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Kyle, Jackie.
Jackie, the Kyle and Jackie O Morning is not here today, Brooklyn. We got our Misfits show happenings, The Misfits Today, Misfits Today, Pedrome what miss Yeah, I know you're the executive producer, but you're a Misfit for today and Cooper.
John's yeah, very exit.
Your MIC's not even start on debut flop.
I'm nervous. I was so nervous on the drive in.
Well, you've been on air for like ages anyway, I've come on air all the time.
First show though, in here? What am I going to talk about for four hours?
Did you welcome to our lives?
Everything? Coming in for a segment, coming in and talking for four hours straight? Like who wants to listen to that?
You know?
It is funny because often I will drive into work and go, what.
Do I have to talk about today?
What did I do yesterday that was even remotely interesting in my life?
And often I come up in so I don't worry what did you do yesterday?
For instance? After the show or yeah, yeah.
Because we never know what Cooper does even on the show, let alone after the show, like what time would you leave here?
When does the showing his ten one. Usually I'm like, straight out, I went and did a I booked myself in for a day spy yesterday. Oh okay, yeah, do you know what those are?
Yes, Cooper, we know what.
Is that what I'm thinking it is? Or is it like a clean thing?
Oh no no no, it's not like an erotic It's like a gay sworder pedro. Well, just like I was, I was comfortable enough in my sexually. I was like, I'm going to go to a two and a half hour day spar So I.
Went, wait, what made you want to go and do a day spy? Did someone tell you that you should do it?
What someone like flaky skin?
But did they just.
Go like, oh you should book yourself in. It's amazing, like some girl.
Told you to know.
I just did it. I was just like it'd be a nice thing to do. So then I went and I had to feel like I had to dry back, you know what you get like come out of the hot shower, because I have really hot showers, and I feel like I had a flaky back. Yeah, so I was like crocodile skin. So I was like I want to go and get like exfoliated and just like rub cream all over me.
Oh you did all that, hey y exfoliating.
But the first thing was they put me in a hot bath with like bubbles and stuff.
Isn't that nice?
And then this lady came in and was like feeding me fruit and like and limped chocolates. Yeah yeah, and like champagne like it was sick, like it was a full thing.
Yeah. And how long were you in the bathroolf?
For an hour?
What did you do in there?
Because did they leave you alone? Did they leave you alone in there?
Yeah? So she'd like knock them, said okay to come in. I'm like yeah, because I was like naked in there. I was, yeah, fully nude. Yeah, but like there's bubbles.
Yeah you can't see pet.
Yeah, there's bubbles. And then she'd come in, feed me my origins and grapes and stuff, and then I'd be like, okay, it's time to leave KOOPI to his own time.
Did she actually put like grape by grape into your mouth?
No, she did because my hands were wet because they were in the bus. So she was to you.
And you did you said, I was like feed to me, not like it that way.
But I was like, yeah, feeder to me like it was not weird. Well it was weird, I suppose.
Now, so you chew a grape and then what do you look at her as if to go, yep, I'm ready for my next grape?
Like how does she know?
I just click, I just tell her. I was just like, yeah, I'll have I'll have another grape, and then she'd left me alone. I did rub one out in the bar.
You seriously cannot do that.
You are at a like classy day spar No did you stop it easy?
Why did you do you try? I want you to sink into this moment. Yeah, I think yeah, I rubbed one out.
You didn't in the water, did the next person?
That was the bath and stuff? Yeah?
Oh you filthy grub.
You animal?
How sexual it is in this place? There's like ten pitch black, there's just candles around me. I'm having champagne link chocolate and a European girl.
Oh he's gonna So it was a hot girl, was an old, crusty thing.
That was a young European girl, like twenty five year old girl.
And I mean she might have been doing the saltburn. Afterwards, we don't know.
Oh yeah, god damn what did you drain it yourself?
Or no? Just left there?
I made sure like I didn't want to leave excrement floating with the bubbles. Yeah, because by that the end, the bubbles are gone, so you can just see. Like, so I cleaned it up and stuff.
How about that you would have needed a whole nother exfoliation process.
You needed another washedown.
I did that. That was only like half an hour of it, and then I went in had a shower. They take you in into a full body scrub on you like the girls like law you up with like sea salt exfoliation, have another shower, come back in for a hot stone massage.
Oh how did you go with those?
That's good, isn't it good?
I fell asleep. I was snoring.
Yes, yes, you know you're having a good massage if you're falling asleep.
Yeah, and you think it's wasted, then it is.
Mine had to wake me up the other day. She was like Jackie, Jackie, and it's the it's the worst feeling.
You think I've missed it. I paid all this money and I missed it, Like you know what I.
Mean, I'm falling asleep at a haircut before.
Oh, me too, And then you can't hold your head up. Your heads sort of like you lose, like you're like a little.
Baby with no next string. And then you wake up.
He's like tapping you on the shoveler. I need you to say, away.
Hair quickly, you've got no hair to cut hair quickly, fall asleep.
Good point, it's a hair massage. I go there, not for the haircut, for the massage.
Oh don't you hate it when they skip the message or they do it for just one minute.
They rush it because there's too many people, too many people. What did you do yesterday afternoon, Jackie?
What I do?
I was what I do? Picked up Kittie, hung out with her.
Do you know what? Though?
See, this is why I've got not But do you know what happened to me yesterday? I now know that my life.
Is on the right path, and I know things are good in my life.
Here we go, and I'll tell you why.
Because all of last winter right because you can see the beach from my place. Every time someone would come over to my house, whether it be personal trainer, a friend, whatever, family, they'd always be sitting in the lounge and then they'd.
Go, oh my god, a whale.
Right, they'd see a whale jump out, and every single time we'd look and then I'd be looking in the wrong direction they go there and I'd miss it.
It just was like this running.
Joke people on the So everyone but me would see these whales jump out of the ocean, and like, I was kind of going through stuff last year that wasn't like excellent, and I just knew in my mind.
Would just let that comment.
Here. I wouldn't have even said that comment because I know I wouldn't be able to get away there. So let's just skim over that part. Yeah, so life wasn't exactly amazing. But I just knew in my mind that the day I finally see that whale jump out of the ocean is the day I know.
It's a sign from the universe to go you're good now.
No, I've always felt that, And what's weird is that in the last week or two I've finally felt like, oh my god, life, that's it. I've done all the work on myself. I'm here, I feel really really good. And I saw the whale yesterday, saw it jump out of the ocean.
Really was such a moment.
I actually can relate to that because like the whole universe thing.
Like years ago, I read this book called The Secret.
Oh my God, everything did you?
The Secret was like everybody Oprah was pushing that.
Oprah was pushing it, And wasn't it all about like kind of that positive visualization of you. If you think positively, things will manifesting manifesting exactly.
And so at the.
Start of the book they say, oh, you may not believe this, but if you try it with little things, off with very little things to manifest and then yes, and then when they come to you, you will know that it works.
So I thought, okay, cool.
And the example they use is like, choose something that's obscure but that you will see every now and then.
So Mike, like the whale.
So I thought, think of a black cockatoo because they're nearly extinct, I think, and they're not in every tree like a gala and everything.
And so I'm going to.
Say, okay, think of a black cocka two, black cocka two. And then all of a sudden, a week later, I saw one flying in the sky. I was like, shit, I don't know if it's real. That must that must be the sign. No, No, it was definitely a black cockatoo. They're very they've got long tails.
And ships, so they have like the yellow.
Yellow yes, and so every like every like month, every six months, I always come across a black cockatoo, Like whether I'm driving in Camden and I see three together, go to a furniture shop and there's like a painting of a black cocker.
That can that's my signs. That's the thing.
I love that, Pedro. I love that we can have this kind of chat.
I didn't know you had it in you too, these two cynics over here, Brooklyn and Coops Jackie.
You live, you look at the ocean every day. Of course you're going to see a way I did every two years.
You know, people were seeing them all the time. I never saw it once. It was like I was just JINX.
What would be yours Brooklyn? A black cock or two?
Yes, I'm putting that out in the universe today.
I actually wanted to bring something up because you know how like they say, nice nice guys always finished. Last Yeah, I came across this bit of audio last night, and it's this like relationship expert explaining the reason why nice guys never get any girls.
And it's got to do with girls loving drama.
Oh yeah, yeah, I want drama in their.
Lives all the time. Okay, and nice guys just don't provide that.
Yeah yeah, okay, let me hear it.
Drama is something women feed on, right. We all say women love drama, and in most cases women do to some degree, love drama. And the more of a nice guy you are, the less drama that you're giving her. If a woman doesn't have any drama surrounding you, she does not think about you.
But what happens when you're very grounded and.
You have your shit together and you're just generally a good person, you're not introducing that drama that a woman creed. As a guy, I hate drama in my relationships. To me, like calm content relationship is the best. But for a woman, if things are too common content, she's gonna in her mind go this lacks passion. So you want to go, how can I introduce a little bit of drama by being a little bit less of an ice scape?
Oh my god, that is so so true.
Well, you're gonna need to stop that show drama.
And I tell you why.
It's not even on a conscious level that women are doing this. But what happens is if you you meet a guy and you're really unsure of what he feels for you, but you're really into him, and you're just kind of like that you've got then that sudden fear anxiety of does he like me?
I really like and then.
He gives you this cotton cold energy, right, and so when things happen like he sends through a text and it's a really nice text, you get this huge rush of dopamine.
The dopamine releases in your brain.
It's like it's almost like a form of drug addiction. The same thing gets released in your brain, dopamine.
That drugs give you.
So you get this spike of a high because he suddenly texts you and you suddenly feel like, oh my god, he likes me.
So that dopamine hit hits your brain.
But then when you don't get it the next day, you don't get a response the next hour, suddenly you're crashing down like it's the low low, and then you're waiting for the next high. You're always chasing this high. And so when you meet a guy who just keeps you here leveled out, on a happiness level, like you feel secure, you feel safe.
You know he's into you.
It doesn't give you the spikes of the highs and the lows, So you mistake that for not being into him as much as you are the other guy.
It's just a true him the mind.
You know how you girls are like, oh, I can't find a good guy.
Do you ever think that's not the men's fault, that's your fault because it.
Is riddled with issues. You're like a Rubik's cube. Yeah, how are we supposed to.
Butt a lot of it?
But people don't even realize what's going on in the brain and why they feel that way. They just think, oh, I'm not as into I'm The chemistry isn't as high with the safe guy. The chemistry is way higher with the guy that I'm unsure about. Therefore he must be I must be more in love with him than the safe guy.
You're saying, do girls feel like that when they're just young? Do you feel like that?
Not saying no, I've only just known for stuff. Now, it's you're.
Saying that as you sort of grow up a little bit, you don't want that guy that you like. The roller coast. Do you want someone more stable or do you want that?
I think it's only when you understand it then you realize, oh, okay, that's why I think I've got this chemistry. That's why I think I'm in love with this guy because of what's going on in the brain here and those highs and lows.
Once you understand it, you.
Go okay, Now I don't want that, Like I don't want to mistake well good guy for the boring guy.
Break something to you. Yeah, we do that on purpose.
We play the game. Guys play I don't you know that you do? We don't text you, We wait four hours on purpose.
Do you know what this is?
It's like we've got some sort of internal radar that we know when you're pretending and when it's real. It's the same in reverse, Like you know, if we're pretending to play it cool, you just genuinely don't care if you're not that interested in the person.
So the message to all the fellas stop being the nice guy, be the ass, be.
The nice guy that message because it's no good. We shouldn't be going after the hot, cold guy that's the worst. Sorry, Do you guys not feel the same when you meet a girl, like if you if you meet a girl and you're like, oh, she's into me, she's so hot, and then suddenly she doesn't text you for a few days, You're like.
I want to more, I want her more.
No, that's the worst. That's the that's the first red flag. If you're not if you're why you're making me.
Wait, Like if we're dating, Yeah, why you're making me wait? Like we're past that, we're past that uge.
You just want like safe, leveled out? Yeah right, me.
Hit me back, like, text me back, let me know it's all good. You're making me wait, like.
Yeah, yeah, I agree, though I think that's a better way to go.
I would say I like the more toxic way. I think not that I like it, but I'm more addicted to it. Like me and my partner have been like that all the time.
And that's that makes you hooked.
Right, It's like you can't let that person go drug exactly, But it's the same, it's the same kind of feeling as a drug addiction.
Yeah, I know, yeah, you'll let's say us a good thing.
Speaking of the dating world, I did hear this on a podcast about a girl when she knows the guy is the one. Like it's all about, like if you're going out on a date with a guy and it's something he says at the end of the night that she knows he's the one.
I'll let her explain.
If a man tells me text you when you get home, I don't text them because guess what everyone says that to me. That's what guys that's their god to move. I want to know if they actually care if I get home safe. So what I do is I get home safe and I wait for them to say did you get home?
That's when I know you're the one.
But if you tell me text when you get home and then there's no did you get home safe? You didn't care, you're just saying that you're just going through the motions. So if you want to know if he's the one, don't text him when you get home. Okay, let him text you and say did you make it home safe?
Only problem is that she would then think he's the safe, normal guy who texts all the time.
Interested, too needy, he's too safe.
You'll tell that like I usually go, oh, text me when you get home, because by the time you know, like when I was dating Patty at the early say she leaved like forty minutes away.
Yeah, so by the time she left at one am, I'm asleep. Brother, I'm not texting you, do you know what I mean.
I've never had one guy say to me, text me when you get home so I know you're safe.
You never found the bloke.
They always on your balcony at your house.
No, they're not Brooklyn. They're never coming home on that birthday.
You haven't made a good blow.
Yeah, why is that? Why is not one said text me knowing that you're home safe.
Well, none of them have worked out in the end, so.
I suppose that's maybe now I know, well.
Now you've seen the whale. Maybe the guy.
I'm going to meet, the guy that says that we're going to cross the interpedoes down with the cash cock this morning.
He's in Sydney this morning.
We will Melbourne last week in Hotel Paramatta, Paramatta.
That's it. That's good morning, miss fits Jackie. How are you guy?
You We couldn't get you in as a misfit Pete because you're out doing the cash cock.
So you're saying that it would have been I could.
Think toyed with it. Maybe maybe you're amazing, amazing.
Hey, we got the carma, Jackie. Oh bus here anyway, hello buss. And we got the crowds as well. Oh we've got babies, We've got regular Remember Fomny the listener, Fomny who got naked.
In the studio Jackie pedro me whatever?
Yeah, yeah, you got naked in the studio one time.
God, you were brave to do that. Now was that a.
Lot of three times, Jackie? Not one?
And what were you coming in for? Like, I can't remember, why were you getting that naked?
Hating touch of love and cock.
Whis I don't remember, touch of life.
I'm glad you didn't, Jackie, because there's nothing there.
I know he did see.
I remember, Fongy, your penis still lives in my brain. It was like a dried sultana.
It was have you trimmed those pukes?
Pedrolf confessed small penis, But bro, I'm telling you you'res a smaller.
Had no blody.
That's enough time, that's enough time with Fongy. Blake's come back again from naked dating as well.
He's come for another shot of the cock today as well.
So Blake. You were the one death Metal and you hooked up with the girl.
Laughter, right, Yeah, that's the one.
That's the one.
So you're back down again for round two.
Yeah, for attempt to Okay, nice, good, So what's going to happen?
Bet someone? Or are you waiting to pick?
We have not picked someone yet, so we're going to be doing the chicken an. So if you're in Sydney, Australia right now, George Street, Paramatta Albion Hotel is the place to be in the next half an hour, So we're going to be selecting one lucky listener who's here and you've still got time to come on down?
What's that sat key?
Okay, get no way, Jason.
Jason, it's been hard for him to hear you, Jacob, and Jackie is saying hi to you too, Jason, Hi, Jackie?
How are you?
I'm excellent Jason? What's his story? Peter? Get to know him a bit?
Are you a good sort?
Carle, how are you?
Bra Jakie. It's gonna be a fun morning.
I can tell you got some You've got your own misfits down there.
By the look of we're going to have a part of your.
Alight will cross interm pede in just a moment with the cash cock guys.
Yeah sorry, these edge of flex hell with the Kiss Mix right now live from Kiss La. He'll be back at eight for another mini mix and then at lunch time for a full mix. It's the Kyle and JACKIEO Show. Trady vers Lady next DJ Triple Excel. He'll be back at eight for another mini mix and at lunch time for a full mix on the Kyle and Jackie O Show. Jackie's filling in with Cooper. John'swell, Kyle's off, Wait, I want to start Trady Versus Lady. The prize five hundred dollars cash thanks to Busley workwere Australia's leading workwear brand.
Jackie who we got?
All right, We're gonna speak to Tessa who's playing for the ladies this morning.
Hi Tessa, Hi Jackie?
How are you?
How are you? I've looked at the questions today.
They're very difficult, I think on both Okay, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up going to a tiebreaker with no points on the board.
You are a development manager, right, what's that?
Yes? So work in property development and manage subdivisions in the infrastructu Sharon, that's pretty good.
She looks like she might know a lot of the trading. That seems like.
Would she would you know?
Trade stuff?
Do you think?
Maybe not trade specific, it's more stuff. But my partner's a trade so maybe you never know whom Ye?
Okay, she drives a Masda c x nine and she's just rekindled an old flame and things are going well.
How old? Like, how long ago did you guys date?
So we were together for twelve years and then we broke up for three and have been seeing each other for a few months.
How did it? How did it?
Did you reach out to him or how did it start again?
We have kids together, so we have always been Yeah.
Were there people in between that Tessa love you?
Yeah? Yeah, we both we both had people in between.
Did you have many before him?
No? No, I was very young.
I was just going to say, did you use that three years to just get it out of your system?
Little bit.
I think Keith is a little bit as well. I think both of us.
That's probably good, isn't it that you've done that?
Like you've had that break and now you can get back together knowing you've sown your wild oats.
Yeah, I would.
You would hate knowing the other person is just thrash.
Her favorite sexposition is doggie. She likes being choked a little. And in Greece she had a fling with the captain of a private yacht, so she got the trip for free.
That's amazing. Was he hot, this captain?
He had a good face. Yeah, it was shorter than.
Okay, right, he didn't have to pay.
No, it was all close at the end, but yes, I kind of went on and tried to move to.
A weighing in at sixty eight kilos.
It's the captain went below my deck, Tessa, here we go for the boys, goobs.
Yeah, we've got Damien here. How are you going, Damien?
Hey, Damien, Yeah, that's good Ken to have a chat.
Well down, Damien. You're a truck driver. When you're not in the truck, you drive Toyota High Lucks. A nice superior machine, isn't it.
Yeah that's it mate. It can't be a little iluck.
Yeah, it can't be a little high Lucks. Well done. Damien made a few words. He's in a thrapple. Apparently, has a wife of seven years and a girlfriend of eight months to know about each other.
Yeah, yeah, we all live together.
Oh wait a minute, pull across the line.
Oh well we've only one night we've got drunk and then come back and then there's been anything ever since.
Hang on, So she was up for a threesome?
Yeah, both of them were. They both can and I ain't going to say no to two women then and.
Then did she ever leave or did she just stay there? Like so I.
Shed them come back like constantly in and the outstands at random nights and then it was just after Christmas here and never left.
So and your wife is totally fine with this. She loves it.
Yeah, yeah, she likes it.
And what do you.
Say to other people, like, are you guys really open about it that we're in a thropple or do you just make out she's the new assistant or.
You know, like yeah, like when you go to Christmas lunch, do you take both girls with you and they sit with your family?
Yeah, we got we got there. I think all of us to go together. We get like people look at all the time and they stay with gown and anyone asks, I'm not afraid to say, what's going on?
Can I ask you, Damien? Do do they sleep with other blokes?
So it's just the three of you.
You lay, are you walking down the street and they've both got their arm around your waist? Do you know, like ar is it who takes turns in getting the kiss out in public? The holding of the hands? Or do you hold both their hands?
Well both don't know. I'm not sure afraid.
See, I love that I'd be so fearful of the judgment from people, but I love that you don't care.
Yeah, I don't care. People think what they want.
To think, Damien.
He loves it when one girl is sitting on his face and the other one is writing his cash cop. Are you still having threesomes now with in the throutle?
Just does one everyone? You'll get more action than the other.
No, go to keep it fair keeping. Maybe I was might get a bit cranky.
You must, you must have a phenomenal penis Stamien.
Like, what what happens if one isn't up for it?
Is that?
Just I'm going to go to sleep. You guys do your thing next to me.
Yeah, whatever they want, Just keep him.
Happy and you all sleep in the same bed. Three of you.
Yeah, yeah, that's it.
What size bed? What size do you? So many questions, Queen, but we need to get a king.
For three.
I could barely sleep with the door in my bed, let alone another two people?
Do you spare time? He smashes cars at demolition derby events.
Geez, you are a This guy's living the dream. This guy is living every guy's dream.
You are a movie character, Damien. Honestly anyway, weighing in at ninety three kilos, It's two girls, one cock, Damien.
I'm gonna go you first, Damien. Okay, here's your first question. Describe what a Mary Jane shoe looks like? A Merrit Jane's shoe.
What does that look like? Is it like a.
Really fancy huieh heel type of shoe?
No, not really, It's actually a low heel. It's almost like a school show shoe. It's got the little blow It's like exactly like a school storm.
Yeah, exactly, Yeah, close to black strap. Okay.
Question number two, how often should female condoms be replaced during intercourse if used.
For an extended period.
He's not going to know that.
I don't even know that. I've never used a female.
Just take a guess.
At least.
You can let it go.
For longer than that. Actually it's every two hours. Yeah.
Girls replace their own condoms in his relationship. He doesn't. Yeah. Yeah, do you got like a revolving door?
Have you ever been with a girl who uses her own condom?
Way, never, never.
I don't know. I don't even know how you would use it.
I'm looking at a picture now, it looks like just it just looks like a man's condom.
But so the girl to put it in, Yeah, puts the finger in the condom and then inserts it, inserts it, yeah, and then just leaves it in there.
I feel like if it is squished up and moved to the side, and you're just like, you.
Know what I mean, how does the penis get in there?
It'll find us way in but you know how like horn stars put sponges up there vagina when they're on their period. Yeah, and then it just gets stuck in there sometimes just festering in there.
Oh well, I don't I don't know if this is anything like that.
Do you use a condom.
But otherwise jelly not?
Right, Okay, here's your third question.
What's the difference between microblading and eyebrow tattooing.
One of them got permanently on there and the other one like just like to be touched up.
What no, wait, what one's permanent and one needs constant.
Yeah, tattooings look permanently tattooed on there, and the other one the microphan's gonna be touched up.
That's great.
That's no, that's not the difference between them, actually, because I think even the eyebrow tattoo is not even microblading involves implanting pigment into the skin using a manual blade, so a little tiny razor that they cut into the skin, and the tattooing is like a proper machine.
Do you learn something new every day?
So no points on the board, Tessa, good luck, Yes, all right.
First question for your TESTA, what is the primary purpose of flashing tape when installing a window.
To stop things from getting I don't know. Is it for painting when you paint and you put in a new window and then you can paint.
You can guess do you put it across the glass so it doesn't smash.
I don't even know what it is. It provides an added layer of protection to the rough opening.
What opening the opening on the wall where you can put the window the window. Put that tape so it doesn't the rough stuff doesn't scratch like the frame and stuff like that.
Interesting, all right.
Hard question anyway. Question two? What are pegs for on a BMX bike? Pegs on a BMX bod? What is that?
At least like grind him doing grime and tricks.
Yes, that's great, that was hard.
Well done, honey.
You have got five hundred dollars cash thanks to Bisley work. You can do then that anyway you like. Bisley is Australia's leading work where brand. Well done, Damien, Sorry.
Sorry, at least she got you. At least you got your two girls.
Yeah, you're winning life to Damien. No need to cry over this one. All right, we're going to do the diary coming up, and if you're celebrating your birthday, call us on thirteen one oh six five.
Jaggie O.
You from justin Timberlake, No angels on the Kyle and Jackie Oh Show. Jackie filling in with Cooper John's this morning while Kyle's off.
You're ignoring Petro. I've noticed their thing. You're not referring to him at all.
Do you tell me?
You kind of just appeared.
I got told he's doing the show with Jackie, get everything ready for Cooper, and then suddenly you're hearing.
He's part of the misfits.
That's why he's like watch grooming me, just making sure I don't do anything exactly. Okay, let me start again.
Then it's the Kyler JACKIEO Show, Jackie with Cooper, John's and Petro and Brooklyn the news reader and various others and anyone else.
Who wants to join in interm Yes, because he's doing the diary and it is time for the diary.
This is the best fits on and off the air for the week. Let's roll it deep Diary.
It's been a big week on the Kyle and Jackie Oh Show, just like this. It all started with that failed journalist Steve Brice who was hating on Kyle and Jackie Oh again.
Bloom fear this old prickly, old, tiny, little short, short pathetic.
I got to start with you, Joe, you Kyle. He forced his on air partner Jackie O today to put on virtual reality goggles and watch pornography live on air on radio. How do we let this stuff go to air for God's sake?
But this time it wasn't Kyle getting angry about it. It was one of our listeners called Julie, who loves porn.
We got Julie's called through. I don't know what she wants to say, though.
I'm a massive porn watch female.
Nothing wrong with it.
I actually went on online, went to u porn, started watching Reality Point?
How good is there? And Steve Bruce again?
Now we try every time.
I drinks this up.
But hey, Steve, Kyle and Jackie again.
Hi, Steve got.
Julie on the phone. She's rung in. She saw your segments.
Tell him what you did, Jeels.
I see Price virtual reality Point is the best, yea, So maybe you could give it a try it and might lan you off of a bit.
Oh thereafter Kyle and Jackie, O, we're guessing what sort of pawn Steve Price would watch?
Do you think he actually watches porn?
Steve Price, never think about this, Jaunty, No, I'm just.
Wondering if Steve Price watching.
In court now held Asian Asian.
I reckon he's one of those guys that does the audition ones like I'm coming in for a job interview or audition.
Whoa, whoa, That's what I'm saying.
Be similar.
But I also think he might be into like big black women as well.
Late I don't know. W Yeah, I think so. Just you know, there's something like.
Feel this week or we had a young girl who tried to get out of a friend zone with a guy that she had a crush on.
I'm just trying to get you the friends.
What's going on here?
You like this fellow but he doesn't know.
Yeah, he has your idea of Dylan's in a band.
Right, this is so good.
You know him.
Yeah, we've actually been like French and.
We were really little.
This is excellent. Let's get him on ship.
Okay, it's not really weird, but I think.
Mormon, Jess, we're really close family friends, and I really don't want to jeopardize that.
I think I see him more as like a sister.
Like yeah, okay, Jess, you know what rejection is the universe's protection.
So there's some Since he writes on a post.
Note on the mirror.
Off, it just left us a little voice message to keep us updated on the daily situation.
It's just I'm just calling it for a quick up date. So after I got up a yesterday kill and rang me and was like what the was that? And I kind of just like brush it off and just acted like nothing really ever happened and was trying to change the subjects or whatever.
My mom thought it.
Was a joke, with which I just told her like, yeah, was, but like inside I was so enjarish, like I actually wanted to die when I heard the answer of like, what can I do? Anyway? Guys, I thank you, let me come on the show, just give it a go. But yeah, I'll say you with anything else if anything cages.
But we all know that.
Kyle loves a servo chocolate af too. I got this conversation on the air.
You've never seen a slow in person pack a bag than a guy at a servo.
I got to say, I don't I've ever gotten enough to warrant a bag.
I might get one thing.
Most of my purchases are done at the.
Servo, are they really? No? Not for me? I get in, paid the fuel and I'm out off here.
After Jackie wanted to know a little bit more about what Kyle buys at service stations.
What are you actually buying?
As a servo to walk out these grocery bags.
You know, five seats pass, some Alan snakes, some sheers, some mealk because we've drink a lot of milk. Sneaky candy coat cola, Yeah, maybe a pie?
What do you do with it all?
Since Chigan doesn't like you eating all eat at all that I'm not all the contrabandi even care I get home.
You still love fairy bread pie.
Bro, you got that paddle pass No One?
Yeah? Yeah, you are stuck in the eighties when it comes to food. I am mom didn't make me.
I've never tried.
If you listen to this show, you know the Jackie single and she made a strange admission about what she does when she's alone.
You know, I used to kiss my hand.
I was roman myself.
What was that?
You still kiss your hand?
I don't worry, tell me, don't be embarrassed.
This is really good.
This is therapeutics.
I've done it before, like.
Just when you want to like give some company.
Basically grays into the show and Kyle couldn't help but ask Masie if kissing her hand was normal.
We were just talking this morning, Macy. I don't know whether Macy Gray does this for Jackie and I. We both admitted that sometimes, well, Jackie is still which was very sad, like making it with their own hand, you know, like kisses her own hand, like I thought.
That was so sad.
Macy's gone off camera is laughing. Macy, Do you do you sometimes make it with your own hand like Jackie? Or is she on her own here?
I think I think I think he's on her own. As far as I'm concern, I'm sure if people do it.
Don't feel alone.
Not alone.
Somebody out there makes out with their hands. Cool and let me know if you do.
This show has the best listeners, and this week we met a guy who had seventeen tattoos on his.
Penis more than on.
I'll tell you someone make you.
Want to know?
Yeah, I do want to know.
Well, I've got your name on me, pish Jackie. I've got a crocodile, so I'm wild Dundee.
I've got dundee.
Wild fuck Dundee. I just got GST on the ring around. The nominee stands for great sex tonight. Yeah, the government said Brooke to Deervis text for they come around, I'll sho gsc up there cake Hole, I.
Love you visiting every blowing.
So that's thanks for all that extra information on your penis. Ray mad note, It's been a big week on the Kyle and Jackie O Show.
Signed ex mp.
We all.
Yeah, it's the Kyle and JACKIEO Show, Jackie with the Misfits this morning. Cooper, John's, Pedro and Brooklyn all filling in while Carl's off.
It is the thirty first of May, so you're celebrating your birthday today. We got Taylor, who's twenty five. Bye Taylor, Hi guys, I'm.
So excited to be talking to you.
Happy birthday.
What have you got planned because we're heading into the weekend now, so thanks, yeah.
So good.
I'm heading into BONDEI tonight and then I'm going out with my girlfriends tomorrow.
So so excited for going to Taylor Hotel Revsis oh VSIs.
It's right on the beach like two story.
Are you single, Tome, No.
I'm not. I've got a partner.
Yeah, boy in your life. How long you've been with him for?
I think four years?
Yes, it's nice a little while now.
All right, well we're going to spin your birthday whell and get your prize first, is it going to land on. We've got some good prizes to number twenty three, that is tickets for you and three friends to see Amy Shark for the Sadness Tour this October. It's the biggest tour ever. And yeah, you can go to live nation dot com dot au for tickets, but yours are for free, Taylor, so enjoy that.
We've got a couple of songs to play for you. Brooklyn has the carryover.
Oh I do, Taylor.
I got some fish sher this morning.
Lu I reckon.
We've been waiting all week for a Friday for this.
It is, but we feel like ours is also a Friday vibe as well. We've got piople and Don't Stop the Party.
That's more Thursday.
That's up to you, though, Do you have a prepary tailor?
I feel like I definitely have to go with some people I thought I was going to be.
You're going to be stuck with this till next mister Worldwide.
Yeah, you'll have to wait till Friday, Taylor. I enjoy your birthday weekend. Here it is Pitbull and Don't Stop the Party.
Pitbull. That's the power pick at kiss Stock.
Hey, guys, I have a little bit of breaking news just before we go to cashcock. Donald Trump his criminal trial that he's facing in the US. He's been found guilty of all thirty four charges that.
He was up on.
Yes, so now it doesn't mean he's going to jail necessarily, but each charge carries up to four years jail or he could.
Be fined for them. But he's been found guilt.
Do you think do you think he would go to jail?
I don't know, Jackie, I don't know. Probably not, to be honest, it would be very obviously controversial.
Way they're going to send him to jail.
Yeah, and it's I mean, you know, he hasn't killed anyone, Like, it's.
What this is basically him receiving funds for his campaign and using it a fraudulent way.
To pay a star Stormy Dwnels payments for that. He should have declared that the money was paid to her as part of his like this is what I spent on my election, but that wasn't declared and so this is where the charges come from.
Holy shit, the day calls sick. He's been living for this day.
Oh my god, that he would be outraged. We'd never hear the end of it. The whole show would be whining about it.
When do we find out if he goes to jail on it? How long? Yeah?
When does that good?
I don't know if that court case, No, because sentencing, Yeah, so what.
Does Bruno do you know? Like when does the sentencing usually happen?
The sentencing will probably happen next week. Right now, we're just monitoring the feeds because Trump's expected to speak in the next few minutes. The reports from inside the court room like he's staring her head, seems pissed off, angry, et cetera.
Oh, he'd be fuming, absolutely fuming. Wow, that's great. It's a shock. Will we I don't think we're expecting that, were we Brooklyn? Were people expecting this? Lewis just thought, Oh, we'll get off.
You know, I think, you know, even if he's found guilty, I don't think anyone's really expecting him to be jailed over this.
So what does that mean then for him going ahead? Anything like? Does that affect his campaign?
He can continue? No, he can continue, and then he can pardon himself.
If he Yeah, yeah, because yeah, it's.
So funny to me that we broke this news playing. This is the backing track.
Cash. Intermpede is out there. Good morning, Intermpede, how are you going?
Comedy of life from city?
We've had an a dreadable morning.
But wow, that's pretty news.
That is what you were how to take that?
But yeah, because you've been following it all.
To Pete, I love this trump case. I can't believe it's huge. But anyway, yeah, yeah, since I know you can see.
It's on the camera here.
But this is one of the wildest crowds I've ever seen you this morning.
Great characters, grape, even the little babies have come out look at this gorgeous little baby and wanted to write the cop We said no underage. But I would like to introduce today's contestant, who is very excited.
He's actually from East Africa, but a local of city. Would you please welcome Marcus.
Marcus, what's your story?
I'm just a local, you know, just a p T and you know hoping bel Cash.
You're for those who can't see Marcus, You're you're a beautiful black man.
Where in Africa are you from?
I'm from Kenya, my friend.
You actually I saw I saw an interesting story.
The other day about Kenya there's been a rising hyena attacks. Yeah, I'm not joking, that's True's on people and people's pets.
So I'm just wondering, like you heard about that. Have you got fam.
I think they're pretty safe. Very anything you're going to go writing that brown cock, I think I'll be all.
Right, yeah, peel like it's great.
You know, I've got the.
Cart behind me.
You know, I've got lots of Boy.
Here's that big brown colock experts.
He knows what he's doing with a big grand. I know what I'm Marcus, how much? How much money you're looking for? What's your goal? I think I think ten grand will be a start off, that might be.
I think the record is twell, yes, yes, yes, okay, So every five seconds you remain on the cockers at Bucks Away you will get a thousand dollars. We count the clock. Interpete. Well, you might not be able to hear him, but he'll be letting you know how what the tally is so very very wide.
Okayal safety by Paramedics in place class this year.
Crowds are here.
Ready to go.
We're going to count him down on Marcus. Hey, so already started.
Started down. Kenya off to a perfect start.
Cooper and Jackie Massive strategy one thousand dollars.
She's looking good.
Legs dollars.
This is great legs a pet thousand.
It's going fast.
My god, it's always.
I need to clarification with three thousand.
Three thousands, one thousand nights regulation.
It's not too okay.
Yeah, I'm all right, my.
I feel like that was fucking hard.
Yeah, that's great. No, that's great. I think I know we're wrong. I wear the tightser jims. I think it was very slippery.
But yeah, actually I had the muscly legs gripping on.
I thought you would do well, but you got slippy there, and no, Grand's great, well done, market, that's great, it would works great.
All right, Pet, you can come back to studio now.
Very exciting.
Congratulations Marcus, everybody hops very much.
God, all right, right back after this the new location.
Surely our news is coming up next.
It's the Kyle and jack Your show.
Jackie in with the Misfits this morning, and she's got some own us thanks to every episode of the Power Universe only on stand right now.
So we are going to quickly before we do our news cross to Brianna Lyman, she's our political reporter. Because Trump has just been found guilty on thirty four charges.
Is a probram all thirty four charges?
Thirty four charges, Brianna, good morning?
How are you?
Oh? We're good. How's it over there?
What's going on?
I will tell you as an American, the tone right now is absolutely depressing. And Thomas Paine could not have predicted this better when he wrote, you know two hundred plus years ago that these are the times that trimn souls because we just had a political candidates put his opponents in jail.
Wait, a bit of a Trump fan?
Yeah, you're definitely a Trump fan. What what do you think he would possibly go to jail for this?
Honestly I do believe though, because does one merchant who will do he sentencing? And this thing's responsible to him. This is a man who donated to President Biden in twenty twenty. His daughter is a lead of political operative in the United States. One of her biggest clients is Adam Schiff, and what Adam Shiff is responsible for is pushing the Russia collusion hopes. So when you have someone who is so deeply ingrained in this Democrat group, think of get Donald Trump. I would be shocked, shocked if Donald Trump should slap with a fine for example.
Geez wow, it's weird how the bias, like people who are biased can be involved in that stuff. Rob If imagine it was a Trump fan doing the sentencing, like, people would be like, oh, like he likes Trump.
Why is that even allowed? That bias?
You know, yeah, well would that be if it's so obvious?
Well, that's the current problem right now in America. You know, Donald Trump speaks often of a two tiered system of justice. And I think to give a great example is Donald Trump is on trial, or at least was on trial and has now been convicted because he allegedly classified payments to his lawyer as legal fees and apparently it should have been classified as campaign expenses. Now he faces jail time. Now I want to bring up what Hillary Clinton did. Hillary Clinton in the DNC, they will find one hundred and five thousand dollars and eight thousand dollars respectively, because they mislabeled payments as legal fees and legal services. So she gets flapped with a fine. Donald Trump faces jail time. That's the two tiered system of justices that Americans continually talk about and that drives their anger towards our government.
And what sorry Pedro if he misses, if he doesn't go to Jolly just gets the fawn. Is he still able to run?
Yes, Donald Trump could quite literally be tossed in the slammer behind bars and still run for office and become president.
Off on that Bizato like, if you're now a convicted felon, you know, I mean that you're still allowed to run for president.
Bruno was just saying you can. You can be a felain. If you're a fill in America, you're not led to vote, but yeah, to be a villain and then.
President for president.
Yeah, The qualifications for president, as laid down in the Constitution are quite narrow in terms of, you know, you have to be a certain age, you have to be an actual born citizen. But nothing stipulates that a convicted felon can't be president. And since we've never faced a position where a president or a presidential candidate has either been put in jail or has anticipated to be put in jail, there's no laws governing if somebody can can run for office and be in jail and can successfully be president from a jail cell.
So we haven't seen any visual, you know, footage, What was what was his reaction like when they were finding him guilty on all of that.
So they don't have cameras in the courtrooms in the United States. But what I will say is that there were reports from people inside the courtroom who were explaining that Donald Trump seemed quite common collect he was talking to his lawyers. They said that he had If they would have looked at him, they would have said, this man does not care what happens outside of the courtroom. I was watching it live.
There were cheers.
People were excited that a president is going to be put in jail for a crime that even liberal activists have dubbed dubious.
We want to thank you, Brianna for talking to us.
We're going to now play the audio of Trump outside the courtroom addressing the media.
Here it is this was a rigged, disgraceful trial.
The real verdict is going to be November fifth by the people, and they know what happened here, and everybody knows what happened here.
You have a still respect.
DA and the whole thing.
We didn't do a thing wrong.
I'm a very innocent man, and it's okay.
I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our constitution.
Our whole country is.
Being rigged right now.
This was done by the Biden administration.
In order to wound or herdent to political opponent.
And I think it's just a disgrace.
Yeah, I knew he'd say that word. I was waiting for disgrace.
Remember, despite what brand has said and what Trump's saying there, like there was a jury of twelve people and they had to come to a unanimous decision on whether he was guilty or not. And you know, so despite saying it's or rigged, and there's you know, these people are on the side of Joe Biden. It's like, well, there was a jury there of just regular people. They all had to be rigged as well.
If it was real, this would be a very different show. If Kyle was here right now. I don't even think you would have got that sentence out.
I don't think.
You're stupid, Brooklyn News.
Okay, around of our news now with all the guys, a lot of stars are getting complaints about their shows that when they're touring it's way too provocative and in fact, Madonna is actually getting sued right now because her show was unexpectedly too provocative. For one audience member who said it was like watching pornog so I thought the same. I thought we all knew that Madonna is really sexualized on stage. She likes to push the envelope. I mean, when she toured back in the day, she used to lay on a bed and masturbate in her show.
Yes, she can't still be doing that now She's she didn't take off.
Her underwear, but she was definitely doing the actions like she used to really push the boundaries she did.
Was it her that looked up with Britney Spears on stage as well?
That was mild compared to watch she Wow, I was considered pretty shocking. And the same thing goes for Troy Savonne. Apparently, when he performed in Lisbon, someone was outraged by one of his performances.
There was two X rated.
Troy apparently gets down on his knees and he's got the backup dancer standing in front of him and the microphone between his legs, and he sings into the microphone for this, Yeah.
You would love it. It looks pretty hot that but.
It's nothing.
I don't like that.
I think it's the why.
I think it's the way Troy's like on his knees looking up at the guy and not looking at.
And the guy's holding the microphone at the base of the mic looking like he's holding his balls.
So that was Aper, bro, you love it?
Do A leaper wouldn't hold it like she had a penis.
No, but he she's not holding her own you know what I mean? If that was I was on her knees singing into that microphone.
Yeah, that's true actually because it's gay.
I'm not having a phobe. I just don't like seeing it.
Blake Lively apparently once played this epic prank on you know, the guy from Gossip Girl, pen Badge Leaves also in the series You Yes, Yeah, So she played this epic prank on him and she got everyone involved, his PR team, even his mom. And what she wanted him to believe is that Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith was possibly his real father, like his biological father.
And the way she played it was she got her his PR.
Girl like the one that calls for any pressing wiries, and she called him up and said, oh, I'm getting loads of inquiries from people out of nowhere saying that Stephen Tyler from Aerosmith is your dad. And he's like, what, that's ridiculous. Anyway, she calls him back like a day later. This is a long game kind of thing. She calls him back. She goes, I can't shut this down for some reason. Apparently Stephen Tyler's people have called me and they also believe it to be true, that it's possibly true. And so then she gets the mum involved because she knows Penn's going to call his own mum yet a check, and she is in on the joke and kind of keeps it going, and he tells the story or it is.
I get an email just like you know, totally like oh, there's this press item that we're trying to kill but just so you know, somebody thinks or maybe they've con Stephen Tyler like think he's your dad whatever, yes, And then I think the publicist like a few days later she was like, you know, this isn't going away, like we're trying to kill it, but like I think maybe she suggested. I think she suggested call your mom. And my mom is so not an actress, so not a prankster and she's upset and I'm like, mom, why are you upset? Like and then she takes a pause that is like, you know the pause that sold me, and she goes, why do you think we moved out of Maryland? And I'm telling you five five to seven seconds. I was speechless and my world was rearranged, and I was like, I am I am Stephen Tylers.
Those long games.
Meanwhile, Blake's husband Ryan Reynolds, sat down for an interview with the Q Jackman. These two have like this kind of friend of me funny relationship. They both were named People Magazine sexiest Man of the Year at different stages, which is where I think some of the rivalry started. The fun rivalry. Anyway, they were talking about how growing up they never ever would have been called sexy, and they reckoned that had they known that they were hot, they never.
Would have bothered developing their personalities.
Let's say you're nineteen, okay, pre doing anything in the business.
Girls do they ever go, oh, my guid guy so sexy.
No, So, if anything, I got the opposite, which was like, it's not that guy in that movie of the week.
I was like, let's say my group of mates growing up. Let's say there's seven.
Yeah, I would have been voted if I'm really honest on a good day three like number three, I might have been a bronze medal definitely, but probably probably just above every yeah around there. So if I'm struggling in my group of friends from school in Sydney, yeah, ten years.
Later become I mean that's the world.
But also if that was like what the sort of your your your m O or your operating system from eighteen or nineteen, I don't know that you would have cultivated all these other aspects of your personality true have just been like, well, I'm handsome.
He yeah, that's why. Bother, what did she Jackman look like when he was younger.
That's a good question.
Maybe we should get a picture in a picture of his He's not it wasn't that good looking. Oh he's one of these two kind of the guys that as they get older, not saying it's to do with their success, but as they become more successful, their personality shine through. They look they're a lot more attractive to the opposite sex.
On the same sex, Oh, he looks like they inspect the gadget, dude, there when he's younger.
Yeah, I don't know. He's got the wife feeder.
Like you said that, we're looking at remember of the Beatles.
We're looking at a young Hugh Jackman. Yeah, he's got the kind of floppy hair and the white singlet and white jeans.
Do you think it looks a bit cut like Karl Sefanovi.
Yeah, actually he kind of does.
He's got that Today's Show look like he could be a presenter on the Today Show.
Just nice looking, you know, not of fence average, just nice.
They do have a point about the personality though, like if you're hot and you know you're hot when you're younger, yeah, you don't bother Like all these chicks on Instagram that are hot. You hear them talk and like a TikTok video and you're like, what's that shit? But you couldn't even you couldn't even spend a minute with them.
They're all just they got nothing.
Yeah, yeah, I remember because my father used to work with Gus Wallans, who's best friends with Hugh. They went to the same school together. Yeah, lived together when they were like fifteen because his dad used to go overseas a lot. Anyway, they had a lot to do with each other. We were at a restaurant one night and Hugh was sitting across the thing and Dad went up and said, oh, mate, would you mind coming over to see the over there sit with my family. The kids would love it like it was mid Wolverine and get such a kick out of it if you came over and like it make me feel like a big deal, like they'd look up to me. And he went sweet, yeah. Ten minutes say this. Who comes up and he goes, Maddie, how you going? Mate? Do you hear with the kids? How you going? Boys? And Dad stitch you up? And he looked back at me and said, Hugh, sorry, if you don't mind, I'm just trying to have I'm trying to have dinner with my fan.
I love you so much.
He was like, oh sorry, mate, mate, I'll just come up when we're done, eat meals.
A move.
I know so good.
Fifty cent has gone into a bar and it's a big bar right like there's there's actually hundreds and hundreds of people in this bar. He's in such a good mood that he shouts everybody for the next few hours as much champagne as they want. Apparently he did a surprise DJ set and everyone got free expensive champagne for the whole night. It was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to be rich and generous.
Hey yeah yeah party.
And also a video tape mccray's gone vi al on TikTok And it's all to do with the way she says the l's in words, So she apparently sticks whenever she says an L word like love or lunch or late, she has to stick her tongue out between her teeth. And apparently some people do this and others don't. Yeah, yeah, they picked up on it. They were talking about it on a podcast.
Did you know she.
Pronounces her ls by sticking her tongue between her teeth.
Leads for lunch, up for lunch, leading for lunch.
She can't not do it apparently.
Doesn't have the same effect when we can't when we cant, I know, But if.
You do late for lunch, late for lunch, you'll know straight away. Do you you as tongue stick out her or you keep it inside? Yeah, late for lunch, I feel like sticking it between your teeth requires so much extra effort. Late for lunch, late for lunch.
Does she have a big tongue? Is that she like she does like Simmons?
Well, she sticks it out a lot, I'm noticed in like photos and stuff. Oh really, yeah, she's a big like loves to use the tongue. Yeah, put it out there.
You know those girls the tongues?
No, I didn't mean that.
So do you do I like those girls?
Or do I know those girls?
You know girls that always like when you get a photo, there's always like, you know, the tongues out, the two fingers.
Like shacker they're doing. That's called a shacker, the two fingers thing. This one that's a shacker. That's what surfers do.
Yeah, that I call hang ten? Is that a hang ten?
I know?
I know how old do I sound?
Hang ten?
Okay, we're going to do pop quiz if you want to have a crack at winning that ten thousand dollars. We'll open the lines now, one thirty and one O six five Kyle Jackie O. Kyle and Jackieo's ten thousand dollars Pup quiz, Pup quiz.
Yeesh, It's the Kyle and Jackie O Show, Jackie and the Misfits This morning.
While Joe John, the son of Maddie John's nephew of Andrew.
What a great intro. We should ring them at one stage to see if they set.
Did your dad even know that you're filling in for I'm told.
Anyone no better that way, isn't it.
Let's pressure?
Yeah, it was a yeah. I didn't want him to be And he's got a radio show to prepare for as well, even though no one listens to.
We'll call your dad a bit later. In the meantime, we're going to do pop quiz Andrew, you're playing this morning?
How are you?
Yes, Google, you are all right?
You need all ten questions right to get ten grand. Otherwise we give you a hundred dollars for every question you do get right. Say pass if you don't know sixty seconds on the clock. Okay, well, all right?
In The Simpsons, who is Bart's dad?
Who sings the song Big Girls Don't Cry?
What her name?
What's her name?
Pas Pa?
Chrishelle from Selling Sunset is reportedly joining the cast of Which as TV show uh Per, who voices Garfield in the new Garfield movie.
The Path of a Note.
The Paramount plus streaming services owned by WHICH TV channel.
The issue.
Yeah, yes it is who?
Yeah, who's Selena Gomez dating? She was one day justin I don't know, okay, Julia.
Song Dance the Night features in which twenty twenty three film?
Was it that splo film?
I can't remember the name?
What's his name?
Are we passing?
Okay? Actor Colin Farrell is from which country?
I don't know?
Two hundred years?
Is that the most passes you've ever heard on the show?
Ever? Andrew, it's okay. When you're under pressure, you know, go blank. Sometimes big girls don't cry. That's by Fergie from Black Eyed Peas, and then Chris Shelle from Selling Sunset. She's going to be on Neighbors. Chris Pratt is Garfield in the new movie. Selena Gomez is dating Betty Blanco. Barbie is where that song Dance the Night is from? And Colin Farrell is from Ireland.
And we didn't even get to all Dead, but I still take away two hundred.
Two hundred will send that out to you. Thanks for playing, Thank you, thank you very much, No worries, all right?
Coming up next, we got a round of naked Dating, which is slightly different this time around.
Because last week, we had a gay couple.
That didn't go well, didn't you know.
Even though it didn't go well, it actually was one of my most memorable ones because they just are so brutal with each other.
And what about when the guy, one of the guys came in, he's like, I hate twinks that are nasty and rude and judgy.
And he oh my god, I'd never heard that phrase before. Twink be educated by Josh hat there, who was telling me about all the phrases they're using the gay work.
So twinks are like the you know, little pretty young skinny.
Yeah bears, bears like the big hairy man are Harry, you'd be a Jock Cooper?
Oh, I didn't know. So there's more. Jock is what.
You've got to be few and far gay guy?
That's you? Oh wow? Thanks?
What would I be? Bro?
Wouldn't that be the ultimate prize to Jock?
Yeah, Jock's pretty good.
Would you?
I don't know, you'd be a twink?
No, you'd be you'd be a twink the receding heir.
An over the hill twink. You're like, what thirty one or something?
Thirty one? Yeah, you're over the hill.
Now in the gay world, do.
They have the same phrases for in the lesbian bar? Yeah, Jackie B.
Yeah, well, I don't know the lipstick and then you've got butch. Right, that's it. That's all I know. I know the but there's got to be other ones? Is there any more with the in the gay world?
One of them?
What else is there?
Help you out?
Sorry? What did you say?
It's Cooger one of them?
I thought it was like a like bear, I thought, yeah, wait, so what else is there? There's there's Tweet, there's Odds, which is like a skinny but really hairy. Oh so that's like a bear slash twink hybrid. That's not like a thin Greek man or something.
That's right?
Yeah, like Carbo from Pack to the Rafters.
You know, he's a bit too chunky.
It's too chunky.
You've got to be pretty skinny for an honor.
I think it's really rare to find someone really skinny and hairy, isn't it not?
I think you can find them.
Yeah, okay, And so what is the like, what's the one that is the most popular?
Well, Twink, Twink and Jock I guess, yeah, you're always are going younger, very superficial in our world.
It's in our world to Brooklyn, don't worry.
Today's Are we doing another gay one? Yes?
Oh my god, I digress a big time.
So the reason, yeah, we did the gay one last week they weren't into each other and they told each other as much.
But this time Kyle's decided to amp it up right.
Just all he promised was it's naked dating and then some on steroids. Okay, oh well, now I know what it is now obviously because he's not here, so I'm gonna have to lead this thing.
But he is right, it's definitely like on steroids.
Are happy with what he's left you with?
I think it's kind of I think it's fun. It all depends on the contestant, though.
Now, are you going to have an issue being in the studio because obviously last time you had issues with your partner.
Being in the studio with naked girls. Are we going to be able to out of my control?
Now? It wasn't allowed last time because she don't want me looking at other naked women unfortunately, But I mean now, I mean, for the sake of that's right, I don't have a choice. I'll just close my eyes and imagine what's going on.
All right, Well, we'll meet the contestants, but naked Dating is coming up next.
Cyril on the Kyle and Jackie O Show, Jackie and the Misfits. While Kyle's off, and it's time to do Kyle's favorite segment, Naked Dating.
Car Yeah, naked Dating, Yep, it's on steroids today.
A little surprise up our sleeve for naked dating after last week's fizzle was a gay couple not so great. No, they definitely did not get it on because they weren't each other's type. So today we're going to meet JJ. He is the guy participating in the Naked Dating is twenty six and he's a trade working in construction.
Let's bring him in, guys, bring jj.
How are you?
JJ? Mike put on your head's a.
Good looking bike, good faith nic and I.
Got a fresh air cut for today.
Are you happy with it?
Okay, try not to swear just so we don't have to beat it. You know, it's annoying for the listeners. So what made you want to do naked dating?
Honestly, it was the most spontaneous thing like according for Trading Verse lady. Yeah, and they got through. Yeah, and for some reason it was taking a bit of time. So I was told, you know, maybe we'll give you a call back. Yeah, And then I got asked if you're interested in naked dating?
I was like, you know what, why not did you tell everyone? Is everyone listening?
My mates are listening in there and then they're on the site today, they're on site on their site radios, they're on their iHeartRadio screen recording so they can listen to everything.
Okay, okay, and you're prepared to go naked today, prepared to go naked. And you know what's funny is you've hit a day where we've decided to up the anti of Naani.
Yeah, you went aware what's in storm?
So last week it was a gay couple, but today I think you might like how we've upped the anti.
Okay, I'm all for surprises, so yeah, git me, so.
Tell us a bit about yourself, Like what are you looking for in a girl?
Honestly, I've had a not the best dating history.
So you're twenty six, right six? Yeah, and why what's been bad about it?
I'm more so like because I'm Lebanese. She was Greek?
Is that a concert?
It's a cultural conflict type of thing. So your family didn't like her, her family didn't like me.
Oh really, they wanted her to be with a Greek man.
Oh yeah, Greeks.
Greeks or how many? How many past lovers have you had?
Your one dog?
One b that's that's the one.
But have you had any other sexual partners?
Look at me.
Your eyes?
Thank you, Jackie.
You're not for jackiet Ah.
Yeah, is that how we're upping the anti jacket? Yeah, Jackie, surprise.
But what's your body count? Then? For us?
Look, I give you a rough estimate. I don't like I don't keep it tally or sure. I'd say over fifteen fifteen or so.
Okay, so that's not too bad. That's pretty good.
Yeah, fifteen's respectable, I would agree. Yeah, So what do you if you had to guess what the surprise would be? What tell me what you wouldn't want the surprise to be?
Can I just like, let lose say whatever it will be?
But if it's really inappropriate, yeah, obviously I don't want some from the other opposite.
Oh yeah, yeah, of course.
Yeah, trans trans right Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay, Well I can reveal it's not that Well. I'm all for surprises, Okay, I think you're actually going to really like the surprise today. But I think you might be in over your head is all I'm saying. In over your head because we don't have just one girl.
We have two girls in our naked dating.
It's a threesome. Let's bring in nineteen year old shy and eighteen.
Year old image and.
Hey girls, oh dear, this has got to be your fantasy.
Look, I'm living it up right now.
It's perked up.
Now, he's really perked up.
Hey, hi, girls, you girls know each other? Your friends?
How do you know each other? How dad's were mates?
And then we became friends from my brother because I used to be.
With her brother. Oh I see how old's your brother?
And and meet JJ. He's twenty six, Ladies, first impressions of JJ.
What do you think about JJ?
He's cute? Not really?
No type? I like, oh god, you guys like you're like twins and we will look the same. Her type is pretty much my type.
So sometimes we just share.
Do you guys, have you ever had a threesome?
Yeah, we've had one. Help you.
What was that?
Sorry, J.
He wasn't with her brother?
No brother, no, no, no details want to be shared, probably not.
Your girls are so cute, so you got like, how would you describe them, Cooper for the men out there listening if they want to visualize what's going on in this room?
Brunette, tanned, and they look like identical twins.
Yeah they do.
Yeah, you look like the fantasy basically, if guys, we're going to have a fan, does he have a three seven?
You sort of look it?
JJ? What do you think of the girls, It's stunning?
Your type my type, brunette. You know I love brunette.
So yeah, yeah.
And how tall are you? JJ? Because you girls are into tall guys, How tall are you?
I'm pretty sure not going to lie. I'm a short king one one sixty eight.
It's not old school six or five six, so my height yeah yeah, okay, yeah, okay.
But if he disrobes and he has an enormous penis, does that change the height issue for you girls?
I guess you'll see the height is changing.
Okay, we'll go in there and rub a bit of blood.
Into JJ, just make it harder for you.
Not like that.
But you know, does this make this whole experience even more intimidating?
You know what, it definitely adds another.
Level of pressure level.
Pressure. Yeah, I'm not pressured or anything.
Were you girls walking into today being open to the idea of having a threesome with the guy who is in naked dating?
Hey, JJ, if what about both of the girls here? If if you could pick one of them, is there one that you prefer more than the other?
Oh, that's not a good way to start a good question.
Questions have to be answered. Imagen, Oh, imagen?
Yeah, so imagen you're eighteen and shy you're nineteen? Yeah, and do you want to ask them many questions like about themselves?
Get to know them?
Where are you from?
Gold Coast?
Gold Coast? I see you've come down here in this segment.
We grew up in Sydney, but we moved to Gold Coast about.
Six months ago.
I'm sure your ant sisters.
No, definitely not.
What do you girls do for a living?
Only fans?
Oh, you're only fans.
They're one of those What does that mean?
Only fans?
Yeah, would you date an only fans.
Girl, that's too long.
A no, maybe that's a big I mean, if.
The circumstances are right, if it was we had someone on the show earlier who was in a thropple, so he had a wife and a girlfriend. Is that a situation yourself.
And a girlfriend. Yeah, I'm open.
And do you do you girls want to know anything about JJ?
What car do you drive?
I drive a nice thirty home and I ride a bike.
As well, like a motorbike or a pushbike motorbike. Yeah right, okay, he's.
Going to say, don't say, don't say a pushbike, so you got to yeah.
Right, yeah? What do you What do you like to do for fun? JJ?
Riding is my favorite thing to do? Yeah, I ride, I like to.
I don't do much outdoor stuff, but I do like to go on like activities or yeah whatnot stuff like that. But mostly I work, I go home, I walk my dog, I watch documentaries, I make dinner. I love cooking. Yeah, absolutely love cooking. I'm always cooking, like every day.
What is your wildest sex experience?
Wildest sex? Yeah, okay, I had sex on a bed.
That's not why you have it.
I wasn't finished with two other mates on the bed and they were all with someone else as well, so it was just three of us in the line.
Just Oh, I see swapping?
Were you swapping over it?
I didn't get to that point, but I was kind of hoping.
So what do you girls think of that? Interesting?
Yeah? All right, Well we're going to take a short break and then you guys will be standing all in front of each other and you will just and we'll see if this chemistry or what might happen.
Sure, got chemistry.
Oh, there's like it's off, it's.
Off, the hook off, the sparks flying everywhere, exactly.
All right, guys, we'll be back with Naked Dating Part two next.
Oh yeah, naked Dating.
Welcome back to the Kyle and Jackie O Show, Jackie and the Misfits. This morning, we got Cooper, John's, we got Brooklyn, We've got Pedro, we got everyone while Kyle's off and we're doing naked dating.
Yes we are.
We've just met JJ's twenty six in construction. He is five foot six, a bit small for the girls liking today. Instead of one girl, it's two girls and they're best friends. They've had threesomes before they came here. With an open mind, hoping that the something could get started. But the only block here is that he's a bit short.
I'm looking at at all three of you now, and JJ, you are slightly taller than the girls, so just being taller should be fine, right.
Who are you asking that to?
Now that you're standing in front of him, what do you think? Yeah, he's cute, Yeah, but like not my utube type.
Okay, but you're open to Yeah. What I didn't realize though, JJ, is that you're a triplet.
I'm a triplet? Correct?
How about that? Are they identical?
Two identical sisters?
Are they taller?
No, they're even smaller than you.
Right, okay, okay, all right, so this is the time in the dacred dating segment where we all dis robe.
Who wants to go first? Should we let him do it?
That's confidence?
Okay, wait wait, wait, before you do that, I got to do the coin toss. See Alfie here, he's our coffee guy. Alfie loves this segment so much because he gets to be on his knees holding the microphone up so that we can hear you guys. Yes, and obviously he loves standing in front of the girl, of course, but we don't think it's fair that he always gets the girl and then Pedro gets the guy.
So we do a coin toss. Okay, so quick coin toss to see where where Alfie is going to be?
All right, please please, please, please please please.
It is the girl's Alfiet the girls. He's got the guy last time, and then you had the gay guys like birthday to girls. Go Alfie, this is the this is the one you're really hoping to get the girls right out.
I was chatting them up in the elevated suicide.
You had fifteen seconds to get up to level seventeen.
I have to do my best.
What did you do?
Your girls look eighteen nineteen? I know what I couldn't picture.
What do your girls think of Alfie?
He's cute?
Have you seen him with his master?
He's outfit.
He's wearing his cute a little bit of a green jumpsuit.
Well, if it doesn't work with JJ, there's always Alfie.
There's always Alfie as a backup. But get about Alfie. It's not about him. It's about JJ. Okay, JJ, are you ready to disrobe? Go on, boy, go on?
It's coming off.
He's wearing a bonds unders. Actually, you got a really ripped body there.
Yeah, ripped. Yeah, well I didn't expect.
Got the chest hair, nice, good chest hair.
Chest tattoo, chest tattoo.
What is that tattoo?
It's for my uncle who passed away.
Oh nice?
Is that your only tattoo you've got.
I've got this with my sisters, the three, and I just got a swarm one on my uncle.
And what's that of it?
Just it's a Japanese symbol means family.
The big on family.
Sweet guy, you're a good guy.
Thank you.
I must ask the snail trail that goes up past the belly button connecting to the chest hair, is that tactical of you? He molded that.
You know what, I went for a fresh shave last night, so I kind of sculpted a bit.
I like a man that's well groomed.
Do you like?
Do you like that?
I love hairless, like no hair hairless.
I'm the same hairs today.
See I don't get the hairless. I like a bit of don't you want a bit of manly chest hair?
You said you like masculine, right?
I like a bit of my facial hair were like muscular and tattered like completely and hairless.
Yeah, hairless like a cat, don't you find a lot of the time it's just prickly though.
Hairless like a cat.
Yeah, it's bit prickly, but like you still prefer prickly over chest hair.
We much prefer that.
Yeah, right, So what would you do? Would you shave him before you'd even attempt to go there?
Yeah, yeah, maybe yeah, shave we everywhere?
That's that little line like that little Yeah, I don't mind that.
Like, that's okay, that's my favorite feature.
Oh sorry, you can keep that?
Then that's okay, sweet, I'm.
Not going to make you wait.
Show me your favorite feature? Is it like a line of hair trail? Yeah? Really is a nail trail? Okay?
Cool? No, you do you?
I reckon? So, girls, do you want to disrobe for JJ?
She's going to die.
I think I don't know if he's going to be able to handle. Oh my godness, what do you think they're in their brain matching?
I like what I see. I'm not going to lie a card together or whatnot.
But yeah, an honest guy. Isn't that refreshing?
I love that yeah. Yeah, then are you dying down there, Alphie?
I'm a speechless here.
I don't know.
I've never been this so nervous. You're more nervous than me, my niece to.
Okay, so, JJ, you feeling comfortable enough to take off your underwear in front of these two beautiful women.
I'm all for it.
Okay, good on you are?
They're going to do it together? Are we going to get back?
I reckon?
JJ does it first?
The girls take a look, tell us what they see?
Go for.
Oh you poor thing? Girls?
Girls impressions? What do you like about?
Because they're speechless?
So yeah, no, no, stop laughing. You say something real quick.
You seem to love that word.
I like your body?
Thank you?
What about the penis though?
What you.
Because it's it's shape.
It's ball, it's it's bored, but it's what you want.
Actually, yeah, I'll give your thumbs up on the Yeah.
Well, I am a grolla on a shower, so we'll see you don't worry.
Definitely not a shower.
Definitely not a shower.
But it's freezing cold.
And it's it takes a lot of balls to stand naked in front of all these people.
And two beautiful girls.
Yeah he does, and he has big balls. He does have big, big balls.
Yeah, big balls.
Okay, So now do you girls want to take off your brahra and nunties?
I see more big wars.
Okay, so the bras off, the bras off?
Describe what you said down to I see like a nice sculptured beauty, beauty right there. Just just come right here, just come right here.
You want to go right there?
You do?
You girls want to go to him? He says, come right here? Yeah, oh you do? Hang on, Oh god, this is your lucky So what are you he's going to do? All kiss together? We'll take kid, don't have a three weeks start you girls are doing.
Yeah, he's in, he's coming in for his single them to get in there, and it started, Oh my god, oh that sound.
What did that taste like?
As a three way?
I'd have to agree, but maybe.
Yeah yeah yeah, threeek could definitely work.
Yeah that's fine for j could make that work.
I'm making that work.
Are you guys saying that now that you've kissed, your feeling the chemistry and you're up for the three way?
Irak and I reckon it could work.
Maybe it's going to work, yeah, or mention what all the guys on his work site right now thinking.
They would be if only they could see these girls.
How quickly do we put them out, Josh, like on the on socials so people can see five in five min time, you can see how beautiful these girls are.
I mean, I know you're gay, Brooklyn, but no.
Like studying, I mean you can't go like eighteen year old only it's just a magic we're dealing with here.
Yeah, mine, not beautiful Jackie.
Yeah, of course, of course, I'm just saying it. Every guy's dream, right, this situation right now.
Yeah, JJ is very happy.
Oh he's happy you have.
Let's just have it. There's not much movement there going.
It's still a bit cold.
So do you guys kiss again and let's see if there's any any fluttering?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh JJ's got the hand down on its grabbing.
Oh, JJ is now you're going in with you guys. Oh, they're all fighting for his attention. The Oh my god, Oh he's getting real handy.
What Alfie is sticking the mic down there?
Alfie, I think you've got no home now, mate, Sideline.
It's done.
But yeah, you want some things in my bomb bag? Brother?
What have you got in there?
You think you could need? What have you got? Fields? Butt plug?
I don't butt plugs.
I kept it simple today.
Mac is they've got to expense that ship condoms. Yeah, blah blah blah. I think we're going to need that.
You could take it most cappuccino flavor like coffee?
Yeah, yeah, we'll sort that out. Yeah that's all I got. I got I've got the coffee right here. So what does that mean?
Youhmism for someone.
Or not?
Okay, it's here. The chemistry, the chemistry is definitely it actually.
Ended up happening, right. So when he goes, what do you want to do?
You guys, I think you know what I want to do?
Okay, So what's going to happen?
Will it happened?
When will this happened? We only have a hotel room until eleven and I've got to go.
That's enough time, eleven weeks of time now, it's yeah, a thirty thirty.
I will make it work, all right, if you will go?
Then she's who wouldn't come, who wouldn't sign up for naked dating?
I'm glad I signed up to naked daity.
Have you got to go back to work?
JJ, I do have to go back to work sick day.
Maybe let it go back after last day, half day after they go back to you, go have some breakfast with you, go have some breakfast with the girls.
Go back after I'm going to dig into.
Yeah, okay, okay, guys, there you go. I was very successful that naked dating.
That's got to be our best one.
Yeah, it's got to be the best one, Kyle.
Yet, Kyle, it is the best one.
Kyle is going to hate that he wasn't here.
He was here on the day Trump was found guilty.
Not here on the day sorry, and then not here for naked dating times too, where a threesome is happening.
Now, well they're off to do it.
We'll have to do a check in maybe next week.
You No, let's should we do it today?
We're today's checking today.
We are on it till ten. So if you can swingh up by there, yeah, give us a report.
Look, I'll try. I'll try to finish up by then.
You may want to make it last for as long as possible, Brooklyn.
After ten you can go again.
Yeah, maybe I'm not going with today.
All right, guys, coming up shortly, we're going to do the two hundred thousand dollars noise. So if you think you know what this noise is, try now to guess it.
On thirteen one O six five, Kyle.
Jago This morning on the Kyle and Jackie O Show, thousand dollars Noise.
Yeah, you got Cooper and Pedro helping out Jackie.
Old Kyle's off and it's time to play the noise thanks to dream Home First. Dream Home reveals are here, joined doctor Chris Brown Sunday seven o'clock on seven and seven plus Lucky.
I know the noise?
Hey I don't. Yeah, yeah, I don't.
I'm too scared to guess too. But like, yeah, because I feel like it's been a week or two weeks now.
I don't know. Actually how long has it been going?
About two weeks?
Wow, Okay, we haven't even given out any clues really, to be honest, No, not really.
Yeah, all right, this is the.
Noise that you've got to try and gets for two hundred thousand dollars.
There was the clue that you did it. You did it one morning, Kyle did it one mile.
That clue was Kyle had already done it that morning, and I could have done it, but I chose not to do it.
Yeah, so that rules a lot out.
It's just I guess it does. Yeah, I guess what a crack?
Go on?
Then is that okay?
Oh god?
What if?
No, I know I win if I get it.
No, you can't, unfortunately, No, I.
Give it a charity. What about like just crumpling up a piece of paper and throwing it in the bin.
Let's see that.
We'll try and recreate it. You got paper?
Yeah, yeah, exactly, you've got a microphone ready. I like it, and you'd be wrong.
I reckon.
Guess we've had which was I think like one of the first days was someone like using a shovel to pick up dirt and throw it into like a wheelbarrow or something.
It's actually so similar.
It does sound a lot like that, doesn't it.
Do you know what it is?
I don't know.
Well, how do you know?
That's the big sound?
When I when a person had they guess, I thought, oh, yeah, that sounds like together.
Yeah, Well, when you find out what it is, you'll be like, yeah, that sounds exactly like it. You're just not thinking of it right now, let's start taking guesses. Nick, you've phoned in.
Hi, how are you good?
How are you?
We're good, We're good. Let's hear your guests.
Okay, I think it's taking out from a takeaway coffee.
Cup, taking off a lid. Let's hear yeah, m that is incorrect. Sorry Nick, yeapah, we got it right. Thanks for trying anyway.
Melissa, how are you here? I'm great, Thank you. The noise is worth two hundred thousand dollars. This is what it sounds like, and what do you think it is?
I think it's unpacking a microwave popcorn packet and putting it in.
The Microwaveoh oh, like taking off the plastic sleeve.
Yep, and then closing the microwave.
Yep, that last click, the microwave closing.
Let's hear it.
Hmm no, not right, Sorry about that, Melissa, Thanks for playing. Ashley. What is your guest for the two hundred thousand dollars noise?
Hello, Hi, honey.
I think it's when you're making your bed and you slick the doner up to spread it across the bed.
Okay, no, no, very crusty, crusty Doner, you need to wash it, your filthy thing.
It must be lucky Doner.
Lou how are you going?
Thank you?
Yeah, good honey. Here's the noise. It's worth two hundred grand.
What do you think it is?
My I guess it is grabbing some bubble wrap and popping it.
M No, that's not right. Sorry, Luke. Thank you.
Anyway, I'll put you out in misery fast. Last, Cole and Nicole, what do you think the noise is?
Hello? Hi, honey, Hi, I think it's peeling a banana.
Let's see.
No, we've seen that, guess before. We've had that noise. We've had that noise like five years ago.
Really well, it was breaking a bunch of bananas.
Oh, yes, that's right. We wouldn't be that stupid, would we.
Although over a start I was really high here, so it's a good chance they just didn't realize that.
We We'll continue to take your guesses with Gordy today and if it's not one, we'll play again Monday morning.
So sorry to interrupt, but Maddie John's has called through.
He's got some feedback for Cooper.
Oh his son, yea, his soun's been filling in for Kyle this morning. Have you been listening Maddie.
Jackie, I have look just one thing to drag the family through the mud, and mate, dragging the number one show in Sydney and Melbourne through the mud is reprehensible. Mate, Kyle must really be shitting himself. I mean he's on ten million dollars a year. I went up to twenty after the listening to have you got what have.
You got any feedback or anything for me? First day?
Well, I'll tell you it's really funny, because you know how we like to collaborate what I've done. I had a notepad and the notepade just on the lap, which I usually do when I'm driving, just to sort of doodle a little bit, and I just decided to make a bit of the list us. Yeah, honestly here we got first one our seating personally, I listened to you talking about our seating. Let me put it in context, talking about saying certain words els and putting the tongue through the teeth to pronounce right and straight away you take it, You go, oh, really, she must have a big tongue then, like Gene Simmons, which went completely over everyone's head and then you said, oh, she must be an R seeder coming in. Really, that was.
Random, wasn't it that comment that came out of nowhere through me?
Then you were talking to j J, who's God bless him, and you said, he said, how many partners you had? You said, and he went and you went, well, one dog, one bone, mate, Listen, you're stealing other people's sayings there.
The next one was incest jokes made Listen, Incest jokes aren't cool.
Yeah, that's too close to the bone for you, is it?
Yeah, yeah, good on your mate.
The next one you said about JJ, you went, oh, you might want to go and get some blood in it, maybe to rub the thumb over the top of it. And I thought, my god, and then look laught that's certainly not loose. Poor Hugh Jackman.
Yeah, he outed you on the huge Jackman. Frank, you played, honestly.
A family moment that has been exposed to the whole world. Has isn't Hugh Jackman enduring enough at the moment? Honestly? Seriously? So, mate, So.
Caroom for improvement.
You reckon jack pudding just a little bit. And then like I had your mummering kurb and she's crying, and I said to her, I said, listen, mate, Trish, you're to blame. I told him we should have sent it a better school.
So out of ten, out of ten, how am I going?
Oh god, I'm just trying to think out of sand. Put it this way. If if I was to rate, okay, put it this way, I would say, your score out of the north pole, you're the south pole. In a complete opsit. I'm just so disappointed and so angry. I found myself this morning driving in the cart instinctively taking my belt off.
Yeah are you talking about your seat belt or your belt buckle?
Mate, no, my belt buckle. But you remember that you're urinating himself now? And mate, where is the last thing I'm trying?
Sorry, yeah, just trying to think.
That there was there was there was one more that really can I forget at the moment. But honestly, radio, mate, that's about being life bright and getting out, getting out in the high So mate, just maybe consider that I learned that at Triple M when they were good, when you were on it.
Are you in your indie end show that no one listens to you? Now?
Yeah, that's right mate, I'm in here right now, mate.
Okay, well, good luck.
Maybe take some leaves out of my book because at least people are actually listening to this show.
Matthew, least out of your books. Well, it's certainly autumn, guys. Jackie, I just want to say this. I'm sorry. And Kyle, if you're listening, I'm so sorry.
We do love your son. But Maddie, thank you for calling in. Have fun on your show today. Let's hope he improves and gets further to the north pole supposed right now.
All right, I'm Maddie by ego, Coops. Nothing like I wonder.
I don't know how I would feel about my dad calling in and giving me critique on how I'm doing on the show.
I it doesn't feel great because I thought it'd be proud of it. Yet so confidence love.
It's all good. It's all good, Coops.
We're going to do a round of our news coming up, and we'll take your last calls on thirteen one oh six five.
Yeah, it's the Kyle and Jackio show, Jackie in the Misfits this morning while Kyle's off and Jackie's got some o.
Neis right now.
Thanks to every episode of the Power Universe, which you can find only on stamp.
So a TikToker has gone viral because you know, she was doing like voice box pops on the street right and just interviewing passerby, and she came across Baz Luhman and didn't know was him, And it's easy mistake to me, Yeah, I guess so, like she's young, she's not necessarily going to know that Baslom is one of the biggest directors in the world.
And you know, but I get with those directors, I would understand not knowing what they look like because to me, I know the names.
Yes, I know the name.
Yeah, if I walk past, I wouldn't I wouldn't know what he looked like.
Really, would you know what? Yeah?
Yeah? Yeah? But like I've grown up with Steven Spielberg et, we just know what he looks like.
You ever walked past Have you ever been introduced to someone and not heard who they were until you heard their name?
I think one of your mates, actually, Cooper one of my mates.
Yeah, I think I met some of your mates at a bar one night and I asked them what they did for a living, and they were like into your football team.
Footballer is right, Yeah, I remember that.
Was that story told in the locker rooms? Cooper, Yeah, let's hear it.
Oh yeah, actually I want to hear what they're receiving and.
Like text straight away saying geez, we just we just met Jackie oh at the pub and I was like, oh yeah, go up and say yeah, chatted to a chatter and then they were like, oh she's so hot a and then I was like oh yeah yeah. And then when they come into training the next week, they were like, do you reckon? She goes for like younger dudes. I was like, you reckon?
No, Okay, where all did that go into anywhere else?
That story?
I don't know did it go anywhere?
Was that the one where the wallet got left or was that a different Oh no, that was different footballers.
Oh no, that was my friend. Like we went out one night.
This was years ago though this was like four years ago.
I reckon. We met just a footballer, but he was fun. Like we went we accidentally stole his wallet, that's all.
Like he ended up in this accident.
We were in the uber ride home and my friend was like, oh my god, I've accidentally like left with his wallet I don't know how she did that.
Actually I don't know, but it wasn't like there was any hookup with that guy or anything.
Does she have his wallet in the first that's a good question.
I actually don't know. Oh do you know what?
I knew she was paying him out about his wallet because she said it was like it was a velcrow wallet And she said, dude, what you as wallet? So she hammered him about having this ugly wallet.
She wasn't handing over. They weren't doing illicit drove people the young people do these days. They swap wallets so then they can do they go and do things like toot in the toilet.
Holy shit, Maybe that was what was happening, and I just didn't know potentially.
Is that really how it happens. They swap wallets.
That's what the young people do. They say, hey, you take my wallet, and then they take the wallet so that they and it's in there and it's inside of the wallet.
And because none of us have cash anymore, so we don't need to worry about money beings.
You know, who needs a wallet these days?
You only need a credit card now, so you don't need a wallet, So you're saying if someone has a wallet, it might be for other reasons.
If they have, well, if they have like this person's wallet, like they may have exchanged it. And your friend was going into the toilet and doing to.
I should ask her, actually should bring her?
What's toot?
Is that cocaine?
Is that coke?
That's an old person saying for coke?
Are you considered old?
No, no, no, I just always that's just what people have always said to me.
Trying to keep it clean. Let's just move No, no, no, I want to call my friend.
Yeah, yeah, I'm going to ask were you doing coke that night?
What do you want her to say?
Gad, this is so sauce now, Jack always ratting people out.
Yeah, I know it's okay, get in trouble now, can you.
She's working, she might be.
No, don't worry.
We'll just assume it's yes.
I'll assume its yes.
Otherwise, why else would she have his wallet? I always wondered why how how did she end up with his wallet like that? Well, anyway, so going back to the baz Lerman thing, this TikToker gets him on the street and just thinks she's interviewing any random dude doesn't realize it's actually loan, I think until she puts it up and everyone starts going, you just interviewed Bazz and actually she was asking him things about stuff that he would never talk about, like his marriage and you know, relationships, and he rarely does interviews anyway.
Bas So she got super lucky.
And I think at first she was a little confused as to why this guy was so worried about the lighting and the shot. He was trying to help her, like, get the lighting ride, let's have a listen.
I think you need a camera that's better get the light at the angles. So are you single?
No, I'm married.
I can married.
Marriage is not so much about what exists between you and another person.
It's about advertising to the people that you love, who care as to what the dearlio is.
That's it my own general philosophy years.
If you care about some.
Of your friends, keep it open. But they fall and love someone else.
Will they like someone they have to some degree of acceptance. It's a contract of communication.
Loose contract.
The people occasionally Knogamy's hard long term and you know, people come into your life.
Let me think about that.
I'm not sure what that means yeah, yes, So I mean, what is the point of the conversation we're.
Having just talking about dating?
I mean I didn't have to date. What I do is not a job.
It's alive.
And every relationship I ever had.
Just grew organically out of that organically.
Yeah, beautiful chatting with you, hey, in a pleasure. I'll be on my way.
Thank you very much.
I love it.
She'd be so confused when he said I usually don't do interview I do.
You think it's not bas lemon? It just sounds like a crazy pa.
She's almost trying to get rid of him.
Okay, thanks, thank you, Just like if you're a TikToker, like do you it's just an interview, bro, Just answer the questions.
What's already like?
And earlier we were talking about the prank like Lively played on Penn Badgely from Gossip Girl and how next level it was. And I'm starting to think that when celebrities play pranks, they don't do it in halves, because this one came about through you know, Colin Powell. He was the Glenn Powell is his name, sorry, not Colin Powell. He was the guy that was in that rom com with Sydney Sweeny anyone but you. And he was also in Maverick with Tom Cruise, and he talked about Tom Cruise playing a prank on him when he was doing Maverick and they had like this helicopter pick them up to take them to London, and he got in the helicopter. Tom Cruise was flying the helicopter and Tom Cruise goes like halfway through the flight, He's like, oh no, oh no, like and then let's the helicopter start like plummeting and apparently does this for like quite some time and lets this Glenn guy believe that's it. I'm gonna die. Not only am I gonna die, I'm gonna be the unnamed dude because it's Tom Cruise dying and no one's gonna even care about me. Also, Troy Savanna has talked about his embarrassing encounter with Harry Styles. Huge fan of Harry when he first met him. He talked about how he kind of, you know, it wasn't exactly his best self.
You want to know, very hilarious story, more than life itself.
So the first time and actually the only time that I've ever met Harry Styles, we were at this Grammy party. He had actually just won Grammy for Album of the Year, and so we meet for the first time. I feel like I know him because it's Harry Styles. So I'm like super super chill. And he walks up to a conversation that I was already kind of like having, and I just said to the other people, I was like, oh, I'm just going to go make a week And then he arrives and I was speaking to him. I'm like, oh my god, Muzzle, like, congrats on the on the Grammy or whatever. And then he was like, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom. I was like, oh, you're going to I'm also going to the bathroom.
Let's go.
And sort of as we were walking to the bathroom, I kind of just realized. I was like, I literally just met this man and I've already suggested that we go to the lou together. And I was like, I wonder how he feels about this. It was that like just the weirdest, worst thing that I could have possibly said in that moment. And then he got kind of like stopped along the way by someone, and I just kind of be lined for the bathroom, embarrassed and I thought about it for the rest of the night.
He should have waited with him.
I would have, I know you.
And a new ad for.
Twisties has gone viral because it stars Robert Owen a g flip and people are saying it's a super cringe ad. So the ad is basically, what's better chicken twisties or cheese twisties. That's kind of like the debate g Flip is representing cheese twisties.
Roberts all about the chicken, And this is how the ad sounds.
Sure, cheese came first, but second borns were made to perfection.
Sorry, chicken has always been the taste of our great Southern cum.
Cheesus carried chicken on his delicious shoulders for fot too lot, no more clucking.
Cheese presses are national treasure.
The pack is literally green and gold. God, I could have gone with it that story.
I know. Oh, I've got Sonia on my friend with the wallet. Yeah, Palestine, Hello, you don't sound too thrilled about me calling you for this. Do you know what I'm calling you about?
Did they tell you when I stole the wallet?
So when we stole the when you stole the wallet?
Because we ended up.
We ended up in the car on the way home, and you're like, oh my god, I've got his wallet, and is suggesting that you two.
Were like, you know, doing something up to no good. No, we weren't.
I took it off the table because he left it there and I thought it was cashing it. There's nothing in.
Take the money.
Yeah, I didn't give you about the other shuff.
Didn't mean cash.
He has no money.
There was nothing in it because this is his idea.
Yeah, because didn't he go to the bar to get a drink. He wasn't gone for good.
Yeah, we sailed on him.
He was annoying, and I don't think we will now.
No, it was a It was the ugliest swallow.
It was a bright red like Supreme. It was a hideous swallow.
It was no good.
Okay, So well he know who he is if he's listening. Probably if you're listening, mystery man, just ring up. Yeah, don't identify yourself. Put ring up.
I want to hear his even remember his name.
You've got his ideas, got his ideas.
Yeah. Remember we got in the car because Stephan picked us up and then he was like, who the hell's wallet?
It is it?
And I was like, I don't know, and.
He's like, oh, can't give it back, so he drove back around the bounce.
That's right. Yeah, okay, you did, right, Love. We need to have another night out, given a ship, throw it out, all right, guys.
Coming up next, we're going to do some last cause if you want to phone in on thirteen one oh six five.
DJ Triple Exel on the Kyle and Jackie Oh Show.
You got Jackie in the Misfits while Kyle's off Coopers, John's Pedro in the studio.
What are you up to this weekend? Guys?
Anyone up to anything?
Yeah, very exciting for me.
I've actually got a birthing class hypno birthing class for eight hours strass sounds fun.
Eight hours that might be longer than the actual birth.
Yeah, I don't even know why we have to be there. I hope to have free lunch because.
Well, what do you do because I never did one of those because I thought I was going to have a c section and then I didn't.
See I am not one hundred percent across it. Because Paddy's organized everything.
How you learn to breathe through?
Yeah, I think they're like, oh, create a playlist so that you know when you listen to that playlist.
During birth, you're calm.
And why are you?
Why did you have a great question?
Why is Pedro? Is he just like a support?
I think, yeah, you can be.
You can be a reminder to her of what to do when she starts getting overwhelmed with freaking out and freaking out.
Yeah, yeah, but I'm not.
Yeah, I mean, I'm happy to be there for support, but yeah, eight hours coming.
On, eight hours is a long time. How much do you need to know?
I wish I had done one of those actually, because when they said to me, oh, you're giving birth now, like there's no time, I was like, I haven't done a class.
I don't know what to do. I don't know anymore.
Well that's good then, because I'm gonna I feel like I'm going to faint during the birth. I'm not good with like medical stuff and ah right, blood and stuff you look with you're like blood needles, IV Like I'm not good at anything possible.
Oh really, So I think maybe if I.
Do this and the breathing will be for you, it'll be like, sorry, babe, I've got to take my deep breaths.
All right, let's do the diary. These are the best bits on and off the air for the week.
Dee Diary.
It's been a big week on the Kyle and Jackie Oh Show, just like this. It all started with that failed journalist Steve Bryce. He was hating on Kyle and Jackie Oh again.
So prickly, old, tiny, little short, short, pathetic.
We got to start with you, Joe, You mad Kyle. He forced his on air partner Jackie O today to put on virtual reality goggles and watch pornography live on air on radio? How do we let this stuff go to air?
For God's sake?
But this time it wasn't Kyle getting angry about it. It was one of our listeners called Julie, who loves porn.
We got Julie's called through. I don't know what she wants to say.
Though, I'm a massive porn watch a female, nothing wrong with it. I actually went on online, went to porn, started watching visual.
Reality point.
How good is there?
Now we try everything and drinks this up. But hey, Steve, Kyle and Jackie again, Hi Steve.
We got Julie on the phone.
She's rung in. She saw your segments, tell him what you did, Jils.
Virtual reality pin is the best, so maybe you could give it a try.
M off a bit.
O fair after Kyle of Jackie.
Oh, we're guessing what sort of porn Steve Price would watch?
Do you think he actually watches porn?
Steve Price?
You never think about this, donkey, No, I'm just wondering if Steve Price watchings.
He would be Asian Asian?
I reckon he's one of those guys that does the audition ones like I'm coming in for a job interview or an audition.
Whoa, whoa.
That's what I'm saying.
You'd be similar. But I also think he might be into like big black women as well, Like.
I don't know, w Yeah, I think so.
Just you know, there was something less feel this week, or we had.
A young girl who tried to get out of a friend zone with a guy that she had a crush on.
I'm just trying to get you out what's going on here?
You're like this fellow, but he doesn't know he has your idea of Dylan's in a band?
This is so good you know him?
Yeah, we've actually been like French since we are really little, Okay, right, this is excellent.
Let's get him on ship.
Okay, Yellow, She's not really weird, but I think I like you.
More than.
Just we're really close family friends, and I really don't want.
To jeopardize that.
I think I see him more as like a sister.
Like yeah, okay, Jess, you know what rejection is the Universe's protection.
So there's some since, he writes.
On a post note on the mirror.
Off he jes left us a little voice message to keep us updated on the daily situation.
It's just I'm just calling you for a quick off day.
So after I got up a yesterday.
Kill and rang me and was like what the was that? And I kind of just like brush it off and just acted like nothing really ever happened. It was trying to change the subjects or whatever. My mom laugh it was a joke, which I just told her like yeah it was, but like inside, I was so embarrassed, like I actually wanted to die when I heard the answer of like what can I do anyway? Guys, thank you, let me come on.
The show and just give it a go.
But yeah, I'll say you with anything else if anything changes.
But we all know that Kyle loves a servo chocolate off too.
I got this conversation on the air.
You've never seen a slower person pack a bag than a guy at a server.
I got to say, I have ever gotten enough to warrant a bag. I might get one thing.
Most of my purchases are done at the servero.
I no, not for me. I get in, paid the fuel and I'm out.
Oh fair After Jackie wanted to know a little bit more about what Kyle buys at service stations.
What are you actually buying as a servo to walk out with grocery bags?
You know?
Five six peggers of seas, some Alan snakes, some chips, some mealk because we've drink a lot of milk, so look.
Sneaky, can and Coca cola. Yeah, maybe a pie?
And what do you do with it all?
Since Chigan doesn't like you're eating all?
Eat it all that, I'm not all the contraband I eat becore I get home.
You still love fairy bread pie?
Bro, you've got that paddle pass you no on?
Yeah, you are stuck in.
The eighties when it comes to food. I am ever, Mom didn't make me.
I've never tried.
Yeah, bro, if you listen to this show.
You know the Jackie is single, and she made a strange admission about what she does when she's alone.
You know, I used to kiss my hands when I was romance myself.
What was that?
Sometimes you still kiss your hand? Don't worry tell me comes don't be embarrassed. This is really good.
This is therapeutic when you kissing your sh.
I've done it before, like just when you want to like give some company.
Basically grays into the show and Kyle couldn't help it, ask Basi if kissing her hand was normal.
We were just talking this morning, Macy. I don't know whether Macy Gray does this for Jackie and I. We both admitted that sometimes, well, Jackie is still which was very sad, like mating it with her own hand, you know, like kisses her own hand, like I thought that was so sad. Macy's gone off camera is laughing.
Do you do you sometimes make out with your own hand like Jackie? Or is she on her own here?
I think I think I think he's As far as I'm concerned, I'm sure other people do it.
Don't feel alone along, somebody out there makes out with their hands.
Please and let me know what you do.
This show has the best listeners. This week, we've met a guy who has seventeen tattoos on his penis.
I've got more than fifteen ties on me penis. I'll tell you someone them if you want to know.
Yeah, I do want to know.
Well, pusht that I've got your name on me penis. Jackie, I've got a crocodile, so I'm wild flock Dundee.
I've got Dundee.
Wild fuck Dundee. I just got GST on the regal the nominee penis stage for great sex tonight. Yeah, the government said we're the Dervis text for they come around, I'll show GST up their cake hole.
I love you, Ray visiting blow Thanks.
To that's thanks all that extra information on your penis.
Ray a mad note.
It's been a big week on the Kyle and Jackie OH Show.
Signed Kyle Jackie O, Mister Kyle and Jackie OO Show.
Yeah, you got Jackie and the Misfits filling in for Kyle while he's off. He'll be back Monday. Cooper John's Petro Brooklyn in the newsroom and of course Jackie.
Yep, we need a naked dating update. Have you missed it earlier?
We had little.
JJ in here. He it was his lucky day man, and we had two girls for naked dating.
Everybody's misters, cute, brunette, tan skin, perfect bodies. They just were so cute and it actually they hit it off once they all got naked.
They ended up all kissing together. If you missed it here it is.
Jez in.
He's coming in for his singled them to get in there, and it started, Oh my god, oh that sound yu.
What did that tastes like as a three way?
I'd have to.
Agree, but maybe.
That's a three way?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, three week could definitely work.
And the girls had a hotel room till eleven am right, all heading back there, so they.
Were out of here. That was at eight thirty. We're going to check in now with JJ to find out how it all went. Hey JJ, Hey, guys, how are you?
Oh you sounded at the hotel?
Hey sorry?
Was that?
Are you at the hotel?
You know what, funny story. I kind of got a big ghosted Oh.
What happened? Tell me? So you guys walked out of the studio. Then what happened?
So I was there?
They walked out and yeah, they just say tore me.
I was like, you know anything, I mean, They're like, no, we've got to fly to catch or something like that.
They just turned you down a suits they got out of studio.
They just were Yeah, it was all.
Did you get a number or an Instagram or anything?
No, not really.
All the instagrams were tired. So I want to go there.
You're back at the work site now and the boys.
Can you hear all the annoyed nod?
So you had to go back with your tail between your legs and all the boys that were.
Listening, Yeah, we want to between my legs.
For me.
Did you at least release yourself?
Did you have to.
At work?
I'll do that later at home in the comfort of my own.
Hey, at least you had the three way kiss. It was pretty hard.
Like I said, it was a win for me.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, all right, JJ, sorry about that, never.
Mind, Thank you for for having me.
That's all right.
Funnily enough, we've had so many registrations now for naked dating from guys.
Yeah, the other way we could help JJ out.
I think we've done enough.
I do.
Do you want you could give me the job by kiss if you want.
Is there one going? I don't know, No, Sorry, you're the executive.
Sorry bro, we just have like these kids doing work experiences a lot of people.
Yeah, all right, thanks JJ, thank you bye. Gj's called through. Hi GG, what's happening.
Hi, Jackie.
You know yesterday you were talking about doing things spontaneously, So I just wanted to tell you my story.
Yeah, I had a The reason I decided to do a spontaneous night out with the girls is because that's what boys do all the time, and I thought I'd give it a go, and it turned out to be this great night.
Yeah, and it's amazing. I do it all the time. So what I did was I asked one of my friends living in Sydney, so I live in Melbourne, that if I could come in. So I drove all the way to Sydney, took me all day, went there and then we went clubbing and then I found this guy. We made out that night and now he's my boyfriend living with me.
Oh wow, how long ago is this?
It was like six seven months ago. But then we started dating and then we met and yeah, now he's my boyfriend. So it's so good to do things spontaneously.
That's awesome.
That gives me hope something.
Well, I'm going I'm going to be in Melbourne this way, can don't you?
Sure, happy to catch up and give you some tips if you want.
So wait you this guy did he live in Sydney?
Oh yeah, he lived in Sydney, but now he's like he does up and down so he has like work from home.
So yeah, he just so you guys just hid you hit it off in a club? Yes, and then you went back to his place. Yeah, well he went back to your hotel, like you hooked up.
To his place to his place because I had my friend so yeah. And then yeah, and then we start talking and yeah, it's it's.
Hell love g G. Are you are you Indian?
And the was the man you met Indian as well? An Indian man?
I know he's he's Australia.
And how long had you been single for before that?
One year?
I would say, But then I didn't find when.
Yeah, I've got to say.
Hearing all the stories yesterday of everyone spontaneously driving to Melbourne all the Gold Coast sounded so fun.
I feel like I might have to do this you have you ever have to?
Yeah, you only fly?
No, No, I've driven.
I've driven before Melbourne.
No, not to Melbourne, to the Gold Coast. So that's yea Queensland, is it?
Yeah, that's yeah.
Yeah, No, I've done the drive there, but you know it takes up a lot of time. I'd rather fly, So Jack, I hear. We've got a lot of hot trades listening to us in Melbourne. Now, if they want to spontaneously run into you this weekend, what do they have to do?
What do you want me to give him a location?
Are you going to go out partying again?
Because I'm taking kiddy with me, So this would be a party weekend night.
It'll just be a nice mother.
Daughter weekend, chilled restaurants, restaurants and shopping.
Fine dining, yeah, exactly, maybe for all the traderes make a reservation at some fine dining restaurants.
But I'd love that Blake has phoned in, Hi, Blake, how are you going? Yeah? We're good? What are you doing?
I just want to announce that I'm getting more sect me today.
Oh how old are you?
Twenty eight?
That's it, you're done?
Your wife, Yeah, she gave me ultimatum, it's either use a condom or get the snip, And I said, I'm not using a condom. My mother going to get the snip and nobly pump away, or I'd rather use miss Palmer.
To be honest, Use I've always wondered, when you get that done, baby, do you still come ejaculated?
What happens?
Yeah, I've always gone.
I reckon, They reckon.
It's the same sound of any siemen to get a It comes.
Out like I had a really sick month. I'm sort of hanging.
I've been seeing myself.
Up and is there much recovery time or anything?
What does it hurt?
I reckon? It's a few days. But they do put needles in both your ball So I'm looking forward to that.
Are you going are you going under for it? Are you going to go under it?
You just sit there. You can you can choose to have a blindfold on, or you can sit there and watch and smell it when they.
Sind it a blindfold.
I don't know if the blindfold is going to my uncle. My uncle just had one and he he went under. Yeah, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say shit, oh shit, that's fair enough.
He's of an age where you'd think he would anyway.
He's had three kids and they're all ten years apart.
Oh are they?
Yeah, it'll be twenty five, fifteen and five, So he's just every ten years, every blue moon. He doesn't whar it come down?
Oh I say, I say, And he's got a miss in his life, Yes he does.
Yeah, regular right, so he needs the verseector.
How old do we have to be as men before the sperm are just useless?
Like no, because I mean, look at Robert de Niro. He didn't he have a baby not too long ago.
Yeah, it's still how old he's seventiesh even more?
Like I think he's in his eighties. Okay, I think for men you can literally go on and keep having babies. There's no cutoff point.
Wow, I know that for sure.
Is enough to worry about that.
Oh well, I don't quote.
It's not like it's It does become less likely the older you get, but it's not impossible like it would be for a female.
No, yeah it doesn't. There's not a certain age it cuts off. But I think there are a lot of blokes out there who can't. Yeah, they are sixty and they're shooting blanks.
Yeah, probably most likely. Yeah, Petro is about to have a baby.
How long are we away from that now?
August August eleven.
How's Patty going with it?
Yeah, she's seek.
Every day and she tells me about it multiple times a day, and I've got to do many things and get make teas.
You know.
It's funny though, Pedro, like about a year ago, I remember when Mayo was pregnant, right, and you were saying, mate, nowhere near that.
I don't want a kid. Yeah, what happened there?
I don't know. Good question. I didn't think like, I don't know.
I was like, are you excited now for it? Yeah?
I am excited because I saw the a couple of months back. We saw the little scan of the little like face.
Did you get the three D one where it.
So we just got the normal scan?
Do you know what, don't waste your money? That thing looks nothing like your baby. Yep, they give you a photo and it looks ugly.
Really, all of them look the same.
Well, the technology these days is really good, so that's maybe maybe it.
No, yeah, i'd sound I got the one where it's like almost like a photo of what they look.
It's like a yellowy looking at Yes, yeah you got the blue one. And she looked the face of her little face looks so cute old.
Yeah, I reckon they are better because back when I got mine done, we were comparing because I was in the maternity ward waiting, right, I was on bed rest, and the other women that were also on bed rest in there, we were all comparing our photos.
They every baby looked exactly the same.
Okay, it doesn't matter.
It's a scam because I.
Feel like that because Kitty, it looked like she had the biggest nose you've ever seen.
Like when we first got the photo, We're like, oh, dear God, we're gonna have an ugly baby.
That's what you think.
Yeah, my parents down there jack Yeah noses, I.
Know, if you get mayo. She was like, oh, if my baby's ugly, I'm not. Just the one thing I'm praying for is that it's not ugly. And like she was having a boy, so it's okay if you have an ugly boy. Yeah, Like I'm having a girl.
So like, yeah, you want a little kid, Yeah, my parents shipped an ugly bloke.
Yeah, my parents got told when they had all the skins and tests and stuff, They're like, oh, he's going to have a problem with what with what? Like they thought I was going to have like a pretty hectic problem.
They just told like intersex that's when you have a vagina and peters at the same time.
Problem, Like they thought I was going to have like a severe mental problem.
Yeah, Like they said these sixty percent chance of having it, and they were like okay. And then so the whole time they prepared like oh this kid, you're gonna have a problem. Then obviously, like I came out and I didn't have a problem, But then.
They wouldn't know fully right, because you don't know that you've got some sort of mental.
After hearing to today's shows confirmed, I think they probably no problem.
That doctor was right after all. All right, guys, we're going to be back Monday. Ticket Man is making a return. Actually this time he'll be giving away tickets to see Olivia Rodrigo live in concert. He'll be at Nipper Jordan Oval in Melbourne this time Essendon Essendon in Cooper Street. That's where you not you, I think, yeah? Ticket Indeed, Pip Edwards is coming in.
Your bestie, bestie.
How good.
That's good.
That's going to be so fun. She's in for Sonas doing like a collab. Meghan Train is also joining in for a chat. And don't forget Gordie. We'll still take your guesses today for the two hundred thousand dollars noise. You guys have a fabulous weekend, Thank you very much. Yeah, and we will see goodbye Brooklyn.
Have fun in Melbourne.
Have a great weekend everybody. I will have fun in Melbourne and we will see you guys Monday.
Bye Kyle and Jackie.