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Kyle Jackie OO on JACKIEY The Kyle and Jackie O Show.
Hello, morning, running, Hello, Hi JACKIEY. What's happening? Nothing? Search party for you? Jackie? She went missing? Did she? Yeah?
I've had people coming in saying have you heard from Jackie?
Have you been up to noughty?
I taxed last night at about twelve thirty am and said, I'm going to broadcast from home just because I am not well and I haven't been able to sleep so.
Far, so I'll just broadcast from the home studio. You have a day, you have a sleepover?
No, No, nothing like that.
I never went out nothing. I just didn't like. I don't know. I just felt he came over. He just came over.
No, there's no one here.
I got imagine if we saw in the background of your video some guys sneaking.
Yeah you won't, you bare ass running to the toilet.
Her place has got a lot of reflective glass. It does. No one can walk anywhere without it being reflected to everyone else. So you're okay today? You feel nice?
I don't feel too bad. So yeah, I'm not I'm not too bad. How are you guys? Yeah, we're good. Although Bruno has got quite the medical warning, especially for anyone listening in Queensland. But you know how these things can They can pulp from one state to another. Now, I don't like to bring up medical issues because last time I brought up which has been renamed because obviously changed it to empox that's been killing people in Africa. But I was sanctioned by the government here for bringing it up. Apparently that didn't light the words I used. So now Bruno brings up all medical even though I was saving men's lives, sanctioned by the This is what I do. I throw myself on the sword for the listeners, the way you do it, Brooklyn, you back into it. I throw myself onto the sword. Bruno. What is the is the latest medical problem in Australia?
Guys, be very careful. There's a smegma outbreak in queens My.
God, what do you mean there can't be an outbreak? Really, some disease going around?
It is smegma contagious?
No, no, it's not contagious. And listen when I say outbreak. It's big enough that Queensland Health, like the Queensland Government had to issue.
Hang on Smegma's dick cheese right.
Yeah, correct, it's cheese, yeah yeah yeah and and and so it's obviously such an issue that Queensland Health, through all of its social media platforms, had to put out a big thing on like, hey, Smegma, this is how, this is what it is, and this is how you've got.
To wash you dick properly.
Now this is only for the uncut men, right Hey, oh so.
I don't know if you've got a foreskin me. I don't have to worry. I've got a Christine ready to go. No extra skin, no balaclav on this man. So Queensland Health had to actually issue that as a warning.
Yeah yeah yeah.
Let me let me just read you how they started. They can I before you do that. Have any of you girls stumbled in any of your explored exploration life in never cheese Never, but you spent all that time in Queensland, Jackie queens it's the heat. Your first three dicks would have been covered in Smegma. Oh no they weren't actually, but the heat.
I'm just worried that this is going to go viral around the world if we're yeah, if we heard the Britain had to issue a health warning that the Brits couldn't wash their penis properly or.
Be laughing and judging.
I don't think this is good that Queensland Health have done this.
Look but they haven't been a sense of humor in how they're addressing it.
I don't feel that there should be a humorous sign.
Well they go while Megma has a cheeselike consistency, you don't want it on your cheeseboard exclamation cheer emoji.
There's there a can't in there.
Yeah, there's a cartoon of like various that's a securitary board, a cartoon with what is the cheese they've got on there?
I think I can see Gouda there? Yeah? What else? And what's that last one? Megma?
Yeah, bri and Smegma and Megma's got a little speech bubble coming out of its mouth saying I think I'm in.
The wrong place.
That's just discussed.
It's so ridiculous.
We should hire them immediately to run out social No. Oh god, Bruno, do you have you ever had the Megma? Because you know, you're mainly foreskin in there somewhere is a penis, but it's mainly skin. Yeah, my penis is ninety nine skin. So do you ever get the cheese?
When I was younger and didn't take like proper care of my penis, or when I wouldn't shower for days, I'd get a.
Little bit of that.
You could grow a big block too, like.
Parmazan wheel the side of your head. How do you have like I don't know. I just wash it like an arm. Minds like an arm. I washed. You've got to pull things back and then you've got to wash it. How do you clean that dick? Yeah? So what I do? Yeah? Yeah, well come in here. I need to be You don't need it in your own This isn't If this was some vadge breakout, you'd be all over it. It would be we're just we're just trying after the guys. Yeah, here, take this. Take this cotton bud. Need a cotton bud. How do you clean that? Not with a cotton bud? You don't, you don't. How do you do it?
I mean I hold on with the cotton, but I don't even know where you've got a cotton I.
Thought you'd need to get in there like an ear hole or something. No, you're making that like it's a surgical proceed if you don't need it to yell at you, no yelling. But I'm surprised you didn't need the no no.
So I just retract the foreskin, which exposes the head and then just give that a bit of a clean with with some soaked Look at.
All the skin. That's a lot of foreskin, bro, Thank you? Oh what do you do? What do you do with? What? What?
So much skin?
But can I tell you it's good to have the foreskin because I tried the other day to be like a non foreskin person like you, and I walked around in a pair of jeans with like my foreskin retracted.
Yeah, and how did you feel the whole time?
Like like it's so sensitive?
Quickly roll it back.
I think we miss out in life because we don't, you guys, do.
Is so sensitive? I can feel the wind, you know, like like it's that's God.
I feel mine's like one of those nazilts. I can hit it on a rock and it's still solid as it. Yeah, it's true. What's your most experienced with the the cut or the uncut? Man? But did you see them hard? Wouldn't she?
I do? And that's actually a really good point. A lot of the time you may not know, but you know, where is this unless.
You're in a relationship.
Clearly, Jny Caesar dicks hard. We have got no idea about that. You don't clean them. You don't.
Actually, I'd say i'd say mostly uncircumcised, though.
That's really yeah, I.
Would actually definitely yeah.
Yeah, Well that's really shining a light on her negatives. Preferences, preferences.
You don't know, guys, we don't know until it's off.
We don't know.
We's not a pre selection.
I think you would know because you know the one with the foreskin, very shy, penis sensitive.
Do you remember Palestine who used to epe the show and she would got rid of.
Her before the war in the Middle East? Thank god? That hard to dodge around that.
She wouldn't sleep with a guy unless he showed her his penis first.
And it needed to be would she wouldn't go near an uncircumctansed dick if her life depended on it. Yeah, I don't understand that.
That's weird, but hey, looking at the guidelines, they have something there which I don't think any guy does.
At the end, it's the cleaning guideline.
Yeah, the cleaning guy, you know, they're like, yeah, we your penis will water, YadA yadda, and then at the end they go, patyr penis dry all over with a clean towel.
I don't think I've ever done that in my life on me neither. I give it a swipe at best. Yeah, Ive, what do I do? I wipe my I wipe my hair on the face it. I know, we dry it, but I'm not dabbing it with a towel. Yeah, okay, I just think it'll just get caught up in the top of the legs, bottom of the gut. Wipe the drip dry. That's the issue, right. Do you dry your pins thoroughly? Yeah?
But again I reckon it's if you're if you're not cut, then that's where you need to pull it back and dry it in there all.
The extra I might as well just get circumcised, get the doctor kiss to cut that ship off when you're in, and we can put it on the birthday wheel, the foreskin. The big prize. Actually, there is a big prize on the birthday wheel. You know what is it? It's you'd be going and you're coming with us to Vegas.
Right, we're all going it was going to be in turn Pete's flights and accommodation and his partner because we're giving him a thing because you were proud of the relationship Fizzle.
The way they're no longer together, so we decided to give it away on air instead. O. Sorry, Pete, never mind. Oh Unlockie. You've got some news from the motoring world, is that right? Yeah, yeah, I do. So.
I've read about this Ford developing this acknowledging there.
With the there with the weird enunciations and the weird pauses everyone he gets there in the end. Yeah, okay, sorry, you've got the floor.
So they're developing this technology where their cars will be able to detect other cars that are spading and then automatically report those cars to the police.
What my god, So forwards turned into a bunch of dibber dobbin nats. Yeah so I thought I thought they were. They dubbed themselves in for speeding, but they're dubbing in other people now.
I probably do need to clarify that they're not planning on rolling out these technology to cars that are available to the public. They're only the cars that they sell to police. So the idea is that the cops, rather than having to install all of their spaces detection of the come with it already.
Luck over and forward though, because the police have already moved to B M W and KIR because they couldn't rely on Forward.
Maybe that's why Ford are doing this, so they go.
Back to Ford. Maybe Australia.
Yeah, but I've read America forward still seal police.
Okay, so it's like that thing where they can detect if.
Your license as a year red shoe's expired. Yeah, on board the same thing. Yeap, right, Well thanks for that. That was really really important.
If you don't speed, worry about sounded like a completely.
Different verse, don't. Yeah, that's the same. If you don't speed, you've got nothing to Yeah, well what flop are you talking to?
There? Everyone? You can go if I see a break and I think there's no cameras, there's no traffic, there's no pedestrians on foot, foot to the floor. I mean, how many points have you got left on your license? Kyle? One? Then you go point made? You only need one? I missed? How many points have you got? All of them? All of them? Yeah? You know it. Lockie's never ever ever lost a point because he's a real player by the rules. Oh, how one, let's all wish we were lucky.
I can't imagine never losing a point, never speeding in my life, not even going ten k's over at one stage.
Don't you have that Peter Brook, bloody commodore putting it in a garage somewhere. What have you got, some souped up thing? What is it? The f comlinore s s? Yeah, what you've never You've never done burnouts and done donuts and all that shit in that handbreake turn.
I've driven it fast, but on a skid pan or on a race track.
Where's you're not even a man? You know you're questioning whether you're even a man a woman.
That's a bit of hush, driving fast and enjoying my performance car.
You're on the same thing. No, Jackie, don't, no, no, no, oh, I've got more my points. What I do? Donutski who gives a ship? A real man does donuts out in front of his ex girlfriend's place because she won't take his calls to try and get noticed. That's what fellas do. That's what my dad.
Did imagine doing that everyone knows what a psycho.
Everyone who's done weird things in the men here? Man, man, oh god, we've lost one. Pedro's not here. I'm only here with Bruno, the weird bussy boy. I barely got a bloke here. How's mad you're going? Don't didn't ask how's Pedro? Has he had that baby yet? Guys?
Yes, okay, that poor wife of his, Patty, was in labor for days.
She must be so exhausted. Hey, I wanted to play Brooklyn, you and Jackie's and all the staff here. I saw this girl. She's an Australian girl. She was overseas in London, and one of those you know, vox popping annoying blokes goes, what you think? What your favorite color? So he went and asked this girl a question about Australia, and she started rattling off all this ship and I thought, oh, listen to this dumb bitch. She hasn't got a clue, only to find out that everything, every every single thing she says to this guy is truth about Australia. And I had no idea about half of it. Oh you want to hear? Yeah? Tell me? Do you guys know everything? That she's very pretty, very intelligent, and obviously a wealth of knowledge that I never learned. At fifty three, I've got no clue. Play it. Where are you from Australia?
Tell me something more speak We don't know about Australia.
The Indigenous population of Australia actually only makes up three percent of the total population. That's because of colonization and the.
Stolen Generation, the Stolen generation.
The Stolen generation started when the British and European colonizers decided that they wanted to breed out the Indigenous culture and basically would start trying to make half cast babies so that they could eventually wean out the Indigenous population. It was a very cruel time in Australia, a very bad part of our history.
Where's the rest of it? I said, I sent it to you, Bruno, and said, I want all of this in full. Where's the war with the EMUs, that Australian military? Where is all that?
I treated it like foreskin?
Sorry, I chopped it chopped too early. That's not what I don't get.
He knew that bit though, right well. I didn't know it stolen generation.
And I'd heard about the Stolen cer. I just thought it was another Yeah, just I didn't know much about it. New people were being stolen, but then so was my family stolen and dragged from England out here on a boat. You don't need me a bit about it.
What what was the emusing?
What happened? Well, it would have been great to have the full bit of audio there text. I want it in full as is. You think i'd get it all?
So, guys, basically there were too many us. So in nineteen thirty.
Two, she said, this is what I wanted. She said, Australian army went to war against EMUs and I laughed when I heard. I thought the listeners and we lost that. Yeah, we went to war against and we lost, is what she said. And I'm thinking this cheek shit crazy, it's true. Yeah, that's true. I've never heard of this in my life.
Sorry, you're making out like their dinosaurs or something that we're trying to squash.
And they couldn't be.
In Western Australia there was so many EMUs.
They were eating farms, eating people's clothes off the line.
The army got called into culum. Yeah, but the birds was left right left running. Oh, you wouldn't get them. They couldn't kill them. THEUS won that. It went for a month. Apparently, I'm amazing, and the won.
And they're just too quick. They just died.
They just they run, they duck, they weave. They're the best soccer players. They couldn't be killed. Some were killed.
So why didn't we have an epidemic then?
I don't know. I don't know what happened. They must have just ran back into the desert. Wow, But I was shocked at all that was good information? Why we taught any of that at school? Yeah?
I wasn't taught that, although I wouldn't know.
I think it's an embarrassed it's embarrassment maybe because.
But we should be told things. How does that girl know that?
Girls like maybe changed the curriculum, Kyle. That's why maybe they do include that.
This ship that we learned at schools like magic squares, not once it's an employee giving me a magice. I never learned to maths. That's why she wasn't offered in veggie maths. I wish they had that, do you know? To help me? They do have veggie maths? You were in the remedial classes, were you?
No, they didn't even have remedial classes.
Just all together, whole Schoolmia, How dare you smirch my school?
Your school was shut down.
It doesn't exist anymore, it shut down.
I don't a lot of such a good question of unfounded. How many schools get shut down? That is very rare. This was a girl's college. Let's not dig too much into that. Boy the dean of the curriculum. At one stage, let's start this show trading verse, lady. We're doing that. Next, we need one trading We need one lady. I like this. Miles Smith, some dude out of England. The song is stargazing here at kiss morning. Everyone, My, you love that Miles Smith stargazing here at kiss Morning. I want to start. Welcome to the big game where tradees verse. Ladies, you don't have to necessarily be a trading Like if you're a surgeon on the way to doing brain surgery, you're working on with tools. You can play as well. Cops play garbos pretty much any man, anyone, and then any woman, and then if you're trapped in the middle somewhere, pick a side.
Well, let me introduce you to the girl playing today at Sel Jana hi Sel, Johannah there.
Hi, how are you? Which sort of name is sel Jana? Where's that from?
So it's Hungarian name?
Yeah you sound sweet too.
So if you get a coffee in Hungarian world, do you go coffee with two cel Jana's please?
No, you only need one.
Extra sweetness all right, she's a traffic controller, drives a forward raptor being with her boyfriend for just over a year.
Where'd you guys meet?
You and the boy We've known each other for a while, so you just kind of split into my Instagram one day and then yeah?
Is it family friends sort of stuff?
I'm no mutual friends?
All right? Hands up here on staff side. Note? Who used to go to the family barbecues and always hook up with someone? You know, some of the kid that was at the party? You know you were a kid, I was a kid. You know you'd all squirrel off together to play games while the parents all yeah that was my key. Yeah yeah, cousin too, Yeah me too. You got fingered by your cousin.
No, finger just passed in the cubby hole.
You yeah fingered my cousin? Yeah, yeah, I never I never interfered with any of my actual cousins. But there was always those kids at the barbie when you were a kid that weren't related. They are open season.
I feel I've got seventy cousins. Though I've got seventy cousins. There's a lot to choose from.
It's a lot.
Wow, And you were in Simpson where there wasn't probably.
On the air anymore, that's all it was. Okay, just because the whole cousin thing.
I ain't care. It's out there. You fingered your own you had sex with your cousin at one.
Stage, but that was an accident though, so yeah, sorry John.
Moving on.
She had bali belly and her boyfriend had to carry her bag of vomit across the airport and it leaked everywhere.
What I love that? Now he's a keeper man. That sounds like a good fellah. What a good guy, all right?
Weighing in at sixty six kilos. It's baff bag and jet lags.
You always get good ones. Jackie Daniels playing for the trades. He is a project manager. What type of projects Daniel'll be dealing with here? Okay, So it's real stuff. It's not like it's not like rubbish, not like you're working it's some sort of advertising agency where you've got to put a plan together for the telstrads. It's real building. Everyone drives around the highlux. He's single. Listen to this, ladies, he's twenty one. This young fella never ever had a girlfriend. Wow, ever, it's crazy man. Well maybe he just enjoys being single. Are you rooting? You're rooting in booten?
Yeah, matelet's tell it is.
How did you say you were twenty one one? Okay?
His favorite sex position when he meets the lasses of the night is just the old missionary. He was having sex with a girl once and she's shut on him. We've all been there.
Oh, can't cartgo there, Cargo?
There is you scarred by it? Were you guys pretty drunk or something? And she just let it flow?
Yeah, that just comes straight out, flying out.
Oh no, I haven't been shat on. I've been vomited on whilst they've been going down. Yeah. I just said, don't worry, don't worry. You can't get nothing stops the blow. Oh sorry, Jackie, had like a WinCE on your face. Then weighing and it's seventy five kilos playing for the trades. It's he's a scat man, damn skippy. Yeah, he's the s.
Yeah, that's right.
There we go, he's a scat Sorry entertaining myself. Take him down into the show. When she's at home, Come on, Jack's got a scented candles and a bullshit going, and she doesn't get into it. Normally should be having a laugh, but she's just sitting there. Really, are you sure I wasn't frozen on the screen? Or was I really interesting?
You look this interesting because I could see the cigarette smoke wafting around. It's incense.
Did you think I just had a cigarette bowing smoke in my face?
I didn't know what was going on in and all the crystals lined up behind it. Okay, let's start.
Let's start, all right, Daniel, I will start with you. Here we go.
Question number one, which vitamin would you find in retinal?
Vitamin D D?
Jackie? Vitamin D? It's what is retinal? What is that is that? I don't know what it is?
No, no, what's that?
It's an ingredy in skincare for acne and anti aging.
There's the sense for making another appearance.
She's like to grow up on her beauty products.
Though retinald is really like harsh, right, you don't want to use too Yeah, that's right. You can get a certain percentage right of that.
Yeah. Whatever, that's for pizza face to worry, whatever, whatever.
I don't care, all right, What is vagicill cream used for?
What is it?
What is vagicell cream used for?
For your toe?
No, camel toe?
No, it's for the itching and you know when your vagina gets a bit dry, itching irritations.
Looks like you've run out. No, I don't have it, but not that there's anything wrong with that, you know what it be careful if you do have vegicill it's so what it looks like toothpaste. And I tell you you don't want to be getting up early, like four o'clock in the morning to go to work and hit your toothpaste, hit your toothbrust with some vegicill by mistake.
That really doesn't look like toothpaste.
The badger sill. You've done it on the toothbrush, right, mistakingly? Yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, badgesel on the tooth brush. I've also used the the hemorrhoid cream as well on the toothbrush. On the toothbrush, yeah, because it comes in the same gym.
I understand that bloody toothpaste, you know.
Yeah, it's awful when you mistake a product one for the other.
Have you done it? Yeah? I put fly.
Spray in my hair thinking it was hare spray.
What more teine or something? Yeah?
More is like I remember, I left it up there actidently because it was a cockroach. It was in the bathroom and it was like a big black can.
Yeah. Yeah, anyway, all right.
Question number three, What is the main difference between a regular fork and a cocktail fork?
What is the difference.
A cocktail hawk more like a got like a squawk sort of thing, like a spoon, so you can like.
A sporky spoon thing, Jackie. Is that it?
No, Daniel is not.
It is just a short and narrower fork. It's like a little baby fork. Isn't it a baby fork? Exactly? So you got none, right, But the greatness of this is being a man. You can still win. It just depends what the lady knows. You're ready to sell. Jana, Jana, here we go. Question one for you. Which watch brand makes the watch g shock? What brand makes that?
Is it Nixon?
Is it Nixon?
It is not it is Cassio. I thought Cassio just made calculator right. Question two, what are the wood clubs used for? In golf? What do you get? The good ones out the what?
The wood ones? The wooden golf clubs. What do you use them for? Not the medal ones, the wooden.
Ones, the wooden one, yeah, the wooden gold?
Yeah, the woods? What are they used for? Wrong? To hit the long shots?
Have you never seen a wooden golf clumb and.
The ends of wood? You know, the thing that you hit the ball with, the big five wooden one? Yeah? Yeah, one? Yeah, Okay, I know yeah. Either of you ever played golf? Yep, a couple of times. Yeah, but know nothing about it?
No, nothing, nothing questions out there.
You need this one, so Johanna for the win. Question three, what are secretaires used for? What? Secretaires? What are they used for? Secreateurs? No? No, no, no, no.
What are they?
Wrong? Everyone got? They're the little gardening scissor things, you know, little, they're huge, well not in there maybe in your little hand. They look huge. Yeah, they're massive. They're like you need to that's not that's hedge, that's hedge cutters. There are giant scissor things. Seconds are like your handheld, but they're little ones. You know you're snipping cutting.
Those Yeah, I love those things.
You love them so much. You've got no idea what they're called.
Okay, we go to tiver one, got.
No points, Well done, ladies and gentlemen. Well here we go. If you just yell out the correct answer first, you win, and you're you're back in place. Cells we go first to yell out wins.
Okay, which fruit is on a Hawaiian pizza?
Daniels brought us back from the brink. We're now at fifty nine points up against the lady's sixty two. You've won for yourself five hundred dollars this minut. It pushes you where you can shop the latest hottest, authentic sneakers all the street wear online at pushes dot com, worth five hundred dollars toes with. Sorry, I've changed you know what. It's been a while since I've punched a decent cone. Serious, serious, really, when was the last time you cracked out your chip?
Obviously the last time was when you were in La Amsterdam.
No, it was the last time, definitely not I've punched plenty of cones over there though, no cones in Amsterdam, just joints. Blow your head off. I was with Snoop, I was was unconscious at one stage, and then I was also unconscious in La I was smoking a scoob, woke up in the gutter and.
You can definitely smoke it all in one hit.
Yeah, mm hmm. Yeah.
Do you think a cone is just too much?
See why do that to yourself?
Shut up right, why do you want to do that? I would little joint? Yeah, well, you know, well that was the early days for me. I was the cone monster.
That's a real young man thing to do, though, you know.
Like grown men do it too.
Grown men, yeah, I know they do it than grown woman drug dealers.
Sitting in the lounge room just like chilling and waiting.
For the made way, more than drug dealers.
Like as an adult doing a cone, plenty of adults to it's just your toffinosed brigade lawyers coming home and there punching cone a cone.
That's not saying he doesn't smoke weed.
No, no, there's no if you're on if you're a cone guy, it's cones all the way.
I meet with someone who did about four cones before he went to work.
I to live with someone who did that too, actually.
Her husband who did it? How many it was?
My flatmate?
She yeah, four cones before works. That's child's play. Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
Ah, that's like a proper you're desensitized to it.
But when I was young up in Brisbane, we used to go around to this old lady's house. She was a dealer selling cheap weed to the kids. Doesn't sound good.
You remember her name, n.
I don't know her name. We called her something, but I was like sixteen or something, and she would smash cone after the cone after she must have been eighty place wreaked of and you'd go around. She'd go, I've got no weed, and you just live up the couch, lift up the couch cushion and there was that much chop or you know where everyone else has got like paddle pop sticks and dirt and everything under the couch. I don't know what your place is like, but this joint was just covered in chop, so you could just scoop up enough to have a cone just off the carpet. I wonder she'd probably be dead now. I never never went to the future, it would be yeah, probably, yeah, if I was sixteen. I'm fifty three now.
Oh my god, she's definitely did she did?
She did?
Okay, first calls if you want to ring thirteen when I was six y five, we'll take him next.
Jackie O.
Kiss. Yeah, we're taking first calls thirteen when I was six y five. And don't forget if it's your birthday today, you want to be getting on the birthday wheel because the big prize today is a trip for two to Vegas with me and Jackie explore all of the US with United Airlines direct flights from Sydney and Melbourne direct to the United States, where you'll see the iHeart Radio thing happening in Vegas. We're looking forward to that.
It's going to be so fine.
Brooklyn's even coming to get on the Vegas train. Three of us will be there. What a tree, I know, what a tripp. Indeed, you'll have tickets for you and a friend of the iHeart Music Festival in Vegas. Julipa going to be performing. Yeah, Camilla Cabeo. Those are caps and you'll be flying in style on United. So if it's your birthday, you could win that this morning right now, first calls who we got John? Hey Bro, good morning, Hey.
Guys, Hey you guys, Love you guys.
Every time you got to bring up Vegas or America.
I had a parking five.
Thirty years ago there, right, and I never.
Paid for it.
If I go back, do I get stuck in customs?
Whats happening? You've got a parking fine in America and bailed.
Years ago?
Yes, it was a little lady when I was a little bit w parked overnight and the morning, little little computer print out, Yeah you know what.
So you didn't do a higher car situation it was yeah, yeah, they would have just dopped it from your bill.
It was adopted the thirty years ago. There was no docking.
I don't know that you would be tagged to that. It would be the car hire company because their their car.
They're ready.
You're right, you're right. They don't have your license. Well, no they do, they do have the car.
Yeah, the car company assume you would have, right.
You expected to have been sold to a debt collector or something.
And yeah, he doesn't want to get off the plane in Los Angeles be detained by.
You got to pay their difference that afterwards.
Plus interest nine million dollars. Actually, we'll check that out. Can someone check that out? Peter in you look that out? You get back to him files Natalie, Hi, Hello, would what's happening Jackie?
My question is pretty much for Jackie.
You new book.
It's coming out, but I just want to know what's like how much sex talk is it going to be?
Like is it going to be tipped tricks for your boyfriend?
Like it's not not a help book.
About your sex life?
Yeah? Is the truth about that in there? That's actually.
You know interesting you ask that because why in there?
Well to a degree, and I just am it's the whole going through edits at the moment right because I'm still editing it and and there's and there's parts that I'm sort of you know, toying with and.
What like what like what do you what do you where? Where do you get stuck? But you're wondering whether I should print this story or not?
No, definitely not.
It's that I don't have the room to put everything in there, and so I just need to speak to the publishers to find out can I just make the bigger because absolutely, Yeah, I.
Wonder yeah, I was wondering if I could make it.
X make make the font smaller.
No, I don't like that.
It was too small.
I go too much to be like reading an ingredient stamp on a like a good a good size fond for a book. So what is the truth about? We want to know everything except a.
Well, no, no, that's not anything. Well, but then I don't think, oh have.
I of course you have, No, I have. I just don't know.
That I would putting in there?
Do they put try and put the tip in or something? Once I have? Yeah, I have definitely done it. Is that in there?
No, it's actually not. But do I need that in there?
You need another just for that?
I mean that would definitely be high in my book jacket. That's a huge life moment.
I don't want to know about Jack's thoughts of a maths teacher. I don't want to hear about filth that's not in there.
Promise well more filth you want, yeah, not so much pressure, filth that.
We all have dabbled in. But I want to know your thoughts on that. You know how many many pages are dedicated to your feelings about how you felt when you first laid eyes on me. It's like two lines, two lines? Is that a line? A line? A line? A paragraph? Ever, when we when we when.
We first met, Yeah, paragraph I think is in there?
What is it? A line? Two lines? Paragraph? Probably four or five lines or five lines. Now now it's a party. Now it's a party. Okay, Well, Natalie, you'll just have to wait. She's very secretive about this book. I feel it might bring a lot of people down, just by the secrecy surrounding it.
The name, Like, it's not like this expose on the industry anything like that. It's just but there are things in there for sure that you will be like, oh, okay, all.
Right, what do you mean. That's what You'll have to wait and see. Look, it's a couple of months.
Just give me a chance, give me a chance to finish it and then and then I'll.
Get back to you.
But I promise not talk about it all on air.
It's just a bit far out at the moment. I can't believe I'm worthy of one paragraph. And I've known you longer than anyone you've ben that's just when we first met.
There's heaps in there about you, heaps. I got photos on the inserts yeah, heaps. You don't worry, you won't be disappointed.
And I don't think that it's not about me, but you know I'm a big part of it.
Oh, you're definitely in my book more than you put me in yours.
Put it that way. Yeah, but my book was full of you know, filth, and you've never been a filth filthy part. You've always been a book full of filth though, well, sadness and struggles and filth. Yeah, a lot of filth. You probably never got to the end where it was filmed because you.
Were I can't remember what the filth was, well can you?
What what did you write about?
Time? For that?
Just I'm curious, I'm writing mind.
He never even read the book, remember, Jackie, I know you read it.
What filth was in mind?
Well, to be honest, we did go a little light on with the film. So for example, with your transgendered.
Oh you didn't even live to it if I.
Hang on, I left it hanging. Yeah, I did not own it.
Yeah, you were like anyway, she went off into the night dot dot dot.
At least that's the story I'm going with. Now. Everyone knows I've I've really pounded that training.
Right, maybe for the twenty year anniversary of the book, we can release like.
A little brochure that I'll call it Kyle sand Lands. It's the whole truth.
I love it.
That is a great sequel to Jackie's Just drop the w Yeah h O l E. One last call before we move on. All right, who is it is? Khalil? Yes, it's Khalil. You going good, bro.
Good good, good mate. I just heard about this whole four skin saga.
Oh yeah yeah. In Queensland if you missed the show earlier, a health warning from the Queensland government for guys with foreskins to clean the smegma the cheese dick, clean it up. It's apparently a big problem up there. Have you come across it is you and no I'm not. I'm in Sydney. But I'll give you a step by step on how to clean it. But yeah, Bruno, listen up here we go done.
When you're in the shower, you gotta wash it. Soap it, pull her back, soap it in, wash it down. After the shower, you ry it down with a towel. Then you get a blow dryer you blow it down. Baby powder is the best thing ever baby powder? Yeah, mate, so you don't get no chafe in, no stickiness, no testicle to the left. Thie, that's the best thing, mate. You got to treat it like a belly button.
What was that was that? Sorry? I was just saying that's way too much work. I'd rather just have this snake.
He's got to treat it like a belly button, mate, he saws water.
Yeah. Who's ever smelled their belly button and realized?
Actually, yeah, that's what you gotta do.
Young Alfie just put his head Outpha you've smelled your belly button and been horrified? Yeah? Like, what the hell? I don't know? God, Phil, he's definitely taking good care of him. Do you work in a crystal car wash or something? Because you're very ho with the cleanliness.
No, I just try to keep clean.
That's how it is, good man.
So you've got you guys don't ever get stinging from soap?
Do you? Like? Why would we sting? Everything's on the outside.
That baby powder is the key. Yeah, baby powder is the key for everything, crusty everything.
Look at Johnson and Johnson's baby powder.
Johnson and a couple of prays of that and you'll be fine for the whole day.
There we go, fellas. Good tip there from kalel Y. How do you girls keep your bits clean?
We just wash it with soap and that's it.
Well, yeah, it's good.
If you have like a pH level soap, it's much better.
Where did you get that from anywhere? Like a dove? No, no, dove is not because it's all centered and stuff like. I actually do use dove though.
That's the one I do. Is not a pocake of soap, but the pump I like that the best.
When did we design to go to these stupid pumps? I like a pump. I know you do, but I'm just saying, I like a bar of soap, these pumps with them, and then what do you put it?
You just wipe your hands or it feels drying to me, A cake of soap feels like I'm going to be I have.
To go back to the pumps because my new place has no soaperholder anywhere in the bathroom.
Yeah, where does the pumper sit on the floor of the shell?
That's I hate bathrooms like that, where it's like, oh, we just want to be so minimalist that we don't want anything to be functional.
Just look good that drive.
When you have to just put all your things on the floor of the shower.
That ship. Actually Teagan tonight because we're selling our house in Port Douglas. There was a big article in the Sunday paper. I saw that and then when you click online to have a look at it, Teagan was horrified because she said, like she gets, well, they've got the guest bathroom up there, and you can see all the ship, all the cheap products from obviously you know, from my brother or whatever being up there. You know, the perts two in one And she was horrified. I said, no one cares about that. Oh yeah, she said she was. She said she would zoom in and look at what the products were. And I said, I don't think anyone who is zooming in and judging us on our shampoo in the in the bathroom is going to buy the house, Like, don't worry about that ship. And then in our bathroom she was like, oh, they should have put all those toilet rolls in the in the in the drawer while all the toilet rolls on display. I said, listen, you always worry about ship.
No one, Yeah, we see things you don't see.
But no one cares about your biggest problem for women is my most minute problem. I can fixure like that instantly. Boo.
But is their little cardboard toilet paper rolls in your real estate photography photo?
Not not just the roles extra they're all under the scene way. Yeah, but what can you see in the photo of the toilet rolls. You can just see that there's all these cleanex toilet rolls in there. But she didn't want to see them. She wanted them in the drawer. There is no there's no cupboard on the on it. Well, no, I'm not on that particular shelf. No no door on that. Oh yeah, I'd be with Teagan. I'd have an issue with that too. Well, I'm not going to pay.
Surely the person, Surely the person taking the photograph couldn't just look at that and go and we'll take that.
Out of the regional real estate agents. They don't know anything, they don't know what looks good. They have got no idea. Let's get rid of the Perts too. And I don't even think there's a problem with the Perts.
Two and one aceop bottle in their car, right.
What that is?
But it just looks good.
We don't care anyway, I said to my wife. I put my foot down. I said, I'm not paying for a reshoot because, oh yeah, but you don't want to pay Donny rolls and some two in one hair condition. I don't care. She was very annoyed at me. Yeah, She's like, well, I just think you could have been done way better. We'll do it yourself next time. I said. That didn't go down. Well, I'm up next to the birthday where we have that trip. You want to get on a United Airlines flight and come with me Jackie in Brooklyn to Vegas. Baby, Please, if it's your birthday, I'd love you to win ring now thirteen when I sixty five to win?
We all.
Okay, birthday is for today, Wednesday, August twenty one. If it's your birthday and you haven't been able to get through, the phones are full. It's one of those Kler birthday. Not one space left on the phone. And a few celebrities Jackie to go through today. Usain Bolt thirty eight years old. He was the quickest man on the planet. Now he's being beaten. He's not the quickest anymore. What about Kim Katrell from Sex and the City sixty eight years old.
She looks amazing, Kim Katrell.
She always had such a good body and great boobs. You know, she even on Sex and the City was you know what, like fifty.
Maybe you can get her norks out on that show all the time. You saw nip one, Yeah, you saw it all. You saw a vad. Yeah. Yeah.
One time she wanted to bleach it and it to read and it looked like Rusty the Clown. She pulled down her pants to show carry and you could see the whole thing.
What do you mean red like burn bush?
The bush got went redren.
Well, she didn't.
I don't think she had a bush, but I think she went through a period of bringing back a bush for some Yeah.
I seem to remember that. Happy birthday also callise forty five the milkshake girl is happy birthday please. Brody Jenner, son of Caitlyn Jenna so high. Yeah, he's lovely. He's got these shoes forty one Yeah yeah, Hayden Pennit. Remember that beautiful Bond girl thirty five she's celebrating today. And Kenny Rogers would have been eighty two, but he did he did no when to fold come on, Kenny, no.
Whend to wark away everyone and nowhere the run.
You never count your.
Mundy show and you're sitting at the table. There'll be in time and of the count and everyone there we go, it'll do.
We don't need to go into the second verse than kids, ain't kid?
Maybe maybe every gambler.
Nos, okay, it's enough. Isabelle is on the phone here, Happy birthday, Isabelle? How old?
He hi?
Thank you?
Thank you so much?
How old are you today?
Oh yeah, okay, twenty three?
You sound so sprightly too.
It just work.
So yeah.
Do you want to hear your horoscope for Leo's today?
Of course? Horror?
Okay, what were are we out of? Leo?
Is my shit? You're the only one that knows about horoscopes.
Surely it's got to be soon.
I blame Channel seven for forcing this horoscope onto the air. I love it. I love it.
So your horoscope is about if you've been feeling sluggish lately, then today's a good day because you're just going to have this surge of energy and you can do anything like you should be playing sports. Really make the most of this surge of energy. You'll have a lot of focus later on in the day.
What if you don't like sport, well just use sports so works. And do you feel like you've got a surge of energy today?
Yeah, yes, definitely. Well, of course it's my birthday, so it's always a good day.
Yeah, So you're not you're blaming the curtain of surge of energy on the joy of the birthday. Nothing to do with the LEO.
I'm very energetic person all the time, like every because I do three jobs and everyone always ask me, how the hell do you have all this energy? I'm like, God, I don't know. I've just tried to save up money, save up for a house.
You are you fit or are you a little chunker?
I'm very fit.
It does sound like she's the type that would have her life together, you know, doing three jobs.
She's she's on it. She's got all this energy. Wouldn't it be better off just doing one better job than three? Anyway?
Well, I just finished just finished my degree last year, so how to start up at the bottom? Work my way up?
What was your degree?
I did a Bachelor of science.
So what do you want to do?
What's the job?
So currently I'm an environmental scientist, so Eventually I'd like to move up in levels, you know, a better pace, so I don't have to be doing big W and wires all the time. So it would be good big W.
So yeah, so that's maybe her other job is big W and then volunteering at wires looking after you.
I actually actually a while ife for a few Cornado wife, so.
Beautiful, like a lovely human being.
Doesn't thank you?
Okay, you want to spind the whel don't forget the prize, the Vegas trips.
On the.
Around and around it goes. It's on there several times. It's got to get given away this week at some stage. Yeah, what do we go? What do we got? She's done? It's the Vegas trips? There a little Isabelle you knowing you are won the trip to Vegas with Mee and Brook. We're going to pop you on a airfare. You're very well. Who are gonna bring with you? You've got a girlfriend or boyfriends? Great? What's his name?
Jacob, a very biblical name. Are you going to be? We have the best time in Vegas.
You're probably on the same flight as us, the same flight as me.
Do you always have this amount of energy?
Oh I am right.
Now, I'm more Energey comes so happy.
I love that.
I love it Isabelle, You're going to have so much fun.
You're gonna choose afore you go. You've got to choose a Brooklyn song. Mine and Jackie is the carryover song. Where is the Love? Black Eyed Peas? That's a real American vibe practice.
Do you know who we're going to see in Vegas? Isabelle do a Leafer?
Oh, you've chosen her worst song. No, that's the one that made her big. It was yes, it was now. They really dropped her up to this song the next No one liked that? Isabelle? Your choice? Bell if you want black eyed Peas preaching about world peace and everyone loving each other and doing the right thing.
I love I love black Eyed Peas.
That we're gonna see your choice, Julie definitely.
Okay, what a choice.
That Isabelle will see you and Jehovah what's his name? To the boyfriend, Jacob, jac We'll see you in Vegas, baby. Thank you to United Airlines. We're all flying to Vegas soon. Kiss the black Eyed Peas? Where is the love? That's our power? Pick here at kiss? So I got a special guest for ladies yea everywhere, ladies and gentlemen, I have on air today for your listening pleasure, Australia's most desired and booked male escort. We're talking five hundred dollars an hour for an eight inch dick and a bloke that's jacked up and he will pump you until your hearts can and.
He's pretty damn hot. That's why he's the most popular. And when you say five hundred an hour, Kyle, you can't just bring him over for an hour. You have to do a four hour booking minimum.
The guy's no fool. He's got the minimum booking.
Yeah, minimum booking.
Let's get him on. His name is Michael Adern him Michael, Yeah, Hi Michael. How you doing?
Guys? How are you you a cleasure to be on?
How you doing? Player? You're doing good?
I'm doing very well.
Now you're willing. Haven't always been a prostitute. You've been other You've done other things. You worked in sales, you worked in finance, security work, you worked at shops, and at thirty five you thought, screw this hard work shit. I'm going to br old gross chicks for a living. And is that who your client tell is or do you have is it every type of lady who's booking a male escort?
Oh look, there's no straight line.
I see clients between eighteen and eighty years old, but generally my client base are either couple's are the rest scorts, or professional women between sort of thirty five.
And fifty five.
Wait, what do you mean about escorts?
Women? Women? Prozzies? They bring you up, do they? And they? Oh?
Absolutely absolutely on there? Why Oh look, I'm sure you can appreciate that being a professional in this industry as a woman, they have a bare minimum standard.
They know what they like and it's.
Hard to be able to find that on your tinder sides. And you know at a local bar, they want to be able to get a service that is going to be adequate, you know, something that's going to satisfy them, and they're not going to get that out on the street.
Are you really good in bed? Like there's a bit of pressure, isn't.
There to make sure if you're a dud route.
Carl, you can be a guy that has a lot of sex, sleeps around major player, and still be terrible in bed.
Oh really, jeez, I think It's like anything you've practice and you put the time in and get the experience, and you've become good if you If you're not, then you should probably find something else to do.
For lack of a better description.
Yeah, if you're doing a professionally, i'd imagine. You know what, maybe Jackie's had some bad experiences with her pretty boys. Maybe they're pretty, but now I understand why they don't last that long. I get it, I get it, I get it. Mama knows what you want.
So you're not circumcised either, right.
What I'm not what happened there?
Oh Michael, it's just Kyle who's got an issue with it.
Actually, I don't have an issue.
I just I'm happy to send you a photo if you'd like to have a closer.
Look a photo through your brother, because I'm just This morning, we just had an announcement from the Queensland government because Bruno that works for me, he's got a snuffle up, I guess the big foreskin and the Queensland Government put out a note saying, all the Queensland guys, you've got a dick cheese problem, clean your smegma up and then step by step, and I thought I don't have to worry about any of that, rubbit. Do you have to worry about the Smegma?
Oh look, it's you just got to pay attention to it when you're in the shower, you know. Yeah, a good minute or two scrub make sure it's planned minute, not a problem.
Hey, how much Michael, would you make a year from being an escurt escort?
Oh? Look, I don't want to disclose that sort of information, but it.
Doesn't all have to be down on the book, you know, yeah, of half a million?
And do you do you kiss women like that? Because I'd imagine that's important to a lot of women. Some female prostitutes don't do that.
Do you?
Absolutely? So.
It's it's all about a connection, and women can't really get that connection without the kissing and being shaved and comfort in their environment.
I hang on, hang, I'm hang on. I'm that guy that can't get a connection unless there's kissing either. So might've had another woman trait that. I've got lots of guys. I think lots of guys love that. I can't even get hard if there's no kissing. Really you could, yeah, I could, really, It depends what I'm dealing with.
So do women have.
A book you just to talk because you hear about guys doing that with female prostitutes.
Common misconception. No, Look, people like to think that that's the case, and there is a lot of talking involved, but there is.
Always sex involved.
Yeah, yeah, you know, they might want to give the impression that they just want to talk and have a catch up at dinner or something like that, but always.
Leads to sex.
And if it doesn't, then the guys not in the right spot, you know, you know, getting poured into the bedroom at the end of the night, then you really never should have been there.
So this guy would he'd be great. Sorry, I know you've got a million questions and one stop talking, but I've got a question too, And she's like, what about this? What about desperately?
What about celebrities? Have you ever had a celebrity client?
Yeah? Absolutely, Oh you have that.
That's the importance of hiding my identity with you today, right.
Right, you might have what you might have been seen on the red carpet with some lass. Is that what you're worried.
About, Kyle, I'm worried about being running into you mate, you and I.
Yeah, I think do you think not at all.
No, you know the circles are.
You think our circles are quite close, almost as close as the Audi logo circles. They might be doing a crossover.
They might be.
So you have we met no Ah, right, I thought it might have been the party.
But you've You've penetrated Kyl's circle somehow.
That sounds weird, but that does.
But you have there's someone in the circle, you.
Know, Jackie, any girl I can think of a Jackie now. But what about some of the like do you have to go to dinner and like toe some shield or under the table at it's some fancy restaurant, anything like that going on?
Oh, there's no towing going on.
Maybe a little ear sucking.
It's very romantic, isn't it. Yeah, some of the girls here, I've got questions as well. Girls, you're all very keen to get on with the male prostitute. What do you want to ask?
Well, I want to know because he can't find every single girl that books him attractive. So is he having a pop viagraph for every booking or is it.
Just that erection? Yeah? Because I couldn't get hard as it was gross. How do you keep that under control?
Michael, great question.
I guess I've honed in my skills to be able to find something beautiful with every lady. Whether it's something small like a chin or a hip bone, or their vagina or breast, or a shoulder line, a collar bone, there's always something that I can concentrate in a hone in on that, you know, make sure I'm high and the services.
Have you ever had to go to the bathroom and just really assault that penis because it won't work because it's so gross. You just you just can't even find even one of those chins to narrow in on. You just think, Oh, ever had a problem or always ready to go?
I'm always ready to go, absolutely blessed. The only time that I vigorously yeah, the only time I vigorously masturbate would be after a booking.
After a booking, Oh yeah, oh yeah.
I mean it's quite a heated situation, and you know, I like to go home and regulate.
Any of the other lady's. Got a question for our male escort today? Oh here comes Ella. Sorry lingus, Lingus, you're on the air with the prosy.
Hi, Michael, Just in general, as a guy, do you think it's important if a girl goes down on a guy, or it's not necessary.
Oh that's right, because Lingus famously yelled out on this show one day when her parents listening, I don't suck dick. Remember that came across like a real man. Remember, Yeah, it was real gross.
So is it important? That's an odd question.
I'm not sure if it's important, but I like it personally, so I'd like to get that out there.
I love it.
Again, said, there's no such thing as a bad b J. You would have had plenty have you had? Is there a bad one?
You're very wrong there?
Really what I thought? I thought, Yeah, I've had the teeth sharp teeth before. I didn't like that.
You can get it really wrong. And I'm quite girthy, so I mean, you know, a woman's going to have quite a quite a large mouth to avoid the teeth.
Importantly, Checkie, you're out. She's got the Yeah, as asshole Jackie does it. I'm worried, like.
That would scare me a bit.
I'd be like, oh, ship, no, take far out. Yeah, Michael, So you do have sex with celebrities. You do always find some thing beautiful about every woman that books you. You seem like a real gentleman, quite a gentleman. I like the sound of you, absolutely like you do. Do you do gaze?
I do not know. I'm a woman only.
Sorry Brooklyn. Yeah, I don't know.
Guys can sort things out themselves. You just go to gay saunay to me.
Now, don't take your fence because I know your type. You'll run around it all grabbing your pearls. Try to days are like dogs, you sneaking to the park and then hop on for a comer and I admire it. Yeah, me wrong.
Yeah, you can very easily get sex if you really want to know.
That's true, Jackie. I think women would be next best to get sex whenever they want. The poor old straight man we last again and everything last in life, la. No one wants to when we're out.
All right, Michael, If people want to find you, they can go to Michael a vip on Instagram.
Yeah, that's got the links to my personal website and my other platforms where I'm advertised. It's also got a link to my onifans on there as well.
Around they're on. They're jerking it on only fans. How much to watch you do that?
Look my subscription I think is nine dollars a month at the moment, but to fluctuate nine.
Oh so what sometimes it's a bit more expense. Or do you have like half priced like end of year financially.
Yeah, we do do specials on it the especially.
If you're already at nine a month and you're dropping it down.
Well that is that is the special.
Oh do you have a Mother's Day sales and stuff like that? You have the Mother's Day sale and the east Absolutely, yeah.
We do Christmas and Valentine's Day and all the rest of it. But you know, nine dollars, it's cheaper than a coffee in a muffin. We're in Sydney, so it's a bargain.
Do you travel into state for the for the right fee?
Look, I travel into state probably once a month, and I travel overseas generally once or twice a year.
Oh so you've got client that fly you out or you'd travel and then work from a different location.
So sometimes I will fly out and work in that location. Other times I'll be flying out by a client and then I will stay on and do some work there.
The lifestyle, isn't it.
I'm living the absolute dream, you know, when I found out that as being a superhero wasn't a real job, I picked.
Your next dream.
What about girlfriends? Do you entertain the idea of a girlfriend?
I'll look.
In the first year or so doing it, I did date a little bit, but it's really complicated, you know, get jealous. Yeah, it's really complicated. Women will accept everything up until a certain point of time, but it always changes, and that inevitable circle of things falling apart, it always happens. So yeah, I try to avoid the dating.
Do you have any do you have you given yourself like an end date?
Look, I initially did. I had a three year plan to sort of finish up when I was around.
Forty years old, so a couple of years away.
But things have just gone you know, leads and downs.
So I'm not sure that up and until.
No more poison comes out, my friend, that's until the dwell's dry, you will.
And you've got all that money and yeah, and.
Then marry, marry the last client. Then once there's.
Nothing Okay, thanks Michael, appreciate it.
What a wonderful flow talking to lovely to chat. Thanks for coming on. What a blow Okay, yeah, not amazing.
I love it.
I've got the gigglow song. I wonder if he does this. He shows up at the door and they opened the door. Let's say, you know some grandma and he's.
Like, I'm just ago and everywhere I go people know the pard he's cleaning every every day.
Come on everyone, come in telling come in everyone, I'm just here we go, jack Ill will come a day when you will pass away? What don't they say about me when the incomes?
I know?
I was just alone?
Life goes on without me?
Here we go, here me, I'm just.
Everywhere I go. You know the potus pay for every day I'm selling me your old man. I see the bell will come a day when you will pass away.
That's funny.
What don't they say about me when the woman he blows He was just study alone?
Life goes on without me? Come on, he office, God.
No nobody if you black voice in this, no God, no God has about me.
I'm so sad and.
Satury lordless stating loneless war some win. Mama chats with me because I ain't so bad down there. There we go, not just women hahwes, but manhwes as well. Here we go, Boozy boozy bop Gitty Bupo, Kyle Jaggie, Oh.
Kiss her fam Kyle Jackie. Morning everyone, Let's look at the weather Sydney Siders mostly Sunday, top of twenty five. If you're listening in Melbourne, cloudy and nineteen degrees. Jackie's got some own news. Have you seen that new Stand original yet, Jackie? I've told you critical interest me too. Yeah, psychological crime drama. It's great, it's Aussie, it's real gritty. It's now available to watch only on Stand.
Love that Okay, So a couple of days ago, the Hop Tour girl, you know, Haley Welch, let TMZ know that. While you know she's not loving her new Hollywood lifestyle that much there, well she says it not really for her, that whole scene, but she did say there has been one benefit, and that is celebs sliding into her dms.
Oh yeah's who's showing interest?
Well, apparently Young Gravy hit her up for a date and she wasn't really feeling it.
Have a listen any celeb clushes, any celebs and the dms that you want to go out there and let.
Us know Young Gravy no way, you know, do you think he's trying to like give what you give a cure?
I all stay mount a date.
I was like, no way, okay, last last, last way.
So now that you've been in Hollywood, you've been around the black a little bit.
You know, you're kind of.
Getting used to it is Hollywood.
The place for you now, ma'am?
It us not? No, ma'am it is not anyway.
So young Gravy has now responded saying he about actually asked her out.
Yeah, he he should have douch to say that. Well. I think he was just being.
Asked to clarify the situation, which sort of made sense.
I mean to me, you inter up at all or what I think? Yeah?
No, he did, right, he what he wanted.
The reason he contacted her on instagrampread was that he said no that men also have a hot tour like moment, which he calls the splash stallion.
Have a listen. I did sign her DMS. I want to shore some love. I saw people hating on her.
And you know, being mad negative, so I thought she needed some love.
I think I invited her.
To a show.
I don't believe I mentioned a date like.
I hate how people who don't get busy hate on women who are successful in some sexual way.
You know what I think.
I think women deserve their own heart, CLA. So I'm going on on a woman. I guess all the boys out there if I'm going on a woman. Look, I'll splash stallion.
All right.
I didn't know what a name the splash stallion. Wow, now we know what it's called.
So is that like when you're blowing a raspberry?
No, you're going ah, you're creating like blowing, and there's lots of lips and there's tongues flapping it. We're trying to create made our mouth similar to your vagina. But that doesn't do anything for you, Jackie. Who cares? It's fun to do. Have you ever had it done the splash stallion?
Would I know if I'd had that, you'd hear that?
I don't think so. No, not that I can remember. No, the splash stallion? Is that a thing? Is anyone? Am? I've never heard it. I've done the noise. I've never had it done on me. Personally. I think i'd laugh. I imagine it were too cool. It sounds like it was sexually charged, and she sound so much She's hanging from the roof in a harness. She only comes on. Have you noticed she never hear from unless this is something feels well, that's something that I would find. Clatt can say we got ourselves the right censor. I think, God, it's not some old Zilda or some woman in her eighties and picking out everything she doesn't like our sensor. She's very open.
Okay, Carle, this one's for you because I have a story about two of your favorite people, the Queen and Donald Trump.
Oh I love them both so obviously the Queen.
You love them both equally or do you love one more?
My love for the Queen comes from I don't know. I don't know. It came from because I used to as a kid lined up to wave and everything, and Mum loved the Queen and my grandmother loved the Queen and Trump's history. We love the Trump. But the reason I love Trump, and I know a lot of people think, oh he's grubby and is this he's shit? He was just say whatever, and that's what I like, rather than politicians who were so well polished in being fake and not giving us the truth. At least you know where Trump stands. All the Aussie politicians, they'll say one thing and do completely the other. Yet we keep voting him in.
They're just lying, lying, lying, Well, the Queen and Donald Trump have met each other on a few occasions, and now we know what the Queen thought of him.
How we know? How do we ever know what the queen thinks? People always speak on behalf of the Queen, and I always think it's probably shit. What do they say? She said it.
It's in an upcoming book, actually a voyage around the Queen, and it's from a lot of palace workers, and so yeah, apparently she found him very rude.
She particularly took a disliking to the way he kept looking over her shoulder to see if there was someone more.
Interesting to talk to when you're doing to the queen.
There is no one better. I do that too, I do look over I hate that.
I think that is the worst thing people can do, is when you're talking to them, they keep looking off other people in the crowd.
People are normally waving or trying to get your attention. It's nothing to do with that's fine.
If you've been distracted by someone waving.
What they say? The Queen said that she was first of all, didn't like that.
But what she was offended by was that he patted her on the back, and that's a big no no when addressing a royal, especially the queen.
Did she really complain or is this just some liar the dusts in the palace writing a book now off the debt?
Well, the only thing I'll say is that in the second meeting that they had, she did wear this Burmese tiara, which is this tiara guards against evil, and and she wore a pin that Barack Obama had gifted her for that occasion.
So, yeah, who gives her what this old duck? Yeah, they get told that stuff.
Absolutely, there's protocol around that for sure, because they have to be very careful what that represents in front of certain.
But maybe that just represented.
Yeah, maybe maybe you're right. We just I don't think we'll ever know.
And fans are growing very concerned for Alicia Silverstone, who was inclueless.
Right. Do you remember Alicia Silverstone?
She was the star?
Yeah? What happened to her? You never saw her again after that? Oh?
No, you do?
If you kind of like she's out and about, right, she's very hippie these days.
Super hippie. No wonder she's not on the radar.
Anyway, she was posting a video of herself and yeah, it was I think she was in London and she saw this like what looked like a little cherry tomatoes on a tree and she ate one of them in the video and she was like, wonder what this is.
Anyway, it turns out that this is a Jerusalem cherry.
And all of the people who were watching this that knew were warning her that this is so poisonous it can be deadly, like thee Yeah, and apparently if you eat one of these things, you know, it can lead to like not only just vomiting and diarrhea, but hallucinations, heart you know, issues.
And Jerusalem cherry.
Then well they are on the London streets. I believe it's quite dangerous by the sounds of it. But that now she's mia like there's no activity on her socials and fans are genuinely concerned.
So here's the video of her eating that particular chary.
Okay, I've discovered something that I can't figure out what it is, and I need your help.
I just bit into it because I was on the street and we were discussing whether this was tomato or not. It's definitely not, because look at these leaves, So what the heck is this? Because when you open it up it looks like that, and if I baite it, I don't think you're supposed to eat this. It's almost like a patron.
Does anyone know what this says? I don't know what it is. To tell me, I'm in England, thank you? She found she find this on the street, on the ground, on a tree, on a tree. Yeah, and it's growing some hallucinogenic poison full of fruit. No one's all the all the all the junkies haven't.
Do you find that a bit odd, to be honest, because was that poisonous, surely they would have have gotten rid.
Of it somehow. Jerusalem Cherry never heard of it.
I mean like I would never be gaing to just pluck some random thing that I've never seen before off a tree and eat it.
I did that when I was in Italy.
Me and my boyfriend had a day where we were just sort of walking through this park type of thing and there was food.
We just ate it. Where was the food? No, I've done that's not that much. Sorry. Yeah, it's a good KF. If they drop it and you grab it straight away.
We had taken something to reduce anxiety that day.
What do you mean a bellion?
Basically, guys, you have anxiety on your holiday.
Vallied out looking around the best day.
It was like some vineyard in Easily.
And I don't know what we were eating, but they were grapes, probably little berries, grapes.
They were I don't know what they were. Were they nice?
It wasn't a nice thing.
Did you guys?
Have you know those trees that have a really tiny bell shaped red flower and then if you open the end of it, you suck it and get the honey.
The honeysuckles, Yeah, the honeysuckle. Is that what a honey? Orange flower? Yeah? Orange? Well, I used to call them the honeysuckles. My mum. She didn't know much, but she called them honeysuckle. But she could have made it up. I know, I reckon she'd be right back then. Parents made up everything.
They had no idea of being Well, no, that makes sense. It would be the honeysucker because I finally someone calls something what it is.
It is, what it is? It is, what it is. I suck those things like the same. I was like Brooklyn in the early days, sucking, sucking, and you get so little from it. It's a thimble, not even a thimble, not even match stickhead from honey?
Did you have Simpson Primary School all day? It would just be sucking honeysuckles.
Yeah, I want one.
Now, Actually I would I want one now like I want a burger because a craving.
Yeah. I just had a tray then delivered to me of crispy bacon. So nice. It was so crispy, though I feel like cut my gums open, but I don't think it can ever be too crispy. Oh yeah, this was charcoal almost was it? Yum? Damn? Why do I have to be at home today? Exactly? I missed a good day by the same you missed a hell of a day. Everyone's in real good spirits here. I'm offended by that because you're here, because because I'm the common like, I'm the one the thing that's missing.
Why are you suddenly so happy?
Pedro is also missing? So I'm talking on those on the other side of the glass. I call it.
When are we going to talk to Pedro about this baby?
We've already announced it. What do you want to talk about? The baby is born? Be to him and find out what the baby's name is something. Isn't it Margaret or something? But yeah, I'm on text with him, so probably in the next hour or so. If you're happy time, don't bust your balls. I think.
Well anyway, we're going to do pop Quiz next, so if you guys would like to try and win ten grand you can call us on thirteen one six five.
Who loves Jared Leto and we all want an act out? What a singer? What a guy. He's a good dude.
He's actually like one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet because he's always always the same, always gracious, always nice, never in a bad mood.
He's not up and down, is constant never, you'd never known him to be like that. Yeah, we'll get Jared Leto on. I think they're coming to Australia. We'll get him on in ten twenty minutes Jackie ten dollar pub Quiz, Pup Quiz. Don't miss the new Superstar Coaches. They're all lined up on the brand new season of The Voice. I missed it. I missed the start of it, but it is on again tonight seven point thirty on Channel seven and seven plus. Okay, hired. He's playing for the money this morning. Oh hell, oh my god, oh my god. Hello Helloay you want money?
Oh my god?
Ten win, ten thousand. The rules are easy. Sixty seconds to answer all the questions. Everyone, you get right? One hundred dollars all ten, ten thousand?
Are we ready? Yeah? I'm ready? Yeah, all right, here we go.
Who is famous for playing Wolverine.
Jack mane?
Yeah. Actor Austin Swift is the brother of.
Which singer Tara Quiz? Who is Larry im just co host on the morning.
Show Kylie Gilly correct?
Jake Paul is famous?
Which sport with Jake Paul?
He's famous for which sport at the moment?
No bomb scene?
How many children does Paris Hilton have?
Two? Yep?
Which British comedian is known for playing Mister Bean. Which milestone birthday did the kid Lar Roy celebrate on the weekend.
Milestone Birthday? Miles that I was the rapper kid.
He's doing so well, I'm going to pay twenty one?
Correct? Yeah?
Which actors starting the Miss Congeniality movies?
Who hosts the block on Channel nine.
Which band was Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of No Doubt.
Yes, oh, and you got him all right, except for the one that you got wrong.
Jake is sing oh no, not cricket.
Okay, I just I just it came to me.
I couldn't think.
Now I'm like nine hundred dollars. So Jake, Paul, you know he's a YouTube guy, gamer and now boxer.
Are you really good at that?
Real good? So good to you.
My heart is speaking out of my chest.
Do you often get it all right when you're listening?
I've never got it all right.
I think I've got like the max is like nine, like right now, So you've.
Reached your max under pressure.
Good on you. I'm feeling it. Say I'm feeling a bit of a No Doubt song just to celebrate that win.
I think we're sure, we so happy.
Oh, good on you, honey. Okay, Now this is not a scheduled song break, so the music department, get yourself under control. But yeah, Jackie's not here today, so while the cat's away, the mice will play it. You will. You're welcome, babe. Don't forget Friday The Pop Quiz worth fifty thousand dollars and ticket man running in Melbourne in twenty minutes from now. You never get old that song never.
Ever, ever, the Kyle and Shattio shows.
No, we just like us. Okay, ticket Man in Melbourne today. Yesterday in Sydney weekend tickets, then flew from Sydney to Melbourne to run to be brought down by the AFL boys. Yeah, those guys were good. I might just say ticket Man's got a bit of NRL and AFL in his background. However, no match for the young Melbourne trade is Yesterday. They brought him down within seconds.
They did, so where is he today today?
He's still in Melbourne. A Highgate recreation reserve in Craigieburn fifteen to twenty minutes. If you surround the park there, someone will win tickets to the weekend.
Yeah, this morning she'll trying to figure out what this song means. She must be munted. I can't feel my face when he must be monitored, but yeah, I get it. Win tickets for the weekend with ticket Dan in Melbourne. You gotta find him. Jared leto up next this morning Here a Kiss, It's the Kyle and Jachio Show This morning Hero at Kiss FM. Jared leto what a great guy. Love the films, love the music. If you want to check out thirty seconds to Mars. They are coming back to Australia. Livenation dot com, dot you, They've got the tickets. Love speaking to Jared. Hey, Jared, how that looking good?
Hello, I'm excited to be back talking you. Always have a good time with you. Thanks for having me.
Such a sweetheart.
You're always we were just saying this off air. Jared is always like this.
You're never like in a mood. You never got too big for your boots. A lovely giving guy.
Fifty two and you look like thirty five. I know it must be something special Hollywood juice, is it?
Yeah, exactly, It's called good genetics via my mom and uh, you know, lots of sleep, I think, but we've been We're excited to come back down and see you because they're obviously both welcome to come to the show.
We'd love to have you.
I think we're paying. September twelfth and Sydney Melbourne sold out and then Brizzy on the seventeenth amazing. Yeah, so it's been it's been over a decade since we played there, so it was very sad.
To come.
Oh my god, don't feel long. Don't forget twenty million albums worldwide? Twenty million? Does that money? Just does that just show up? We will borrow money every year. How does the how does that work with the band? Obviously you too, you may cash you sell the record. Is there residuals dribbling over the year for everyone or is it sort of.
Not being You make money on the road, and these days it's pretty tough because of inflation and all that stuff. But it's okay. I would do it for free. I mean, it's it's a beautiful thing to be out there. But we actually I made a documentary about the music business called Artifact about you know, twelve years ago, about how we we finally had a breakthrough album. We sold millions of records, and then we found out not only weren't we going to be paid a single penny, we were millions.
Of dollars in debt.
So we disputed, Yeah, we disputed. We left They suit us for thirty million dollars for breach of contact contract and then we made a film about it. So anyway, we went through that crazy, crazy bit of our lives.
It's nice to be on the other side, and and touring is yeah, where the money is at the fun I love it being on stage. Everyone dreams of that run.
But like somebody if somebody sneakily filmed you on a plane flying economy, which show?
But is that?
Is that?
Surely you don't fly economy?
I mean, you know, you gotta get you got to get to the show. Somehow.
That sounds like I do what you gotta do? You show up. There's only one day, any of the dummies. Yeah, I'll buy it.
Yeah, I don't mind. Look, you know what's funny is I've been on all kinds of planes, you know, the nicest and and and the worst, and but I flew economy a couple of times recently, like middle seat over the holidays, and the people grab picture of you and it goes viral. But you know, it wasn't that bad, to be honest. You know, I don't have to do it all the time, so I'm lucky. But you got to get to where you got to go.
Do you think you can spot when someone is secretly filming you? You know they're trying to they're pretending to take a selfie, or.
It's so obvious. It's very easy to know.
Can you spot it?
You reckon most of the time.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, you see that. It's it's like they're looking It's like that you're looking down the barrel of the gun. You both know how I feel as well. You learned to like you can see that with your peripheral vision. The funny thing is sometimes people take my picture in a restaurant and they forget that their flashes on. They're trying to sneak every had that happened they blow up the restaurant. Likesh.
Yeah, ever been like in a mate's hotel and you know they're racking up the coke and got a couple of rats around and there You've got to keep an eye and make sure no one's getting photographs with There's randoms around. And now I'm not saying that this would be your hotel. We've all been in hotels and you think, who are these people and what are they filming? You've got to be super careful everywhere. There's always someone trying to bring someone down.
I just go from the show right to the tour bus, eat some food, Netflix, chill, go to bed, wake up to it again. I keep life simple, you know, it's all about the thirty seconds of Mars show. For us these days, we play for like two and a half hours sometimes that wow a long time, and then you just recover.
Yeah, it's been fun. Yeah, that's got to be.
You're right exhausting in a way because doing shows like that all the time.
Well, you've got to go to sleep. It's like an athlete, really, isn't it. It's no differ.
Yeah, yeah, No, that's very very well said.
It is.
I mean you're up there pushing it for a couple hours every night and you've got to recover. You guys know this because your boys.
You know.
It's like if you say the brace.
We don't care.
Usually it is what it is if you again, So she's been hawking the fork around town and some days coming straight from a fresh bit of meat's house straight.
That is true. It's not true.
It's just simply not true. I've never done that before.
You've never been at the one night stands and comes straight to work. No, I actually haven't. Wow, the year is only young? What a little angela. No, I'm not saying that either, Jared. We can't wait to see you thirty seconds to Mars coming to Australia September all over the country. Get your tickets Live Nation dot com dot you will put all the details dates venues on our website. Can't wait till your touchdown.
Thanks so it's so good to chat to you, Jared, Thank you.
Love you guys soon and I hope to see you soon and talk to you so.
We'll be there.
Thank you.
Leto big movie star, great music on his way to Australia. Live Nation dot com dot are you for tickets? We got a confession booth. All I've been told Jackie is it's a shocker today.
Oh, we're you for a big shocker.
I don't know what the deal is, but we've got this woman Maria on the phone. Hi Maria, Good morning.
Maria hid Good morning.
Guys. How are you?
You don't sound like you have a big, dirty secret, do you?
I do.
I'm just scared of your reaction, guys.
You know, no judgment, no judgment. Okay, okay, what's been happening?
Who have you lied to? First? Who is it?
My son Musty?
Yes? See yeah? What have you? What must first?
He's nineteen?
And what is he? A good boy? Naughty boy?
He was a good boy. He's taughty boys phase made me do this.
I had to lie through my pace.
Okay, what did you? Naughty boy? Phase? Though?
What was he?
So going out after curfew, coming home after two days, drinking, all the stupid stuff that a boy does, and I didn't know how to help because I'm a thinking mom.
I didn't know what to do.
So I had a little idea from a friend, said, say that he's got a terminal illness and you don't have long to live.
And what was that?
Say that you have a terminal illness and you don't have long to live? And I did that any work?
And he's gonna.
And you told your sons. Yeah, you cant to lie to tell your child that you had What terminal illness did you claim to?
I said I had cancer and I don't have lung because it's spread all due to stress and anxiety that you're causing me with your behavior.
Oh my god, Maria, Well how long ago was that.
Ago? One year ago?
And now he's a completely different child.
Hang on, So it worked, didn't Yes?
He did?
And I'm my jaw is still on the floor.
How it worked?
He's such a different person.
So he gave up. He gave up the drinking, he gave after me, He gave up the two and three day benders to look after his dying mother.
Wait, what kind of theatrix did you put on, Maria?
Fake appointments, fake letters? He will dropped me at the hospital or just probably go cafeteria, have coffee or something.
Hang on, he drops you at the hospital for what he says, his cancer treatments, and you just sit in the cafeteria cake yep?
Did he did he ever want to come in with you?
No, I'm very private. He knows that I've had him.
You were I know, I know, But you know what my mother had to do.
As shocking as that is, Like it worked, it worked, yes, But the damage that's been done? What damage?
Hopefully we'll find that out today if he forgives me or we'll see how it goes.
Is beyond anything I could ever comprehend. Like it's a year he thought his mum is dying. Oh sorry, I forgot I said that.
What about the judgment? But this is very very big, this one.
Something that's why I apologize something about it.
I like, I like that you you didn't worry about what society thought you were. I thought I'm losing my boy to a bad behavior, drugs, bad lifestyle. You hear kids o d and die all the time.
He actually did at a park Commer. Police had to bring him home. That's why I thought that I have to do something.
And it was extremely desperate.
Yeah, it's more about the other family members. Is this something you need to lie about to everyone? Everyone in on it.
No, I haven't told anyone. No one has, just myself.
Everyone thinks you're dying.
Kind of what do you mean kind of?
I haven't told him that I'm dying.
I just said I have a disease, but I'm not sharing with anyone. So but with my son, I had to be really really extreme.
I see. So you've just told your son don't tell anyone and no one else.
Yeah, okay. Yeah.
We've been on our own since he or was three, so we're very private people. But unfortunately I'm not today.
Yeah, you're going to You're going to confess to your son you invented your terminal cancer to get his life under control.
Yeah, and it happened. He's a sparky now and he's got everything he needs. His amazing boy.
So well anyone the love of a mother.
When you bad, I feel bad, of course, of course, And what made you think?
I got to do it?
And I'm going to do it this way because I know you guys have the best words to help me. That's why I wouldn't know what to say.
Wow, but you're going to have to be Yeah, I will, I will, Maria. I don't blame you because I once when I got broken up with about thirty years ago, I faked a heart attack during a phone call to the girlfriend who split up with me, and she rang the ambulance and I committed to the heart of the fake heart attack still whilst being put into the ambulance. I was committing to the fake art.
Imagine how toxic the relationship would be between you and Mario if you two got together. You need to be faking illnesses and all sorts of theatric.
It'd be some documentary on.
I know.
Well, I can't blame you. You did an extreme thing. A lot of people think that's wrong. There'll be people bringing up my mum died of canser. Yeah, your stull thing's wrong. You saved potentially your son's life, but at what lost, Well.
It should actually making me very emotional.
But you have.
The love for your child. I don't blame you. I don't know what to do. I don't want my son dying in a park. I'm gonna lie. Who's it really hurt? No one, It's only helped. I think you're a good mum. I think you did the right thing.
Thank you.
But I might be the only one mind you. But okay, we'll ring. It's and you said Musty, So it's Mustafa? Is his name? Obviously? Yeah? A lot of you. Hey side note, why do you Muslims only have like five names? Have you ever thought maybe spreading outside those five names?
Or is it?
Is it a religious thing?
No, it's but everyone's Mustafa or Bloody.
I know, I know.
It's either Muhammed.
Muhammad. Yeah, okay, well we'll ring Mussia. You'll have to tell him and then I'll be here to pick up the pieces. And jack Jackie obviously no judging. Jackie is quite judging.
I love Jackie, you can't not love it.
But Maria is all over the shop. Okakay, We're going to take a short break. It's ridiculous.
We'll be back with Maria's sign and she will finally confess.
Well, the great thing is is most of her his mum ain't dying. You got to lean on that. You're alive. Why don't we just increase the line, say, is the remission? You're in remission?
Can we stop lying to him?
He's at work.
He might electricate himself.
Yeah, you're right. Okay, Well we'll get him on and you'll confess next.
The love of a mother, you can't question it. She did the right thing.
I think you do anything, I guess in those times. But yeah, let's see what happens. Hey, you never know how musty you will react.
He might throw his whole career in and go on a ninety day bend until day.
What I'm worried about, That's what I'm worried about, Jaggio.
Oh, that's right. Forgotten during that song that we had mud on the phone.
How can you forget something like that?
I was singing, and you know, I was eating Alan snakes and you know, and what were you doing Maria during all of that? Well? Terrified that she's about to speak to her own child. Not does that right? Maria?
Yep, I'm just sitting here waiting. What do I say? How do I say it?
God, you're so pent up, full of anks. But you know, let's let's work. Let's get him. Yeah, let's do it. So Maria has told us before we bring him across. Maria has told us she's a young single mum, Muslim lady. Her son Mussy was very naughty, drinking, smoking weed, partying, disappearing for two days. We all know what that means. He would have been in the meriton with a couple of rats, bending fun, but mum was horrified. He's on the wrong path. So Maria tell everyone again, what you did? You told your son what so fake?
To illness that I don't have long to live and it's spreads around on my body.
And then that that illness she fated was terminal cancer. Yep, And guess what sounds horrific, but it worked. It brought him back to the straight andar. He looks after his mummy drops her at the hospital. Mind you, she has lattes and cake in the in the in the in the canteen and then she comes back here. Do you have to bug on? Oh that was a terrible treatment. You have to really lean into it.
No, he just said, you came on I'm like, yeah, let's just go home. I'm tired.
And it's been going on.
By the way, for a year.
So for a year he thinks his mum is dying and about to now tell him that you're not. You made it up and he did it for his own good though.
Yeah, for the right reasons. Hey, Maria, did you ever shave your head?
No, we didn't get that filed only a year. Like if you was going to go more older.
That in your favor, Maria is that you've got a son who never asked questions.
He's going to have a very lucky wife. I believe he will never ask questions.
Yeah, yeah, right, yeah, Okay, I thought you I thought you meant he was well hung, but that would have sounded sorry, that's weird, cat, Mariette. Ready, we're going to put moussy on and I'll chat to him first and then I'll hand it over to you to do all the sad stuff. Okay, let's put mousci on. Everyone here. He is mussy. I'm what are you doing bro that work? Hey? We heard from your mum yep, and we heard what she's been going through. How are you holding up with all that? With because she's got She said, she's got the terminal cancer and that must have really been a shock to the system.
Yes, I've just been up, seriously, just been going through stuff.
I don't know.
She's quite a shock to hear, to be honest.
She actually said that you were a bit of a naughty boy before the cancer announcement, you know, bending and you know with hers alcohol and rooting chicks and being a naughty boy. But she said you gave all that up to dedicate your life to looking after your mother.
Yeah. Well I stay at home, look after and stuff whatever she needs, you know, I'm just there for.
Well, you know, we have your mom on the phone with us, Maria.
She wanted to tell you something and it's quite big, so just wanted you to be prepared.
Okay, you ready, Now here's your mum.
Hello, I must.
How are you good? How are you good?
How's work?
It's good? What are you doing?
Just sitting in the veranda having a coffee?
That's nice?
What's up? Months?
So you know for the past year that I've been sick and everything and just not well, and we've been going through different emotions and stuff with my cancer. Yeah, and you've been acting up and just like I've been crying a lot. You're always walking in I'm crying. You're like, why are you crying? I'm like, because you do these things and everything.
So I.
Had to fake my sickness that I'm dying. I actually don't have cancer and I'm not dying. I just had to do it to get you back on track and hopefully it worked and hopefully you forgive me. But I had to do it as a mom, and you know what we've been so what do you mean?
Wait, let me get this straight. You told me you were sick when you weren't a sad stand and look after you.
No, the good news is good news is she's cancer free.
Yeah, because it wasn't.
What Yeah, I know, but I just had to do it like a really small mom. Yeah I'm sorry, and you know I'm cancer free, so let's celebrate that.
But I'll do all that.
I would stay possive if you would have liked to stay out honestly, what I'm doing, I'd never like to lie.
You can hopefully confgive me, and I came back it.
Up a bit.
I'm worried.
What world I'm not to say, I don't know I'm sorry, That's all I can say. But I'm alive.
I'm going to be allowed for a lot because you were never dying. No, no, but she did, She didn't, she didn't. She was worrying you were going to die in a part of an overdose or get a douse of chlamydia from some dirty slab. So she lied to protect you. Is that acceptable?
I don't know.
I'm still lost for words because you tell me dying.
Are you laughing from anger or are you just laughing?
I'm really like these emotions.
Is I don't know, Mom, I don't know what to say.
Sorry, because does she sounds so casual, Maria?
So was he what? Like?
Yeah, you'd probably be in a little bit of shock right now, like.
Not not processing all those benders you missed to look out to put a washer on your mum's forehead, all unnecessary.
Still, do you consider what about.
When you dropped her at the hospital for her cancer treatment? Telling what you were really.
Doing, Maria, I was having a latte. I was having a latte while you're waiting for me outside of the car for an hour.
Just to make the doctors. You're just having a coffee.
Yeah, and coffee and cake.
Yeah, I probably am crazy. I'm crazy for you. I'm sorry.
She she loves you, she was worried. Maybe I don't know what. Maybe that's not everyone's idea of love. But I get where she's coming from.
I really doesn't what what's wrong?
Is your mom? Sorry?
That's all I can say. Honestly, I'm really, really, really really really sorry.
Well there's anything more need to be said. I think she said sorry.
Sorry, that's all I can say.
Okay, let's move on.
Maybe give him a little bit more, Maria, you.
Know, give him along. Jackie. You don't know this. You're not this religion. You don't know how to, You can't guide. Is it religion?
I mean no, I don't think so.
I know I know in the bottom of his heart he will forgive me. And he knows that he knows how out of control my emotions work, because that did walk out on us when he was three?
And where did he go? And where the old blow go?
He just went?
You're still here about Yeah, we're talking about your dad?
He just left?
Yeah? Did the dad really leave? Or is that another lie? Left? Just checking? It's hard to tell. Well, Look, the love of a mother, it has no boundaries.
Obviously, Look, we do crazy things sometimes in desperation, that is true.
And obviously Maria has done something pretty big, but it worked.
Do you believes its monument monumental?
Is it something that you feel you would forgive her for?
Of course, I mean take me a while, because I've just lost four I don't have to say my mom's blake.
Yeah, I get it and understand that. You know what you need. You need a weekend, weekend, a couple of grand to spend on whatever you need.
No, he's got so much time to make up for Jackie.
He's got a whole year of no bending.
Maybe maybe it all happened for a reason and he should look at it. And my life is on the straight and narrow now.
It is like he even pitched him to get me a car, Like we just paid off a car. He's helping me with everything. Such a good boy.
You've got a free car out of the your can back out of that one. That's you start getting gifts for your death. That's not mussy, bro. Your mom is like your mom did the wrong thing, but for the right reasons.
Yeah. I don't know about that.
Yeah, well I'll leave that up to you. It's your mom.
We haven't a pork Mom.
Yes, I know, I'm sorry.
Hey, Well, how many times does a woman have to say sorry before I finally penetrate? And she said about thirteen times? This poor guy, oh deary well must see. Nice to chat, Maria. Thank you for seer eye.
Thanks Maria.
If anyone else has got anything they want to confess, see how easy it is? Yeah to come in running in Melbourne with the weekend tickets? Everyone do you want him? Yeah? You bet you do? Where is he? Where is the bastard? Where is this bastt Craigie Burn, Highgate Recreation Reserve and Craigieburn. You have five minutes to get there first to bring cigare man down wins the tickets? Everyone? Look up there everyone, wat's that flying high? I'm up the sky? You tick you from me? Ticket Man in Melbourne. I did warn you. He's got the big tickets to go and check out the weekend bringing the After Hours Till Dawn Tour to Melbourne and Sydney in October. Tickets you can buy from Wednesday at live nation dot com dot you but why buy when Ticketman has them for free? That's right?
Hello, Ticketman, How are you?
Good morning, Kyle and Jackie?
Oh how are you two going this morning? Very well? Ticket Man, lovely. That's such a superhero like you that just loves giving tickets to the community. It's quite a strange superhero power to have, just handing out free tickets. Oh, it must be the best, though. Why don't you choose this avenue rather than the X ray vision or the super strength or the super speed.
Unfortunately for me, I didn't choose it. It chose me.
Oh it's one of those situations. Huh, where are you? How long before you run?
I'm just around the corner.
I can see the Mulburnians over there, the men, women and children. They're plant ticket Man without for a couple of cones last night.
And I'm not talking about ice cream as well.
Oh, dear ticket Man, you need a Maria in your life.
He does. Ticket Man is about to exit the vehicle. Yeah, he's right there in the parking run Highgate Recreation Reserving Craigie Burn. It's your turn to get tickets to the weekend? Are you ready? Ticket Man counts.
Three two? The cape's gone already, that is, Look at all the people you're getting hammered today.
He's down damn in the only bit of gravel on the on the grass. There was only one patch of gravel on that field, and they bought him down in the gravel. Bro good morning. What's your name? Who are you?
Jason Man? Very cool to bring him down the little patch of gravel there is he? Okay, sticker man, fine, he was right, he said. He gets a tough man.
He looks big.
So hey man, thanks for listening to Kiss. You've got tickets to the weekend Enjoy you and a friend welcome the rest okay, the rest of you. You can buy from live nation, dot com, dot aubert. If you get Ticketman, it is free fr ee free. Thank you. Ticket Man, up up and away fre time.
Enjoy in Sydney tomorrow, figure man. Yes, Sydney Siders, your turn to morrow. God help us when we go to Brisbane Darwin Adelaide. This guy will wants to be a ticket man's show. He'll be like a Channel seven weathermen. Never know where he is up next to Jackie's got o News. Last calls are just around the corner. You're a Kiss Jackie's got O News. The sand original series critical incident. I must watch psychological crime drama. A few people will here have watched it. I keep forgetting. I promise to watch it, and then I go home. I get caught up in Yeah me too, You want to watch? Okay? So yeah I do, actually available only really understand what have you got? Okay? You may remember the Janoskians. That name would sound familiar to some of the twins. Was it twins? Brother? I know who you're talking about? Brothers?
No, I was that wasn't the Janoskians. Those two were like Jedwards guys.
Yeah, there were three brothers and then two like family friends that were five Janoskians altogether.
Yeah, because of Jedwood, the two brothers that were like a boy band.
Thing, all those weirdos with the blonde hair from the blonde hair. Yeah, this was.
This was a like YouTube comedy prank group ten years ago.
I ate all that ship. I've never found those things funny.
Kind of like an Australian Jackass or something.
The eldest brother, Bo Brooks, has still around half a million followers on Instagram, and his fans have watched him go through alcohol struggles and drug addictions since entering adulthood, and it seemed for a while there that he was actually doing really well. But now his fans are worried because he's looking pretty unwell in his videos and he's preaching about messages from Jesus, and the latest one has left people concerned that he may have fallen off the wagon.
And they so last heard so they did all the drugs and all that shit. Then they became good.
Well he did this is this is one in particular, the eldest one, and then they thought, yeah, he was doing really well, but now they think he's not. Just based off the message he had for his fans.
Here it is to all my Christian brothers and sisters and followers of Christ.
I beg for your faith for what you're about to hear, and that you know and trust that this.
Is going to be in Jesus's name. I need one million dollars. I had a mission. I cannot tell you what it is, for a reason that you must have faith. I know I'm being canceled, and I'm going to be called crazy and clout chasing him, money, hungry, and all the names under the sun.
But this is in Jesus' Christ, our Lord and save his name.
I need one.
Million dollars for my mission. Please have faith and trust and leave it into his hands. Empty your accounts?
What the hell? Yeah? What the hell?
I know so, and everybody's like, everyone's commenting, like we all need a million dollars, bro, Like not a single donation has been made.
I nun none. Well not that we last checked. Maybe I should give him a donat Should I give him the million? Well? I think there's better dispersed.
Maybe you find out some facts first, like what is the mission?
He said, empty your account so it has to be more than a million for you.
I'm no way anyway.
Billy Eilish has surpassed the Weekend Now to become the most listened to artist on Spotify much She Yeah, she has one hundred million monthly listeners.
The Weekend was number one on Spotify.
Is that right?
Ninety nine million?
But she is one of only three artists, along with the Weekend and Taylor Swift, to ever surpass the one.
I never go on Spotify million much. I never it. I used to go on it now I barely ever.
Go on it anyway.
She's also the youngest, so Billy revealed, though, that there is a huge downside to her success, and in a recent interview, she said that finding fame meant losing all her friends.
Here it is, I lost all of my friends when I got famous, Like you know, just like I suddenly was famous and I couldn't relate to anybody and nobody wanted to it. I honestly all of my friends became my employees, which I felt like was fine, and I was like, what do you mean I have friends?
I have so many friends.
And then it was like my twentieth birthday and I remember looking around the room and it was only.
People that I employ and I was like, hmm.
And then one of my best friends who worked with me quit out of the blue and didn't talk to me, and like it was the worst thing that happened to me. And that made me realize like, oh wait, this is a job, right, and these aren't really people that are like if they left me, they wouldn't ever see me again. And I kind of had this realization like, oh no, I might be actually alone.
Wow. Nod that remind you of anyone, Brooklyn.
Everyone always just say my only friends are employees.
That's not true. Well, actually, it was true. Quite sometimes it was true even with me, like I made the mistake also when I started to make big money, because I he's made terrible money, terrible man in the early days now more money than you could ever dream of. But I'm not good with money and stuff. I spend it all. So I had friends that I'd think, oh, well, you can come and manage me, and then they stole and then another one, another employee who was a friend. Couldn't believe that the other one stole money off me, and then like nine years later, also milked me of millions. It's disappointing. And when I fired that guy, I'd lost not only my manager, but what I thought was my best friend, my most trusted confidence. I can't imagine the whole time, but I can't know.
I don't look at it like that because I think, what can happen?
Not your six million that was ciphered. So yeah, but I don't think.
Sometimes it's not like, oh, I hate you, so I'm going to do this.
He would have loved you, Yeah, he would have, but he would have just done a little bit and then gone. I got away with that much, a little bit more, and you know, it just got away from him, and I don't know the It must be terrible though, to have that kind of mitrail.
We don't know what happened to him. People said I should have seen him in prison, but I'm not into that. I don't send people to prison. But the guy just vanished and no one knows what happened to him anyway. I don't think anyone's looking so anyway, he's gone. What do you mean, Well, we never know what. You don't know whether he's alive or dead. That oh God, you make your own choices in life, and you suffer the consequence.
Imagine if he has died in the last week under mysterious circumstances.
Imagine you're hear me target number one. It's not the first time I've been interviewed about death. Well, we know the Claremont killing and some other some other thing too. I can't remember what that was. I don't know about that one serial rapist thing or something. That was why you was getting I don't know, wrong place, wrong time. Yeah, yeah, that's it.
Yeah, so this guy's just but not with your career though you're in the right place at the right time. Do you know I was looking at your birth chart the other day, Kyle, because I was curious to see so like, where Jupiter is placed is where you have luck in your life, and you I.
Wish everyone knew that it would be all much luckier.
No, no, everyone, no, because it just you can see where you are most likely to have like luck and success in your life.
And I was so interested because I thought, I bet Kyle has Jupiter.
Place somewhere in Korea or money, and it was it was the second House, which is all about money. And it didn't surprise me at all because you can have Jupiter in the house of like love and relationships and you can have the most amazing relationships in your life or find true love and others won't.
But you.
It's all about money, isn't it. Yeah, you know what. I'd love to believe what she said, but it's hard to believe someone when they're talking about planets and where planets are.
You got in with the word money right at the air.
At your sha't look at yours, Brooklyn, and see where Jupiter's place is?
Yeah? Sure, Oh you're all about where Uranus is.
That's most important.
That's so funny, breaking breaking news as well. But this came through about half an hour ago that Jennifer Lopez has filed for divorce, so that's official now.
And she filed the legal.
Docs in la proper, which means she did it by herself without an attorney, and yeah, basically the filing date was also significant. It was filed on August twenty, and that is the second anniversary of their weddings. Now, the date of separation was April, so all those months we've been speculating were true. No member, no prenup. So that's interesting too, since this is her fourth marriage and his second.
Who's worth more out of those two? I doesn't say her, but can you look at that? Can you look that up? I'm not sure. Look because he's got a plentier coin as well, and he hasn't been divorced multiple times.
Yeah, well that's his second marriage, so it's really only been well it's this is his second, so that's yeah, he's only had it once.
How many divorces as Jlo She's that was her fourth marriage.
Wow, End's worth one hundred and fifty million US and j Loo's up at around four hundred.
I'm worth more than Benefflete, it would have thought. Yeah, in the movie. Barely even finished watching movies. I'm usually on the nod by the end.
Of its fascinating.
Also in other news, Chapel roan, she's that singer who sings good Luck Babe, such a good song.
Right, we're playing her right this one? Yeah, oh yeah, this is the one everyone's raving about, right.
Yeah, love it, love it anyway.
She struggles with fame too, hates it when people come up and ask her for photos.
If you saw a random woman on the street, would you yell at her from the car window?
Would you ever ask her in public?
Would you go up to a random lady and say can I get a photo with you?
And she's like no, what the heck?
And then you get mad at this random lady. I'm a random bitch. You're a random bitch. Just think about that for a second. Okay, I don't care that it's normal. I don't care that this crazy type of behavior comes along with the job.
That does not make it.
That doesn't mean it normal. I don't.
It doesn't mean I want.
It doesn't mean that I like it.
If you think it selfish with.
Me to say no for a photo, or for your time or for a hug.
That's not normal. That's weird. It's weird how people think that you.
Know a person just because you see them online or you listen to the art they make.
That's making weird.
I'm allowed to say no.
To creepy behavior. Yeah, now I don't lock the sound of that. If you can't give someone who's a fan of yours thirty seconds for a photo, you.
Can't expect them to support you, and then you're not going to like return the favorite.
But I get it. It may be annoying at times beginning.
Maybe you can have boundaries at times, but I also feel like, yeah, it is part of it.
Poorly young you should appreciate that young girl sees a music artist and they want a photo and you think they're weird, Like you're an asshole. Yeah, that's not nice. Brooklyn.
Jupiter is placed in your fourth house, meaning you have a lot of luck with home and expansion, so nice home that kind of thing.
Oh yeah, yeah, my house is nice. But that's good.
Your life is going to get where you're living right now. There's not where the area of your life where you'll be as.
Much money then you can get a nice house. Unfortunately, that's what I'm taking all the money you just get to buy, get down to freedom and buy and you throw rug and whatever, because it's for the home heart. What's yours, Jackie? What is mine?
Is also it's not as strong as the second house, Kyle, when it's just outright money, you know, but it is in a house that is related to making money as well.
So yeah, it's also connected to that.
It sounds a bit with So.
Basically it's Korea. It's Korea and wealth as well.
Yours is just pretty much North or South or South Korea.
What did I say Korea cut career, career.
I don't think you can say Korea, Korea, North or No.
I'm saying it right.
Korea, Yeah, putting it.
Say that you say it Korea, Korea. I'm saying it right. Can I have a smoke? Can I have a puff of that joint too? You guys are passing around because you say it, I feel I'm out of the loop. Korea.
Ah, he's saying that somewhere in the middle of both of us, I think.
And I'm really knows how to speak properly, do they? It's you get the gist, You get the gist.
As or, as my mum would say, the gist she still apple doesn't.
Get her apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You get the gist? Is that what she really says all the time? And she says that. I think you got to pull her up at some stage. Jackie, You've got to let her know that it's not the gist. It's the gist. Let's bring her now and tell her. No, No, don't, don't. She don't like being on air, please? Who cares what she likes? No, and she won't like that, please don't. She'd rather walk around like a fool, like something. We'll text her now. I'll just say she won't the text. She can't read the word alone say it. How's that going to work a text?
I'll spell her phonetically.
She can't.
Mom's great, you're scared to tell her that she's saying. Well. Jackie also got confused when she had the giff in her hair from that high school sleepover. It was jizz, I would assume in the head, and not jiff right Well.
Looking in hindsight, yes, you'd have to believe it may have been.
Last calls are up next. If you want to chat about anything, we don't care, maybe we do. Is there anything off limits?
Nothing off limits? Thirty and one oh six or five if you want to chat to talk about anything. Oh, by the way, in turn, Peter, I've seen you outside. They're holding your forehead like really squeezing it. Do you have a migraine. I've got a bad head.
My stomach's gone and shit.
Yeah, Kulk came over to me. Unfortunately. Hold get on the mic there, bro. Hulk was in the bathroom. Beautiful bathrooms we have here at the radio station, not like a Caltex or something beautiful. And there's the stalls. They don't go right up to the roof. I don't like those stalls, but the doors are quite low. But you were doing a turd. And what did you hear coming out of where Peter was? Bruhs? What an error of judgment going in there. It sounded like he was pouring out a bucket of prawn. I'm very unwell. I'm the only one that has had a sick day this year. Everyone else takes sick.
Days, but not me.
Not me.
You're not you're not sick. I don't know what that is. That's all the record. Did it stink? It smelled like a slaughter house, Peter, what's wrong with you? I know his brother works in an avatoire, but Peter, are you unwell? I'm just a bit unwell. I think I've got I don't know. I'm hot and I'm sweaty, and you've got it's one of the other girls got covid.
But we've got to push through. It's just the flu, isn't it. There must be some ABC show he's been watching. Yeah, I get to the doctor's.
What I'm saying is like, it's not worth having a day off for you know, good on you, Peter.
School teacher. School teacher came late yesterday it looked like death, and then not here today.
She spoke to me after the show and said that it's just been getting worse and worse throughout the day, and then woke.
Up this morning and was she got splurty bum as well. I'd assume so yeah.
But also just to correct Peter, he has had a sick day this year, so I don't know why he's lying and saying.
Oh, that would have been fake as well.
I've got a real sick day, Peter, are you? That's why Peter uses up his sick days because he feels that otherwise the company gets one up on him.
Yeah, because one you can't leave the company one day, no one gets them emails will use, is what I think?
What about all the and you're very angry with the company because they've taken all your scams away? Remember, yeah, I've got nothing left to You had all that free fruit. What else did you have? Oh? You had the woolworst rewards points? Yep, I never had to pay for a fly Now where do those rewards points go? Now that they took them off you? Who gets them?
Set them up to an unallocated account that no one gets. So they'd rather no one get the points rather than no one gets the points, because they talked about splitting them between about the seven hundred and fifty staff we have across day or any.
Who could be bothered getting the worst frequent fly point. Yes that I was putting them to good use as well. So anyway, who made that decision that you would have them stripped from you?
There was a guy called Daryl who worked for the company.
Who that is the company anymore?
Who's Darryl?
Don't know Darryl Darrel who's friends with Stephen or someone I don't know.
I don't know who any of these people are.
He was in the office Administration.
Offense. Just I'm sure there's that scam left somewhere. Have you got any scams on the go, but you don't have to tell us what they are.
Yeah, I've got a couple of the go, but yeah, they're just anything to do with here, Yes, three, two or three, give us one.
Tell us one. Wonder what they could be.
I wonder what they could be, because last time I lost my fruit, and.
That was our fruit. The guy gave me and Jackie fruit. Because obviously we struggle, we need to be propped up with free fruit.
And by the way, this guy that gave us the free fruits right now, he contacted me recently. And you know, when we stumbled upon my real the old own news from nineteen ninety seven, old documents that came from nowhere, we didn't well actually no Pedro said, oh I've tracked.
These down, blah blah blah. Well it was the same fruit guy that was responsible for giving us.
All of that. Once again, got no credit. Hang on, hang on, how did he here? Did the guy that owns a fruit shop get all our internal documents?
I don't know.
I don't know.
No, no, no, apparently I think he used to work for you guys, like twenty five years ago.
That's right, No, he did this?
Is this, this story just keeps unraveling. He used to do our videos, is that correct?
Yeah, back in the early days. I don't know any of those lower level staff guys behind cameras even at Idle love him. Don't know them. You can't see him, they're behind the camera. How are you supposed to know anyway? Thank you to that guy.
His name is Tim, by the way, Tim, Yes, that's right Tim, Yes, I know him.
Yeah. Great friends. Well, no, I don't know her friends I do. Okay, all right, last calls, Let's do it, okay, Kyle JAGGYO.
Kyle and Jaggio show.
Right now, thirteen sixty five to get through before we wrap up. Gordy in charge. Don't forget. Gordy's got more tickets. So you've wait to the iHeart Radio Music Festival. It'll be great. Dua Lipaer on Stage, Killa Cabeo, Doja, cat Halls Ea Chaboozie, Keith Urban, just the name a few. It's going to be some freaking festival. Man, fly there, so good. You can fly there if you want on United. Don't forget they did direct flights from Sydney and Melbourne straight for the almighty USA and Gordy giving you chances all day. Here a kiss, Hey Nugget takes some calls him. I love that name. Hello, good luck, we do for you do.
Love you, guys. I'm seventy six, I'm single, and I'm looking for love.
Your seventy six single? Maybe?
What are you?
What are you looking for?
I'm just looking for a guy that's, you know, kind and likes a bit of music because I used to do a bit of singing.
What what sort of music do you like?
I sang in a rock band, so.
Yeah, and now sing something.
I love it when our listeners sing.
For us.
All right on the mountain top, burning like a silver Twain.
And beauty and.
Baby son.
Well, arm your venus, your soul, at.
Your desire, your reader. I know you're seventy six. Do you have a shaved poon or have you your old gray hairs?
I've been coloring my hair. It's sort of a reddish blonde. Oh not my cube, No, they go all great. I just shave them off.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Yeah, yeah, your pooon, your poo. If that was your call, you snap grant.
I only hear many people say pooh.
I'm trying to be and.
He's trying to be respectful. It doesn't Maybe you can just say what you think with me.
I'm not you know it?
Do you get there?
Don't worry, don't worry.
He said, see you next Tuesday.
Isn't that terrible?
Well, she said, I can say whatever I want. They picked it out. No one does. She couldn't hear. Yeah, okay, Margaret reader, Jackie's invited you in for t M. I you bring in here you want to? You can get all the fellows to line up on the phone, and then you can choose after you sort of eliminate a few, which one you want?
Okay? Do I get to see your photo?
No? But where are you? You're in Melbourne? Will fly to Sydney, put you out.
I'm in lily Dale now, yeah, I can get.
You from lily Dale to the airport, fly you to the studios and put you up, put you up on the shelf and see you what interests people have? Oh my god, Rock and Roller. Who wouldn't want that? You sound like a bag of fun. I like you, Thank you so much, Peter.
Yeah, we've also got an early edition that's just called through Now someone would like to date. Margarita's name is Johnny's on the phone if you want to say.
Hi, Okay, Hi Johnny, Good morning Johnny. You heard Margarita. You want to have a go?
Oh look, you know I like to explore new things.
So why not?
I knew it is. She's seventy six?
How old are you Johnny twenty one?
Oh god, no, that's what's.
Wrong with You'd kill it. You'd kill it.
That's ridiculous.
Nuts, And do you talk about your twenty year olds? You'll love anals?
I love you, Margarita.
Okay, Margarita, that's exactly what Tami is. Ten blokes. You get to say all the things you like and then we try and find a fellow that's age appropriate and lives in Melbourne. Yeah of course, yeah, yeah, okay, we do it Melbourne only, no worries.
Okay, So I'd be up for that. I've just got a little kvoodle that I have to get looked after. But so when you want me to come, just give me a few days notice. So I can get him organized.
If that's okay, Absolutely.
We'll be able to bring the Kavodle with you.
I feel not on the plane now. He freak out because they put them, they put them underneath, don't they.
Yes, but we'll say it's one of them dogs for those you know those dogs dogs. Yeah, you know, community assistant. Pretty sure Virgin was going to start letting you have him in the cabin. That's right.
When that starts, we'll figure it.
We'll figure it out for it. We'll get this old dusty up here. And she shaved. Jackie was so shocked that I asked her, what's wrong with that? That's all right?
I guess she seems to be pretty cool.
Rock and roll turbed. I think you. I think you've opened up this can of worms where everyone realizes, hey, everyone needs someone. M hmm. Got Carole and Jackie O