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Kyle, Jacky.
Jackie the Kyle and Jackie O Shell Everyone.
Hello, Welcome to Tuesday hyper Indeed, Yeah, Jackie, what a lovely outfit. What color blue would you call that? I'm trying to figure out.
That name because it's like navy. It's definitely not electric blue, not what you call this. No, it's definitely not like it's a darker blue.
Would that be like steel blue? Blue? Steel? What that is?
That's what I think it is. It's a steely blue.
Is it a dress or a T shirt?
A T shirt? Yeah?
What do you got on the bottom?
Just jeans?
Not good enough for the same thing every day.
It looks like an outfit I would wear, you know, just a shirt and jeans.
Yeah, it's casual day today.
Throw all you other stuff away because every day you've got something new on.
I know, I don't.
I have all the other stuff.
You're p diddy without the molestation and charges.
Yeah, switching it up all the time. But no, I still have that stuff.
What do you have on your feet today? Don't ask why those sandals?
Which ones?
Any of them? I hate sandal?
Yeah, there's sandals.
When will women learn sandals are disgusting to men?
They're just easy.
You know, they're not as easy as just.
No that. Then you have to find the socks, and then you have to bend down and tie up shoelacers.
This is right every morning, you know.
What, we spend ten minutes on our makeup and we don't want to do anymore.
It doesn't take ten minutes to do up a shoe jack.
I know. But what I'm saying is by the time we've done that, I'm done. Okay, I just want to chuck on something. I don't want to have to bend down and do up shoelacers.
Wow, that's exactly what I feel like. But maybe I should get some velcrow shoes.
You shure you should get some slides socks.
Guy a ticket man running today for New South Wales listeners somewhere in Sydney with the State of Origin decider tickets. I don't know when I don't follow football, so yeah, you follow the.
Football enough to know that the Origin is on tomorrow.
Have you ever rooted one of them football players?
Because you know it used to be a real town whar and there are some secret ones on there.
Yeah no, I actually haven'tfl.
Have you tried and failed? Um? I tried, what was your strike rate? I've never asked him what he stroked, because I know he's in general.
Yeah, like, if I was out at a club, could I pick up.
I know you can, but yeah, do you get the one you want? Or do you have to drop your standards a bit? No?
I get I can get the one I want. And I learned that by this one time when I was young, I was at this gay bar and I saw a hot guy and then I thought I won't get him, and he had his friend there, and I was like, oh, well, the friends is achievable. So I was trying to get with the friend and then the friend told me, oh, look I'm not that interested, but my friend really likes the whole one real. I was like, what am I doing?
You undersold yourself.
Yeah, and just go for the whole the one you want.
Yeah, you've just put it. You just want the one you want. Yeah, Wow, Jackie, do you do such things? Because I know you're always sort of You're not always you're not on the hunt for a black no, but you always you're like a bird watcher. You'll be anywhere and be like, oh look at that. That's a marvelous yeah.
I admire. I can admire, but I don't go up and yeah I pursue, I don't. I gotta say I.
Want to be who do you think you might clear patri waiting to be Jack?
I know, I got to get my head around that.
I honestly do.
I just feel uncomfortable going up to someone.
I don't know.
Is that a girl thing?
To girls?
That's not like doing I.
Know girls who do it all the time, and they're fine with it.
They don't care. They don't care, they honestly don't.
Well, I've found a good way. Maybe you can take a leaf out of this black lady's book. In America, she went viral for waiting in a car park for a random inmate to be released. She checked it in the newspaper, found out that this dude was getting released, thought mama needs some love, and thought she'd go and waite in the prison car park is he'd be fanging for it. And when he came out, she was videoing herself and she was like waving him over with her hands. So you don't hear her calling him out, but she's like, you know, waving him over, you know, like come here, come here. Plays that bit of the audio from the prison.
So I'm feeling inspired from that lady that picks up dudes in jail and stuff. So guess what I'm doing today. Shit, I figured i'd give me one too, Why not? Why the hell not? Everything else has failed, This is probably gonna fail too.
Only one way to find out.
Picked one out in the paper TODAYSUS release dates coming out in fifteen minutes. I got his clothes right here. Actually that my son's clothes. Hopefully they fit on. I guess we'll find out. See what he looks like. The adrenaline that's going through my body right now, it's almost the same and when I was doing uh, I will not say, but man, yeah, if you want the same kind of kick, just go pick up it in me, pick up in me.
Get that rushed before they come home.
Man, my heart is racing.
Oh, Harry comes, Harry coms.
There is oh don't fall, don't fall, waves him over, waving, waving over at this, he gets, oh, don't shoes. She turns the video off then, and then you don't hear from the woman for another fifteen hours. Okay, and let me tell you he's thrashed her. He's thrashed us sexually. He's left and she gives us the report on how she's feeling after the sex with the strange prison x mate.
Everything in my body.
Hurts, oh everything, even parts of my body I didn't know hurts, hurt.
My eyelashes are killing me right now. What did I think that would be.
A good idea? Oh? I had.
I had a to go do something or find somebody.
It was all funny games, all funny games at first.
And now look at me. It was worth it.
It was worth it.
Oh, so it was worth it.
That's where I was thinking, Oh, she made a huge err until she rolls back and goes it was worth it. And I was like God, And then I thought of you and thought, well there's another spread, another opportunity.
Oh my god, I love that she looked in the paper. I had no idea what was going to come out of those gates. There was no picture.
It was a big fat latino, bold with the tear drop of thing, like a big monster.
Oh my god. He must have thought all these Christmases had come at once. There was a woman waiting with fresh clothes and sex.
Unbelieving. Can you believe it?
I got Oh my God.
Now, Jackie, it's got this audio of a Christian psychic. It's a prophet, Yeah, psychic, profit whatever, they call him.
A prophet.
A prophet is someone who who is like.
Gifted the future, the future.
I guess anyway.
Yes, his name is Brandon Biggs, right, and on YouTube he had a prediction four months ago about Trump that I thought you guys would like to hear because I know you poo poo my psychic.
Yeah, yeah, we do a bit, but I would.
Like to play this for you remembering it.
It was four months I saw Trump rising up, and then I saw attempt on his life, that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum, ear drum, and I saw he was He fell to his knees during this time frame, and he started worshiping the Lord. He got radically born again during this timeframe.
I'm talking.
People say he's saved now, but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming.
Right born again, you know, didn't. Georgina Walker also predicted an attempted assassination.
Yes, so Georgina usually sends like kiss her predictions for like you know, every six.
Months or twelve months normally.
One of them was that Trump would be there would be an attempt to assassinate Donald Trump.
Well, and that other one is saying that he's going to become a born again Christian. I was reading this morning that Trump's really apparently changed his big launch today of his campaign from being so like aggressive to trying to bring America together.
I told you he's the savior of everything, you know.
I said to my friend last night.
I was like, Jim, if Ernie was going, Andernie's got no other Yeah.
And I said to her, I'm telling you he must be here for a reason. He's got to be That was divine intervention. It means he must have to be here. There's something he's going to do or I don't know, change that needs to happen.
Yeah, I agree.
And I also think that like if he had been assassinated, the ship that would have broken out after that, It really would have.
If we all jump on the Trump bandwagon, Karl, will you like him as much you like him because everyone.
Else love to champion the underdoge hates he's not the underdog half, But when people truly hate that person, you like to champion.
I know when people are misunderstood just because he once told one bloke, Oh, when you're famous, you can grab chicks on the pussy. That was just powerff. And guess what that is actually half true? How because people throw themselves at you when you're a TV celebrity like Trump, Well.
There's a very different there's a big difference obviously in that part out and you say a girl throwing her self at you and she's all over you, then obviously you would assume that this is a green light. Right, So that's that have to be clarified, is what I'm paraphrase.
There is no clarity, it's just the information.
Yeah, but that's that's why it was received poorly.
Yeah, that's right. People that have never been able to get women, they were outraged.
Well, I guess it's just interpreted. You know, how is it interpreted that that talk.
Those that don't know are outraged. Those that know, like me, Trust me, I know it's understandable.
Yeah, this new Trump, who's just happy to be here. Now, maybe he's the guy.
You say that it's going to be like the new Jesus.
Read to Jesus.
It's about time a Redheaded became the new GM.
I agree not to Gemma as well.
Is I'm supporting the redheads.
Women can't be Jesus, of course not going. Not one religion is the female the Messiah.
Well that's because religions are very old, aren't they.
You know, let's not get into the religion debate every time we do it. Zoom mind you. I'd never go there in person.
Bloody zoom.
Anyone else's going.
I went to the Hyjriinks Hotel yesterday. What the Hyjink Hotel?
Escape room type?
I took Kitty there?
What is it?
It's like a pretend hotel.
Who's got the money to put a pretend hotel together? You know?
It's like, I don't know it is. Yeah, it's a pretend hotel.
And you just go you go to check in, they give you your room key, and then you go up this elevator and then you go in a corridor and it's all different hotel rooms and your key opens each door, every door, and you've got two minutes in each room?
What are you doing there?
And the each room has something different in the.
Name. What's different from this room than the other? Different colored mat next room? What are you doing in there.
Oh my god, it's like the jinks. The hijinks is I don't know. There was one room you go in and it's like I lit up dance floor like Saturday Night Fever with the different colored squares.
I'd open that door and then shut it straight away and wall.
I know, and then you spend two minutes on that dance floor dancing. No, you gotta wait for the the certain lights to pop up and stomp on.
It like puzzles and stuff.
It's like, and then the next room is like a memory game. You know, they'll say white, red, triangle, orange blue, and then you got to remember it and press.
I'm not interested in that.
So I thought it was only kids, but it was actually young couples going in and out of It's a lucky date, is that what it is?
You would love this date?
Luckie would take your only fans girl to the high Genie.
Yeah, that sounds fun. It sounds like it was a good competitive activity for a couple to.
You didn't like it, No, did Kitty enjoy it even She was like, eh, you know.
Looks like someone's apparently I got the ship corridor.
So there's three different corridors and a friend of mine said, that friend a friend of mine said, oh, yeah, you got corridor number one. That's the lame corridor. You need to go to corridor number three.
She's been there that many times.
She sounds like some kind of loser. Oh sorry, that's Jimmy right. Why does she go to these places? You's got kids, She's lonely as well.
She's got kids, Kyle, she divorced Holidays. Yeah, is single as well.
Yeah, of course, a single mom. Everyone's desire.
Actually, guys are into kids.
Yeah, Rolf Harris, and then let me tell you add that to your red flag project. Guys that are into kids wide birth. Oh, you go off shopping all day. I'll look after the kids. Remember when that happened to you, Bruno, uncle Brian or whatever something happened to Yeah, I do Boa. It still gives him, still gives him nervous rush.
Does anyone ever look back on their childhood and think, no, like Dodgy, Yeah you think, Oh, I remember like dad's friend looking me up and down and giving me the little smirk, and no.
Yeah, I had a story like that.
I think I must have been like ten or eleven and Mom took me to a doctor, and and then the doctor says, oh yeah, to my mum, can you step out of the room. And then the doctor put my pants out, he felt my penis for like a couple of minutes.
Oh my god. And was there something wrong with your penis?
No, no, no, I think it was to do with like bad behavior.
What do you mean you were Misbehaving's misbehaving? Sounds to me like that may not have even been a doctor. God, that's what bring Hill in Brisbane.
So I don't know.
I remember it because I remember just thinking it was so weird.
Who gets there dick fiddled with by an adults as sort of punishment for bad behavior? Man, that's terrible.
It's the eighties.
Yeah, like that's the thing I mean. I used to like take this dog for a walk with the old man's dog across the road and Mum, let me go over to his house and sit in his laune room and talk to him.
You probably nine or two him, and.
I feel this story is going to No.
It's fine. You just knew he was. There was something like a little creepy about it.
Do you remember anything about him anything?
No, he didn't do anything inappropriate though, you know it's.
Just as the story gain the look of.
You know, the look they give you, the look.
What's the look?
Oh, it's like my dad's friend look me up and down smoke. My dad caught him doing that and he elbowed him.
And elbow another five years before we started looking up and down like that. Bro, she's only bloody fourteen, Nah.
Kyle, didn't you guys have a neighborhood creep that would steal everyone's underwear?
Yeah? I busted the neighborhood of the random undy steeler we called him. I found that he had set them all up underneath the scout then, and there was heaps of old bottles of soft drink there that did weed in. So there was like twenty bottles of urinated filled soft drink bottles and all the local neighborhood mums, undies and bras all hanging up on nails underneath the scouter.
That's so crazy.
I just went to the toilet, and as I got up from the toilet, just then I realized I wasn't sitting on the toilet seat.
I was sitting on the porcelain ring.
Do you know I thought when I was sitting on it, like, oh, this doesn't feel right. But and then when I got up.
Were you in the handicapped toilet? Yeah, I've noticed that, and I know it doesn't get cleaned.
I stood up, I looked at it, and I was like, why can I see all the stains on this ring?
Give me a wet wipe, someone, I need to wipe.
My arm was with you? Who fetched you the wet wipe?
I'm saying that now to the team.
Oh you're sitting there, cope do Oh?
I don't have anything to clean it.
Maybe you would have cleaned it in there?
How do I too late?
Now it's on your undies.
Just roll it all right, I'll roll in it, roll in the field.
I'm surprised your new little petit figure didn't just fall through.
And those handicapped toilets are extra wide for the bigger ladies.
Oh, Jackie, Yeah, there you go if you bend over now, will you.
Without taking all the fake tan off?
No, don't do what I'm joking.
These are clean ones. You can't use those.
Oh these are lovely?
Oh no, you're they're the right ones. What are those?
They're sore and plushable white?
Oh yeah, they're the ones are Oh the kids.
Very gentle to do it.
Now, God, you're really putting your hand on in the back of your trailers.
Just the back of the legs.
Really, that's all it is.
It's not like I'm actually wiping my bottom because the bottom wasn't really on it.
It's the legs, yeah, you know, and the saddle bags. Do you have saddle bags or are they all gone?
What's the saddle bag?
You know, the hippie, the buddy, the top of the legs.
You know.
I've never actually had saddle bags.
Do any of the girls, any of you girls have saddle bags? None of the girls know what that is out here. I find that hard to believe.
I don't think.
I don't think anyone calls that saddle bag anyway.
Everyone I know call it curves. I talk real curve in your leg. No, it's a saddle bag.
That's like, you know, irrogatory.
I've got a definition here.
If you like saddle bags or pockets of fat that accumulate on the sides of the chips near the thigh and.
What do you what are you influencers calling it curves?
Curves, that's nice word for it.
I don't like it, by the way. Sorry, good morning.
You don't have to introduce you.
We know, why is everyone yelling out who they are?
We get some consultant coming recently and say, guys, we really need you to introduce yourself.
I don't want to hear that rubbish because I can see you. And if everyone else that's listening doesn't know, that's too bad.
I don't mind it though, Actually I don't mind it that.
From now on, everybody Brooklyn, he's high on Brookly.
You do that anyway?
Okay, let's hey guys Brune here.
Yeah, we did get a note from above just saying that. Yeah, but you know, like people know Kyle and Jack but they don't know why.
Oh that's true.
The note above? Who sends who's above? Who's above? What? I say? Well, no one, no one's above you then tell them. Then you run it past me. You don't get making changes here. Some came up with one idea.
Anyway, Let's do Trady verse lady.
If you want you and it's an I live in concert, you can got to live nation dot com dot you, but we'll give them to you for free on thirteen one oh six five radio.
You want that ring now? A little boo thing kicking things off this morning for Tuesday. Welcome everyone, a little boo thing. Here are kids morning.
I want to start to say, this.
Is Trady verse. Lady one Trady. We'll play against one lady and fighting it out to get on the scoreboard to try and beat each other. And tickets for you and three fantasy tones and I live in concert. Let's meet out. Who have you got playing? Jackie?
Mel She is an artist actually installations and sculptures. Heyl I, honey, go with those installations and sculptures.
Pretty good.
You're making a good living off him.
All right.
It's hard, isn't it to be an artist and make a really good living.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, you know, they don't usually make a lot of money until they're dead. Like my friends. My friend's father was one of these weird sculptors. What's where's the Darth Vader? Think? Oh, that's Mel breeding breathing heavy. That's right, sorry, mel. So my friend's father he died, and he was some weird hermit that stayed in some mansion on the water, some rundown witches looking house. And once he died, they realized this guy is a genius that made all this all this weird like weird giant metal sculptures, and that was worth They valued it at about eighty million dollars worth of sculptures in this guy's house.
See, how do you know that's a good sculpture? Like, that's what I don't understand sculpture critics.
They're the ones that makes.
A good sculpture mel worth a lot of money.
I think, not trying to make money, just expecting yourself and decided.
With it through that's what that's good. That's a great explanation.
She rides a bike and is single looking for someone. Yeah, her favorite exposition is doggie And she got into an unexpected threesome the other week. How about that?
How did that happen? Mal? How did you fall into that?
I was like, best, say these gay gay night club? But we picked up two boys and we're on charls and a plastic out of the backyard and one eye open the two boys.
Why around that? I never liked it before that.
And then and then you had anal sets and now you like it? Is that was it?
Not because.
Wow, and you off your head enjoyed all of that. That wasn't a bad thing. It was a good thing.
No, that was great, smile and this.
Was you in the backyard of some gays in some yards was.
Passed out in the backyard. We were in the bedroom.
So you had it with two gay guys.
Well she had, she had the ass. What else is needed?
All women have asses, though, Carl.
Yeah, but I don't want a lot of women when you put them up against gay men will allow you through the back door gay man. Yeah, that's why you guys a goat. Get rid of the women who do and the women who don't. It's a forgiven.
Because someone lets you do it up the bum doesn't mean you're attracted to that person or want.
It, doesn't it? Jack it?
Are they your own experiences?
These your own thoughts or wait?
Sorry? So I'm just saying, if a girl comes into a room and goes, oh, you can do me up the bum, you might not like that girl and you'd be like, yeah, no thanks, I'm good just because they leave.
Your mind works very different than the man's mind.
So you think just any asses an ass.
No, well, Carl, it is not because you want a vagina and I want a penis. So that's what I really asked.
Exactly, is available, and what ass is not all win? There is mel pounded by the gays in the backyard, in the bedroom or whatever.
All right, weighing in it.
I love this woman.
Fifty six kilos perfect. I know you're gay, but let's have a three way now.
Okay, let's see how Charlie's shaping up this morning. Morning, Charlie. Yeah, I hope you do, all right. He builds high end kitchens, ladies and gentlemen, not your normal freedom or your Ikea kitchen, high end when it drives around a Twitter high lucks. He's single, not looking for anything serious at the moment. His favorite sex position is the helicopter. Oh so he's swinging it around. You're doing that doing that thing?
Yeah, I haven't heard of that one before.
Have you?
I have? Yeah, I've heard of the helicopter totally.
No one not bring any people know about it.
And tell maybe I've got it wrong. What is it?
So either you're on like hanging off the bed like upright, either you or her and you're on top or she's on top, and when you put in, you start spinning and then it chris like the helicopter propellers.
So hang on. So you're laying on your back, you insert yourself into it and then you spin her around like she's helicopter propel, You rotate what do they call?
Very very hard to explain. But don't you see Oh I.
Thought you meant? I thought you mean you're just standing there? Oh no, that's the windmill.
This one, Yeah, but it's not goodness didn't end well? Why she ended up falling off the bed?
Yeah, yeah, excellent.
He had three of his mates. Sorry, he and three of his mates can down a case of be a whole garden in fifteen minutes. That's is that good or not good?
I'm that's pretty good a whole case.
But then are you? Is it just a case between you?
Him and yeah between us by something that didn't end well as well. But I remember half the night and a good night after.
Weighing in at ninety three kilos, it's going to be an interesting game today. Then, gentlemen, it's get to the chopper. Charlie.
Let's do it, Charlie.
I'll go you first. Question number one? What type of products does White Fox sell?
They lounge where and jumpers and all that tracking stuff.
Yes, you've seen the ads on the back of the buses.
Okay. Question number two, does I liner go under or over the lashes?
Is incorrect?
What is? What is? What's the question?
Hang on, I liner goes over the lashes as well?
It can do both because on the top.
That's why that means any Any answer he did was correct.
Yeah, that's right.
Question was written by me and man, so I must have got it wrong there, dude.
That's men.
Men can't just giving a point away.
Men can't write the women's questions. I made the rules ages ago. I don't know who who died and made you the king of running in here and ruining everything.
Women will write the questions for the man, and a real man, a real man, not lucky, A real man will write the questions for the ladies.
All right. Question number three, Sorry lucky enough, Sambers. A shoe model is a shoe model by which brand?
What was Sambers?
Sambers? M?
For what brand? Or just name a brand? I got that that f words not a brand is added? Ass is what you're looking? Hey? You got two out of three? Mate, Very well done. Okayl is still conscious? Melore you still conscious? Yay? Yeah, here we go wester number one for mel okay, and don't forget we allow anyone on air here. The other stations they won't allow anyone unless they're white. And thirty five here will take any color, any age, any brain power, anything at or any sexual intention. Question one for you, now here we go. What's the purpose of the bead seat on the rim of a wheel? What's that? The bead seat on the rim of a wheel on the on the seat? What is the purpose of the bead seat on the rim of a wheel? No, no, no, no no. I was a bit confusing because when you say bead seat, you think.
What the are you saying? A wheel?
Yeah, not a hod cat.
But it ensures the tire remains securely attached to the rim.
Okay, question what's the question two? What's the primary function of a vice? What's that the whole?
Like wood in place, something in place.
Holding materials securely? Nice work. Okay, you need this to get a tiebreaker?
Come on, there we go.
Flat trench and edging are all three different types of what? Oh my god, flat trench and edging coats coats.
Trench, ye, no wood, no shovels.
Oh no, I mean.
Never mind never mind.
The first ever do that?
It's all right. Mel's into it. She even friends to see Tones and I in concert. The rest of you buy them at live nacent dot com do I. You've done, well done, Charlie.
Thank you.
The boys.
Boy Mel loves by your allegiance to the girls. Yeah, no, you don't want to? I have you prefer boys over girls?
What's wrong with you? What's going on? Where are you? What are you on? What's going on?
Are you a mountain lady?
You should do now?
Like we have a segment called t m I where if you want to find a man.
You can do it that way. Hey, that's a great I love to know more about you in your secrets. That's what I want to know. Do you want to?
Would you like to the studio and do them?
Now? Living in the mountains is too much information?
It's a game without you give out information about yourself. Guys are all.
Ready to date you, so like any any guy listens right right?
Yeah? Okay?
Yeah? You ken? Do you want to? No? Not now you're already It doesn't matter. Whenever give it a go.
You never have we had any luck.
With that game as.
It's not about luck.
Content. It's just gone down up next everyone.
She predicted the assassination of Donald Trump and many other things over the years. Celebrity psychic Georgina Walker ready to give you snap predictions. You've got a question you want a snappy answer, ring right now thirteen one oh sixty five at Kids the Child Jaggio CHSFM Georgina Walker, Georgina Walker dot com if you want to have a private reading with our celebrity psychic. Good morning you, Salisa. Yes, you predicted there would be an assassination twenty nineteen.
It's a long time ago, and I said it would be foiled and he would go for the White House again, which is doing now.
Yeah, and you think he will get across the line.
I think now, yes, Before if it hadn't it happened, if they'd got rid of by murder and put ingether and you can use them and this didn't happen, I think Democrats would have had a chance. But now I just think it's it's a foregone conclusion. But you know, it was interesting that that person, the religious person said about him being like a messiah. I think after presidency there will be some kind of amazing following with him. It's just yeah, he's just got that charismatic for I'm not as Trump follow as you know, but I'm glad you didn't get killed.
Yeah, me too. And apparently he's on stage right now at the Republican National Convention. Yes, so back at it, back on the campaign.
Yeah, one lucky man.
Let's do some predictions.
Let's se who else is going to be lucky to do?
Are you channeling? Are you what do you do? Do you do you sweat? Do you open up a hole? What do you.
Portal to the spirit?
Let's go to Jared. Hi, Jared, what do you want to ask? Gg?
Hey you guys, good morning, Good morning. So I've met this absolutely amazing, gorgeous girl and it's just unfortunately timing wise, she's she's moved out of the country. I'm just wondering if there's something that is possible to hold on to it, to keep trying with It's gonna see later down the track.
I see gold stars. Gold seals is a when I went to school, I always wanted a gold staff for good work. So don't give up. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. You just need to work at it. You know, sometimes you appreciate somebody when they're just as way, you make it more evident to go out and be together. Don't stop. This is a good feeling.
Was she a traveler and Jared or was she has she moved away or was she just visiting Austrailia.
Yeah, so she's moved away. She was living here, she's moved away now. So it's just unfortunate timing. As I've met her.
I'm not unfortunate timing.
It's the right timing. It just makes absence, makes the heart grow fonder, and you need to work at it.
So he needs to make a conscious effort to.
Be her too, both of them. You know, whether it's we meet once a month, every six weeks, You've got to think people in the Air Force and in military go away for months and months on end and they still have a relationship. Just people just want it easy, you know, when you work hard to appreciate.
It and to work hard for it.
She needs to be willing to work hard. It's a two way street.
What does she look like? Bro? Before you go? What do we do?
She's absolutely beautiful, long life here, just absolutely gorgeous. Can't can't falter.
Ah Kiwi and a Kiwi. They're lovely.
Kiwi's right, Yeah, they're cute.
Yeah, it's absolutely yeah.
Okay, well that's good news. Actually I have fun.
Because Gig would tell you if yeah, it's a no guy.
Let's go to Jane. Jane's next. Jane, you're on the air with Georgia Walker. What's your question?
Hello, I've been dating a guy for six years. I've never met any of his family or friends. He's an international pilot. Should I stay with him? Or should I leave?
That movie?
The guy had pretended he was the part of me. If you can, I just question if this person really is a pilot? Oh yeah, so I just saw that movie straight away where he was.
How do you know is he?
I just think you've been conned. Oh okay's leaving the being used. You've been conned.
Have you seen him in the pilot's outfit? Jane?
Yeah, yeah, I've seen him in his pilot movie.
They were a uniform. There's something not right. Think you're being content.
Now have you ever been on a flight with him flying the plane?
Have so you've never met his family or friends? Oh my god, this this needs further investigation.
Let's open the Pephiles.
Yes, if anyone's there, I've got an intro.
I'm going to get up on the screen.
Yeah, we go here three three.
What are you trying to do?
I'm getting my intro up with the Peter File thing, the Peter Philes investigation of Jane.
I still feel the name, the name needs work in. Get on Peter. If I know about the Peter Phile it just so.
Can I just ask you never like when he when he doesn't introduce you, what do you say?
Do you go one of them? I met anyone?
What's his excuse?
He's just really socially awkward. I don't know. He just hates he gets angry. If I try and.
Red flag you need to do my red Flag project Jane, it would be.
Just being used. I'm telling you you are just if you want to keep, but there is absolutely no future.
You've been to his house.
Yeah, I've been to his house.
Is it a like is he international.
Pine or a little town a little townhouse. He was domestic, He's just gone international in the last six months.
You've been at the house. Does he have like little model aeroplanes and stuff around and he.
Does do you do you ever give him money? No, I never never, He never tries like there's never ever that going on.
And he doesn't use me for physical either. You mean, well, I'm the one who always instigates.
Things, oh sexually? Yeah, okay, So has he ever taken me? Has he taken photos of himself in the cockpit with all the cabin crew and he's done with in the outfit?
I think he's a pilot. I mean, you got you girls have been.
Could be pretined. And when I say pretend, may you meet this? Their relationship could be pretended. I just don't think there's any future.
Something's off, something else off.
And I mean, if she wants to keep doing this, that's fine, but if you're looking for forever partner, I'm telling you there's something not right.
Okay, Well, snap, prediction over, Thank you, Jane, good luck and everything. Sam's calling in, Young Fella, Hi, Sam, good morning.
Hey Hey you guys.
Hello, good the psyche here, Georgina. What do you want Sam going?
It's more sort of I'm a first year mechanic, and being a first year, I'm just basically sort of everyone's a bitch. Yeah, and I'm wondering I don't really get along with my boss, and so I'm wondering, will you fire me by the end of my apprenticeship or will I quit?
I believe you're in the right career. Okay, I believe you're in the right career. Maybe you need to speak to the apprentice board or something like that. Who can put you with another fish? Okay? When I say another fit, another.
Organization, can you do that?
Can you?
I don't know either.
I don't know.
Well, why don't you get on with the boss?
Is he.
He just like treats. There's another two first year apprentices and they get treated like gold. And then I'm just sort of person.
I think it's the right fit. But you need to hold onto that until you can move somewhere else. You need to hold on. I don't see this as you forever when you graduate a weather, but you pick the right career. So don't self sabotage.
Okay, Okay, well, good stay in there, bro. Don't let one man's behavior detract you from where you're going in life.
You're in the right career. Just need to find somebody else will take that apprenticeship on with you.
I think a lot of people Georgina. If they're rattled at work or or if they've got like a personality clash, they can really to derail.
Off your whole energy.
Everything can be so Rachel.
And my biggest speerit is that this person or toss it and then find it. I'll give it up. I'll do something else whereas they're in their right career choice.
Okay, Sam, thank you, Georgina, thank you for.
Kylie Minogue going to join us on Are they say? I read an article saying that after this record and she may retire. I hope not. No, I never retire. I say never. Always keep a bit of skin in the game. We'll get to Kylie Minogue on in minutes, then the birthday Wheel. Here are Kids?
Please like a Kylie Wow.
Thousands of songs. It feels like Kylie has been on the radio, on the TV, in our hearts and minds for most of our life. I did read a very disturbing article the other day saying after this song, Kylie plans to return. I said, I don't think that the girl's doing everything. She's got the Vegas thing and she's killing I got the news song out totally. Look, what did you say the other day for gays, it's like the voice of an angel directly to absolutely.
I think I did say.
That, Kylie. Now have you ever heard such a wonderful endorsement from the homosexuals? Morning? Kylie?
Good morning. That's that's a lot to wake up to him?
Very much.
You're like an angel speaking directly.
I feel like I'm more like Marge Simpson today. I had a very big, big Saturday night at Hyde Park?
Did it?
What were you doing?
Were you performing or were you just out?
I was performing outside?
Oh how does that about?
Do you guys like go out afterwards, have drinks, you know, celebrate like or are you pretty strict with her?
I'm pretty sure if she drink every time she went out, she'd be right off. She's out a lot doing a lot of Yeah.
No, I didn't. I just I think I was. I was kind of stunned.
It was.
Like I didn't even know how many people fifty people in Hyde Park? And yeah it was it was a big old show. So no, I did not go out raving after us.
So this new song you teamed up with the BBI Rexers. She's a great chick too. Yeah, did you pick the the these other two chicks to work with because it's Bbe and who's the other girl I'm not familiar with the other girl.
Is a Swedish singer and songwriter. Super cool, like just an awesome artist. So the three of us are definitely in the pop world, but obviously all different and to come together and do my my Omi with our star signs and all of that. And they joined me on stage on Saturday for our first performance, which was just electric. It was so much fun.
Are you into astrology? I'm into it lately like I am. Isn't it mind blowing when you actually look into it properly? Not just Aquarius in general like your sun sign, but all the other stuff.
Yeah, I know, I'm a I'm somehow a double Gemini, which is what.
The hell's that?
It's a lot.
Yeah, that's a lot.
Let me tell you.
Wow. Do you ever do you like go on the app the pattern and the phone just goes black?
Double Gemini?
You know I'm a Gemini as well.
Kyle is a Gemini.
Yeah, we're often rubbish. The Gemini star signs two face, not to be trusted, nice women and not the next you guys.
Do copy it? Actually as a star sign, you do I.
Think we have an achievable side and also a sweet side.
We've got all the sides. We're multi faceted, we're multi dimensional, and we can get ourselves of the very pickle that they're putting us in.
Do you want to know where your prediction is today? I just looked it up.
We both have this prediction. Let's see how it works. Actually, you would see if it's real.
Tension may arise in a friendship. Are you ready for things to be different? Will you have a breakdown or a breakthrough? So you guys having any tensions at the moment with friends?
No, but I like that tensions the first first words.
Yeah, it keeps going.
No, I think I think it's I'm gonna I'm going to go with it's a breakthrough.
Day, a breakthrough day. Yes, we love a breakthrough day. You are better off financially than some friends. That's true to you too. But that's no reason for anyone to keep borrowing money from you.
Oh that's hard to be allowed of. When you've got some friends they're on the bones of their ars and you pull up to their place and the rolls Royce that they can't eat. I feel that you should give money to those that are suffering. I don't mind doing that. I hand it out. You'd hand it out, Kylie, if you saw someone you knew in need without even being required, right, no one did that?
Well, that's that's generous of spirit and means.
Is that the end of the and then there's work on establishing yourself.
There's more.
There's one more work.
On establishing yourself professionally today. Just be mindful not to hit the autopilot when Uranus becomes agitated this afternoon, Kylie, is.
Uranus likely to be agitated and give it a scratch of it? Is? I don't understand what that means, so Uranus.
I think my.
Planets are all going to sort themselves out today.
Yeah, that's what we've got.
In the hands of the gods. I feel now this new song is it about? Is there secret meanings? We don't know because we're going to play it now. We've played it already a couple of times. What do we What were you thinking when you put it together?
I was thinking, I can't wait to know who's going to join me on this song because I got the song initially. And look, it's just a lot of fun and we've all got our star signs in there. It's it's pretty it's pretty basic in it in its message, but I think it's clever in its construction as a song.
See when you're.
Talking about you need you need your you need your verse written for you me Jack, you needs verse because I've got my verse, Bab's verse toast verse, I'll work on one for you.
Love that She's always.
Vegas is wrapped up for now, but I've got an open invitation to go back.
That mean so much.
What does that mean when they say you have an open invitation to come back whenever you want? Does that just you could ring and say yeah tomorrow. Is that what happened?
Yeah, I don't think I can boot anyone else off the stage, but they did absolutely like the team. They loved having me and my team, and we were the you know, we launched the place. It was still being the venue was still being built as we were finishing up our rehearsals. So I feel like I'm part of the spirit of this this venue. And yeah, I'm sure you know as and when I've got dating the time in the.
Schedule, you'll be back.
I'd love to go back because they were crazy shows. Really intimate but kind of had scale, and they just you would I would have imagined I had a lot of surprises through performing in Vegas, and I kind of thought it would start big and then plateau, but they was the opposite. The show has just got more intense and the audience is more vibrant, and yeah, it was. It was absolutely amazing.
Wow, we're going there in September for the iHeartRadio Festival. How about you you ring up, you get you get your show back on, because yeah, that is doing a show invited us. I'd love to see you live in Vegas. So if you can organize that.
We'll give you the dates.
Okay, okay, see what you can do. The new song, it's great, it's fantastic. It's out right now. You want to play it, Let's play it, Let's get it on, Let's do it.
We love to hear it on the actual radio.
Yeah they're not playing it that you can't hear it in the UK.
She just doesn'tchant it.
Yeah they are, but it's still it's real.
Yeah, I will listen to it now because we're going to play it.
Okay, let's get it on, Ladies and gentlemen. The new Kylie song My oh My on the air, Kylie lovely to chat Honey, congratulates.
You, to thank you, and I'll get back here with your versus.
Thank you honey brand new for her right now at Kiss fourteen after seven Morney were at this birthday is now for today Tuesday, July sixteen. A few celebrities. Will Ferrell fifty seven, Corey Feldman fifty three, Wendell's sailor footballer, great guy fifty years old. She don't you don't age that, Wendell?
Yeah, I know right.
Dom Burke another fan of the show, Burke's Backyard, Same Yeah. Don Burke's seventy seven years I've your birthday, Don.
Well is Tom's birthday? He's thirty three.
You get a Tom, Tom, you're on the EG. Good morning, Hey? Are you doing? Yeah? Good?
What's that voice?
Man? Doesn't it? Yeah?
It's a deep voice.
You got that, Tom?
How are you going to celebrate? You're doing anything special? Not much?
Just probably dinner tonight for the family. Then the weekends, some drink.
It's the boys, clubbing with the boys and what the missus will stay at home?
Yeah, of course, no celebrating with the missus.
Tonight it's a family.
Do you have kids or is this her?
Is this your family?
I got one baby boy?
Oh? Nice, good on you. Tom. All right, well listen, we're going to spin your birthday.
Adm the man that can still live his pre marriage life married with the baby. I don't understand that they have.
How do they get it? How?
How do you what would your advice be to Kyle?
How do you keep the party life going when the wife says you're not going out with the.
Boys, Well, you need one night at least a week with the boys.
One night a week. I'd be lucky to get one night a year. That would be highly monitored. I don't blame you. You need to go clear your mind to being come back and then that's it. Clean, clean, clear your mind, go give it a well, let's spin this birthday. We'll get your prize.
We got wood fire outdoor ovens in there, we've got cash, we got smartphones, tickets to concerts.
Number seventeen Jackie watched that one seventeen.
Means you've got yourself. Oh is that?
Do wear more of those the pink thing? That's not a mistake.
I can't imagine being a mistake.
Yes, Oh, my god, you've just got You're going to Los Angeles, Tom Oh, Tom, you want to rip overseas to see Pink in.
Concept Los Angeles, La Dodger Stadium valued three thousand dollars flying United Airlines how because they fly out of Sydney and Melbourne direct to the US with a shipload of destinations right across America. Wow, to see Pink, Tom Oh, you can tell your wife you only got one ticket.
Yeah, you get you don't get cash.
Don't get greedy, Tom.
Wow, that was a bit abrupt thing.
We got a couple of songs for you, Tom, And uh it's Brooklyn who has a carrier falling.
Down some stairs around here today?
Have you noticed I, Tom, have kesher for you. Your love is my drugs A hard cell where there's a guy on the line there.
Yeah, Jack and I we were coming and ring and i'mming a ring and we chained smoked up an idea. And this is the idea we came up with. Remember this, Omi cheerleader. Who doesn't love a hot cheerleader? This one or Brooklyn's one?
Hey, Tom enjoyed the United Airlines trip to see Pink Live l A well done, brother, congrats.
No, thank you very much.
I forgot that they were still on the birthday Will did I? Here you are pushing Webber barbecue. What have we got on the barbecue on this? Here we go? Ohmy cheerleader. This reminds me of my mate that comes to all my parties with the saxophone.
Yeah, I know the guy.
What's his name, Bruno, the saxophone guys like augurit augit, that's right. Organ. Yeah, Omi, cheerleader. This morning here and kiss twenty two after seven you're on the Kryle and Jachio morning. Everyone. Jackie's got some own news. Are they interesting? On the way?
Yeah, you're not gonna like her. But another celeb, well not even another seleb, but one particular celeb has come out here in Sydney and at a concert and said that.
Maybe they shouldn't have missed Trump.
So don't miss him.
There fone a show. Yeah, hang on, what happened?
So I will tell you when our news in a second.
But you know, someone, someone's promoting the assassination of another human being. Seriously, regardless of whether you like someone or not, wanting someone killed and promoting it is the worst thing I've ever heard in my life that that's.
Serious, and whoever that is has been for life.
I never want to speak to him again. Would we speak to this person.
We have just recently?
Well then that's the end, Kylie, No, not that recent details.
Ten thousand dollars pup Quiz, Pop Quiz, big money, the win instantly. Yesterday the woman said she's hopeless at it, still walked away with eight hundred dollars. Yeah. Today Claude is playing one of the fellas. Hi Claude, good morning sir, Oh.
My god, it's a wayman.
I'm a woman.
Is your name Claude?
Yeah, it's Claude, Claude the woman?
Okay, French were claud I love that?
Sorry my apologies.
Okay, you know how this works.
Yeah, you got ten questions in total, you get all ten, right, you win ten grand sixty seconds on the clock. Otherwise we give you one hundred dollars for every question you get right.
You got that, got that? Let's start this clock. Good luck, can't he we?
Tour de France is a race for what.
Bike riding?
I got a text is a phrase from which reality TV show Love Island.
How many kids does Ariana Grande have Part True or False? King Charles is coming to Australia.
True La La Cant appeared on which reality TV show?
Yeah? Which rapper had a twenty sixteen hit with one Dance?
I had One There?
Which new Netflix film stars Nicole Kimmen and zac Efron.
Oh Okay, Part Past Okay?
Which color wiggle is former Justice Crew member John Pierce. Oh the Purple one Yep, Syrih and Dean Lewis have released a cover version of which Crowded House songs So Good Too?
What's it called?
Mary? Queen of Denmark is originally from which Elsey state, Let's go back to how many kids? As are you on the Grande have quick?
Zero? Yes?
What about the crowded House song?
Or the down.
No not down?
Ball at your feet? Got eight hundred?
Nice? Work good?
I'm gonna have to go to a fancy bar to.
Have a bee.
If you are, you are well done? Have you got a kid in the background that I hear? Little girls? Something there? I'm a little boy, yes, little boy?
How old your boy?
Same as Nellie? My mind's nelly too?
And they joy slash nightmare.
At that age, he's over to hill nearly three and two or your infro.
I know, I'm terrible. I'm looking forward to stand by other things you're looking forward to. Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. I caught up with those two quickly on a zoom chat over the holidays.
You did well.
You were gallivanting around Michanos doing god knows what, partying with the gays and doing the limbo and yeah, I was at home just raising my child and doing interviews.
Totally different, but it's all good.
More money to win. Next, Splitter Steel is ten minutes away. Don't go Jaggio, Brooklyn Jackie. He's got a little bit of our news things too. Spinally, he's the world's best pillow. And if you want more on news throughout the day, brand new Own News podcast is up on the free iHeartRadio whenever you get wherever you get your podcasts, you can check that.
Okay, So Tenacious D did a concept.
And he had him on a few weeks here actually I think this week as well.
Tious D is Jack Black and Kyle Gas. So they did the what is that the best song in the world? What it's called, yeaht tribute that's it.
Yeah, I love that song too.
Anyway, So at the show last night, the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Kyle because it was his birthday. Fabulous, And that is when Jack Black said to him, make a wish, and his wish had to do with Trump.
Have alism.
Joins Trump next time?
Wow, So that guy wishes death on Trump. So that's the ship going. Sorry, I didn't realize it was those two. That's really surprising. Yeah, those two seem like normal people, not unhinged lunatics.
You don't reckon. I always thought they were unhinged crazy. I think that they're funny, got fun crazy.
But yeah, no, I can see talent bookers. I will not be I will not be participating in any future Tenaciously interviews someone wishing someone dead that nearly got assassinated at all jokes asiety. There's too much for me.
Yeah, I have to agree with you.
In the band book, please, they are on the band books.
So Kyle on the band board, banned from the building, band from everywhere.
That's right, band from everywhere.
What about Jack Black? He didn't say.
I didn't say anything, but yeah, I think you give him a pass.
You can't lump him in with it.
Can I take this step further and put some signs up downstairs. I ban him completely so that no other shows could have him in the building or anything like that. I'm with you on this one.
Anyone who wishes someone else dead, legit is just a piece of ship.
Just don't tell security's banned from the Billbing.
I'll go down security and say, Kyle not san Lan's.
God gas show him the pitch up.
I don't think that I was just going to show up un announced.
By the way, is here you guys. Jack Black's people have said that he doesn't condone violence and had no idea that Kyle was going to see you go.
Jack is not involved, Kyle is wiped.
We don't we don't want to talk to that bloke anymore. It was too like even some kids on TikTok I saw yesterday heaps of him, American kids all crying, going, you could have been in the history books, bro, but you missed like these kids Like that is ridiculous for anyone to wish anyone dead, regardless of what you think. That's just beyond normal.
Yes, yes, yes, I agree, Yes, Okay, you're trying to rush me off the ear. No get through. I do Russell Crowe had a meeting with a former professional rugby league player, Rann Matua, and Rennie spoke about it on a podcast recently because it sounds like Russell might have been trying to woo Rennie over to play for the for the rabbit Os and the meeting didn't go to plan. Rennie was less than impressed by the whole thing here.
Russell Crowe was a strange cat. It was like a bizet was I couldn't wait for it to be over. It was like a few hours of just awkwardness. We were just like I didn't know if he was acting right, you know, like are you acting right now?
Like rocking up to the character. The whole thing was really bizarre.
And I spoke about myself in the third person and he blew up a bit because I was so nervous really and to him, look made Rennie needs to do what's best for Rennie, and he just went, don't ever speak about yourself in the third person. And I just went, oh, that made me cringe, like in itself that I did to speak about myself in the third person, but the fact that it's Russell crow as well, yeah, well will deep in the red fern. He was driving with a cearette hanging out of his mouth and just pretty much hit the brakes and said, don't ever speak about yourself in the first said sorry, Rusty, I.
Love that he's driving through a redfern with a cigarette out of his mouth, puts on the breaks.
Don't ever speak about yourself and unsolicited advice to many people. I think he does it to help, you know, guys.
Develop in the sure like he gave.
Me advice from the wisdom when we were going in to the Melbourne market. He gave me he texted me some advice. I think he was in Italy and he said, tend me this text. I remember it very vividly. He goes Melbourne. People like people who like Melbourne, Russell and I looked at that and thought, that's probably true.
That's true, you know.
Same as every other city. They also like people who like them.
No, I don't know if I agree with that. Actually, I think that does apply to Melbourne.
It does, but it also applies to I think every city everywhere. Like if I didn't like the people in Tamworth, then they would probably not like me either.
Well, I guess you're right about that.
Shit Canning darn when everyone and down to be like, what's this guy's problem?
Yeah, yeah, so the Gold Coast. And if someone goes, oh, the Gold Coast, I'd be like, yeah, yeah, you're right, like it's you can't it has a taint.
The place full of wares and I know you would.
See that though. You know, I can see it for myself that.
Your mother is a whore and your father is not a gronk.
My mom and dad like, my dad's Tasmania and my mom's Brisbane. So none of them are from the Gold Coast.
Did they like the Gold Coast?
They well, I guess they're still there.
Maybe if you still live there, you you'd get offended.
I don't think my dad would give a ship. If someone didn't like the Gold Coast.
You wouldn't care about anything, including me.
Who oh yeah, I never once have I mentioned your name.
Told that, Remember when he told her that I've never once claimed to be your father. I've never admitted to anyone you're my daughter? Anyway, was legit? Go on? I laugh?
Thought that was a good thing.
Yeah, he's I think he thought. Yeah, it's not like I'm out there trying to yeah brag.
Also there's this conspiracy going around which I feel would be true to be honest. It's a new investigation by TMZ where they say that presidents are very careful about where their pooh goes, and in fact, they often have security cleaning up the pooh after so that it can't ever be used for medical testing by your enemy.
They're not sitting in the toilet the rest of us and just flushing it away.
Well apparently they, I don't know. They they said there are security guards that remain with the feces and keep it wow and discarded. That sounds like, yeah, and it's not just like America. Apparently a security guard leaves the bathroom every time after Vladimir Putin does a pooh, and he carry is the poop in a suit in a briefcase out of the toilet afterwards, so that no one can ever do medical tests on his poop. Medical tests, yeah, like to test for anything. You know, there's a lot you can test poof.
I feel that if someone, if someone would do the effort of getting their hands on a presidential poop, good on them, let them have it. It sounds like a real hard thing to do. I don't know.
I don't think it is that hard.
I don't think it's hard to get a president.
Not if you're a plumber.
I reckon a plumber could go into the toilet system somehow and get that poop.
You're probably right. I don't know how that works.
Yeah, I don't know.
Would you believe the plumber that came out and said, hey, I scooped up George Bush's shit and he's got diabetes, Like you can, no one believe it.
It sounds like a real lie in the media.
And did you hear about Gwyneth Paltrow's one of her best friends was staying at her house in the Hamptons. Actually, this guy is like a really well known fashion journal Derek Blasberg.
He's what a funny thing to say, a well known.
Fashion Well, he's always surrounded by every girl and it boy that there is right.
He's like in he's how important?
But he is important a little bit in that world. And so and he is well known, this guy. So anyway, he's staying at Gwyneth Paltrow's house and he stays like I don't know, he's there for the week or something apparently, and she is. It's in the morning and she's having breakfast in the backyard.
Yes, I can see with.
Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David just as you do.
You know, it sounds like a fun party.
And Derek is in the bedroom anyway, Derek shits the bed like bad. This has by the way, this has become such a well known story over the last two weeks, and Gwyneth has not shut it down, and he has not shut it down. It's it's continuing on and on. And she's the type that would shut this down. Poo in the bed, but we're talking not just a poo, we're talking real bad like mess, a absolute diary explosive. And he does a runner. Rather than try and clean it up or tell Gwyneth or do something, he does a runner. And the cleaner goes into the room and actually audibly is shocked and refuses to clean it up.
She won't touch it.
So Gwyneth ended up cleaning the poop of her probably, and then they've had this big falling out over it, and even Jerry Seinfeld made a comment because everyone there found out about it. It was a whole thing. Because the cleaner came out, well, the cleaner came out to tell Gwyneth, But this was in front of Jerry and Oprah famous fash and Jerry Seinfeld made some joke about the guy being on ozembic and having the ozempic shits.
And then did Oprah jump I own that.
So the latest is is that Gwyneth apparently thinks it's best they keep their distance for now, but she wants to be able to laugh about this with him, and she doesn't think it's going to affect their friendship that much that they'd have a complete falling out. But yeah, it's been such a hot topic over the last two weeks. That's kind of yeah, how funny, what a story. And honestly, like we were a rummer when that story first came out. I thought, oh, that is such a stupid story, as if that's real. But now no one's shut it down, and it's been two weeks, I'm thinking, Oh, I think it's real, this story. I do.
Can you just see Larry David having the best time with that happening on his show?
It's like a sitcom, isn't it. Gwyneth Paltrow, Oprah Winfrey, Jerry Seinfeld, and Larry David all sitting at a table as someone shits the bed, that's a Seinfeld episode. As they're in the Hamptons too, which I used to go to, Okay, I'm coming up, we're going to do split or steal.
And then Kyle checked in Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds.
They called me off guard because I was just at home on the holidays doing Daddy Judies and I was, you know, I just got to call out the blue and like, you want to jump on with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds. And I thought, Hugh, I know well. And I wasn't sure which one rhyme Barbie guy or the two guys a girl and a pizza. I don't know which one.
It was, the one married to Blake Lively, not the one on the note.
I found that out. I even told him that blokes don't know you. You're not you're not famous with men.
Peter, stop picking your nose.
I was just scratching it.
I wasn't picking it, guys.
I'm trying to promote an interview here, right.
I was just scratching. Okay, down everyone, Peter. We know you're a picker. You're a weird You're a weird one, yes, but I prefer to pick it the not leave. I agree, but don't forget when I borrowed my friend's car that time, and I went to put the seat back and I put my hand.
Come on, Kyle, I don't want to hear this story.
What happened?
No, don't please don't, Kyle.
Please stop at the main. When you put your hand you pull the seat back. There's all this hard stuff on there. I thought, what's that? And I looked down, tried snots everywhere on the bloke seat.
Oh my god, what was the texture?
That's enough, we're back now.
Okay, I missed all that.
It's on the old camera. Actually I think about it.
Yeah, were you a wiper on the camera? Where is the camera?
I had to sell it?
How much did you get? I got a thousand dollars? Who bought that? Some poor immigrant? They just wanted the tires. The window didn't go up for about four years. I've missed it already. I want it back. What are you driving now? Justin says Luck, Oh, that's right. The rich asion you're married? Not married?
Are you going to propose to him? What does he propose to you? How do you work that out?
Well? Normally whoever the man is, who's the man in your relationship? Well, no, neither is.
Actually we broke up the other day, so a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah, what, what doesn't matter? But you're still using this car about it?
So sway that wrapped up a couple of weeks ago.
What do you mean? Sorry, No one knew about that what happened? No, I was just going to wait till you being settle. You know, you were going to wait till prime time at five to eight one day in the middle of the week to tell us, Oh, Peter.
Are you all right?
I'm all right, I'm all right.
I know how we love you were with God, I'm not sure.
I'm not quite.
Sure, but we'll just what do you mean was it a mutual thing or more?
I didn't mean to bring it up, but I just yeah, I wasn't going to say anything, but he gave you that right, It's course he's him, I'd say, it's course for him, I'd say.
So, yeah, can we call him on the definitely?
Don't call him.
No, I actually like him more than you, So I don't know what to do here. Now. I thought that guy was nice, Yeah, so lovely?
Are you still driving his car, Peet, I am still driving that car.
Yeah, so we'll all living together the car.
It's all early.
Are you suing him for the car?
What was the question?
Are you suing him for the car? Because you're in a de facto relationship? Really, anything longer than nine months that you live with someone, they're entitled to half your ship.
Guy, so to buzz in here.
But going through the ex's profile, he's deleted every photo on social media.
We don't need to make this worse for Peter.
It's fine.
Did you know that, Peter?
Yeah, yeah, because you get notified when you're uncollaborated with and stuff.
No, you don't, do you do?
Do you really?
Jack? I said that three times? Now?
Oh god, what did you guys have a falling out or something?
I just think it's around its course.
And why would he uncollaborate everything?
Oh no, I just think it's you know, he's more worried about the collaboration.
I trust me.
All is good.
We had we've been off for a couple of weeks as well.
So has he been bringing other lovers in and having sex?
No, no, no, so no, just it's you just can't keep a man, Peter, I really can't.
So bring on the slight days of coming back.
I guess you're not that you.
Do find Peter a man, because we're not doing it for me anymore.
What do you mean a bit of time forget you, Peter? What do you mean when you're finding you a man anymore?
You're not finding me a man. I bailed out of that one.
Who said, when did that happen?
Sorry, there's no time like the present to tell you.
Because we've been running promos for weeks.
Oh yeah, you need to stop those in every market.
If there's people flying in from everywhere.
I'm sorry, sorry, why.
You don't tell me? You fel and.
Someone's I know, I just don't want to do it. I don't want to do it, So do it for Peter?
Want to do that one gives the rats sound. Sorry, blokes that are lined up to date you and not going to be lined up and Peter, start from scratch. We're not doing it. They don't have to be.
We have like one of the top AFL players that will you too.
It's like a real name.
Let's scratch it, yep. Anyway, we're going to do split or steel guys. So if you want to play, we're going to open the lines on thirteen one oh six five and then yes, Kyle catches up with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds.
I'd rather scratch that whole interview and deep dive into Pete's drama. Yeah.
Oh, I'm so sorry, Peter.
I really everyone's been weird about it.
Look just everyone's cuddling.
Do you know want that?
Did you steal something from him? And it was because you were a thief? You're a little klepto. No, I don't think I did any wrong there, but Natty, you onto something.
I was just going to say, while we're on the topic, I'm also single now too.
What do you need in the waters at the moment?
Holy shit?
Maybe it's the stress of this show that it breaks down.
Blame Yeah, your own failures.
Are you heartbroken?
Heartbroken? And a broken foot? So I'm in the walls.
Was that foot in relation to the breakup or unrelated?
Just after which was great? Did you see you in the crutches and went yeah, I can't I can't.
No, but it's probably ruined any chances of it getting back together anyway.
Oh well, I feel like all my children are so unhappy and I'm now really unhappy.
Well, I'm happy to be here, that's all that matters.
Yeah, what I mean, Well, let's have fun today and just forget about that.
You know what I.
Will say, though, when you're going through a breakup, coming here is actually the highlight.
Of your death. So true and just just boom, you're in an instantly happy mood. Doesn't matter how like sad you're feeling.
I point out to everyone who can't see. But yeah, but no, but yeah, Josh the sex addict is in the background laughing at everyone. Oh yeah, I just met someone last night.
And you went through all you've been through, all your heartbreaks. You've had enough heartbreaks for everyone, so you deserve to find someone else. Thanks Jackie, Yeah you do.
It went last Yeah?
Are they heartbreak?
They are?
He's been through Helen back with heartbreak. Josh, I have.
But it's only been seven days with the new one, so we'll see.
But you go in real fast. It's like boom, you're getting married.
Not again after the last divorce quake. You're married to a bloke. Yeah, you lost everything there you left me.
Oh boy, I feel huh heavy energy.
I wish I could let everyone know that I've got something terrible happening in my life, but my life wouldn't be better the money I earn, the four hours of day work, I do, a beautiful, perfect trial, a loving, supportive wife. There's nothing wrong with my life. Tru get shot to.
Survive like you've been kissed on the dick by Unicorn.
Kail and Jaggie show. If you're in Sydney looking for ticket man Dwyer ov Warrick Farm, that's where he's going to be in minutes, I mean ten minutes.
Okay, Tail and jackieos Split or steal money in the bag.
We have five thousand dollars two contestants. The object of the game is to split the money two and a half grand each, or someone steals and takes the whole five thousand. A lot of stealers this week, check a lot.
Oh there have been. We haven't had two people split because if they split, they get two and.
A half grand each.
One steals, one splits, the stealer gets a lot and if they both steal, they get nothing. Let's meet today's contestants, Carli and Nick.
Good morning, guys, Welcome, good morning morning, Good morning morning, Charlie. You tell Nick why you want to split the money, why you need the money? Oh?
Hi, Nick, I'm such a genuine person and I think that we should split it. Like these economical times, I know how much it would mean to probably both of us. I've got regro, I've got kids on school holidays, so I'm more than happy to split with you.
Okay, okay, Nick, your appeal to Carly to split?
Yeah, Look, Carli, I'm saying people sat position with kids, three young kids for the holidays. I've actually just been informed that I won't have a job on the twenty third maintenance so winter till I'm very very scarce.
Work work slowed down and you actually, yeah.
It's very hard to come by work in maintenance. So finishing up in the twenty third not much savings. I've got a mortgage, three young kids, two and half freend. Yeah.
Okay, okay, okay, guys, you're locking it in. Split, let's do it.
Let's let's make it happen today.
Who's going to the ConA silence?
Nick, You're after.
Don't forget this is all things to Dancing with the Stars. Sunday, seven o'clock on seven and seven plus Lisa McEwan, currently on top of the Dancing leaderboard. Okay, Carly, Nick's locked away in the ConA silence. We got one question for you. Split or steal.
I'm going to steal it. I'm like, I need it so bad and I feel so bad for Nick, but a moment I really need it.
Yeah, definitely, Okay, lock in steal.
I think she goes to the coner silence for Carly.
Let's see what Nick wants to do.
Hi, Nick, we need to lock in an answer here, Split or steal?
Steal, steal, steal mate, it was all your story, true or a phony story?
Oh but I mean you never let the truth the lie of a good young lock in steal?
Bring that, Carli. Carl would you like to do the honors today?
Sure? Are you there, Carlie, I'm here. You both locked in steel once again, lying and trickery and mistruth. No one wins.
Okay, I'm going to mix this up.
I need to mix It's actually true, but you know, for the biscuit, brisk it for the biscuit.
Yeah, I understand, and like, let's face.
It, pretty genuine.
If you say as you said, what do you want to do, you want to change the need to.
Do something you do.
I put it to the test where like maybe someone maybe tomorrow, we just get priests on, like, let's see what happens. Like I need a split because otherwise this game just gets so boring.
Let's let's kick the money up.
No, because that's not going to that's gonna make it worse.
Ten thousand dollars why not? What do we care?
It's like if someone hands you two and a half thousand dollars and says, do you want to just flip a coin and lose it or not flip it?
I would not flip double it, double it, or double down every time.
I wouldn't either, Brooklyn.
But I don't know how to how to make this work. I don't know what to do.
It's your game. You invented the whole game.
I don't want to split this five grand now?
Yeah? If there was a time machine, sure, yeah. What do we think about kicking it up to ten thousand, making it a ten thousand dollars day?
The two priests on, I swear to God, like, let's put it to the test. If they can't do it, then no one can.
The priests I don't want priests on Why not does the money go to the church, then, Jackie.
They can do that if they want.
Put it to the test.
You just want your game to be successful failure, Jackie. Here's an idea.
A lot of people are choosing to steal because they're like anonymous, right, they don't have to live with it. What if the people had to give, like I don't know they're social media handles or their full name or something beforehand, because then they've got to be more accounts.
How do we know they're giving us their real handle though, I'm sure that we can.
Oh yeah, we could get them to right now.
When we workshop a failing game and we put it up on the hoist, that's usually done behind.
I like to do it on air, have to be in studio.
Have you ever done that before?
Yeah? We have?
Does that change them?
We actually started the game like that where they were in here, but you know, there's traveling and the shows expanded into other areas. Not everyone can get in here. They're working.
I don't even think someone would care that much even if their socials were known, Like it's not because.
Knowing our listeners, they're like really brutal I know, so they would copy a little bit of shit online.
I just think I just think maybe we start going through different nationalities and then at the end of it we tell everyone which nationality the most trusted, the most trusted, who's the not most.
That might work actually, and no one wants.
Their own Nasho ship Canda, you know, by one naughty mistake.
Why don't we start with a Sydney versus Melbourne one and see, Oh yeah, let's do that. Let's see, you know, I feel like that might give some people maybe a little extra motivation.
Verse Melbourne tomorrow split a steel and I think a new reel should be no.
Lye yeah, no line. You have to tell the truth, honesty.
That's it.
Okay, that's what we'll begin with and we'll go from there next. Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds checked in with Kyle when I was on holidays, so we're going to play that up for you next.
And then ticket man is running with state of origin tickets? Where is he? H guy? I thank you, Peter. You know, it would be nice if the actual presenter of the show was given information. It's required to be communicated.
I got mine here.
Yeah, but you're not the presenter of the show. Sorry. Yeah, you're just a forgotten lover that no one wants a him.
That's not Nice's heartbroken, that is true, though vulnerable right now.
Be kind Be kind to him.
He's probably made it all up.
Oh I doubt it.
No, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, next.
Hugh Jackman, the One and Only Kyle and Jackie.
Oh, let's go. Yeah, don't forget Deadpool and Wolverine that hits Cinema's July twenty sixth. A lot of people love the Wolverine. Wolverine was killed off in the last movie. Yeah, and Hugh Jackman said, yeah, that's it for me not doing Wolverine. Then him and Ryan Reynolds teamed up and yeah, apparently they bring Wolverine back from the dead. If you're wondering how this has even happened, I did.
One to that. Okay, so you caught up with them over the holiday break and it was on Zoom.
Yeah, and you know, I know Hugh Jackman really well, well, I'm not familiar. I know who Ryan Reynolds is now because they've spoken to him, but I get them confused with that other Ryan Gosling.
The Notebook Ryan.
They're very similar types.
You know.
No, they're actually really.
The peroxide hair, the chiseled face. I don't really follow either of these dudes, you know what I mean.
Well, let's have a listen to your interview with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds roll tape.
Hey, Hugh, how are you, mate? Oh? There you are. You're looking good. You bought your mate Ryan. Hello mate, welcome to Australia.
By the way, I've got to say, my two year old son just pointed out at the poster and he was with some other kids because we've been on holidays and he was he saw the characters, wasn't sure and I said, wolverinees that kill Bill looking one in the yellow suit, and the other one is like, no, no, I said this, and I said the other one, the Deadpool one is like a like Spider Man's because they're very basic. It too, you know what I'm saying. Have you all got kids, Hugh, You've got kids? Ryan?
Yeah, I think so.
He's not sure. Yeah, sorry about that, you know, because it felt good. It felt good to have the kids and then and then you land in parenthood and then that was just it is just it's like being stoned in the in the eighties, but it is.
I always think of it. I have four, and I think of it a little bit like you're out of you for remembering them all.
Yes, thank you, Yeah, I have I have four and I yeah, you're basically you're swimming, but somebody's like removed your arms all of a sudden and your legs and now you're just and you're trying to hold them.
It's just, yeah, it's hard.
You know, genius idea to to bring Wolverine back from the dead, because I don't know. I sent you a letter and I've sent them to all the big movie stars, letting them know when they're making huge career mistakes, Like where were you when I was like that Jason Bourne guy? I said, no one wants to see you in the zoo. We only want to see you killing people in mini. That's like, forget this ship. No one wants. No one cares about your depth of scope to what you're good at. This is what you got as are good at.
I thought my dad was dead, but he's right here.
Yeah, and this is this, This is exactly the ice cold bucket of urine I needed to throwing not on knee, but on Hugh Jackman.
That's whose idea was it? Whose idea was it to bring Wolverine back? Because he was killed off too early? Did Pool? Is it run? Is it you? Because you're on the script, you get involved, right? You know?
It was actually capitalism that brought him back?
You know, yeah, I couldn't.
I was shocked that we was pulling the strings like that over there because Disney seemed so wholesome, right, It seemed like they didn't care about cash or shareholders.
I uh, look, it's been a dream of both of ours to get to do this for I had tried to get this for six years, across and Marvel, because you know, Disney bought Fox.
So it was everything was in limbo for a long time.
The first pitch that I gave the brass so there was a dead Pool Wolverine movie and they wouldn't make it. And then I went eighteen more pitches deep, and then eventually I pit. He called me out of the blue and said I want to come back. And that was that very same day, I happened to be going into another as of yet or it would be another terribly failed pitch, and I brought that up, and suddenly.
It literally was that day.
I was just driving out to the Hampton's.
I was driving out and I literally someone had said something about kids who were talking to your kids, what do you want to be?
If you could do anything? And I was saying, oh that question, yeah, that'll But.
I thought I want to do that movie. And it came to me so clearly, and I've been flirting with her, but I'd already said I'm out, and I was like, I've already said I'm out.
Anyway, I was fumbling around.
Kids, I shot, you're out. Can't you go back and say I made a huge this is what you did? You said, run back in. We went straight. No one's going to listen to all the word I say. Really, ever since sorry, ever since Swordfish, you've been on everyone's radar. You know, that's favorite film ever. You know, Sez thanks.
Mane about fifteen letters from Kyle do not do that movie?
Can you really? You know, just a letter that's just gonna hurt easy?
Easy, because you know what I always get you confused because you're the pizza. Two guys, a girl and the pizza. There was another rhyme that was trying to make it at the same time, he's obviously fallen by the wayside. But for me, you didn't exist to men. You didn't exist until Deadpool. You were in the girly film Kissing. Yeah, but I didn't know.
I didn't have guidance. I didn't have a.
Where was your father? You needed him? Is what I say.
Well, that's what I've been saying for a very long time.
Yeah, you know what do people need dad?
Oh yeah, your mat and County.
You grew up with it like that, because this is exactly what my mates are like.
Yeah, like Jack, that was ship.
What the hell? What are you doing those?
Of course he is giving you digital backhand to the face after digital backhand to the face right now through the screen.
I had a most Canada.
If I run into the Prime Minister, there's a good chance in getting punched in the face.
Ryan. I don't think you realized. But one New Year's Eve, Hugh and I were on Nicole, Kidman and Keith's boat and Sting was there, and that was pretty much it.
Ugly was just a very autobiography carry.
Out a high end elite crew and Nicole said to me, don't get up there and sing. But they'll make you sing, and I'm not. And that there's Hugh Jackman's there, there's sting there, there's Keith Urban. I'm not singing. Do you remember Keith or were you going through emotional periods there on that boat? You know you look like you've got this the first time you ever heard the story, Madam. I'm wondering.
I can't remember you singing.
That's why.
I did not sing because Nicole said, don't sing. They will try and get you up there. This is what they do, They all and stings up there. And I felt like I could have got up and done something, but I didn't. Is that the right thing?
That's like Pele Maradona messy, They're like, let's kick the ball around.
Can I just say it was a good choice because my mate Marcos was on that boat and he got absolutely hammered, and I said to him, do not sing, and he goes, no, they want to hear me saying especially for you by Jason and Kylie, and I said they don't want it, they.
Don't want to hear it.
And he got up and sang it and it could not have died more.
Did anybody not make it back to shore?
I left early one sting and the wife and the kids, and they docked another super yop beside. I thought this is too high end for me, and we left the launch. Do you do anything to celebrate you too? Because I noticed Ryan, They've got a long list of things they say about you. You've got You've got all these companies, You've got the sports business, You've got this, that the other thing, And then on Hughes BIOO just says, I'm an entrepreneur. That's a red flash to women on the day. An entrepreneur is a guy selling bags on the weekend. Is the chains of fake.
No, you're too much that.
This new awesome gonna go great the right.
Yeah, really really hoped you together on this film Wolverine Fantasy. Celebrate fantas, celebrate. We do celebrate clubbing it, clubbing it on something else.
We went to the baseball No no no, I mean we a lot of drugs, but not the no no no.
Absolutely, when you do too many of those too, you don't You can't even leave. This guy has an entire couch made of paoti. You sit on it and you just take a bite and you lose your little building. Next thing you know you think you're on a boat with Sting Trudy. It's freaking You're just.
In my living room episode and you're riding a dolphin through the apocalypse and you come straight back down to Earth and you just you.
Can't go back.
Gentlemen, fantast stick, you're on screen together. People are gonna love this. They're gonna eat it up. Well done on Disney for getting rid of all that work ship and running back to the stuff we like to see. That'll probably get cut out, but anyway, Hello.
Why can't we just go sit with him all day and I can just think about it?
Would be healing from me. Kyle doesn't often get described as a healer.
But you are. Taylor is not one. Now, I knew it. I knew it. Thank you boy.
She's here to make you sing.
Thanks, gentlemen. Deadpool and Wolverine in Cinemas, July twenty sixth, Great to chat. Thanks for the time, fellas, anybody for the time. Bubby shit, Kyle Jaggio's you suit you from me? You'd suit you from me?
A very own Australian superhero ticket Man. Can't miss the guy dressed from head to toe in pink lycra, a big purple cape and armed with the hottest tickets in town today. He has tickets to the last two tickets to State of Origin. The decide to match at some course stadium in Brisbane will throw in flights accommodation. It's for you and your best friend or your partner. Yep, it's thanks to Rugby League. It returns to Vegas in twenty twenty five. Travel packages are on sale right now at NRL dot com slash Vegas.
Okay, let's go to ticket Man. He's out there at farm Hi.
Ticket Man, what's up?
Good, Good morning Carlin Jack Yo house.
The vibe in the North Sydney studio alday.
You know, I got to say, ticket Man, not so good. We have some shock announcements here. Well this shocking for me because not shocking Peter inter Pete being in this wonderful relationship.
I know how in love he is.
He has announced that he's split up with his partner and crow at nat thing. I mean, I don't know what's going on around here, but it's heartbreak city anyway.
Out there, Ready to run, ticket Man, Ready to go. You're gonna get out of the car in seconds. Ticket Man is currently hiding. He has the tickets for the NRL. Are you ready to go? Ticket Man? How far away are you reckon?
I think of about five seconds away, Kyle. There's a small fence that ticket Man needs to jump. I will just say for Peter, there's plenty more fish in the sea. I don't know if in the homosexual community they save fish or if there's another animal, but they can equivalent.
Yeah, Peter, that you comba.
Does it relate to you? Peter, there's much more fish in the sea.
I can work with fish.
Okay, ticket Man, you're ready to run in five four three two. He's off and off right away.
Ticker Man is also going through a last single horse at the.
Moment as well, and you're single as well.
Kuaker Man has also had the wife and tips have left him. He's just come back from Thailand over a short survey.
Oh god, here come to people. Watch our ticket he's changing course exactly the movie. Ticket Man's down. Man is down everyone enough, Yeah, what a failure.
Let's talk to the person first.
Hello, bro man, You've got the state of orangin tickets, You've got the airfares, the accommodation. You were off to some court stadium to watch the decider man. Well done. Hey, bro, while you're the ticket man, you probably didn't hear while he was running he was pouring his heart out that he's currently now single. Is missus left and ticket man is single?
This guy, doesn't.
You know any lowers you can throw ticket Man's way? Do you know any lowers you can throw ticket Man's way? Congratulations, that's yours. Get Rugby League returns Vegas for twenty twenty five travel packages on sound now at NRL dot com slash Vegas. Well done, ticket man, Thank you you. Congratulations Bro, You're welcome. Stand by everyone. I've got a yeah. They're all cheering there. Done. That's quite the win. Hey, up next, this chit called Sienna Grace. She is an Australian girl who's on Only Fans who spends her downtime having sex with the biggest rappers on the planet. She's a bit of an escort, bit of an only Fans girl.
But is she gonna like spill the beans?
I already know who she's banged. Where's the sheet there of the list? The thing?
But does she talk about she's banged.
R Kylie's X. She's rooted Tiger, She's rooted who else has she done? Travis Scott And that was when he was with Kylie so at the at Kitchella. So yeah, she rooted him the day before at his place at Kitchella. And she was also the one that was causing the Offset and Cardi B breakup. Remember that she denied having with Offset. Yeah, but she's asked to come on and finally tell the truth about Offset and Cardi B.
Right, right, all right, a real piece.
Of work, this one. It looks like she's fun. We'll get her on. We'll find out are you only having sex with rappers? And how much do you cost for an escort job? Right, we'll get her on her sex. So thanks to the world's best pillow, spinal ease dot com dot au, you can order one now. Jackie's got the Latestone news.
Yeah. Ever since the shooter who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump was confirmed to be this twenty year old Thomas Crooks, people have been digging through to see what they can find, and now TMZ have unearthed a video which shows him bragging about himself. It's a selfie video eight seconds only seems to be in a school classroom while people are kind of poking him playfully as he films.
Right, and yes he's not being teased.
No, it doesn't look that the way. And he makes a few claims, but it's the last clas in the video that is surprising. I go to Stanford University.
I have a ten inch penis.
Oh yeah, okay, yeah, he says he has a ten inch penis. Yeah. Look, they're trying to unearth everything and anything at this.
Point, aren't they. That's relevant in the it's not, but it just you know whatever.
You know. The weird thing was that guy that he's dead now, the one that tried to kill Trump. Yep, they had to take a commercial off American television the Biden campaign because he is an actor in one of the commercials against Trump for Biden. Like, it was weird, a weird similar, How did anyone even realize.
That we picked the pretty twelve hours.
That was taken off TV? Yeah, but they couldn't open his Apple iPhone. Yeah, that's every cop show you watch on TV. They've got a hacker that just hacks into phones. But when this happened that they couldn't get the phone open for days, weird. They've just got it open this morning.
By the way, oh will probably find few things in there, hopefully. Now, remember last week we spoke about Rebel Wilson how she's claiming that the producers of her new movie, The deb they're blocking the film's release after she reported them for what she said was inappropriate behavior and embezzlement. So basically, these guys funded the movie that she I believe directed actually, so they own the movie, and the film actually has been seen by industry people who say it's great, so it is. It is a film Rebel absolutely wants out there. But since she made claims about them being inappropriate with their behavior and the film the funds being embezzled.
They have stopped the release altogether.
And she's saying, well, they're doing it because they're so pissed that I outed them and called them out for this behavior.
But they can do whatever they want because they own the film.
Well, they have now released a statement, these guys, and they have that the real reason Rebel's coming for them has nothing to do with any bad behavior, and actually because they denied her a songwriting credit for music used in the movie. They say she was wanting credit for work that she did not do, and it was overshadowing young upcoming artists who truly did deserve the credit. I don't know about he shared, they did.
No, they're just mutting in the water.
And Rebel has since commented saying, oh, well, because they're suing her for defamation now, and so she's commented saying, well, it's not defamation if it's the truth.
So well she'd know because she's she saw someone.
And had this defamation case against somebody else before, so she knows exactly what's involved.
Didn't she then? Didn't they get overturned on appeal? Didn't you have to give all that money back? That's a weird thing, the defamation. I've been in court with one of my employers, Channel seven. I currently work for them.
Yeah, that's right.
But back in the day they took me to court and I won, of course, And now all's good in the hood. We're all happy and friendly again.
You work for them and you're getting paid by them.
Yeah, well, what's a little litigation between friends.
Right, Yeah, it happens. And also, ab Chatfield has revealed the one thing men do that should make women dump them immediately, and she was speaking in reference to her new boyfriend Adam Hyde from Picking Duck.
I like Adam, And she said that if he doesn't make you laugh so hard you can't make sound, you should dump him immediately.
That's fine.
There's a lot of guys out, then.
Isn't there.
There's a lot of guys out.
Even if you, even if you're not like a joke, you've.
The same sense of humor and you just make it. You make each other laugh so much. And I think that's so important and attractive.
But she's right in that.
And then obviously followers began putting in their own deal breakers, like what that if your pet doesn't like him, he has gotta go.
Oh yeah, that's true.
And that's true if he's not good to your pet, like boom out.
You know how some people just hate animals.
They're just not good with animals. And I think that's like a little bit of a bad sign, don't you? Reckon? And Peter, you have an update? Is that right? On Tenacious D situations?
Pete? What's the what is the update? Good morning everyone?
Yes, it's Peter speaking, Yes Kyle from Tenacious D. I have emailed all local councils on vicinity of all of our radio stations that he has banned from any Australian Radio Network buildings.
So I don't know whether you have the power. I don't know whether you have the power to email them all.
You're a low level we have we ever had Kyle Gas from Tenacious c turn up to one of our buildings before?
Yeah, he's been. He's been to our studio a few times.
Twenty years ago. We came to today of him when we were on the Hot thirty.
That's right, So the answer is yes, he has shown up.
Before for a scheduled interview at that.
The reason we're against is Kyle Gas is because he seems like a nice, normal person. But then on the on his stage last night, after the crowd saying happy birthday, his birthday wish was don't miss Trump next time, which is disgraceful and it's certainly not a joke. And you know, he's a grown man, obviously a deranged left wing lunar.
Can you forgive sometimes young kids for doing stupid things their kids because they're kids, But when you're a grown ass man and you're kind of spewing that sort of hate, doesn't matter what you hate about that person, just wishing somebody dead like that on a public in a public situation.
After after an attempt to assassinate that's right.
Yeah, I don't like that or form because if someone had to try to shoot Joe Biden, say, and then you had Republicans saying, oh, I shouldn't miss.
Next time, I should be outraged, regardless of political agenda. And I agree. I'm no fan of Biden's I think he's all his All the things he's implemented has ruined not just the America but a lot of international relations because the guy doesn't really know what's going on. He's old, he's a bit demented, it's a bit slow.
There's a buddy there.
But if someone had tried to kill the guy, I would be totally against it. Just because we have different opinions on things does not mean we can wish someone dead. Now, I've wished many people dead in the traffic.
Actually you wish.
Cut off and they don't do the courtesy wave.
I wish such an impigrit.
No, but they haven't been attempted assassinations the day before.
I guess there's a caveat you.
Can wish someone dead. Oh no, you should never wish in your own mind. You can wish someone of the traffic dead. We've all done it.
But you vocalize it as well.
But I'm not. No one's been shot at survived and then publicly people wish that person.
So there's an added clause in there. Correct, only if they've had an attempted assassination, right.
That's right. They don't wave when you let him into traffic. It's understandable to think wish them. Can I add something to that clause? He possible? Where do we sit on Steve Price? What's he got to do with it?
Nobody wishes him dead? Peter, nobody, Cole.
Haven't you wished people dead and then they've actually died?
Yes, that and not just them, but also one dog as well.
Just red flag, red fla, hang.
On, hang on. This is when I was homeless and a family bought me in and I was allowed to sleep in the lounge room for a couple of weeks. And I went to get on the couch and go where Nana Goldie sleeps on the couch, You'll have to sleep on the floor. So I'm laying on the floor while this old greyhound, Goldie was laying half dead on the couch, and I looked up at it and it was looking at me, and I thought, if this dog died, I'd be able to be on that couch. It was a fleeting thought. And two days later the dog was dead.
And you think that was your power of thought?
Well, I hope not.
Has it happened with anyone else?
Few people? Well?
How old was this gray held?
Middle age?
And and and then the people you wish dead? Were they old?
No, they weren't old. They were they were all different ages.
All different How many are there?
Did you say three? I wish them?
You couldn't have that many enemies?
Where three of them die?
Jack, I can wish people dead at the druper hat like. It doesn't need to be a gigantic problem.
Okay, you know where people the power of thought is strong.
It's just a coincidence.
Yes, that too.
Probably you probably have so many enemies in your head that the chances of three out of the two hundred dying are likely.
Yeah. I even have to ask Bruno, my manager, Sometimes if someone wants to talk to you, I have to ask, oh, do I like this person or not?
I have heard you say that when.
You can't sorry, we do keep a comprehensive list of who said what when.
Would not be Yeah, just let it go. God, you've forgotten about it.
Then you know you're meant to forget about it.
Guys, because so many journalists want to talk to me all the time, and I always say, no, not interested. I'm not interested in talking to these flops. And then Brune I'll say, oh, they've actually said some very kind things, and they'll read out it, trying to push me into it. And then I'll find one thing where they weren't nice, like in two thousand and three, and I'll be like, no, that's it. They're being for life. I don't wish them dead. There is one one rider that I wished dead. There was one rider I was even going to put a dead horse's head in his bed, and I was warning from my friends, where.
Were you going to find the dead horses head?
At the abattoir there where they were the horses dye and they carve them all up for dog food.
What this is what they do?
Do dogs eat horse?
Yeah? And any other dead animals?
Yeah they yeah? What are they killing a horse for?
Not killing a horse? The horse dies of old age and then they get munched up.
Oh I understand you. He doesn't. He's fullishit.
No, I'm not. You go out to Zombie Wildlife, the thing where they've got all the tigers and the lions, and there's like a horse's leg laying in there.
Okay, so an old horse. They have to die naturally.
They're not murdering horses.
I was going to say, they're not breeding horses to feed lions. It's just that horse is dead. Chop it up and give it the lion.
Isn't it crazy?
How we are okay with like, oh, yeah, a cow can go to the Apertoire, but god for bit of horse.
Yeah, we're not riding cows around. The man from Snowy River wasn't holy? But people riding cows down the mountain?
Well, what about all the donkeys that get ridden up mountain?
Cares about a donkey? But why what's the diff Well, there's a big difference. The donkey is sort of like it's sort of like me, I'm a horse and Locky from Beauting the Geek he's a donkey.
That's what I'm saying. It's a visual thing. We look at it and go, oh, you're not majestic, so you can die. We don't care if you die.
What about when you're gonna you're gonna join Peter again, like that movement against crueltyed animals.
When there's a mother duck crossing a road and the little ducklings and all the cars stocks, then we'll just order duck and eat it like no worries.
If there's a pigeon, no one's slowing down.
Well I am. I love pigeons.
We're not eating pigeons.
We're not. Some countries are. That's worth the thought, isn't it figure that next time you see a flock of pigeons and they're annoying.
Why don't we eat that?
They're not that? Yeah, because we don't need to eat the pigeons. They're vermin. But why are they vermin? Because there's thousands of them and they're just the useless bird. They're nice. I love people.
I feel like they're unfairly.
I owned three hundred pigeons, you know that.
Yeah, it's super smart.
Remember where they I'm how smart they are?
So like, what's the difference between a seagull and a pigeon?
You know? Where are we going with this? Is this some deep dive into.
What's just interesting to get around, like why we are okay with eating certain animals but not others.
That's just the way the world works.
No, but what made it that way?
I wonder society?
I do think the way an animal looks weighs into it somewhat.
You think the better looking the animal has to live.
I think so, I actually do.
I saw a Komodo dragon. You know there's giant lizards, Yeah, real big ones, the size of a crocodile over in Thailand or wherever they are. Yes, yes, yes, I saw one video the other day. Horrific. I wasn't I wasn't expecting this. The komodo dragon slowly walks stumping its way down this little bush track and there's a goat standing there, and the goat's like, oh, I wonder what that is. And the Kimodo dragon walks up to the goat, no attack or anything, looks at the goat grabs it by the head, throws it up in the air and eats it in two gulps.
It looked like a dinosaur, that thing.
And you can hear the goat in the in the belly of the lizard going. It really made me vomit.
I know it's so sad that video. I've seen that.
Here's the video. Thank you for putting the video, Jackie. Look at that lizard. Here's the goat.
Oh, that poort has no idea, not even moving out of the.
And it is grabbed it by the head and it has swallowed it, swallowed it whole.
And don't you think that is so dinosaur like?
That is a dinosaur like. Those things have got razor sharp teeth. They're terrifying.
And where do you find those Thailand?
I won't be going there with my two year old anytime soon.
Liz it it.
This Australian girl loves having sex with the rappers. She's a bit of an only fans girl, a bit of an escort and loves getting banged by rappers. And it doesn't matter whether they're they're known or unknown. But she was the star of a particular breakup between Offset and Cardi. Being now She's claimed at the time she never slept with Offset, but Carti went crazy. Listen to Cardi really.
Me dirty after so many years that I'm.
No never.
For your.
And break.
Because whenever your press seriously, now.
Some might have had trouble figuring out what CARTI was saying. But I think that this girl here, Sienna Grace, I think from what I'm told, that was all based off Sienna being in a car with Offset and she had her tits out, so we've got seen her on the phone. You were falsely accused of having sex and with Offset, and you've denied it.
Right, Look some the video that got leaked and went viral. Let's just say that. I'm surprised that's the only video that got leaked, and if the other one did get leaked, he would have been in a lot more trouble.
So hang on, So you did have sex with Offset or you didn't?
Um could say that was definitely.
You said you didn't ages ago, But did you or not?
I did you did?
Oh my god?
What I mean? Would you not be scared?
Have you heard Cardi B Like yeah, I get it.
I don't want to come out and be like, yeah this happened, Like no, she's scary.
But what did this other video contain?
Did you film the sexual act? Did you.
I was in doggie, so I was getting rammed from behind. I did see a flashlight, so I'm assuming that if he was recording me with my two. He was definitely recording continued from the.
Back right right now. Now this isn't the only RAPI did you also sleep? Who was the grappie you slept with at Coachella when he was dating Kylie Jenner.
Look, I didn't know that they were together, same like Offset, I had no idea that they were together. This was years ago.
With Travis Travis Scott, I.
Said the name potentially with him, I didn't know they were together, like him and I had a long history of falling around together.
Was that a paid situation or you just knew each other and you were both DTA for all the time.
No, I'm just a professional hoe and I just love to get it. And when I was in LA, I was just living my best life.
Slept with Let's go through the ones that we would know. So Tiger.
As well, Oh yeah, he's like top tier. He's like the best.
I heard.
It is quite the lover. Is that true?
He is?
Honestly, he's like brand online is completely opposite to the way how he is in the bedroom. How is he He is the best sex very like slow, romantic, super cutesy.
Yeah, he's like still.
My number one.
Wow, And who was the worst?
And I slept with a lot of people.
I reckon, you've slept with how many?
Including my with my job? I don't know, Like how long is a piece of streets?
Probably thousands. I've been in the industry for ten past years.
So did these rappers pay or are these just like voluntary? You wanted them and they wanted you.
It just was like a moment thing like it just happened in the moment and it.
Just like flowed and you you were at P Diddy's house having sex with P Diddy's son, and then all this shit came out about hidden cameras and rooms and sex. I know, did you see any events the joint?
So my mom called me, She's like, you when you're at his house partying with them? And I was like yeah, And I was like, obviously I'm not freaking enough to be invited these freak off parties, Like I don't understand what was going on there. But it was his son's birthday, so I don't think any freaky stuff was going to hang right, And did he very chill?
Did you sleep with his son?
And what about did he have you have you party? Have you got nude with Diddy himself or no, I haven't.
No, No, I'm glad that that never happened. After everything's come out, He's awful, he's all the reader.
That was crazy. So how does a young Australian girl just living in the suburbs in Australia end up in Los Angeles rooting black rappers NonStop? Is this was this your dream? I don't think it.
Well, look, to be honest with you, I did have a hit list and I did want to like book.
You went to America with it with the intention of ticking blokes off your list?
Yeah, I had a hit list.
Yeah, And were there any that.
You didn't like, you know, get and that you really did?
Who was one that I really wanted? I think asap Rocky was one guy that.
I didn't hear.
Yeah, a chance there were. You never got a chance.
I don't think I had a chance. I was never around like any of the parties or like at the scene where he was.
And when when you were at Kitchella and you were who was who was the rapper you were doing Atkchella?
Well, I had more of a roster at Coachella, but the main but the main one Yeah, it was Travis.
What do you mean a roster you went from one rapper to the other, or you were you were booked to what was going on.
I wasn't booked like when I lived in America. I never did sex work.
It was just fun.
It was my time to have fun. And yeah, I had a roster. Yeah, I guess some people would say I was a homy hopper, but yeah, I had fun. I was kicking off, ticking my list off.
And it was good.
And Jackie, one of her one of her sugar daddies that she had in the past, gave her eighty thousand dollars to have some cosmetic work. Was the cosmetic work his request or stuff you wanted to get done?
So he had a.
Fantasy in his mind. He always wanted to turn a woman into a galerateer and I've never heard that term.
What is that.
He explained it as turning a woman into this beautiful statuesque model, right, And yeah, he gave me eighty thousand dollars worth of surgery. I met up with his assistant at the airport and yeah, got all the surgery.
Dumb that he wanted you to do. Sorry, some water bit of cock throat. There probably a bit.
A cock throat.
And then because there's a lot of girls that want to sleep with the particular guys they may, you know, have a crush. I'm a famous fantasy. When you have a guy on your hit liers like that and you're going to Coachella, how do you make sure that you're the one that gets in?
How do you get spotted?
So a lot of the time it was right place, right time. And I have a system that I do to sleep with these rappers, and yeah, it's a pretty it's a pretty tight net system. Like I have friends that will be like, hey, like I'm going to LA, can you cook me up with this person or this person. But there's a system that I had that I would, you know, with Instagram and social media, and once you're kind of in these circles, you're in like you're always around. Yeah, they can still a group of from a mile away.
And so they love groupies the rappers, Like if I suppose it's an easy get if you if the if you're a groupie to a rapper, they know, oh you like she already wants me. They don't have to do any work.
Yeah, and half the time there's a lot of girls there, and I'll be a situation where, for example, when I was backstage with the Amigos, that their assistant will hand me, you know, a bottle of Ace of spades to be like you are the chosen one. Yeah, you're the chosen one, or like you know, I'll be backstage. The first time I met Travis and he was like he put his jacket on me in front of everyone to be like, you know, you're the one.
Wow, so drape the jacket over you with Travis, You're the chosen one.
Yeah, or was in with the migos, they handed me a bottle of ace of stage.
Everyone got their own everyone's got their own signs.
Yeah, they have like signs, you know, to be like you are the chosen groucie, you have made it. Here's your rose like instead of a rose. Like the Bachelors battle, they could say, go back.
To my question, who's the worst?
Yeah? Who is the worst? The worst? Which one? No good?
Oh gosh, this is a long list that I have to go through. Okay, I would probably say, oh Travis. Travis, for sure, he didn't put in a lot of effort, like he was just very like, yeah, You've only tried that hard and he wasn't packing downstairs either.
Oh that's the surprise.
Yeah, okay, so Travis the worst, right, So what.
Do you do now? Like now you're now you're like not, You're not going to be trusted now because she talks that one.
Yeah, that's the thing.
My group of days are over. This is all in my early twenty.
What are you doing now? Are you still you're still hoeing or what's your I'm still hoeing.
I'm a professional hoe for cash for money. That's where I'm putting my energy and my only like with my only fanis putting my eggs in that basket, not really giving myself away for free. I've got my hit list, I've tipped them off.
They all the you know, you've achieved the hit list and now you're only fans in it. And also escorting people can date to go out on a date with you, Is that right?
They sure? Cam how much does that cost for an hour? And what do you get from that date?
So my rate starts at a thousand. That is my most base service, A thousand Australian because I've never worked in the States, right right, So yeah, a thousand Australian dollars is where my rates starts.
What do you get for that?
And what do you get for that? You get that coffee, you get that hot turk of that big.
All right, So there's there's no just that there's you don't go up in scale. It's a thousand dollars an hour, and no matter how many hours.
You you tube, so it's a thousand dollars per hour. That's from my girlfriend experience. That's a more soft experience. And then I have the porn star experience, and then I have the vip PSC porn star.
What's it?
Wow, that must be that's the top shelf. Shit, how much as much is that one worth?
That one is fifteen hundred dollars per hour?
Wow? Hey, we've got Lockie from Beauty in the Geek. He works here. He only had sex with one listener of the show. He had no sex prior to working here. One listener be rooted and then he started tuning in OnlyFans girl from the Gold Coast and and romanced her and flew up and had sex with her at the Gold Coast and she taught him how to go down on her. Do you have any questions? Lucky for Sienna Grayce Hi, Sienna.
How are you high Lockey?
How are you?
I heard about your rendezvous on the Gold Coast.
It was so much fun.
As somebody who's professionally in the industry, what would be your advice to guys to pleasure a woman without going down on them.
I would without going down on there.
Listen, he's a little odd. This blog is a bit of a goon.
Techniques, Okay, So I would say, like, communication is key. You need to communicate with your partner and figure out what they want. If you can't communicate in the bedroom with what each other wants and desires, you were just playing mind games and you're just kind of guessing what they want. Yeah, So communicate, talk, touch, you know, be slow.
I think he did. I think because Lucky, when when the girl, the only fans girl, was going down on you, you stopped her. That's too full on. You wanted you wanted her to treat it more like a chocolate paddle pop on a sunny day, sow and sensual, not not choking and everything right, Lucky.
I asked her, I would have been more gentle with me, Yeah, because I wasn't used to it being quite that rough.
And then he then after he finished having sex with her, he got into his Flannelette pajamas and decided, without her knowledge, he was spending the night and just got in bed with his pajamas.
After if it was okay for me to stay the night, you made.
Her give you corn flakes the next day like you were eleven years old.
Oh that's so sweet, Lucky.
Do you like sex toys and do you like men using six toys on you?
I love sex toys. I love a good water show and the certain sex ways that really helped me get the water going. So yeah, I love toys. Who doesn't. They're amazing. I try not to use them too much in the bedroom because it does decrease your sensitivity.
Yeah, so that is that the end of your questions, Lockie. You seem to have taken over the whole interview.
They were the questions that I wanted to ask.
I've seen you've written all the answers down too. I saw him furiously writing down the answers. If people want to see your Instagram, sorry, you're only fans. Where do they go?
So it is attached to my Instagram? It's miss Underscore Grace XO and my only fans handle is Sia Grace Standard.
Yeah chouttings.
A young Aussie girl living the dream. Everyone dreams different things. She's achieved and living her best life. She loves sex, she loves she's married it up perfectly.
Thank you nice for chat, Bye bye bye.
All rightays, we're going to take your last call different folks. We're going to run up the show on thirteen.
K Jaggy O This it's the Kyle JAGGIEYO shirt. Yeah, we're going to do some last calls if you want to chat about anything, got any questions, got any statements, facts, whatever? Thirteen one oh sixty five to get on. I was not supposed to play this song today, but that's Cyril and Dean Lewis remake of fall at Your Feet. What a song? Yeah, some assholding the song that they had scheduled, not most radio announced is not allowed to do that. But what are they going to do in all honesty? What the guy with the ponytailers is going to come running in? Why that's not the song I schedule? Yeah whatever, he's a nice guy, but I'm playing what I want. Yeah, sure, fall at your Feet Dean Lewis and year old.
Now it kids, I'm really close tonight see perfect beautiful, and I feel.
I can't move, and inside her lying in the dark, and I think that I'm beginning to know her. Let it go.
I'll be there when you call, and whenever our fault.
And Jophy, you let yourity rained down on me, whenever our touch. If you're slow tidy pain.
We're never off fall, We're never up fall. We'll never ap fall, We'll never up fall.
You're hidden from me. Now there's something in the way that you're talking.
Words don't sound right, but I hear them. Mom, move inside you.
I'll be waiting when you call. And whenever off fall. Let Jorphy, you let your uti.
Rain down on me, whenever out touched. You're slow tidy pain.
We're never off fall, we never up fall, We're never up fall, We never up fall.
The finger of blade has turned yourself two for myself, do Prisson, Molly.
Never, Jean Lewis and Cyril Great Australian music.
The Kyle and Shatie O' show.
Us Melbourne are reigning for you guys. Fourteen Sydney, You guys, fifteen Impossible Showers Going to the phones, now thirteen one oh sixty five for anything you want to chat about? For last call.
Today stays how are you hi?
Good morning guys.
How are you telling?
Yeah? Well, what can we do for you?
So obviously Matthew's News this morning with Kyle You Benning Kyle from Tanacious c after what he said about Trump for Ever coming on the Karl and.
Jackie Oh Show ever again for life band for life?
Good on you, good on you.
But I got a quick question.
Who else I celebrity wise is the band from coming on the show?
And why? Oh my, Peter to get your band list out? Got one list?
Who's even on that list?
Phil? It's pretty Phil?
Is it?
I mean.
Sorry? Okay, So who's on the list and what are they? What are they banned for?
Okay, going most recents. Nick from Maps didn't get his cock out. It says he quotes from you Nick from Maps.
Then move on to someone we know, Jamie Oliver.
Still there, I remember who you're talking about now, Yeah, this.
Guy's still on the list.
But still Jamie Oliver because his recipes. Jackie and Carl Minogue's ex boyfriend for cheating.
Banned as well for life Barnaby Joyce.
Is written down, uncrossed, written down, uncrossed.
We've sort of banned him, and then Varna has been banned a few times. First poor choice of words and him and I having a huge fight on there about Johnny Deb's dogs.
Yeah, we banned and I don't know if this one's still current. Delta Gudrum for carrying on like a pork chop.
It says that was with Pedro, that was years ago. That's right, Pedro, what did you do?
You said, that's unforbid, like we don't get.
I don't care what you did something on a red carpet, which was fine, and she went crazy about it. What did you do?
So it was for her perfume launch and I asked if girls could spray that on there for JJ to remove any odors, and she wasn't happy.
Enough fair enough.
Be had to write who are you to float over here?
On a log from South America? And this one of our greatest.
I don't think we would have put her on that band list. That sounds like Pedro's gone to Pete and.
On the who else is on the list? You got Andrew o'keeith. That's just a common man, you won't put it with that ship.
Oh he's a name multiple times on this this Rob Mills is on that list.
Mills, it's no good. He's a complaining little bitch. The tap dancers on stage. No time for bitches. We've got Ronan keating here. He's just banned for me. His radio show is a piece of shit. He's never coming on the show. I am a friend with I am friends with We have not banned his band from coming on, but I'm friends with him behind the scenes.
You can't do it.
Well, then that doesn't pay to be friends with you.
Well, listen, being friends with me and being allowed on the show, it's not just a given.
Who else carisee Eden from the Voice just no longer known to the public.
So we ban.
This band should extend to a million other reality.
Lisa Wilkinson, I wrote next to it.
Not that's not true. No, I like Lisa do what she has gone through helen.
Back to you know it's her own fault.
I saw her recently and.
Here we go. If you see her then all of a sudden we.
Had a good chat and you know she would have oh sorry in bracket that says also her pirate looking boyfriend or because.
I thought he had cancer for twenty years. It apparently just wears that BANDNA for Fast.
And it's enough to get him banned totally.
Yeah, he also got I don't know what we put akon on the list for being a sextist idiot, asshole or something.
It's sexist, not sextist, is it?
Yes, sorry, sorry, moving, you're not great at spelling now.
Scomo is still on the list, but we had him in the studio recently.
Who put on the list banned ages ago.
We might not have taken our calls. And next to it is his for being an f head and the actual words written.
When he ignored you for years he did and then the last he did the last minute interview, and you were like, oh, I love this guy.
I like it. I like I like that side of politics really only because I'm super wealthy.
And we've got to form a prime minister here. Another one, Malcolm Turble for emails. We did email him every day when he was a current prime.
He thought it was I.
Thought he was so he thought he ship instinct that for Dora wearing flop. Now he's around caning everyone that he was there and then he was gone, Yeah, I thought he'd be a great prime minister, being horrible.
Sorry, she's got another page for Barnaby Joyce and it's all about being a tomato face and a beetrick face.
It was multiple time.
Well, then hopefully that answers you question.
Stacey. You're on neck.
Oh no, she's done, Christine.
Hi, good morning, Hi guy.
Good morning, Carl, Good morning, Jackie.
Right there, what's up?
Well, you know you were talking earlier and Jackie you were quite shocked about a horse going in dog food. Yes, well, I lived in Holland for a while and I'm eating this roastby sandwich that my friend gave me, going, oh, kind of taste. She's like, yeah, yeah, it's horse.
And what humans are reading? Horse? Which country?
In Holland?
The Dutch eat it regularly, like every week in a delicate person. You've got ham roasty roast horse. Well, and they eat it raw as well.
They have a cart here, So you're telling me the the Holland types Dutch Dutch they eat horse and make shoes out of wood. Yes, oh they've got everything wrong there.
And the windmills your other favorite.
Hate windmills hate wood, and I love tulips. But I do like, I do like the Dutch like they're fun folks, lovely.
I'm telling you it does. Yeah, they are, I mean beautiful.
Maybe the more horse you eat, the kinder you are. I don't know. Well, I don't know.
I actually don't taste a little bit like beef with the kind of thing.
But that's a.
It sounds like, that's how it feels.
Okay, thanks for that, Christ Okay, Danny's called Danny, you're on the air. Good morning, Good morning.
I was just wondering, are you and Jackie going to the Lowis concert on Thursday night? Will you be there?
Well, I like Dean to come to my house and sing to me just in the laundrym on the piano. And because I can make that happen, I choose not to go to the concert.
Why do you ask, Danny?
Because I want tickets and I'm going and.
The event Chackie, you might go, oh that's the iHeart event. Yeah, are we going to that? I don't know. Yeah, I'm going to go. No one cares what you're doing in t MP Bruno Am I going?
You know?
Looking it's a school night, so I try not to what time do anything in the diary.
After at six o'clock.
It's on at six.
Well that check it. You're going off to the football and weird hotels. That's within your win, that's within yours.
Actually, and I have another question, Yeah, how can I get a job with you guys?
Just sharply, I suppose how did the rest of you get jobs?
Edoe here wondering.
Pretty easy to get It's so easy, like you because we run the diversity campaign, which everyone did. Didn't work out for Boeing. When planes are falling out of the sky and doors are flying off, who would have thought, Yeah, actually needs skills, not just the color of your skin, anything to do with that. Absolutely, because you don't follow real new people tell me. Then they instead of putting the very best of the best, they decided, well, we have to have a couple of lesos, we have to have a couple of different colored folks, we have to have a different heights, different some handicapped people. And what happened is, instead of getting the best of the best, diversity took over, which seems fair and seems like a good thing to do. But when you skim out someone who might be really good at a job and take it away and give it to someone just because they're a male or female, or they're black, or their agent. That's where it gets messy. That's what's also happened at the Secret Service. That's what's also happened at Boeing. The world has gone to this diversity thing, which at the thought feels very good, but the reality is it doesn't work in every industry, you know what I mean. Secret Service doesn't really work.
But five Boeing saying this is the reason.
Everyone's saying that works in Boeing. This is what's going on at Boeing, And instead of having the best of the best, they've just got the best of the rest. And it hasn't worked out. This will continue. So a great idea which seems fair has ended up being a little bit ship in some some areas. Doesn't mean all areas are bad.
Well, I love all you guys out there. You're diverse and capable.
So well done. I've got so much more to say on that. Cale and Jackie O