Jesse’s grim prediction on Trump’s assassin. Rome finding its footing on the world state. The continued rhetoric from the left for a decade. Stochastic terrorism from the left. Communist do the exact same thing every time they force a revolution. Democrats radicalize street animals to violence.
This is a Jesse Kelly show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Monday. And man, if only we had something to talk about on a Monday. They tried to murder Donald Trump again. That's kind of kind of be a central theme of today's show. We are going to talk about culture, culture of assassination. I have theories on both assassination attempts, and they are different theories. We have all kinds of audio where we're going as a future country. Medal of Honor Monday is coming an hour from now. I will at some point in time get to emails, all that, so much more coming up on the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. Before we do any of that, We're going to do a story, a little history story, one we've done before. I don't know how long I'm going to take on it, but as far as it relates to Trump, where we are as a country, a culture of assassination, how our culture is changing, this story is insanely applicable. When I look at the fall of the Roman Republic, when Rome went from being a republic to being one that was ruled by emperors, you know, Augustus Nero Caligila, Claudius, you name the emperor that transition period. How did that happen? How did they go from being a republic was senators who ran things to being an empire? How did that happen? When I look at the story of how that happened, in the similarities I see today with what you are living through and what you're going to live through, I am blown away. It looks like a mirror to me. Obviously there are differences because it was a different society, but watching them transition, reading the stories of watching them transition, what prompted the transition, how the people empower handled the transition, how the people who weren't in power but wanted something better hit it all looks like us to me. So here it is. Rome had been a very very successful, wealthy country for a long time. They look we look back now, and we look at this juggernaut of an empire, and we just kind of think it was always that way. But Rome had some hard scrabble beginnings. It was just some city state in what you would call Italy, and they had to fight everyone around them tooth and nail, fight and fight and fight. We got to go to war here and war there, and war here, and war there, and eventually they fought a war. You note they fought three of them with Carthage. Those are called the Punic Wars. Kids. If you want a fascinating history story, that's what I would recommend, anyway, Carthage, Chris said, which one. All three of them are fascinating Chris anyway. But as Rome, just like America, began to find its footing on the world stage, Rome began to look around at some point in time and they realized, gosh, we have a lot of money, we have a lot of power. Things are going great. America was that way, is that way, has been that way for so long. We are so blessed with unending natural resources here with a limited form of government, at least it used to be. Where the people are so free to do what they want to do. The markets flourished when you combine the natural resources, the geographical advantages we have, the free market systems, the blessings by God. We just made money and power and money and power, and we just we came up so fast as a country. And Rome really went through this too. They actually took a little longer than we did, but they went through this too, where eventually you look around one day and you think, dang, we're kind of without peer around here. And didn't actually mean for that to rhyme anyway. But something else happened to Rome during this time, very similar to what happened to us. You see, in the beginning, the Romans were insanely ambitious people there. They were widely known to be crazy ambitious. But you you were raised if you were about to be in Roman high society. Let's say your dad was a general and a senator, and they had things structured well where generals and senators were often one on the same. Anyway, if your dad was one of these old Roman wonderful families, you were brought up. You were brought up with a sense of duty. Not necessarily selflessly either, but you knew if it was me. If I'm a young man in Rome, my dad some big shot general, he fought the Carthaginians. He would have taught me. He would have made sure I was super advanced in my studies. I would have had tutors, I would have had extensive combat training. You know, our high society kids today, they never go put on a uniform. It's up to the rest of us not that way. In Rome, I would have had extensive combat training, and I would have known, I would have known, beyond the shadow of a doubt that I needed to go to war on behalf of Rome to prove my valor, my bravery, my intelligence, to serve my country. I would have been raised purposely with a sense of duty to Rome. And that's how the Romans were raised. They were fanatical about raising their high society types in that way. We Americans have been that way. This is all coming back to Trump's assassination. You're gonna have to wait. We have been exactly that way for so long. One of the things that floors me about ancient, ancient, ancient America, when I'm talking about older America, from the Civil War to the World Wars, was how often it was the congressman's son who died, the senator's son who died, President's son who died. This brigadier general here, he didn't sale through the war unscathed. He lost two sons here. This was the norm in American society. We've always had our elites too. But if you were raised as an elite family or made yourself one, your kids were taught just like the Romans were taught, you have a duty, you will be purposeful, you will serve. Look, the Kennedy's are right, will use the Kennedys because everyone knows who they are. Jack Kennedy, the father of JFK. He was as close to American royalty as you could be back in the day, completely wired in, ambassador, political, as fancy as they come. His kids boom, military, goodbye go. During w W two, JFK. You know the guy who would later on be president. He came from the highest of high society. Why wasn't he just on Instagram and Barbados somewhere surrounded by women. No, no, no, no no. He was in the water at one point, swimming to shore with a broken back, towing one of his men with a toe line in his teeth to save his life. That is high society, what it used to look like. And it looked like that for so long in Rome too. But after a while, time does this to nations. After a while, high society Romans and high society Americans, they looked around and they just slowly but surely over time, as they got more and more separated from our founding, from our principles, from our nation from things like that. They looked around and kind of started saying to each other, Hey, I mean I don't have to go to war, right, and so Icky, I might die a sense of duty? What Oh, we make a lot of money, don't There's no duty here. And the Romans were going through this terribly, and they started to mass import slaves. Every time you would they would win a war the South. The whole history of the world's been done. You win a war, you take slaves, women, children, men. The men go to the salt mines. The women and children don't have it even that well, and it's sis, it's rough, rough. But as the slaves, as the foreign cheap labor began to pour into Rome, what happened was it was crowding out Roman citizens from being able to own homes, to have solid jobs to support their families. That came from the mass import of foreign slave labor by the Roman elites. None of that sounds familiar to you, does it. None of that could happen here. Point three million jobs lost by Americans last year, one point two million jobs gained by foreigners in America last year. And after enough time with this kind of evil leaders, evil leaders running Rome, evil senators, evil people running the society. The people themselves freaking had enough of it. They were tired of getting run off their farms, they were tired of losing their jobs, they were tired of having no representation anymore. They were tired of it, and they went looking for someone who would step up and fight. And we will continue that story in a moment. I know you probably don't need any testosterone help because we're discussing Roman history right now, but either way, you should get some chalk because the truth is, no matter how much Roman history gets you going, we drink estrogen. It's in the plastics, it's in the waters, and we have to fight back against our free falling tea levels. Naturally natural herbal supplements from chalk me. I take a male vitality stack every single day. I eat my breakfast, I take my stack. There's a female vitality stack. There's whatever you're looking for. But your mind is going to work so much better in about ninety days. Ninety days, that gets you a twenty percent increase in your tea level. Go get a subscription, save some money. Tell me how you feel ninety days from now. I want you to email me and tell me how you feel the emails are. It blows me away, it blesses me. C hoq dot com promo code Jesse, We'll be back. This is a Jesse Kelly Show. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Medal of Honor Monday coming up an hour from now. Yes, I'm mixing a little history because of the Trump assassination stuff. We're having a bigger talk about where we are as a country. The similarities to where we are and the fall of the Roman Republic are amazing, and we are discussing the background of that. And I kind of just outlined some of that right away. Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. So the Roman elites, the American elites nas imported large amounts of foreign slave labor. They also abuse the Roman treasury the same way American politicians have abused the American treasury. All this translated into the people themselves being abused, losing jobs, losing standing. Soon you're not middle class, you're poor. You're begging please throw me some bread, and you're looking around wondering what happened to your Rome, what happened to America? And the people had enough of that crap, and the Groky brothers they rose. I don't have any idea whether they were good guys or not. And anyone who tells you they know is lying. These are ancient historical things that happened before Christ. This is a long time ago. But we do know they rose and they were known as Populaure's populous? Ever heard anything about populis rising today? Exactly what they talk about Donald Trump with? And what were they saying? What were they selling? And again, I'm not going to speak to how valid any of this was or how honest they were being. They were selling real representation for the people. Stop running the people out of their jobs, Stop the endless import of foreign slave labor. Let's make sure that people can own land again. Holmes again, except real life. It's not a Disney movie. It's not a book we read our kids when they're younger. Real life is ugly, and in real life, the good guy doesn't always win. That's look, we're gonna have a very hard talk tonight. I'm hopeful about a lot, but we're gonna have a very hard talk tonight. In real life, the good guy does not always win. You see the Grocy brothers. They both got killed. Now because the people were so upset, more populouss came after them. There were many. I could list them for you, but it won't matter. There were more that came after them, from Guius Maryus, Julius Caesar. But there are others too, and they all had this in common. They all got killed. They were all murdered by the evil, corrupt Roman system that had found a lucrative venture for itself. The lucrative venture was, Hey, we're all the Roman elites here, why don't we just join together. We will loot the treasury, and I don't want to have to keep paying these workers. I have this huge farm in Gosh, the labor costs are through the roof. So yes, we'll loot the treasury, but I'll also hire two hundred slaves, fire two hundred Romans, and I make even more money. I don't have any sense of duty to my country. I will just continue on this way. And those very very powerful, very very evil people who were running Roman society at the time just simply murdered every single populist who rose up and tried to oppose them. Eventually, I told you already this story Octavian fights Mark Anthony. Eventually this story ends with a populist, a populare, if you want to call in that, who was smart enough and mean enough to pull off the win. But systems corrupt systems, corrupt forms of government. They will defend themselves, and they will defend themselves violently if necessary. When you have people who lead your society with no sense of duty to it and no moral code whatsoever, they will do anything to you and don't feel the least bit guilty at all. You think these people sit around in stress about the fact that they've handed over your job to a Haitian.
I wish I had thirty more. Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don't have a drug problem. They'll stay at their machine, they'll achieve their numbers. They are here to work, and so in general, that's a difference from what we're used to in our community.
This is amazing, this foreign slave labor. They're too scared to even take a break. They work for pennies on the dollar. They work for about six seven bucks less an hour than Americans, by the way, But of course the CEO of the factory, who this is awesome my bottom line looks great. Baby, you think these people won't kill to keep this thing going? Let me ask you something, because we're gonna get into the Trump assassination stuff specifically. Now, let me ask you an honest question. I live in Well, it doesn't matter where I live. Let's say there's a city of a million people. Okay, so that's a good sized city. It's not New York City, it's not la it's not Houston, but it's a good sized city. A million people. In a city of a million people, how many of those people would kill you for one hundred dollars if you had a hundred dollar bill and they could shoot you in the face and get away with it, how many of them would do it? Okay, you have a number in your head. Whatever that number is, I don't know. Now, let me ask you, in that city of a million people, how many would kill you for a billion dollars. It's a lot more, isn't it. Well, let's talk about the system and money and the assassination attempt of Donald Trump, and the assassination I very sadly believe is coming for Donald Trump. Before we get to that, speaking of mass importation of people, I just I could sit here for three hours every single day and read stories of violence that's being done to American citizens now every time I freaking hate. It doesn't matter what you read La Times, New York Post Online. It's just murder, murder, assault, rape, murder, murder, assault, rape. What do you carry on your body that will allow you to stop a bad man? A bad man who's only ever violence, He's been raised violently. His entire life is assault and rape and murder. And he just ran into your daughter in a dark parking lot at night. Can she stop him? If the answer is no, you need to get a burn A pistol launcher. Now, these are non lethal. So even when your daughter says, Daddy, I don't like guns, tough, it's not a gun shoots pepperballs to your gas balls. She doesn't even have to be accurate. Did you know that shoot it on the freaking ground right in front of him? Did you know that maybe the best part about it? Shoot it and live? And it's legal in all fifty states, no permit, no background check needed. All you have to do save some money by RNA bernad dot com slash Jesse. We'll be back, misters. Catch up Jesse Kellyshow dot com. It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday. Remember, you can download an entire show at your leisure, Jesse or wait a minute, no, iHeart Spotify and iTunes. I about gave out the email address, Chris. It's because you were talking to me. Chris messed me up. Chris was reminding me that I need to remind you about Wednesday, September eighteenth. That's well Wednesday, I said. I didn't have to give out the dates. Whatever, it's Wednesday. I'm not gonna be here. I'm doing the Tucker Carlson Live Tour that night. If you're in Texas or want to fly to Texas, Chris said, there are still tickets available, Okay, Tucker Carlson dot com if you want to come out see me in Tucker Riff on stage for a while. I'll be right back here on Thursday, so don't worry. But that's where I will be Wednesday. You're welcome to come see me, or if you just missed me so bad that night, you can tune into it. I'm sure there's some way you can tune into the thing and watch it or listen to it or something. I don't know. I should probably look into that before I bring any of this up on the air. Either way, let's go back to the Trump assassination. Corrupt, evil systems, evil governments killed the people who tried to challenge them. This is now attempt number two on Donald Trump's life. Yet another street communist woke up and decided to murder him.
Here's a show, probably between three and five hundred yards, but with a rifle and a scope like that, that's not a long distance.
We're getting information about the rifle. We were told it was an AK forty seven style. Now I hear it's an SKS style. None of that matters. Don't worry, don't stress yourself on the details. It was an older weapon with the serial number off of it. It had an optic, it had a scope on it, and it was certainly capable of making that shot. The shooter we now know he was there twelve hours twelve hours before Donald Trump started playing golf, and they didn't catch him because it was outside of the.
Peri course is surrounded by shrubbery, so when somebody gets into the shrubbery, they're pretty much out of sight, all right, And at this level that he is at right now, he's not the city president. If he was, we would have had this higher golf course around him. Well, because he's not, the security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible. So I would imagine that the next time becomes at a golf course, there'll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter.
Okay, all right, So I feel like, if we're going to address this properly, I need to go ahead and tell you that I have two different theories, and we're going to address the first assassination attempt first, because I believe, all right, I'm just gonna come out and say it. Okay, I believe Donald Trump is going to be assassinated.
I do.
I do, But I don't take any pleasure in saying that. I hate saying that, but the history of the world says the first system disruptor doesn't make it. He is still relying on the Secret Service, and we're going to get to that part in the first assassination attempt. At a moment, he's still relying on the Secret Service augmented with local law enforcement. And so what that means, I know, you can figure that out on your own. Let's say I don't want to give out a number. I know how much Secret Service he has, but I don't want to give out a number. We're in this environment. I'm very, very worried someone's going to hurt him. He has a number. We'll call it one hundred agents. All right, that's not at all accurate, but that's one I'm giving you. If he has one hundred Secret Service agents, they know that's not enough to protect him at all times. So when they go to an area, whether it's Butler, Pennsylvania, or West Palm Beach, Florida, or wherever, they will get local sheriffs, local law enforcement, and they will augment it. They will add reinforcement to the Secret Service detail. So you have Secret Service agents and local cops protecting Donald Trump. Now, let me ask you a question. If intelligence agencies foreign and possibly domestic want to murder a man, is one hundred Secret Service agents and twenty local cops, are they going to be able to stop it? If governments foreign and possibly domestic want someone dead, how often do governments fail to kill the individual they want to die? How often have you seen that? It's like the one thing government does well, they don't do anything else. Well, but they murder people really, really well, they're good at it. Donald Trump needs to begin breaking the bank. I don't know whether he can use pack money for this reasonably personal money. Donald Trump needs to begin spending an obscene amount of money on elite level private security, or I believe Donald Trump is going to die. I'm not even sure he's going to make it to the election. That's the truth, and I want to look at the first one first. I'm going to play something for you right now. This is Josh Hawley, Senator out of Missouri. He's how Holly has been all over the first attempted assassination attempt of Trump. Listen to what he says here.
I'm told by people who are close to and have knowledge of the Secret Service's own internal investigation that the Department of Homeland Security is leaning on the Secret Service not to comply with document requests to Congress. I mean, this is really getting to be outrageous. The American people need the truth here.
That was Josh Holly on Fox News. In the world would the Department of Justice stonewall anything like this, Well, let's just skip past all this. Ah, this naive wonderment thing Democrats want Donald Trump dead. They want him dead, and Democrat politicians have repeatedly called for this over and over and over again. They're constantly using the most extreme language possible, language that sounds like, hey, go kill him, Hey go kill him, Hey go kill him. If you're a deranged Democrat street communist and you hear this over and over and over again, what do you think just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see.
Public office again. He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy and he has to be He has to be eliminated.
Has to be eliminated, really eliminate him. But but I don't know. I'm just a Democrat. I'm sitting home watching CNN. Should I do it? Is it the right day to do?
I've been talking about this now for a long time that I did not believe that Donald Trump was planning to leave the White House. People criticized me, saying I didn't know what I was talking about. Well, I think everybody now sees what I was talking about. When I say it, I consider it Trump to be a Mussolini and putting a Hitler. And I still hold to that, and I think that people begin to see what I was talking about.
Well, I'm unsure. I mean, I don't know Mussolini and Hitler. Gosh, that sounds pretty bad. I have nothing else in life. I mean, shouldn't I stop him? I guess I probably should fly from Hawaii with an AK forty seven to stop him. Do you think do you think it's Mussolinian Hitler? I mean it was only one person. Let me turn on CNN again.
Similarities between Mussolini and Hitler and the use of the terminology like vermin, and the drive that those men had.
Towards stochastic terrorism. You are living in it now. It is not the future, it is the now. We are living in a culture of assassination already. And the only reason we haven't acknowledged that is they haven't been able to successfully assassinate our guy yet. They have obviously tried. They began at a congressional baseball game. They've now tried to murder Donald Trump twice in just the last couple months. But we are already a culture of assassination, and you just don't want to acknowledge it yet. And I will explain what I mean by culture of assassination in a moment before I do that. Speaking of death, you don't want your dog to die right, well, you don't want your dog to die earlier than he has to. I don't. Jewish producer Chris came over to the house today aid he got to see Fred, and of course Fred had to go up and suck up to him the whole thing. Look, you now you know why we give him rough greens, Chris. He's so pathetic. It's really the pathetic. He's so embarrassing. It's the whining and the way he looks. It's awful. Anyway, he doesn't get nutrition from dog food, and I don't want him to die early because I hope that fluffy moron is in our home forever. And so we give him rough Greens because it's an all natural nutritional supplement created by naturopathic doctor Dennis Black. You don't have to change out your dog's food. Keep the food, but just know it's empty calories and put rough greens on it. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, digestive enzymes. Your dog is going to be a new dog. You will see physical differences in your dog and you'll know it works. Three jumpstart trialbags eight three three three three. My dog or go to Roughgreens dot com slash it's Jesse all right, a culture of assassination?
Next, This is the Jesse Kelly Show.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Monday, about ten minutes away from Medal of Honor Monday. And yes, I will get to my two different theories on the different shooters in a bit. We're going to talk about a culture of assassination right now, do Medal of Honor Monday. We have all kinds of stuff we still have to churn and burn through. But what do I mean when I say we are already a culture of assassination? Well, first, let's deal with the modern America, the America you've always known. We have traditionally had an insanely peaceful, non violent political process here and I am I'm very aware of JFK. And I'm aware that of Lincoln, and I know there have been assassinations. I get that. I'm aware that occasionally you may have some congressman throw a punch at somebody. But here in the United States of America, political violence like that, waking up in the morning seeing a politician, whoever dead, that is not something. Honestly, I'm trying to think. I don't think that's something I've ever experienced in my life. I'm forty three, Chris, my forgetting I feel like I'm forgetting one. If I am, I'm forgetting one. And it's not like I'm forgetting a bunch. I'm forty three, I've never seen it. If you're old enough and I don't have a bunch of folks who are, you'll remember JFK. But that's half the reason you remember it is it's so outside of the norm. Somebody just, what's that, Chris? Yeah, yeah, Chris brought up to assassination attempts Gabrielle Differens. It wasn't even successful. And yeah, Reagan, we remember an attempt on Reagan's life. But again, JFK lasts in your mind if you're of a certain age for a lot of reasons, and one of the main reasons is it was so rare. Just doesn't happen here, And because that's what we've known, that's it's human nature, because that's what we've known, that that's what we think we're going to know, that's what we think it's going to be. But let me explain something to you, something that we talked about before. But man, are you seeing it now? Democrat, media, people, politicians, all of them, they are demonic, evil people now. And they use the rhetoric they use because they want the street people, the street communists, They want them to commit acts of violence. It's not that street communists commit acts of violence randomly. From Chuck sh humor to media people on down the line, threat to democracy, threat to democracy. The Dome said this during the debate the other night. Sixty seven million people watch.
Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.
Now, I want you to do something for me. I want you to take yourself out of your shoes, and I want you to make yourself a demonic democrat as best you can, a street communist if you will not one of the elites, one of the streets. So you are already a bitter person, happy, content, grateful people don't become activist democrats. I'm talking. You are bitter, You are angry. Maybe you were abused, maybe drugs, maybe a combination of a bunch of different things. You are angry. Life socks, life socks, life socks. And you wake up every day and you turn on CNN every single day. You turn on CNN, MSNBC. You watch when Joe Biden speaks, you watch when Dome speaks. Every single day you open up the New York Times and you see Hitler, Mussolini, Hitler, threat to democracy, civil war, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Mussolini, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, over and over and over again without end. At what point in time do you begin to convince yourself that killing Hitler might be the greater good, might be for the best. In fact, it doesn't doesn't take a real strong imagination to know that we have a lot of would be assassins allready prepped and ready to go in this country because the culture Democrats and their media allies have created is a culture of a assassination where stopping your political opponent by any necessary means is the greatest good you can do in your life. The rhetoric was used on purpose by Democrats for the purpose of murdering and assaulting their political opponents. It's not an accident. It's what communists have done every single time they've ever taken power anywhere. They do the exact same thing every single time. He's an animal. He's an animal. He's an animal. He's a Nabataur, he's Hitler, he's Mussolini. Oh what's that that? Someone murder him? Wow? No way, that's terrible. Anyway, that's how it happens. And so what I'm trying to explain is we've just left assassination attempt number two. There's going to be assassination attempt number one hundred by the time we're twenty years from now. We now have a society full of vile little day Democrat demons who believe they're supposed to go murder their political opponents because endlessly, endlessly, they turn on the television and hear this crack.
I have been talking about this now for a long time that I did not believe that Donald Trump was planning to leave the White House. People criticized me, saying I didn't know what I was talking about. Well, I think everybody now sees what I was talking about when I said I consider Trump to be a Mussolini and putting a Hitler. And I still hold to that.
And those words don't have any effect on you, because you're a normal human being. If you're a vile little demon sitting at home watching MSNBC, probably on medication, probably out of work, your mommy probably didn't love you, and you're consuming this kind of disgusting feels all day every day. You might just get up from your couch in Hawaii one day, hop on a plane and fly to Florida, because murdering Donald Trump, in your mind, might just be the greatest good you'll ever do in your lifetime. And I've got news for you, just like I just said, If you think the last guy trying to kill a Republican is sitting in jail in Florida, then I've got a bridge in San Francisco to sell you. Assassination is about to become the norm in this country. And it sickens me, and it saddens me. And the fact that Democrats and their media friends did this on purpose. Just man alive, and you can tell how happy Democrats are about it, and you can tell when they finally do kill him, you can tell how they're gonna react. They kind of gave it away today. And I'll go over all that after we do Medal of Honor money, we're gonna pause all this. We're gonna do Medal of Honor money and we'll come back and we'll dig into a lot more of this before we do that. You got five minutes, yeah, five to ten minutes right now, five to ten minutes to stop paying a company that hates your country and hates your guts. We just had a long talk about elites having a sense of duty. How we used to have that. You know, that used to be the case in the corporate world in this country too. And then our boardrooms got taken over by a bunch of commy, disgusting losers. That's why you have to switch your cell phone service to Puretalk. So you don't pay Verizon to crap on your country anymore. You shouldn't pay AT and T, you shouldn't pay T Mobile, pay Pure Talk, same five G network, so you're not losing a thing. You're switching to the cell phone company that loves you, loves your country, loves your values. It takes five minutes ten minutes to switch, and you're speaking on the phone to someone who speaks English. Dial pound two five zero and say, Jesse Kelly. That'll save you an extra fifty percent off your first month pound two five zero, say Jesse Kelly. Switch to Pure Talk.