so I was on arly basis till I was fifteen, and I'm a father, so you know, and it is real.
The struggle that these guys have coming out of the service.
I can only imagine. We can't even imagine really the psychological shit that goes on.
Yeah, and it's for them, it's as well, And a lot of research went into this.
It's just thedjustment of coming out of a hierarchical structure where they obtain a rank and then they more often not become a subordinate. And when they attached such a big part of the persona to being a soldier or whatever the service they're in, it it's a very very hard adjustment. So they're often emasculated and look at and the unfortunate thing is it is such an adjustment and because of the things they bore witness to. You know, there's epidemics suicide with service people, which is which is really troubling.
It's astronomically high competitive to any other sort of field of work.
Yeah, yeah, so it's troubling.
And you you started obviously you played for Manly Sea Eagles, that's actual. But when you left there, I mean, I'm sure loads of people want to be a writer and do you know directing movies and being in movies. But how did it?
How did you get that break? Like what happened?
To be honest that the guy who was really responsible for me taking a risk in giving me that encouragement was Thomas Kenneely, you know, who's a national treasure. And Tommy had written, had read a manuscript of mine, and he called me one day and said on the phone I was working as.
A beer rep.
I would have been which brand, it's a very good brandy. And he said, look, son, I've just read your manuscript, and he said, this is what you should be doing. I wouldn't tell you that I didn't believe it, because it would be moral of me.
Was it the first thing you ever wrote?
Were you like?
What the hell?
No, I'd send him something else before, and he encouraged me to do something else. And that manuscript was then auctioned, and that was the first novel I had written. That was back in two thousand and nine. But without that encouragement, without Tommy, you know, someone of that statue encouraging me, then I wouldn't be seriously, wouldn't be doing anything.
Your real success story like a footy guy who then became a beer sales rep. I loved a bit of literature, so you started to write stories that you got some advice and steered down the right path. Then acting, then directing, Yeah, like this is almost you've lived like a lot of people's ultimately Oh yeah, you have yeah, about twelve of these.
Look, it's I guess it's a different sort of evolution to get where I have. But I think you know, back when I was playing sport as well, it wasn't professional, you know, like I worked. I was an apprentice carpet when I was playing for me and in South Sydney, so and I got sped out pretty quickly.
Writing at something was always where I was going to head.
Soft isn't it from a foot plan or some like writer time.
It was just something I think when you when you're young, you're getting encouraged to do what you're good at at school and creative writing or something that I really loved. So look, but like I said, I think and acting was never you know, I had no desire to be an actor. I wrote something that we made into a movie, and because of my ignorance with the film industry, the movie got up and then very very shortly after that, after it was released, I was in America working as an actor.
I didn't know. I literally didn't know what I was doing amazing.
So, you know, six months after that, less than than three months after the film came out, I was auditioning for the lead and a pilot in America, which I got.
I didn't know what I was doing, so.
And I feel like actors always think that though, like they just.
Look, there's there's a real fraud. Yes, often you think you're a fraud.
Look, pretending to be other people and making stuff up is what I do. By the definition there is.
You've been in The Dry Son of a Gun, the twelve Mystery in Between, Poker Face, Glippy, this is just a few Hacksaw Ridge, Underbelly. The list goes on and.
On and on.
Which was your favorite to film?
Look, they're all different, you know, Like I've just come off lasking it across.
You know, playing that.
So I play horrible killer, not a lawyer flower.
I'm mister tim Roth who plays Eezra Shipman. I play his minder, So I've got a lot to do with minder with Lincoln Uons who plays Johnny. But I've known Johnny for years, so you know, it was it was, It was great fun. I've written one of the episodes on it as well.
So wow.
Yeah, I think it.
Comes out sixteenth of February.
We're very very excited.
Yeah, I'm hosting the actual whatever the red carpet thing is.
Yeah, to be there. I'm going to go leaned on me too.
He didn't want to pay, did Yeah, he said, bro, come on and I was like, are you leaning on me? And he's like, well, we're spending like a couple of hundred grand on the launch, said, and you can't peel off a couple of holding for your mate.
It'll be a good night.
And when you did transfusion, did you always have Sam Worthington in mind?
Yeah? I did. Look i'd work with Sam on Hacksaw Ridge.
I don't know you did a few days on that, but we became We're really friendly with each other and I good guy champion.
Think Avatar is one of them high for lutiny times, but he's solid.
No, he's a really like what he is more than an he's a father, you know, he's a father of three kids, and he's a really Sam can sometimes present a certain way, but what he is is a really compassionate, empathetic, gentle soul. So he was really really good for this role because we got him at a point in his life where he was a father. That was what's most important to him. And he's got he got het. Yeah, and so we were really lucky to attach him early on. And I feel very humbled at you know that he said yes, and.
Also that mister in between things. That was a great series as well, like, yeah, we did a lot of great Australian stuff bubbling up finally and we're getting to run on this stuff. Yeah, we've got some good people.
Mister in between was Yeah, I sort of set a very high bar for Australian TV. And I think you know that was Scott Ryan who came out of his head.
He wrote every episode and he.
Was a Cabby too, right, So yes, this just goes to show it has to be some private school to write all these great You can be anything. You can come from any industry. You've just got to have a great idea and be able to create storytellers.
You know, we all know good storytellers.
And you can go to university get a degree in literature and that doesn't mean you can tell a story. I've got guys who got a lot of made to work on the Wolves.
One guy in particular is the best storyteller I've ever heard.
A Warfie. Yes, Jackie, look at Jackie should tell a story every day, didn't You had to repeat the attend and still failed.
Yep, I didn't.
You know?
With Transfusion, there's a scene where a song plays Kyle and I love the song now after seeing this scene, I played it over and over and yeah, we'll play in a second. Do you do you as director and writer choose what music goes in a scene like that, So how do you choose that song in particular?
Look that we had one song that fell out and then the producer I I Johnny Schwartz and his brother Michael, the other producer. We're just looking at songs and I'd always loved that song. I couldn't find it anywhere.
I've forgotten about that befo. I heard it and then I had to google it. And because we've all got a song we cry to like we're in the lowest and this in this particular scend, your character is crying his eyes out. Yeah.
Look that was There was a tough day because I hadn't slept the night before. I sort of twisted myself so because I had to be very emotional value. You got on it for the for the role I did.
Yeah, only for that scene.
But yeah, probably claim that, can you claim it? Yeah?
But the song is fantastic.
We've had a lot of you know, one of those songs that sort of came out of nowhere and to hear it again is great.
And in the scene is in his house, it's a bit dark, it's sad, and like, it's so believable. I loved it. And Brooklyn, do you have a song you cry about? From him?
RAI, Carreys, I don't know, just anything sad.
You're the toughest gal I've ever met. I'm crying. We've all had songs we cry. Yeah, have you ever actually cried?
This song?
Is that?
So good?
So Sam Worthing's on it. Who's the young kid?
He came in, Edward Carmen.
He hadn't done anything before, had a real passion and you know, said to his father and mother, you know, a couple of years ago that he'd liked to try acting.
This was the we auditioned to heap of kids and he just again he.
Had this.
Vulnerability and capacity to sort of understand where this kid was, and he did. He's done an amazing job. He's got a really bright future. And more than he he's just a really, really good.
Kid, super nice. I liked that Sam's dragging him around too, and introduced him to everyone there were.
They very protective of him, made sure that you know, everywhere Edward did to do press.
Sam was with it. I was away on holiday, so they did it.
You're calling this mate.
It was light, but yeah, Sam really chaffed him around and looked after him, and that was really really nice to watch.
Actually he's very Yeah, he's very you know, very cuting in that way.
I feel that he was.
He was really really good.
He always likes him. Matt nice to me. Trans to streaming now only on sense A definite must watch.
Absolutely fantastic and anything else you're in will be watching.
Okay. If you and I have ever falling out and I wake up and you're on the ende of the bed, there go get a name.
Can you please do that?
It's all make belief?
Right there is Matt Nabele this morning. Here a kiss the fam.
Everyone at eight twenty the Karl and Jackie Osha. Sure, yep, positive, I think you'll find it's eight nineteen. Oh well, keep in mind that we're a little delayed.
So there's a thirty second Yeah, right right now when it's getting to everyone, it's already eight twenty.
Well is it?
What is the noise? It is worth one hundred thousand dollars. It's all things to Australian idol. It's back watch it live tonight seven thirty on seven and seven plus only a few little golden tickets left to be given out for the top fifty boom and then that starts next week. Here's the noise. Good luck. Now, don't forget. We've given you quite a few clues. You can't hear that normally with the naked ear standing.
Around sound that that loud?
No way, no way, so faint.
We put a mic right on it and recorded it one more time. Please any ideas If you're right, you win one hundred thousand dollars immediately.
Okay, chantal has called through, kid shantee. It's one hundred thousand dollars.
It's big money.
I'm assuming you've been thinking long and hard about this.
Yes, I've been trying to get through for so long.
Okay, times yesterday.
That's no good bitching and carrying on you here now, okay, okay, what is this noise for one hundred grand I think it's.
Changing a razor head on a razor No wrong, not correct.
Really thinking that. I like where your mind's at in the right sort of area, you know what I mean.
In the house she's in the right area, I guess, but you know, really it's not razor related at all.
Oh no, no, where you girls. Don't even get me started on your technique with the razor. Ah. You girls like when men shave their face, we shave it very gently and precise. You girls are whipping that thing around your legs like you're.
We've got bagarias to cover, you know.
And then when you get up the area there you are thrashing this thing like some sort of abatoire worker.
Andrew, we want to hear your guest, good luck.
Here's the noise. What is it, bro?
I think it's a removing a party hat.
Removing your parssy hat, one of them with the lacky band under it, one of them cardboard numbers.
Yeah, in the video you put up on Instagram, there was one randomly on the table in the kitchen.
It was that a mistake. If someone made a mistake, there is it? Taking off a party video?
Where's this video?
What video we talking about?
There's a video on Instagram and you say the video the sound appears.
In this video.
I don't know about that. Where's this video that?
It's probably from like three years ago? What maybe you know how every year, like when we do the noise, we do one of those.
Yeah, it's where did you see this, Andrew?
It starts with Kyle.
You're rolling your finger on the mouse.
Oh that's it's like seven hundreds sounds ago or whatever.
Yeah, yeah, you've got the millions.
I feel that they that shouldn't. Bastard of a thing, shouldn't be up there. Poor old Andrews wasted his life.
Oh seriously, never mind, all right, Andrew, thanks for playing. We should do a video, though, shouldn't we? We should do one.
Well, don't forget. I'm putting the bad signals out on Wednesday night.
Remember that's all right, that's tomorrow, tomorrow night.
If it doesn't go off, it goes off, now, well then we might do the bad signal.
Sense doesn't.
Why would I still do the bad signal?
If you get that at connecting dots? Hey, Lisa, Hi, good morning?
Hey how are you good morning?
Would you love.
That's all right, I get it. Here's the noise?
What is it?
I think it's taking off the shower cap.
No, it is not.
Putting on the showing the shower cap. But hey, I'm loving that I'm loving these guesses.
Kelly, you're our last guess. What would one hundred thousand dollars mean to you?
That would be amazing.
That's changing.
It would be, wouldn't it. Now you've thought a lot about it, so we would love to hear your guess.
Okay, So I think it is when you pull the chip of a muskara out of the bottle and push it back in.
And that would make sense because you wouldn't really hear that unless your ear is right on it.
And it also make sense because you'd probably do You could do it anywhere, but you'd normally do it in the same place every day, right or in the same area. Yep? Yeah, and yeah yeah what else would there be? Yeah? And if I were standing there watching you do it, I wouldn't hear it.
And also you said you've seen me do it once, but you've never.
No, I've never. So it does more?
Is it.
Opening the mescara and taking the brush out?
Is that right?
That's not right, thanks, Kelly.
But I liked where you would take No. No, I already in my mind, no worries.
Yes, thanks, It lives on all day, Ordy. Will give you the chance to walk off with one hundred thousand dollars. If it's not one today and tomorrow tomorrow night, will bat signal the end? Pretty much the answer, not the end.
I don't think it is the answer.
But coming up next, My god, have you heard the leaked audio of Bronti from Maths. She's the wife of Harrison who was spoke too earlier.
The bug eyed one from the promo, Yes.
The one with the big guys. Yeah, oh it changes everything. Leaked audio from before she went on the show. What do you mean it's it's it's basically her knowing full well about Harrison, talking about how she's going to play it up for the camera.
The whole thing has been an act on her part, this whole thing.
How do they know who they're going to get hooked up? I thought that was all.
She didn't know that she was going to get hooked up with him, but she said if I get hooked up with him, she was showing his photo.
What the hell? I thought this was?
On the group chat, one of the friends said, Oh, this guy's going on maps to imagine if he's your husband, And then she's a voice memo in response to that, talking about how she'd play it if she were teamed up with him.
Okay, let's rush and.
Now that's been leaked and I'll play it for you mates.
Get moving, Beyonce as she won the Best Grammy for R and B Song with this cuffet playing. Now Beyonce this morning, here a kiss. She did well? What did you say? The Grammys? She's won more than anyone ever before with the Grammys.
Correct, she broke the record yesterday.
I'm well deserved. I feel who else is better for longer than beyond me?
She is the queen.
Well done.
Australian Idle editions continue tonight. Spots in the top fifty running low Watch Live seven point thirty on Channel seven and seven plus. Jackie's got some own news.
Yes, so Daily Mayol have exclusively got the audio recordings of the bride I'm married at first sight Bronti, who was married to On is married to on the show Harrison.
Bronti's got the simply irresistible look, the hair pulled back, the big bug eyes.
On the you know, the one shocked looking because when she got married to him, she was told at the wedding reception by her friend that this guy is seeing someone on the outside and he's going to continue seeing them and he's not who you think he is. And she was shocked.
Shocked, her face was like dumbfounded.
Absolutely, And so allegedly there is a exchange on a group chat between Bronti and her friends before filming started, and so in this group chat.
Who gave everyone access to the group chat?
Well, so I believe it might be maybe some friend who feels she's been portrayed badly on the show. Who knows, Like, we just don't know at this point. But I can't think what the motivation would be if they're your girlfriends, right, who's going to leak that?
A lot of people that have been done the dirty.
I don't realize a lot of people think that have not had any experience of the media at all. Oh, I'm going to do this and they'll think that. No, the media is very nasty and sneaky. You can't be just giving up all your friend's secret missage.
Yeah, well, okay, So what happened was in this group chat, one of the girls sends a photo of Harrison and says, this guy's going on maps too, And then she said Bronti, maybe he's going to be your husband, and she's like stop it. How do you know? Ha ha ha, And then she sends through a voice memo, and in this voice memo, this is what's been leaked, where she talks about if she is matched with this guy, how she's because you know, they were saying how he's a dad and all of this, blah blah blah. Yeah, so she talks about how she's going to play it up for the cameras.
Oh my god, I'm actually triggered. Oh my god, Like what am I supposed to do, Like if like one of the other girls gets him, Oh my.
God, I'm dead.
Well, you know what, if he is my match, I'm going to play that to my advantage.
Like holy oh my god, I will literally like play this up like crazy, like I I reckon. I would actually confront him when we're in private, just like by the way, like I actually know why you're here, Like if you're wanting to just like I guess play this on that it's fine, but like we can just be friends, but for the cameras.
We can obviously put on a show.
Because if I do get this guy, like I'm not going to be able to like him because I nobody's.
Like, oh, so they're already they're already planning to act through this appointment.
I know, Well I'm so just because I was so, but it was so believable.
He's a good actor.
You usually hear this ship after the show and then you feel ripped off where you're like, oh shit, is it any like huge surprise?
I don't know, but we've never even spoke on the phone, now do we?
Hey? Hey, well, hey, hi, we're good. What's going on here? Is that your voice or is that a lie?
Is that you?
Oh? No, it's my voice. Definitely my voice. So I was in shock and my brain was absolutely going into overdrive with these voice notes. And you know I was in I wasn't involved in this group chat. I was just getting a little snippets of this group chat. So I never actually got told Harrison's name before.
The wedding, right, right, You just heard that he was going in it, right.
I heard that a guy of his nature was going in it. So when I was getting all of these messages from so called friend, I was like, oh my god, if I get this guy, at least I'll have the upper hand and I'll be able to know what kind of guy.
He's like, you know what, you can have all the plans before you go into this show and they all get thrown out the window once you're on there, like it's a whole new ball game, right, oh hundred percent.
And I was like, you know what, if I get this match, at least I'll be prepared, and if I don't, I'll be able to tell the girl who does get him.
It was unfortunately met who you know what.
I've been told, so you know, there was a lot of peace, said she said, And I can assure you right now, my face and my reaction to Harrison at the end of that altar was so legit. I don't think that's the face of somebody who knew that kind of information. And she's not what she's.
Saying, She's not an actor.
That was a lot right, right. I can see that they're sent through a photo of Harrison and you've responded directly beneath the photo. Yes, So how did you not know it was him.
Knowing what he looked like, and he just looked so different in this photo. And you know, on the morning of my wedding, respectfully, I'm not thinking about a conversation that I've had with my friend a few months ago, like, I'm going I'm marrying a freaking stranger, and there's all these thoughts on through my plane.
And by the way, hey, we had Harrison on earlier. And then Jackie asked him about why did the sex stop? Remember how he shut it down on TV in the night?
Did it stop?
And I thought maybe he'd gone soft, and then he said no, no, no, And then someone suggested maybe it's one shaded himself, and I said that was unlikely. You know what what happened.
It was a lot of emotions running high at that honeymoon and why.
Did the sex stop?
Sorry, why did the sex stop?
I just wasn't ready. It's as simple as that.
I literally was not emotionally like in that moment, and I just needed to just kind of take a few steps back.
You know, I have a very emotional woman.
And so you you called you, you pumped the brakes on the sex.
It wasn't it wasn't him on the flop, no, behind to heart.
I literally just wasn't ready.
I was like, you know, I need on.
Were you ready in the morning when you try it again?
So I love that he's still talking about our sex life, but like without me, that's great.
He was being coy about it and didn't want to divulge anything.
He was a gentleman about it, and that's why I thought he doesn't want to talk about it's an issue of him. Never did I realized that you were the one that said, oh no, I just thought it was him that couldn't before.
You know, it's one of those things where I mentally stimulated and I need to have a connection with you. It's not transactional for me, and you know after a few wines. The emotions were running high on that honeymoon, but once everything started to kind of flow, it didn't feel like it was slow.
Was not slowing.
I either feel it or you don't. Like you could have even laid there and just slowly ten minutes and then still nothing might never transpired.
Right, I mean, who knows, but it's definitely it definitely wasn't hot and romance sequence that way.
Do you feel like.
Who in your friend group has leaked these voicemaans of you?
I know exactly who it was.
It came from the stource herself.
So she told you this friend she said, oh, look.
I've seen the brup chat name and I know that there was only two people in that, so it was one.
Of them and one of you know, yes, so you have you had?
Have you roused on them? Or have you said? Hey man?
I tried to call her and she didn't answer, so I left her a message basically just saying, you know, just leave me alone and let's just move on. It's been however many months now, like out of your mouth, Hey.
Brody, can I ask are you watching maths or are you watching Australian idol?
I'm actually, unfortunately watching myself on TV down.
Did what about that promo when you had that the hair was all sleep back and you were looking groageous for your wedding and then they put you on there like a bug eye?
Like what.
That's what made everyone watch that? Like I think you personally that reaction the reaction.
Was I feel like when I watched you Bronti, you are like your facial expressions are just a walking meme.
On another level, yeah, I didn't actually realize they was that expressional. And one of the people are constantly asking me if I'm okay.
Okay, well, look's a great watch. Obviously, you probably don't work out, unless, of course, there's some miracle. Do you maybe do you root another one with the husband?
Miracles can happen. Let me just put it that way.
Do you catch the eye of another husband at all? Or is there any of that swapsy gun?
Know, when I'm very loyal, when I'm committed to someone, I'm committed to that one.
Wow, even if it's a dry root, you're still a committed that's very good.
Miracles can happen.
Miracles can happen.
Keep saying that I feel that there may be some more to come here. I don't know.
You calling you appreciate that guy problem. There you go. So it's not allegedly hurts her.
It is her.
And yeah she's had to go with the chick that did it. They're not talking and yeah, the reason the sex stop was because she was like not feeling it and maybe he was maybe you know when you're well, I've never stopped, in all honesty, even if I'm not.
Feeling Yeah, I haven't either.
I've just been like, you know, but I'm from that area, that Brisbane gold case.
We just pushed through. We're in you know what I'm saying, Brooklyn Oh my god, this should have to be really bad to actually call stop on it, right, like, oh my god.
Stop, I can't never said, never said stop?
Well, yeah that can't be good.
Well, petro is minute mini penis weight game is coming up.
Hey, hey, you thought the show was boring, forget it. Get the scales out, BROUSI get that little snail, that shellless snail you call a penis on the scales and let's weigh that.
Prick, the shellless snail. Disgusting image.
Exactly what there you go? Post Malone teaming up with the Morrison thing whatever that old song wants.
I like that.
Time to time, relationships breakdown or someone leaves, or someone's not happy, and people move on and do their own thing.
Yeah, these guys have dated for six years, but they broke up four months ago, and I want you back is where one of them wants to get back together and calls the other one and says, can we get back together? And you may remember Guyle, this particular guy who's going to be making the call to his ex. He was on just recently with Georgina Walker, our psychic, and he wanted to know is he going to get back or should he get back with his ex. I'll play it for you here.
Here's Michael, me and my my ex.
We're we're together for five years. We're separated now, but we're still going about life as if we're not separated. And I just want to know if we have a future.
I feel like, no, no, no, he didn't even get the sentence out.
I just saw the word exit, exit finished.
It's a exceit.
But the thing is, it's more like friends. It's past expired and seeing exit. So to me, it's like best mates. Staying together for the sake of the children does not necessarily and give good balance or energy around the home because she's still fighting.
She was right about that they do have a child together, actually right, And Michael is choosing to ignore Georgina Walker and pushing.
Forward said screw that old witch. I want her back regardless. Michael, heybro and welcome back man.
Thank you, good morning, caring jack And.
You're ignoring the world famous psychic because so, but did it make sense what she said? Because Jackie said, you guys are still living together separate rooms, and you've got a few rules like there's no kissing, no intimacy like that, but every now and then you'll still have sex, but no kissing.
Is that right?
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, so what's the what's.
The go with that?
And they do you even get hard with no kissing or you know what?
To be honest, I'm not really one to kiss during sex anyway. I never really have been.
Okay, so Michael, do you guys fight, Like why did you break up?
Yeah, we we we when we're dating, we argue over like just small petty things all the time, and it's a lot, it's full on, and you know, it just seems like it's every day sometimes and it's it's just it's always minuscule things that aren't really, you know, anything anything big. And then sort of when we separated, as soon as we're separated, it's like a weight was lifted from both of us. Will find we will get along. We we hardly ever fight at all now. Yeah yeah, so yeah, yeah, do you know what.
Yeah, it's taken me a long time because I used to be like you. I used to like defend every little pissan thing to the death for no reason other than just because I didn't want to be controlled or told what to do. But now, like last night, I was watching TV and taking goes. I want to watch c ster Key, which is a show I did not enjoy watching. In the middle of the show, I was watching right all right, and I went, oh, but I'm like and she was like ah, and I thought, I'm just going to care and I said, okay, I turned my show off. She watched the stupid show. Now, that's the only way to be happy is to just be controlled like a ned Lander.
Just give in to it.
But what do you guys give in? Would we always have to give in?
Because Keys is a great shot.
You should watch it with her? So terrible does it's about other couples that are arguing about we love watching people? Yeah? Yeah, okay, so what we're going to ring this? What's her name?
Emily Emily?
And is she going to be but you're going to what are you going to just rip the bandit off here and just say, listen, let's just let's give it another the last try. Like, do you think she'll be up for it?
I'm not.
I don't know, hopefully, but I'm not too sure. I'm a bit torn. But we're sort of stuck in limbo right now. So it's sort of got to go one way or the other.
She being of the bloke, So what's the go there? No, how do you know?
Because right, you know, yeah, let's make the call.
Let's make the call.
Here we go, bring interrup now. Actually they've got to hear Emily. Hilly, Emily, I know I produced have been talking to you, but we've got Michael here. You're living friends slash s lovers father daddy and baby daddy or whatever it is. And Michael's told us that, like, you know, you guys aren't fighting anymore, and you know, you both love your child and this co living is all right, but he lives in one room, you live in the other. And every now and then you guys route, but no kissing and there's no sort of affection.
Is that right?
Okay, well Michael's going to question Michael. Here's Emily.
Oh yeah, well yeah, you go.
She sounds hang on, she sounds so open.
So we dated for six years and we're sort of separated and we've sort of we haven't been fighting as much since we separated, but we're sort of stuck in limbo now. And as I've said before, we sort of have to go one way or the other for both our sakes. And I was just wondering if you'd like to give it another crack and see how you go if we start dating again.
Oh are you serious?
What do you think? Sweet?
Yes, Michael, not.
To say now did you say yes? Or did?
Did you say?
Yes? Sorry, it's like something you really wanted to hear. Yeah, it is because.
I know I sound silly, but honestly like thinking of the future for myself with the kids and that I stopped happening once we split up because I was just so heartbroken.
Oh, so this is a one. Now I'm crying again, I promise. I'm sting crying TV and on the radio.
Stop crying. Take every time I turned on the TV, you cry.
I'm so sorry. I'm turning to a big front.
Of you actually are crying.
I can't.
I'm just hear the happiness in Emily's voice. It makes me happy.
So this is so being pretty crappy for me lately. And I'm kidding up and I'm trying, and I'm trying to you know, I'm start hoping. I'm glad I did.
Wow, Michael, look at it. It's all worked out. Yeah, yeah, don't you go screwing this up.
You come on, are you married? You two or what?
No, I'm not married. I want to buy a house before I get married. And I said that since I was.
A kid, and yeah, well I said that.
I said.
I said many things when I was a kid too, But now I'm a man and a lot of those things don't matter. Sometimes you got to reevaluate, like I don't.
Want to cheap five hundred dollar wedding, Like I don't be tens of thousands, but I want to not l's wedding. And I couldn't spend twenty or thirtys on the wedding, not like I haven't got a house ship personally.
If you're going to get there anything, the cost of living. I'd rather a house with Michael over a wedding with the kids.
Oh how nice? Look at that?
Keep up all right, this is so nice.
I'm so so happy.
What a great outcome. Guys, that's is that a child?
I hear squealing in the background.
Yes, I have just squlho the kiss off.
Well, look is good.
I feel that there will be sex and can kissing now Michael had been kissing every now and then, rather than being some little rabbit.
Yeah, maybe the kiss before and then we can get down to work.
Listen, when you're fifty, you've got to stop halfway through and do a little bit of a kissing for fear of it.
Twenty nine, have that problem another fifteen. Okay, love you guys's well done, great outcome, well done.
Nice, love is alive and.
Well, yes it is.
Okay, Well that's excellent.
Well, if you want someone back in your life, it may go as well as that, or it may not.
It never goes that well, it's a one and done with the yes. Usually they're like, are you're kidding? You are such a grunk. I don't care. I've never loved you. I readed your best friend. That's how normally goes.
Oh, well, if you want to give it a try call us on thirteen one sixty five.
Yeah, and if you're watching Idol tonight, you will not see a bit that I'm going to plan on the show today. The momentary and I that was the end. He thought, this bloke's not for me.
Oh, I love it. I can't wait. I haven't heard this.
Yeah, it'll be fun. You won't see it on TV because it's apparently been asked to be removed.
By Harry himself.
That's what I'm told.
Yes, why are you doing around it?
I don't know.
He asked for it to be removed.
Well, that's what I was told, but I don't know. Yes, okay, fine, and I dare not say anything without checking with you know how that goes up? Next, crossing live to a reporter on the ground in Turkey. After that's seven point eight.
This is such a big earth, thousands and thousands dead.
We're going to find out. Crossing over there soon a kiss.
Jaggio an impossible choice for earthquake survivors morning on Brooklyn Ross. The rescue efforts are continuing in Turkey and Syria after two powerful earthquakes, the region's strongest in eighty years. As many as three thousand people have died, but humanitarian groups expect that number to rise significantly. It is bitterly cold in the region, which is hurting rescue efforts and making things much worse for those injured or left homeless.
Many have to.
Decide whether to stay outside in the cold with their families or risk entering dangerous and damaged buildings. And it's below zero there, the temperate the middle of winter Yeah, it's.
Freezing, it's nighttime.
It's bad. I've got a guy on the phone in Turkey. He was in a hotel room last night, got woken up with that first Turkish one that was a seven point eight on the Richter scale. Then nine hours later in Syria right next door, seven point five. So they've devastated three thousand people dead right now, many many more to come because these ten story twenty story buildings are just just dropping and all people are inside their living I know, it's horrific.
Nicholas is in Midiat and it's a small town in Turkey. He was basically right near where it all happened and said that it went on for three minutes and it felt like you were in a clothes washing machine. Wow, okay, it was everything spinning and it must have been horrific.
Good morning, crazy, Hi, Nicholas, can you tell us what's it like on the ground there? Well, what are we dealing with?
Good morning everyone. It's quite chaotic. I mean, look in Midiot, there's nothing really happening right now. I went out to the marketplace today and I had to look around and there was at least one building that had been condemned because it's sustains some damage, and like we're about four hundred and fifty kilometers away from the epicenter. So I was even receiving reports from friends in Northern Iraq, in a town called the Hook in northern Iraq, where they had also had some damage to some high rise buildings there, and people were feeling it as far as they were in Lebanon and as far as air Bill in northern Iraq.
So can I ask them?
You know you were saying it goes on for three minutes, feels like you're in a clothes dryer. What exactly do you what's happening around you? What do you see? What do you talk us through?
I mean look unlucky because the hotel that I'm in is a very old phone building and the walls are about maybe a meter meter and a half thick. So I feel quite safe in this kind of this kind of an environment or a setup, if you know what I mean. But still, I mean, I had fallen asleep and then all of a sudden I just got jolted out of my sleep at around four twenty, and out of instinct, I just grabbed my phone to have a look and I was like, okay, it's for twenty what's going on? And then all I just felt was the room going back and forth, side to side, and you know, it was it was a bit scary, Like I thought I was maybe in a dream, or maybe I was just busy. Maybe i'd he to go. And then I looked into the bathroom and then I could see the toils that they had hung by the basin just swinging to and bro like really fast and hitting each other.
And I was like, no, that's quite the movement, right.
Well, I got a call today from a friend in the town of Airbil in northern Iraq, and that's quite far away. You know, you can gather it's quite far. She was actually woken up at the same time with her with her husband, and she said the lamp, like the lights was swaying to and fro, and the pictures that they hung on the wall seemed like they were dancing.
So this thing is, this is a huge event. And three thousand people have reported being found so far dead, which is horrible. Yes, but there are like Johanna Parmer, well, I'm sure there's going to be the death toll will rise, which is horrible. But if you're saying it was so early in the morning, most people would have been at home asleep. So if buildings are dropping, god knows how many people are trapped under the rubble and everything, and this is going to take forever to get sorted.
People people are sharing sort of tweets. I had a look at a tweet that someone had shared today from someone that was trapped under the rubble, and he was saying something like, look, I've been need three or four hours. I've got one percent left on my battery. It's dark, I can feel my head bleeding. I want to fall asleep. He just saved my pistuf.
Oh geez, that's terrible. It really makes you, as a human like very empathetic to all other humans when people going through design. We've all got our differences and you know, little little wings every day. But this is when the world needs to come together. And I think that many, many countries, a lot of them aren't even friendly with each other, ascending reinforcements into these affected areas to help, and I love that and I feel that this is when humanity difference. Nicholas, thank you for helping yourself. Isn't it crazy?
So devastating, horrible, horrible.
Thanks sorry, Brooklyn.
It was good to hear from him.
Hey, we're gonna play Meghan Trainer song made you look right now. Then Pedro has come in with the Minute Mini Penis Weight game has a tiny todd up.
Yes he does. Bet you have to guess what ways more the object weighed? I think last week it was like seven mentos or three.
Yeah, unused tampons.
There's a massive difference there. So if you want to play, it's a guessing game. Callers thirteen one.
Morning, Everyone, it's Meghan Idol Tonight.
It Major.
Is everyone's second favorite radio game in the world.
And is Minute minis lame.
Oh he has a tiny one.
We all know that.
The little.
Minis self proclaimed, self proclaimed.
You know Speedy Gonzales, the mouse we used to watch his children. Yeah, Speedy Gonzales. Is Penis is bigger than pe.
Okay, so bear that in mind when playing the game. You need three in a row right to win, and the prize is an overnight stay at the Porterhouse Hotel in m Gallery, Sydney's newest luxury hotel, including breakfast at Dixon's and Son.
That's quite a fancy price.
Okay, so Mario was first up.
Good morning, my friend, Morning guys today. It's quite a strange game for you to bring up and play. But are you good at guessing the weight of other people's penises?
I don't know.
I guess we'll soon find out.
We shall. Okay, give us the first scenario, car, Okay, have a little think about this.
Which of the following objects weigh more or less than Pedro's erect Yes? Okay, this is on the heart, New Nat that works here, New NAT's new wallets. What was more? She's got a new wallet.
Is there anything in the wallet?
Two cards?
Yeah, I got two cards, two cards than anything else.
Let's say a Medicare card, my private health insurance card I D and then too like bank cards?
Well okay, and what sort of wallet is it? A little Gucci one? Okay, little Gucci wall with a couple of cars or Pedro's erect penis what weighs more?
If I'm knowing the right Gucci walle that she's got, I'm guessing the goodewel more correct.
Gotta be well done, well done, that's excellent.
Okay, we're on your way here, Mario.
You need three in a row.
To win.
Okay, what weighs more Pedro's erect penis or Jackie's new vape?
Knew what? Sorry?
Vapeape? Yeah, she's got a vape and then she's weighing it against Pedro's erect doodle.
Okay, I'm not gonna.
Be vape way more wrong?
Really, the penis wigs more?
Is that true? Pedro? Are you just making these things up because I don't want, I want, I don't want to bullshit yet I want. No, No, it's true, it's true.
I'm not making it up.
Right, So the vape juice obviously is less than all the blood that float into the old time.
Yes, correct, Sorry, Mario.
New listener this morning hearing, Good morning, sir, how.
Are you.
Very well?
Luck Karen?
Okay, which are the following objects way more or less than Pedro's balls?
It's just the balls, just the balls.
We don't even know if he's got big ones or small ones?
Did they match? The penis a little nutsack as well, like a smurf's library bag? Is what his balls are like? Okay? Okay? What weighs more an apple watch or Pedro's ball bag?
The ball bag or it being empty?
Oh, I'm not sure that's going to make a bunch of Let's let's face it, it's probably full.
I reckon Apple Watch.
Apple Watch weighs more. That is correct. We need three to win. Here we go. What's next? Okay, whats more or less in Pedro's balls? Twelve used wet tissues or Pedro's well wet tissues all piled up on the wayer Pedro's nutsack on the other way? What weighs more?
I reckon the wet tissues?
You think the wet tissues weigh more?
Do they weigh more?
No, Karen, it depends what they are wet with. I suppose there's water weight and then there's snot that weighs different than morning, Good morning, good morning. Okay, let me pick one for you. Which of the following objects weigh more or less than Pedro's soft peanuts? Okay, okay, seven Allen's fantails, not packets, just seven fantails, flacid penis or pedro soft willie? What weighs more?
I mean each hounds are pretty heavy, and so I'm gonna have to go to pantauels.
Wrong. Okay, that was his soft penis too. Are you sure that's true, pedro seven fantails weighs less than your penis.
Yeah, well that's that's you can't lie against facts. That's measurements, and you know it's fact.
There we go, try this one. Now, let's move on to someone else. Shannon, you're on now. We need three in a row. This could go on for four hours. I was going to say, here we go, what ways more pedro soft penis or a severed raw chickens foot? We put a seven broad chicken's foot on one scale, Pedro's soft penis on the other. What weighs more?
They both look similar?
You're right, one's got a nail though.
Oh mate, I'm gonna have to.
I'll give Pedro a benefit of the dabt.
Well, what a fool you are? No, the raw chicken foot weighs more the chicken foot. How much is the soft penis?
Way, we don't say that. You don't want to give away the game.
What are we dealing with?
Is that that weighs more? Yeah?
The roal chicken foot more?
Wow? So okay, let's move on to Teresa. Hi, Teresa, Hi, we are not having any luck right now, penis wait, expert.
Teresa, by any chance, I have knowledge. It's quite r Okay, Okay, here we go. This is a longer or shorter question. Maybe this is easier, yawning world, Yes a little bit. Ye, well, I feel free to step out.
Not that over it?
Okay? What is longer or shorter? Pedro's erect penis or a faber castel highlighter yellow?
I know the answer is.
Highlighter. I suppose they're all the same. We don't need the extra detailer being yellow or Pedro's erect penis. What is bigger?
I'm gonna go with the penis is bigger?
Correct? Right is a pro?
Okay, here we go. Next one, Theresa.
Okay, what is longer or shorter? Pedros erect penis or a Lebanese cucumber?
Wait a minute, don't they all very in size?
A Lebanese cucumber.
If you know, there's a cucumber and then there's the Lebo cucumber, they're pretty big. What is bigger?
Oh the Lebanese? Yeah, it's got to be bigger, the Lebanese.
Saying the cucumber, Teresa is bigger? Yes? Correct, My god, we went away from a win.
We are Terresa, You got this.
Okay, okay, Okay, here we go. I don't know what this is. Oh, what's a kong dog? What's a cong dog toy?
Those you know those things where you put treats in the middle and the good dog has to try and get it out.
Yeah, okay, right, okay, well what ways? What is what is longer or shorter?
No, what's longer Pedro's penis or the kong dog toy treat themes? What the what are you doing over there?
This penis.
Got to be your penis?
Is what longer?
Correct, it's probably Pedro's mother.
No, it's you want an overnight state at the Porterhouse Hotel m Gallery. This is awesome, City's newest luxurious hotel, including breakfast at Dixon's and Sons. You will enjoy, Teresa. Use those skills when you're there at the hotel.
Well done, Teresa. All right, Now what I've been waiting for is the moment you had the falling out with Harry Connick Jr. The audio which won't be played on idle, but it will be played on here.
But you won't hear Harry on it either, because Harry is so against me. Nothing to do with me is allowed. This is what I'm told by Channel seven. He's asked for nothing to do with me and it suits me fine. And Pete, you're involved, I know stand By it's on the way. Oliver Tree and Robin Schuld said he's miss you here at KSFM, guys, A nice song cloudy today's shower or two around Sydney twenty seven in the city twenty nine our Western They are a really drizzly rain here and there now idle back tonight on TV seven point thirty on seven you know the music well, a lot of talk nearly every interview I do. I must have leaked from the sets somehow.
I think it came from you. No, maybe it did the Harry Connick Jenior, Yeah it came from you.
Yeah right, okay, well, who knows where it came from? Allegedly came from me, that he didn't like me like he's great on the show, don't get me wrong. Yeah, I totally thinks he owns the show.
Not really, Okay, I wouldn't go that far.
Sorry, I can't bullshit. Yeah, I own the show, let's face it. He's great though. I think he's good. Amy there Meghan me now, Harry, he doesn't like the idiots.
I've noticed that he doesn't suffer fools easily.
No, he doesn't. And some of these people that come in, they dress up and they carry on, and he is not in here.
He's not into the joke side of it.
He's a very serious guy.
I've noticed.
What you've got to know about idol is anyone within the age group, no matter who you are in an audition, whether you are terrible, whether you are mediocre, whether you are amazing, it doesn't matter. There's no rules there.
And we love that some people are so terrible because that's what makes it funny.
Yeah. Well, I was sitting there one day and unbeknownst to me, a contestant wandered in, and I think even before he stood on the middle of the set, Harry stood up and went, oh my god, we're better than this and walked off the set. And the producers are all like, oh Harry, and his like no, no, no, no, come on, man, We've come so far. We need to do this. You know, remember what was it. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was that.
Sort of so it was in turned Pete coming to you, and I didn't know he was coming.
He had some old man had on. What did you have on, Pete? Like a face mask? Yes, it was COVID mask.
I was very scared about coming out of COVID, so I was wearing the mask. I had an old man's hat. I had some speed dealer sunglasses. Oh okay, yeah, I tried to look the part disguising, and when you.
Walked in it would have been obvious straightaway that you're just some idiot that's there for not the right reasons.
Right me, Let me play him. So he arrives, he does the big long walk up the dark corridor and steps under the water.
We're not going to hear Harry in this. He's been taken out.
Is that what seven said? That the Harry has even been removed from the audience. It's ridiculous.
He doesn't want to be involved in any way, and he doesn't want the audio being heard by anyone. So we may or may not hear Harry in this.
Okay, well play it. I'll try and fill in the missing bits. Okay, So here's Pete showing up. No one knew was in turn p Rather, every girl come on in.
Hey, how you doing?
Oh man, what's your name John. Where are you from? Don't have a newcastle?
Okay, are you sure you want to do this?
I'm extremely nervous.
I'm sorry, I'm just got really nervous.
How sure?
I didn't realize you was this?
I'm sure you want to go for Australian?
If yes?
Is there busy of jeans on inside?
These are my prescriptions sunglasses and I've left my other glasses downstairs because this morning I changed my song into another song and then I left them in my bag as well.
Okay, do you reckon?
Just to give you a like a really good shot at this because we're so far away?
Do you reckon?
It'd be all right to just no.
I'm just I'm everything like.
This is my first time like in Sydney since COVID and everything, so I want to be careful as I can.
Okay, all right, that's fair.
So Pete was how we still sitting there during all of that? Or did he he got up before you even stood on the stage to speak right and left? Yeah?
Pretty much that he basically just refused to be a part of it. Because I could feel from my perspective walking all of you guys was the eye rollers.
Of what is the.
Who's this idiot?
But he was not having a bar of it at all, Like you said, he just doesn't do the who To be honest, Jackson, are you here last year? But I genuinely forgot that I was doing a prank, and I was sort of caught up in the moment thinking I was actually auditions. I'm being serious about this because I was. The producers were treating me like an actual contestant.
You're that touched that you can't figure out? I forgot.
I wasn't even in a joke at one stage, to be honest.
Auditions song, Yeah, okay, let's see Harry has already left, so he's left. He said, oh, come on, man, we're better than this and walks off the set because I think, you know, did he ever do that to anyone else?
Maybe one or two? Like he wasn't into the what he thought like you know, and you can see when you're shuffling in. I don't know. I didn't realize there was Pete straight away because he had the dumb hat in the master.
But I just sit there and whoever auditions, you know, they auditioned. But I don't know whether Harry was told hey, this.
Is a Yeah, I don't wondering, but I don't.
Think he was because he didn't want to know anything about anyone. Like if someone came in there was a Harry kind of junior fan, and there was a crooner yes and go, oh, Harry, you know, and I don't want to know. Harry likes to be surprised judge with no knowledge, which I think is fine works in him. I like to know, you know, oh, maybe this person's you know, a stunt woman, so I'd like to know.
Yeah, hey, you can ask her about it.
So you can actually have a conversation. We are paid to talk on there.
So anyway, he's left. He didn't really carry on there. He just was like, you were better than this and walked up. He said, really, you know, really, off he went, maybe at to do a week. I don't know. Anyway, Pete's standing there. There's just Meghan, me and Amy, and then Pete starts singing.
We're going to do I was singing BD, but I changed her this morning, seeing Big Dick Energy from I've changed it to another song from Harry styles Watermelon Sugar, which.
I learned in COVID during lockdown.
Oh Man, I'm so excited.
That was a loge all the way. When you're ready, What do I do?
You can.
He's like strawberries on the summer even know from me, and it sounds like a song.
I want berries and the summer feeling. It's so wonderful and warm. Breathe me, breathe me out. I don't know what ever is? Watermelon sugar?
Hi, watermelon sugar, Hi, watermelon sugar.
Bye, I love you, Vegan. Well, maybe Harry did the right thing by leaving this set.
He's not well, clearly, Pete. You must have thought when Harry left, well, this isn't going to make the edit, because how are they going to get around not showing Harry?
It was all too much, and I just think that I think my singing got worse because they were allowing him to go too long.
Almost, yeah, they were joying your shut it down early?
Did you the first one to pull out?
And then he takes his stupid hat and the mask off, and then it all drops because they're like ten meters away. Really yeah, so this is when he took his stupid hat off, and I realized, oh, it's this flop your mask off. I knew it idiot that works with me. You did not know because I don't pay any attention to this person.
I'm lied that as my husband was your husband was like his accent is too good.
It can't be my husband.
For yes, yes, hey completing your teeth that he has done too. They're very nice. Who pays the fancy just saying you got him for free.
I'm so glad it actually was you because I was worried for the Australia.
Thanks so much for hey give us that ticket? Sorry Monday.
So can I ask when Harry came back and you say, this is the point of your falling out.
Someone must have told him, Oh, that was just a guy that works with Kyle. What happened?
That happened behind the scenes.
So he came back to the table and that was it.
He was a different person. And then I think that was it for him and me. And I thought like as if I was, I didn't even know his household.
Was Yeah, it wasn't you.
It's always involves in turn pizza.
You've ruined what could have been a real BROMI I don't know how this keeps happening. I do we allow you to keep working?
I see a four shot of the panel and you say something, and I see Harry look and he gives like this thing on his face where I swear he's saying just like shut up. Well god, this guy doesn't. He gives what you can.
Tell on his face like he thinks that right, he does.
He's not because and then all of a sudden he's an asshole and starts chopping people down. And that's fine because he plays the piano since he was eighteen, and.
He went and he studied for three years ago.
He cares. Must be shocking for people who study their entire life for someone who's never sung before except an electrician to come in and nail an audition, But like you know, some people practice their whole life to do this, and other people are just naturally good. You are neither of those people.
That's fair.
And that was it, and then I thought, gee, that's a bit prickly, like why would he leave? Like this is a fun show, This is all part of promoting it, this publicity. Yes, no, no, nothing, they haven't done nothing to do with it. But that's fine, and you don't, you know, I do try and get along with Harry, like I'll say little things comments like hey, I'm glad you did this. So that's it. I'm never speaking to him again.
You're a live coming.
I'm not saying a thing, not a word, not even I'm not acknowledging his existence.
Well that's going to make good TV. Actually, it will make good TV.
Let me tell you all the auditions, he didn't acknowledge my existence. So so what's good for the goose? It's unfair, it's good for the gander.
Yeah, this is good. You know, boy, George used to have these sort of fake fights.
Fake Yeah, there's no fighting, like he's still a professional, Like he's not rude. It just doesn't speak to me.
If you're never going to speak to him again, Like, that's a fight in my eyes.
Yeah, but that what sort of a gay fights? That just not speaking out?
Yeah, that's what how we fight?
Is that how you guys just never just yeah, well listen, Am I open to a reconciliation? Probably not.
I don't think he is either, by the Yeah, well the only reason I'm not is because I don't think he is.
If he was, yeah, that's right, it would be humiliated.
I wonder what it is, do you reckon? He's read something about.
You going on the show. Knows who cares.
I can just say for the record, I'm on team Kyle.
Thanks Peter, you know, lotto win to bet that in you know, I'm speaking to Ryan about the other day about Pete, No, about never about Peter, about Idol. He's like watching it with the kids and the misses and everything he goes. He said, actually, I bet not No, I won't say that.
It's not right.
What do you mean?
It's not Ryan, I shouldn't.
I shouldn't say, I shouldn't speak. But that what Boa said to me privately. It's nothing like scandalous. It's just what Bow's impression of him was.
Just say it. Bo doesn't care about I don't know.
I don't know. It's just not right. Tell me tell me Larry MD was in early and then he had his pieces. Let me just say, I'm not the only one noticing.
Well, everyone's noticing.
What did both say?
It's not right for me to say what what both thinks? I can't because everyone.
Call him off.
Yeah, that's a great idea, Pete, get Bow right, Well, how bad?
How bad?
It's not bad. It's just in it. I don't want to I don't want to throw bow under the bus.
See what he says himself. It'll be something that Kyle's so good on the show compared to everyone else.
He's definitely said that, but i'd say that.
Yeah, Hello Joel, Hey bro, it's me and Jackie.
How are you good?
The other day when you were talking to Kyle about Harry Knick Jr. On Idol? What did you say about him?
I didn't say what you said. They're trying to get me to read.
Yeah Harry what I said to Kyle?
What did you say about Harry Knick Junior?
That stays between?
Could that be?
Say it?
Because I like the show. It's the first show that we've sat down as a family. My kids don't even watch my shows.
Yeah, I'm the same.
Kiddy watches an Idol with me as well.
Yeah, they love it.
Both my kids love it. My kids, I obviously love Kyle. They really like meeting trainer as well a shark. And that's it.
But what do you think?
But what did you say?
I like? I like, I mean, I like, I call it's a good shot.
Look, thank you? And that's enough said.
I feel if anything has happened between Harry and Carl at any stage, I know who side I'm on, you know, on.
Yeah, we know you'd be on Kyle's side obviously.
What the question is is whose side would Jackie be on? Because often she's not on my side. The hard work, Harry, well, not for me, because there's not a lot of chit chat, you know.
So yeah, yeah, it looks it looks good.
It's good, good, great, thanks, thanks.
Thanks to you to speak after.
How bad could you comment?
I think mat brother yeah, both fool just because he's an exportsman. You think he's just going to spill the.
Beans, you know, I thought, okay, fine.
Okay, but I own news on the way. Last calls are coming up soon. Thirteen When I seek five is get.
Through ladies and gentlemen, Kyle and Jackie.
Oh we are one song away from Jackie's latest round of own news. Then if you want to ring up and have a chat to a team. When I was sixty five, what are you working on over there?
Zara Larson has divided the Internet with her latest rant on TikTok.
And then send you a lot of rants on the TikTok o.
This particular one definitely has got people talking I like that, Zara Larson. Yeah, yeah, she's good. And then also Maroon five lead singer Adam Levine discussing his infidelity might be happening now, might be happening. I I don't want to talk to you about this. There's a promo going around for the Call Her Daddy podcast.
Sorry, I don't pay attention to the podcast.
Yeah, yeah, it's a big one.
Call Her Daddy. It's a massive one.
Is that about the girls talking about I wonder it's it's huge And.
We've heard the promo over their next episode, so it's interesting.
Are they transgender? What you said? You've heard the promo for their new episode? Is she transgender?
Oh no, I just thought there was more than one.
Oh, it's just a girl. Her name's Alex Cooper.
Ah, right, Well maybe she gets her friend?
Does she get it?
There used to be two and then one left and now it's just.
They had a falling out. Yeah yeah, yeah, like American rossoing like that. I think, yeah, like a Roven Sam. Yeah.
But then Alex Cooper stayed and now makes a shitload of money.
So about the other girls cut?
Why did she leave the other one?
I don't know, actually, I'll look into it. Don't bother well, I want to know.
Oh okay, we'll bother brother, Oh bother okay. Pink's new song I love this, Never going to not dance again? Here it is, has her majesty, your royal pinkness. Here a kiss.
I like that.
I think she'll be on the show in the next week or so I'm told. Now she's what she's locked in. Ready to go? Oh Fabulous by Australian Idol is on TV again tonight. A few leftover spots for the Top fifty and then the Top fifty starts next week. What's Live seven point thirty Tonight on seven and seven plus, they bring you this morning's home news.
Ashton Kutcher and the New York Marathon.
Ah, yeah, he's always doing stupid things.
Oh, this is a big one. It's the biggest marathon. It's the largest one anyone ever understood.
Like why you would bother the swimming and the cycling, the running.
Like it's just running for forty kilometers. It's hard, it's a challenge. It's a personal goal. Have bigger personal goals, achievement. Do you know how hard it is to run a marathon like that?
For a basic person. That is quite the achievement. You'd never be.
Able to do it. You wouldn't even be able to run a kilometer.
I wouldn't want to. There's no great prize in that.
Oh I know.
It's just saying that you've done it, like to yourself, I did that.
That's not impressive to me. Like, if that's your achievement in life, you losing.
I admire it.
You admire people to climb mountains though.
Yes, oh yes, Everest, it's a huge deal.
Is impressed.
Well, I'm not.
That is that's a massive thing to do.
It's not.
You're putting your life at risk to get to the top of a mountain for.
Nothing, for what?
For what? What?
What reward? Because you can say you climbed.
Ever, no one gives a shit.
I would if someone said to me I've climbed, Everes, I would go, wait, you got to the top, You actually got there.
You know what.
You need to chat with me a bit more about things that are impressive to a woman. So anyway, mountaineer is not impressive.
He was on with Kelly and Ryan in the US and he was talking about what it's like to run the New York Marathon. What was the hardest part? At what point I'm John, I'm not running anyone.
It's like running into a brick wall.
You're like, I know, New York blocks are not.
This long walk feels like a mile.
It is.
It is wild to Apparently it was the hottest New York.
Marathon on what do you do after? Immediately after a lot of.
People say that they cross the finish line and then they go, I want.
To do it all again.
Did you have that?
Would you ever cross the finish line and go let me do that all again?
Because that's what those people, that's the best thing they've got going on in their life is wearing their little number on their singlet and running and having people watch them.
So the very hot day that he's talking about it was twenty three degrees, I was like, that's our equivalent, Yeah, our equivalent. Yeah, it's already twenty five out there now. I guess it's winter over there. So for them it is like a hot one.
Brook And do you get off on marathon people with you? This one I ever understood, Like, if that's your biggest achievement in life, you need to rethink your whole life. The same as those old man riding around in the cycling gear. You're not in the Olympics. You're a loser accountant that hates your life. So you spend your whole life on.
A bicycle, running away from things, from.
Your wife and your horrible life.
Now it's just good you should like at least be you know, I think it's good to be fea exactly that. The fitness part is nothing to scoff at.
Those people look emancipated, they're not even that's not even what i'd call fit. They look thin, look sick.
So Zara Larson went on a rant on TikTok about cinema etiquette and people are calling her a flop because of it. What did she say?
Well, what does she.
Yelli Rand? She's just having a little rant about what she thinks, you know, people should do in cinemas. Okay, I'm about to go to a movie, and it made me think, like people say, oh, if you want to talk during a movie, you shouldn't go to the cinema. Lies, if you don't want to hear people talking during a movie, you shouldn't go to the cinema, because like it isn't the whole thing about watching something with other people in the same room, to like experience it together and laugh and scream and have full on analysis about the characters, like why you're watching it. If you want to sit in silence, just go home.
That's what you do at home with your girl friend, exactly right.
The cinema, you remain silent. The only norse you can make is eating your popcorn or your smith.
And even then you should eat it with caution and very slowly.
I need eat my chips during this shooting and explos.
So do I wait for that moment too?
If it's like a lovey dovey quiet moment, I'm not heavy. Yeah. Through the Malteser, isn't it In America? Don't they all clap and yell out and yell out. You go girl, They're all yelling out and this, and I'm like quiet trying to listen here.
I know.
I always wonder what they think when they go to other countries for premiers, like the stars of the film, no one is yelling and they think, oh, no one's even like yelling out. They hate it.
That's that's how our appreciation is to be silent during the film.
So Adam Levine is apparently going to be discussing his infidelity on the next episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast. So remember that in September last year, this Instagram model came out and said that she'd had a year long affair with Adam Levine while his wife was pregnant.
Is that like real?
Well, Adam came out. He came out and denied the affair, but did admit that he crossed the line by flirting online with her. So this Call Her Daddy posted a bit of a teaser on the Instagram for the next episode where they said, Adam Levine will be answering all the hard hitting questions.
Have a listen.
I have to tell you I was a huge Moon five fan, and I'm glad that you agreed to sit down with me today and discuss.
The scandal surrounding the infidelity in your marriage. How many times did you cheat with women that you met on Instagram?
Where is he?
I agree? Where is he is he? And on there? No, you didn't see him, So I don't know what's going on there. But I don't think they're going to be just happened.
I don't think they click that they usually have some pretty they've got big guests and it's pretty popular.
But odd he would ever do it because it's all gone now, you know, it got it didn't really get the Tiger Woods drama. Well, of course some chick on instview, but then more came out and and you sort of he came away fairly unscathed, the wife didn't leave him, So why would he ever do an interview about it?
Now I'm suggesting maybe he's not even going to show upter this thing.
I don't know. I don't think they're clearly talking to him. Well, the question is directed it at him. What are they going to just.
I know, just to prove that he guys, he's not there. It's it's pretty obvious. There's not one word.
What do you think is going to happen on this episode?
I think they're probably talking to a like a latex doll of Adam.
N No, people would be so shitty if they did that. Wins that up this thing Wednesday in the US, so our Thursday will.
Have it in our news. Yeah, you don't have to listen. We'll pull the good bits off it.
There's theories that people think it might be Adam Devine because you know how people kept getting them confused because their names were similar.
That's what they're going to do. It's going to be so annoying. They'll lose a million listeners. They can't do that shit. I don't like that.
I don't know.
I mean, yeah, who knows. We'll see, We'll see. You're want to wait? Who cares? Let's take your last calls if you want to phone in as we wrap up the show on thirteen one six five Little nars X star walking?
Is that a particular style of walker?
You know?
What is? What does it mean? Star walking?
Are you looking at the stars? Are walking on the Hollywood Boulevard?
That's what I'm picturing.
So you don't even know you're gay? I'm gay like him.
Think you're picturing the Hollywood CA fame. I don't think that's what post Malone's referring to.
No, I mean, but that's Little nars X.
So sorry, J is it?
Yeah, that's not postmalin.
Oh my god, have you thought.
It was the time?
I thought it was a post Malone song.
Every time I finished playing it, I say a little na I.
Thought it was with Little nas X. I thought it was post Malone and Little nas X wow from Yeah, oh that's so stupid.
Not really, I've been thinking that Lewis Capaldi's song I'm in love with, but it's Dean Lewis.
Oh yeah, that's easily a confusion there.
When I'm talking to Dean Lewis, I'm like that, I love that Lewis Capaldi song is Bro, that's my song. I'm like, man, you're looking at your father's eyes. Yeah, yeah, Bro, that's my song. Like that's embarrassing.
Oh your last calls?
You want to ring in thirteen when I sixty five will get you through cloudy today? Maybe a bit of rain here and there, twenty seven the top of the city, twenty nine out in the way.
Bryan's called through from Penrith. Hey Brian, what morning, brother?
What's up?
But they had things very good?
What can we do for you?
I just want to say a big thank you. You know, you're a massive inspiration brother to a lot more people than you even think, you know, one hundred percent. You know, I was homeless. I was been for the system, Foster Care and all that, you know, and like I was really in the dark, sick place, and one I turned the radio like I used to listen to you back in the day when like Jackie's little one was only young, because remember that first when she was born, should never say her name on it, that's.
Right, because you went you wouldn't say a full name the Catalina.
Oh did you have a problem with that back then?
Did you?
No? No, No, IT'SCREWD. No, IT'SCREWD. You know you're protecting your daughter. And did I change it because I went my own way?
And then what do you mean you stopped listening to us.
Yeah, no, it wasn't because I was in when in jail.
Oh well, okay, that's a fair enough excuse.
Then have radios in jail. I don't know some jails.
I think you're like spring Like I didn't have any money. I come from nothing, but you came from nothing.
Yeah, but you're out of You're out of jail now, and how's your life?
Started listening to these guys, and you know, and I said to my new beautiful wife, he can do it. You know, he just got self belief and confidence. I can do it. So I kind of told a little bit of FIBs of my way. Two years ago. I was a laborer. I was dead, just a labor and in twenty bucks an hour. Now I'm a PM project manager one hundred and sixty in a year.
You go see a lot of a lot of what holds people back in life is just being a wishy washing in the background. You're going to step forward, You're gonna you're gonna take chances and challenge yourself.
That's right.
There was a lot to do with you, mate. Honestly, it was you know, like look at kiss FM, like what was one I sixty five before.
That's not even heard of anymore where you used to be, like, that's.
The very.
I should put you onto the management just to remind them about how important.
You don't know that all these papers saying about straight and idol, Like when you were being that, they were saying, why can't it be nice? But now you've been a bit nice and now they went like.
The journalists though, you know a journalists are like they don't really know what that. Jackie has gone, mate, Jackie is amazing to work with too, She's awesome.
I can't believe she's still single.
Maybe you need a word of the exes and you'll find out, Well, there's more than.
Honestly, but especially you call your big inspiration.
You're doing well man, that's excellent. Yeah, well done, Peter. Give him something nice and not some ship little biscuit or something.
We're gonna go up.
What are you gonna get out with? Does he like war Burgers?
We can shout out a night with the boys there and.
The boys war burns. Okay? I was thinking maybe Robin tungu joint.
But whatever, Yeah, we don't give those away.
With someone from sales. Need to get onto the robin tongue joints. Plenty of free cash.
Now Eliza has called through from Manly. Hi, Eliza, Hi, you're good good.
I was wondering if I was just I was listening to you speak to Harry Harrison and Bondie before, and I wanted to know, Jackie, would.
You go on mak oh celebrity maths? Yeah?
I wonder if they'd ever do a celebrity mat.
Would you go on?
If no, that would be great?
Who would go on there? And Kenly?
I don't know. There's plenty of single celebrities.
Addie Newton could go on there.
Be hilarious though a celebrity maths. I would love that.
I bet you they've tried and they just wouldn't get the celebrities to do it.
Would you get on that?
Not very good ones.
For you?
I think you should.
Oh my god, there's a part of me the show and goes secretly love to do this show. But I think it would be terrific.
What you want to secretly go and live in a bloody marrits and apartment for three minutes and be forced to it's clearly not into you and then sit around ship canning at a dinner party.
Which that's why I say I think it'll be horrific to do.
I don't think that's for you.
Every now and again you get a love story come out of it. You never know, you never know. I think I know, I know I won't be doing that.
Would you have sex with the groom on the night that I wouldn't?
Why not?
I just think you're going to be spending all that time together. Why not get to know each other a little bit, have some build the chemistry. You know, if you just give it away on the first night, then it's like, well, okay, now where.
Do you get At least on the first night.
I think you just want that chemistry to really build and then you do it way better.
Listen, listening year old manly girls. She knows nothing, she does know nothing, you know, Listen.
She's probably been burnt by guys who you know secretly, you guys, actually do you want the chase?
You really do know?
We don't you do? Not too much of a chase, not too much, but you know, honestly, not too much. You guys always go a little bit. You just give us too much, and we like, you know what.
Okay, Well, let's look at the ones on maths right who have given it up on that first night, and then look at the men the next day. Now, neither of them seemed into them anymore.
I can't use a survey of two people.
Well they're well, I mean, there might be others that are intimate, but those two definitely changed the next day. Yeah, because they got their conquestic done. Now where do they go? There's nothing left.
It's got you there, Kyle. Not really, she's got a survey of two people.
You know.
I'm right. You just star't like putting the message out there, do you?
Women are always like Kyle?
I thought you said that earlier.
And I've been watching I've been watching Beach Cops, which is the poor cops that have to patrol the boulevard of Manly. God, you've got some animals over there at man They didn't realize it was gronk city in Manly. I didn't realize how many mental blokes they were. And Manly at night, the whole foresaw the foreshore is full of tools. Like it's like it's like an escape to prison in Manly every Friday and Saturday night. Like it is bad. Everyone's arguing with the female police is so disrespectful, like they say move, They're like, what are you going to do about it?
That job?
Great people get the mixture.
I was going to say, I like Manly.
I suppose not showing the great people on beach.
Car just showing the worst of it.
Yeah, yeah, it would be a bad shaft. Was just all nice people.
On the weekend.
They have the swim.
They had the cold classics swim on the weekend.
I don't tell Carle. He doesn't like anyone that has a race in life.
If your life is to win a race at Manly, you're a flop.
It just did it for the knife.
Sorry, I've got many other nice experiences.
Having a little the swim.
I did the two kilometer one, but you could do one, one K, two K or five k.
Okay, so you took the It was beautiful. Yeah, it was just refreshing, no doubt, Thanks Eliza, thank you. On Oh he said, it's just refreshing.
I bet it's refreshing.
Oh it was.
It was a well a slick. Tomorrow on the show, we talked to an undercover cop who took down the mafia. Oh, fascinating stuff.
What mafia?
Which mafia was Italian?
But he's an aussy guy and as cop.
A cop took down the Italian.
It was undercover for over three years. He was part of two massive stings.
So he's a dog.
He's a cop. It's job.
He's saving lots.
He's he but yeah, but yeah, but no, his job is to bring down people like that. Well, just so everyone, he's not ratting out friend.
I'm no friend of this bloke because some of my friends are currently in prison because of an undercover that was an outcrew. How's that? No one bothered to check with me? Okay, so we'll get this, we'll get this, we'll get this, we'll get this. Nark on, he's not a knack because he's actually a police officer. I can't believe an Ossie God brought down the Italian like he didn't bring down the whole Italian mafia.
He pretended to be this dodgy art dealer, like selling art, and then use helped them smuggle money, like protected their money and invested all that stuff.
Sound like they got set up if you asked me.
Anyway, He'll tell the story. Tomorrow will be great.
I love it. Bro codes back and more guesses going off today with Gordy with the noise A good luck with that.
If it doesn't go off today, we're dropping big clues. All these songs are coming out, by the way, doctor kiss in tomorrow as well. So if you've got any weird illnesses or you know, warts or any weird STI is anything weird you don't want to go to your doctor about, then you can ring up early in the morning and.
Us our doctor free phone consult.
That's right, all free.
We'll have a great day, guys. We'll see you right all Bye bye bye my bait.
Kyle and Jackie.
Oh yeah,