Losing your legitimacy as a government. Veterans day. Check in on a veteran. A country led by evil rotted institutions. For the last 10 years the system has declared YOU to be the enemy. Is this the start of saving the republic? Christmas earlier and earlier. Should Trump pardon Hunter?
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show.
Let's have some fun on a Monday. And of course it is Medal of Honor Monday. That'll be an hour from now. It is a Veteran's.
Day and I will talk a little bit about that in the opening. We also have something wonderful that's happening out there. We're going to talk about legitimacy, why it's necessary, and why the system is actually in quite a bit of trouble. That is going to be fun and awesome. I will rant about Christmas and the wife. We are going to talk more about the Senate leadership race, what's happening there, why it's happening, emails, mass deportations, all that and so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. It's going to be a good night. Before we get to any of that, well, we got an email here, Jesse. Asha The guy said, dear Crayon eating child size glove model, please recognize for your Veterans Day show, my father and best friend, Robert W. Trust Sr. Marine and Korean War veteran who sadly passed away about ten years ago. Please let the bar eat thank you for your service as well. His name is mass The bar tonight is for every single person, man and woman who served this country in uniform. It is Veterans Day today. I'm going to say the most cliche thing in the world, and I'm gonna thank you for your service. But in kind of a different way. It takes something to go put on a uniform and give away years of your life for your country. It takes something, and you should feel proud if you did it. You should. It's good. Go get your ten percent off whatever today, Go enjoy it today. It is a good thing. What you did serving your country an admirable thing, and I applaud you for it. If every single person in this country felt inclined to serve it in uniform at one point in their life or another, this country would be way better off than it currently is. I applaud you for it. Whatever branch it was, even if it was the Air Force, I salute you. Thank you for your service. You did something awesome. And I would like to finish up that little Veterans Day talk. I might even I might even get sidetracked and tell a couple of marine stories tonight, maybe ones I'm sure there'd be ones I've probably told before, but I'm in kind of one of those moods. But anyway, before I get I'll get come back to it later. One last word to the veterans out there who are listening. Remember your life. It's a resume. There's gonna be a bunch of things on there you are proud of. There are gonna be a bunch of things on there you are not proud of. That is not unique to you, Ah, Jesse, you don't know, no, I know, trust me, I've got plenty of both on mine. And the time in service, your time serving your country is one of those things that's it's the headline, or at least at least it's close to the top on the resume of your life. It's something you're proud of. I was a marine, I was in the Army. I fought in Vietnam, I fought in Iraq, and it should be it is a good thing. But remember, just like if you've seen a resume, you know what they look like. Hopefully you filled one out unless you're like eight years old, which that could be the case. Listen to this show, But what do all these different jobs on your resume. What do they have in common? They have an end date, a start date, and an end date. I started in July of twenty thirteen, and I ended in July of twenty eighteen. It's not the last thing you're ever going to do in your life, and it's not the last great thing you're ever going to do. It's not the last way you're ever going to serve your country, your community, your church, your family. It's an awesome thing you put on your resume. Don't stop swimming now, because the awesome thing you did is done the most, the most thing, the thing I hear the most. I should say from veterans who are struggling, and Veterans Day is a day wondering why I'm having this talk. Veterans Day is a day where people struggle. In fact, I would encourage you, veteran or not. If you have a veteran in your life, send him a text message, make a phone call, check in, say hi, thank him for the service, See how they're doing. Hey, you want to grab a pizza, you want to go out for a beer, you want to check in with a veteran. But the reason I'm saying this today is because this day is hard, and because veterans, because they did something awesome, they have a hard time oftentimes with the rest of their lives because they'll say, I'm just filling the blank now, and it never sounds as cool and never feels as important. Jesse, I was a marine in Fellojah. Now I'm just a delivery man. Now I'm just accountant. Jesse. Now I'm You're not just to anything that was part of your resume. It wasn't the last thing. All right, keep putting things on your resume. Will anything be as cool as shooting terrorists in the face? Probably not, but it will still be really cool for the rest of your life. Okay, all right, check in on a veteran. Happy Veterans Day, and one more time. Let's let the bar eat. Enough of that now. But my focus is just stay focused. Oh oh, you know what. One last day on Veterans Day, I guess I should have focused more. I got this email. I realized we have a bunch of new listeners, which I can't believe. We have so many new ones, and so a lot of people don't understand things we've done in the past. It was a long email about Pelolu. I watched a heartbreaking documentary on Pelolu. It was so sad. Have you ever talked about it? So if maybe on Veterans Day you're looking for something to do with family, friends, kids, maybe you've got a little drive, maybe you went away to honor veterans. March twenty five of this year, of twenty twenty four, our show from March twenty fifth and hour two we did it on Pelolu. March twenty fifth, we did an entire hour on Pelolu. You want to sit around, maybe listen while you eat dinner, something like that, while you drive with your kids. What people have done, gone through for this country. That's worth it. It's free. iHeart Spotify iTunes. Hour two of our March twenty fifth show. We've done a bunch of veteran show, but that one was asked about specifically, so I thought I'd bring that up. Now on to politics and other things. There are a bunch of wonderful things happening right now in this country. Wonderful things happening. A lot of it is from the election, but just momentum is on our side right now as a country. And so let's talk about the system itself. Let's describe the system. Really briefly here for new listers, our country, every country is run by its institutions. Institutions are what a country. They're the pillars, the foundation a country rests upon. And if your institutions are strong, your country will be strong. If your institutions are rotten and corrupt and evil, your country will be rotten, corrupt, and evil. Because the institutions are the training center of the civilians in your country, of the citizens of your country. I should say here, in the United States of America, over the course of many, many, many, many many years, the Communists slowly but surely took over every single institution, from the military, the media, Hollywood, education, every single government bureaucracy, institute, science, the medical institutions, the legal institutions. You name a critical institution, even the religious ones. You know a critical institution. The Communists have slowly but surely in film traded it, infected it, and took it over. And now we have a country led by evil, rotted institutions. That's bad. Okay, that's bad. And that's what I call the system. Because now instead of working against each other ever or keeping each other in check, now they all work together, one voice at all times, one voice, one purpose, And what is the purpose of the system. What is the purpose of it? To loot the country. These are all evil people who run it, and their only purpose is protect each other, protect the system, so they can pillage this country. That is their goal. They want to blood suck as much money and as much power out of this place as humanly possible. Concepts like patriotism or America, or even just basic things that are normal to you or to me about leaving a better country, a better place for our children or their grandchildren after them, those kind of concepts don't occur to the people who lead our system now, who lead the system, they never enter their mind. However, the system, which is very very powerful to this day, the system is in very deep trouble right now. And the talk we're about to have should put a smile on your face. Oh yeah, I know, we have a million other battles to fight, and it'll be many, many decades, and all that stuff is true. But the system is currently facing a crisis, a crisis, and they may have wounded themselves mortally. I will explain the crisis, and I will explain why I think they wounded themselves mortally. In just a moment. Speaking of mortality. The fight for unborn babies continues on. You saw, if you paid attention to the down ballot stuff and the elections, the American people in state after state after state, almost every state went out and voted for more abortion. What does that tell you, Well, we still have a culture that believes babies, unborn babies are just expendable little things you can just slaughter whenever you feel like going to get hammered and cabo on spring break. That's how we treat abortion in this country like it's birth control. It's freaking awful. How do we change that? What's not politicians? We have to change hearts. You change hearts by letting that mother listen to one. You change hearts by giving that mother a free ultrasound. She will hear her baby's heartbeat, and if you can get her that free ultrasound, she will choose life. Almost every time, Preborn is changing that culture, one mom at a time. Twenty eight dollars buys that ultrasound. Buy it for her tonight, please preborn dot com slash Jesse sponsored by Preborn, We'll be back.
You're listening to the oracle.
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It's a scream baby. The Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, a Veteran's Day of course, the Medal of Honor Monday coming up about forty five minutes from now, and you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. You can leave us voicemails eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven three. So the system still extremely powerful, still running all of our institutions. So I don't want to oversell what I'm about to say, but the system is facing a crisis right now. The system got wounded with that election in a way that might be fatal for it. And that is so good. So let me pause on this for a moment. I'm gonna get it's gonna sound like I'm sidetracked. I'm not. Just stay with me. Remember I told you recently I had to go up to Montana father past. That's the way funeral, everyone coming into town and having to organize everything and get everything done. One night, we had all this family there, cousins, aunts, uncles, it was wonderful, neighbors. The house was just full of people. Everyone's everyone's there, everyone's supporting everyone that's wonderful, okay, And we decided we needed to order food. Everyone was hungry. It was time to get some food. And I know you're gonna find this shocking, but everybody turned to me to get the food. I prefer to order the food. I know what how much we always need. I always know how much we need. I it's a bit I do for radio. But I really am really good at ordering food. They know I'm going to order the best things. Hey, Jesse, find a place, get us some food ordered. We want some yummy, yummy food. Automatically, I'm the default person when you need food ordered, Jesse, can you handle it? Yeah, got it, no problem. I found this local pizza place. They had a bunch of stuff on there that looked good. I did my menu whisper thing, beep beep beep beep, called order the food, and I took off to go pick it up. Now I'm gonna it's gonna sound like I'm bragging here, and it is bragging, but it is true. I'm really good at ordering food. This is something I've been great at. I go pick up the food, I bring it back to the house and Aubrey, my wife, she's going through the food, and there's all these people there, and she said, Jesse, is this She's been as gentle as possible, she said, Jesse, is this all you got? And I looked that historically I'm the world's biggest over orderer. We will always have extra. It's just leftovers for days. And I'm looking at her. What are you talking about? She said, Baby, look at how much food you got. This isn't even close to being enough. And of course she was right. We wiped out everything that wasn't near enough food. I had under ordered the pizzas, I'd under ordered the salads, the breadsticks. I screwed the entire thing up, and it was understandable, and that's why she was so wonderful about it. Everyone was. My mind was not. I mean it's still not, to be honest with you, I'm kind of foggy. Still. My mind was not sharp. I wasn't thinking about food. I wasn't on my game, and so food had to get ordered. The next night too. I noticed it just showed up and nobody even asked me what happened there? What does any of this have to do with the system of the country. Well, what happened there was the menu whisper or Jesse, who had always been looked to as the one who could handle the food ordering. He blew it, and he blew it so badly that menu whisper or Jesse lost his legitimacy as the menu whisper in that moment. And everyone there, they weren't rude about it, they were wonderful about it, but they just moved on and found someone else who could handle the food ordering. Because I had the power, I had a power before, I had the power of being trusted with the ordering of the food. And because I screwed it up, because I messed it up, that power was taken away from me, the trust, the legitimacy, it was removed from me. What's happening in the United States of America right now with the people is amazing because we have had in charge of us for years now, especially in the last few years, we have had this deeply demonic and evil system that was in charge of us. I'm talking about media, Hollywood, bureaucracies, I'm FBI, all these horrible, evil institutions. They have been in charge of us. And we because we are good citizens and we are good Americans, and because we want the country to be good. We have given them leeway, We've entrusted them with things. Yes, I will trust you with this, I will trust you with that. I will give you the legitimacy by giving you my trust and the system in response to Donald Trump, and you abuse that trust over and over and over and over again. And now the true power of the system, which is its legitimacy. That's the true power of any government. It doesn't matter the form of government. If the government is viewed as legitimate in the eyes of the people, the government will remain. Once a government loses that, the government's days are numbered. It doesn't matter how long it's going to take. They are numbered. The system abused us for so many years, years that now we wake up and we find out something wonderful. It's not just that Trump won or will have the Senate or something like that. We wake up and we find out all these evil institutions who have lied to us for so long, their power has been taken away because the American people have decided these institutions are no longer legitimate. We have looked and we've found someone else to order the pizza, because they screwed it up too many times. I'll get a bit more specific about what I'm talking about next.
Hang on The Jesse Kelly Show on air and online at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
It is The Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, a half hour away from Medal of Honor Monday. Back to what we were talking about about the system, I believe that it has been wounded. I know it's been wounded. I don't know if it's mortal, but them has a huge problem. Legitimacy is something it needs because every form of government has to have legitimacy. It has to even kings. We've had this talk before, even in monarchies. If the king is eventually viewed as being illegitimate, not for the people, an enemy of the people, his days are numbered. He will be cast out in some way. It's just something that leaders have always known. Power can be so illusionary. You feel like you have all of it, all these guards, all these guns, all these walls, all these fences, and then you find out it can evaporate from you in a heartbeat. Well, there's an article today. Actually this is from a Max Tanny who I don't know, but they sat down. This is the headline. We spoke with the top editors in the heads of The New Yorker, Washington Post, Axios, The Atlanta The Information, More Perfect Union, and Crooked Media. About what it says about the media that Trump won again despite almost a decade of overwhelmingly negative coverage. So think about this, because this is actually not about Trump. This is about something more. This is about something bigger. Think about the last ten years in the message the system has sent consistently to the American people over and over and over and over again. This came from all different parts of the system, and the targets of it were different, but they were all lumped in together. For ten plus years, the American media told the American people that Trump was Hitler, that Trump was a Nazi, that Trump's supporters were Hitler's and Nazis. Democrat politicians from Joe Biden, who used the Office of the Presidency to say this on down to the base Democrat in your local area told you the exact same thing. Right wingers hate women and they're racist, and over and over and over again, an ongoing drum beat. Let's set that aside, because the media and politicians were obvious. The medical institutions in this country, the military institutions in this country, institutions that aren't even the traditional ones we could think of, however, very very powerful institutions. They have consistently and repeatedly over the last ten years said, they have spread it out to the ether. Republicans are evil. Republicans are the enemy. Republicans are evil. Republicans are the enemy. Some former fashion of that, over and over and over and over and over again. Hollywood. Of course, surprise, surprise, they got in on it. The education system, my word, let's think about this, for the last ten years, and I'm using ten because it's an easy number. I know it's longer than that. For the last ten years, administrators, teachers, principles professors across the country, from New York to la and everywhere in between have told young people over and over and over again that being a Democrat, that being on the left is the only acceptable thing in the world, and any deviation from that whatsoever is a mortal sin, and you're an evil piece of trash. Ten years, over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, from every single institution, every one of them, and they all, they all decided that stopping Trump, stopping you what's all that mattered because he's a Nazi and a Tadler and it's the end of the world. And after ten years of that, the American people went to the polls and said, ah, I don't believe you. That might just be the start of saving the republic. No, I'm actually not putting that on Trump. I'm not talking about Trump specifically, although I am so impressed so far. We'll get to that in a few but I'm not talking about Trump specifically. I'm talking about the people specifically. If the American people as a whole have decided that the FBI is no longer legitimate, the media is no longer legitimate, Hollywood education. If the American people have decided that the evil routed institutions that have led us astray and lied to us, if they've decided these institutions are no longer legitimate, then this is the beginning of the end for those institutions, because without legitimacy, without the trust of the people, become nothing. You know, I've used the food ordering. We'll do this one nice little stupid analogy to help us all. Help me understand it, help you understand it. If we go back to that hundred person village we brought up before. Forget about America, forget about everything you me. We live in one hundred person village, and I am entrusted. They decide they're gonna make me the weather man. After all, I am a journalist. It's journalist, Jesse, no setting that aside. But they decide, Jesse, you're gonna be the weather man. And so every single day I stand in the little town square in the middle of our little village, and I stand up and I say, today it's gonna be partly cloudy, chance of rain in the afternoon. And every day I get up and I give a weather report. And eventually I start to get lazy. Maybe I start to lie for one reason or another. Maybe I'm being bribed to live, whatever reason, no matter the motivation. At some point in time, my weather reports stop being accurate, and they're getting less and less accurate, and less and less accurate, and less and less accurate. Eventually they will come a day where I can stand and scream as loud as I want, and I can yell the most dire warnings. You don't understand, there's a tornado. It'll be here in fifteen minutes. Once I've lost the trust of the people. Once I've lost legitimacy, what I say means nothing anymore. Any power, any influence I had is gone. Think about all the things that have worked against you and Trump in your values. Think about all the different entities and realize you should smile because they're Legitimacy, if it's not gone, is severely, severely wounded. And if your part, if you're one of these comedies in those institutions who hate listens to this show and you're wondering who to blame, blame yourself because you didn't listen to the Jesse Kelly Show and apply the lessons I taught you all because I told you dirty commis during COVID. People who were listening then will remember I warned over and over and over again that once you lose the trust to the people, you're having a blast. Now mandate this and require that, and wear a mask. But once you lose the trust of the people, it is difficult, if not impossible, to gain it back. And once you lose the trust to the people, the beginning of the end has already arrived for you. How many times, Chris did I say that exact same thing during COVID, I warned you all, but the look, this is the risk. You sit down at a Pilker table and you push all your chips to the center, you bet everything. The system for the last ten years has been pushing all its chips to the center. Stop Trump, Stop Trump. It's the end of the world. Stop Trump. Stop Trump. And they violated every law, every norm, every moral thing. They abused and violated all of it, and they justified every bit of it because stopping Trump was the most important thing in the world. The problem is when you push all your chips to the center of the table, sometimes you don't win, and then if you don't win, you're out of chips. I think the system might be out of chips, or at least running out of chips. And I feel so good about where we are. Speaking of good about where we are. We are going to get to Trump's appointments and things like that. I want to get to a couple emails and some other stuff before we do that. I want to get to this. It is Veterans Day, of course, and I want you to switch your cell phone company on this Veteran's day to a veteran led company that would be pure Talk. Puretalk's CEO isn't just some dude sitting there in a fancy suit. He walked the jungles of Vietnam macv SOG two tours. I don't understand. How could pure talk be so patriotic? Why is it an American I'm talking to on the phone, Jesse. They speak English. Pure Talk doesn't just talk about loving the country. They do it. They love this country. You'll save a fortune. They're on the exact same five G network, so you're not going to sacrifice any coverage or anything like that. Save money. Switch to a patriotic company. Dial pound two five zero on your phone and say Jesse Kelly pound two five zero, Say Jesse Kelly, We'll be back.
Feeling a little stocky, Follow like and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly Show.
It is that Jesse Ellie's show on a Monday and amazing Monday and every if you missed any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iheard Spotify iTunes. Now, before we get back to the politics and some emails and Trump's appointments and medal of honor Monday, I just had to say I was complaining about this a little bit last week, but it's gotten so much worse Christmas time. Let's have a talk about Christmas time. Well, you know, let's just talk about life real quick, and then we'll come to Christmas in a moment. You know. Scarcity, rarity, if you will, it's one of the things that makes things better, sweeter than they are. Dessert, what's your favorite dessert? Key lime pie is a great dessert I love. I'm a key lime pie fan. But if I had a slice of key lime pie for dessert after every single meal, key lime pie would very quickly lose its luster. So now once a month, thing, I'll get a slice of key lime pie and it tastes like heaven. And that's amazing, right, The rarity, the scarcity of it. Yes, Christmas season is magical. It's wonderful. Not that you would know anything about that, Chris. Anyway, Christmas season is wonderful. It is the giving and the receiving and the music and the food and the coming together as a family, and that all the things around Christmas. And yes, I probably should have led with the birth of Jesus, but you understand what I mean, Chris. The music is fine, Come on a lot of the music's fine. Chris is dogging on the music. It's not that bad. Some of it's bad. Okay, some of it's bad anyway, don't get me distracted. But part of the magic of Christmas is that it's once a year. It's rares once a year. Only one time a year do we get Christmas. That's part of the beauty of it. And the wife she is, she's expanding her Christmas foothold. She is, she's gobbling up larger and larger parts of the calendar. This year we had Halloween, remember Hall, October thirty, first Halloween. The next morning I wake up, she's making breakfast for the boys for school, and there's Christmas music on in the kitchen and I come out and the boys said, Dad, please do something. And then this is the battle. This is the war really that's going on inside the Kelly home right now. She has a defense mechanism that's very, very difficult to penetrate. Right she has not only a defense, she has a layered defense. You know what layered defense means, You have different battle lines. You don't just have one battle line. You have one, but then you have another battle line behind it where you can fall back to So here's how it works. Right now, in that Kelly household, she will like yesterday, the boys me, we had to get the ladder out and we had to take down approximately eight thousand pounds of Christmas decorations because she decided she was gonna go Christmas crazy and start decorating the house for Christmas. Again, way too early, but that's what she decided. So the boys and I start grumbling, not about the work whatever, but mom, it's too early, and like princess baby, it's too early. It's not Christmas time yet, you have to wait till after Thanksgiving. She immediately launches into you don't love Christmas. I think you should love Christmas. Sorry, I want to celebrate a magical time. And immediately she's fying these torpedoes at us. But maybe she's pushed it too far and we're on our number six of the Christmas music and so that then I will finally decide that's it. I'm putting my foot down. I can't do this. We got to stop because this is what she pulled on me. Then, don't think I didn't see this. And you young men, listen, your wife's gonna do this to you and if you're not ready for it, it's coming. You know what she pulled on me. She's onloading the Christmas stuff. Yesterday as the boys and I got down all the bins and the whole house is full of bins and glitter and reeds and everything else. And she said, Wow, we've had a lot of this Christmas stuff for a while. And I could say, I already knew what she was doing right away, and I give her the side eye, and I said, yeah, it's traditional, it's nice. Yeah, but a lot of this stuff isn't holding up very well anymore. You know what she's doing. Everyone knows what she's doing. She's beginning to prep the ground so she can go out and hobby lobby or one of these places and buy approximately twenty million dollars in Christmas lights, Viv and raindy or and everything else. And so immediately I decide, I'm going to try to put a stop to it. Okay, baby, that's it. Listen, we have plenty of Christmas decorations. Half the shelving and the garage is dedicated to the Christmas decorations. We don't need any more Christmas decorations, and we don't need brand new Christmas decorations, and I dropped this. This is when she went to her layered defense. I said, I know it's Christmas, and I love Christmas too, but the Christmas stuff we have is plenty of a celebration of Christmas. She knew that she was in trouble, so she abandoned her first line of defense and went to the second, and she pulled this one out. Oh so, I didn't realize we were putting limits on how much we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Boom brings Jesus right into there. And where do you go from there? There's nowhere else to go. See, Chris, you don't have to deal with this, But I personally it's a war. And I feel like all I've done is retreat. I just feel like I'm losing ground and losing ground and losing ground. And every time I try to dig in and gain some kind of a you know, put up some kind of a bulwark against the ongoing Christmas onslaught, she pulls out either it's Christmas time, why are you a grinch? May have bah humbug? And if that doesn't work, she pulls out Jesus. And here I am defenseless. Defenseless. It should not be all of November. The Christmas season is not all of November. Christmas season is after Thanksgiving exclusively. It's after Thanksgiving, and I reject, I reject any celebration of Christmas earlier than that. Jesse, I know this is a lot or I know a lot of us voted for Trump for accountability, and if Trump pardons Hunter and doesn't hold these guys accountable for treason, Republicans won't win the next race. Okay, So he's talking about the potential. There's a lot of talk right now about the potential for Donald Trump pardoning Hunter, because it looks like right now the way it's going to work out logistically that Joe Biden should be able to get Hunter out of some trouble, but possibly because of the dates of the legal stuff, he may not be able to get him out of all the trouble he needs to get them out of. And so now there's talks Biden wants to sit down with Trump. Trump's agreed to sit down with Biden. There's a lot of talk right now about the pardoning of Hunter. We're gonna do Medal of Honor Monday next and then I'm going to come back and we're going to have a discussion that may be hard to hear, but we got to have it hang on