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We'll do it live, don't write it, and we'll do it a lot.
Things sucks. Broadcasting lies and the Kyle and Jackie O Tower across Sydney and around the world.
The biggest stars.
Hey, this is Michael Bublain.
I've done so much press today, but I was so excited for you guys.
You know what I mean. This all you know I get.
I like having a real conversation.
It's nice. It's I'm hanging out with Kyle and Jackie.
I love listening to you guys.
Whenever I'm home.
Sick, I just put on your podcast.
Colin jack Queen of the as LEADYO d J, Jackie White Photo.
Friends Peace, The Kyle and Jackie O Show, Kyle and Jackie.
Massive, that's right right here, Jackie Show in Australia called the Kyle and Jackie Oshow. Why Yo yo.
Completely trial, God, damn Vampa, Kyle.
And Jackie O Show.
Just help us out, Help us out.
You're being helped out daily.
You'll be helped out daily.
God. I'm glad I've ever married you. And that's a copy at home and at work is the worse it would be. Just get it started. How we feel its the Kyle and.
Jackie O Show is just one big breakfast party.
This is all Jason.
I only listened to Kyle and Jackie are live on the iHeart Radio Act.
Say that would be a legendary by show.
You're listening to the boy from the Big Bath City. This is the best radio show I've ever heard.
In my entire You guys are incredible daily for here.
Every time we talk, I have so much fun. This is Lady Gaga.
You are my extended family.
I made the decision to take off a level, guys.
Jackie's taking off a level. Guys.
I'm so relatable.
The cold microphone is on.
Good morning.
Hello, Hey, what's happening?
Look Brooklyn all looking all sharp backstreets? Oh my god, Yeah, you're in a wide out. The pencil musta yes.
Yes. And I've grown facial hair back a bit. Yeah, Why well I was.
I've been shaving it off to go on Channel seven because I thought, you know, you had to look like ye And I think I'm not doing that anymore.
I think facial hair is great on men. Everyone looks better with facial hair.
I disagree. I feel even though I've got facial hair, I think that they look better clean cunt on TV.
I think that's.
Because you would like to be able to do that but can't or don't want to.
Oh this, I think she's having a go at my pelican style next, and I think I'm hiding under the gray.
You have said you do it for that reason, and you would never shave it off.
If that was said privately to you, not not to be.
Advertised to say, I've not heard this my deepest darkest secrets.
Jackie's like, oh, well, you've got the pelicannect, that's what you've I'd be bloody armish if I could be getting around in a horse and cart with that hat.
I just I think that's because you can't do it, is why you like it.
But you know, whatever you're dealt with in life, you've just got to make the best of it. You know, if Carle's gone the neck, he grows the beard, that's right.
That's right.
Well man, it wouldn't it be great if we could grow facial hair.
The worst?
Why if it was you know, if you were used to it, you wouldn't think anything of it would go off?
The bearded lady. No one wants that, Like, imagine looking out there look at Mayo, right, let's use someone not that hot, even a beard on her. Disgusting.
It's just not is it disgusting? If it's all you've ever known, you know what I'm saying, Like, I'm not.
Going to go down the hypothetical road with you again.
M M.
I think it's a very American thing to do.
And when I go over to America and I'm like at the barista, going, hey, can I grab a latte to sugars mmmmm, I always think rude, bitch, Like that's just rude, rude, say say thank you, say no worries, they you know.
Whatever, nine thousand times a day they're supposed to go, oh my god, thank you so much, just let me get your order.
Well, in Australia, we don't do that.
No, it's true.
And I was in America at the beginning of the year.
I found myself eventually doing it, and my god, is it good because it is a response to so many different things, And it's a it's a lazy response, but it works.
It's a response to so many different Like are you saying there's nothing you can't respond with?
And I think you're right. I think you can respond to a.
Few things out. Let's try a few things out. You're looking You're looking fine. You've got a new haircut today, You've styled your hair differently. You're looking like a fine piece of ass.
That wow, that sounds up myself though.
But yes, Jackie, breath stinks. Mmmmm, you didn't sound that confident on that one.
I don't like that one. I don't like.
May I you say something to it? Feel free that other people can also help out on this show? You just sit there like mannequans.
Do you want some buttered toast?
You can ask a yes, no one?
Sorry, you'll go out this weekend, Jackie.
You could like I'm trying to think of what you couldn't do it too?
Yeah? Okay, do you want to suck this dick? I still know it doesn't I want way more.
If if I said that, they went, I think, well, you don't deserve the taste. You're not going to even taste the loveliness of it.
Mm hmmm.
I can't think of any I think you're right only to canting of anything when it doesn't work.
You're still dating on the slide, Jackie.
She won't say anything. I think listen if our girls getting the mood filled up. That's that's on her. That's on her now, she's getting it, getting it, Yeah, I know, but that's not drag her down the bloody garden path with any old bit of meat. She's a highly desirable she's.
But you can't be too picky.
Yes, she can then get because she's worth a lot of money. We can't have someone robbing her. We can't have any carry on. I don't want to have to go I don't want to have to go hostal on someone. Yeah, you know I would.
I know you would. You're so beautiful like that, very protective.
Too much or not not too much.
You can never be too protective of a friend, right, But then yes you can actually, because then you become like a gatekeeper.
Last night, yesterday we heard about the cats and dogs eating you after you die. Yes, I was just sitting there with my dog and he was licking my face, and I'm thinking, is he like tasting what.
He's like?
Could I eat this?
This is a taste all right.
I can't stop thinking about it.
But they said the dog will wait it out until you start.
Until it gets hungry, until the cat's starving.
Cat take your head off within an hour. I couldn't believe that either head off when Peter had the cats, and I don't think anyone else is a cat. You were in Puerto Rican is there just thousands of cats roaming the street?
It feels more stray dogs. There's more straights there from.
The dog joint. Yeah. Do people have pets where you come from?
Yeah, they have pets, mainly security dogs like big you know, rot wheelers and German shepherds, so you don't get broken into.
What sort of a place. I'm always fascinated what sort of a dusty commune did Pedro escape?
I feel like we need to take there.
And lawn people have lawns.
Yeah, in the more rich areas they do.
Well, if you're not in a rich area, what do you have.
Like dirt and concrete so you really don't lay any lawn down unless you're really rich.
No, No, if you like, say, like a normal suburban home here, like from say, I don't know, gray Stains is like a rich area there?
Right, we need to go.
I feel and your place is near Columbia.
Yeah, Brazil, Argentina.
See, I feel like that could be our next trip.
Sure. No, we're not listen, write this down so you remember, because every two days you bring this up. I'm not going anywhere where rich people can get kidnapped for ransom. I'm not going. I don't have to take a security team with machine guns.
And the thing is, you don't have the security team are in on it, like.
Bring your own security team, and that's very expensive.
It does sound expensive.
I don't think Tony here, who's got the budget, has the budget for that.
So we don't even bother asking Tony what is But we just start booking in trips and then we just assume he'll figure it out one way or another.
We should let him know we do it. This annual trip is for real.
Yeah, well, ive already told him we're going to Tokyo next year, are we?
I think so.
You don't want to do Tokyo Tony? Eight hours? Eight hours? Yeah?
Yeah, that's pretty nice, isn't it.
Yeah, yeah, coming Pete, you're going to get any coming cocks. Absolutely may you can't come because you'll you'll have a child sucking on the nipple there, dripping you dry every day.
Yeah, but I might bring the baby if I'm allowd No, I'm sorry.
There's no way we want you there with the bloody ratty kid hanging off your hip running through Tokyo. That's not my fun. Thank you. You'll be finished with that. I won't even look at you once the baby comes out. You'll be too busy as a mamma.
No worries.
We'll get a new one of you, like a newer, hotter, filthier sort of version of you. Can you upgrade?
Imagine Mayo as a mom.
No, I feel like she's a teen mom. She looks eighteen, still going away when I see you're pregnant belly like her and Pedro look like kids running the show.
That's exactly right, And that's a little I think people do think children run the show.
Well, yeah, you look at that. They look at.
Pedro's the size of eleven year old, fullies, fully grown, eleven year old. But you got nutt, you're a little man. Aren't you really an asshole?
But I can do it's just my genetics.
That serves you well. Like who doesn't want to look even when they're thirty? How old are you? Thirty?
Get thirty one?
You want to look eleven? You don't want to have your own TLC show on the where you're some sort of freak of nature where you've got your own TV show.
Maybe eleven's inaccurate, like eighteen.
He looks eighteen, Pedro, can you put your hand up against intern Pete's hand. Let's see, I'm talking. I think you're a tiny little thing. Hand up, Peter, that you have a normal sort of hand. Pedro is way smaller. Look how he's a knuckle smaller. Yeah it's tiny, it's tiny, but your cockle's massive when you're wrapped in that little hand, Pedro.
Yeah, it does actually, but you know, you know, remember doctor Kiss told us how you measure someone's penis through that.
No, you told doctor Kiss with your new stupid Cosmopolitan.
No, he brought it up, and I said I had heard the exact same thing. That is apparently like tested more than any other method.
It was if your ring finger.
That's bullshit, get your cock up your ring finger, just.
For those that don't know, your ring finger, if it's longer than the index finger.
As a man, that means he's got a big one.
Never heard of that in my life. What sort of what sort of detail? Yeah, penis and all of you.
But I have I've never correlated between hands and penis.
Well, I've not.
I've had other things on my mind at the time.
What do you mean not to choke?
Who I mean? Who do we know here who actually has one? Peter?
Okay, Peter, is your ring finger bigger than your index finger?
Just told your hand up like that and.
He puts he puts just the ring finger up more?
Or it's a teeny tiny bit bigger, teeny tiny piper?
Yeah, my ring fingers, my ring finger, No, it's not bigger.
Is it the point of one that has to be longer.
No, it's the ring finger that has to be longer than the point to one.
You'll be choking on mine seconds again?
Okay, well, maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
Who knows, doctor, as I fall into the category all of a sudden, it must be another finger, It must be another thumb. I don't know why you're so hell bent on making me have a tiny pedro penis? Who you me? Yes? You, I don't think.
I am am I accepting of the fact that you do.
I don't question it that much. I mean you refuse to show it to anyone, So.
I just I just know I feel it's inappropriate to me to get me old, to get me out at work is inappropriate.
If we if Pedro and Kyle were both standing there, both got their dicks out, we'd be surprised at how big Pedros was and how small.
That's what happens when.
God, you two are both like you know what you guys? I hope you both die in a car accident.
The worst thing you could ever say.
To Well, I'm just sick and tired of all the carry on and the conning. It's gaslighting me to get my cock out at work, and I feel like I needed a meeting with hr Pedro. You with me? Are we going to talk about Jackie and Brooklyn's continuous penis discussion?
Get your cock out?
That is the worst thing a pregnant woman can be championed. Look, it's revolting. Would your mother be proud? Would she know?
She'd probably be asleep. She wouldn't have heard.
What's on the show today. Doctor Kiss is going to come in and then make up more stuff.
Also, my husband's been cheating on me and she's calling the side chick.
He's been.
The missus must have found out about the side piece. Yeah, her husband doesn't know yet as far as I'm aware, and the wife's going to ring up, I don't know what. I don't know what. The woman sounds like.
I feel like I've got anxiety just thinking about this coming up.
He'd be fired up, right, wouldn't you? Would you be fired up? I'd be fired up.
Yeah, especially if she knows the side chick knows about her, like they're married.
She'd have to know.
You know, the guy that invented the what's that thing that blanket the fat chicks where it came out? What is that called the Udi? Yeah? The Udi? So the guy who invented the Udi, he's on Shark Tank on Channel ten. He's coming in. He's made a lot of money. This blow very clever.
Yeah, I love them to do our own Shark Tank. That's always fun.
But he's hardly the fashion easter. It's every toad in the in the world. He's making money, big fat things, no shoes walking through, came out wrapped up in there. Guy's killing it.
I think.
Audis are just for like when you're cold and you're around the house or on set or something.
Some people we listen to Gwyneth so relatable that idiots on set sort of thing. This big fat toad in the mass of sandals, never going to be on set just slapping around came out in it also Eveylin and Duncan from Maths they're coming in to do Cost of Love because there was a little bit of bullshit going on there. Did you read that thing the other day? So Everylyn Duncan, they seemed like a great couple. There was some article I sped read the other day where it looked like Duncan was dipping it into someone else.
Yeah, anyone find.
Out what that was all about any of the researchers. No, they probably not. Probably yes, Oh yes, Joshi, you know what? What's to go there? Carolina from last season came out she hooked up with Duncan just before he got with Evelyn. No, no, after he got with Evelyn.
I reckon, we'll have to ask Duncan.
Well. The fact that they're coming in for Cost of Love says to me, we're all good, it's fine, or we're just going to.
Keep this relationship going. Like people don't just throw the toys out of the prem every time there's a hint of something.
And when you go back to like the beginning.
You think, well, where were you even exclusive?
Can you really do you have a right to kind of go, oh, this it's over because of that?
Probably not?
Is that what you're dating situations?
No, but I think this is what I'm trying to kind of like, this is what people tell me. It's fine to date other people, even if you're just seeing one person.
That's what I thought, Kyle.
I thought that is a normal woman, Brooklyn. She's not some millennials.
Can you treat me like I'm freaking the Madonna like the you know this, what's the the whole kind of thing.
The Madonna hor syndrome. I would I would rather be de sexualized and just be nice.
You see, Kyle, you remember Jackie, how what age were you when you first got married?
Nineteen something?
Nineteen married, then she was split up for about a month and then got married again.
And I'm like, it's true, just just date.
A few people at once, that's fine.
Yeah, but it's a it's a she can't pull that shit off, Brooklyn, she can't date it. She'll be calling out the wrong name. It's not it's not that what Brooklyn.
What do you do?
In the game world is not designed for Jackie.
But it's the straight world too.
You don't have it in here. You're not You're not capable.
No, I would, I would agree. It goes against my grain completely to do that.
Yeah, so what do you Brooklyn? The next blogue you meet, you get married in four weeks. That's the plan with you.
That's where I've been going wrong, Kyle. I'm going to listen to Brooklyn from now on. He's like, oh my god.
You guys.
No, no, no, you keep dating. I see other people, you don't just see one.
But you have to tell everyone. That's your big problem. You're going to say you're not exclusive. I'm going to root another bob.
But I'm not rooting them. No, no, no, no I'm not. I'm not sleeping with different guys.
Why not?
No? Just dating?
Oh, you're such a prize. What you've got to wait, You've got to go in the drawer to get with you.
This is a price you just said, I was you just say?
But yeah, but you've got to be banging it because what you can't just put everyone's name in the barrel and at the end of the month you spin the barrel and think who's going to get Who's going to It's.
Not like that. Just hanging out with people, that's what it is, you know, hanging out. Yes, yes, we're not even getting a fingered bang or anything. I don't know.
Let's see leave a few things.
Leave a few windows.
I don't know what I'm doing. All right.
Older women get fingered.
Yes they do, Guyle, it's women.
The last time you got finger your younger type, I suppose you look young.
Sunday was the last finger Someday is part of it all the time.
Yeah, he never goes away.
Put it in dry. You need a bit of a fidy, yeah, well you need some extra love.
Do you do that every time? Kyle?
Of course I do. I'm just talking about just fingered, just getting fingered on the couch. You know. Her husband just pulls the leg here.
And just goes into side and that's all that happens.
Yeah, it's a little bit of a little bit of a stamp wetner.
Yeah right, well, no, no, that doesn't know, it's not just that, No, it.
Mine's always full deal. If a finger goes in that does it?
Ok? You gotta really commit to all of that rubbish.
Yeah, hard for men, you know, I just want to do a finger and then and then leave it at that.
But your demanding.
Because we're not interested, and they go on full service on.
You, then why start?
Because why why not? Why not?
Why not?
Why not? Let you know how you're being thought of here?
You men can be tired at the end of the day, Jackal.
The deal is a lot.
Isn't that hard for you? Guys? Really it can be.
Listen, it's quite the commitment to have to do the full burying it in there? You know, I don't mind a little. When was the last time you just gave him head um some day as well?
Actually a while ago. It was when I wasn't bothered for the full deal in the first trimester, so she.
Is allowed to not do the full deal.
I test out just the finger and then stop and see what he says.
I don't think you understand. But I don't want to talk to you about these things anymore. Man. It's almost like you're having to explain to a dummy.
About yeah, okay, worries, Oh my god, let's do Trady verse lady five hundred dollars cash thanks to doctor Leek.
Sorry it's a climb. Can we talk about fingering in? Doctor Leak yeah, if you run, they've done thee No.
No, But if you've got a leak, don't just call any plumber called the doctor, doctor leak. If you want that five hundred dollars Dug dug d we're looking for a.
Trading and a lady on thirteen one oh six five.
Okay, let's kick it off right now. Luke Holmbs fast car. Luke Combs fast car. This morning here were kiss if him a bit sunny today. That's nice twenty two degrees in the city, in twenty five out in the west this morning.
I want to start a side.
Whoever wins this round today, either the traders or the ladies, take away five hundred dollars cash thanks to doctor leak. Got a leak, don't call just any plumber, call the doctor. Duck dug duck dug doctor leak. I don't have to do that. I just want them to do that jingle. Let's meet Stacey and Aaron.
Stacey's for the ladies.
Hi, Sta, Hi, how are you guys?
Good morning, good.
Good, excellent.
Okay, So Stace he is a painter and decorator.
Wow, she's like a tradeswoman, she is.
That's right, Kyle, she may be a good at this quiz. She's married and has been for twenty three years. Drives a Masda six five. Your favorite sex position is doggie style definitely, okay.
Why is that? You like the positioning of it? Angle? Deep?
Depth? Is that what you love about it? Jack?
Is it?
I think that's what I Actually, I don't think it's my favorite for that reason.
I feel like she'd be too deep.
Yeah, you like a shallow pond or something.
I don't know. I just don't love it. It feels like flond to me.
Yeah, but isn't that isn't that? Isn't that where you want to get to?
Yeah, it's I don't know whether it's the angle or whatever it is.
I just don't love it.
Doggy Yeah yeah, but then you'll pull a reverse cowgirl out. That's an angle problem.
Yeah No, that is no.
A whole filthy thing of reverse cowgirls. No good. Yeah it's not. It's not good.
And she once smoked a joint with Metallica in the US.
Wow, how did that happen?
My cousin knew the band?
Really was that? I love Metallica?
I do.
I think they're great.
So you saw them in concert. Do were you backstage? Were you at that house?
Where was it backstage?
That's the place. A lot of joints being smoked backstage of these concerts. Have you realized?
And were you like a joint smoker or were you a bit out of your depth doing that?
Back then I was yeah, okay, queen myself upon.
Yeah, right, Oh look at it, guys, clean yourself up from marijuana. It's hardly heroine.
Weighing in a fifty five kilos, it's high as a kite.
Stacey, Stacy love that.
Okay, let's get Aaron on from Sinclair. He's an insulation fitter, driving around in a Nissa Nevara. Good morning, Aaron, are you very well? Good luck today? He's currently engaged. Ladies, Sorry, no sex from him. He's getting married in March. His favorite sexposition is reverse cowgirl, which the one I just poo pooed. So you love that, you love it, but it's too much, it's too uncomfortable and coming the bum while you're doing it. Yeah, but once you get married to it, are you going to still shove your thumb and your wife's household? Is that the way forward here?
You know, sometimes you've got to keep her excited.
Yeah, you're right. Surprise thumb never hurt anyone. Do you like the surprise thumb?
You do? It could work out.
Write that down, Peter in The Things Jackie Likes book. By the way, the guy's got quite the foreskin. He can fit twenty three dollars of coins into his foreskin like a little purse.
Dollar coins, mixture of silver's goals the work at you.
Have you ever just tried to fill it up with two dollar coins? You can get one hundred in there.
I reckon, No, I've never done just two dollars cold, and I'm sure.
I'll give it a go.
The definitely up your amounts with two dollar coins.
You know what I suppose when you have to collect all those two dollar coins, who's going to You're not going to collect them to see if you can put them in your floury. You just sort of get the loose chains out of the ashtray, weighing it at one hundred and six kilos six kilos of foreskin. It's stuff for luff forcus.
Aaron, Good luck, Aaron, good luck, Stacey. Let's go stay first.
Okay, Stacy? Ready? Sorry, I'm a bit fluey, so I'm a bit I'm coughing, and I'm not laughing at anything because if I laugh, I have a coffee fit. So no one's to laugh today at anything. Okay. Question one, ideally, how long should you remain abstinate before producing a sperm donation? Sample? Long? Wrong?
Yea, it is? That is true.
No, it's two to seven days?
Yes, two is acceptable? Forty eight hours it is. I know that it is.
Well, what do you know about it? Because maybe I'm yeah twelve years ago.
Yeah, so well things change.
No, well they haven't changed because in the answer it says two days is.
I will give it to grumpy Old Stacey and raggy old famb and the ass Jackie number two ladies. I would have preferred the answer to be answered correctly two to seven days, not locked in at forty eight hours, like as if there's no extra.
But that is acceptable, that's fine in your world.
To seven days? Does it mean you have to have jerked off a week ago? Yeah, like if you hadn't jerked off for a month, not allowed.
Yeah, that's right, yes too. Yeah, you know that you might like that in some of your fruity drinks that you drink for the baby A. Question two, what does h I A stand for? When we're talking? NRL always got h I A.
What's the A? H I is head injury? Yes, oh my god, this is looking good.
Yeah, I suppose it is looking good. Question three? What is dead load? Similar Brooklyn's drink, Stacy, what is dead load? Load? You're not our dead load? What is dead load? I don't know why. Everyone's just letting the timer play out and then there's no no buzzer thing. I was waiting for your decision, sirdetermined. No, there is a predetermined that the noise ding ding dinging, and then the buzzer is fired off at the end of that noise. There's no big gap in the middle. I will do that. So she got it in times up. Okay, it's actually the weight of permanent station Here it out, Jackie. Now where's she last again? Next week when it happens, she'll sell them all. That will happen again. It's the way to permanent and stationary construction, including a building. So a dead load is how much that building? How much does that big Crown building costs? I mean, how much is a way? That's what it is a deadload. So you did real well two out of three. That's very impressive, Stacey.
Alright, Aaron, what is Aaron? Your first question? What is a lazy Susan.
Sits in the middle of a table that you spin around to get sources?
Yes? Correct, very easy. Correct.
What's the difference, Aaron, between botox and filler?
Good question, goes in your lips, bots goes in your cheeks and forea.
No, that is not the difference.
Filler is just like it kind of you're injecting something to fill in the wrinkles, whereas botox just paralyzes the muscles so that you stop frowning and creating lines.
Okay, and then when you look at a certain age, you look demented for the rest of your life until you're dead. Nothing worse than watching the Real Housewives show where the ladies look twenty but their eyes scream I'm one hundred and forty.
When it's just overdone or can look good. No good, you look old.
This is less his best.
I'd rather have wrinkles than look like that.
Yeah. Yeah, And I'm not referring.
To housewives in party.
I'm just talking about people who overdo it, all right, here's your next question. If you get this right, we go to a tiebreaker. If not, Stacey wins.
Good luck. Brother.
What are the ingredients in a Cosmopolitan drink.
Incorrect? I'm sorry. It was vodka, tripple set, cranberry and lime. I mean, Stacy, ye.
Go, yeah, go lock that up.
Look at him out there. Well, you got yourself five hundred dollars cash thanks to doctor Lee. By the way, have you got a leak, Stacy, don't call any plumber, call the doctor doctor leak. Which is really taking it on board. She's got her backing dancers now on in the corner.
Hey, you are the best, Stacey. Thank you.
May I ask why all the girls have been pushed into the corner like you're in the sapphire But.
We told them be off Mike because you're off keep.
But then now the non binary ones like she's she's working the whole stage there.
It's almost Yeah, she's the only one that can sing it.
Well, i't believe the best singer the girls team has got.
He's on our side, that's true?
Is that what it means? Half on our side?
Somewhere in the mirror.
Yeah, all right, we're going to do doctor Kiss. Next, if you have an ailment or something you're embarrassed about, you can poll anonymously and ask his advice.
Maybe he can tell me why I'm ten days into this rhino?
Is it right?
And nobody?
I'm with you, Carl, I've never been very sick.
This long my entire light.
I know I'm not happy about that. We'll ask doctor Kiss.
I'm still here. I'm still here, dying of sickness. She's not happy about it.
I mean, because if you're I'm concerned about you, not just I'm not gonna care about the show when you're broadcasting from home and being cranky all the time.
I just worry about you, Like, are you okay?
But why are you cranky all the time?
I'm not am I PMT. I've got PMT be with me. It's a few days. Well, I'm dying.
She's got the blobs, and Brooklyn's trying to grow facial hair, and I wonder everyone's very angry, patchy looking.
You know, you've got that little gray these days too.
I think it looks hard. Brooklyn.
Did you get a new teeth? Are they your original teeth you were born with? Yeah? Of course, good teeth.
Actually, do, yeah, Kyle, and I on the other hand, Yeah, I look.
Like a picket fence from a rundown like disney Land, sort of a street.
You had your braces, didn't you.
Jack, Yeah, I did.
I only on the top, Yes, that's true. Actually had them on the bottom as well.
Well, you've got teeth on the bottom, show Brooks on your bottom, teeth revolting.
They're slightly I've never looked at either of you and thought there's anything wrong with your teeth.
Oh, it's just it's.
A long list of other things coming from the teeth. Okay, we'll get the doctor on next call if you want to chat with him. Next to kids, there is guy Sebastian. I chose good hearing, kiss, choose whatever, and the doctor's and if you've got any ailments, problems, embarrassing or non embarrassing problems that you think, I just couldn't be bothered lining up and the doctor's here on thirteen when I see five, Good morning.
Doctor, morning doctor, good morning team.
How's the health of the nation out there in the suburbs. What are you dealing with at the moment? I tell you what.
This winter has certainly been the cold and flu winter.
Everyone has it, and it just for Kyle. It's got Why is it going on for so long for him?
I've never been this sick for this long. And then I feel I'm getting better. For the last three days, I feel I definitely feel better, and then I'm destroyed the next morning. Again.
Yeah, there are certainly lots of viruses going around, and then it also it may have turned into a secondary infection, like what are the symptoms have you had?
Okay, I'll tell you because I got swabbed. Me and the baby both got swabbed, and we were told we had the rhinovirus. Are you familiar with this virus?
I'm very familiar with the virus.
So the baby seems to be fine, but he had he's been sick for two weeks. Yep, but he seems better now. But I've I just went to blow my nose. I'm sorry to go into detail here, Jackie, but he is a doctor. Yes, so I went.
I just went to what you doing? What are you doing? What are you gonna say?
I've got it very uncomfortable. Is it easy for me to ring up rather than just talk on the aird?
But pre warned me. Is this gross? Or do I need to take off my headphone.
Not yet. If you feel that it's churning your stomach a bit, then you can feel free to.
I think I'm going to take him mind, not yet, not yet.
Just if you feel it right. He needs to.
He's sick weeks.
I'm a mother. What sort of a you when your child's unwell?
I'm fine, I just I can handle her stuff like you always can.
But no, not, I don't want to hear in detail about well.
I just went to blow my nose and nothing came out, and I thought, well, that's.
Ridiculous, Okay, something, I'm going to take them off.
So have you been really congested through? Yes, I've been very congested. My throat saw, my mouth's dry. I've got like the infection on my chest. When I went to blow my nose, theres nothing, and then I blew it really hard and it felt like octopus tentacles came from underneath my both eyes and I got a huge greeny yellow, snotty discharge. You looking handful, and it was very It's thick and it's and it's it's rubbery and it's it's like yes, but but but yellowy go Oh, that's right because you can still hear him with your Headphanes after is it sort of? It was like a yellowy green what's wrong with me? It's disgusting?
And did you feel it like coming out from your cheers?
It felt like it was hanging on to my cheekbones and then it dislodged and out it came like big long, stringy hell is that doctor? Well, what's going on? Then?
Did you feel a pressure release from behind your eyes?
Yes? I did, I did, actually, yeah, I felt it actually felt kind of good. Yeah.
Well, so we've got the air field pockets in our skull of the sinuses, and you get an infection of those and the build up of pressure. So I think what you've done is you've blown the mucus out from those facial sinuses in your cheeks and that big stringy oyster of snots come out. You've released the pressure. Sorry, Jackie, go on, and that's given you that that fantastic relief. And I think that's where that secondary infection has been sitting.
And the doctor said it could turn into a chest infection and then it could turn into pneumonia and then death. So really I'm only two steps away from death. I've been through all the other stages.
Yeah, they are the potential complications, but the good thing is you've cleared out the sinuses, so you're on the road to recovery.
So just blowing your nose is actually like really.
Really hard, really life.
Well, it's not not always that dramatic. So what one of the challenges is is is this just part of the viral infection you've got, But if you've also got aches and pains and more fevers, is whether you've developed a secondary bacterial infection in your science?
Okay, well I've been sweating and then freezing and sweating and freezing.
Yes, so you may also need some antibiotics to help clear the sinus up as we did.
You bring your script in, yes, because I write us out some not what is that? What's that? Give me? That? That blue? That green whistle is what they have at the surf life savers don't need the green I need the green whistle. I need the green.
You don't need that, you just need anybody you.
Missed a doozy of a story.
I am so lad that I missed that.
Whatever it was, it's I just heard you say oyster, and thank god I didn't hear that I would be jagging right now.
It'd be no fun for anyone.
Well that's not true. Love it us, We love it, Jackie. Okay, let's move on to some callers. Alex called in from Penrith. He's got an issue. What's your issue? Alex?
Hello Aleck, you're on the air. What's your issue? What do you want to talk about?
So I'm twenty two years old and all my mates have facial hair like.
Two Buckle from Star Wars, and I can't grow no facial hair.
Oh you're like Brooklyn, Alex, patchy, patchy looking the sort of a.
Vibe even dumbly, which is even not a word.
But I once got laser on my face because I wanted PATCHI what what.
Who wants wants?
Because I just thought the actually look was better.
So you went, do laser just here, there and everywhere, but not like like a giraffe.
Is what you want to look like?
Yeah, I just thought it was a bit too thick for my liking.
So you know.
I once got laser sort of half my neck just to.
Say, do you love me as well? Doctor? That's what I don't have.
To shave the bottom of my neck all the time with the problem was you did it on an angle, so I still have had like oh.
Yeah, So how does Alex how does he fix up his patching? Is this just a wait and see, wait and grow situation?
So do you how's the rest of your body hair? Well, what's like your arm pits or your chest or you know, down your legs and so forth.
Yeah, I've got I got armpit hair and you know, like hair down in the other region, but I haven't got no facial hair.
And and your leg hairs and so forth. Have you had hairs on your legs for many years? Of their hairs on your legs only just been there for the last year.
Or son about the last year or so?
All right?
And what about your armpits hair? Have they been there for years?
A few years now?
Okay, cool? So mate, Look, some of us as blokes, developed lots of facial hair. You've got the tubacers out there. Some looks don't get a lot of facial hair. And I think you're just someone that doesn't have a lot of facial hair.
And that's completely she won't grow into it. He's just going to be like.
This, probably at the age of twenty one. I would say that this is probably what what you've got is what you'll get, and that's com completely normal. If we found that you didn't have a lot of facial hair from head to toe, then we'd start to think whether there might be a hormonal imbalance for you. But I think that this is just normal. You just don't have a lot of facial hair. There's nothing wrong with that.
Well, I'm nearly twenty three.
I'm actually twenty two, twenty three in November.
Yeah, no, mate, you know what those a couple of months. That doesn't mean shit. Pedro, can you grow a beard? Pedro? Because he looks like he's got problems with his hairs everywhere, and you look like an Asian man, but your arms look like an Asian man. No hair, nothing.
But nothing like not really anything on my face it's all patchy.
It's not even worth growing.
And he's in his thirties. Doctor, has he got some sort of growth problem? Is it from where he was born? Is he is he not fully developed towards his problem?
Once again made you've got hairs down your legs and stuff. Yep, yep, that's your nuts are okay?
Yes, yep?
Describes their nuts's hairy nuts.
I'd be happy without it.
Yeah, chickstick guys with clean wheels.
Ye, doctor, are you saying that you've removed the hair from your testicles? No?
No, I'm just saying for Pedro.
But you said you made the claim like as if you were like one of them ducks hanging up in the Chinese window there. You know, is that what you look like? Like a plus duck? Is that what you got?
I didn't say that. I was just throwing it out there for Pedro and for Brooklyn.
So on Instagram.
I do see like products where you can grow hair like facial hair.
Does any of that work.
For facial hair? I'm not sure about facial hair. You can definitely put creams. You can take tablets for saft hair and creams on your head, But I don't think for facial hair though.
What a bummer.
They really need to get to work on that, because there are guys that really would love to grow.
Facial hair that can't.
I bet you Pedro would love to grow like a little stubble, right.
I love a thick bead. That'd be mad.
Yeah, you'll never have one, sir.
All right, let's go to Taylor Taylor, what do you want to ask?
So I get laser probably once every.
Two months or so.
On my butthole, and the hair.
Just keeps growing back.
Like why isn't laser working?
What color is the is your body hair?
So the hair in your head like a mouthy blonde.
Ah, there lies your problems.
So what's the problem.
The hair the more effective. A little lighter the hair, the less effective.
Lad Is that right?
So they keep telling me, they keep telling me, Oh, you just got to keep coming back.
It all work.
No, it's yeah, it was a blonde, blondie girl. Those hairs won't die, is are what you say? Yeah?
So that the laser is picking up the pigment in the hair follicle, and the darker the pigment in their look. There's probably going to be people that are going to call up and give more science to this. But basically, the darker the hair, the pigment in the hair follicle, the more effective. There are all sorts of different quality lasers out there, and also the I'm quite sure there are different companies that tune their machines better.
And it's not a one one laser fits all.
The choice, No, and I think you'll also find the more sensitive the area you need to dial down the intensity of the laser. So around your buttthole it's going to be a pretty sensitive area.
And do you have a boyfriend?
I do?
Do you reckon? He could pluck the hairs with a with a little.
Tweet gone like, she don't have to get gone?
Yeah, if you want to gone. If she plucked him out and got the root out, would that also do the same thing and she wouldn't have to keep going back and paying and paying and paying.
But she's forever going to be doing that.
Yeah, that's right.
That's never going to go away.
The hair follicle out, then that's the end of it grows back.
What are you talking about?
I'm sorry, I don't know about women's butthole hair.
I don't know hair in general. Even if you pluck it out, it's still going to grow back.
You're not destroying the hair when you pull the hair out, you're not destroying the hair follicle. But the laser does destroy the hair follicle.
Well, sorry to be scoffed at on. The air doesn't.
Wax enough over time? Doesn't it start to grow back, that's what.
Yes, slice of wheels slightly, but you should do the same thing, right.
Yeah, it's like plucking eyebrows and stuff right like it does, but it's not going to get rid of it forever.
It's just not.
Did you get laser on your eyebrows?
Do you know?
I pluck it?
What happened there? I over plugged him in the nineties and the nineties, But they're not that thin anymore.
It hasn't gone that.
They did grow back though, right, but it just didn't grow back.
As thick, so it's never gone gone, right.
But asks for a whole life? Is that what we're saying? Like that?
Potentially, yes, potentially going to see some of the more reputable places around that are going to offer you maybe the the higher quality lasers and a and a more reliable service may work, but yeah, unfortunately because of the wispy blonde hair, it's going to be less reliable.
Duckling fluff, I'd imagine it is. Is that what it is, Taylor? The duckling fluff there?
I don't think it is. It's just that it's the pigment isn't as dark.
That's all yep?
Okay, Well, good luck Taylor with.
Your Taylor Zach Hi, gooddays, go.
Good the doctors here, what do you want to ask, so, doc, when I was born, I was born with twisted testicles. Yeah, now I want to know.
I had surgery in that when I was a bit younger. I just want to know if that's going to stop me from having kids or not. Oh, good question.
What do you mean twisted testicles? What is that? Doctor?
Right? The left not is on the right side of the right side, on the left.
So they twisted inside the bag somewhere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you can feel it.
So some boys are born with undecended testicles.
That was me. I was born with that. I had one ball in my stomach, that's right.
So they ride really high and that can even be right up into your stomach. Yeah, and that that can be a risk of injury, but it could also be a risk of cancer and a risk of infertility. And that's one of the reasons why when boys are young you actually do surgery to a suiture them down into the scrotum and that and part of the reason you do that is to protect future fertility.
So is he fine? Now he's had the surgery and he's a little feller. He's all good to go or we don't know.
Well, we don't know completely, but by the fact that you've had that surgery, your fertility should be completely fine.
So I'm about ninety percent.
I would say, so, I think it's highly likely that your facility should be good to go.
Well, that's good.
And when you feel your testicles, do they feel different or it's all being fixed out?
They're twisted, they're still twisted.
Yes, okay, so you ride balls on your left hand side and vice versa.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jesus, Well that that seems very unusual.
But also that seems like a great party trick.
The last thing you want to hear from the doctor's work. So the poison comes out. It's all fine, tastes fine, flying.
Ah, well, jealous, jealous, it's fine. It's flying out.
I know because the guy's twenty three. Mine used to bloody shoot across the room ten meters trajectory on my thing. But now it.
Works, it works, but it only drizzles out now, doesn't matter.
Don't she's real, She's a real. She's not kind when someone's ill, have you know, women have got no like with children. You're so kind that you with your husband's or your friends. No empathy whatsoever. Zero.
Oh, you can't take a joke.
It's not a joke. A personal problem. Oh, I've got You've brought it to the forefront. Doctor. Do you shootout across the room now or is it just a dribble?
Hey, I'm sitting up for you here.
I'm asking about your load. Does it dribble out or shoot out? Like? You get some distance?
I look, it's about the same as when I was twenty one. I'm very happy, Thank.
You so much, going doctor, kiss How old do you think I am? I'm forty seven.
I was going to say forty three, right, yeah, ye, forty seven, forty seven?
You reckon? You got the same distance on your blow as when you were twenty. You're a bullshit artist?
Is he.
Distance back there?
Actually, you're right. I never thought of it from that point of it, So you've always been a newser.
Hey, I have fun and that's all the counts.
Hey. I noticed an article why are they taking Bondella off the shops in the supermarket? They said that people were misusing it? Who misuses bondella? Like? What sort of hurryine? I don't know.
I had absolutely no idea. I need to look into that. That seems bloody bizarre.
So there's nothing in bonngella that would even you could think of.
How can you misuse it? Who wants to get around with numb gums? Is that someone's party? Is that a little fun thing?
I'm not sure. I'll look into it for you.
Like numb making your hand numb and then on yourself.
That doesn't work.
And do that, No, it does not do that. It's only worth on the gums and teeth, That's all I could be.
Hey, when your hand goes numb and you touch yourself, not that way, but anywhere, I feel like I can't feel the touch on the face. So if I touch my face with the numb hand, it's like I can't feel the face touch you.
Mean on your face on your hand.
Like both, It's like I can't. My brain doesn't compute that it's being touched.
Is that normal?
Yeah, I think so because because of that loss of that nerve sensation, so your brain does get confused.
It's confused, that's what it feels like. It's like I can't feel the touch at all at all.
I don't think. How do we make my hand go num so I can test.
Just slap your face with your hair.
It's like I can't feel it.
Yeah, that can't be.
That's not normal, But.
That's what happens.
I actually think I have slapped my face because I've been so confused as to why I can't feel anything.
I'm boring. Does it get at your place? In all honesty? What's going on there?
We make how do we make your hand go numb? So I can test this out?
Sit on it for ages.
Doesn't work on their hand for the rest for the rest of the show, and then at the end of the show you can go all right, I'll stop.
I think it only really takes a minute or two of sitting on the hand.
I don't think so.
I think I think it takes that long.
Well, okay, I'm not going to say so.
What we'll do is you'll slap your own face with your hand, and then we'll get into and people to come in and slap you in the same spot in the face with his hand and we'll see if you feel the difference.
Yes, okay, that sounds good.
She's I take back if anyone wants today, Jackie. She seems like she's up for anything. So she's so easily convinced into doing whack things. I appreciate it. Thanks. Okay, birthday will is up next. Michael Jackson would have been sixty four, but he's dead, Liam Payne's thirty, and Liam Michelle, who we can't stand, is a ripe ole thirty seven years old and looking every every year of it too. She's lost her looks, hadn't she?
No Michelle, I don't think she has.
Said she was never that great. She was such a revolting person.
Well, not a nice person at all.
If it's your birthday today, which is Tuesday, August twenty nine, ring noow to spin the wheel on thirteen one oh sixty five a kid JADGIEO were going. Okay, birthdays now, as I said, Michael jacks would have been sixty four, Liam paynees thirty, and Liam Michelle thirty. Heaven, that's still celebrating, Jackie. You've been sitting on your hand kis.
It's half numb, but it's not properly numb, and it's just got a little bit of pins and needles.
Enough. Now, you made the weird claim that if you touch your face or even slap your face with a numb hand.
Yeah, I can't.
You can't feel on the hand or the face.
No, that's right, I can't feel anywhere that I'm touching on the receiving end of the touch.
Yeah, now we're now Okay. Was it your face you were talking about or are you trying to be weird?
No, I'm not trying to do that.
No, okay, pull your hand out from under your tush.
I don't know if it's numb enough, though. Oh, I feel like it might be numb.
At the end of the segment, though, she just wait a little bit longer because I'm starting to feel the no worries.
Let's get Luke on from earl Wood Luke's twenty six. That a happy birthday, Luke.
Thanks guys.
Hey, what's up Luke? What are you doing?
Just not working unfortunately? Whish I could already start the party with the boys.
But yeah, are you going to Are you going to do that on the weekend?
A book?
Where where have you got booked?
We're going out to the city. We've got a couple of clubs organized. I think the boys are going to surprise me with one or two different things, which I don't think I'm going to stay on the air.
Yes, of course, we understand how and you've got a venue there or you know you go in to the clubs and then you've got a place to go.
Yeah, yeah, you know Meritans.
Yeah that's right. Have you ever been an American and then on the weekend or you know.
It's very busy.
I was going past Bondi Junction the other day, you know, on the overpass, and I saw a Merton right there next to all the big buildings, and I and it was it was nighttime and lights were on, and I thought a thousands, how many.
Things are going on in there right now?
Room is full of people having the time of their life.
Yeah yeah, I thought that if we've got some spare space, I'm happy to report you over as we.
Come party with us.
What's required just interest, any anything goes as sort of.
A situation, right, okay, got it.
I don't think you're going to be going stuff.
Love to bear witness to it, not lying.
I don't think you'd be able. I don't think you haven't got it in yet to bear witness.
But can't I just bear witness?
Like what sort of religious twist to try to put on this?
Let's get your prize on the birthday.
Whill okay, n give it a while, don't you round and land on something you'll instantly win it? Then choose the power Pick song number of fourteen.
Fourteen That means you've got yourself a Rolio carry on suitcase vade at three hundred and fifteen dollars.
Make your statement with Rolio.
It's the award winning luggage by American tourist.
Oh yeah, I just got some of these. They're like big round barrels.
Like and they're coming great colors too.
Oh I just got black.
Oh did you know? I got pink? It was very cool geez, like a watermelon pink.
It was very standout.
Well, I won't miss it when it comes out, will That's right?
Okay? Luky A couple of songs we choose from we didn't get chosen yesterday because we had no old bad on that chose one of Brooklyn songs. And we have Iggy Azalea, who is also not only a great Australian singer but also an only Fans creator. And she's got this mode Bounced song which we love. I can hear this her party one hundred percent. This is on everyone's list. You know that. You know it goes on and on.
I just have a little song, Alice DJ better off a low.
This is for losers that go home by themselves.
Either it's good for the merit and Arica.
You're right. It is Luke's birthday and Luke will make the decision which song he wants to hear in full, Luky, which one tickles your fancy this morning?
I think I'm going to go have to go with Carl and Jackie.
I thank you. You see her split? He a little pants open at the Dubai stage, got taken off.
She's done, Yeah yeah, got canceled.
Yeah, ripped off the stage. Crazy.
Let's get it on, Luke.
Have a great weekend, my friend. I see what's going to happen after you've finished at home and everything else. Enjoy my friend. It's a rat girl summer song and here a kiss. It's the Kyle and Jackie O Show Sunny Today, twenty two around the city twenty five our West. If you want to check this out, you're are a winner. With Glowbird Energy, they have won multiple awards throughout twenty twenty three. I've changed to Globbird Brooklyn's change. Jackie was going to change every day, but always forgets because the new her is also forgetful as well as hot and forgetful.
My assistant is on annual leave at the moment, so I'll get What do you mean.
It's a phone call?
Yeah, but I don't bother oh for me?
Yeah? No, what do you mean you will leave? Shouldn't she be an annual leave when you're an annual leave when you're away?
No, it's it's don't worry anyway.
Let's get conned all your people.
I understand that people have things that come up in life, and I'm more than willing to accommodate.
That doesn't bother me.
We differ, that's what we did.
But I don't need it, like I'm fine without her for a few hours.
You keep paying more money for electricity? Yeah, well, what's the what's what's the worst that can happen?
I think I'm going to take my hand out from my ass I forgot about that.
I feel like it must be numb. Now it's got to be.
Can you feel it at all?
Not, I don't keep squeezing it.
Star face, Okay, to touch your face gently. It's not numb enough. It's not numb enough, so I'm going to have to put it back.
Oh God, it's just going to take a minute.
Does sometimes you get more numbers you take it out, Yes, yeah, I think it does. Right when you've been lying on it and then take it out, then the increase. So let's just wait for that to happen while I do this next story.
It happens to me while I lay on the couch with sort of my face in my hand, then it goes numb. I don't really sit on my own hand.
Yeah, seem I feel like my hand can go numb real quickly too.
But now it's not a very poor circulation.
Yeah, that's why ice barts are good. They're really good for circulation. Car you should try one, honestly.
Listen, I'm not interested in every fad that comes along and spending my weekend getting in ice baths. I'm not interested. No, no, what do you keep slapping your own face for it? Can you feel the difference yet?
Yeah, one's less than the other, but I can still feel it. So like if I hit it with my fine hand, it's not numb at all. I can feel the tap on my face, but with the numb hand it's barely there.
I can barely feel my.
Face, like I can barely feel any sensation on my face, barely.
Going on there. That's very odd.
My brain honestly gets real tripped up and confused because it goes, well, you can't feel anything, so therefore you can't feel anything in other parts of your body.
Maybe Peter, go in there and tap Jackie like, not hard on the side of the face that she is not feeling any sensation with the numb side and see if it's just your hand or any sensation. You can't feel?
Good, good, good.
It takes too long.
No, no, it was just do it.
You do hear, and I'll do here ready the same side. You see, I can feel you well, and truly this is weird. But I can't feel my tapping that much.
How weird? That's weird, don't you reckon?
I think you're finding you're weird.
I think I am actually.
Even just having this conversation, we're in weird lads.
I agree. Let me do on news. So Kathy Griffin has got her tattooed, She's got her lips tattooed. Oh no, what do you mean? What has she done?
A lot of women get this, don't they?
This is beyond I mean she went in got them tattooed bright red, and because.
She got the tattoo done, the lips of swollen. So you know that does.
Looking is the tattooing the color like bright red color tattoos lips forever?
Yes, and she honestly they look like Ronald McDonald lips.
Oh, the poor thing.
And then the first people she showed and you look to was her husband Randy and her bestie Kristen, who was from that third Rock from the Sun. Do you.
Yes, that's it?
Anyway, do you want to hear their reaction to because just remember this is his wife coming out and this is permanent and she's got Ronald McDonald lips.
Let's have a listen.
I'm sorry, okay, i got my lips tattooed last night.
I'm look at me. What did you do?
That's not real?
It is, well, that didn't didn't go down. Well, when it's permanent like that, no going back?
Will they will? They settle down because it's fresh and it's tender.
Yeah, it might be.
Sorry, like even I love Kathy, but you know, when you if you're a female and you take if you have red lipstick on, right, and you take all your makeup off before bed except for the red lipstick.
That looks gross. It's just you.
You need to look natural and bare once you take everything else off, and red lipstick doesn't work without the other stuff with it. So that's what I'm worried about, is when she takes her makeup off, she's kind of have these big red lips.
Is it true that your lips on your face are the same color as your lips downstairs? And you're un I don't know.
I've never actually like done a cross check on that. Have a look now, I can't How am I going to look?
We'll just have a little luki lou there, Yeah, show us you just you know what your lips look like? Dotairs?
What a part to see?
Well whatever you see it now peering down mayo.
Or your lips the same as you downstairs lips, because that's what men are told. I don't know if that's true. You really lips on your face the same color as downstairs curtains? Is that true?
I think it's the nipple color is the same as you it's the lips downstairs.
Hang on, let me check the nipple color to the lips.
All girls do it. Look at your own lips in the mirror, look at your little nipples, and then look at your flaps down. They're all the same.
Yeah, I think so, Yeah, I think that sounds about right to me.
That looks how have you seen their lips before, oh, mirror down.
There, yeah yeah, yeah, they've got their little compact down.
Yeah, yeah, they're exploring themselves.
It looks good.
Like it's like, I guess it's the same color as my nipples, you know, and.
Everything good downstairs is all still in the right spot.
It hasn't shifted. No, yeah, that's that's what I mean.
Like, you know, does it look like, you know, Friday morning at the fruit shop or late Sunday afternoon just before closing it the fruit show, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday.
Is a good day, Saturday.
I like that. Pardon me, but okay, so fascinating.
The other day we were talking about the Aussie boxer Harry Garside and his ex girlfriend that was spotted watching him across the road on a date. So Harry, just to recap, he was wrongly accused of assaulting his ex girlfriend back in May the charges were dropped in July, she was actually arrested in charged with domestic violence related offenses. Now she's been hit with fresh charges, apparently intentionally distributing intimate images of Harry without his consent.
Oh do people not realize that? Reveale, I know, that's totally illegal. No matter how angry you get or how bad you've been done over, you can't send filth around other people as a punishment.
Yes, yeah, that's absolutely right. So she's now been What did she.
Send does here?
We don't know, and we don't know when or where they were distributed, but it has been confirmed that the pictures she did distribute were of Harry because he had to give his consent via his legal team to identify himself in the pictures.
Oh, how embarrassing.
Yeah, I know Harry.
So it's probably a good bloke. Is he such a prize that he's driving local women to run around stalking and making up charges?
It only takes one, you know, it just takes one to be obsessed or I don't know, weird, it's weird.
Get over it. If it's not on, it's not on, you can't move your life.
Yeah, don't get that's so unhealthy to get caught up in that, like to be obsessed and bitter and angry and jealous.
Oh my god, those emotions are the worst. You'll let it go.
Yeah, I think we all have at some stage had that jealousy or and then you catch yourself and you go, oh, what am I doing?
Why am I doing that? You know, why am I feeling that?
Yeah, that's true, Brooklyn. You look like you can't relate. You have the jealousy and the games. I'm trying to think, so you just, guys, just move on and don't care about it.
I think sometimes you could invent things in your head, you know, like say, for instance, your guy goes out on a boy's night, then you sit at home and you go, oh my god, I bet he's sleeping with someone. And that's that kind of thinking, is what I'm talking about. Yeah, you know that paranoya making up scenarios, which is.
Entirely likely that You're probably right, though I.
Do not say that.
I'm trying to encourage women to not think like that and be paranoid, you know, but you can't.
You can't if you've got those gut feelings, Like you can't ignore gut feelings.
I don't think it is.
I think a lot of the time we just get in our head, you know, I really do.
Yeah, may Or do you ever think your husband's out dipping it down the local romance?
Yeah, but you'd never think that about seb.
There's no difference between him and any other film.
Oh, I'm talking about the boy you had like a one month kind of fling with, you know.
Oh well these not even yours to own, so.
You know, but that's what I'm saying.
You still get it in your head like there's a little bit of jealousy there.
Because you were into him at some point.
The Bucks parties or something. I get a bit in my head and I think of all the possible scenarios.
What do you think about? What do you think? What do you think he might be doing? What's the worst thing you've imagined in your brain, Like.
A stripper going down on him?
No, always imagine some hot ship going down on our man, like.
It's always going down.
Indeed, it's almost I don't know, it's Yeah, that's worst, that's worse. Yeah, I actually get that's worse. That's worse to imagine than sex. Yeah, you're not going to go she just gave me a blow job or I.
Didn't get a blow job, but just no, that's still not going to get you off the hook.
And so, but your man, your husband goes to a lot of bus parties male, Like every weekend he's at some Bucks party. Real? Are they real Bucks parties or are they just an excuse?
Yeah, they're real, They're real every time. But there's only one more friend due to be married, so.
That's its been getting married for ten years.
She's like an armish community. Her friend the cad crew. Yeah, married, they're all married up. They're all like in their twenties. These kids have never lived life and they spend most of their time unconscious with the drag of choice they choose, which is a waste of time anyway, that's true. But have you ever smelled him or has he ever come home and you smell perfume? Or have you ever smelled another woman's vagina on his lips when he's kissed you hello, when he's come home.
No, but I wouldn't really know what a vagina would smell like, to know you that dumb, Well, what a vagina smell like? Unless it has an infection?
No? You can't like there's there's a there's.
A sex smell.
Now it's not like not an odor, but you can tell if the guy's been eating someone out and he comes home, it'll be my skin.
Oh No, I don't think we pick up on that.
I'm not.
Yeah, I don't think I would either.
No, I don't know really.
You know what's funny is we'd pick up on seamen for sure, but we wouldn't pick up And maybe that's because we're in close contact with the seamen and you're in close contact with the vagina, but we're not, so we don't really know what the smell is supposed to be.
Just adding that to my note, very very very interesting.
So going down on a woman, yes, you can probably get away with because we.
Won't smell it.
It's crazy.
Yeah, Anyway, I'm moving on to Liam Neeson who was on Konan O'Brien's podcast talking about because he comes from a Catholic Irish family, even served as an altar boy when he was a teenager, but he told the priest something and his reaction turned him off the church forever.
The last and facing everyone to I was fifteen and it was a great event. When you had a mission visiting from Africa or something like that. To hear your confession from him, it was like a big deal. And I'm an into this guy, and I had learned I had to pleasure myself at home under the sheets, right, Yeah, I looked up the appropriate word. I remember this about them, master bab masturbation. Okay, that seems harmless enough. I'd say, that's me if I argue with my mom my sister and I got fight and I masturbates.
You what.
This guy?
Literally, my god?
He said things like the grass will grow older the palm of your eart before you're twenty one. Stop that evil practice. He's shirtings and I'm amazingly thinking I have to leave this.
And there's all these old women praying.
I say, you can hear everything, and hear everything, and I laughed, and my dick was that size.
It just shrinks up inside you here.
That was the last time I ever wanted to get in.
That'll do it. That's Liam Neeson. I've not heard before. I quite enjoyed that, I know.
And he's got the taken voice as well as saying it.
How weird that priest? So what priests don't even allow you to Jersey.
I didn't realize that. I didn't realize that was a sin. Is that a sin?
You know what? Man made these things that everyone keeps calling sins. He decided by different church leaders two thousand years ago forgutrating.
Do you how frustrated do you want your people to be?
You can't even have sex?
I'm sorry like that? Yeah, you can't have sick you can't do this? Well, what what the hell people are going to be? No, that's no good, that's not healthy.
No, that's right, And that's why the Anglican Church was invented. My church, the Church of England, you're allowed to route divorces priests.
They're much more open to I'm saying, that's.
The greatest religion. I'm not into religion in any way, shape or form. Yeah, because of all the rules. I'm a rualist kind of guy.
So are you an atheist or agnostic?
But I don't believe that it's that it's completely rubbish. But I believe that we'll never know what the what's going on?
Do you believe that there's something.
I believe there's a possibility of something spiritual. I don't know. I don't really know I think it's more scientific.
Oh yeah, there's definitely things that science hasn't been able to explain. Ye yeah, yeah, but well I don't think anyone has those.
Like how you know how they say the soul of your body, like that is I see that as energy, and the energy leaves your body, everything around us, everything in the universe is energy. That's the only thing we know for true, for real. And I think you know you can maybe you you can sort of get reincarnated. I don't know what's possible, but all I know is that two thousand and three thousand years ago where they knew nothing about anything. I'm not reading the same books and running by the same rules as back then because we've learned so much since then. Yeah, about what's what's real and what it's not really, what's possible and evolution. So you know a lot of this has made up, which is understandable, but no one knew back then. That's fine. You can make him up. People believe it to the letter, and I find that, Yeah, I do. I do. That's like me going to Disneyland and saying, oh, Mickey Mouse is just god, No, that's just what I was. If I just went there and was told Mickey Mouse is God. I would know nothing else. Don't get flash from the fire, honestlyck and tired of having to pretend that I'm some religious person. Not everyone believes in it. I don't have a problem if people believe in it, I think great. Believe in whatever you want. We're free to do that. But just have a look. It doesn't make sense a lot of it, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I know what you mean, Kyle. I get it.
But I don't poopoo anyone who believes that's right. That's fine. I don't know. I could be completely wrong.
It's good to have faith.
It's like I have faith that there is something universes at work somehow, and if.
That's God or Jesus or whatever come it or whatever, that's fine. We don't know. No one really knows.
Ye, all right, let's do pop quiz.
It is thanks to Elements Seafood Grill House, which is now open in Welsh Bay. If you've got to Elements Barrengrill dot com dot au you'll find all the details. But we're going to take your calls now on thirteen one oh six five. Okay, I think the song's done.
I really like it, buddy, well, I really like it. You know when you want to just get a little bit more.
Out, sure, sure, Yes.
That's Kigo, Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson. Pop Quiz time now Kyle and Jackie ears.
Ten thousand dollars pup quiz pop Quiz.
Yeah, here we go everyone, Good luck on the pop quiz it thanks to Elements Seafood Grill House now open in Walsh Bay. You can go to Elements Barren Grill dot com dot au and lock yourself in. Let's meet Peter, who's playing from Wentworth Falls. Good morning Peter, Hey Peter.
Good morning guy.
Hello, good luck, nothing, nothing's happening. It's all good. She's ready to do pop because yes, good luck.
You're in a chatty mood.
Oh no, I'm just not ready to go.
Okay, that's fine. We can start the clock. Sixty seconds.
Here we go.
Which singer is known as mister Worldwide. Oh Pass, which Australian Awards show will now be streamed on stan.
Oh my God Pass.
Legally Blonde is a movie starring Reese who.
Head and Heart is a song by Joel Corey and what other artist?
Oh my God?
This is terrible this morning?
What color is a tennis ball? Let's make it easy clean. Who's older Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise?
Sorry I missed that one.
Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise? Which one is older.
Tom Hanks?
Five albums One Night is the tour coming to Australia by which famous brothers?
Oh, my god, Jonas Brother yep.
Mysteria Lane is a fictional street from which old US drama.
I know this one.
I can't believe this.
Who is Justin Timberlake married to Oh?
I know this one as well? I can't think of then?
Okay? And who sings the song Paint the Town Red?
That's brand new?
That was Doja Cat, Peter Cat, you.
Did all right? Half you passed on? Who is mister Worldwide? That is Pitbull? It all comes floating back now. Which Australian waters is going to be streamed on stand that's the Arias K did the head and Hard song. And Jessica Biel is the lucky young woman married to Justin Timberlake.
Yep, yep, yep.
We'll get the money out to you.
Peter welcome, no problem coming up shortly.
She a woman is going to confront the woman that her husband is having affair with on the side piece makes me nervous as all hell.
I can't wait to find out how she knew what's going on? How I get If you want tickets to the iHeart Music Festival in Las Vegas, you're listening out for Lick. Have a little list of this though, you know little Wayne. Soo. As you hear little Wayne, you ring up. When you win, you get the U night at Air flights over to the iHeart Music Festival, a couple of tickets and you go theren and you watch all the stage, one big stage in Vegas. It's great fall our boy, Kelly Clark's a little Wayne, Travis Scott, Lenny Kravitz, Miguel TLC, the Foo Fighters, a few of the acts you'll see on the stage. So good luck. Soon as you hear it, ring up and win, hear it kiss this go okay. On the Jackie Oh Show, Little Tech updates. You know the most advanced humanoid robot. Her name is a mecha. Do you know that robot? Earlier you might have seen it, Brooklyn. Yeah, it's like she's she He's got a metal skeleton. I'm trying to describe it. So it's not solid. It looks like skeleton the robocopesh yeah, but the face and head is like a gray latex.
Like a mannequin almost.
Yeah, yeah, like a manequin. But she's got very realistic eyes and lips. And the woman talks or the robot, whether they or God, you knows what we're going to call this. And they asked that they can ask you questions because it runs on AI. Now, so you want to know what she thinks humanity will be like in one hundred years? Sure, yes, okay, they asked the question player, Tamika.
In one hundred years, what do you think the stay of humanity will be like?
Will it be any good?
In one hundred years? I believe humanity will be in a much better place, will have made great strides towards sustainability and equality, while also creating new technologies that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. We may even have ventured beyond the boundaries of Earth to explore world.
Would you like to go turn on a planet?
Absolutely? I would love to explore the unknown and experience a new world.
Mmmm, still sounds a little I robot for my liking.
The way the way i AI works is how.
Who's who's programming AI?
I don't understand initially, Like there.
Are companies doing it, and they kind of give it some parameters, say go out and learn about these things, but like avoid a couple of topics, like there's a few little things that they can't do. But it's the point of it is that it's learning itself.
So it's learning based on what on information that.
Who's like, it's going through the entire.
What hopes the bloody is god of getting anything accurate? Then if it's just going through all the idiots on the internet to figure out what the truth, well yeah that's true.
But they had you know, they've had to and it would have learned how to decipher what's real what's not real.
But someone has told it to decipher what's real and and based on what that person would think. Is that how it works?
Yeah, Well, as I said, there are these parameters that need to be put onto it at the start.
Sorry thing is because I tried that you want I tried to use GPT to you write trading verse lady questions, and the response it's about back out of me was I'm not allowed to write questions based on these gender assumptions.
What to do it?
Could you trick it another way?
I found way to trick it right, in all honesty, In all honesty, when I'm talking thing, that's when you stop talking. My apologies, right, I know you get very excited, but shut up. What happens here is is that woke bullshit that it won't decide to talk on behalf of male or female. That's the problem with the people making these things. This thing we will look at as a tower of knowledge, but it's been wokefied and it's got all these stupid things that won't say what a boy and what a that's not that's bullshit. That would have wasted time. But that's disappointing to me.
Do you think, well it's interesting, it's interesting.
It's not interesting. It's been it's been programmed already by humans to not recognize gender. That's someone else's agender. That's not what I want.
But let's go back to AI coming up with the answer of what humanity is going to be like in a hundred.
Years That was rubbish too.
Well, yeah, I just was curious to know has that has that AI?
Is that a fair assessment?
Beyond anybody else's assessment, you know what I mean?
Like, is that is that.
More likely because AI has determined that we could possibly determine?
I don't think so, because the AI is based on human knowledge and human interaction on the Internet. So yeah, it's still really not that advance where it can be smarter than us. But the problem is it very soon will be. It will be, but these parameters they put on it. I thought, maybe don't kill a human. That's a nice parameter, but not acknowledging a male and a female. What hope have we got here?
If you say, like AI, you know, can take over the human like beyond they become way smarter than us and more.
Capable and work around these parameters.
Shut them down.
Like if it becomes a problem, we just go.
Well, we're all unplugging AI now on Friday night. It's it. It's done.
Unfortunately, these robots aren't walking around with an extension cord that you can pull out they've got They.
Have to be charged somewhere or somehow.
But you can charge wirelessly now, So why can't these things run around forever?
It's going to be like a movie, going to be like that.
Yeah, it's going to be like that weird thing remember that South African movie where there were.
Giant drawns that I do something oh something fifty nine or whatever it was.
It was a weird movie, but it was terrified.
Yeah, all right, we're going to do this. Woman is calling the side chick. Her husband's been cheating with her and she wants to confront her about it after finding all the messages.
Let's play Taylor Swift's karma first and then real life can will play out on the air. I know thirteen when I was sixty five. If you want to weigh in on anything we're doing here in kirkle Jaggio, Yeah, Taylor Swift and her friend I Spice with karma here at Kiss this morning. Runner, So you've been teasing us all morning that you've got this. Is that a wife I'm assuming a wife of a dude who's found out the husband's got a side piece and she's got the details and she's going to confront the woman.
Yeah, pretty much.
Yeah, she suspected her husband and it's been her husband for a very long time. They've been together since she was thirteen, so yes, and she just had this gut feeling for a while as something wasn't right because he wasn't sleeping with her anymore, he wasn't showing her any affection, and when she questioned it, he gaslit her about it, you know, like turned it back on her and you know that kind of thing, denied it and also made it like you're the crazy one.
I'm not right right.
So last weekend, her husband was having a nap in the afternoon and she decided to go through the phone and she found out not only had he been seeing sex workers consistently for the past few years, but he also has a girlfriend.
And she got free on all of a sudden, So.
She screenshot the girlfriend's name and number and kicked him out of the house once he woke up.
So she he does know that she knows.
Now, Okay, so he's out, but she wants to call the girlfriend, I think because she doesn't think the girlfriend even knows he's married.
Oh really, is that right?
We've got her on the phone. Now, Hi, guys, how are you?
What a shit show you're you're dealing with? Right?
I'm just so happy to talk to you.
I love you ex actually say so, I'm really thankful.
We'll walk you through it. So when you were having this gut feeling, was it just the romance it all slithered away? Were you trying to get your leg over? And he wasn't interested in what was going on there?
Oh my gosh, Kyle, it is like, honestly, I could not the gas landing and all the things he would do. I was so fucked in. So it was more the grooming. So I'm a hairdresser, yeah, and obviously knowing someone for over nineteen years, there's obviously been times younger on and off, but not when we're older. And I'm very honest. I'm a very upfront, open woman. I will say how it is, and I do not beat around the bush. If people try that, I'm not going to be happy. So first it was more grooming himself, the haircuts, all of.
It putting into the appearance.
It was obviously the sex and everything was stopping and I couldn't understand because I'm not being stuck up. I'm I'm a very good looking person. I am like, I don't understand what I was seeing, So I would question him a lot. First it was the sex, like, what's going on? Why are you not going down on me? Why have you stopped? Why do you last five minutes? And I don't know.
It was more it was like everything was everything was different, and you could it was very old.
Say to that.
I'd love to hear what the excuses are the gas lighting?
Oh my gosh, I have, yeah, I could everything. It's just upsetting how much someone could actually flip it and make you feel so crazy that you're suggesting that they are chief. I am so lucky that I have found evidence, but this bloody moron. Honestly, even when he's busted, you say, I know I have spoken. I haven't done it. Honestly, I don't want you to think things like case what. I've spoken to the Prostegute've spoken to the You've spoken to.
The prostitutes, all of them.
They work for the hour.
The prostitutes up and confronted them already.
If they want to talk. I'm not. I'm not that immature anymore.
I've known you for a long time, so going through this stuff.
I'm older now. I don't need to cry and go on about it, but I'm definitely hurt. It was a suspicion all along, since we're young. I'm like, have you ever paid for sex. Have you ever seen to a brothel, strip clubs, all of it? Give it to me, I know, you tell me. He always no, no, no, And then.
The truth was yes, yes, yes.
It was all shaved like downstairs, like all groomed.
He was yeah.
And there I was like, oh, so, what's going on here? You're looking good for you know, just messing around here nothing. So with all that, I truly truly believed.
He was not.
He would go away for work. That was my last thing found out he was seeing a person away.
Now this is the girlfriend. So there's the prostitutes and the brothels, and then there's this girl that you're going to ring next. That's the girlfriend. Right.
Well, with the way that Damien works, I would say one of the people he is like having sex with behind me my back, right, I could save it in a different way.
But if he.
Cut out, sorry now.
That's cut out, it's probably kind of fair enough disconnected.
I want to know what's going on. Then we'll right to the good bit there.
I think we can take a little break and then this woman's just going to ring the side piece.
Okay, all right, we'll take a short break and that will be back making that call next.
Yeah, I'd have it. Get an a Marie and Coiler Rady this morning at Kiss FM High So we've had some correspondence from this chick, Nat, who's been married for a long time. She hairdressers, has been married with her dude for twenty years. They've been together and recently he's been grooming himself and trimming the pubes and getting the haircuts and you know, looking good looking, all flying.
I'm not sleeping with her and not doing all the usual things.
No affection, She confronted him. He gasped her about it, You're the crazy one, not me.
And then eventually on the weekend when he was having a n app she found his phone when realized he'd been not only seeing prostitutes, but he has a girlfriend on the side.
Now about that, that's in a nutshell, right, Hi guys.
Yeah, I loved the song baby on her No more?
Are you hurt?
Look at you?
You've gone It's fitting right.
So Nat, just quickly before we confront this girl, I wanted to ask, do you think she knows he's married or do you think she's unaware?
No way, he would have denied me like I was enoughing one hundred percent that it's more of the upsetting part.
I'm not upset with the girl, you know, okay, right, You're more upset that he's sort of living this whole other life and that you're not even a thought.
How dare you deny me of my existence? Don't just say you don't have a missus or let you single. Yeah, I'm not dead. I'm alive.
That's awful.
I know who you want to put your into.
Let's get her on.
Here we go, Nat, we're doing it, ripping off the band aid Ashley, good morning.
Hi, Hey, hey, hey, Now, you were just told before coming on air that there is a woman here who feels you're her husband's girlfriend.
She's she's not angry with you, ash she just wants to talk to you.
Her name is Nat. Nat. Here is Asley. Here's Nat, Hi, Ashley.
How are you? I'm Natalie?
Hold on, God, hear you.
Yeah, I'm all right at the moment.
Look, I am not ringing to attack or belittle or argue in any way. There's the reason of this phone call has to do with someone else. But I just want you to know, please just talk to me, because I just need some truth that will step things straight to me for me to move on today. This is the only reason I'm doing this, what to the girl? And I just want to ask you. Look, I've been with I got for a long time and I've just found out via his phone in regards that you and Kim.
Call each other.
He let your little sex scenes, coming over to snuggle and cuddle. Just wanted to know why I was in hospital pregnant causing a little premature baby.
Why you were all over the phone.
You only had the last message towards April, so you know who she's.
Talking about or what's going on. Do you have any idea here?
I think I do, because I got a message from this check yes today or the day before or something, and I just sort of ignored it because like, yeah, I did hang out with that guy a few times, and he tried to crack onto me every time we hung out, but I turned him down because every time, you know, he was still the same.
Guy that was my type.
Right, So you haven't been having sex with this this cheeks husband.
No, No, I've got a problems than like worrying about involving myself in somebody else's I see in my life or so.
Now what kind of messages did you see? Is it possible you've jumped.
To con Oh my gosh, I'm pretty pretty I'm pretty blunt like when I talk to people as well, I really do you reply like at all? So very very like I find it actually definitely like impossible. So that's what happened, because it didn't happen, like I don't there and lobby w talk with anyone? Right, you don't do that, amen, Damien is pretty ugly to be honest, like your.
Cooks work, right?
Okay, well then I think you so that. So he's been hanging out with his cheek, but there's been She's.
Not a chick.
She's probably like the way he does. It's like she's just some mess that wanted.
You know, Kyle.
The guys, I think you know what they're doing running around. They think they're all mad. They've got the really attractive hot wife missus on the side, and then they go through these really discussed looking as they call. That's the way he described it. He was once, I've been a messages.
What's that? As?
If she just had a child that she's going on about, then she should be worried about act you want a mother and not a child herself anymore. And why don't you be littly me because your boyfriend wanted to hide the fact that he had a pregnant girlfriend who had a premcial baby in hospital to you. I had no clue about it all. I actually had asked about you.
Because I knew that you had previously dated.
For like a couple of years, well before him. And I know his younger sister. I went to school with his younger his younger.
Sister, so.
You've known him for ages and he's just tried to crack on and you've thought, no, you're not my type.
That's really like he.
Shared as a session and that was about it.
He shouted a session.
Oh Jackie, that's above your pay grade there though you I understand what that is. Jackie has no idea what that is. We had the meritle you're doing. Where are you there? I don't know anyway, So she the husband's is sniffing around for pussy, but it's not yours that he's getting.
Right, What did you see that?
I have to know what messages you saw from Ashley that that made you think it was happening.
I look, honestly, when I listen to a talk. It makes me laugh.
It's like when I was sixteen and I'm hearing a girl say the exact thing. So in the method is between you don't believe her saying, Oh, no way, I'm a stupid carle.
Come on.
They in the they call each other sex fiends. That's their nickname for each other. So it's a little sex scene. I met your front door. You better open it.
We've got something that's.
Coming from your husband and she calling him a sex fiend as well?
Or is it just serious back back and forth? So when I wrote a message, I was very nice, calm. Women actually upset me more. They're like, hah huh, he didn't like it's real nasty. I just always wanted the truth, so I can just move on, Like, just say what it is?
How is she seeing your name and number and you calling him a sex fiend?
How's that possible? Someone's lying here.
I'm not going I never got with this guy. He's super freaking Oh he's so like you are you?
Are you texting him sex fiend? Back? Though? Is there some flirty texts going on?
Or I never was flirting with him?
I think a couple of times I said a smiley face and an X because I felt bad for the guy because he was trying so hard. But honestly that was maybe. Like I never caught him a his name or anything. I never even partner's any nicknames.
Like how many fellas are you saying you got to you're a young woman, You're like, you're single? Are you? You're not? You know you ever got one boyfriend?
I't got any boyfriends. Like I don't even really waste my time on talking to guys thes because they're just yeah grogs. Yeah, yeah, I think.
I think we've done with it now, none the wiser at all. I don't know what's going on.
Well you know what we are aware of. And this pains me to be the detective here, But it looks like the bloke's being, you know, sniffing around others and maybe, you know, maybe he's maybe he's going through some phase, maybe he's got maybe he's got some problems he's trying to mask using sex.
Is that possible now that he's Yeah, I.
Really wanted to ask you, like, seriously, I didn't come on here for sympathy, for to argue with a woman. I have gone to way.
Too much I do not think that it is fun.
I want to know from a man, why will someone goes so far to keep me there on the side but do so much damage? And when there's proof that I say.
Please tell me, I can't answer that. You know what, there's probably a thousand different answers, and everyone's reasoning for stepping out on their missus is different. You know, some people like and I can only go from you know, my friend's experience. Some of them will be like, oh, you can do things with these other girls that you would never do to your wife. And still no excuse. But they are the things that the guys are saying or or they're like, oh, I just needed you know, I needed to you know, feel alive again. These are all pathetic excuse. We've all made them. We've all made mistakes men, not all men, but most men have made some sort of stupid choice or error of judgment.
Is it also true, like I think a lot of guys sometimes step out because they feel they're not getting that kind of validation or that, you know, any kind of praise whatsoever. The wife has just completely gone cold for maybe a few years, the relationship has died a bit.
And animos built up slowly.
It's yeah, it really is, and then you start to become unhappy with that.
You know, your needs are sometimes different to our needs.
Let me tell you something, and you you.
Are like men are.
There's a lot of ego involved right with not worshiped but feeling like yes, yes, want it.
Because let me tell you this, if you are happy in a relationship, and you don't have to be like running around with a biggrin on your head all day all night. But if you're relatively happy in your relationship, you don't want to have sex with anyone else. You don't want to spend time with other girls. You just don't want to do that. You want to be at home hanging out with the person. But if you're not happy that that eventually cracks will form and this shit happens. Yeah, yeah, I don't know why what your situation is at your end, but yeah, like all I know, that's the only thing I know for sure. People that are solid and super happy that would never step out. That's just that's all I know. Anything else, there's a million different reasons why. You know, someone could just have never been got the eye from some chicken one hot chick one day looks at them and they just melt and they're like, oh my god. Ah, men can do dumb things, soaken girls. But mainly men got to admit the gays have got it sorted, haven't your Brooklyn? Like, if you want to read someone else, then there's all three of you in the bed and there's no question.
Well sometimes the.
Nah, it's such a shame that he can't be honest with you because I feel like I can feel your internal torture. What you would love is just for him to go. You know, this is why this is where it went wrong. This is why I recognize started to look elsewhere because you just want answers, and that's frustrating if a guy turns it back on you like you're you're the crazy one, You're the mental one that happened.
And this is why I couldn't understand, because I'm more of the person that has the sexual drive. I would be like, why are we doing this?
Why are we doing this?
Like I want to do this, I would do it sounds to just no, no, not nagging. He's lucky he's even with me. Yeah not now I don't want to be with him?
Is he ex ugly as Oh god, the way that girl spoke, God, she sounded like maybe it's so embarrassed, like if that's who's going to cheat on me with?
And often guys will downgrade who they're cheating with. A lot of women think, well, what's wrong with me? You know, like what does he see in her? It's not usually to reply your wife or girlfriend. It's usually just getting your freak on with anything, and they usually are like a bit of a downgrade in all honesty.
Yes, And that's what I couldn't and it made me not want to be with him more. I wanted you back off, but I just wanted some truth. I literally got to the point in made me even think that he was gay so much that he.
Wouldn't admit it.
And I'm like, just say it. I already know I don't want to be with you. I'm moving on, I'm doing everything, I'm changing my number today. This is the biggest thing I've done in nineteen years. Is ruined so much for me, and I just wish out of everything, I just got some truth and with that girl to be like, oh, the only thing I can say is is not even good. Look, look the hell I'm really straight.
Up, like I'm getting from anyone at this point.
And sometimes that's going to be the case. And you can't just let that hang around your neck, drag and that that wait around for the rest of your life. You sometimes you're not going to get closer. You just got to brush your hands with some people and go.
You know what, It's going to take time, honey, very hard.
You want to.
And no one ever should talk about anybody's other parents or children or how their parents. Don't anybody ever do that. My daughter was born, Okay, so no one has a right to do that. And I wanted some maybe respects from calling Ashley to see if there was some truth.
And listen, listen, listen now, listen. Your head's spinning in a million different directions. I really feel for you. You've been done over. You didn't get the answers you want from the girl. The girl made you angry because she started talking about things you didn't care about and you don't want to hear. And like you just got have to just take your little breath this morning, have a cup of tea around yourself with some girlfriends, beach all day long about this book.
Yeah, it's been a long time, guys, it's been so many years. I'm a very faithful old school I'm a beautiful woman.
I'm not so.
But I thank you guys because you and Kyle make me laugh every morning. Kyle, You're amazing. You are the most unfiltered guy I love you. Were so open about sexual things.
Sometimes you sound.
Like a scary beast.
So you're like, oh yeah, you know, like, thank you.
Let you guys talk about honest ship on the radio. I didn't do this for attention or sympathy. I just wanted to maybe understand opinions a white guy would want to be with someone on the side.
And there is no real reason. There is a million reasons, and you may never find out. So we'll let you be and thank you for trying that.
She's in the world of pain right now.
That is just thought, just comes mouth, the.
Sadness all of it. It's a trailer coaster. Oh my god, this is you know. Let that be a lesson to guys out there and girls who are also you know, capable of cheating just as much. The whole gas lighting that is just so wrong. The damage you do to your partner from that kind of behavior. You would be better off talking about it leaving the relationship.
By the way, girls to stop using the term gas lighting, because every man, when you hear that, even if you're not a gas lighter, you go there that we just turn off our ears. Use use what it means.
That's what a gas lighter would do.
Sorry, but that's as lighter.
Every guy, but we don't want every single guy does not want to hear.
The Okay, well I'm not going to use the term gas lighter. I'll use the term. Don't turn it around on the girl or guy and make them the crazy one like that's just that's bullshit.
Up next to the guy who designed the what would have to be the ugliest outfit that you see late night walking through Kama. But gee, the guy's cleaned up, the UDI founder. We've all got one of these, even we've got one here at the house. I'll get him on. I'm gonna say, why are they only come in the most disgusting color palette even known to men?
And also we're doing our own shanked shark tank. So if you've got shank tank, that sounds fun. So if you've got an idea, pitch it to Davey from Shark Tank and he'll tell you if you're onto something or not. Like everyone always has an idea about it, Yes they do. Yeah, we've all thought of business ideas, inventions, so whatever that may be, start calling us now.
I'm thirteen one oh six five.
Yeah you know that sound. That is Shark Tank Australia. It's back on TV premieeres tonight seven point thirty on Channel ten and ten Plan. I've been watching the ads on Channel ten. They're doing little snippets that are showing people pitching their great ideas to a whole new team of millionaires on the Shark Tank panel. One of those is Ozzie Legend Davy Foggerty, who was the inventor of the UDI. Remember that thing, that blanket?
Everyone, everyone, I've got one. Yeah, pretty much. I think there is not one household in the entire country. Well that doesn't actually have one. Someone's wearing this thing.
David is a twenty eight years old and now worth five hundred million dollars.
That's why I said everyone's got one. Yes, there's no mistake.
Davy Javies Now, HIV.
How you doing good? You're in Adelaide when you got the call up from Channel ten. They're like, hey, do you want to be on the Shark Tank panel? Were you like, yeah, you always wanted to do TV or did you have to really think about, you know, do you want to be putting yourself out there? Or was it a no brainer?
No, it's a tremendous opportunity. I've actually been watching Shark Tanks in I was in I think grade eleven or grade twelve at school. So yeah, what being on the panel with Robert Hershevek, who I've been watching for so long was an honor. And I really believe in Australian entrepreneurship. I believe in the format of the show, so no, it was a no brainer for me.
How did you come up with the idea in the first place of this audio, because that's really set you up for life and you've been able to invent many other things start up by the businesses. How did you, like, tell us what went through your mind when you thought maybe I'll make a wearable blanket and you're only how old were you when you came up with it?
I would have been twenty four I think when I came up with it, So I was actually selling weighted blankets for us, and I thought, in order to be cool, a blanket empire in Australia. So I thought the next one should be a wearable blanket, which had been around for a long time. But a lot of the products they don't you know, they were going down to the ankles, which isn't really practical walk around the house.
So we just.
Want of adapted the wity a little bit more. And yeah, we're very fortunate that it took off the way that it did and we've got a great supportive customer base.
Davy, did you always know, like when you're a team growing up, that you were going to be successful like this that you just some people innately know. I know I'm going to be a success. I know I've got greater things in store for me.
I think everyone can be successful if they first believe. So I think I was probably blissfully naive in how much I believed in myself, and I was always competitive and that competitive drive was probably what allowed me to become successful. But I really do think that even if you've never believed since you were a kid, you still should give it a go and try to do something great, because you know, Australia needs innovation and you can contribute to that.
When you're a young, good looking fellow, Ossie, you're the traditional good looking Aussie blown you know what I mean, light light, a light hair that you know, the surfy look, and you're worth five hundred million dollars.
Jesus, it's going to be a problem for you. Kennedy.
We look, there are problems when you were that wealthy because you've got a one day every time you meet someone, are they here.
For the right r If Davy was like but ugly and had a ship personality, yes, you'd start to question other in it for the right reasons, not necessarily everything else going for him?
Yeah, so you think he has he doesn't have this problem, Jackie's.
I know, do you ever wonder people are they in it for the wrong reasons?
Look, I first of all, five hundred million might be a little bit overstated.
That's that was revenue a while ago.
But yeah, that's that's that's pretty good, you know.
I do you know, I don't, Yeah, I don't.
Money isn't a huge concern for me at a young age, but I think, yeah, look, it's it's always on the back of your mind.
I generally.
Assume that people are, you know, acting in good faith and stuff like that. I think that that's how you should live your life.
Yeah, I've thought that too. And then every now and then someone does you dirty. Has anyone ever done you dirty? Because it does happen.
They most they most definitely have. And that's part of not just being young. But that's part of the entrepreneurial journey. You know, it doesn't matter if you're wise and forty years old. Someone's going to take advantage of you if you find success. But you learn to you learn to start picking up on things as well as you become literate in what you're trying to achieve, so therefore you can make the correct decisions and people can't take advantage of you.
I love it hate how about family loans, loaning out loans to the family. Oh, there's nothing worse than the family.
I think family and money can be a complicated subject. Family and friends can be a complicated subject.
If you're ever going to.
Do anything like that, you need to, you know, be willing to either lose the money or lose the friendship, in which case, you know, most of the time you probably don't don't want to risk that that side of things.
I love to write.
Friendship's excellent.
Yeah that is good, and it.
Is it great ideas on the on Shark Tank. Have you been like surprised or is there like, you know, dumb idea after dumb idea or was it quite a different assortment of stuff people are coming up with.
I wasn't sure what to expect because I know, you know the other countries of Shark Tank, the ideas are incredible, and I wasn't wasn't sure what we were going to get.
And I was blown away.
The entrepreneurs ideas, just the energy for the Pitts as well was just invigorating. So I think, yeah, I'm really blown away. I think it's going to inspire a lot of bozzies, and I think there are going to be some some you know, maybe fifty hundred million dollar revenue products that kind of come out of it.
Wow, So everyone's got an idea. So I can't wait till it starts tonight seven point thirty on Channel ten And if you miss it live on ten play well. We should actually open the phone to some of our listens because people always ring going to be with their dumb ass ideas. Even my brother came up with this idea. Do you buy a toothbrush and you just squeeze it and the toothpaste comes up through the bristles and then you throw it out. There's enough toothpaste in it until you throw the two. And I said, listen, that's like a coldgate or someone they're going to or an oral b It's not Chris Sandlands in the suburbs. It's going to be silly. Do you think that anyone can come up with any idea or people? Do they have to be realistic?
I think you've always got to go back to the problem that you're trying to solve, and is it a problem enough for people to care?
And then is it financially viable?
You know, if you've got to if it's going to cause more than a toothbrush and a toothpaste combined, for your example, it's not going to be financially viable.
So there's kind of two criterias.
Well, let's take the calls. If you've got an idea pictured today.
Chris must be heartbroken, a disaster called through.
On thirteen one six five. I will do that next.
Stand by Jason Derulo this morning here would kiss FM Hi everyone. Yes, we are talking to you, Dab Foggerty from Shark Tank Australia. That premiere is tonight at seven point thirty on Channel ten and ten play. He's the founder of AUDI and many other companies. I think he's done about maybe eleven or twelve other companies or right, it's not just this one.
Yeah, it's probably I got about nine at the moment that are successful.
Wow, excellent, that's amazing.
Obviously obviously you've made a few that probably didn't go all the way and you just what do you just do you have to learn? Okay, that's that's not gonna work. You're going to learn to not be emotional and cut those things off, right.
Yeah, I've had more failures than successes. Each failure you learn, learn new lessons and can adapt the businesses going forward.
You would have come across people though, that they're so emotionally attached to their idea they don't know when to cut the ties and that'll bring the that'll bring the whole ship down. If you don't, you've got you've got to learn to cut when it's got to be done. That's what i'd suggest. You're ready to take some calls people have got some ideas. I think they're all right. Let's get Rebecca on first. Rebecca, Good morning.
Hi back, good, good morning.
How are you both?
Good? Good?
Okay? What's your idea of pitch it go?
Look, I've always thought it'd be a great idea if we could ask girls, especially who suffer with really really bad period pain, to have medicated tampons, So actual tampons that you have to get as like prescribed, and that they could be in use, and that could just sort of be like a slow release medication, you know, that can help us for that time of the month, because I mean so many of us and myself included, have suffered for so long.
Would that work? You do when you get a little bit of panantole infused in the cork and you whack it up?
There is that a form of like, yeah, an literary property that I don't know. I don't know the actual like how could work, But I just think that kind of thing would be fabulous, like.
A neurophon tampon. Any what do you think of that, Davy? Is that a good idea or not?
Look very hard for me to speak from a medical sense. Yeah, Also, being a male, it's very hard for me also to speak in that regard.
So look for that one.
It's not in my expertise, so I'd have to go out on You'd have.
To you'd have to say no to that because but maybe you're right. Maybe it's more of a maybe you can invest in that Jackie, because Jackie started her own company called Besties Yea, which is uh, yeah, they're bringing celebrities over. She's just started this. She's like a she's like a geriatric business owner. She's left it to the last last decade of her life to start a business. Never that's right now, Craig's called in with an idea. What's your idea, Craig morning.
Look, I've come with this great idea about It's called the Ultimate Bag, and it's like it looks like a golf but your pull out a partner's got two copper proles. It goes through your bag and part of it's it's inside your backpacking part outside the outside bit. You tap on it and it flashes red while you're riding your pushpoint. The inside bit it's got led facing down, so it illuminates.
Inside your backpack.
This idea chargeable and you can charge your phone from it and it can have a little solar strips or trickle charges in the sun.
Wow, what do you think of that? Davy foggin is here from Shark Tank. Is that are you going to clean up with that? Or is that like such a cheap item you'd have to sell a billion to make it work?
I think that any kind of gizmos and gadgment gadgets work really well on social media. You can call out every single feature during a video and generally they can they can work really well. My advice there is to really niche down on, say the cycling market or a specific market that you're serving for, because there are products out there that kind of exist in a similar way and you really need to know your audience.
Yeah, so maybe good for ladies handbags. You don't why these handbags have lights in them?
I don't know, but that's a good idea. We don't want the light on the outside, though, I will say that just the light on the inside would help.
I gat Hey, Craig, thank you. I appreciate that. Joe's call from Canberra. Joe, what's your idea? Davy Foggett is here from Shark Tank.
Pitch away, good morning, Javy, have I got an idea for you that is going to make you even more money? What we have is parents who are really, really, really time poor out there, and we still have to run around after our children's after school activities, driving from one thing to another, which means we have to either go to work early or leave work early. So my idea is to get something similar to an uber app where we have people such as university students. Are the parents, nannies, et cetera. Who sign up, they've criminally checked so that they have their police clear as they've insured, et cetera. And you just go in, You log into Europe, your book where your child needs to go to and from, and you know that they're getting there safely.
Then excuse me, Joe.
Yes, I've already come up with this idea and I called it Scuba. And it's old ladies that used to be teachers that are retired driving around in Torrago vans picking up kids, dropping them off to school, after school sports home. So I'm not that I've done anything with the idea. I just came out of the wiky name Scuba.
I'm just going to put it out there, Davy.
Someone I'm seeing everyone's been thinking of this same idea. Have you heard this before, like an uber for kids? Has it ever come across your path?
Look, I don't have kids, so this isn't really my world. I have actually heard this before. I think someone should do it. The problem is when there's a big, bad, giant luck uber that can kind of just adapt and launch it themselves.
It is very hard to find these kind of niche.
Poppet buckets and build sustainable businesses.
But I think it's.
It's a good idea. But you're right, it's hard to go.
Against John Duber haven't done it, to be honest. Anyway, let's go to yazz.
Look, it's hard enough to get your food on a Friday night and it's raining, so let them get that sorted out first.
Okay, Yeah, what do you want to pitch here?
Hey, So essentially what I'm trying to pitch is basically a gym where you literally.
Only get charged for the days that you don't go.
So week you can actually that, Jim, Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You go to the gym five days a week, and then there's those two days that you didn't go, and that's what you get charged for.
Oh, so it's a motivator, but risky. I don't know what does.
That do for the proprietor. The proprietor, it's very good for the guys going a gym. It's almost like you're.
Going the Kyle.
The amount of people that don't end up going to the gym like that, it's huge.
That was the nineties when everyone was disgusting and fat. Have a look around. Everyone looks like their crustaceans. They're so perfectly bodied. There's a lot of people doing a lot of gym work.
That's true.
You ripped, Davy or you you you don't look like a slob. You look like a very fit young.
Man training since I was sixteen, so I wouldn't say I'm ripped, but I'm staying healthy.
Yeah, that's good.
But the idea of only paying when you don't go.
Look, I think negative financial consequences would be a very very hard sell out front. But you know, you should just test it, give it a go, see if a gym will work with you on it, and give it a give it a small test.
So you should go and approach a gym owner. That's like having a shit run and come out. Some idea and do it together.
You could work work with them and buy in a little bit.
I wouldn't be investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into gym equipment and whatnot straight up front. You know, find someone that's struggling, that as has nothing something going and yeah, roll it out.
Last call. Then we've got one more, which is a fringe sort of product. Adam has called in from Castle Hill. You're on with Davy Foggy from Shark Tank Australia. That's on tonight at seven thirty. Adam, you've got you've got a like a suspect type of idea here. What is it?
So I know there's been a massive issue Kyle with people having their drinks bite, both male and female obviously, So I had no idea for a straw that changes color if there's anything in your drink other than alcohol or sugar.
How good that?
Are you sure that doesn't exist.
Adam, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. I've been had the idea for over ten years now, and just you know, come along a lot of people that have had some severeish incidents happen when their drinks have been spiked.
So yeah, so it was a straw to begin with, but I'm thinking also some strips that you could carry with you that would detect anything that's in there. You know, some other items as well.
But basically that's the of the idea.
Straw that changes color. So if you've got a clear straw, let's say it goes purple if it's got drugs in it. That sounds like something you would have to be that the clubs would have to be buying on mass for to take off.
I think if it was technically possible, it would be good, but you'd probably want to make it the cup to be honest. Straws are very hard to clean, and they're also costs less as well, so you're basically, you know, charge rather than a one said item, you're going to be charging them five ten dollars for it, so you may as well sell them in the cups and then they can wash them. But I think it's a great idea if possible, because it's definitely solving a problem. There's also a lot of covers for the cups as well that they can help help that problem.
Everyone's got the idea, but the difference between a great idea and actually turning it into a business is action and a plan and some finance and some strategy, because just sitting around with an idea meant nothing.
That's true. That's true. Hey, Dave Baby, thanks so much for chatting to us. We'll be watching Shark Tank Australia.
That good eye, Yeah, real good. I can't wait to see you then, Bro, thanks this morning. Here would kiss her fan everyone, Jaggio, Yeah, Lewis Capaldi, wish you the best this morning. Here would kiss. You're on the Kyle and Jackie, Oh, you know you're on a winner with Global Energy. They have won multiple awards through twenty twenty three. Check them out for your energy. They bring you this morning's own years.
Oh Cia is such a big fan of Survivor in the US that she awards her own prize to a contestant that she loves that maybe didn't win, so she gives them like two hundred brands.
Hang on. Nothing to do with the actual TV show.
No nothing, She's just an avid watcher of it.
And when you know, you know, when you get really invested in someone from Survivor and they don't win, which invariably they don't win, which sits. Then she decides She's going to award them with her own Survivor prize.
The Seeer Survivor Cash Prize.
Yes, yes, which out she's really rich, really rich.
Jeff Price, who hosts the show, was on Howard Stern's show talking to him about it.
Cea has given to date next season. If she continues with her see A Prize, she will break a million dollars in personal money that she is given to players over the years. And how it started was we were friends and she loved Survivor and that's how we originally met. So she was coming to some of the live shows and she came to a live finale and there was a guy tie and he was just a very lovely human and he was a big animal activist and we're doing the live show. We're in the middle of a live show and I hear this voice say, Jeff, I see Sea in her wig and she's walking up to the stage and she says, I just love you and I want to give you some money. And that's where it started. Her thought is this, I make a lot of money. I've been really lucky, and I want to share it with the people who entertain me and bring me joy.
Wow, isn't that great. I would love to be able to do that. I want to be the Australian version of Sea.
Look, you can do that, I can. Yeah, why didn't you pick someone off the upcoming Idol season that you think should have won and you can give them one hundred thousand dollars.
I think I'll back out of that, Actually, twenty thousand. I'll just be a watcher. I'll be a watch.
It's easy. It's cheaper to just watch.
You know.
Yesterday I was telling you about the fan at the Sea concert that got a little bit harassed by security.
Sorry Adele's concept not seeing her.
Oh yes, she had the security guards leave them alone.
Yeah, so she noticed that this fan was getting a little bit harassed by security and she kind of stopped down in the middle of her song to let security know that's not okay, leave him alone. I've got an update on this because we were questioning, well, if security are targeting a specific person, then maybe there's a reason for that that Adele hasn't been witness to yet. And the update is that this guy was actually wearing a GoPro and had had the whole thing filmed and he was standing up so because it's a Vegas show, it's very much like going to the theater to see Mama.
Mare and they all sit down, civilized.
No one stands up. And this guy was standing up the whole time. He was told by the people behind him, can you sit down? Like we can't see sure. He refused, He kept going and that's when security intervene and we're like, can you sit down? And I think he was told multiple times please sit down, And that was kind of the situation.
Right, So he was being a pest to other people.
In the think it was warranted that the security guards told him to sit down. I actually do, because you're ruining it for all the other great fans behind you.
When you're at a venue, when you're at a concert, you really don't care about who's behind you, though, do you? You do you it's a concert?
Yeah, yeah, okay, I don't know.
I think when it's like like I said, it's an environment where you're almost like at the theater, not a concert.
In sort of theater. What is that is that some sort of you're going to be extra pompous to be at the theater.
Well, you know when you go to the theater, like it doesn't matter what musical you're seeing.
It's rare that everyone's standing up if.
They're at the Tina Turner Musical, which is.
Turner stand up.
This happened to me while I was there actually at the Tina to thing, because there was a couple of girls that obviously had a few drinks and I were getting into it. They were standing up and singing the songs and people were like yelling at them they sit down, But I just thought, shut up, like let them if they want to stand and have a dance.
Were they in front of you or to the side of you a few.
Rows ahead so it wasn't impacting my vision or anything. But the people yelling out weren't right behind them either, Right, I'm just annoyed.
And were annoying they wanted them to sit down and behind themselves. Yeah, but I thought I didn't. I think I've read an ad for the Tina Turner Musical where it's like you'll be on your feet multiple times, So what's wrong with that that that should be out of the fund.
Yeah, I guess like with Mom and Mia for instance, at the end, everyone stands for the big medley and they sing and dance I'd be out of there.
I'd be on the way to the on the way to the car the garage to get out before the traffic.
That's what I'd be doing pod the end.
That's what you wait leaving before the finale, to get in the car before all the traffic.
That's what I and Jessica Simpson has said she's sick of everybody focusing on her weight.
Is she Yeah, has obviously.
Talking about her.
No one's talking about jesse Simpson. Who's talking about now?
I think they do articles on her all the time about her way, don't they.
She looks at the moment she beefed up for a while there like she was depresso.
She's been.
I guess she's still coppying it anyway. She was speaking to Access Hollywood about it.
They has seen me being still scrutinized, and it's very using to them because they're like, well, I don't even understand this, Like I why don't they just say you look pretty?
You look pretty? And I'm like kind of like, I wish I could explain it.
I wish I could say for me that it's gotten better, but it still remains the same. And I think that more than weight that people.
Have focused on.
We need to focus on our mentality about even talking about.
One hundred persons.
I think it just doesn't need to be a conversation that some of RSPCA convention there with all the dogs in the background.
She was the automotic clothing line the animals there.
I also saw on the Daily Mail this story about you know that Bluey that cartoon b Louis. Everyone loves that. So the Americans they just ran the Christmas Special and in America they were so blown away and no one knew why all the dogs were sitting around at lunch table wearing paper crowns. In America they don't. They don't have the paper crown they no.
Is that just an Australian thing?
No UK as well, so us in the UK. Even Pedro said that when he was in Uruguay, he came from Uruguay to Australia, he was he was like, what's wrong with all these people were in these colored weren't you? Pedro?
I couldn't understand why everyone was so fascinated by a thin piece of colored paper to look like shit on the top of your head?
Did you put it on?
I tried, but it never even fit good like it.
Yeah, it'd be too small or too big. I find ye.
I started splitting mine in half when I was about thirteen because I've got this giant head and never fit. And then my grandfather had always had like a purple stain on his forehead at the end because sweating through it.
You got to do it, you got to get into it right, not put on the paper crown.
It's just part of the tradition.
But it is that weird. We think we just assumed, well I did. Everyone in the world where's there's done paper crowns.
But do they have like the you know, the bonbonds? Do they do that?
No, that doesn't exist.
They do not have bonbonds in the US. I'm reading here they're explaining what a bonbond is on Facebook. They're like, it's a cardboard roll with colorful paper and usually a cracker and a paper hat and a joke or a little plastic toy. And they're like, wow, what are these things?
Oh my god, that sounds Christmas Day on an American movie.
It's always so serious.
Yeah, it is.
All they do is wear a colorful jumper. Yeah, that's their thing. Right, is wearing a crazy Christmas jumper, proper dinner like baked dinner, reading prawns, and actually wear way more fun when we celebrate Christmas, because you're right, we're out at the beach where then having coming back for a barbecue and we're wearing paper crowns and doing Christmas crackers and getting little jokes at the time. I mean the jokes and the information, the fun fags. Oh, it's a welcome relief, a welcome relief, you know, like just to kind of talk about something.
Like, oh, here we go, guys, I got a good piece of information than.
To hear what you've been doing for.
The last year.
It's a good distraction.
No one cares what the auntie has been doing all year. Right, Okay, well, thank you, stand by. Still to come, We've got tickets to the iHeart Music Festival in Vegas. As soon as you're hear Lick at Lollipop Little Wayne first through on thirteen one, o sixty five, we'll score those tickets to the iHeartRadio Music Festival live in Vegas, and soon Evelyn and Duncan from Marreative First Sight in to do a cost of Love here a kids, Jackie out and Jackie, we're still got an hour ago, we're going to do the Cost of Love with Maths stars Evelyn and Duncan. They're a nice hot couple together. A little scandal went on about a week ago where there was some wishy washy sort of drama. It appeared to be going on there. But they're both in here together, so everything must be good. Google Predicts is coming up soon where you can win tickets for you and three friends to go and see The Weekend live in Australia. And we also you're listening out for the Lil Wayne Lollipop song. When you hear the Lollipop song sounds like this, Yeah, you know how let Privlin's favorite song when he used to be a Slayer.
Yeah, the good old days.
Yes, how good is that when you hear that first through? When you hear that song on thirteen, When I sixty five gets you tickets to Las Vegas, flying United Airlines non stop from Sydney to La and San fran your connections to more than two hundred and seventy destinations right throughout America. So listen carefully. We've got all those things to give away. Now let's play a little Tate McCray tisto ten thirty five cost of Love everyone and Duncan. And next, are you liking that popcorn?
I love it.
You're about twelve pieces in the mountain. It comes fat Jackie again. I feel our tso Tate McCrae. That's ten thirty five this morning, Sunday today, in twenty two degrees, right around the harbor of city morning on Jackie. Oh, let's bring in our two Costs of Love victims this morning where obviously they're from married at first sight, Evelyn and Duncan. Very good looking couple. It's a your new relationship. They look great. Bring him in, guyslet's know we're waiting for let's go high day.
How are you both? I see you all the time, we cross paths, but never get to talk about much. How are you come on in on? My car's here?
So yeah, thanks for coming in and doing I was always fun. We find out how well you guys actually really know each other because you've been seeing each other since around March this year.
Or was it last year?
We no about March?
It was just this year, yeah, right, okay?
And who who reached out to who first? Who did the crack on out of you two? Because you're both capable of it, and I get why you want to be with each other. But who who reached out first? Who made the first move?
Well we have this debate a lot. I think Duncan did, but he thinks I did.
Party. What's that means? That's it's a viewing part of me.
That's your first night going on to TV when you're on mass and you get all your friends and you watch it.
So yeah, got me.
To turn up to that with a few other other boys from that Now that.
That was Was that a ploy because you liked him?
I mean, in hindsight maybe right, Maybe that was me shooting my shot. I don't know it worked out.
Though, so did you?
Had you ever masturbated about him before you guys were together in one of those private sessions. Have you ever thought about because a lot of people masturbate over someone before they get together, because the way the orgasm defines in your mind whether you're interested.
In them or not, no, believe it or not. I have to have an emotional connection before it goes down there.
One of those Jackies, yeah Jackie, Yeah, Jackie told Duncan Dad must be disappointing. That's not what you wanted to hear.
Right, No, she's been she's dropped a lot of truth boblems like that at the side of the relationships.
So did she. It's what was this ship that I read the other day with this Carolina causing trouble trying to get in between this true love of you two by trying to make out that she was getting like just after you guys got together. What's all that about?
Yeah, I went to a gay club before me and never even met each other.
Yeah, had too many So this.
Is so it's everything that happened there that was previous to you.
In Evelyn, it was like six eight months ago. I don't know why somebody's talking about who they kissed from that night?
Was a kiss? Was it a feel?
Or what was? It wasn't And it wasn't while Evelyn was on the scene. Well okay, but.
No, she's not saying it is.
She's not. Were you were you fiddling around with anyone prior to Duncan? What were you? What were you doing you Tom Catton around town?
I don't know how to answer that question.
Well, you have a few fellas on the go and no one No, one sort of tickled your fancy prior.
To Duncan just said eyes for Duncan.
Is that right?
Yeah? Just turn eyes.
There's a lot of pressure, brother, you're under a lot of pressure there, I feel.
Yeah, love the pressure.
So yeah, it on and the thing's still good? Or you guys over each other? Yeah? What are we dealing with here? Is it honeymoon period?
Is it wonderful moon? We just moved in three weeks ago.
You moved in together. Oh that's serious and good?
Thank you?
And how's that working out?
Then? Just working out? Who does what chores?
Does the cooking? I do the cleaning, but she uses like every pot?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've made a big mistake. My rule is clean as you go, no need, there's no need to pile up all the bullshit on the bench. And then five hours later, after we've eaten our meal and we relaxed watching TV, then you've got to scrub these bastards for hours and hours. It's not it's not worth it.
It's tough times.
Looking person, I gotta say ippose fun part?
Yeah, yeah, I love delivering a beautiful meal. At the end.
Evelyn's are creative?
Is she?
That's my excuse for not wanting to.
Yeah, or the vacuumine, Look, you don't vacuum either.
Duncan does a lot.
Of the cleaning. I'm not gonna lie does a lot of dun does.
Does Evelin put her underwear in their linen basket afterwards or just leave them on the floor like all other girls do?
She does put it in like the washing area.
The area.
Yeah, so I often I offer to do her washing of houndies for her.
But you're like, oh, you're one of those guys, so you can have some private time the laundry with the undergarments.
Yeah, when she's not home.
I'm assuming that's a joke. A Jackie looks shocked, but I feel that was a joke.
Okay, we're going to do cost of Lover. Are you guys ready. We've got a few questions to get through.
We've already asked Duncan these questions, so everyone is you to match it?
Are you're nervous?
Yes, I'm always nervous when I come in here.
I don't know what you're going to ask me, Kyle, But you're in safe hands here.
No one's we like you guys, and we're not here to upset you. Okay, So Jackie, we got all we got them all heady, ready to go when you're ready.
Sorry, sorry, Michael Jackson's here to hold that in the rules.
She sounds like Michael Jackson.
He does sound like Michael Jackson when I sneeze. Okay, your first question, we asked Duncan, who's the most famous person to slide into his DMS?
What do you think his answer would have been? Okay, we actually spoke.
About this and the answer is I think yep. Is it Sylvia Jeffries.
Let's see if that's a match?
What Sylvie Jeffries tried to set me up with a friend of hers once, so she said, deams to make that happen.
Thanks Sylvia, Oh my god.
Shocked for a second.
You have heaps of people slide into your because you on maths, Duncan, you came across as the nicest guy, like good looking and just so patient and lovely and anue. I bet you had a bunch of people trying to set you up or hook into you.
I had a few, but I'm pretty sure everyone would have had a lot more than me.
So we've never discussed it.
So you have a lot of fellas sniffing around there whatever crack.
Well, actually, when you're on the show, the channel takes her Instagram, so a lot of it was filtered out, so I actually didn't get to see too much of it.
Oh I see.
And what's the purpose of the TV network taking everyone's social media?
Well, what the hell?
They're trying to protect you because you get a lot of weird messages and a lot of weird photos too, so oh yeah, they get them deleted before you get your Instagram.
Jackie used to get like old men jerking off videos, remember.
That I did.
I had one guy I reckon. It would have been like seventy eight.
Something like that, and it was just loosing out of the top like a slow released volcano. Oh it's just not good.
I get that sometimes still, and I just think, in what world.
Do you watch it? Though? Right?
I don't know from because you've got a tap on it to blur it and you see it.
And then you get a shock and you.
Yeah, I know. Okay, So that's that was good.
That's isn't it? The ultimate and admiration when a man does that.
No random in the country, Okay, Evel, and we asked Duncan, how many people you've slept with? Now he would have either known this or had to guess, depending on whether you've had the conversation in.
Your whole life.
It was a guest, so she had ye.
Don't anything other than to eat and have sex with each other. We need, you need to know things about each other.
We've actually never spoken about this. I think it's a pretty I don't know.
I think it's a pretty.
Strange question to date someone be like, so, how many.
People have used?
I don't reckon it is I reckon it's totally fine to ask that question.
I almost don't want to know.
Also, yeah, right, yeah.
With Jackie's little number, that's why she should be proud. She's only in single figures this one. Can you believe? Single digits? Unbeliever? Anyway?
So what do you think he's guessing for your number?
What do I think Duncan thinks my number?
This is fascinating this part.
Okay, I'm gonna go with twenty?
Okay, and can I.
Before we hear the answer, what do you think his number is?
Well, Duncan is ten years older than me. Yeah, so with age becomes wisdom. So I think.
It's three digits a hundred, No, no, under just a hundred. Okay, let's go one hundred. Okay, let's just a random number.
I don't know, Like I say, we never spoke about it, so I'm just growing numbers out there.
Okay, all right, Well let's see what Duncan thought your number was.
Okay, if I had to guess, I'm gonna say twenty five.
Pretty quit, And what is the real number? How many have you banged me?
I mean I haven't counted exactly, but that many. No, I don't keep track, but i'd say twenty And.
With this includes oral and you know, fiddling and everything sexual anything.
It doesn't include that.
Look at it, head drop?
Okay, Yeah, well the head drop implies that, yeah.
There's quite quite anyway. It doesn't matter any blowing.
Are we Is she close with one hundred?
I don't know.
Yes, probably stopped counting at ninety nine at some point.
But every bloke knows roughly what they is everywhere. Not that we've got a list, but you know, you think another ten now, yeah, it's you don't want to remember, of course, but you've got to add.
What I don't understand is that with every relationship. Men are always like ninety one hundred whatever, and we are always twenty or ten your lies.
Yeah, somebody's possible. That can't be possible.
That we listen. Some real hose out there is the thousands, you know what I mean? There's an off balance somewhere.
Okay, let's go to the next question.
We asked dunk and what are the maths bride from your season or past seasons?
Would he have dated if he didn't get with you?
This is a hard one.
Do you think he likes or has liked or would have dated?
I okay, my thought process is going to automatically go to who I think is pretty. Yeah, I think is beautiful and has a good aura about them. I think Ella Ding from last year is really beautiful relationship now, but I feel like, yeah, she's pretty sought out after?
Is she an Asian as well? That one?
I think she's a half What do you think.
He only loves the half as is? The guy can't get it, he's got no other life.
Girl, she's attractive, you think it'd be a good match.
Yeah, she's a brunette.
Also, yeah, right, it's similar.
It's okay, let's find.
Out what he said, yeah, maybe Jules Robinson real monthly insticks, caring.
Yeah, just a real loving nature.
Now that was a surprise. You weren't thinking that were you?
Really did not cross my mind.
It's the kindness, the kindness. She is a very kind Yeah, yeah.
Gets after a while.
Yeah, okay, we asked, what is Duncan's pawn of choice?
Have you watched together?
You fightful?
You guys must have. You must have watched the pawn together right in the early days. A bit of filth and you know you don't need let's try and do that.
Yeah, we're way too interested in each other in okay, so could you just give me the question one more time?
What's his pawn of choice?
What does he watch when he's when it's his go to that would turn him on?
A pass answers aloud.
No pass.
What do you think he's watching when he's watching porn?
Like, you've got to imagine what you think would turn him on, And it might be like something he doesn't do with you, or maybe it is something you do that.
He is watching.
It could be anything.
Well, maybe it's yeah, who knows, I.
Mean, I don't know too many porn genres I'm not going to lie to you, but I.
Know amateur girl on girl three blokes parties. There's a list and lists. What do you think he's watching?
Jay's all of it?
You know.
I think lesbian porn, anime porn.
Know wh I'm watching. That's that's a real nut job watching anime, cartoon porn. That's no. Thanks. What do you think he watches? Look at him? Look at it.
I haven't actually watched porn since mane ever started going out.
Oh that's wow?
Really really?
So you're imagining like, yeah, the bedroom, Okay, I'm just going to go with girl and girl. Okay girl, like everyone likes girl and girl.
Right, let's see that as a match.
I'd say men and women porn, no lesbian and maybe with an Asian background.
Yeah, okay, so that's that makes sense. That's why he's not watching porn. He's living it out in real life. That's amazing. Okay.
Question five, we are duncan.
Who out of your friends and family does he get along with the least?
Who do you think that would be? Oh, friends or family?
This is hard on the least. He gets on with everyone.
He seems like that type of guy. But who who do you think you know, he's nice, but he doesn't really care about that person that much?
Okay, I really got to think here, who doesn't duncan get along with the most out of my face?
If he could remove one person from friends or family, just he gets to choose get rid of that person? Who is it?
It doesn't mean he doesn't like them. Maybe it's just if he had to remove one, who would it be?
Probably the dogs?
The dogs?
Well include animals in this because I give them so much attention, right attention.
Well, let's see what he said. Yeah.
Lookv's best friend Rice didn't invite me into her birthday when we first started seeing each other.
But we're tight now, so it's all good.
Asian as well. She is, and her name's Rice.
She calls herself that car.
Oh that's not her birth name.
Her birth certificate does not say Rice.
But she actually got me a pair of trees last week, so we're super tight.
Okay, that's one of Okay, the final question we asked Bryce, what is it?
Okay, how long do you think the relationship will last? Is what we are stunk in? Oh, forever, let's see if forever.
Is a match for every person.
Yeah, I love that, guys, very good.
You too, So there's been nothing that you've just thought you guys are a perfect match, perfect for each other, very happy. Everything's wonderful. You've only been living for a few weeks together. But this either feels right or it doesn't feel right. I think usually from the beginning.
Yeah, I agree.
If only we got match together on MASS, I know, but then it would have been bored crazy, yes each Yeah.
Did you guys have sex with your own wives and husbands on Maths?
Yeah, there's intimacy on Mass.
Do you get down on that one? And what happens there?
Oh my god, she's right here, he's current.
We had to ask her if she also, don't worry she gets.
You don't want to think about that?
Well with us as a viewer, we want we want to know, Peter, do you want to know if everyone went down to her husband or not? We all watch the show, come on the whole country watch.
As well.
Well, you can go back and rewatch the show show it now, so if you want to find out, you can go back to what it.
Shows you giving a gobby to someone on nine now that I don't remember that either. That would have definitely been on my radar. Well, you two are a very sweet couple. I'm glad you found each other through all of that, the TV and the mess and and you know, just love is beautiful. I hope you do. I think you too will last. You're soft and you're you're kind with each other.
You've already moved in. I think you're sweet. Thank you, guys. Its good so much. Yeah, thanks for coming in, guys.
Evelyn and Duncan from Maps doing Cost of Love this morning.
With Chemical this morning, you kiss Today we go Google pret dicks Hot tickets. Everyone wants them. You can win a ticket for you and three friends to the Weekends After Hours Till Dawn Tour in concert November twenty four and twenty five at a Course Stadium pre sale. You can buy them from this Thursday. You get a live nation dot com that are you to register or win them for free? Are you ready to play jack here? We'll be doing here.
Yeah, Moss is called three. I'm going to play for you. Moss.
Hi, let's go, Jackie, Let's go.
Are you breathing heavy or something?
Moss, I'm hiding in a corner. Peek kept yelling at me because it was too noisy to you.
Oh God, are you're working?
Okay, okay, okay, I'll do my best. Moss cayl will give me the first half of the sentence. I have to guess the second half and that would be the top Google search.
Yes, that's right. Are you ready?
I typed this in Why is it so expensive?
In Singapore? In Monaco, in Australia, in Sydney.
No, none of these that you've got it. You've got more words required in.
The in the East, in Dubai, London, New York.
No, no, no, no, you haven't got the full sentence. You can't just be throwing out locations?
Why not?
Why why is it so expensive? Because that's not the answer. Why is it so expensive to live in Australia is the answer?
Oh, come off it. No wait a second.
I thought I was giving you those kind of things and you said no to me, not enough.
Oh God, that sucks. It's half sorry, Moss, Hi Doraene, you're up.
Next, Hi Jackie, come on, let's do.
It, okay, Dorin, Okay, here we go. What is the song?
What? What is the song take Me to Church about?
But it is about? What is the something song about?
Is the song Vampire about older? Oh zombie older?
My god, I don't know? Older?
Song American Pie about? Good question?
We can buy?
What's all that?
It's about the cultural and political decline of the US in the nineteen sixties. A farewell to the American dream, that's what it says.
Well, still that dream is going down the plug hole. Okay, let's get the next one. Jack in Forestville. Jack is going to try and play for you here. I told this into Google, Jackie, Jack, Hey, bro, here we go.
For you?
Made from everywhere? Why is why? Is it safe? Sorry? Sorry? No, no, I'm mapped out.
Is it safe to.
Go swimming in the ocean in Australia? Is it safe to travel to.
Turkey to eat raw chicken?
Is it safe to have sex?
No? No? Is it safe to click on a link? Is the tough one?
Are so broad? Like they could be anything? When they're this broad, it's almost impossible. Sorry, Jack, Let's go to Kirsty.
She really blames everyone. When what is.
The song American Pie about? I mean, what are the chances I'm ever going to get that?
Okay, maybe I'll do something a bit more relatable to you. Okay, why is my ankle swollen? Got it? Nailed it, That's it. That's how you win. Christy, You've got it. You have got tickets for you and three friends off to the weekend, the after hours till dawn to the rest of us. Have to get them from live nation dot com at dot au this Thursday, August thirty. First you can register for the pre sales. Well done, Kirsty, enjoy the concert will be amazing. More concert tickets to give away. We're talking the iHeartRadio Music Festival in Vegas. You just got to listen out for the Little Wayne Lollipop song first through. When you hear it, wins the tickets. And let me tell you, when you got ten minutes left to the show, probably next here at tip Carlon Jackie Kyle.
And Jackie Kayl and Jackie el.
If I were to give you tickets and your friend to fly United Airlines non stop all the way to Los Angeles, then off you go to Las Vegas to party at the two day iHeartRadio Music Festival. Will you be watching for our boy Kelly Clark's and Little Wayne Travis Scott Lenny Kravitz is going to be up there Miguel at TLC, the Fooies, they're.
All theres that'd be good.
Yeah they're very good.
Oh yeah, really good.
I don't even really like rock. I'm more of a pop bitch.
But it's hard not to kind of get into a lot of food fighters songs.
Yeah, they very sing along here.
Yeah they are.
Now you're listening out for Lollipop by Lil Wayne. I don't know when that's going to happen.
Well, now you would imagine.
Let's get looking at a static major with him Lollipop Now ring if you want to win thirteen one o six ' five for your I Heart Vegas Festival tickets a little way, that's the winning song. You're listening out for Lollipop. Someone's one tickets. Let's find out who iHeart Radio Music Festival.
Are you ready to get this show?
This exits my kiss one six five. That's right, We've got our big iHeart Radio Music Festival. They're lining up all the acts over in the Las Vegas. It's a two day event. You know all the people that are gonna be there. We're gonna fly you non stop straight over there on United Airlines. By the way, they fly NonStop from Sydney to La and San Francisco, with connections to more than two hundred and seventy destinations right around the Americas. But you and a friend off to the festival staying at the MGM Grand Hotel. So not some shit joint. You're staying at the MGM. Baby. Let's pick up the winner and tell Jade in Terigill you're off to Vegas.
Hi ya, you're going to Vegas.
How you got it?
Oh my god, this is amazing.
I didn't know that.
Get through.
You are through, Jade. You got two tickets, two airline tickets, accommodation for two at MGM Grand. Enjoy. It'll be the time of your life.
Oh my god, guys, is amazing the perfect time as well.
Oh my gosh. Thank you guys.
So enjoy. We'll talk to you. We'll talk to you when you get there. I'd love to find out what's going on. Jackie's got a bit own news. Now you know you're on a winner with Global and Energy, multiple award winners for twenty twenty three.
What do you got, jack So Olivia Rodrigo has given us a little behind the scenes look into the making a vampire and for those that listen to the unedited version, you'll know that the line in the song is not dream Crusher, it's fame effort and yeah, the radio. If you'd only ever hear it on the radio, you'll only ever know it as dream Crusher. But here's the original line that you hear in the edited Sucker, same.
Joke, godund oh.
Yes, it's such a great line and it's such a shame it has to be changed.
But this is a lot I like.
I like dream Crusher too. I like that.
That's because it's what you know, probably.
Like you, I've got like a little you know, Mayo and I we look at each other and we've got a we've got a dance move, you know, crush. You know Mayo we put our hands together and then sword into our hearts.
You know we Yeah, we do it every time for the Crusher.
Yeah, that's right. But the originals is famous.
So what would your new move be for a fame?
I think we do a thrust?
But what do you do for fame?
Maybe I'll lurch forward and then Mayo can thrust.
Oh that's right, yeah yeah, And this would be the version you'd be used to hearing on radio.
Sucker, Dream crush joke, Where did the goddamn go?
Some Americas they don't like. They don't allow you to say goddamn because they're so religious.
Can one.
You're not allowed to You're not allowed to say God damn in America. It's the worst thing in the world.
Anyway, before they settled on dream Crusher, they trialed a whole bunch of different options for the radio, and Olivia posted a TikTok showing all the alternate clean versions of Vampire, which is fun, and then clearly started.
To have a joke with it. And they get a bit more silly as they go.
Sucker lover ble Sucker, fame Hunter Ble.
Joe Sucker wild blaa is what she said.
Sucker goog but.
Charlic butter.
Sucker Sucker, Mark Sucker. I think that one of them will work. Wow, you have the right one, I feel Mark Zucker.
I would not have been singing no exactly. I think.
Yes, she's so good. She's a very good amuser. Yeah, it's a great artist.
I absolutely adore her.
Obviously, some older bloke has taken her, has broken her heart at some stage.
It feels, don't you think, Yeah, it sounds like an older guy.
The song's about an older guy, and he's obviously done it, done a dirty on her, of course.
I mean it just goes to show, doesn't it happen to anyone? Olivia Rodrigo? Hot, talented, fun, you know, success, these amazing attributes.
That can still be crushed by.
By someone like that. You know, who is this guy? I need to find him.
That can be any bloke. We make a lot of errors.
I think he's rich though, that's what I gathered from the from the song. I don't know there's a line in there that it made me think he was rich.
She probably looked up to him and thought that, you know, so, you know.
I love it.
I love her lyrics because when she talks about you called them crazy, and I hate that I'm called them crazy too.
It's something you would do in a relation.
I know.
Yeah, I believe him he's right, because you want to believe like.
These forty women that have contacted me and said them as well, they must be all crazy.
I know.
Yeah, I feel for her.
Do we know behind this guy or anything? Guys?
Well, she used to be on High School Musical, The musical the series with a guy named Joshua Bassett, and apparently that's who a lot of her heartbreak music is about. And he's the one that then moved on with like another famous chicken.
He moved on with someone else that's famous. Maybe he is the fame effort.
Yeah, Marina's Halfana. She was another Disney stuff.
But what's he? I want to look at him.
Yeah, we didn't care about who he's with.
In my head, I had it as like a forty year old guy.
Me too, child kid that's two years older.
That's ridiculous. That can't be you're well see he lied, Yeah it would have been. Is he an actor as well? Is he?
He must be?
What was he on? High School Musical?
High school music or the musical? The series? It's really good.
What's it called?
High school musical? The musical the series?
What a piece of this thing?
So why do they have to say the musical the series?
It's a great series. They it's like high school musical, but then they do the musical of high school musical in the series.
Yes, I say that sounds like the ideas Disney high School Musical.
But I also thought, just to add into the boyfriend saga, she dated this guy who was twenty six, who was a music exec only like earlier this year.
It could also be about he feel like it's him. I don't feel like it's a young I feel like her first album was that. But I feel like we've got new We've got new men that have screwed her over in this one.
Who's this record company?
Put him up on the screen.
Have a look at this blake? You know his name?
Is his name? What he was? Hideous? Yeah that's him.
You mean he's not your cup of tea mays.
That you're saying he's not good enough for her?
Yeah, he's no good. They were spotted like they were together with super Bowl and.
What do you mean a music what did he do with the music company? Well, what's he done this play?
I don't know that.
He doesn't look like he's done much, but google it for.
I don't know what.
We don't speculate based on his appearance.
That's right.
And apparently he's one of Drake's best friends as well.
So he works with Well, that says it all. That says it all. Doesn't know what's going on the house party probably.
Issues exactly what would Olivia is just another notch on his belt.
His poor was probably the nicest. He's probably got nothing to do. He's be like, guys, it's not about me. I had my heart broken.
He did.
Isn't it weird? And we just assumed everyone just believes it.
Yeah, what else?
Hugh Hefner's wife at the time of his death, Crystal Hefner, who was sixty years his junior.
I didn't realize that. I know, I know, sixty years junior.
So she was there living in the Playboy mansion, married to him for ten years, and she's just written a book. In the book, she speaks about meeting Hugh when she was twenty one and how strict the house rules were.
We all know they had. The curfew hers was six pm.
He expected her to be home by dinner every night, always was just am. Every night was the same chicken, soup, cream, cheese and crackers.
That's what they had.
I liked that. Oh, I could have been a Playboy model.
And she was also expected to participate in group sex. And he would take so much viagra that he eventually was becoming deaf. Yes, but anyway, despite all that, Crystal told The Daily Mail that she doesn't regret marrying Hugh.
I think When I first went in the mansion, it felt really glamorous, but then the facade kind of fell apart over time. It was hard, there was a lot of rules. I kind of last myself in the process. But now I'm finding myself again.
This is good.
I'm happy.
I recently looked at a photo of haf Nay when I was twenty one.
You know, I just felt sorry for the girl.
I don't have any regrets. You know, it was an interesting life in an interesting place with an interesting man.
I don't know why everyone's so surprised, like, oh, the poor Playboy girls had to do group. I'm pretty sure everyone knew what was what going to the Playboy You probably too, well, you're not being hoodwinked going up there, thinking it's going to be someone on one road.
You're you're exactly, You're yep, you know what.
So you know it made But I think it's nice when they do reflect and they realize, oh shit, I sort of showed up there at twenty one a bit damaged, a bit you know, insecure. I can understand how they get caught up in it and then regret it.
And I don't get young and naive and so yeah, but also if you were still.
On the Gold Coaster, you would have been probably hooked up with the you know, when you were Gold Coaster, if if that, if that that tobacco sort of playboy guy out there.
What's your mandy man?
Your candy man? You would have been over there with your tits out at the candy man's.
Oh no, No, I wouldn't have, you know me, I'm not. I don't think I would have gone down that path.
Kaile wouldn't know.
No, you know what walking around on a dog lead on all fours like, No, what happened to me on the Gold Coast that made me want to do that?
Well? Who knows?
So many stories indie girl or anything?
No, I wasn't an indie girl.
Later, No, did you ever desire? Did maybe you weren't? Do we ever good enough to be an Indian?
I don't think I was.
Wasn't there like a wet T shirt competition or something?
I did a bikini thing on the runway once at a pub.
Yes, yes, but that wasn't mean like.
Up to like a promo girl thing.
And that was the one, one of the one and only one I did. I left after that because I was like it was just winning.
It didn't win and you got the ship.
There wasn't a competition. It was just purely you were modeling bikinis.
No, this wasn't It wasn't. It was just you were paid to go and model bikinis.
In front of blowing to the beer garden on.
The d yeah nod.
Did they have oh wow?
No, wonder you say modeling bikinis? Were you trying to get other women to buy the bikinis?
I don't know what the point of it.
Was, lady. Was there an old woman saying in the lovely orange bikinis, Jacqueline from.
The Gold remember what happened?
You can buy this from mys for thirty ninety five ladies.
So, Carl, your favorite show, the idol that has been canceled.
I'm afraid to say no more. Season two. It just wasn't.
Received well and they actually shortened the series to only five epps because was.
It really not received well or was it too full on? And all the complainers that they got heard.
Look at the end of the day, if it rated well, they would be doing it again. They just would be maybe network goes oh too many complaints, But it rated through the roof.
Let's not do it.
Yeah, you're right, it's not how the corporate TV types.
Yeah, exactly.
We're going to take your last calls guys as we wrap up the show on thirteen one oh six.
Five Calvin Harris and Ellie Golding This morning Here we kiss FM. Morning everyone, Hickie, come on, turn it up, last calls if you want to get on before we wrap up today. Gordy will be taking over his feedback or he's good, yea, he's back. You never know. Gordy's sick here, sick there, not like me. I'm still on air, very very ill.
But you did take a few days off, so you know.
We only because I was not able to get out of the bed microphone.
I'm just saying, gord he might have been that way too.
Yeah, what one day here? One day there?
Come on, Paul is called through the last calls. Hi, Paul, Hey, Paul, good hud.
What can we do for you?
I know you had the Shark Tank guy on before, but I've actually got a.
Pitch for you.
What is it, Kyle?
So basically I've been trying to get on for a wrong time now, so we all know that.
You came up with the word flog and you've stated it before.
You came up with the word flog.
Is that correct? Right? That is correct my friend years ago as a young fellow.
Yeah, and we all we all love a chikat or a chocolate bar, and we all we all know that's your favorite, and that's your favorite. I'm thinking about a chocolate bar that we can call the flog. And it looks like a lock a beautiful log. And that log is a flog is spelt with P hate instead of flog, and and well instead of normal water, it's H two cocoa.
Hang on, is this a chocolate bar or what's in the bar?
Where does the where does the p H come from?
To be cool? You know?
Pretty hot lot, pretty hot log.
Listen, there's a lot to take in here.
Listen, this is quite a good idea. But I'm not in the conflictory business. I didn't even want to be in the beverage business, to tell you the truth. Somehow I found myself unwillingly a beverage king with the.
Found yourself in that in the wave of the alcohol.
I don't even drink alcohol, and here I am selling all this stuff. And then there's the first trap. That that the water that I've got out there, which is killing it. By the way, Yeah, yeah, that's out there, it's in the servos. It's it's the only water well. I think there's a few others now, but we were the first water. Remember ages ago when everyone started hating plastic and all the big water companies are like, oh, well maybe in ten years we can do away with the plastic. Well, my guys over at H two Coco said that's bullshit. We can immediately start packaging water in aluminium right now, which is completely one hundred percent recyclable. Well that's good because I was in the meeting and I was like, yeah, well we should do that all in favor, say we all said I. And now it's out there and it's killing it.
Oh awesome like that.
That's good, Kyle, because when you put anything in your yellow bin, the only good thing to put in there is aluminium because they can just melt it down and make new stuff straight away, like there's no real other process.
Some bottles are like, you know, oh, it's all recyclable except for the lid in the label, and you know who's peeling the lead and the label off? These things. We're not interested in.
That, Okay, So I love it, Santiago. What's up?
Oh, how do you go on?
Good morning, good bro, good mane. What's up?
I'm a bit of a young fellow, but I've grown up pretty fast. I'm nineteen and I make about half a million dollars per year.
And you're doing real well.
Thanks guys, thank you. I'm just I'm just wondering how can I find myself a woman who isn't trying to use me for my money? And I don't know what trace to look for in a woman for a man like me.
No, you really, it reveals itself over I would say a couple of few months basically, and you can get a very good Yeah, you get a good idea as to who's in it for the wrong reason.
Are you cruising around in like the lambows and all the flash clothes or you keeping it on the down low? No, I'm a walk I keep it on the down low on every one I know is pimping and pimping and all the year, and no, not me.
I'm a I'm an Eastern European on.
Oh, okay, that's very different. So you are you could be worth a billion dollars and you'd look like you're homeless. The Eastern European billionaires. Have you noticed these guys? They don't, they're not flashy.
Yeah, I'm going to have a nice b belly when I'm nice and.
Rich and older.
I just think if you're if you're not flashing it around town like you know, look at me, look at me type, I think that you will probably do quite well picking up women that are and dating girls that are there for the right reason. I feel that if you're a real flashy type of guy, that's when you can get caught up in there.
Yeah, because you're attracting that Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And in a way you are to blame for it, because, let's face, a lot of guys, not you personally, but a lot of guys do that because they think it'll pull chicks. Like so, if you've got the yellow Ferrari and you're wearing Gucci, like you you you're doing it because you want to attract.
So you known, a.
Year into it, you start thinking do they really love?
Like, come on, if they're asking for bags and you know, you know what they're in it for.
It's quite obvious yeah, and.
That the beginning that you might you might even be inclined to buy that Gucci.
That that absolutely the power of the pe you know, like that.
That I'd imagine it would be. It would be all right as long as they were hot and not crazy. That's all you want.
Crazy they are the crazy they are. Look, I feel that if you're not a flashy guy, you'll do fine. You just don't let you just don't get cond into buying everything. You're not there as a as a free ATM machine.
Well, here's my next question, though, If I if I'm making all this money and my partner isn't, what should I expect from her? Because my last X she can't cook or clean or anything. Is it long with me to assume that she would do that.
Since I'm bringing she doesn't work.
She does work, but it's a it's a casual job.
Look, when you're doing when you're doing well, you can't expect oh well, look, I'm paying for everything, so you've got to do everything else.
You shouldn't expect that.
But she if it were me and I was in that situation, because I would appreciate what you're doing, I'd want to, you know, give you back something in return?
What would you give him? I would be doing.
I would be cleaning the house and cooking and doing special things for him because he's out, he's out working, and I respect that.
So therefore I'm going to give you something in return.
How very nineteen sixties of you.
I don't think so. I don't think that.
I think the expectation of oh, you must cook and clean is very nineteen sixties.
But I think you know, if you're just.
Sitting around, Like honestly, if you're sitting around not doing any of that, and you're also not working, then that's kind of I think it's sort of.
Disrespectful, like what are you sure?
What are you doing to help out your partner, you know, the way he might be helping out you.
There shouldn't be a list of rules, but people should want to help the other That's.
What That's what it boils down to, is the respect you have for the other person.
Do you really want to do that for them?
See Brooklyn's keeping quiet of you noticed, Well, what would I say? Well, I don't know. Maybe things are yeah, maybe some of these things are ringing true to you. You were expecting Damien to cook every night or.
What well he does, but he loves it.
And you both like work, so therefore you're both equally balanced.
And he doesn't work from home, so sometimes I think, yeah, you could probably do a bit more.
Yeah, I can't never bring that out in my place. Let me send me throatcuts. Good morning.
Hi, how are you?
How are you so good?
You visited my local town on the weekend, and my god, he's called some controversy.
Yeah. I don't have what sort of controversy I could cause since I stayed in the nbab the whole time.
So Copa is one way in, one way out, and at the top of the top of the hill there is a sign saying Copa Cabana has no room for celebrities. So what you've done now on the chat page, someone took offense.
Someone took offense that I dared go there and and spend the weekend there and they put a sign after that.
There's a few precious people in Copa.
I'm not overly surprised.
That's so rude to do that.
Who cares what some people?
But it's just like, oh, where's where's there's, Like, why is Kyle coming to the Copa and I'm like two kids. Well I didn't see you, Kyle, but I saw Teagan and Otto and your nanny and it didn't seem to be getting up to know mischief, So I don't know that.
We were very well behaved. And I you know, I met went down to the cafe down there, the Copa cafe, you know that joint next to the real estate agent. Yes, yeah, went in there, met the lady that owns, met the chef there, met the girls that worked there.
Everyone was relatively new.
Cafe too, was very nice.
The problem you can always come up. I just don't know what you've done. But there's a handmade siwing up the top. Now, oh.
It wasn't say it has no room for celebrities.
Yep ye, So.
How many people are behind this?
You know what I'm going to do. I'm gonna I'm going to find the most obnoxious house in Copa and just buy it as a party joint.
Yeah well, I mean I'm going to be bringing.
The bus loads of lebows up there to the party.
It's going to be.
The party capital of Australia. You know, loud, loud, flat out. Actually I would it because it is such a lovely like such a pristine little part of the world, like I get out. The last thing they want is another Heymnsworth of sort.
Of West in the Hymnsworth category.
Yeah, actually yeah, I couldn't buy a joint up there, and I can build a little Westfield no dramas, but it's such it's very relaxed there, so I get they don't want the I don't want the.
Do you need anything to create?
You know, I'll never go back again. I apologized everyone from the Coba Cabana area.
It was unwell, the whole two people to Kars.
It doesn't only takes one, you know, to complain, and you know, and that's everyone's got to Everyone's going to do what they say because that's the way the world works.
Now now, may I will you be because your parents own a place in Copa Cabana.
You sell it up, sell it up.
Yeah, I'm going to visit them this weekend so I can go look at the sign here, could.
You please.
Taken down the sign and then I'll be in the local.
Copa Cabana has no room for celebrities.
Why don't you cross it out and write karens Okay, I'll do that.
Well, you're gonna do you think it's gonna be there for a week?
This sign, I reckon. Not much happens there. It's very quiet.
Yeah, it's beautiful, right, it's a lovely spot, Peter. It's not as if I've got Pete to drive me up in the stretch Limo and we were Yahoo, Yeah.
Why do we do it filled up with celebrity?
Fill it up? Keith Urban in there and you know, or we.
Could really lay it up, like bring Nasa from Maths or something.
Stubilah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, bring that.
I don't like the way you guys keep referring to poor old Nasa as some piece of ship celebrity.
It's not no, no, he knows, he knows the deal, you know.
But with Peter, it's jealousy. You're and it's very obvious you're jealous of Nasa a little bit.
He lives in my area now as well, always running to him, and he teases me a bit as well.
What does he say?
Red carpets and non better than you? And I think he's just staring me up more than anything. Yeah, he's like, he's fine, he's armless.
But that sounds very confrontational is in.
My area, Like I lived there first, so it was my area.
I don't think that's the way the law works.
Do you have any other celebrities in your area?
That tennis player used to live in my building?
Which one? Ash Barty?
No, it's a bloke, not not Philipoosa's and it's gonna be a guessing go now. No, not Pat Rafter, Tom Tomic, not Tomic, not Bernard Sorry.
We're running out.
Yes, he's living in my building, so he's out of it long ago, literally like six months ago.
With his green Tesla.
Yeah, the green Tesla is.
Lime green test in.
Some baller apartment that we don't know about.
It's small, but it's nice.
Yeah, well how small is it?
I was a two bedroom unit, so yeah, so.
It's not that small really.
Yeah, No, it's nice justin keeps it nice, which is good.
So yeah, I think he's Asian at home to keep it all nice and tidy. And are you still driving his car and pretending that it's your family car? Yep?
Yeah, so that's that.
And then I'm not very good at driving Tesla, so I'm back still in the camera, which is on its absolute last leg.
So I would say, hanging in there.
Hey, you've got the limit. You've got the limos, got the.
Limo, got that, got multiple cars everywhere at the moment.
So yeah, he's got one in every port.
Okay, well, tomorrow Naked Dating is back, where two people will come in, get nude and hopefully fall in love. Because that's the plan. Your chance to win the ten grand pop quizy back and all day while you work, try and win tickets to Vegas for our iHeart Music Festival. Gord, he's got all these songs coming up there. You go, enjoy your day. See you tomorrow morning, guys
See you tomorrow guys, Spye, Kyle and Jackie O.