Are they lying or just stupid. The CIA finally admits what we all knew for the last 5 years, but why was the system so dead set on telling us that lie? Fetterman is not your friend. Communists have been trained in America for decades to use your beliefs against you. How much of our government is compromised by the Chinese government?
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final hour of the wonderful Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, which has been amazing. So we're gonna talk. Well, I'll tie I'll put a little bow on that. Now's the time to fear. Know that comes later. I'll put a little bow on that. Here in just a moment, talk about sending money to the Taliban this hour. Feman, poor Fetterman. I actually feel bad for Fetterman. And you know I'm not a big fan. All that and more coming up on the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show, this final hour. Not just to put a little bow on what we were just talking about at the end of last hour with these journalists. I'm afraid. I'm terrified of these government employees. I'm so scared. And what I've tried to explain is your demonic conduct everything Nazi Hitler, Nazi Hitler, b better kill him. Ah, that demonic conduct took a fairly moderate New York Liberal and turned him into Trump two point zero, the savage who's carving through government Communism like a blow towards through butter. You did that, Communists, you created that, your demonic nature created that, and I'm here to tell you again the next guy gets worse if you don't correct yourself. But the problem is, listen to this. This is on CNN. The problem is they don't realize they created it.
This is a very different Donald Trump. He's eating a very different administration in the way he's attacking things, and the American public is very much more in line with him than they were at any point during his entire first term.
Well one, I would say, correction, this is not a very different Donald Trump. This is a very different Donald Trump as being you'd buy voters in this and the.
Way he's going about things was Susan Wild's leading things. I think he is you.
It's not a different Donald Trump. It's just the voters feel different.
No, it is.
He's so different. And if you're upset about that, or you're afraid, or if you don't like it, buy a mirror and look into it. Look, I'll go back to this. This moron who called him that the voicemail. This moron probably sits around talking about how horrible this new Trump administration is.
You did this, yes see, where are you so prejudice? Again? This immigration? My grandparents were an immigration and weren't good people. We don't kill, we don't hurt, we work hard, So stop being so prejudiced.
First of all, one more word on that you're not good people. Stop with that. You're not good people. You just called and tried to use buzzwords to get me to open up the borders of my country to barbarians. You're not a good person. You like to sound like a nice person to your friends and family, and when you get together with all your dirtball communist friends, you talk about how open borders you are and how that makes you good people. But you're not good people. You're the bad guy. You feel like you're the good guy, but you are the bad guy. You do bad things, you destroy things. You're not good people. You're my enemy.
All right.
Now back to the world pillaging US. Biden administration. This is from the Freebeacon. Quiet Least spent fifteen million dollars to distribute contraceptives and condoms in Afghanistan. Again, the world just pillages us. They're just used to it. It's how everything has always gone. The world pillages us. Wild wild to watch it now. I want to talk about Fetterman before I get to some emails and some voicemails, because you know, I don't trust Fetterman at all. Should be noted how many how many people have you heard praising Fetterman in recent months on the right? I mean, how many hosts radio, TV? Otherwise, maybe friends of yours, maybe you've done it yourself. Woo, it's so nice we got him. He's coming around. It's so nice.
I'm so glad.
Look at this guy. We finally got a sane Democrat. And who's the one who's been telling you Fetterman's a communist, a career communist. He's a senator from a state that has gone from purple to red. Republicans are about to carry if they don't already, the voter registration edge now in his state. He's trying to get re elected. But when it comes down to it, on the tangible things, he's never going to help you. He's never going to help me. He's never going to do anything for the country. He'll come out and he'll he'll do a gesture or a statement. But because the right is such a cheap date, we'll allow one idiot Democrat to vote against everything we've ever loved or cared about. But he'll make one statement in public and we'll be like, Wow, I could vote for that guy. It's time to get some common sense. By the way, Pete Hegseth, the brand new Secretary of Defense. Congratulations Pete. You know that that vote was tied in the Senate, right, and you know that jd. Vance, as Vice President, had to do his duty and return to the Senate and cast the tie breaking vote. That's why we have sect f Pete Hegseth. But why was it? Why was why is it tied? Before we get to Mitch McConnell and Lisa Muccowski and knows why was it tied? Because mister middle of the road John Fetterman voted against him. John Fetterman is a wolf in sheep's clothing, He's a trojan horse, He's whatever cliche you want to attach to it. John Fetterman is there. He exists to lower your guard so communism can be welcomed in. That's why John Fetterman does what he does. That's why he says the things he says. And that brings me to the morons at the view. You know how I talked earlier about how we're gonna get We're gonna get something on the soundboard, something along the lines of now it's time to decide, are they lying or just stupid? WHOA, You're about to see the difference you see lying versus stupid. John Fetterman is a huge liar. He's going to vote for every communist thing. He's going to vote against everything you care about. But he knows that's not going to get him reelected in Pennsylvania, so he knows he has to present a middle of the road. He goes to sit down with the heifers on the view They are really stupid and they they don't understand what he's doing. So Fetterman, the wolf in sheep's clothing, is forced to go sit there with these morons and answer questions.
It's sad because it's been politicized, and I think, if anything, that might have set some things back because people assume.
Now he's talking about the New York case where he said, after Trump was convicted, after all was said and done, after it was over, Fetterman, way, I really didn't like the political law fair and Sunny Hostin came to about that.
It's sad because it's been politicized, and I think if anything, that might have set some things back because people assume, now you know, depending on what teams in office, you know, those are the people that get some redemption.
I just just for clarification, did you mean that the thirty four count case in which Donald Trump was found guilty of various financial crimes was politically motivated?
Here I found that when the judicial system gets weaponized and targeted political enemies for political gain, I think that's inappropriate, and I think that degrades our collective trust and in this a very important institution, whether that's on a democratic going after a Republican or a Republican going after a democratic one. And I like to think I call it strikes and balls, because the judici, the system has to remain Suddy Huston.
Of course, she's too stupid to realize that Fetterman is not only on her team, he's doing much more to advance the ball than she could ever do. Now, she doesn't have the IQ to figure that out. Fetterman's the smart one. He figured it out. And a Navarro Again, it's not it's really not her fault. She's just too dumb. She doesn't know what she's dealing with. Navarro, You dumb communist. He's on your side. He's moving the ball forward for his team, but you were too stupid to see it. I didn't love the optics of you going tom a Lago. He was going to which is his palace.
He was going to be in Washington a week later.
I almost forgot that Fetterman had gotten points from the right att a boy points for going to see Trump and mar A Lago. Say that these guys, some of them are reasonable. I'm telling you, I could see myself voting for Fetterman. Fetterman pulls the wool over the Right's eyes all the time. Fetterman, the lying smart one, walked into the den of morons on the on the view, and those idiots couldn't see that he is moving the ball for their side in a way that they could never do. They're simply too stupid to do so. Fetterman way more intelligent than these other two. It's just it's funny watching the game being played. Here's a voicemail, Jesse.
I just got an idea you could throw at some of your people, you know, in Congress and Senate. He if you want to get NATO on board and stuff scrowing around and dust pay for everything. All Trump's gotta do is mention the fact that we're.
Thinking of joining the alliance with China.
And Russia and all them watch out fast. They call up the money.
Yeah, that's a dumb idea. That's never gonna work. That's never gonna work because it would involve joining bricks and we're not gonna We're not going to stop allowing the dollar to be the world's reserve currency. Believe me, you don't want to know what's happening, what happens to us if that comes. You don't want to know what happens to your dog unless you give them rough greens. Your dog, Picture your body, Picture the elite physical I had today. Picture what that physical would have looked like if I ate fast food every single meal, just empty after empty calorie after empty calorie. Think how my joints would look, how my body would look. You know, rough greens. Roughgreens is the all natural nutritional supplement you sprinkle on your dog's food because you're giving your dog fast food every meal. Dog food is dead. It's empty calorie garbage without nutrition, and that's why our dogs have so many health problems, and that's why they die so early. Start giving your dog probiotics, omega oils, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals. All this, all this is found in Rough Greens and they give out free Jumpstart trio bags, free bags. Call eight three three three three my dog or go to Roughgreens dot com. Slash Jesse. They have melgreens for your cat too. Roughcreens do it. We'll be back.
Get the cure for rhinos.
Week days with the Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a wonderful, wonderful Monday. It has been Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Give me if it's a voicemails. Well, dear Chris's mouthpiece the subject of this. When the guy says liberal an Peggy calls herself a Christian and can't believe you call yourself a Christian, the guy says, you have told us repeatedly that the fight against communists Slash the System will last beyond our lifetimes. We knew this, but it sure does hit home when the hostility against the evil Orange Man and his team comes roaring back to life in person and on social media. Liberal Aunt Peggy is a tough nut. To crack. But she can be really good with words and rhetoric, even making you look like the bad guy. This is something that bad people do. They have a freedom. The communist has a freedom you will never have. Let me use a let me put it on. I'll use an example for us Jewish. You know Jewish producer Chris is Jewish. Don't know if you know that, but he's a Jew.
If Chris and I got in an argument, which I actually don't think we've ever gotten in an argument. But if Chris and I got in an argument, let's say we're arguing about taxes or something like that, I might call Chris names. I would hope I wouldn't, but if it was a legitimate argument, I would hope I wouldn't. But I might call him names. You might get mean. But it would simply never occur to me. To dig through Chris's belief system and come up with a Jewish argument for why he should come along to my side would never occur to him. It would never occur to Chris to do that to me, Jesse, is that what Jesus would want you to do. It would never occur to him in a serious way to do that to me, because that's what evil people do. For the American Communist, for the American democrat. Using your values against you is how they have been trained. It is ingrained in them. They don't know any other way. People who have no time for you and your belief system at all, will bend over backwards, digging through the things you learn the Bible even to come up with some way they can use it against you. That's how evil people operate. That's how they operate. And that's why you see the crocodile tears all over TV. Oh my gosh, I can't believe we're deporting them. Jesus would never have wanted this before. These aren't people who sit and worry about Jesus. These are people who sit and worry about communism, but that they know you worry about Jesus. So because they are evil, because they have no moral boundaries whatsoever, they simply find a way to use it on you. And look, the Church has helped them with this. Parts I take that back. Parts of the Church have helped them with this. You see this one Catholic Charities put out this video telling migrants how to avoid ice deportations. There are portions of the church, not just Catholic either, Catholic, Protestant, all the Southern Baptists, Episcopalian to Mormons, every branch of it. There are portions of the church who've been infected and infested with communism as well. I see it, I sniff it everywhere I go. I'll tell you one thing. You want to know what happened to me this Sunday? There you go, I'm not leaving the church we've been going to. Yet we sat down and forgot to tell you this, Chris. We sat down. They had had the standard church service, at least for the ones I normally go to non denominational types. You walk in, you sing worship songs, sing a few worship songs, and then you sit down and normally the past still do some announcements come announcement, Hey, this is the next Sunday is a men's breakfast, and then he gets up to preach, gives a sermon. Right this Sunday, same thing, get in, packed in worship music, and time came for the announcements and they were announcing that they had a new campus, which is good. Okay, church is expanding, Okay, we go put up new campus. Good that's good, good good. It was a two three minute long video and it was all about how diverse the church was. Now I looked at it through different eyes than my wife saw it, because though they didn't go full call me or anything like that, but they were so proud two three minutes. Not about Bible this or Jesus that, or people this. It was we are we have so many different backgrounds here. We really are such a diverse place. We have people that are from here and people that are from here. There's just so much diversity. Diversity everywhere, diversity everywhere. And as I was explaining afterwards, why it really perked my years up is why is that a brag? And why is that a goal? Why is the goal of any institution diversity? Shouldn't the goal always be performance When it comes to a church, the goals whatever Jesus wants? Right, Diversity, what's that? Those are buzzwords? And that's exactly exactly how the church. Portions of the church been infected with Communist teachings. And that's how you end up with some lesie Bishop lecturing Donald Trump about training kids. That's exactly how that happens. It starts slowly at first, We're super diverse, guys. Look it, how diverse? We are majorly diverse. What's that Jesus never heard of him? Anyway, We're super diverse, the promise. That's how it starts. Keep your eyes open, shrewd as snakes, all right, and make sure you're out there taking on the enemy. How about saving a baby's life? How about that for taking on the enemy. You think there's anything the devil loves more than abortion, I promise you there's not. Well, I take that back. I'm not the devil, but I would guess there's not what could be better taking an innocent babies life and just snoop gone for it even has a chance to be born. Make a difference. Preborn is out there giving out three ultrasounds so women can hear that heartbeat and choose life. Unless she hears that heartbeat, member Preborn deals with mothers who've already decided to abort their baby. Unless she hears that heartbeat, that baby's gonna die. That ultrasound is saved, is what saves lives. It's our greatest tool against the enemy. Twenty eight bucks buys that ultrasound. Preborn dot com slash Jesse is where you go give that twenty eight dollars. It's tax deductible. Remember that preborn dot com slash Jesse spotsor by preborn.
We'll be back the Jesse Kelly Show on air and online at Jesse Kellyshow dot com.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kellyshow dot com. CIA Director Ratcliffe. That'd be John Ratcliffe. The agency is now evaluating if China intentionally started the pandemic. That's from Daily Wire and the Inside Paper says the CIA says COVID more likely to have leaked from the lab. Okay, none of that stuff's breaking news. You got all that. You knew all that stuff a while ago. But let's think about this for a moment, and let's block this to its conclusion, which might be a little bit uncomfortable. When COVID first came out, I remember it just the way you do. We were watching some scary videos from China, people falling over, dead in the street and stuff like that, so we know that was propaganda. But COVID first rolled out, COVID gets here. The system bent over backwards to insist that it came from some Chinese wet market where they eat exotic animals. Remember that we were told it came from bat soup and everything else. And not only were we told that it came from a Chinese wet market, we were told repeatedly by the system. Remember all the parts of the system, and the system speaks with one voice. It was everything from the CIA, member of CIA. We had analysts switching their vote. Well, it definitely came from a lab. From CIA, from media, from Democrat politicians, every single part of the system insisted that it could not have been a lab. League, no way, it was a leak from a Chinese lab. That's been debunked. It was debunked. We debunked it. In fact, I'm pretty sure we have a montage still somewhere of the various media entities saying, well, that's been debunked. That's been debunked. We debunked that it didn't come from a lie or from a lab. That's all been debunked. Okay, all right, So the system lied repeatedly and knowingly about the origins of COVID. Now we got all that again, none of this is news to you. So let's jump to the really really uncomfortable part. Why why? Because when you think about it, on the surface, that's not it's not a lie that makes a lot of sense, does it. What difference does it make if COVID came from a dirty bat in the bat in the batflombay, or COVID came from a lab, a lab where they're working on infectious diseases and it leaked out. If you get the entire system to tell the exact same lie, and the lie itself on the surface doesn't look that important, well, then that begs the question, doesn't it? Why Why that lie? And the uncomfortable truth of it is this, we really can't even blame that lie about COVID's origins. We can't even blame that on the cism trying to get Donald Trump out of office during his first presidency. Oh, we know the system wanted that, and they did everything they could to make that happen, and eventually they did make that happen. But that doesn't explain the COVID lie. Whether COVID came from that super a lab would have nothing to do with getting Donald Trump reelected. So let's set the Trump part of it aside. Why why lie? Well, unless I'm mistaken. There's really only one conclusion you can come to, and that's that our system is in large part bought off by the Communist Chinese because the only reason you would want to tell that lie is to ensure the Communist Chinese Party doesn't look as bad as they would have looked otherwise. Can someone tell me different reason? And you can say, you know, it's a lab we funded, but we were always going to get to that information anyway. We knew we funded the lab, and even us funding the lab, Yeah, maybe it makes Fauci looks bad, it makes the NIH look bad, maybe a member of Congress here or there look bad. But just because we funded the lab, that doesn't explain every single part of the system telling the exact same lie and running cover for China. So how much of our system is compromised by the Communist Chinese? We know we know about the various confucious programs running on college campuses, which are very thinly veiled intelligence and propaganda operations. We know the number of Chinese citizens is so great that we've already busted up various Chinese quote police stations in the country, which are Chinese officials here monitoring Chinese civilians. We know that Chinese have, courtesy of Joe Biden, flown a spy balloon from Alaska to the Atlantic, making figure eights above our military bases. We know these things. We know members of Congress like Eric Swalwell have been caught in compromising situations with Chinese spies, Chinese spies who take off back to China before they can be arrested by the FBI. We know the Communist Chinese fund in small part or in large part, media outlets in this country. These are things we know. We know. I was talking to Tyler O'Neal about this today. Tyler O'Neill, he wrote a book, very fascinating book called Woke to Pus. It's about the dark network, the funding network behind all the communist origin stuff like that. Anyway, Tyler O'Neill wrote a good book. But I was talking to Tyler about this today. We know the Chinese will take journalists and they'll take them over to China. Now, of course it's not done officially through the government. It's from some you know, Chinese vacation, some Chinese outreach arm We're just fun and Sun in China, which of course is all funded and monitored by the communist Chinese. Well, they'll snatch up journalists in the United States of America and they'll fly them over to China first class, and they take them and they show them, Oh, look at how good the restaurants are, and look at the military bases, and ooh, you won some bond bonds. We got those two. And the journalists come back and tell America how wonderful China was. And that's a very good point as well, Chris. Let's remember who could have been Vice president Kamala Harris's VP pick was Tim Walls, Governor of Minute. Maybe you already forgot about Tim Walls, unless, of course you were listening to me in Minnesota, then you haven't forgotten. But for those who have forgotten, it didn't get a ton of play during the campaign. We of course talked about it, but you're not going to read it about read about it on the news. How many trips to China was it, Chris, thirty thirty three? If I remember right, Tim Walls, career government employee without two nickels to rub together, has traveled to China over thirty times. Over thirty times. I have not been to a single place on Earth thirty times in my life unless I live there, not once in There's not a single place in my life I can count that I've been to thirty times. The poor school teachers slash politician thirty sometimes flying across the ocean. Where's he staying when he gets there? Who paid for the flight? Who paid for the food? Off the top of my head, Hey, Chris, we're gonna go do two nights in China Shanghai. Off the top of your head. You're good at this. What's that cost? Forget first class or any of that other stuff. We're flying over there normal, We're gonna stay in whatever. The Chinese equivalent of a Best Western is probably Best Eastern. Ah Am, I right, Chris, seriously, but best Western. We're gonna eat nothing fancy, just three normal meals, two people, two nights. What's that cost, Chris four grand? Probably, Chris says, at least Tim Walls almost Vice president. Tim Walls practically live there. The question comes back to this, how compromised are we by the Chinese question has an uncomfortable answer, Jesse to your master of the parallel parking, And I'm this lady knows who she's dealing with, the subject of this one is Hillsdale. Parent. Our daughter is a junior at Hillsdale and we couldn't be more thankful. Not only is our daughter getting a great education, we get to go to the campus two times a year and meet with her professors. Tell me what college does that. My husband took the economics with Arthur laugher class online. I actually had dinner with Arthur laugh for one time. And our seventeen year old son is going to take one of the US history classes because he's not learning any history in US History class at his school. One question for you. When you make a joke at home, and I was rolling your eyes, do you ever catch yourself saying what Chris, send your boys to Hillsdale? She said, Look, lady, I'm going to try to send my boys to Hillsdale. Just because your kids can get in doesn't mean either a mine can. Okay, But the good news is we all can get some Hillsdale for free. Because Hillsdale's offering over forty free online courses for you and me Hillsdale dot edu, slash jesse no cost. You get some of a Hillsdale education. Ready to be smarter than all your friends? Hillsdale dot edu slash Jesse, We'll be back.
Is he smarter than everyone who knows? Does he think so? Yeah? The Jesse Kelly Show.
It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Final segment of The Jesse Kelly Show. Reminding you if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iheard Spotify iTunes again. This is from Campus Reform. University of Miami is the latest college to reinstate mandatory standardized testing. We all hear that, and we all cheers. Yes, standardized testing. Yes good. But just like we talked about in the opening hour of the show and throughout the show, that's how it should be. It's not that we shouldn't celebrate. I'm happy to be back to normal. You're happy to be getting back to normal. Yes, that's fine, But we have to understand and accept the insanity, the evil insanity this country has been put through because of communism, and we have to make sure that stays in our mind so we continue to reject it, and so we never allow these people back into power again. Ever, these people are freaking sick. Speaking of sick voicemails.
Yes, Jesse, I just want to let you know I was at the gym the other day, and a friend of mine says, I got to find a place for chief tires. I said, there's three things in life. You do not skimp on your mattress, your tires, and your breaks. Now I know I heard it on your show, but I took total credit and now I think I'm awesome.
Well, you screwed it up. That's not even what I said. There are three things in life you never skid. You always buy quality. You were close, but you missed it one. It's not just your mattress, it's anything that goes on your bed. You spend a third of your life in bed. Don't skimp on your bedding. You don't have to spend a fortune for good stuff anymore. You can find good sheets for nineteen ninety nine anymore. But don't skimp on your sheets by quality sheets. Don't skimp on anything in your bed. Don't skimp on anything that goes on your feet, shoes, socks, anything. Your feet are everything. You don't think about them till you find someone or you yourself get foot problems or leg problems. Take care of your feet. I a few years ago, we were going to forget. We were going we were taking a vacation where we were going to be hiking all the time, walking, walking, walking, hiking all the time. And I don't want to make myself sound like Chris, but I'm I don't want to spend a bunch of money on clothing. It's just not who I am. As you can tell, I'm not a fashion guy. But Bob kept insists, and She's like, no, we got to buy good shoes. We got to buy good shoes, and we get went and got sorrels. I think that's how you say. I'm s O R E L Sorels. But they were expensive. They were two hundred dollars something like that for a pair of boots. Why would I ask you, Chris? But they were like two hundred dollars. They were expensive. Sorrels, best bunny I've ever spent in my life. I still wear them to this day. Not too hot, not too cold, keep the water out, great support anyway. Don't go cheap on betting, don't go cheap on your feet and your tires. People forget about tires. Your entire life. Don't care how good the car is. Whatever. Your entire life and the life of those around you rests on having good tires. Don't go cheap on your tires. They don't have to spend top dollar buy quality tires. What Chris, Please don't tell me you buy cheap tires. Please, Chris? What is wrong with you? Chris? You know what we're doing to tread check Corey. We're doing a tread check. I'm Jewish producer. Chris is tires after the show. Now I'm nervous. Now I'm nervous. Now I don't want to ride behind me. Now I'm super nervous. Oh there, Chris, this make you feel better, though, gold prices settle shy of record high as the dollars slide boost medal. How about that, Chris? Something what I'm trying to be nice? Something for you to celebrate? Really, I guess there's something for everybody who got a hold of go gold code. When I told you to to celebrate, you did get a hold of gold cod, right. You did make sure that your retirement is fortified with some precious metals. Gold cos number one for a reason, a plus rating from the Better Business Bureau for a reason. Maybe get some physical gold or silver in your hands, offering up to ten percent bonus silver with the qualifying purchase. At least go get a free gold and silver kit Protect yourself. Jesse likes gold dot com. It's where you go, all right, Jesse likes gold dot com.
And now here's a headline by go you know, you know.
The thing headlines we didn't get to. The House opens investigation into four sanctuary cities. Yes, the uh Brandon Johnson's of the world, the Mike Johnston of the world. These kind of crazy mayors Chicago, Denver, actually Eric Adams and others. They're getting called in front of Congress to testify. Now, granted it's the House GOP. I wouldn't bank on there being any actual teeth to any of this stuff because it's still the GOP. But still something's happening out there. Jonathan Turley flags constitutional issue that may help Trump end birthright citizenship. Look, Trump is one hundred percent correct when he wants to when he says he wants to end birthright citizen I know it. You know what, everyone with a brain knows it. Countries around the world don't just hand out citizenship to people whoever happens to get born on their soil. That's an insane way to handle citizenship. But The question is going to be does the Supreme Court agree with that? And that I don't know. Trump building the wall to fill the gaps on the New Mexican border. New Mexico has famously been a difficult place to secure border wise, not just because of the nutball lefties that run that state, sadly because of the terrain. It's tough to protect a border and rougher terrain. It's brutal over there. And again, isn't it nice to have an administration that's trying the last one just try to keep it open. It's crazy MSNBC meltdown Ellie Mystel, Eli Mistel comes unglued and blames quote white folks for the price of eggs. It is, it's actually funny guys like this. You know, Trump cut four hundred and twenty million dollars of DEI programs out of the government, four hundred and twenty million dollars. There's been this entire industry of moronic communists who have existed, who've luxuriated only on this anti white man hatred thing, and they're going nowhere fast. The public's done with it. And the thing is, you can't teach those old dogs new tricks still still be saying, ah, white people, they'll still be screaming about it from now until the end of time. Hundreds of lights recovered and their herdfordshired theft investigation. Apparently somebody was stealing a bunch of street lights. And you know, I'm totally against theft of all kind, but aren't you kind of curious? What, Chris, I'm curious. Everybody's curious. Whatever. Anyway, we're going to come back tomorrow. We'll do it again. That's all.