Hour 2:The Only Thing They Know

Published Jan 22, 2025, 3:10 AM

Norm is rejecting the cultural Marxism that’s been pushed for nearly a decade and the left doesn’t know why their ideas are being shunned. Steve Friend on what Kash Patel can do to reform the FBI. Dismantling the DEI office at the FBI. 

This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Another hour of The Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday, and we're gonna talk a bit more about the system. I kind of finished up last hour talking about the elites, the global elites, the people who've been running the world for a long time. They're feeling the rejection of them right now, and they're afraid. We'll discuss that. We're gonna discuss the mass deportations. In fact, I'm gonna tie all those things together as only I can do. Chris, we have Steve Friend retired, well, former FBI special Agent Steve Friend. I was about to call him retired, but they kind of made him do that. He's coming up about a half hour from now. He has major concerns about what the FBI is doing to prepare for cash betel coming in. All that so much more coming up on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. Now back to what we were discussing, what you're seeing, what they're feeling. They're feeling a rejection of the way things have always been. That's what the elites who run Western civilization are feeling right now. I played that long cloud schwab clip. They're feeling it. They're feeling it hard. The thing is, they don't know how to react to it. Have you ever have you ever seen a movie or read a book. I mentioned people who fall from power, But have you ever seen a movie or read a book about a king who either loses his power and becomes a regular person or has to pretend for a while. I forget the name of the movie I'm thinking of, but a guy has to go down and become a peasant for a while, and he goes from being a king to this and he goes around and he just starts trying to give people orders anyway, because that's how he's always lived. You, hey, go bring me a cup of coffee. You sweep these floors. And he keeps getting laughed at, pushed around, beat up. But he has lived that life for so long he doesn't really know how to act any other way. And what you're seeing from the people who have had their power ripped from them right now is they don't know a second way to act. Allow me to explain. We'll make it about the media. Mainly, the media bubble. American media is for the most part created in New York City or Los Angeles, Washington, d C. Or Atlanta. That's almost all of it. Almost all of it is created in one of those four places. I'm talking about it the individual journalist stuff, but I'm talking about the major corporate press, the ABCNBC, all that stuff. That's where it's mostly produced. Okay, Well, what has happened is as the Democrat Party has become more and more isolated into being just a coastal kind of elite academia institution, they have stopped being able to relate to normal people, and they only know one way to talk and one way to act. And the only way you talk and act is like an insane person who's teaching sociology on Berkeley's campus. It's the only way to know how to talk and act. And so right now, that stuff has been rejected by most of the country, not just Republicans. Independents have rejected that. They reject the training. Non Sense is actually a great example of it. Even a majority of Democrats. It's a slim majority, but even a majority of Democrats reject the training on sense. Almost all the Independents rejected, Virtually every Republican rejects it. It has been rejected by the American people, yet they can't help themselves. They still talk about it without end because the American media still loves it. Because training nonsense is still popular on Columbia University East campus. They don't know how to change speeds to any other way. I'm going to play something for you. This is from yesterday. This is Gail King CBS. What she's watching is a video clip of a bunch of the inauguration ceremony stuff, just rooms full of people. I want you to listen to her.

I have to say, I'm looking at this crowd, I do not see many people of color. Does anybody else besides me observe that? I'm fascinated by why that is? On Martin Luther King Junior Day.

A report for CBS looking at inauguration ceremonies, started counting how many black people were in the crowd and decided to run with that on the news. That kind of cultural Marxist insanity has been rejected by the people, not just of America. Western civilization is starting to reject that stuff, and they should know it. In fact, they kind of feel that they've been rejected, but they don't fully grasp why, and so they can't change their tune. Listen to Matthew Dowd on MSNBC.

Problem I see is the same thing repeating itself of what happened in the Civil War and the aftermath, where the working class whites of the South, who had nothing to benefit by maintaining the system nothing because they got nothing out of it. They got nothing out of the plantations, they got nothing out of it, but were convinced because of cultural sort of language and division, the white working class, who should have sided with the North in this, and should have sided with more freedom and should have sided with the freed slaves, ended up becoming part of that sort of awful thing, and that led through civil rights and that powerful people. And this is my fear today. Back then, powerful people convinced the white working class was not the rich, wasn't the enemy who were gobbling up everything. It was these cultural elites that were the enemy in their mind. And it's the same thing is happening today. The powerful people are trying to segment off the white working class who are getting no benefit from this and will suffer in the Trump premacy, in the Trump presidency. But the same thing is repeating itself.

You stupid white working class people who voted for Trump. You're just like the Confederates who loved slavery. They don't know any other way to talk to us. They don't know any other way to talk about us because they exist in these elitist bubbles, and that's how they talk about us to each other. Here's another one, Anna Navarro on the view. I guess Snoop dog and other black musical artists were part of the inauguration. Man, I didn't watch any of that stuff, but they were part of it. Snoop Dogg is hardly some card carrying Republican. He made a music video of him shooting Trump in the head back during Trump's first presidency. But to Anna Navarro, they're just clapping seals.


The thing that really I think was spotlighting Snoop is because of the things that Snoop Dogg said ten days before the inaugural in twenty seventeen. And so look, if you opposed and stood up against Trump in twenty seventeen, but you were there now. If you spoke up against Trump January seventh, twenty twenty one, but you were there now applauding him like a trained seal. Donald Trump has not changed. You've changed.

Yeah, Why do they talk like this? Why do they talk down to us? You're just like the Confederates, You're a trained seal. They don't know any other way. Gil King looks at the room. She knows she's been rejected. The American media knows it has been rejected by the American people. They know the poll numbers, they saw the election results. They've been rejected. So they know they've been rejected. They might even know why. But what they can't seem to do is change their behavior. So for Gail King, she's just gonna do what she's always done. She's gonna look at a crowd of people, and if it's a Republican room, she's going to start counting how many black people are there and making some comment to indicate that Republicans are racist and hate black people. To Anna Navarro, if you don't serve Democrat interests, if you don't serve the Communist revolution, you're a trained seal. To Matthew Dowd, if you voted for Donald Trump, you're a stupid white hayseed who's equal to the Confederates. They don't know any other way. They can't help themselves and so as the system is being rejected, these people, I don't think they can change. I don't I don't think they have it in them to change. I don't think they have the ability. Chris said, after four years, Well, think about this, when you've been a king for fifty years, how do you be a peasant? How can you be Chris? You can't. It's all you know. For the cultural Marxists who've come up and been trained by America's communists, all you know is this really sick, demented worldview of oppressors and oppressed, and all you know is how to think, talk and act like that. And even though it's been rejected, it's all you know. So it's all you can do. I don't know. I don't know that they can change. I don't think they can. Oh, they'll figure out something, but these are not people who do introspection all that. Well, let's do some emails before we get to this illegal immigration stuff, because I'm very very hopeful right now in ways that I have not been before. I want to do some emails and then I'll tell you what I'm hopeful about and why before I get to that. I want to get to this. I want to get to protection. You fasten your seatbelt right, you lock your door at night. You have health insurance hopefully. Well, what have you done to protect your retirement? You worked really hard for that money, you were smart enough to put some away. What have you done to protect it? Get some precious metals in there. I didn't say do it all. That's crazy. Get some precious medals as part of your retirement. Get some in your physical possession as well. Gold cos the one you can trust, a plus rated from the Better Business Bureau for a reason. In fact, they're offering up to a ten percent instant match in bonus silver on a qualified purchase. Gold code will send you a free gold and silver kit. At least go get your kit. Jesse likes Gold dot com is where you go. Jesse likes gold dot com. We'll be back. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly Show. You're welcome. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. And thank you so much for all the prayers and well wishes because of the weather. But I promise I'm fine for those who haven't been paying attention. Everyone in the South is nodding their head right now. But we woke up this morning and it was a blizzard. I don't mean snowing. It was a freaking blizzard and there was four or five inches of snow on the ground. And it's really not that big of a deal. And everybody everyone acted like it was the end of the world, and it's really not that big of a deal. Drive slower, put on a winter coat. It'll be just fine. I actually had people ask me, are you going to work today? Are you going to go to work today? If I stayed home from work because of three inches of snow on the ground, my father would rise from the grave and murder me. He would, yeah, I came into work today. I don't stay home when it snows. Like I'm a child. That doesn't matter. In fact, my kids it was hilarious. They had the day off of school because it did freeze in the school or were always worried about, you know, bosses crashing and I do. I do get that part of it. But they asked me. I said, Dad, well you have to work, And I said, yes, son, men go to work when there's freaking snow on the ground. I don't ever want to hear that crap again. Oh yeah, you're right. You're right. You're right, but thanks for your well wishes. We did do just fine here and do not worry. We are well fed. Yes, the roads were very, very bad and we had no choice but to send Corey to go pick up cheese steaks for us. So thanks Corey, much appreciated. He did make it back okay, and the cheese steaks were still warm. We're fine here, Jesse. I'm kindly requesting that you include, Oh, this is about Medal of Honor Monday. I'm kindly requesting that you include the heroes hometown and state when doing Medal of Honor Monday. I think it would be cool to know where they are from. Thank you very much. I love the show and I listen every day. God bless hey, Chris Corey. I love this suggestion. Remind me of this. I want to start doing. I try to do it sometimes, but I would like to start doing this every time, city and state for our Medal of Honor Monday. Guys, I always enjoy that too. I'll tell you what else. I'll tell you something I do enjoy that you may get a kick out of you may not, but visiting the graves of fallen heroes with your kids. It can be powerful for you and it can be powerful for them. We took our kids to Arlington National Cemetery back when I lived in DC for a year, which was awful, But Arlington's National Cemetery is amazing. And these Medal of Honor heroes we talk about, most of them are not in Arlington. They're buried most of the time in their hometown somewhere, So it wouldn't hurt. Just a suggestion. If you're traveling with the fam out of town, maybe you're driving down to the beach or something like that, it wouldn't hurt to look up that area and maybe tombs or cemeteries that are there that have these guys. I'm telling you, it's really, really powerful. There's a lot of meaning to it. Okay, so trust me on that. It's really cool anyway, city and state. I like that idea. I'm try I'm gonna try to remember to do that from now on. Jesse in two Birds with One Stone fashion. After interviews with dozens of qualified candidates, I hired an anti communist secretary from ZIP recruiter. I love this guy as an anti communist. Should she took on more responsibility, rose to the ranks quickly, and it was eventually promoted to executive vice president of Pine sal in Luxury. Oh no way.

The dude hired a chick from Zip Recruiter and married her.

You know, I don't think Zip Recruiter sees themselves as a dating serves per se. But look, you gotta think outside the box sometimes. What listen, Chris, hear me out. Let's just say, let's say you're a single dude. Please don't do this if you're married. But let's say you're a single dude and you're not having any luck out there finding a woman to marry. And let's say you're a manager or a small business owner or something. Go to ZipRecruiter dot com slash jesse, advertise your position. All the choice employees are there, They're already there. It's the biggest, one, biggest site for a reason. You'll get an instant match.

And maybe you hire a lovely woman and maybe, while strictly adhering to all the office sexual harassment policies, maybe maybe you invite around after work play some darts one day.

Maybe you know what, even better, this is how I got ob you know where I took her for a first date putt putt. We did some putt putt, some mini golf first date, and then she's all, I don't know what I'm doing, and I'm oh, hey, allow me to allow me to help guide you. This could all begin with ZipRecruiter dot com slash Jesse. You want the best employees and a potential future wife, ZipRecruiter dot com slash Jesse, and you get to try it for free. Jesse can't stop being upset over the preemptive pardons of individuals like Biden's siblings Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney. The act of doing this alone shows that they are guilty in need this layer of protection. Can't these in any way be reversed or used to expose these individuals. I know you're sick about these pardons. I am sick about these pardons. It's awful. But here's something you're not gonna want to hear. Justice is very very hard to come by in this life. Not that it's impossible, but it's very hard to come by. The evil people who attack us without end most of them will not get the justice they deserve in this lifetime. I mean, look, look no further than Vauci himself. That guy's done some really truly heinous things, and to this day he makes a fortune off your money. To this day, you provide for him. Did you know you provide for him protection, personal protection. He cruises around in a limo. You pay for this is all your money. That guy engineered the carpet bombing of American society, the destruction of children's education. You couldn't bury your dad because of Anthony Fauci. Anthony Fauci is going to live out the rest of his days in luxury. I didn't say that to make you mad. There are just some things in life, like injustice, that we just kind of have to shoulder and keep moving on. I'm sorry, I wish it was not that way, all right, all right? Well, Steve Friend, friend of the show, he's a former FBI special agent. I was talking with him a little bit this morning about what's happening inside the FBI as they wait for cash to get there, and it's not good. You're gonna want to hear this next feeling a little stocky, follow like and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly's show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Reminding you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Now, let's find out what's happening at the FBI. We need cash, but tell Now, let's find out a few things from our good friend friend of the show retired, well, I guess forcibly retired special agent Steve Friend. Okay, Steve first and foremost. I just polished off a bag of skittles, and I like to eat five, six, sometimes even ten at a time. Are you a multiple skittle at a time man? Or you a one off guy?

I like to squeeze two of them together until one cracks, and that goes the next one, until I find the hardest skittle and I let that one go free so he can survive and produce.

Gosh, that is so much better than what I do. Now, I wish I hadn't asked the question. I'm so embarrassed now I feel like a chick. Now I feel like I eat skittles like a woman. Now, setting that important issue aside, talk to me about what's happening inside the walls of the FBI. After all, I saw they close their DEI department. That's a good thing, right, It is.

Good if you don't know a little bit better Unfortunately, I do, being a recovering FBI agent who was alerted to this about a month ago, that this is all sort of an elaborate scheme to try to infiltrate other avenues within the FBI before cash Batel arrives. So they're reassigning these people. They're not removing them. They're putting them into the Equal Employment Opportunities arm of the FBI so they can go and infest and push forward their communism that way. There's a lot of preparation for cash Battel. I mean, they've promoted a whole bunch of executives in the hopes that they're going to be harder to get rid of. I mean, we had five assistant directors appointed last week, and this is in the lead up to a presidential and auguration, so they're hoping that I think that he's going to be delayed in his official appointment, and by the time he gets there, they will have firmly ensconced themselves in a way that they can throw up as much roadblocks as they can to reform.

Okay, talk to me, Steve about how ensconced they are. I love that. I'm not completely sure if it's meeting. But I always sound really smart when I say it. How how hard is it going to be for Cash to walk in and say leave right because you tell me? And I had heard this before, That's why I asked the question. They shut down the di HAD department, but then they sent the communists to other parts. But can't he just go track all that and find those people and fire them. What can and can't Cash do?

It's gonna be a willingness and an appetite to actually do it. I mean, I think you can be pretty creative with what you want to do. I mean, if they if they're hesitant about some class action lawsuit or anything like that, then they could always assign people to be the supervisor of a broom closet, or do things like have no more work from home and have people just elect to do other things, reassign them to go and work violent crimes in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and maybe people would just prefer to pursue other avenues of career. I think though, and they could always use the mechanism they got me with, and that was the fact that the FBI's part of the intelligence community. You have to have a clearance and there's a Supreme Court case Navy versus Egan that says that the agency has wide latitude when it comes to issuing and suspending and revoking security clearances basically any reason that they deem fit. So I would contend that they could just suspend security clearances for whoever they're having a problem, and it's really just going to be ultimately a decision for the top of the food chain of what level of discomfort are you with the American people or they are going to be on board. I think you can sell it to them, especially in light of the fact that the FBI has been completely exposed as a political actor at this point in the last four years.

Yeah, I actually tend to agree with you. I would have been more doubtful about that two three years ago, but I think the American people have caught on to exactly how bad things are inside the check out. I want to ask you about something you just got done saying you could just assign them to work violent crime. Aren't the FBI agents. Aren't they people who want to tackle violent crime?

Steve, you would hope. So, I mean, I think a lot of people have that idea because they watch TV and movies. But for the most part, FBI agents or housecats, I mean walk into the office every day, take the gun off or the drawer, and sit at the cubicle. So much of what they do is at the computer screen, even if it is a violent crime violation that you're theoretically supposed to be investigating. Most of those cases are worked by local law enforcement entities that do something, and then you liaise with them, have a conversation, and then find an angle and say, ooh, you know, maybe I can just take that case that you've already arrested the bad guy, developed all the evidence, and your county prosecutor is just a little bit over burdened, so I'll just take it and find a federal nexus and get credit as a violent crimes agent. And I think there's also a mentality problem that they have, where the agents don't look at themselves as case agents like the guy that's chasing the bad guy down the alley on the TV screen. They view themselves as a case manager, so they deploy different resources. They'll use a financial analyst or an evidence tech, and then eventually when it comes time to arrest a bad guy, if it's necessary, they'll just they'll send the slot team and they don't actually have to get out of their desk.

Well, that's about one of the most disheartening things i'd ever heard you, and I'd had that conversation before. I just wanted everybody to hear it. Okay, Steve, So I'm going to ask you a question, and I don't I'm already regretting asking it before I ask it. But you famously you were working on child pornography cases before the dirt balls at the check I pulled you off that to go hunt down school board parents. That's why you quit. But child pornography, I'm not sure that there's anything more disgusting and evil than that. It's so evil it's hard to fathom there are people in our society who produce it and consume it. Did that ever get to you?

You know, I consider myself, I guess, really and fortunate. I'm one of these people that can compartmentalize that evidence and say, if I have to view this and listen to it, and it's a necessary component of my job in order to put the worst people into a box for the rest of their lives, then it's something that I'm willing to do. And I know that I'm a black sheep in that regard, and that to me was one of the most disappointing aspects to it, where they had that resource in me and somebody who said, I'll do it for the next twelve fifteen years of my career because I see the value of it, and they said, no, we want you to go after the misdemeanor allegations from January sixth. That's a higher priority there. And it just reflects so badly, not just the FBI, but just I think law enforcement in general, which is inadequately addressing this thread. It is a nationwide threat. It affects every racial group, every socioeconomic group. It is all over the place, and we really are in an all hands on deck situation nationwide.

What's wrong with these people? Is it demonic? Like I can't it's so evil, Like I understand a drug dealer. I don't do it, but I get it, you know, I get it. I understand a gang banger, I understand an Italian mafia guy. I can't even wrap my mind around that level of depravity. What's wrong with them?

There's all these different studies that have been conducted. I've seen some interviews with some of these guys, and they even explained it as being that they just had one element of their life that never matured with the rest of them. That's the most sympathetic way of doing it. But the bottom line is it doesn't matter. They all know it. It's wrong, no matter what the affliction actually is, and they have still decided to pursue that endeavor. And I think they all know it's wrong. And that's why you get the people who are the Cub Scout leader or the coach on lapoon. And it's not just because it's a target of opportunity for them, but it's also because they know they have this race in their ledger and they will do untold amounts of good because they think that that will cancel it out. And you just can't ever cancel out that sort of evil good grief.

Okay, now let's move on past that we've never talked about that I just did. I thought that would get to me. I'm sure it would get to me. You, Kyle Garrett, the guys who bravely spoke up when others wouldn't have. You had any indication from the Trump administration, who's doing amazing things right now, have you had an any indication that they're going to make you guys whole.

Oh you know, I've been in some circles of conversations around Cashptel and we've just been providing him information on that. No sort of discussions about if we're going to have a future prospect. My big focus is, you know, I sort of have an I six eight moment here where whom shall I said, Well, here I am. It's not because I'm jumping out of my chair because I want it, but I'm on this hill. I'm going to have to fight this battle, and I'll say you can send me. So if there's any way that I can provide him an information like the stuff I'm giving you here, then that's something that I will jump out. Now. Professionally, I'm you know, I'm still in a twenty nine months later, unpaid, undefinitely suspended and unemployable situation, so that that is definitely always weighing on us. But I do think this is a unique time in history, and I keep saying it's a twice in a lifetime opportunity. Two plus years ago was a once time in a lifetime opportunity. Only a few guys like Garrett and Kyle and myself said, you know, we have to step forward here, and so many failed. I think that now there's an opportunity for thirty eight to forty thousand other employees. They get a second crack at it. They were way to measure and found wanting. They punked out two years ago. But now they can get on board and have Cashpttel maybe pull listening back from the brink.

Let's hope they do. Steve, you are the man, my brother. Come back soon. I appreciate you.

Yeah, thanks, Jessie, A.

Good man right there. I don't even know why I asked that question about the child old stuff. I just I can't wrap my mind around it. I can't anyway, Let's move on. Let's move on. Shall we do some emails or something? Hang on, miss something. There's a podcast getting on demand wherever podcasts are found, The Jesse Kelly Show. It is The Jesse Kelly Show. Odd a Wonderful Tuesday. Remember if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeart, Spotify iTunes. So you remember what I talked about a little bit yesterday about Biden and part of the reason he was doing so many pardons and so much crazy stuff in his final hours. And I said, there were really two main reasons. The first one applies to his entire presidency. He was never in charge, he was never even really there. He was signing executive orders he didn't even know, just didn't know. So the evil communists around him are running the country and he was in strung enough to ever put the brakes on them. That's why his four years was so hard left. But the second part of that is the Biden family. They are at war with the Democrat Party because the Democrat Party knifed Joe Biden in the back, did not let him run again, pushed him out the door. And so now there's lasting, ingrained bitterness there and you're seeing it all over the television today. I think it was on CNN. We had an ex Biden aid who came out and said, ah, I mean, obviously the pardons don't look good. Corey Booker, Senator Corey Booker is having to answer questions about it, trying the best he can to defend me.

I think that's a mistake we're seeing now is people are trying to reduce this to tribalism. It's this is not about Democrat or Republican. A. Biden pardoned a lot of people, yet he should answer for that and explain what he did and his reasoning. But the people he pardoned, his family members, did not before the naked public eye beat police officers, try to overthrow our government, lead to the death of police officers.

I have interested tried to change to January sixth, but that's the best he could do. That's a United States senator supposed to be a messaging master, and the best he can do is vah. I mean, I mean, I guess he'll have to answer some questions about it. Trump talked about it too.

I was surprised that President Biden, who would go and pardon his whole family, because that makes him look very guilty.

You know, I could have pardoned my family. I could have pardoned myself my family. And I said, if I do that, it's going to make me look very guilty. I don't think I'd be sitting here. Frankly, if I did that, I don't think i'd be sitting here right now, because I would have I would have shown that you're guilty.

Joe Biden is doing or did the things he did at the end because he doesn't care about remaining in good standing with Democrats anymore. So in the end, there was nothing holding him back to you. That's one on Fox News.

It's possible this could be the closest anyone has come to showing a transfer of money from overseas in exchange for potential influence over US policy with Hunter Biden. Now, we've heard about Hutter Biden's ties to the Ukrainian energy firm Bearisma House. Investigators have probed that for months. But how about potential links to Romania. Now, prosecutors and Hudter Biden's tax case say he worked for Gabriel Popa Vichu. He is a Romanian business magnet. Now the allegation is that Hudter Biden and his business colleagues took three million dollars in payments. Whis alleges they structured the deal for Hunter so it quote concealed the true nature of the work he was performing. Geter say there were concerns about ramifications for President Biden. Papa Vichu is expected to testify at Hunter Biden's tax evasion trial in Los Angeles that starts September fifth.

Taking bribes from a Romanian oligarch why everyone knows, why a lasting legacy of corruption that now is cemented in the eyes of everybody. Here was Jonathan Turley.

But we have never seen anyone like the Biden family. They are in a league of their own. We're talking millions of dollars that ultimately went through various accounts from foreign sources. We're talking about a president who repeatedly lied to the American people, a media that enabled all of this to happen, and at the very end, he really fulfilled the worst stereotypes of his his legacy. And I think that ultimately this is what will be the most lasting aspect of the Biden legacy.

Is this corruption? Ugly? Right? Well? The worst president in history? He's up there, certainly up there. I don't know. American history is pretty long. How much do you know about it?

Have you?

Have you already started your free classes from Hillsdale College yet, because you can know a lot more about it soon. Hillsdale. Everyone knows what Hillsdale is greatest freaking university ever where they're offering more than forty courses online free free. They want you to learn about the Constitution for free. They want you to learn about the history of the Christian Church for free. They want you to learn about C. S. Lewis, Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, Roman Republic free more than forty free courses. If you go to Hillsdale dot edu slash Jesse to enroll, there's no cost. Go get smarter, wiser Hillsdale dot edu slash Jesse. Hey, Jesse, you rock. She's right. I have said something for years that you echoed today, That is, the silent majority needs to stop being silent. My question is it possible for those final Biden pardons to actually stand up in court? Can he pardon Hunter and his whole family for crimes they haven't been charged with yet. Their name's Jennifer.


As I tried to explain earlier, the pardons are going to hold up. The only way any of these people are going to be held to account is if some Republican age in a state, a state attorney general finds some crimes to prosecute them for. As far as federal crimes go, well, Joe Biden covered all his bases. He rebackdated the pardons to twenty fourteen, and presidential power is what it is. Yes, you can yell and scream, and I can yell and scream all day long about how that's not how they're supposed to use it. That's an overstep. This is crazy, But that's what happens with communists. They don't hold themselves back. They cannot control themselves. Communists cannot control themselves. They have to be brought to heal by good people. Otherwise the communists, he'll just keep going and going and going, like the Tasmanian devil. They can't ever stop themselves. They can't bring themselves to do it. And that's how we got where we are now. Now, I want to talk about something I'm starting to get hopeful about, something I was not previously hopeful about. When it comes to mass deportations and such. I'll explain next

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