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Kyle Jaki, Jackie The Kyle and Jackie O Show.
Morning everyone, Morning, Hello, everyone.
What's happening?
Not much Chase staff. They're all here today.
Peter's not in its out in the street.
But they're all on board today.
Yes, yeah, No one's off, No one's sick trying.
There is one someone's here who cursed and the guest book from the project. Oh ship, there's something going around here. There's something going on, like some people have diarrhea, some people.
Have who's got diarrhea?
Well, Louisa had diarrhea?
L die yes, god lingis you had the running poo and the school teacher.
No, I just had a mad headache and a cold.
How about drinking some water?
I do have like three liters a day?
Yeah, well how about drinking a bit less my apol will do? And a mad and a mad cold that lasted one day with to believe that these kids they don't understand how to live.
Maybe she's powering through the cold.
Yeah yeah, yeah, Louisa's wrong. What was wrong with you? Yeah?
I had the runs too? Oh what's going on? There is that going around?
Or some lot of girls often have squirty But have you noticed guys not as much as girls. You've got some sort of the irritable bow.
Maybe we just talk about it more, maybe we're more open with it.
No, with throwing out solid logs, you guys are almost like you're blending it out of there. It's very you know, you know Brooklyn.
Well, I hear Jackie's stories, So I'm good Now they're very solid, are they?
I'm very like proud of LiPo at the moment because it's consistently like for a year being good.
Wow, you're charting it?
Yeah, are we getting here?
I don't know because I don't look. I don't do that thing that you do.
You don't look.
No, I never look. And by the way, you have to look before you wipe your bum. Yeah, you stand you're getting up with a dirty bum?
Yeah, to see whether it's photo worthy? Does anyone else here not look when they're dropping a ship?
I don't really look.
I love looking.
Because I want to know, like, is it bigger than my last one?
You know? Yeah?
What are you trying to do?
Trying to beat my own record?
You know you know when it's when it's you know, when you're half out and you think shit, this is gonna split me. It's going to be a splitter. Do you have those?
I look, it has happened in the past.
I know you want to stay sexy, but nah, nothing sexy NumberMan, that'll take a splitter.
I remember the first time that happened, though.
I was in school and I didn't know about constipation, and I was just sat there and the bell rang, everyone's leaving. My mom's there at the gate waiting for me. I'm still on the toilet, not knowing what to do.
What did you do? Just reach around and pull it out? No?
I didn't.
It's it's just the worst feeling though. When it's you know, it's like a little bit out. It's so painful to go, Okay, suck it back in.
Here we go. It's not coming out into mistake.
Do you reckon?
It's got unless you can, unless you think there's so strengthy that you can remold it before it comes out. Guys, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Have you ever yelled like like uncontrollably because it's been so No? Never, Oh ship, No, that's happened to me quite a bit. I have to bite my wrist because I'm.
Going oh now, what do you get hemorrhoids? Bruno?
Jack, Oh, sorry, I thought it was a safe space. Let's talk about your ship here.
Well, let's let's save it for when doctor Kiss comes in. Okay, it'll be all ass related calls with the dolls.
What else are we going to get him to do today?
I've changed my mind because I don't want it, because I'm not here to panda to the thin.
I knew that would happen. I knew he'd think about it and go now I'm not gonna.
Well, I've got to ask you a few questions about that nail polish. What we know? What we know? Yeah, there's a there's a trend on TikTok. Girls will know about it. Guys, this is going to shock you. Have a look around when you see the girls today. Who's wearing what color nail polish? Girls? Hold up your hands, let's have a look. Jackie is of course, Jackie is wearing whites. Why. Of course, there's a TikTok trend saying that whatever color your nails are is the is the same color of the dicks that you like to put in your mouth, Your fingers in your mouth, Take your finger out of your mouth.
Why am I chewing on my nail?
There's no real reason they're doing it. It's just because they can. It's what girls do. So if you see someone with you know, like Jackie for example, the white nail, she only puts white dicks in her mouth? Is that true?
You ever had a different you know, I haven't. You only asked me last week black. In that time, there's been no black man any other color, never in terms of nail polish or men. No, men, No, no, I haven't.
I know.
Sorry, imagine just eating the milk that.
It's not that I'm opposed to. I just haven't. That's all. Listen, hasn't happened.
That's what all racists say. It's not as if I wouldn't sleep with a black woman. I just haven't. That's not true for me. I knocked a couple of black chicks over.
But you've had heaps of sexual partners, so it makes sense that you would.
Who else has got the nail polish on out there? I'm white, yours is white, and you do the white dicks too. That's wrong. No, what do you do? Color? What color is your boyfriend?
My boyfriend's Greek. So somewhere yeah, but he's probably one of the only white ones. Yeah, but oh that you've had Yeah?
Ah, you usually rooting the black man, are you?
I like a bit of color?
Wow, real black, like black black or brown black brown black brown.
Black, and our senses she's got pink.
Yeah, well you know what that means. She likes that that pink knobbed bloke. Is that true? Sense?
It's just the dumbest thing. By the way, it's so stupid.
What about green now polish?
What am I sleeping with a frog?
Let me put this little bit of two inches of felt in your mouth. That's it, piggy, go on, suck that felt, bitch right. No matter how much you sucked that felt, it's still just going to be felt. That's why you're angry.
Now, No, I'm not angry.
Why something happened to your eye? You're either angry you're having a stroke. Something's happened, is it?
Okay, don't say that, you freak me out.
Half your face is gone saying shut.
Up, Kyle?
Hey, did you hear it?
Shut up with you? Whatever you're saying. You save your gay ship for the news you hear.
You can't cut them off.
I feel like you were about to say something, because.
When someone says did you hear, it's always usually good Go Brooklyn.
Well, I don't know if you like it so much. But did you hear the protests that was happening last night? Now, normally the protests are about wars, very serious stuff.
Where is the protest?
It was in Maryland's in Sydney last night, this protestest over same sex parenting books being allowed in the libraries. There there were protesters from both sides, those who.
Wanted them in and didn't want them in, and the.
Protests got so heated the riot squad had to be called to break them up.
Oh my god, but are you dulling it down? There's same sex parents I think reflect society teaching kids. Hey, if you want to suck a guy's dick, that's fine. Well what are the books about?
No, it was about you know, I have two dads and how maybe.
I would like to read the book before I got some in.
But they were protesting because the council was voting again on whether they should be banned or not in the public library.
Yeah, so who even goes to the public Why would anyone even care?
And I know also if you're a child.
If they're worried the people voting against it that you're worried your child's going to read that, What does it matter if they read it?
What's going to happen to them? Nothing? Nothing?
It what the book is about? Some of these books that they say, Oh, it's just about same sex parents, there's very graphic details designed for young children that no children should see.
It wasn't it.
No, it wasn't about a specific book. It was just all in general about that.
Many people were at this protest, oh.
Like dozens, dozens, who cares nothing, but the police had to be called.
Don't you just think that's chriss Even the protesters who were protesting for the books.
I just think, stay at home.
What do you do?
I don't even bother Anyway, The council voted to put the books back, which was nice.
Sounds like that decision.
Yeah, you know what the anti people should do, just go and take the books out and just never return them.
Well, that's.
That would have saved a lot of time and effort.
I'm the time saving guy. If you feel that protesting, asked me first, Now here's something that Brooklyn might be able to shed some lighter.
The girls from the Poor Minds podcast, they're some range chicks on this thing. Let me say a fantastic to listen to. They brought up this new phrase, duck butter. Now, can you explain everyone what truffle butter is? Brooklyn for those that don't know.
Oh, truffle butter.
Well, after having sex in the way I might do it anally, Yeah.
You would.
You would to go down, the other person would go down, and that's taste the truffle butter.
Is that right?
I suppose that is right, but you haven't really given the recipe there, Yes.
Even missing right when you finished.
It's mixed with so truffle is dark.
It's half load, right that that's I think that's right. Yeah. Well, when I heard this duck butter reference, I didn't have any idea what it was. Do you know what duck butter might be?
Let me try and think you want.
Anyone any ideas?
So I'm assuming it's the same thing with the semen, but now it's mixed with something duck related.
For the ducks in that situation.
Oh well, so how am I supposed to guess there? No, I have no idea.
I didn't know whether you were, you're on the dating scene with all the new generation. I thought this would be in your lingo.
No, definitely not.
Let's roll the girls explaining what duck butter is.
Do you know what duck buttery is?
Yes, so duck butter.
They say, that's the stuff on like.
A man bars when you don't clean real good.
You know, sometimes I'll scratch our bars and I'll sniffing anything that's buck butter. I don't want, but you shouldn't have duck but at all.
You shouldn't have.
Feels like when you press your ear and you smelled it back of your earring.
That's what duck buddy.
I hate that smell.
So it's not you've smelled ear smells. Sorry, you've smelled the duck butter.
I never guess I would have.
I've never had. I checked this morning after I heard this. Do I have duck butter? Nothing? I don't know what that is.
You don't know. I've never come across duck butter.
I bet the guys that you're seeing now have got the full shaved, the whole thing shaved like a young boy. Yeah, revolting. Do you feel bad about it?
No? No, women do it we're all doing.
Yeah, but women do it for a reason.
What compared to just to look good?
Guys? It's too much? No blow kid has got all these balls and dick shaved? Anyone got their whole balls and dick shaved?
Or too much?
Yeah? Or just a trim who's trimming him last night?
Yeah, I've got I've got the balls all shaved, but.
I leave shaved.
You get the bick out on that thing to pull it out like a pelican's bill and shave the barst How do you do it?
No, the old electric one, but it shaves it down to the to the skin.
Anyone else here? What do you got, Brune?
Yeah, So I'm sort of going with like a bit of a rugged look, like like a five o'clock shadow, so so so that it's like cut back for all intents and purposes, but I still look like a man.
Yeah, who do you reckon? Who else out there has got the trimming thing going on?
I do.
I do it every say your name, no one knows you're not here. Yeah, I do the trim like every six months, but I know six I know when to trim every time the pube grows bigger than my penis. That's when I know. That's when I need to trim.
Next. Yeah, well I know how to trim. When I get a couple of strays across the eye of it and I've got like a sprinkler pea happening, I think I better give the old mate was disgusting.
The thought of those penises is disgusting right now.
And you know you're going down a bad path.
Let's ask Colk because God knows what Hulk's going on? Got going on there? What do you got going on there? Hulk?
No, My my balls are smooth as eggs, Smooth as eggs, smooth as egg Do you use the veep the pillotry cream?
Use that one?
But I left it on for too long?
Same same and it burns. You got red balls for like three weeks.
Facts And then like you take a lady home and she's like, oh, you must be riddled with something.
It's the ball cream. You've got to show them the cream and it's the whole thing.
Yeah, you get it, broke.
Yeah, Lockie's been very quiet, Lockeye. Do you even have puber care yet?
Yes I do, Cob, but I don't want to give too much away because that six game that we're doing a later on you have to try on guests answers.
I don't want to give away cancel that game lack of it.
That's on today.
Definitely We're to kind of move it yesterday.
But I'm looking forward to that.
I don't go locking it is no guarantee.
Yeah, we've got to do it. How are you intern pets down doing? Cash?
Cock is in Sydney today with the big bus the black thunders. Let's hear there he is? Where is Peter? Hi?
Pete Pete?
Good morning?
Did you hear me there?
Yes, I'm in Morella's in Morella this morning.
Crowds probably our biggest crowds yet.
Kyler Jackie oodn't now that is a big crowd going on and people.
Watching to have a look at a couple of things.
We've got the Macalfur bull that has arrived, the local mascot.
Now people have dressed up their dogs this morning. People have started making their own.
Merchandise, the merchan side cash cock jumpers.
We love to ride the cock.
Oh don't think girls look good in those outfits?
Official the official cock riding They calling themselves the Pink Ladies from Greece.
Let's come over the back as well, because someone's.
Rocked up and he's actually brought his own tattoo parlor offering free cock tattoos free.
This is incredible. So you'll only be tattooing people's penises.
Oh what are you going to do? What you're willing to do? Anyone's cop today?
Is that right?
How are we going to put this cock in someone right now?
Wow? Okay, what a hero this fellow.
So free cock tattoos for everyone, free food for everyone, coffee is everyone's going to be a cab now?
Hi, I'm Joe. I want someone to get that tack.
Wow, Peter, A lot of people well ring this cash today?
Yes, okay, we'll cross back to you soon in termpe.
Peter. Wow, how impressive. Billie Eilish. You're going to join us soon everyone too for our little chat. Yeah, Billy got a brand new record and she's coming out to Australia's going to give us the details coming up. It's a big day and it's only Thursday. Trading vers Lady is next. If you want to play thirteen when I was six ' five? Please? What's this ship?
Jack? Carlo?
I don't know if I feel like Jack Carlo, I already heard it driving into work. Yeah, so why are we playing it again?
When did we play?
Can you play this in the five o'clock hour? Yeah? You did? Oh no, you didn't. You played that other the boon, dude, I stand correct.
And it's in boone. You're confusing, Jack.
I'm smoking, I'm driving, I've got a lot going on. Let's get it on. It's just this, just Olympic start. I feel this, wee Jack Carlow. This morning Sydney's Kiss Melbourne ran you on one oh one point one. We'retherwise Sydney today, cloudy, twenty two Melbourne, sonny gorgeous, nineteen degrees all days, ladies, and.
I want to start a side. Okay, let me introduce you to the girl playing to the ladies. This morning we got Ash joining us, who's twenty seven high.
Hello, Hello, good morning.
What are you doing?
Nurse good? I start nice and early in the morning.
She's a nurse again, Jackie.
Yeah, we get a lot of nurses.
I think it's man to treat for nurses to listen to this show.
That early.
Yeah, yeah, makes sense.
You drive a Mazda too, and you recently got engaged.
So he took me down to Bronti Beach for the sunrise and yeah, I did it as the sun was coming up.
It was really nice.
What do we get up early for? Because it's hard to rustle when a man makes a plan for an engagement, it's hard to rustle the woman.
I was going to say, do you usually do the kind of sunday at the beach?
No, So I wanted to do it for a while and I was going to go by myself and he's like, oh no, no, wait, I'll take you.
I'll take you.
And then I was like, oh, I think I might bail. I'm really tired. He's like, no, no, no, let's go, and then yeah, long behold and yeah, he was in a really good mood and I was like, really tired.
I was like, oh, what are you doing?
And it made it made sense. Now your favorite exposition is reverse cow girl.
Yes you must.
You must have quite the ass on you then if you put that on display for him.
Yeah, and last weekend you got kicked out of Bunning's disabled toilets for having sex in it.
Yeah, we got caught.
I think he wanted to try and spice things up a little bit, and then all of a sudden there was knocking on the door, and.
I was like, oh my god, how embarrassing.
So yep, open the door, had to do the walk shape.
Oh that's just awful.
Was it a guy in a wheelchair knocking on the door or was it one of those dudes in the aprons?
Yeah, it was Bunnings in the apron knocking on the door.
Did you guys, were you making noise or did he just see you go in there?
To be honest, I think he's seen us go in and he was a bit suspicious, so he's knocked a couple of times, like to.
Ignore it as if.
Again, and I was like, oh, we have to go out.
Don't know what you should have said. You should have said, excuse me, my partner's changing my colostomy bag. Can I help you?
Can I help?
You just made it really awkward for it A crazy brain in there, you know, always pushed back to win jacket like you just you can come up with anything, can't you on the spot?
Yeah yeah I can't.
It's not a good liar quickly.
Yeah, well okay, Well weighing in at sixty kilos, it's coming in bunnings ash.
Good luck, good luck. She sounds like fun. Let's meet Paul. Paul is the trade going up against her? He's a truck driver. Good morning, Paul. What sort of truck you're driving? Driver? A prime mover, mate, bolbo, the prime mover. So that's the full semi trailer vibe, is it?
Yeah? Sious?
Are you international into sorry, interstate or just local?
In the state.
Yeah, I'm on me way down to Victoria at the moment.
And how many times you reckon? You've made that trip?
Ah plenty, probably got fifty to sixty times.
Is there? Do you have a favorite part?
A favorite part between here and Victoria? Is there a nice little part that you look forward to driving through?
Yeah, there's a good spot down there where we pull up and have a nice way down there.
So it's good there you go cold.
You've got a lot lizard on the way down there. You got a lot lizards still in play or that?
Yeah, some spots mate, Yeah, there's a couple so you actually.
You have girls waiting there, do you? The truck is yeah.
Here they come up and knock on your door and say if they can jump in the truck with you.
Are they hot?
Absolute dings? Absolutely much the worst of the worst. A lot lizard sucking a trucky off on the side of the road. Do you think that's where the hotties are. Come on, bro, the hotties are on. You are your instaes.
But Paul, you do it anyway?
Can you hear Rob Paul the way? Yeah?
Could you hear you don't like gay people?
I get it. Listen, he doesn't have to like anyone. He drives around and this an extrail and he's not trucking it and sucking it. He's been married for seven years. That's a surprise. His favorite exposition.
I don't know if I would have admitted that.
His favorite exposition is cowgirl. He used to be a stunt driver over in China. The craziest stunt he's ever done is jumping a boat through fire. What is that for movies or film of a theme park?
Is that? The like entry level of stuntman? You know? Is that where you start like in radio working regional radio to start? Is that what you do when you're a stump man?
Thing? Stuntman beginner's thing is the triangle of death, that SeaWorld where they're all standing on each other's shoulders.
Yes, so I do.
I don't know where do you start? Start?
Nice, He's right, that's where you're pretty much get to get a start to get into the movies.
Yeah, And did you ever get in?
Well you did in China?
Or not? No?
Just theme parks only.
Okay, okay, Well, weighing in it's seventy five kilos, playing with the trades. It's goodness, gracious, great boats of fire everywhere.
Okay, good luck. I'll start with you first, Paul.
Okay, good luck, Paula. Here we go. Question one from Jack, what.
Does the term band size refer to in brass sizing?
It would be the cup size.
No, it's the measurement around the ribcage.
The actual band part of Yeah. Oh that makes sense.
Yeah all right.
Question number two, what is high Smile famous for selling.
Toothpaste jacket?
That's part of it. It's teeth whitening products. I'll give you that.
Oh, well done, man. Okay.
Question name two places a girl could wear a hair tie?
Would two places?
Two places.
On the back of the head and around the ford on the.
Back of the head and around the side is one you meant two different places?
Yes, I'll give you that, even though it's up to the buzzer. Should it be noted?
You're not actually where I know you guys do put them on your wrist, but that's.
Not And also you can wear it like on your shirt if you want to do a shirt. Yeah, if you want to like crop it, you know you use their hair type, so you pull the shirt around, tied in the tie and then flip it under.
Do you do that to get the mid drift out? How's your middrift looking?
By the way, I don't know.
I have worn like things that show it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, well two out of three ain't bad.
Very very good. Okay, as you got your work cut out for you here. Question one for the ladies in soccer? What does v A R stand for? What's that mean?
My goodness, the v A R?
What's that mean in soccer?
Oh my, I have no idea.
They might say sometimes waiting for the VR.
Oh yeah, d.
Video assistant referee unfortunately. Yeah. Question two you need the next two right to win? Okay, what is a waterproofing membrane? What's that.
Oh, I know that there's like waterproofing that you put in showers and stuff before you before it gets tiled. Is it the stuff that you use to waterproof showers and bathrooms?
It is. Well, it's that any sort of material installed to waterproof building foundation, showers, bathroom. So yeah, well done. You need the next one right for the tiebreaker. Okay, listen to these names carefully. Apollo, Tarana and Kingswood are all old models of which car brand? Uh, Apollo, Tarana, Kingswood.
It's a tiebreaker.
It's unbelievable.
It's a tiebreaker. Guys, your lap answer when you know?
And it goes to show that we really are equal because nearly every day we go to the tie breaker.
I know. Are you ready? Guys?
All right? What do you call a group of dolphins?
I have no idea, not a pack a.
Look over there there's a something of dolphins.
A group.
No no, oh, look there's also a something of whales.
Mm hmm.
And I'm going to put this coffee thing on the machine, the coffee the boy.
Finally we drink. Well done to My friend Paul has a brought the Fellas back for once a staycation experience glows Sydney Zoo. You're going to stay there the night. The VIP treatment double pass, so everywhere in the zoo, the overnight accommodation. Did it for two book now at Sydney Zoo. Dot bomp and we'll fly her there if necessary. Come on, boy nk yeah, well done, fellas, we're back.
Well done. I'm still not Yeah, I can take a while. Doctor kisses up. Next, do you have a medical question you want to ask him?
Well as related you didn't have to be.
Doesn't have to be it, give me anything. We will take your calls on thirteen one oh six five.
The doctor's name Jaggio. This is the Kyle and Jackie O Show.
Morning doctor.
Hello doctor, good morning.
How's it going.
I'm failing a bit crooked this morning.
You're feeling in what way?
I've got my bit journey bit a bit of diarrhea?
Well, what are you doing in here?
No, it's not that bad.
Don't I okay, it's just.
Been a dodgy food last night. That missus wake up this morning feeling the.
Same assuming the same thing last night.
Well that's not kid, that's not delve into their sexual relations.
We decided to have a bit of a different dinner at home. I think it was the German Bratwursts or worst worst or whatever.
The call sounds like a very hastily put together last minute idea.
Well, no, we were just we're just trying to think of something different to have with the kids.
Don't worry about the kid, just eat to survive. True, they're're gonna take some calls this morning. I've asked for anus related stuff because you're a case bird in that field.
But they don't have to so they can't have other questions like Josh, Josh is called through.
You're on with the doctor, Josh, what do you want to ask him?
Morning morning?
Hello, Hey, morning.
Doc today mate? What's happening?
Oh? My question is when I go down on a girl, I come like three to four times during the did.
No four time?
Well, while you're going down on a girl, you're ejaculating.
And you're not touching yourself or anything.
No, I'm just touching her.
Wow, what's going on there? It seems very sensitive? Can is that a medical possibility that whilst you're just chowing down on your missus not touching yourself, this bloke's just doing the squirt a couple of times. Is that right?
It definitely is, but it's going to be rare. You're a unicorn. There's many people that are going to be doing to be able to do that. So certainly people can find anything, many things erotic and arousing and they can get get to the point of orgasm without touching themselves. Right, Yeah, it's not common, but it does. It does definitely happen.
Has it happened to you before? Doctor? No, No, it never happened.
Any what how what's the period of time that three to four times happens over?
What lengths of time?
Oh, some might be done there probably fifteen to a good half hour.
And you're going three to four in that time.
He has a better man than me.
Well, and then.
Can you then get erect again for sexual intercourse after that?
And then and also come again during the routing cup. Who are you? What's your name? On him?
Yes, he loves the flower. Are you an Indian man?
I'm a florist, I think.
Yeah, But what's your nashnalady?
Yeah, I'm not going to be specific, but I'm a Pacific.
Calendar Placific islander. I don't know why you don't want to be specific.
It's not like you're giving them a bad name or anything.
It's only a couple of cheers from Samoa. Where else is there a tongue like there's some beautiful people in these countries? Beautiful?
I'll give you a h Okay, Oh my god, you I understand why you didn't want to say he probably Jackie.
We can meet up Jackie.
We've never met before.
Hey, nah, unfortunately?
And you know, I don't know what sort of a flower Jackie's got on display? Is it like a BP server bunches of the flowers for everyone type bunch?
Is it the old flowers that you've come back after holidays and they're still in the dirty of ours and they're all wilted and all that.
I don't know, with just a few fruit flies hanging around him?
God, you really do paint a pizza. So Josh is fine. It's just he's a unicorn. And be thankful. Doctor, you say.
Yes without a doubt?
Wow? Yeah, plain the half hour showerer? Is that not?
Is that what he said?
Fifteen? Didn't he thought to half an hour? That's that's a long time. I get too impatient.
What do you mean? You'd give, you'd tap him on the head. No, one likes to tap out. It's the worst.
Well it's not a TapouT, no, but yeah, I get a bit impatient with that.
Well write that down, Josh, in case you ever meet Jackie over to.
Fig Not too long. I couldn't do half an hour. No, that's way too long. Good on you, Josh. Wow, what a powerhouse.
Okay, well enough praise on Josh. Let's move to Michael Michael's calling from Melbourne. Michael, what's your question for doctor kiss morning? Guys.
Look, every time I go to the loop, my asshole puts me through excruciating pain. And I've just had it up to here. I don't know what to do anymore.
What sort of pain is this? Like a burning pain, stinging pain, deep pain?
It's more like a jabbing sort of pain.
Like a sharp stabbing pain.
Yeah, sharp stabbing, like you know, you go to the doctors, they asked you this, and you say jabbing it it's just a really bad headache. But in my asshole, Well.
What's going on with his? Buttole there? Doctor?
And are you passing like really hard firm stools or they soft?
No, it's just like an endless stream. Okay, it doesn't stop.
And have you had any blood there? Or when you wipe with the paper, is there blood?
I haven't say any blood, but I don't tend to look down at my pool or my wipe afterwards.
Well, how do you know you're finished wiping if you you don't look at the wipe.
I just by feel, just by feel.
Oh, I've made that mistake before and then realized what I've taken my undies off later. Oh, it wasn't quite all removed.
I've never I'm very fortunate, I guess.
So what's going on with his butthole?
It sounds like the anal fisher again, So that tear that we get on the inside of the butthole, and so each time it opens up, it's an open wound that the poop comes through and scrapes and irritates.
It'd be a great DJ name, wouldn't it, DJ anal fisher, That would be a great name. It almost sounds already fame. So how does he get this? How does he get the companies? But how does that happen?
It often comes when we're constipated, So passing a really hard stool through there, that that that literally just cuts and tears with the delicate, delicate bit of skin down there.
So what's he doing?
The barrier crane?
This is where the.
Poor poor comes in again.
It's to everything that it is.
Okay, So what you put it in there or just on the outside? What's he The only want to get people to do. It's a nice dot up on the end of the finger. Wipe it around and then just sort of just poke your finger inside just to sort of coat that area.
Just put the tip in you use that old line. Yeah, okay, there we go, Michael. No, hopefully that helps you.
Thanks Michael.
Thanks guys.
Peters called through Peter. What is your question to our doctor Kiss?
Hi, doctor Kiss. I've recently around my belly button got like an each and I think it's crabs and I have but the thing is I haven't been I haven't been had sex since like, oh sometime in March, so I haven't been with anyone. I just think it's the most obscure thing.
And like usually crabs start in your pubic area.
Why do you think it's crabs? Have you found animals there.
And you're like, you know you can pull them off and you can you can sort of like, you know, you can.
See crabs I have, I have Peter. Yeah, you crush him. It's really satisfying.
Actually, how do you catch It's not it's not crazy crazy itchy, like when you've got crabs intermittent?
What's going on there? Doctor?
Do you have hair around your belly button?
Okay, because the crabs need the hair, that's.
What they hang on to.
They're holding onto the base of the hairs, the pubic hair. So what are the treatments to get rid of crabs? Can be just to literally shave off all of your pubic hair, and that can help.
But my thing is like, how long do they stay there?
That long? Since? Could they have been dormant for two months since his last sexual encounter? Could a crab have laid crab eggs and his belly button and a month later they've appeared and now now he's got the itch.
It definitely could have done, because they take a while to multiply and and build up and to get to the point where they might be irritating.
So yeah, that would be a time from Brooklyn.
How did you get all your crabs? Do you make little tiny crab pots and throw them into the pubes or how do you get them?
It was a real nightmare getting rid of them, because I didn't want to like walk into the chemist and say, hey, I've got crabs.
What do I do so you?
Like at first I just said, you're just just get headline stuff and put it down.
That doesn't work. It doesn't work, doesn't work more.
Team with the fruit fly won't kill the fruit.
And I did shave the pubes off too, but like that still didn't really get rid of them.
They moved around to the ass crack.
Then it's just they just held on. Yeah.
Well, the other thing I was told, I don't know if this is true or not, that you can get them from your pets.
Crabs from it. Well, you can get fleas from pets.
If it, Please don't leave.
I don't think you will get the fleas growing down there. That doesn't get flea bites. They can jump onto your skin and bite you.
But we've got to go into like a chemist's warehouse and do the humiliation.
And asked for the body body life treatment.
Body life treatment way better name another thing.
It's completely out of stock.
We're everywhere, everywhere.
There must be an epidemic.
To get a script to get a script and go to a compound in chemist.
Oh my god, is why would they all be out of stock, doctor King.
It's a flow on from COVID and access to medications and supplies.
Enough enough of this book. If you tell me that nails and wood and like pube treatments, that everyone's dr everyone's back to work. This whole, this whole lag lie, this whole lie of covid. It's got it is wearing a bit thin.
That's what they tell us.
You're right there are believing it that there are medications out there that are in poor supply, and this and this is one of them. So there's a tablet that you can take that's a bit more deluxe, but it'll work.
What do you mean deluxe.
Well it's just a bit more expensive and we'll.
Pay a million dollars to get rid of crabs. Let me tell you that's right amount.
Of Okay, good luck with that, Peter, thank you.
I never feel like anyone leaves the doctor's surgery here.
It's always see someone else.
Oh sorry, we'll do the best riquet.
Well, yeah, you can't send him a screen.
Your best is not good enough. Sorry for old doctor, he's been flat out. He's got surgeries. He's running the world.
This bloke, I know, he's got running. Who you know, Well, you appreciate you being Hereanks. Thanks, we're going to do birthday.
Well, if you're celebrating today, this is your chance to call on thirteen one oh six fives.
We all okay, Thursday May sixteen, if it's your birthday, Happy birthday today with a few famous people, quite a few Megan Fox thirty eight today, Janet Jackson with that old remember thence you flopped the old tity out. Yeah, yeah, it's eight years old today. Pierce Brosnan, the worst James Bond ever seventy one. Hate that bloke. Tucker Carlson, you know him, American news dude. Ye, quite controversial. Fifty five Danny L. Spencer.
Oh, happy birthday Danny.
She's a singer actress, mother the Russell Crowe's children. Fifty five Danny, who's this?
Don't know? Machete, machete, machette.
You know. The only Mexican that you know of film is Acne. He's got all the older face. Well he doesn't like the big old creative face.
He always plays the baddie and drug cartel Mexican very movie.
Ter a fine bloke eighty years old today, Well done, Marchette and Tory spelling fifty one today?
How about that? What about you, Jesse? How old are you? Happy birthday? By the way, Oh my god, it's like I'm a longtime listener, but I never ever get through.
I'm so excited. Yeah, I'm twenty eight this year, twenty.
Eight, and that's how old I was when I first met Jackie. Twenty eight years old. Oh my gosh, yeah, she was twenty four.
Was you remember my age? I'm impressed.
Of course you're only four years younger.
Yeah, right, yeah?
Is that impressive to you?
It's impressive that you knew how old I was when we met.
Yeah. I did dive on some research because I was a little bit nervous being patched into Jackie. Yeah, a bit nervous about it.
I know you've said that before. Yeah, but you know.
And I knew you had a I knew that the guy I replaced you used to have sex with on the regular. I didn't know what I was letting myself in for.
Oh did you think you'd just be replaced in the bedroom as well? Like you would be in that role as well.
Yeah, but no, no, I had met Lee by then, had I? I met you and Lee at pretty much exact same time, two major, major, significant relationships started.
Then, who's the most significant out of me and Lee?
You would be?
Actually, even though he gave you a daughter, isn't that a miracle? Yeah?
But there's it's different because.
I gave you everything else.
No, I think it's just it's longer for a start, right, And I think we've been through more together.
Than me and your husband.
Yeah, like more significant stuff we've been through together, bigger highs and bigger low You're right.
We've we reinvented the way we do this whole industry. And what did we do? Sometimes? Peel a carrot for dinner?
Him down?
No, I'm just trying to make a comparison.
We're not competing with Lee here.
Ah, you're right, there's no competition as well. Seeing to spin the wheel and that's in hard, round and round it goes. Once you win the gift, you'll have to choose the power pick slowing down?
Number four, Jack, what's that?
Number four is six hundred dollars to spend Lorna Jane, Wow, Oh wow.
Oh my god, Yeah, that's amazing.
You get moving with Lorna Jane, the original Active Where brand.
That is a nice amount to spend there. Thank you so much.
Well done, Jesse. Okay, you got a couple of songs. Brooklyn is very foolishly chosen Avril Levine's Way Boy.
This is like one of the best and you can't help it. Sing along, Jesse, I'm not gonna buy. I used to Britain that I was in a busy.
Video at home when I was younger, and I used to lift all the time.
That's when you're a That's when you're a silly, silly, little jim bootwearing girl. And things are different now. So Jackie and I have chosen a classic from our lives.
It's a happy song.
We feel Katie Perry and Timberland if we ever meet again. It's like a one night stand vibe we have, Yeah, Jesse. Jesse is only twenty eight. She may have been fifteen when this song came out. I don't know what do you think, Jesse, which one do you want.
But I have to go with Scotland.
It's just good.
It's so nostalgia.
I can't I love you that song is so good. We ever meet again?
A lot of girls that little swamp donkey type of Avril Levine's like, you know that that vibe. It's always sad and sort of miserable looking, bitch.
You know it's all good. Skater Boy is a good song.
Though. You're right, Jessie. I'm glad you're a normal woman now and you're going to get this song. We'll play it for you.
Okay, Thanks Jez, thank you.
Honey, Bye bye, Avril Levine. Skater Boy, I haven't played this for a while. Sounds good.
Here a kiss this morning?
Everyone, yesty oow Abril Levine, I say, in corrected, enjoyed every moment of a Brooklyn Well.
How good is she?
Well done? Birthday girl? Yes, you're good. I tell you what's better than Averril Levine? Cock got that right? Stock sounds better in my mind and I said it. I felt a bit home though, Thank you, intern the cockering Master. I've got to say what up to MacArthur this morning? He is at Nerellan Hotel, Hamden Valley Way in Sydney.
Yeah, good morning, Australia's favorite cockering master.
Checking you for judies, Kyle and Jackie and.
You've got quite the crowd down there, Peter. I mean there's a crown there. They go, here, we go.
It's so good. And we've already got laws in.
Here who wut his hand up and said, I want to cock on my arm. So he has gone and got a cash cock tattoo as we speak.
Because you've got a tattoo artist down there.
It's just doing free cash cock tats if anyone wants them. And this guy said, yep, give me one, and he's currently in the middle of getting it.
He's got his butt on display.
Are you do you do you have any other tattoos on your body?
Yeah, covered stomach, back, everywhere.
First, the only bit of real estate that was left the tattoo was his clean butt, cheek clean currently underane.
And it's quite big.
You've chosen a big size there for that whole button, the whole back.
It's amazing. Make sure we go over to cash Coock HQ right now and find out how the crowd are. Hi, guys, good morning, very very pumped up.
There's a few famous faces I've seen. I've seen some of those guys. Is that footballers MP.
Yeah, we've got the footy club boys here also. Okay, Now, I just want to be very clear. I didn't say this joke. The police have rocked up here this morning. Yeah, and he said do you want a pig to ride the cock?
And I was like, oh, I.
Think you can say that. I definite regard.
Not all police are bad. They've got a sense of him or enjoy. Welcome police, Welcome Pedro. Pedro is all excited because they're from the Bulls right here.
Yeah, MacArthur, Bulls Cars, Matt German, Ivan, what's up?
Nat down there, there's a lot of folks down there. Okay, Peter, let's meet our contestants this morning. Okay, who is going to climb on the cock and ride? Ride? Ride it?
Would you please say hello to Basan? I believe is his name?
So much?
Good morning, oh man.
I have a good feeling about you.
I feel you're going to ride this for a long time. I'm hoping anyway.
Son, what a body? He's got no shirt on? Can you put the microphone? Pete is little Madonna? MIC's not not adjusted. I want to hear him properly, can you Yeah? What a weapon this play? He's got no shirt on? Quite the body on?
Yeah, so you're going to stay on that on that cock for as long as possible. Five seconds gets you a thousand dollars. Every five seconds it ticks over another brand.
I'm right, Peter, you're ready to do the countdown? My friend? Is this the first cock you've ever ridden? And I ask.
Probably be the first pot, the biggest, first, the biggest.
Okay, when you're ready, Peter, I'll leave it in Peter's hands. When you're ready, brother.
All right, here we go in. Who that cop is?
A pilot?
Jackie's what's that? A very smooth staff sailing? Yeah, condition prove it this morning.
One thousand dollars dollars. He war killing Poddy.
He's got ten thousand dollars, three bolsters, three.
Thousand dollars, three one four thousand dollars.
Ship he's doing a thousand dollars calls jack Yard.
Five thousand dollars so corproate, no, no, no, mother, look, six thousand dollars.
This guy is a professional talk cole guy. Three seven dollars seven thousand.
My god, he's a you're not by aloud?
He's down like wow, what was the candle said to do a quick seven thousand dollars dollars.
Wow, it was on the legs last night, so.
Put a good effort into it.
Yeah, we did late night last night.
Well, yes, of course Peter was talking into the same microphone as you're talking into. We heard him loud and clip. That's so good for having.
Us guys, big what up?
Shout out MacArthur, Thank you, Nirrellan Hotel, Camden Valley Way. What a crowd. Tomorrow Cash Cook will be back on location again, only here at Gus Kiss FM. Morning Kyle, Jackie and weatherwise, let's have a look around the joint Melbourne Sonny All Day nineteen Sidney b cloudy in twenty two degrees. Jackie's got some own news thanks to Chemis Warehouse. Yeah.
So recently we've heard a lot about female celebrities dating younger men, but Chelsea Handlers.
Ship haven't heard anything except for you. I've only heard your dating younger men, not all these celebrities.
Yeah, he's the celebrities.
Who else you know? And who?
Well, Kate Beckinsal is always dating younger men? Who Kate Beckinsal, I don't know there was there was sure, oh yeah sure.
And Chris Jenner the company, Yeah, and don always does. Jimmie Moore, she did, and.
Cyrus Golden Girls episode.
Yeah, anyway, so you know it's a trend.
Yeah, it's And of course the movie that's come out that everyone's watching the idea of you.
Oh my god, is this at the cinema?
It's on Amazon Prime?
Oh isn't it? Yeah?
And Hathaway dates a young guy's a musician, twenty four years old and she's in her forties.
Very hard to believe that that's true.
It's so hot.
Oh my god.
They've got the best chemistry, these two, Like honestly they're acting, yes, but you know how some people just have great chemistry on screen where you can actually feel the sexual tension and you're getting quite turned on by just a little scene that involves the hand caressing between the legs or the piano, the piano.
Movement. But no, no cinema ever got moved.
It's good.
Do you get you get actually around?
I did when I saw that and the hand just touched her leg like that. It was really eternal.
Did you touch your own leg at the same time?
Be honest, I don't think I would have, but yeah, it was good guy.
It is so attractive he's almost too attractive.
He's very, very cute straight in real life?
Or yeah, I think so?
You never even bother?
What's his name?
This actor guys in the Identicolas Galllet scene?
And is he straight?
For sure?
I have a look there, some good.
There I do.
I'm obsessed he's straight.
And because he said before that he felt bad for playing a gay character in another movie when he wasn't.
Gay, so I want to lose. He's one of those losers.
He's so beautiful.
What are you talking about, seem I can't see what he looks like anyway? What about this stupid film?
No, I'm not talking about the film. I'm actually just talking about Chelsea Hammler bucking the trend of this. She's into older men, much older. In fact, she was on Jimmy Fallon last week. Robert de Niro was a guest on the show, and yeah, she's she was into him big time.
I'm happy that you came on the show tonight, you and Robert Dehniro.
I am.
I'm very sexually attracted to Robert de Niro. I'm not going to pretend that I'm not. I have I couldn't even go near him backstage because his girlfriend's back there, and I don't want her to think that I'm making a move, but I want to make a move. I have a pension for elderly men.
Yeah, yeah, I do.
I always date older.
I mean at some point I'll have to stop, you know, because it's going to.
Get too old.
But I feel sexually attracted to Robert Jannier.
I always have, and I would.
Like to be penetrated by him.
He's there, he's on set with her.
She's saying, I want to be penetrate a bar with.
His missus also there. You know, it's funny to watch on TV, but it wouldn't be funny on the car trip home for de Niro. You know it's not getting don't go pretending you don't know what I'm talking about.
Oh you got what? You would be getting someone's balls for that beginning?
Yeah, you would. You all pretend you're not the jealous tized, but you would all say oh right. So that was uncomfortable, Chelsea pretty much saying she wanted to root you, and I'm standing there embarrassed. That's what would happen. You would do the same, every woman would.
I don't know.
Carl I'm like, honestly, the pretended version that you think of yourself.
No, I honestly don't.
I really don't get I'm not like, I don't get that jealous to be honest.
Well maybe that's the problem, you.
Think, So why I don't know that jealousy is a good thing.
No, it's not fun. But let's face it, we all have it in us.
Of course, we have it in us. Like there are times you get jealous, but you know, well.
That's one of those times. As a man, you know that your missus is going to say something on the way home. It's not his fault.
Avril Levina's addressed that old rumor that she died back in two thousand and three and got replaced by a look alike.
She came on and spoke about whether she died or not.
Yeah, she was on the Caller Daddy podcaster, and they just wanted to address what she felt about that.
Because it was such a conspiracy theory. People did such deep dives.
I believe it. People believed, oh one.
Hundred percent they did. Even you look at it what their evidence is and you go, yeah, this actually has some merit to it, you know. I no, I Anyways, she had.
A laugh about it.
Here there is a conspiracy theory that Avril Levine is no longer with us, and there is a woman named Melissa who took over. And you, I can't even say, seriously, you're sitting across with me. You are Melissa.
It's just funny to me, Like, on one end, everyone's like and then on you look the exact same.
You have an age today. Honestly, it's not that bad.
It could be worse, right, Like I'd be like, I got a good one, and.
I don't think it's like negative.
It could be worse.
Yeah, yeah, no, you could be getting like my obviously, I am me.
It's so dumb.
So she is alive.
She's alive, yep.
And in other news, Carl Richards from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. She's always like a scaredy cat on the show.
You know what she's like.
Yeah, she gets quite nervous about the smallest.
Smallest things.
But I guess this is something maybe people would be a little freaked out about. She got in her range rover she was in Beverly Hills, hopped in the range rover, then noticed this big rat on her side.
Window. But it was on the outside, clinging all the rat.
A rat. Yeah, it was a huge rat on the outside of her window.
Yes, so it was on the outside of the car, not the inside.
And she she decided to field from you know, well, I guess yeah, the video.
I can have a look at this thing.
Oh my god, oh my god, Oh my god, please help me.
God, no, no, no, no, no no. I can't see the rat. I can see it. It's so cute just looking through the window at need to get.
Off my car, off my car.
I need that man to help me.
Hear me, knock, please.
Get off of my car.
And oh that that that rat is so cute. It's like from a movie.
It's sitting up sort of hanging on between the door and the and the side mirror, side mirror, peering through the little triangle, the little triangle.
So cute. It's sitting there just peering through the triangle, staring at us.
I don't know how it would have gone there, oh.
The a you know, the everywhere just would have run up the wheel.
Don't know how things work that. You don't know how rats operate.
Yeah, they run up drain pipes and all sorts of things. So it would have just seen the car run up it, like run up the side of it.
Rent know that looks very odd. I've never seen rave in the day in the middle of a car park and hanging someone's mirror.
Yes, I've never seen that either. It is quite rare, but it is true. It only happened to Kyle.
All right, Coming up next, we are going to do the ten thousand dollars pop quiz. If you want to play, you can call us on thirty and one or six five yes, and.
Then the noise worth two hundred thousand is not far behind, and kids is good luck.
Kyle, Jaggioile and jackieos ten thousand dollars pup quiz Pop Quiz.
Yeah, we have ten grand very easy quiz, ten questions. Every question you get right, you win one hundred dollars. If you get all ten right, which happens yep, a lot. They walk off with ten thousand dollars playing this morning is Mary? I'm Mary?
How's it going morning?
Oh my god?
Yeah, Yes, you've been chosen the lucky one, Mary.
Lucky you God you guys, I love you guys.
Well Mary, Mary, this is your big moment. How many do you usually get right when you're playing along.
Oh look, I'm not great at it, but I just love it just for fun.
Yeah, I'm the same Mary. Sometimes I get them all yeah, and then other.
Day I would never.
I would never get Yeah, you might might. Let me have a look, Let me have a look.
How many would you be happy with if you got X amount? What would that be? Amazing?
Even four hundred under a wedge?
Okay, so not even halfway and I love that. Okay, let's go sixty seconds on the clock. Mary, Let's see if we can give you some can.
On Which streaming platform would you watch the TV show Hacks.
Finish these sewn Mendez lyrics. There's nothing holding me back?
Yes, Leah.
Who's starting the nineties film parent Trap?
God, Lindsay, hol Lindsay.
Which American TV drama is set in Gray Sloane Memorial Hospital, Gray Sloane Memorial.
Hospital, anatomy?
Luke Hemmings is the lead singer of which band part who released the twenty twenty song Savage Love. Elizabeth Hurley is a model from which country.
What is the luxury brand Rolex famous for selling?
Jaylor Hickman is professionally known as which American singer. Oh, zach Efron played a wrestler in which film released last year.
A wrestler I don't know. Let's go back to Luke Hemmings, lead singer of No I don't Know five five seconds of Summer.
Guess what six hundred dollars got married?
Yeah you did? Real well, let me tell you. I'll give you a couple of answers. Luke Hemmings was in five seconds of Summer Jason Derulo saying savage love. The Iron Claw was where zach Efron really beefed up and got muscly for that. And Doce is the singer that's uh, that's right.
Well did great? Mary will send that out to you.
Can I just say Can I just say that you make my day every day?
I just love you so much.
Sometimes when I'm feeling really.
Down and then I listen to you.
Guys, you picked me up, I just can't.
I can't just tell you how.
Much I love you.
Oh, that's so nice.
That's great that we haven't got time to sit around and get our assholes linked. We've got Billy Eilish on the way. Thank you. Mary, It's the Carl and Jackie O Show this morning here at Kiss FM. Billy Eilish, how special guests today. You know she's bringing a brand new record out, Hit Me Hard and Soft is out everywhere tomorrow night.
Maybe how's it going.
I'm good.
Good to see those again.
You too. You know what, every time we speak to you, you just you seem like you're right in the chill zone. Like you know, some people are a bit of radiche and some people are a little bit lazy. You're you have constantly you engaged, but you're not overboard.
What's going on to you?
Don't you ever have like panicked moments rereading or you know everyone does surely anxiety or like something to like yes, where you have to kind of regulate your nervous system.
I'm just you know, I'm just telling you guys. I'm I'm I'm in Los Angeles. It's a sunny day. I'm like my album's coming out, you guys. I had I had some really good like race and vegan drumsticks.
As a vegan drumstick, what is that made a letters.
It's like it's like a chicken wing but it's vegan, and it's like tie.
A nice love. There's so much new food to eat these days.
Yeah, and you've announced your Australian tour.
The last one was incredible, and I know that when you were here on one trip you and your brother annoyediced the crossing, like the sound that crossing.
And it was the bad guy. First of all, I was wondering, like, did you pick up any of those kind of sounds around the world for the new album?
We did a couple times.
I think that there's only there's a few, but I don't know if they're around the world. I think that, I mean, we were pretty much we really didn't tour almost at all in the making of this album.
We kind of had like one small, few week leg of a tour. But there's a couple little little audio bites. It's just funny, like you know, people are so curious about the.
Audio bites, and it's funny because like we've been doing them since we were since we first started making music like this first the first EP that we made, we were using little voice memos and putting them in songs, Like it's such a thing that we love to do and it just like adds something to the music.
And also if there's a coupletory to it. It's amazing.
There's a familiarity to it where people don't even realize they've just drawn to these. That's why when people do covers of songs, people love it because mums singing in the car with the kid everyone loves. But your stuff just so good. And let me tell you if you're not familiar with Billie Eilish's success, we're talking on the mantle somewhere at her joint nine Grammy Awards.
And listen to this.
Two Oscar Awards like.
This is they're not easy to get those.
Man, people do work their entire aft and Billy's got two. Yeah, Now that's because of the work with the music. When you're approached by the Hollywood types to do theme songs for movies, is that a whole different mindset you got to get into because they're not really your feelings. It is sort of you have like a like a topic to sing about. Is that how you figure it out?
Honestly, it's one of my favorite things to do.
I really really think that Phineas and I thrive when we write with like an assignment like we do. We do really really well when it's like, you know, write about this. I mean the other night I was I was sitting in my living room at like two in the morning with a friend of mine, and I was playing guitar and I was like, not really coming up with you know, I just was like, I'm just humming stuff.
And I remember coming around, mucking around, fucking.
Around exactly, and my friend was like saying about, write about you know, how you feel about this thing that happened the other day. And I immediately was like, okay, when I start too, and then she's like, hold on, write about the person you were with perspective of the thing that happened the other day. And then I was able to write so much better and it's so interesting for me. I'm I'm so, I really enjoy writing from.
Other people's perspectives, other stories, you know, stuff that it is not my own truth.
I don't know what it is.
I don't know if I'm like that detached from my own, you know, feelings, but I don't think.
I don't know.
Sometimes it's hard to tap into our own feelings though, don't you reckon.
I've never tapped into my Pandora's box of yeah closed, I stack mine on with weight and bad behavior. How do you handle your tough times? Have you got to go to remedy or are you you just right? Or do you jog? Do you sleep for three days?
I wish I could say I had some special thing that I do. I feel like I I love food. I love you so much. I love it so much. That's a big one. I love being with my parents, Like I'll go to my parents' house if I feel overwhelmed, or I hang out with my brother, Like, those are the things I do. I love a good bath.
I love a bath.
I like being outside.
I like being with animals. I feel like animals keep me each other.
I love animals. Yeah, yeah, I think people that don't like animals. I don't think anyone should to be friends with those of.
These trusted Yeah yeah, and we're so weird.
Okay, we'll stick you around. I'm more coming up with Billy Eilish, our guest this morning herold Kiss FM. You're back with Kyle and Jackie. Billy Eilish is on air with us this morning. New Bellie, you've worked with your brother Phineas again for this record. It's a great combination. We know you love working with him. How's he going? By the way, no one ever.
Asks, he's doing great. He's he's up to all sorts of things. He's got so much you know that he's working on and he's he seems to be doing great. I think everyone seems to be. You know, a knock on wood in a really.
Good he really just went off camera then to actually knock on a piece of wood.
I noticed, are you superstitions?
Maybe she is.
I'm like, I'm not superstitious, but I'm not not super stitis.
You don't want to tempt it.
If it's gonna be, if it's gonna if it doesn't take that much out of my time, I'll do it.
You know what I'm saying.
You won't walk under the letter, you'll walk around the letter, that sort of stuff.
I'm kind of like, I'm like, I'm you know, if it's not that much of a work.
I'll do it.
I love that it's such an honest artist.
Love it when you and your brother work together on like the album is like, I can't. It doesn't seem like you guys would fight that much. You seem to have a very good relife.
We think of it, how we would write a record with our brothers.
Our brother would just be an awful, awful experience.
You're a musical family. Where does it come from? Does it is it in the bloodline? Or are you the first two that.
A musical No, it's kind of in the bloodline. We really we grew up in the most musical household ever.
It was so much of you know, our whole family is just fans. It really is the thing, you know, fans. And my mom is an incredible songwriter and singer, and she taught us how to write songs.
And my dad, my dad can sing, and his brothers are extremely.
Musical and jealous as at the Christmas table right you're and the Grammys? Do you do you bring that up in an argument? Anything to win the argument?
Well, I mean it's just it's just nice.
Like we grew up with so much music surrounding us, and I thought, I thought, I thought every family was doing that, but it was they weren't. But it's it's honestly, it's not. I think it depends on your relationship with your sibling. But and I are so close and so cool and so good at working with each other, and always, you know, we we get into arguments but the same way you get into arguments with your family.
Before we let you go. The name of the album is hit Me Hard and Soft. What what was that mean?
What does it mean to you?
So the picture, but I'm thinking, is it like, oh, you got some hard songs to you know, emotional and soft? And I'm trying to write from your perspective what you would have meant if I'd have written it? It means a whole different thing. We can't even a what I would think? What's your meaning?
It does mean a lot of things, and it is.
It is also based on a name of a patch that we used. It was similar that I just was really drawn to and thought was beautiful. And I think that the easiest way to put it is that I think that the album does that. I think that it hits you hard and it hits.
You soft, and it's a journey. You're on a journey on this journey.
It's totally journey.
And I like, I love a title of a song or an album that makes the you, as the listener, question.
It and makes you think, oh, what does that mean to me?
Like you know, I love I.
Love debates between what the song title or the album title or the lyric. You know, people are like, no, no, no, I thought that she meant this by it, And then someone's like, oh, I thought that she meant this.
By is that what a lot of artists don't want to actually say a lot of the time what it is, because you like that everyone has their own meanings.
What it means to the person that buys the record. I suppose that's a big important part. Yeah, I think.
So it's nice. It's nice to leave it up for interpretation. So I would say with hit Me hard and soft, it is up for interpretation.
Well it's out tomorrow, everyone get it. Hit me harding meself Billy Eilish. By the way, I've never said this to a woman before. But there's some amazing eyebrows, And I know that sounds very Jack is stuck in those nineties eyebrows where she plucked them like them Donald's logo because.
Pamela Anderson had them really thin, and we all followed suits.
We're paying the price.
So you just you're just out here telling men their eyebrows are awesome.
Yeah, that's what.
Yeah, we're big.
God, I do say they you never woman. I've never said to a woman because you know. I don't like to, you know, but you're on a giant screen here, so you're browser of a small car up on this wall and they're bloody lovely. Man likes to talk as always. Can't wait for the record. It drops to midnight tomorrow everywhere on earth. Billie Eiley, thanks for coming.
On, Thanks Billy much, Bye bye.
He's on the way to the country. Every and all the details will put them on our website. This morning, A kiss, two hundred thousand dollar noise? Who wants to win?
Ring now?
One noise?
One hell of a lot of.
Camp right now, right, Get ready for the greatest transformations Australia's ever seen. Joined doctor Chris Brown for dream Home That is coming real soon to Channel seven and seven plus.
Okay, okay, are you ready guys? I hope it goes off today.
We've given out so many clues for the two hundred thousand dollar noise. This is the noise.
Six five to play. You are first, Helena, Good.
Morning, Good morning, guys.
How are you going very well? Have you had to listen to this? Do you think you know what it is?
It's engraved into my brain?
Have you heard the noise? Thought? I think it's this, then tried to make the noise yourself. For clarification.
I've tried to mimic it in the house, but I don't exactly have the said device that I think it is. Okay, I'm kind of just going off a nostalgic whim.
Okay, okay, a memory. Is that what you think? Okay, here's the noise one more time for two hundred thousand dollars. What is it?
I think it's a closing and locking in place, a lid of like a paper guillotine, the ones you have in the school, and the slicing the nice through the paper.
Brooklyn and I thought that's quite some time back, and we mentioned that, but we realize it's usually made of wooden metal, so we realized it couldn't be right.
So I have said I'm not allowed to repeat the clues. I promised the radio station management I won't say them. But I've said it's not metal.
And it's not would yeah, says right, Amity. I hope you have been listening to the clues.
I hi, Oh my god, I love that note.
By the way, how could that makes me think of that? It makes me think of that movie as well.
What movie.
Your middle name is not Your middle name is not Ville, is it?
No, that would be funny.
What do you think it is?
I think it's putting the kettle down onto the bottom attachment, like when it clicks into place in the bottom.
That is also wrong, Amity. I'm so sorry. Think you've got to be in it to win it. Everyone, someone's gonna win the two hundred thousand.
They are indeed, and Tristan, that could be you.
Hi, Hi, Okay, you're ready. Here's the noise one more time, Tristan, thank you. Okay, I'd love to give you the money. What do you think it is? Okay?
So I think it's closing a washing machine and adjusting the settings.
No, that is not wrong.
People keep guessing metals and plastics.
Yeah, well, you're getting very agitated people.
This is just a waste.
How many times do we have to say?
Many times? Every day, all day we say it?
Now, there are ways to get your message across without being insulted.
Let's go to Bevan. Hey, Bevan, Hey Bevan.
Good morning, Hey, good morning sir. How are you very well?
My friend?
Have you been listening to this noise? Do you think I know what it is I got it?
Yeah, I think, yeah, I think I know what it is.
Okay, let's hear one more time, right over, Bevan for two hundred thousand.
What is it?
I think it's a bundle of a bundle of gas freaking from side to side, a.
Bundle of cat Now, Bevan, have you made have you? Have you tried this out on a bundle of cash?
I have tried so yeah, I guess I guess.
Let's listen again, because it might be that that little, that little ratchety thing you think it might be. That's a rubber bandy.
Let's yeah, I'm a bandy. And you can flick from one side to say.
Imagine, imagine if it was flicking the two hundred thousand dollar bundle.
Yeah, maybe a hundred thousand, hundred, one hundred hundred bundle.
And he didn't he enjoyed the dot. That's not right. That's not right. I'm so sorry. Keep thinking, keep thinking.
All right, we're going to take one more call, and Nick, we are dying to hear your guests. Let's hope it's right.
What is it?
Thank you? Guys.
I think I know what it is.
Putting a calf of wine on the table and closing it?
Is it has the has Nick got the two hundred thousand?
Is it?
Putting the flagging what do you call it? Cask wine up on.
The table and what closing it?
Let's have a listen. That's not right. Thanks. That would have been a good one because I've heard Mum do that a thousand times when I was Yeah, the old cooler barge mums on it.
Well, there you go Lord again for Gordy's show.
Yeah, more chances to win all day. It's only here two hundred thousand dollars.
Good luck, guys.
Don't tune out if you're only here for the money. Because Lockie the geek that works for us, he was I have to go. I have to explain because he thinks everyone knows him from that TV show for forty years ago where he came runner up or whatever.
Well he won.
Oh you won that, Locky, Yeah, yes, someone, but you never had sex with the girl.
No, that wasn't one of the challenges.
Well, I thought, isn't that the point of a beauty in the geek? A beauty finds real love in a geek because it's not all about you know, the body, Jackie, just the heads up.
It wasn't necessarily about fighting love. It was the social experiment of putting people together from two different worlds, making them go through a variety of different challenges, and saying if there was some common ground to be found.
I wonder why Channel seven didn't go with that marketing plan.
It's actually Channel nine, No wonder if it was.
A failure, this thing you're on the flop network.
Our season wasn't a failure. They did another season after our one.
Oh was that the failure?
The ratings in the second season were not quite as good as they were in our season when they can no.
Knew you weren't the first season though, we were the first.
Season on Channel nine after a break.
Of like six years after seven canceled it to the lack of him and.
Where did it belong before that?
So it was Channel seven from two thousand and nine to twenty fourteen, Channel nine, twenty one and twenty twenty.
Two, Got it, Got it okay, And you're one of the contestants on the reboot on the other network. No wonder. No one knows who he is.
How many people watched it?
Our seatson actually ride pretty well because the numbers brother numbers brother, COVID numbers.
Brother, is what we're after, ratings numbers? How many?
Pretty well? Pretty well? Doesn't sound that good. I went to the Olympics. How'd you go? Oh? Pretty well?
What is it?
What were the numbers?
Our season was averaging like I think six hundred, seven hundred thousand of view.
Ah, it's a cancelation waiting to happen. That's what happens. You get that low, you're canceled.
Oh, I don't know about that. You don't get canceled on those numbers on.
Channel nine, you do, really. Channel nine is one of the big one of the big boys. Channel ten, that's a winner every day of the week. Channel nine. They can't survive on the six hundred thing.
Well anyway.
So yeah, we're doing your little sex game coming up soon to stand by Lockie.
Okay, I'm standing by.
Sounds revoltingly excited about it? About it up to host the game show all about Lockie's sex. I feel like going home. I didn't even feel like listening to it myself.
Oh, come on, because you've got to do's voice?
Yeah, the voice.
Yeah, we got a guess what.
Can I bring something to your attention about Lockie. I noticed that he's been hitting up. There was like an OnlyFans girl that posted a photo of herself like dressed as.
A cleaner, like a sexy cleaner, and Lockie.
Replied to her and said, oh, you know, I'll get you a job cleaning the Kylin Jackie studio. So he's just going around offering.
He doesn't have the authority to to change our cleaning stuff, doesn't know, Is that.
True, Locky?
Yeah, so this was a leasure from naked dating. So she posted a video of herself doing some cleaning. Was creeping and as a joke, I posted my tags Alfie in and as well, because here's the other guy that's been interested in this only fans girl and jokingly said that we should get her to clean.
You guys, you're not going to get that only fans go on. She came on for the contest of naked dating. She shouldn't have you guys creeping on her from both angles and they're offering her job. Did you go ha ha ha in the message Since you're saying it was.
A joke, yeah, I pult like the laughing emoji.
No, sorry, guys, I've just got to correct him. He did not put in the laughing emojing. Oh there it is on the screen.
What is that emoji? What is that?
What is that?
You filthy animal? Lockie?
Wait what did you what did you type in to get that?
You want to put us cleaning? And that came up with a sponge.
Made it did, But there's a broom right next to it. I reckon that one would have been more clear.
Yeah, a sponge doesn't punges.
Up g I reckon really gets used by people.
Yeah, I think the sponge of movie moji is the rarest one.
Right, Yeah, sorry, you give me lessons on what appropriate emojis shoes later.
You know what even you should start off doing first, putting a little gap in between each word and your sentence, Locky, Like a little gap makes it clearer, see what I should talk like this? But that's your only other alternative, like a full subby or a half I love you just the way you are.
Lucky, don't change lucky, all right?
Thank you.
I don't think there's any chance of him changing all honesty. We'll get this dumb ass game on next style Jaggio. Yeah, young Lockey from Beauty in the Gig works here now he's done all right, he's part of the family.
Yeah, we love him.
We never discriminate.
For long around, discriminate against him. There's nothing to discriminate, is he.
I know he's like, there's heaps to discriminate against.
But I know he's unique, is unique. But I don't think there's discrimination like warranted in any way. Yeah, well you do you well, Lockie. We're doing a little lucky sex game hosted by Cooper John's who's here in his suit?
Cooper looking good in that suit.
Morning, Thank you very much. It feels very weird actually being in a suit.
Yeah, I'm not used to seeing you in a suit.
No, what are your thoughts? What's your first excellent out of ten?
Who does he look like that? Jackie? Like in Cooper John's in a suit, he's skewing a vibe. I can't quite put my finger on what the vibe is. What do you think you had to real estate agent?
All right? Do you have real estate agent sales? You should be in the sales team.
Yeah, yeah, no, I maybe have any interest in that.
Maybe more a leasing agent, not quite not quite the real estate agent.
You know, I'm selling houses yet.
But you've got your foot in the You you're renting the people and you and you're real an asshole to it the poor renters as well selling drugs on the side.
Yeah, yeah, as you're getting drugs for the CEO.
That's right. You're the guy. Yeah, you're the guy in the law office who's a junior partner that's got to get the coke on Friday nights. That's that's what he looks like.
Yes, that's that's right on it.
That's got nothing to do with the game, Cooper. I'll leave it up to you. What are we doing here?
So this is called this All That Lockey Sex Edition. So we've recorded We've got eight questions here. We've recorded Locke's answers and you got I'm going to give you two options, and you and Jackie you have to guess which one Lockey's sick mind with Lockey.
You're happy with the answers you've locked in. Obviously you pre recorded those answers.
Might have to be right because I can't go they can change them.
Is there any regrets that did you go home and you're getting your little single bed with your superman donner and pull it up and put your nightlight on and think, oh, I shouldn't have said that one.
No, I've said it. I'm pretty comfortable with what I've said.
All right, all right, I don't even know what kinds of questions we're going to be asked here.
We're ready when you are.
Well, the first question, We've got it.
And I want to ask you to first morning or night sex for you too, love night so for us?
Yeah, what would you guys want to have sex in the morning or the night?
I'm night sex. Yeah, I'm not interested in the morning. I don't want to.
Morning's okay, but it's nowhere near as good as night sex.
Definitely had the morning sex, but the breath and you know, yeah, and I'm going to take my sleep out near mask off and yeah, that whole thing.
Is very much just not as good in the morning.
Now, try to check yourself inside to the mind of Lochlan.
That's sick.
I would do he'd be nighttime, wouldn't he or maybe he wants to can't You can't get inside his head because you just don't know what the hell he's thinking.
See, I would see he could.
Think right going down, making a cup of tea, bringing it up and then going you know, doing the business, give the morning, giving her the morning bonus, servicing her completely.
Really, he's got nothing to do with the woman the morning boner.
No, but no, maybe he gives her the cup of tea and then gives her something else. You know, he's servicing her.
I think that's your own fantasy. But I don't know whether that would be in Locke's mind. I'm locking in Lockie would say nights.
I think it would be anoy. She well, in the dark, we're logging in nights. X.
Okay, we're right.
Yeah, let's have a listen.
The ideal time to make love for me is at nighttime, when you're all relaxed, all of your workers done for the day, you don't have to worry about getting out of bed, and you can just have some really romantic sexy time together.
Sorry girls, sorry if everyone just started shivering. It was a horrendous feeling hearing that. So we're right, though, we got a point. Think one point to me? When did jackiet?
Next question question two?
Do you think he enjoys dirty talk?
Or to keep it callet oh, I have to keep it quiet. Just what's he gonna say?
Give it?
I myself don't like, I don't do the dirty talk. I've tried it, and I always feel it comes across a bit insulting. And you know how it's so I don't say I don't even want it.
I never let's just so dirty talk like okay, just dirty talk so that you know, so that like real like oh, put your no.
But what about if it's just like.
Telling them something like maybe he does like some sort of I don't know, compliment.
Maybe he compliments her.
Compliments her, Oh yeah, you're sucking it real good? Yeah, like, no, it don't seem doing that.
I can't either. Actually, I'm saying he keeps it same.
He does all his talking prior to getting sex, and then it's silence.
Yep, let's have a listen.
I'm generally fairly silent in the bedroom that I like to ask the girl what she wants if she likes what I'm doing. For example, I would say, how did that make you feel good?
When you and hew? Did that make you feel like? That's not it's you're not a running commentary? Well that's my sex anyway? Who am I to say? What's right here?
Exactly? We don't know that he's not on the money there maybe she loves that.
Do you ask your gay lovers how did that make you feel? That's forcing them to give you a compliment? Yeah? And what do they say? What scenario like? Have you gone down on the woman and then your little face comes up between them chubby legs and you say? How did that make you feel? Is that? Is that the scenario? Lucky?
Just wanting some constructive fadeback. You know you feel special?
Can't you leave a little form like when you check out of the share it and you write down what you're like. That's easier, and they put it in the box. No discussion, no discussion. Okay, what's next?
So what have like a marking form where they have to give me a mark out of ten for each of the different aspects of sex?
I reckon that would completely kill the vibe.
I have no idea what he said.
I think you do that enough on your own.
Okay. Question three?
All right?
Two from two? Does our friend Lachlan have a bush or does he keep it clean?
I didn't even think of that. I've never thought about that one.
Remember once, I thought.
I reckon he because knowing Lockeye, he'd do his research about what everyone's doing. He's inexperience, and I would say he would trim it because he'd hear that everyone else.
Hang on, is it trimmed or shape? Or is it when you say clean, do you mean like shape like oh, shave, shame or some pubes I'm talking shaved or bush or yes, a hairy bush, or he's.
A clean shave like a baby.
Oh that's a tough one.
I'm looking at him. He looks like he'd been I'm just guessing more baby.
Oh see, I was going to go here. Really, we might have to go against each other on this one. I'm going to lock in here. I'm going to lock in baby. Shady guy has he's clean?
Is shit? Gelletted? Max three the bastard, and I mean there's not a stubble to be seen. It is like a duck hanging up in the Chinese shop window. Okay, well, let's go to the tape.
No bush on a woman. I'm like a woman who is nice and smooth. My big situation is that at the moment, I'm trimmed, and if my partner wants me very completely bald, I can accommodate from that.
Okay, so you.
Well, well, trimmed. We'll go again. I give that to whoever said he's trimmed.
Who's bald. That's the point, that's wonderful.
Three to two to Jackie.
Okay, with such a people, please with this person. Isn't he he'll do anything for the woman.
He's a walker, he's generous.
Okay, what about do you think he has intimate sex with the lights on or with the lights off?
See, I'm a lights off guy for obvious reasons, because I'm a fat, disgusting Jackie. Your lights on or off?
Oh, there has to be light in the room somehow. I don't want it to be a lamp.
That's a bit light bit Brian, I can.
Do lamp or just you know, a light seeping in like an iPhone flashlight.
No no, no, no, like a ring light. Yeah, Jackie's got the ring light on. So the album looks good.
I don't think like his lights on, he ain't that.
He's not that confident.
You've got to be like a hectic like gym guy like or a hectic lembo or someone that looks that's very confident for lights on sex. I feel he's a darkness man.
What do you think jack yep, I would agree with that.
We're both looking in darkness.
Let's go to the tape four Sex. I reckon, there needs to be just enough light for your album to see what you're doing. So you don't want the lights on full bright, you just want a dim bedside lamp. Well it's nice sexy atmosphere.
Oh hang on, is it lights light?
You didn't get a point.
It's Lockie's answers. You just don't know. They sit somewhere in between.
They never quite one way or the other.
Great answers.
You can't even do a game show with him. So let's say it's lights on. Yeah, it's like just been quite quickly. When Lockie says he wants enough light to see what he's doing.
What does he mean by that? Is lucky? What do you mean by that?
Well, if I'm wearing protection like a condom, I know to be able to see what I'm doing to put it on.
Yeah, well he's got us there, Bruno. Is you satisfied with that answer? I?
Yeah, I suppose so.
Doesn't the girl usually put the ninger on with her mouth?
I haven't had that done.
No, So you're still rolling the French on yourself.
Yeah, and you have to make sure you get it around the right way first time, otherwise it can break, which is not good.
You mean you've rolled it on the wrong way? Is it to me?
I think we all have happened. We No, you try rolling on and then you go, oh, no, I've done the wrong way to turn it over.
You look, no, you look at it and it's very obvious it's got to be rolled one way. Have you got the bloody thing inside out trying to roll it back onto itself? Looky?
When you put on a pair of socks, do you like struggle with which way to put them on?
Or no?
Socks are fine?
Yeah, it's okay. Lucky you have put heaps of condoms on, so I don't worry about it.
That's really good.
How many con how many times have you rolled the condom on? You unto yourself?
Well more now? When I was just starting and I was inexperience.
What do you mean more?
You're not rooting anyone. Now. You rooted one woman once and then that's it.
No, he's he's had sex with her many times?
How many times? Correct?
I don't know how many times?
So it's a lot, it's a lot.
And you always use protection? Yes, yeah. Have you ever just rolled a condom on when there's been no woman involved?
I have.
I do you know what?
I love your honesty, Lucky because he would have practiced, right, but this is he's.
Doing this now.
No, you're not doing it now right?
Not now?
Yeah, so in the beginning you did it just a practice.
Can I ask you when you have sex with the fleshlight do you wear protection?
Don't put an.
Okay, okay?
So next question still three two to me back.
To the game.
Sex in the shower or does he like it? To keep it drop?
There's no way Lockie is having sex in the shower.
You can't see that.
I cannot see it.
What if there was a slip mat there? You know you get a slip you know how your mum's got the slip mat.
For some reason, I always imagine Lockie's women being taller and bigger than him.
Yeah, because anyone shorter than him is underage, because he's a very little man.
That's why i'm Alfie as well.
Don't start bringing Alphie into it. Alfie works here as well. They're at the same age. Alfie is a real pussy man like he wants to be a pussy man.
Why is he always using my name for.
ALFI is very there's some tension between these two.
Listen, I'm just saying he's not having shower sex.
I don't think he is either.
I think he probably has tried, but he'd prefer to be in the bed.
Okay, let's hear from our sex guru.
I've never tried it before. The thing that I've been most worried about would be sleeping over in the water if things get a bit too enthusiastic.
Yeah, chower sex isn't that great anyway, Locke, don't worry about it.
Oh is that right?
I don't even like that.
When was the last time you had sex? I chower sex this morning with myself.
Okay, so that's a point again each Okay, next question.
If Locke was to have a threesome with his partner or whoever, would he prefer a male or a female guest star?
A female female? LOCKI would not know. Lockie still thinks if you're two out in one chick, two mates, that you've got to blow your mate as well. He doesn't realize that some of some types do that, but the the alpha males. We're not sucking each other's dick.
Okay, so we're we were saying a female.
Pig on the spit. He can't do it. He has to have two girls, but that would also terrify him.
Well, let's see what he seems to think.
With my inexperience in the bedroom, I wouldn't be comfortable bringing in a third person. I'd need to be in a relationship with someone for a long time before I would be comfortable with the idea of the threesome, and at that point, probably female.
Female another point, another time, Giz, you're really similar to we know.
We know.
I just think what would have flop?
Also, can I put another scenario forward? These only fan girls that Locky and Alphie are trying to tune, which is ridiculous. If they wanted to have a threesome with both of you, LOCKI, would you be prepared to do that? ALFI? Would you be prepared to do that? You take what you get, bro Alfie straight in, yes, yes, he says LOCKI, where do you stand on that situation?
I would need to be talked into it.
Well, for me, then, don't find here. It was just just it was just a night this scenario.
Okay, okay, next one.
Locky didn't say no though, this is my favorite.
Do you think Lockie likes rough sex in the bedroom or for it to be nice and gentle?
Nice and gentle.
Yeah, I'm feeling but maybe he's one of those surprise packages.
He's not. He's not.
You don't think he's doing some light choking and no, he's not. No, it's a little bit of light hair pulling.
You like that, You like that he hasn't got it in him.
Everyone's got a dark side, Jackie not Lucky.
Yes, I'll be absolutely flawed if the answer is.
That, Yeah, I agree with Jackie. He has no dark side. He's like the lighting inside coals. There's no spot in the holes that is dark.
All slips everywhere.
Okay, so yeah, we're both on the same paper.
Right, gentle, let's take a listen.
I like gentle sex. I like to get the girl really comfortable, So starting off slowly with kissing on the lips, on the neck, on the ford, and then working my way down to her breath, just you know, gradually building up to it and not going too hard too early.
Nice. Okay, good, good on, You're lucky.
What's the score check love, so now it's five out of eight.
Is there a lot of unnecessary a lot of unnecessary detail?
I know That's what I love about him.
We had to cut the answers down about forty seconds because he just kept talking.
Come into the last question.
Okay, here we go.
Does he like music to set the mood or does he enjoy just getting straight into it?
Okay, music or no music, I'm going to go music.
I reckon he's one of those planets.
He's a planner.
He's like R and I'm going to get what's that? What's that? I'm gonna get some Kenny G. I'm going to light a candle. I know what is it? He puts a cloth over the lamp or whatever he does to change the lining. He probably gets a nice throw rug from Freedom Furniture. I think he's a plan I.
Think I think he's a planner. I think there's music involved.
I think there's a bang track, well maybe not a bang track, but some sort of mood setting music.
I hope there is, because I want to know what music he plays.
Any boys to mend their thing you can pull up. Maybe he's a boys to mend.
Yeah, I'll make love to you like that.
You know, let's hear it. Let's just see if we can put herself in the mood. Yeah, waiting for the semi trailer to drop off his lover. I don't know. I can't see Lockie around his flight.
Did shearing or something? Maybe that's his rooting.
To share it?
Maybe locky, Here.
We go, Here we go? Is this locky? Can we imagine? Everyone? Closure? I can't imagine it, so I can't even pretend to imagine. How good is He's going to write it down and put on her root track? Quite the root track she's got here. Okay, I'm saying I'm saying music. I don't know what what type.
Well, let's have a look a good song to get myself in the mood for sex. And I know that this is really corny, but let's talk about sex. Bye, Souls and Pepper.
Don't admit I've rooted to this song, not lately, but but listener, how hot does the woman listen to this?
Pick to the big bird that you can tell me.
Lucky? And is the woman arrived? When is this what you play at home? Just to dance around and get the juices flowing?
I reckon. This is what you would play after the woman has arrived, because it's a nice, fun biby song.
No, don't play this song.
Again, lucky crowd.
Do you have other ones on there?
Like I want to sex you up and all of that stuff like sex is on fire?
Sexual hailing Marvin Bay, let's hear mar wor one. You got to come on? Brother? Oh yeah, this is better. I can see Lucky just in his little little yellow unders. Are you gonna come on? Let me unfurl my condom wind weaker. Wow, you're real, You're real? Moonset u Lucky, I'm anything else Lucky?
Any other songs?
Think of any other sex songs of my head?
Okay, God, do you actually have a playlist going when you're having sex?
I have a play of bedtime songs that I fall asleep too.
So to get that list up on your Spotify or whatever you want it on bed time song and read out the songs, because I'm curious to know what plays.
Mid time songs. This is some wax ship. I found another love song that's one chacking.
So all right, So here are some of the playing a song.
Bitch you wait, now you wait? This is more. This is more appropriate, but at this level. But it's just in the back when you're like, hey, babe, how are you welcome? You don't want to walking in with me? You don't want to.
Okay, pause that, we'll play that after this. We'll roll that song in a minute. Okay. What is your ship list for sleep too?
Okay? So some of the songs of my bedtime playing include She Was Sures by All Saints.
I'm Running? Can you hear what I hear?
Life Has Roll by Rote?
And Life is a roller Coaster.
Bare Ground by simply read.
We're not going to play every song. We haven't got the time, and you're just laying in the single bed listen to Ronan Keating.
Just nice mellow songs that I couldn't fall asleep to.
Isn't it scraen?
You keep going? Then?
What else with other songs?
Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elsa John?
How is this prick?
Do you play?
If you have a girl in the betty?
You play?
Said? Not every song?
He said, it plays the bedtime songs and it just plays when he's having sex.
Does it is that right? Log?
Yeah? So I was just playing quietly in the background on shuffle?
Okay, what else? And what other songs? Keep rolling through? Why are you so slow?
Three time by arena?
What Tina arena?
If you got on that?
Come on, don't judge me by my bedtime listing music.
I judged so hard. Which Tina arena.
That's got to get a run? I want to hear that.
Wow, and they've got the little egg thing that. Yeah, I'm so cool. Listen to me with my timing machine. Okay, there we get the fist, but you don't want to hear the whole lot.
Come on, no, I don't want to hear it all.
Thank he cut a me. Keep talking, bro, I don't know why you keep stopping.
Sorry, so you want me to keep going? So I've got a couple of Robbie Williams songs, which ones Shakes, the one and something Stupid, which was the duet that he give Cole Kidman.
I'd imagine if locking program the radio and it would be all working at smooth dying, a slow depth of bottom price or Mighty.
Team going are so random high by white House Family?
Because we are going to be is that what song? Because we are good?
That's the one that's the Cuddling.
Run Away by Janet Jackson.
That bedtime song though, is it Janet Jackson? Sorry, it just sounds very Yeah.
I don't know, but I don't know any songs. Right next.
A Father Figured by George Michael.
You've got to play that one father finger, now, are you?
That's a creachy songs playing?
Yes, and you lay with some woman, some poor woman. You've gone into there and you know you put your tiny that would be your preach, Like, come on, bro, I love this little bit of cassio organ stuff. You know that's time and the little tap sounds can't be far forward. We have to sit Randy a wait for the whole thing it has.
How do we explain the lucky Why we find these songs so funny?
Yeah? Why? I mean so random? Some sec desperation in every song. You notice the desperate songs.
Well, I'm just imagining Lucky having sex while the chorus plays out those words.
You know, the lyrics of this song is so creepy featuring sex.
Understand, We'll wait to the chorus.
Do the girls have asked you to turn the music off?
Here we go, Here we go?
He ponds straight.
Feel like that let Mike, you fleal and my villing let right is making your pussy witch?
It's not Maybe I should skip the shuffle. You could another song on here? Another song? How does this make you feel?
Imagine having sex to this song?
Meel miel Sorry, Lucky, have you got any more on the listener?
I do.
Rn I co flow by.
In your.
I'm gonna kiss my parents? Sorry, Hick going Lucky Kick Kick.
Going, bail me Out by Peinte Murray.
Is your boat sailing? Why am I doing good? I got your little man and the vote all wet? Sorry Lucky Kip Going People was a Pete Murray song, A great classy.
Pete murrayman, Pete Murray Bail me Out?
What else?
And also Saving Grace by Pete Murray.
Yeah, double Pete Murray. It's a double play Pete Murray Tuesday. You asked for two of your favorite artists. Sorry, go on, Lucky.
I hate this part by the pussy Cat Dolls.
Is that the end? When you come? Do you play that one? I hate his heart? Okay, Well, what a list that wants to go? I could do? This is an interesting I horrified and can I just tell everyone? Let Gordy know you're not on today. We've taken these song requests from Locke until Wooln Woodies start.
Of the day off.
Okay, sorry, Lucky, you've got more than.
That's pretty much.
That's a good hour, amusing.
Thank you you made me do my core workout today. I laugh and I laughed.
Cooper John, thank you very much for hosting the Sexual Game.
You're adorable.
I don't know how much.
Time I love you.
I love Lockie.
He's so funny.
Oh the thing is, I was not even trying to.
Love the most Roubi Jaggie here at Kiss on the Kyle Jackie Morning everyone. Jackie's going to be the own news for us all thanks to our friends down at the warehouse, Chemist Warehouse. What do you got, jack Well?
Selena Gomez is apparently ready to have kids, maybe with her boyfriend Benny Blanco.
How did you find I haven't seen Selena mention.
This's funny that Justin and Hayley are pregnant, and then now we're hearing stories of Selena and Benny possibly ready.
But he is actually talking about it. That's the thing. This isn't just a you know, fans conclusion.
Benny Blanker, He's a muso as well. He's he's an odd fella, very talented, yep, very colorful dresser. I saw him on that TV show, Dave I watched, remember that about Little Dickie show I told you, and they were having it was a sort of story about Little Dickie's life, and at some stage Little Dickie was having sex with Benny Blanco. Yeah right, Well I don't know if that really happened.
Yeah, well I don't think so.
Anyway, you never know.
He was on with Howard Stern talking about the kid thing and Selena here it is, you have no.
Room for kids in your life? Right, You're never going to have kids?
What do you mean?
I want to have That's that's like my next the goal on the back, like did you Yeah? I love you know.
I have a lot of guy kids. I got a ton of nephews. I love being around kids.
Do you want to have kids with Selena? Have you told her you want to have kids?
It's always a topic of conversation to me every day, Like I talk of I talk about kids.
Love, you are in love?
You're ready, of course.
I'm when are you going to propost to your very famous girlfriend Selena what do you think I have?
Look, I take everything a day at a time, and I just know that when I look at her, I'm always just like, I don't know a world where it could be better than this.
I see love here. I'm predicting marriage.
You and me both. Wow. I think he is softened by her.
Sounds like it.
I don't know how serious she is about him though. How long they've been together these two? Oh? Why?
I don't know how long though? Does anyone know how long they've been together for?
Only since the end of last year?
That's not at all. God, I feel like they've been together for more than that. Then that's really really saying.
It doesn't seem to hang on for two long if it doesn't work.
So you Zaye Malik got kicked off Tinder. I didn't even know who's on Tinder saying Maleek he's not on there?
Is he?
He did? He actually put up how his account has been suspended.
I think it's suspended.
I don't believe it's him.
But isn't there a verification of some way?
Or you can easily verify yourself just with a video?
Didn't you get weren't you disallowed under one of.
The well it takes is one person to go. I don't think that's her.
Oh yeah, the celebrity where they wouldn't even let you on.
Yeah, they don't let me on that still.
What's that called?
Raya? Raya and you and they wouldn't let you on there? No, why they didn't believe.
It was you.
Oh no, they would have believed it's me. They just didn't let me on.
Is that right? Yeah, Well there's one person that obviously doesn't like you working it, right, it's like that bitch can stay off.
I think it's something to do with I know a lighting.
Guy on idol that yeah just fixes, or a girl.
Who works in real estate.
She's on there and she's not like yeah, and she's like and she was one of my references, And then I had heaps of references from people on there. They This was when I was first starting to go because I wanted to go on that one first, and then then I found out that there were other girls in radio that weren't allowed on either.
So we think, I don't want to say who because they probably don't.
Other radio announcers.
Yeah, female radio announcers that aren't allowed on there.
And I think they have also been denied.
Yeah, yeah, who.
Do these people think they are?
Well, they're so protective of the privacy that that they I think might be worried because we work on sort of breakfast radio style shows that we might do that we might talk about some people on air, which we wouldn't obviously, But yeah, whatever, it doesn't really matter.
I don't care.
It sounds like you can put you've got letters, you have references.
At the time, I did because.
Get a kid into private school.
Yeah, it was like that.
Yeah, at the time, I was like, why can't I get on this thing? They won't even return my emails nothing. It was like that, just good eleat ignore, but.
Mum is getting banged on Tinder. Now it's all's good, right.
Yeah, well I'm not on that, but I'm not on at all. But yeah, it didn't matter anyway. My friend shows me, right, you're not missing out on anything, trust me. Every now and again, you might get someone coming to town, like a doctor cree for instance, when when we're at the Australian Open, tennis players are on there.
You know they want like to hang out with someone while they're on their.
An unvaxxed tennis player can show up in town for a tournament immediately get accepted on the ryote. But you're not allowed You're not allowed to offer. You'll put a honey on.
The hot trades anyway.
Yeah, I want a trade.
I don't want to and I don't even care for someone in the industry anyway, so probably.
Not look around the joint. Yeah, everyone is a little bit of a dickhead.
They are.
It's so true.
You don't really want someone and these people, Yeah, yeah, you don't really want that.
Are you on their coupes?
I used to be on there.
You were, you were accepted on the rite.
Yeah, I was accepted on it. Sorry Jack.
No, it's like I don't care.
It's funny because all the guys that work in radio are accepted. It's just the girls, right, Yeah, so bizarre.
It's just there was just a lot of like influencer girls on there.
Oh that's not bad for you guys.
Oh, I mean yeah. I wasn't complaining. I mean I would have taken anyone. It didn't really matter what job or occupation I had.
I was just putting the tentacles in as many fields as possible.
I get it. I got there. What you were saying there?
Did you ever meet up with anyone from Ryer?
Yeah, back in the day.
Oh anyone famous?
Or oh I can't remember, Yes you can.
You've got selective men.
You're not in court here, Yeah, you can just say. I'd rather not say. You don't have to dodge the question.
Oh yeah, I'd rather not say that.
That's someone that we know. Yeah, like a famous person. Yeah, probably some one you know, a singer or like an actor type.
We're not guys not playing.
Who's a model model?
I don't remember?
Like, singer, actor? What are we talking?
One of the right, So a singer international, oh yeah.
Or domestic domestic airportstic.
Domestic airport, domestic actor or singer.
It would be a singer.
What is.
There's very few of them.
Mirror you get rid of him in your mind.
You're right, you're right. So it's got to be an a.
It's a home and away actor local, it's a northern Northern Beaches. It's Colleen from home and Colleen listens. Do you think a hearty laugh like that is supporting women?
It's not.
Yeah, any more clues. I love a guessing game.
Just did a guessing guy I know you got any more on is he's walked off, he's not participating.
Okay, all right, Van der Punt Rules might be on its last legs. In fact, I think it is.
It can't be. I just watched the first of the reunions.
That's correct, you did.
And fans are very divided about whether the show should even continue. They think it went to shit because they were trying too hard to make Ariana film with Tom.
She didn't want to, and they just didn't feel this season was very good.
And now Andy Colin totally disagree.
Andy Cohen has revealed that filming for next season is on an indefinite pause.
We used to do this all the time with the Housewives. We would say, you know what, let's put cameras down for you know, four or five months, and come back to them and they will have lived, you know, life, things will be different. People do forget, especially as it relates to Ariana, who was the.
One cheated on.
People forget that we picked up cameras like a three months after she found out about that affair. So that's why she's still in the violently angry stage. And you can understand that. So look, sometimes you want to pick cameras right up quickly because there's stuff happening and you want to get in there right away. And sometimes you do want people to live their lives and see how things develop.
You know what, because I'm a fan of vander punt Ryll's been watching all of it. That Ariana, we all felt horrible for her when that Tom guy was cheating because of the long term it was rooting her best friend, and you know, she was another cast member. But I'm like, at the final of the season, everyone started turning Arianna light. Yeah you think you're Beyonce. You're not the only chick that's ever been cheated on. And she's like, there's half the audience that are on her side and the other half of like, yeah enough, already stop being an asshole and making everything difficult.
Yeah right, I haven't seen it.
So if you don't want to be on the show, leave the show. Yeah.
Well yeah, anyway.
Fans have noticed though online or like pretty much all the cast members, including Lisa vander Pump, have removed vander Pump Rules from their Insta bios, which would imply that this show might not be happening anymore.
Well, Lisa has got a new show too. It's like it's similar. It's vander Pump's chateau or something. She's got a French shadow in France, and she's running it like a hotel, so there's service staff, waiters.
Yeah, okay, so it's the new vand Pump.
I think maybe they have sidestepped this.
While and Pump Villa.
Reese Witherspoon has announced that she's doing a TV series which will be the pre call to Legal Legally Blonde, which really doesn't make sense that much, because.
Well, she won't be practicing law. She won't be doing that.
She'd have to be the star's mother. She's too old to be there.
Oh yeah, No, she's casting someone to play the younger her, which they say could be her daughter, and her daughter.
Looks exactly like the perfect which would be really.
A good Snoop Dogg has a new geek. He's going to be a coach on the Voice in the US.
I love it.
He was talking to Jimmy Fallon.
I'm already invested.
I already know for a fact you're you're gonna win. But who who's the other coaches you're playing against?
Hfani Reba mcintize mcintize just added Michael Bubla.
Do you know do you know any of them? Do you know bo Blair?
Yeah, yeah, Mike was in the same Let me leave it alone.
Okay, all right, well interesting, okay.
Do you know Gwen Stevanni? Yes, me and Gwyn have been friends for a long time. She's a California girl.
And then and then Reba Mcentary, you know the Queen. Sloop and Boo Blade get on just fine. I know him both. Yeah, they don't have a few things in common that will Yeah, yeah, that'll be quite a happy friendship.
Oh that'll be fun for him, wasn't it.
Yeah, Snoop gonna blow joints.
On the from the stage, be allowed, not allowed to do.
But blowing joint yeah yeah. In America you are, it's legal.
You're not allowed to smoke. Even though it's legal here, you're not allowed to smoke on TV.
Well he's done. He's doing it with Martha Stewart, she's smoking. She's blazing as well. But on what like?
Is this a streaming thing? Because they've all got different laws.
That's where that's where it's wrong. Why do all different platforms have different laws? Streaming has got a law free to wear. TV's got a different law, radio has got a law. Podcast. We all need to work within the same law, which is lawless, is what I want it to be.
Yeah, it doesn't seem fair, does it that we're bound by a lot of different codes that a podcast isn't.
At the tobacconist near my house, there's a big cardboard cutout of Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart like advertising big lighters.
Yeah, we know what, we might have something extra under the county.
You see.
I wouldn't have connected those dots.
No, no, you know me.
I'd be like, ah, why are they promoting lighters?
Gee? Bick must have a big budget for celebrity endorsements.
There's the add up on screen, the easy reach big Yeah, her candles.
And more, and then on his side and more. Yeah she's lighting the candle. He's not lighting anything.
And I've got it and yeah, you know. I have smoked with Snoop And it was a two week smoking session with an international trip in the middle of it. So we were smoking all week at his joint day and night. I was there all day, all night for a week. Then we flew to Amsterdam and we blaze, We're off our head in Amsterdam, and he did the show, and then we flew back to California and then blazed again for another week. Greatest fortnight of my life. And thought he thought he'd smoke me under the table. Now the guy's good better than me, But I kept up. You know what I'm saying.
Yes, I know what you're saying.
I don't think you do know what I'm saying. I'm glad you're trying.
I do.
All right, let's take your last calls. Guys, if you want to phone in with anything on your mind, call us on thirteen.
When I say, oh, you might even have more questions for Locke after our fairly revealing.
Yes, so many questions. I'm sure if you've got.
A question you'd like to propose to Locke, we'll accept those as well. Well, you happy to do those calls, locky or are you a bit nervous?
I'm a bit nervous, but yes, I am prepared to answer questions.
Ladies and gentlemen. Is prepared to answer questions.
Okay, our number thirteen one six five thirteen.
When I was six five to get through for last calls. And if you want to ask Lockey any sort of questions because up right now live on the iHeartRadio app. You can go on there and you can click on Lockey's love songs. They are live. Not to be confused with Will and Woodi's share my mood. They both give you a soft dick after listening. But hey, they're up there on the iHeart app thirteen when six five to get through.
Lawson's called through, Hi, laws.
Hey man, Hey, here you go.
Lawson was down at the cash in Sydney this morning.
So you got the tattoo?
Yeah, yeah, the big one on the ass. Wow, look at the size of that.
The fool who got the tattoo?
Oh, Now you're saying fall because I wondered that because they were giving out free tattoos where you could get cash cock on you like anywhere.
That's the size of a bread and butter plate. That's a very big was to be that big.
And and do you actually regret it instantly?
Definitely not.
It's good, good fun good Oh that.
Hey, Okay, did that hurt? Does it hurt them?
But it looks like it's very sore.
I'll tell you what it feels like.
I rode that big round cock.
Oh I can imagine.
Yeah for real, Brooklyn, you know what that feels like?
Yeah, Have you actually ridden a big brown cock in real life?
Riline? Are you Slane Kim?
Yes? Are you? Are you the the what do they call it? The man or the woman? Do they call it that?
Or the giver or or the I like to you know, swap around sometimes?
Is that right?
I didn't know that.
Sometimes so once in a blue mode off his head on Molly.
Yeah, but you're normally the what do you call it? The alpha?
And normally I am the big brown chicken.
Yeah. I never know what to because you know, all these times they always change what you're allowed to say. Yeah, I know, I don't understand under what governance you can.
Just say so then you've got to do it.
When's the white man going to make some rules that everyone else has to a bot that happens?
You're right, hey, cash cock tomorrow, Krispy Kreme, Auburn. If you want to get on down, it's Sydney again, morok.
Yeah, Sydney tomorrow. Jaden's called through. Hi Jaden, good.
Morning, Good morning guys. How are well? You want some advice on something? What is it?
I need to speak to my resident in Queenslander. So I'm going over there tomorrow for Magic Round. I know you guys not into the footy. So we've got the Magic Ground in Brisbane.
Yeah, I just some chips. What to do in Brisbane?
Where the girls that I know?
Well, I haven't been up there for a while, Kober John's. You're also going to this magic month? Is it magic millions? What is it? A horse race?
The magic magic mushroom? Magic round up there?
Other than going to the games, Jaden, if you're up there, go to the Caxton and Lefties.
The Taxan, the Caxton Hotel.
Yeah, it's a pub.
I know I've been a million times. Is that still going off?
Is it it's still kicking on? It's still hanging on. You stick to the floor when you walk through the door there. So and the John's family, the gangers, Yeah, I'm pretty sure there'll be some.
No, Bro, you need to hit Brunswick Streame for the gangers. Brunswick Street, that's yeah. And some you have to pay for.
Oh no, I know about that, Man six three. I don't need to pay for them.
That's the way. But get that chat out of the way early because nothing worse than when you think you've met someone and it's and it's and it's sort of reciprocal and then they put their hand out for the payment. That's embarrassing.
If you're looking for some girls too, Jaden.
There's a there's a certain establishment that's just been franchised from Melbourne up to Brisbane.
It's called Kittens.
Ah. They sell the cats in there.
Yeah, they've got a full range of pets.
The whole heap of cat, different cats in there, right.
Yeah, yeah, they got all sorts of food for your pets and things in there. So if you want to go there with a few of your mates past about ten pm and see all the.
Girls get worried about the guys hitting Queensland for this, for this football thing. But all they're going to do up there is go into the shop and look at all these different colored little cats. That's rights over there. Another flag collector. Did you hear Did you hear that? Cheek the flag collector the other day?
I did, I nearly I needed to pull over, I had, But you do speak about the lepos. I wanted to know what she thought about lebos.
Oh yeah, we didn't ask her about Now we got Alfie and also Locky here, both trying to tune this poor only fans girl. Alfie, can you ask her what she thinks about the Lebos, Brosie.
She likes her bro She loves the Lebos because you got to take it. Oh yeah, because there's tons of size. She already told me to take her to something called Cornulla called the bowls.
Of course, she was.
Rubbish, rubbish, rubbish.
Let's not having a sigh he off here because it's just it's just not even real ice cream. I couldn't believe it. Anyway. Let's who's up next?
We got Kelly, Kelly, what do you want to talk about?
Good morning?
Hi, Good morning Carl and Jackie.
Oh good day.
I was I was listening to the segment for Lockie and.
I have a song for him.
It's an oldie, but a goodie.
What is it. It's called freak Me by Silk.
Oh, yeah, I remember that song.
I don't know where you heard it?
Yes, yeah, stuck.
Oh Jack you know the lyrics.
Well, it's an.
Oldie, but they've never played on the radio.
Yeah, A good reason.
By the sounds you would like this, Lockie Lucky, I've.
Never heard this one.
You listen to the words you let me lick you up and down.
All the school children have arrived for a tour. Hey everyone, hy, what's the microphone?
Bad timing? Bad timming? That's a good luck. Better know I'm old to get you're like that, locky? Do you think you actually go on your love song list?
It's got the ride vibe, hasn't it?
Does it?
Does it? Don's called him from Sydney. Good morning, Don? What's that amen?
Hey, guys, look, just wondering a question for Lockey. It takes me a couple of runs back to hit more optimal performance in the bedroom, I was wondering about Lucky, like, what's he doing to hit his best?
There you go, Lucky? How do you? How do you achieve your best?
I think the way that I'd shaved my best is by not having sex.
Watching the kids are here? What this feels like for us? We've got all a whole crime.
Remember Remember it was only minutes ago I went hi, kids, and they responded with a hey, how about coming? Hit the microphone, you idiots so we can hear them. They're just being escorted out. What you couldn't get him to yell out? High Pedro, you.
Flop, okay, keep it clean, going Locky, Where do you get optimal for moments?
Again, I'm over it.
By not having sex every day. So you let the test filled.
Up a bit and then no pleasuring, no flesh light.
Hilarious self Pleasuring's hilarious that Lockie makes out that he's abstaining, so he's optimally the best way I thought.
I thought, if you wanted to be, wouldn't that make you last? Like not as long?
Agree Jackie?
If you're full of port, Yeah, why are you doing that?
Exactly? You're doing it all wrong Locke? Who would have thought?
But you can get aroused more raasily.
But don't you just get aroused when you're you know you do?
But yeah, it's a balancing act, is it?
I don't think it is. I really don't think it is. So when you're when you've got a girlfriend, you're going through big, long dry spells, so you're a real, you know, real million dollar man when you finally get there.
Is that right?
Yeah? I think I tend to not self pleasure if I can get the real thing.
I'm like, I get a text from my auntie, by the way, when we were doing the lockies, and my Auntie is like seventy five or something, listening from Queensland and she sends me this during Locke's like talking about sex. Could just vomit at the thought.
Oh she wanted reading that out?
I got a belly laugh out. Noah, that's good because someone said to me, I think alphae you came in and he said, sounds like he's trying to tune the old Shielders all the time, bro. And then my Auntie said that through it, and then I told Alfie and we pissed ourselves laugh. He said, not even the old aunties would throw a leg.
Over, you know, they said, girls of bitches. But it's the guys that are I swear.
But where's the drake in the two packs?
What he wants to do? If that's his? Is it we too?
Like you?
Are you guys to be so bitchy about it?
Do you like his music jacket?
It's funny. I will admit it's funny because they're very left field.
We laughed at him.
Sure you know there's a line.
If there's a line, you're back again. Hello, who are the kids in here? Tomorrow? As Jackie said, the cash Krispy Kreme in Auburn. That is in Sydney. Naked dating is back where two people that don't know each other meet face to face and in the.
Lucky this will be another girl that you can start to message. Every time we get one.
I only message one. Alfie has messaged both of the girls. They messed me, because that's right.
They messaged Alfie. You reached out like a creep that Alfie just accepted both both girls, Alfie, both of them. Did you get any free only fans access? Yeah?
I got a free sub and her number three want free subscription.
Oh I thought he said a free suck. Sorry, I hear what I want to hear. Okay, well that's it, Gordyon, because I thought.
I was thinking subway sandwich.
And I got a lot to talk about.
Still, I'm still fat at heart.
Gordie's got the sound good like whenen see you in the morning.
Carle and Jackie O