Hour 3: Running Out of Goodwill

Published Jan 22, 2025, 3:05 AM

The media has lied to the people for so long that the people have stopped believing them . Getting hopeful about mass deportations. Did the covid propaganda harden the hearts of Americans against the other kinds of propaganda the media will use in the future? The communist does not serve two gods. 

This is a Jesse Kelly show.

It's the Jesse Kelly Show. Final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a wonderful Tuesday. I'm going to talk about mass deportation. Something I'm getting hopeful about. A potential Democrat nominee for twenty twenty eight has emerged. We'll talk about that. Marco Rubio's doing some good things. Really really been impressed with Rubio. All that emails and so much more coming up this final hour of the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. And don't forget you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Now I need to set up how I'm starting to get hopeful starting I didn't say I was super hopeful, but starting to get more hopeful that I have been about mass deportation. But I need to give a little backstory on how I feel about things. So just bear with me for a moment. During COVID, if you've listened to the show for long enough, you remember, but during COVID, I was very very frustrated, very very angry, not just with Republican politicians, not just with Democrat politicians, not just with the media, not just with the doctors, not just with the everything, I got very, very frustrated and angry with the American people. I got frustrated with the American people because I was stunned, and I still remain stunned to this day at how quickly Americans would willingly hand over their freedom because of fear. Now you probably echo that you probably felt the exact same way, So I don't want to act like I was the only one. But I love Americans. You know this. I hate our government. I despise this evil, corrupt government. But Americans are my people. I love them, and I was so disappointed, you know what, I'd sound like a father, but I guess that's really probably the best way to describe it. I was so disappointed in my people allowing some quack doctor or whoever it may be, to stand six feet away from everybody. That's the stupidest freaking thing I've ever heard in my life put on a cloth mask for a microscopic virus. We closed down the outdoor basketball courts. I was so disappointed at how many people fell for the largest propaganda campaign in history in their defense. It was the largest propaganda campaign in world history. Financially, it was just nothing else came close to it, but still I was mortified by that. I was mortified when fifteen days to slow the spread was brought up. You remember, if you were listening, you remember I freaked. I said, wait, what, you don't shut down your economy on purpose, ever, for any if it's the booponic plague, you don't shut down your economy. And yet so many people were okay with it, just went along with it. Well, I mean, we have to be saying it. For Man, bay Man, it was so disappointed. And from that I got to a place and I've been in a place and I still, to be honest him kind of there where I think the American people are extremely susceptible, gullible, if you will, gullible, susceptible to propaganda. That's where I came up with the sky is Green theory. It was during all that mess. For you new listeners, just briefly, the sky is Green theory is something I've talked about many times before on the show. It's the thinking that you can take something that's obvious in our society, that we are so broken down and de moralized, that you can take something that's obviously a lie and get half the country to believe it's true. If the system woke up tomorrow and wanted people to believe the sky is green, they would do exactly what they did during COVID. They would find scientists who were mostly paid off, who would come on television and say the sky's green. The media would run segment after segment the sky is green. Hollywood would produce movies and they'd see gi the sky green, Sky's green, Sky's green, Sky's green, over and over and over again. They'd be teaching it in schools, and soon, even though you can look up in the sky and see it's blue, half this country would say, Nope, it's green. That's how susceptible to propaganda. I think this population has been now going forward. I'll tell you why. I'm hopeful. You know that I've been skeptical, extremely skeptical about mass deportation, and not skeptical that Trump and his people will try to do it. I knew that was going to be the plan, because they never backed off it even after the primary. That's normally one of those issues where you'd run on it in the primary if you're a Republican, but then you'd back off it in the general. Well, no, no, we'll just deport some of them. Trump never backed off it, never backed off it at all, and after he won the general he's gotten more hardcore on the whole thing. But I've been very skeptical that the American people would withstand it. I assumed that they would see too many videos of crying Loupe, and that the media, the globalist communists everywhere, really more than the media, the people who want the country destroyed by foreign barbarians, that they would run a bigger propaganda campaign than the one they ran during COVID, and that the American people would break and they would start to say, you know what, No, we can't do this. We've deported too many, we got some, that's enough. Just get the gang bangers, let's leave everyone else. I saw a crying child, and we have to stop this. I assumed the American people would simply break again in the face of that kind of propaganda. And I'm not going back on that assumption because it may still turn out to be so. After all, the deportations began, honestly like four hours ago, so they just started. However, I have seen over and over and over again attempts by the media already to get people to back off and break from mass deportations, and so far I have not seen anyone break The Washington Post. They already ran with it on social media. They went down across the border and they found some woman who was Fate crying on camera, Oh my gosh, I can't get to my baby. Is some illegal trying to come into our country? And they blasted that video everywhere. It didn't move the needle even one little bit. You see Tom Holman still on the news. All can we expect that to happen?

Where will it begin?


It started? I started.

Ice teams are out there as of today. We gave them the in direction to prioritize public safety threats that we're looking for that we've been working on the target list. There was some discussion about Chicago because a Pacific operational plan was released, so we had to look at and re evaluate is this raise after safety concerns? And it does, but we readdress that and teams are all the effective today.

Today we're coming How much pushback have you seen? The media is trying. They're already starting to run stories we can't do this, how could we do this? They're trying the best they can to start up another propaganda campaign. Democrat senators, Democrat House members, people in blue states California. You've seen Denver's mayor come out and say, no, you can't take our illegals. We love them, free papoosas for everybody, but the American public not talking about the communists themselves. The American public so far does not appear at all to be shaken by this. I will say, it is just starting. It is just starting. Ask me again in a week, ask me again in a month, Because don't think deporting twenty thirty forty million people is going to be, you know, a couple day affair. This is going to be a long, long process to root out this many people from our society and them home. Plus you even have to work out this is another mountain the Trump administration has to climb. You have to have a place to send them back to. You know, it's easy for you me to just say send them back. Well, you have to get the country to accept them back. Unless your plan is to just fly overhead and attach a parachute to them and shove them out the door, which actually doesn't sound that bad. But unless that's your plan, then you have to get the country to accept them. In some countries will India came out. India already said hey, I know, you've got a bunch of Indians over there, a bunch of Indian illegals. We're going to help you with it. India to help deport all its citizens that are living in the US illegally. They think it's like eighteen thousand of them or something like that. So there are some countries who will help, but many countries will, not important countries. So we already have mountains to climb, and it's going to be a long process, and there will be a of articles and news feeds and oh my gosh, look at crying Maria. Her and their six children are now homeless were they must go back to Honduras. But so far, with all the rhetoric, all the open threats of deportation, so far, I haven't seen so much as a crack in the American people's resolve. Maybe COVID, Maybe COVID grew us all up a little bit, hardened us a bit. All right, I'm gonna talk a little bit about why that may be. Next. Is he smarter than everyone who knows?

Does he think so?


The Jesse Kelly Show.

It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday, A wonderful Tuesday. And in case you're just now joining us, I'm talking about why I'm starting, just starting to get a little bit hopeful that the American people will be able to wish and the propaganda that is going to come down and is already coming down to try to stop mass deportation. I think part of the reason we're holding strong so far is the media, the system. They really did sell out the rest the last of their credibility during COVID, during Trump's first four years and COVID they unloaded every bit of credibility they had left. And now the American media, I don't think they can create something out of nothing anymore. Where they could for the longest time, for the longest time, they could simply tell you that water wasn't wet, and then if they got enough pieces of the system to push it, they could get people to believe that. I don't know what Chris what Chris said, He's still got a lot of morons out there. Well, yeah, I'm talking about on a macro level, the nation as a whole. You've actually seen this, if you've been paying attention at all with this quote Nazi salute from Elon Musk. Now again you can say it was on camera. What Elon Musk did not give a Nazi salute. He was giving speech. This is what victory feels like, is what he said. And then he said, I just want to say thank you for making it happen. Thank you from my heart to yours. And so he kind of grabbed his heart with his hand and kind of did that thing where he threw it out to the crowd. And it was it looked without sound or something like that. You might look and think, oh, that looked odd. But when you're listening to it, which again it was on camera, that was obvious. It was an obvious lie. And the media and Democrat politicians, which of course are the same thing, they've tried the best they can to run with the lie shoots Sior. Murphy even asked a last Stephanick about it.

What do you think of Elon Musk, perhaps the president's most visible advisor, doing two Hyle Hitler salutes last night at the president's televised rally.

No, Elon Musk did not do those salutes.

I was not at the rally, but I can tell you I've been at many rallies with Elon Musk, who loves to cheer when President Trump says we need to send our US space program to Mars.

Elon Musk is a visionary.

I'm looking forward to his work in DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency, and look forward to looking how we can be more efficient and effective.

But that is simply not the case.

And to say so is the American people are smart, they see through it.

They support Elon Musk.

We are proud to be the country of such successful entrepreneurs.

That is one.

Yeah, she shot him down on that, but the media has tried to run with it as hard as they possibly can. Multiple news outlets of Nazi salute, Nazi salute. I saw PBS said, did a Nazi salute. Yet it's not getting any traction. It's not it doesn't have wheels, doesn't have legs. If you will, maybe we have passed the point where the American people will simply believe whatever the latest propaganda thing is because the Communist could not control his demonic urges and he pushed things too far. Now they can't do what they used to be able to do. And I know again like I said, you might be sitting there saying, well, yeah, this one didn't have legs because it's on camera. Really, did your liberal aunt Peggy ever believe Donald Trump said Nazis were very fine people because that was on camera. There was video of that. Did your liberal ant Peggy, did she ever say Donald Trump told people to inject bleach? Because what Donald Trump said was also on camera. The gigantic hoaxes that people, especially on the left, have believed in the past, they were also on camera with sound, easily refutable, easily refutable, and yet the American people, a large enough portion of them still believed it. So why isn't it working anymore? Because you only have so much credibility If I if I tell my sons, even even when they were young, when they were that's five years old, and I told my sons, hey, go lift up that couch cushion. I left a half dollar in there for you, and they go lift up the couch cushion and there's no half dollar. How many times can I do that? Well, I don't know the exact number, but even for a five year old, there's a limit. At some point in time, they're going to say no, you've lost all credibility. You kept lying, and now we simply don't listen at all when you speak. Maybe that's what's happened already to the American people, and maybe that's why the propaganda campaign to stop mass deportation, if it does fail, Maybe that's why it will fail, because the American people are done with it. It's like, uh, these confirmation hearings are actually a really good example of it. Pete Hagsath has all these ridiculous accusations being thrown at him right now, and they're not moving the needle. And because they're not moving the needle with the American people, they're not moving the needle with our gutless, coward politicians who are followers not leaders. The GOP senators really aren't breaking with any of this stuff. But why aren't these accusations moving the needle with the American people? Because we watch those sound savages called Brett Kavanaugh a serial gang rapist because of the testimony of a woman who may not have even ever met him, and the American people saw it, and now it doesn't work anymore. Maybe just maybe they really did empty all their credibility out and there's nothing left let's hope so. Or maybe just more people are on Chalk. When you're taking your natural herbal supplements from Chalk, your mind works better and you can see through propaganda. Maybe that's why I never get out into any of the COVID stuff. I've been on a male vitality stack for three years. Maybe that's why I see things so clearly. My tea levels are so freaking high, I'm almost superhuman by this point in time. You want a twenty percent increase in your testosterone levels in ninety days, ladies. You want to be full of energy, feeling good. Chalk has natural herbal supplements the best quality I've ever seen. They are hardcore anti communists at Chalk, and they're not apologetic about it, which I freaking love. They have subscriptions for this stuff, which will save you a ton of money. Get a mal vitality stack or a female vitality stack. Take it for ninety days. If you don't feel better, canceled. They don't give you a hard time either. Just click cancel it. C Hoq dot com promo code Jesse Chuck dot com promo code Jesse. Subscriptions cancelable at any time. Let's do some emails network. Feeling a little stocky, follow like and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Reminding you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. That's right, Johnny Cash. The writers are coming hard. Speaking of which we should hear from Kamala Harris. She checked in with the Los Angeles Fire Department, and wow, how profess.

Strangers who in the face of that stranger they see a neighbor. These are folks who understand the strength and the value of community, which is everyone coming together with a shared sense of purpose and identity as a community of people. And I just I wanted to come by most importantly to thank them, those who have volunteered and have brought people together and have sacrificed so much. And are firefighters. And I mentioned to these firefighters the fact that California firefighters time and time again prove themselves to be the best.

Chris Setti hopes she runs again. Dude, that woman is running for something again. She's going to run for California governor and or she's going to run for president again. And you think you think it was embarrassing to get handed one point five billion dollars and get handed the nomination and get crushed. Think for a moment how embarrassing it would be to go from being the Democrat nominee to getting blown out in a Democrat primary, and she probably would. How hilarious is that now there is a name that's been floated out there. Little Birdie whispered in my ear that Jamie Diamond is considering running for president as a Democrat. Jamie Diamond, just put that in your back, pop.

But I'm not hearing you say there's something wrong here, that they're these billionaires are growing like poppy.

And I mean, what is it the tax laws?

If I was King Forday, I woul probably change a bunch of tax laws to which I'm not gonna give you specifics on. It won't reduce it as much as you seem to think it should be reduced.

No, But I'm interested that you're not saying this is wrong, this is not working.

I think the wrong part is that the bottom thirty percent didn't do better, not that the top point one percent did so well.

Why not?

What's wrong with saying they may be unrelated?

Sure? Talks like a man who might be running for office. Listen to the vagaries, listen to Oh sure talks like it. Anybody something to keep in mind. Oh and before I get to the emails, I wanted to play this because everyone's been screaming about it today. Trump, Milania, vance his wife all that. The whole gang went to the National Prayer Service today and at the National Prayer Service there was some female bishop. I'm serious anyway, there was a female bishop up there. Of course, card carrying lesbian, as everybody can tell. And she chose to use this opportunity to say this.

In front of your name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country. We're scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families, some who fear for their lives. And the people the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants, and work the night shifts in hospitals. They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes, and our good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, widara and temples. I ask you to have mercy, mister President, those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away.

There's been a lot of screaming at that woman today, so I'm not gonna bother screaming. I'm just going to explain that the communist does not serve two gods. Ah, but she's a bishop. She's not a bishop, she's a communist. Oh, but the pope came out again. The pope is not a pope, he's a Communist. You cannot serve communism while also practicing any other religion. Ever, Communism is a religion of domination and destruction, and it does not share space with any other religion. There is a reason communists whenever they take power, they will attack and in most cases flat out remove whatever the organized religion is in the country they have taken over. And the Soviet Union, it was the Orthodox churches in Chairman Maos, China, it was the Buddhist temples and Taoism and things like that, and Cambodia the same thing. And America's Communists are no different. The difference is here in America is some of our Communists have thrown on a priest srobes or a pastor's skinny jens or whatever it is, and then they'll preach Communism from the pulpit, and people will look around and wonder why I don't get it. He's a priest. He's not a priest. He's a Communist. He's a Communist pretending to be a priest. She serves a different religion, a false, evil religion. Remember that, Jesse. With regards to illegal immigration, my question is what is motivating people from vastly different cultures into coming here. Well, one, I think we underestimate to even ask that question. I'm not insulting you at all, but to even ask that question question, we are underestimating how blessed we are to be in America. There are places we used to I've told you this long time ago, but we did some training in Thailand, and I could tell you stories from all over places, Iraq and whatnot. But we were doing jungle warfare training in Thailand. I think they still do it. It's called cobra gold. But we were on our five times trucks we were on the back of trucks and we were driving out into the netherlands of the hinterlands of Thailand. The netherlands. Netherlands doesn't make sense, the hinterlands of Thailand. We're driving out to the jungle. We're in the countryside, we're outside of the cities. And we drove by this hut that was in the middle of nowhere, and it's a family living in this tiny little hut, smaller than this studio room I'm sitting in right now. It was was minuscule, and young child was in the yard playing with I think it was a bucket if I remember right, and that was obviously the child's only toy. Clearly, the entire family slept in this hut. Running water. Be serious, there's no running water, there's no electricity. There's no think about that family, because we did. When we thought about that family, we said to ourselves, wouldn't it be the greatest act of cruelty in the world to take that child for one day, bring him back to America, show him the candy stores, take him to Disney World, and then bring him right back to Thailand and set him down there. It would be unimaginably cruel because the child will have figured out that there is a world of prosperity and plenty and blessing out there that that child will never ever ever know about. Ever here in America, we lose sight of how blessed we are. Let me ask you this. When you turn on the lights, do they come on? You take that for granted every day. I know you do. I do. I'm pointing fingers at me. I definitely do. I just did it when I walked in the studio today. I walked in and I walked over the light switch and flipped it up, and the lights came on. I didn't even give it a second thought. There are places around the globe with power grids that sometimes simply don't work. And when you walk up to the light switch, you're doing the old fingers cross thing. Knock on wood, let's help. We have power. And when you lose power, that's not like here in America. Oh the power's out. That tree you must have fallen on a power lineup. Give them a couple hours, don't have her back up days without juice. Of course, people want to come here, doesn't mean they should be allowed to. But who the heck wouldn't want to come here. You can come here and live like one of the poor and live way better than you do anywhere else. You want to see something horrific, it's something you can look up. It's fine for kids to look up favella, a Brazilian favella. It sounds wonderful. I know it's one of those words that sounds great. But go look up Brazilian favella. Just do an internet search. That's how people live. Why do they want to come here? Think about this. If you're in a favela, you probably don't have the power to power your obliterator blender that you got from Chefman. And look, Chefman is so affordable. Even if you're in a favela, you could afford one. You just don't have the electricity to run the thing. And in all seriousness, you know, you don't even have to worry about what's setting to put on the obliterator. The greatest blender ever, you just put it on. It has auto sense technology. There's no guesswork, it'll figure it out automatically. You're making soup, you're making a smoothie, whatever you're doing, it's there. I want to crush up some Ice. It's there. It's one Desire Awards. It looks so good and it doesn't cost hundreds of freaking dollars. They sell it in Walmart. It's for everybody. Go get the Obliterator Chefman dot com, C H E F M A N dot com, Chefman dot com, get your obliterator Today. We shall return truth Attitude. Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. But we shall return tomorrow for up Day and don't forget. You can send us emails Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Couple things I haven't got to that I've been meeting to get to. Bill Gates sat down with Donald Trump. I don't like that.

I spoke a lot about HIV and that the foundation's literally working on a cure for that. We're at an early stage. And so you know, he in the COVID days accelerated the vaccine innovation. So I was asking him maybe the same kind of thing could be done here, and we both got I think, pretty excited about that. We talked about polio. You know, we're very close to getting that done. But if you stop it'll spread back, and so I explained why it's been tough in Pakistan, Afghanistan. We've had cases show up in Gauze. We have cases in Africa.

I know they're all kissing the ring. I really wish Donald Trump would not don't devote three hours to that world class piece of trash, but it is what it is. I'd assume he's savvy enough to realize that's not a friend. Also, I think Cash Patel, I know, yes, his work cut out for him. His confirmation hearing is scheduled for the twenty ninth. In case you're wondering, you heard what Steve Friend said earlier in the show, Cash Pateel needs to get in the FBI in a because the Cheka is moving to make sure they are protected from him. But man, does this sound like the kind of guy who's ready to do what's necessary.

Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson have been caused, been caught doing the same thing. We have been testifying for three years now, including on your show, Grand Juries and elsewhere, that Donald Trump ordered ten plus thousand National guardsmen and women days before January sixth, and the one transcript from Tony Ornaow, a career Secret Service officer who testified two years ago corroborating all of that information to be true, was wormholed by Liz Cheney. It turns out that the lies Cassidy Hutchinson and she produced are the Steele Dossier of January sixth, and they use the same modus operundi to deprive the American people of the truth. There needs to be some serious congressional action. Liz Cheney isn't in Congress anymore. Somebody should be subpoenaing her tomorrow to ask her what other information of innocence she withheld, because this was singularly the insurrection exoneration of Donald Trump, and Liz Cheney put it in her new clear football and try to bury it.

Cash Bettel sounds like the right man for the job. Man. Do we need him there in a hurry? Also, justin Trudeau in response to Trump's threats about tariffs, it just doesn't sound very stern coming from him.

Course, if the President does choose to proceed with tariffs on Canada, Canada will respond and everything is on the table. Working in unison with Team Canadas as Team Canada, with business leaders, organized labor civil society, indigenous leaders and premiers from coast to coast to coast. We are prepared for every possible scenario.

Yeah, no they're not. The truth is, if Trump pushes these tariffs forward, it will shatter Canada. And I don't like that, but Canada the balls in their court. I don't root against Canada. I love Canadian people. I love Canada itself, well, the rural people. I hate these dirty leftist scumbags like Trudeau, but most Canadians are wonderful. I don't want them to be hurt. They're going to be hurt if Canada doesn't choose to renegotiate things. But this goes back to what we were talking about in the very first hour. The way things have always been, the accepted way things have always been. Everyone just wants them to keep on going that way. Canada given us the ultimate screw job when it comes to trade. It's just kind of one of those things everyone's always accepted. Republicans, Democrats A ha, they got one over on us. Nobody wants to change those things. Marco Rubio out there, he's calling for the revocation. It's a great word of visas of hamas lovers and people were screaming about that. How you what? What do you mean? How can you? You should be revoking people's visas if they spit on the sidewalk and you don't like it, you don't have a right to be here if you're allowed to have a visa. Model. I know you're not a citizen, but you know what I'm saying. Model citizen doesn't put into words what you should do. You should go to work and when you go home, go volunteer at a charity for two hours a day in the hopes that your visa isn't revoked. That's how it should be. It's a privilege to be here. And it's a privilege to tell you about relief factor because it can take the pain out of your life. Did you know that that you don't have to live with pain? That's a lie people believe. They believe, Well, my foot's just always gonna hurt, my elbow is always gonna hurt. My shoulders bother me, my back bothers me. Stop masking it, stop taking things to mask it. That's horrible for you, and stop ignoring it. You don't have to do that any longer. Relief Factor is a drug free supplement. You take it every day, it builds up in your body. I'd say two weeks, three weeks, you'll know, Wow, this stuff is amazing. You realize almost everyone calls to order more. You try it for three weeks for nineteen dollars and ninety five cents. Call one eight hundred the number four relief or go to relief factor dot com. All right, relief factor dot com one eight hundred the number four relief. You're a phone call away from being pain free.

And now here's a headline by go you know, you know the thing.

Headlines we didn't get to. Syria's new leader says Trump to bring peace to the Middle East. I don't know if Syria's new leader is going to be the biggest Trump fan after a little while, but we shall see. Trump's climate retreat will have a significant impact on COP thirty. According to Brazil Retreat, what they're talking about is Trump backing out of the Paris Climate Agreement. And what they're talking about is without America propping up the rest of the world on this climate COMMI garbage, The climate commy garbage comes apart on everybody. Once again, the American taxpayer is forced to fund not just communism locally, communism around the globe. Day one, Trump reverses Biden's attacks on everything from drilling to dishwashers. I had almost forgotten that those dirty I almost said something bad in the Biden administration, even when after people's dishwashers are our wives not sacred. Peeing is contagious among chimps. Yes, they pee together, just like women do all kinds of things. Love drugs, police said, rats break into the evidence room to steal drugs. Rats are the most vicious savages in the world. But don't worry. If you guys need some help, you can give me a call. Senate confirms Rubio nine to nine on a nine ninty nine to zero vote. Let's hope Rubio does a good job. I have been pleasantly surprised with what I have seen so far. Now you go enjoy the rest of your evening. I will join you again tomorrow. That's all.

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