Welcome back to The Kotaku Australia Podcast. It's a show about video games, and this week, welcoming special guest and frequent Kotaku AU contributor Lauren Rouse!
This week on the show:
And we chat through next week's biggest releases, including F1 23, Heist Kitty, Dad By The Sword, Park Beyond, Fall of Porcupine and more!
As always, you can find this week’s episode (and all of our previous episodes) on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere else fine podcasts are uploaded. The video version of this week’s show can be found on the Kotaku Australia YouTube channel, or you can watch it in the handy-dandy embed above.
Previous episodes of the show can be found in our lovely Episode Guide over here.
Thanks for stopping by and giving our weird little show a listen. We appreciate each and every one of you showing up, coming back, and leaving us comments and reviews. It all helps us out, and we take none of it for granted.
See you again next week!