Good Friday (Special)
What are you worth to God? What was the price to buy back your soul from darkness? The cost for your heart was weighty – the blood of God himself. God himself is put on trial before a court of liars. He remains silent and embraces torture, mockery, and death on our behalf. Good Friday is only goo…
Passover & Arrest
Do you worship a weak God? Is your God a victim? A prisoner? How you view God will say a lot about how you view yourself. Jesus enjoys a few tender moments with his disciples during Passover. In the Garden of Gethsemane, the Lamb of God gives himself up to wolves, but not without displaying his po…
Judas' Betrayal
How much do you value Jesus? What is he worth to you? To some, he’s worth laying everything on the line. To others, he’s worth a few pieces of silver. Jesus enjoys the company of his friends. Warmth fills their hearts, and everything seems perfect. However, hidden under the cloak of night, the Hi…
Jesus Vs. Pride
What does it mean to be Holy? Is it being perfect or humbling reaching for God? Jesus confronts the corruption and hypocricy of the religious leaders. Without fear, he delivers a harsh but truthful message. He is making enemies with powerful people, but that’s all a part of the plan. Today's Bibl…
Flipping Tables
What makes God angry? What would it take for the Prince of Peace, Jesus, to act out in rage? Jesus bursts into the temple with passion and boldness, flipping tables and driving out the greedy moneychangers. People stand in awe as Jesus delivers a harsh rebuke to the religious elite. Today's Bible…
Palm Sunday
True greatness is not having lofty titles or golden crowns but knowing when to lay it all down for the sake of others. Passion Week begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry. The multitude welcomes Jesus like a king as he rides in humbly on a donkey. The crowd worships Him for now, but Jesus knows a cros…
Flee with Hope
Joseph is given another dream - a warning. He must get Mary and Jesus to safety. He realizes that this is what he was called to all along - protect God’s Son, even if it costs him his life. Today's Bible verse is Deuteronomy 31:8, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Ch…
Throne of Evil
Herod, boiling in a jealous rage, commits the same act as Pharaoh did long ago. In a chaotic and fiery frenzy, children are taken from their homes and killed, all because of the pride of one man. Today's Bible verse is Romans 8:28, from the King James Version. Download the app for more C…
Gifts for a King
In a humble house, nestled near the valley where King David himself once herded sheep, the King of Kings is adorned with gifts. Each gift is a symbol of his identity and prophecy of his fate. Today's Bible verse is Matthew 6:21, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Chri…
Herod’s Palace
The magi arrive at the palace of King Herod, looking for the King of the Jews. Herod welcomes them with false-humility, smiling through his gritted teeth. Something isn’t right. Today's Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 15:50, from the King James Version. Download the app for more Christian c…