Fiona Harvey a.k.a Martha from Baby Reindeer has finally sit down for her first interview ever! We get all the goss from her side of the story... Have a listen for all the shocking, juicy details.
Okay, So the real life Martha from Baby Reindeer, she did her sit down interview with Piers Morgan. Yeah, lady is not Martha, it's Fiona and uh.
Yeah she.
Well how it goes well.
He just wanted to know how much of it was true, and I got to say she pretty much denied at all.
Like I, I believe.
Her denied too much to have a listen.
He goes on to say that you heckle Richard Gab when he was appearing in his stand up shows. Did you ever do that?
Never, did you ever attend to stand up?
I think I wait to one.
It was a long long time and he never shouted out or.
Why would I do that?
No, no, I mean do you ever shout out?
No, I don't generally go to comedy shows.
Did you ever attack Richard Gad's girlfriend because you were jealous?
No, I don't think he had a girlfriend. I think he's said sax sual, But no, I have never been to his house or attacked any girlfriend or anything like that.
Lots of scenes where Martha is sitting outside his house all day for many days. Did you ever do that? Did you ever turn up at his house? No, I don't know.
I don't know where he lived.
Did you ever contact Richard's parents?
No, that's allegation was put to me by journalists.
Now maybe it's not even about her, it's not.
I think what you'll find.
Is well, then Netflix claim that they saw forty thousand emails in total from her insand.
Oh right, but she never they never asked, they did, they did. They'll apply it for you now.
Netflix have said that these details are the real ones.
This is this is exactly incorrect.
So you're denying sending anything to him. Did you tweet him?
I may have done years and years ago.
You actually tweeted him numerous times.
No, it wasn't numerous. It's about eighteen tweets there or fourteen.
It's quite a lot to someone who's not that well known.
But we were all friends.
You know.
It was banter, but it establishes you were. That's in public.
Yes, I mean this is did you write let No, I think when I when I saw the rape interview, that's such thing correct what I said there when I when I saw that in the Guardian, I said, what a shame, it's not your fault.
Something one later, one letter?
So why have they got all these details here, which are support.
Who is they? Netflix?
Who? Correct?
I'm sorry?
Who was central with stuff to him?
I have no idea. I think he's probably made it up himself.
That character spot On did that denying?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you got to give you the benefit of the there.
Who's it now? Did she say she didn't know where he lived?
Yeah, he was a homicide, So send him one letter he had with one training.
That does not make your homosexual, trust me, I know.
She said, not numerous emails, just eighty.
Yeah. I think that's numerous.
So she's just trying to She's probably just trying to wiggle out of this one. It's embarrassing.
After the interview, she said she felt used by Piers Morgan a.
Bully and a twirl. The next one is the next one.
Yeah, Pierce has not understand what I wonder if Pierce has ever had a stalker.
Who knows?
They come in all form you usually a bit mental, bit chunky.
Imagine if Piers Morgan had Martha Now stalking him and he was talking about it on air all the time.
That's not true. I just happened to be parked out in front of his house. I didn't know he did. Lived there. Soon Cayle and Jackie Oh