The Ark of the Covenant is where!? Trump might be the biggest political figure of our lifetime but he is putrid at inside GOP politics. Endorses Lindsey Graham last night with big tweet. Lindsey Graham led the charge from the GOP possibly eliminating Hegseth from being nominated. In a representative republic you get exactly who you should. We must become a ship building giant again.
This is a Jesse Kelly show.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun on a Thursday. We are almost to the end of the week. Smile. There's all kinds of great things happening, some terrible things happening. I'm going to just tell you what you have in store for tonight on the show. We're gonna open up the show and talk about something that's kind of crappy, but it depends on how you look at it, so just stay with me on that. I also, I'm gonna tell you something good, something exciting, kind of a good news bad news type thing. Did we find the arc of the Covenant? That'd be freaking sweet? Why do people continue to keep me Tesla's let's talk about finding monsters under the bed emails? All that, and why Jasmine Krockett and il han Omar and those types belong in Congress? All that and so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly's Show. Now, before I get to the ugly, and it may be a little hard to hear, but before I get to the ugly, I want to talk about the beautiful. I want to talk about me. No stop, I'm going to talk about the book. You know how I told you, in case you're just now catching this, I wrote the Anti Communist Manifesto. I'm not writing another book. I told you. I don't like to write. In fact, I hate to write. Not doing that. But there was a chapter I wanted to write and I just couldn't get it from my mind to the paper, and I couldn't get it done in a way I wanted to get it done. I just didn't like it, so it didn't make the book. Well, I got it from my mind to the paper. It's coming. The rough draft, i should say, is done. It needs a lot of work. It's not coming tomorrow you. I don't know how I'm gonna get it to you yet, very likely it's going to be I would guess email or something. I don't know. I don't know. I'm not going to charge for it. I don't want to charge. You're not gonna have to buy it, even if you didn't buy the Anti Communist Manifesto. It's just something I'm going to try to get out. But it is not done well on the way to being done, and it's coming. Stay tuned. Now, let me go ahead and respond to the million plus emails that came pouring in late last night. Generally, the time the emails come in tells you all you need to know about what people are hot about or happy about. Why did we get a flood of emails yesterday evening? Honestly, it was really I think it was. Most of it was after the show was closed out. Did I make more people angry than usual? No? Trump did. Apparently, Trump endorsed loudly and lovingly Lindsey Graham, the wretched senator from South Carolina. Now, let me I don't know if this is going to help talk you off the ledge or not, but let me first explain something. All people you me, everybody you see on television, actors, musicians, athletes, actresses, politicians, businessmen, every human being who's ever lived, car mechanics, kids, old people, men, women, every human being who's ever walked a planet, with the exception of Jesus Christ himself, is uneven. I'll describe it in that way. Uneven. You have things that you are good at, gifts God gaue God gave you, and you have things that you were not good at. You have things maybe you're flat out awful at, and these things tend to your goods and your bads. They tend to get more and more pronounced the bigger, more important, more famous you get. So I'll explain it in this way. Elon Musk, he's the name everybody knows by now. You could reasonably make the argument if you were just completely, if you were to sit down and dispassionately look at it, you could make the argument that if you had the power to hand eternal life on earth to one human being who's currently living, and you couldn't give it to yourself, that you would hand it to Elon Musk, because that would do probably the most good for society. And I'm not even necessarily talking about anything he's doing politically. When you look at the way his mind works, the technological advancements that that the way he is moving all of humanity forward. He's one of those figures. And when you look at that, if you're really being honest about it, whether you like him or hate him, it's majorly impressive. It's awesome. Yeh. Elon Musk has like fourteen kids with four different women. Geng Is Khn. Maybe you love him, maybe you hate him, I don't know. In certain parts of the world, they certainly don't love him, but by any measure, one of the greatest, if not the greatest conquerors, military strategists who ever walked the planet. He took in admittedly very tough but relatively small tribe from the Asian step the Mongol. He took this small tribe organized a military juggernaut that conquered all of Asia and would have easily, I can't stress this enough, easily conquered Europe if not for the fact that he died early. But Genghis Khan was a terrible drunk. He was such a terrible drunk he actually passed that down to really all of his kids, and most of them, also capable conquerors, died very early because they couldn't stop drinking. Howard Hughes actually same kind of thing. Hollywood produced a huge guy that moved on from Hollywood to do unbelievable things as an aerospace engineer in the aerospace era, moved all of humanity forward. Wow, what a guy. Howard Hughes was an eccentric weirdo who had He would order peas every single night for dinner and would separate out the small ones from the big ones because he wouldn't need one of the two, I forget which one he wouldn't need a weird human being. Human beings are uneven, all of us are, and the bigger more important you get, the more those things are, well, the more you can put an exclamation point on all of them. Donald Trump is really, really good at a lot of things as far as politicians go. Really, you could argue he may be the figure of our lifetime. Even if you hate his guts. It's just impossible to It's impossible to ignore his impact on the entire world. We're not talking about just the GOP, the entire world. Impossible to ignore. Great at so many things. Donald Trump is hutred at internal GOP politics and winning battles for US political battles I'm talking about seats Senate, how Senate. He is putrid, wretched at helping us win the right battles with the right people as it pertains the House and Senate and other things. He's just so awful I can't even put it into words. You will wake up one day and Donald Trump will be on social media loudly calling to primary our best members of the House, from Thomas Massey to Chip Roy, and you'll look around and say wait, what why? And then the next day you get what we got last night. The reason every single person who listens to the show apparently emailed in angry. He gave this long I'm not even gonna read it this long loving. I mean, he practically wrapped his arms around Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and gave him a big, old fat kiss. This United States.
So this bill would allow judges to take guns away from a guy like this before it's too late. My bill with blimenthal the grant program for red flag laws, I think we've got in a really good spot with a White House. But that's just part of the package. If the committee decided to say injuries by one hundred million dollars your budget, could you spend it wisely? I can assure you that any money that this committee thinks good seas fifty, I promise it'll be good.
Man, case you're not recognizing the voice, that's Lindsey Graham promising one hundred million extra dollars to Christopher Ray as he was throwing pro lifers in prison.
I believe you parting the people who went into the capital and beat up a police officer violently, I think was a mistake, because it seems to suggest that's an okay thing to do.
This idea.
Give up on Ukraine makes the world safer. If you pull the plug on Ukraine costs you don't have enough capable ability. There goes time walk But you and your people, you're the ally I've been hoping for all my life. Now what American has died defending Ukraine. You've taken our weapons and you've kicked there, and I'm very proud to have you as our ally.
Okay, you're frustrated, I'm frustrated. Let's first clarify that this is not the end of the world. It is not. But let's talk about this. Let's talk about what it means, how we deal with it. Before we talk about it, Let's make sure we're keeping our dogs alive for as long as possible. We don't want to ever lose them, but we're gonna but we don't have to lose them as fast as we do. Here in America. In America, dogs get dog food, gigantic bags of what colors the food? What colors your dog's food? Let me guess, hold on, is it brown? How did I know that? Because it's all brown? Because it's all dead brown things are dead. Dog food is brown because they take everything that's supposed to be in your dog's food and they kill it in the factory. That way, it will last as long as possible. So what do you do? Do you take away your dog's food? No, sprinkle Roughgreens on your dog's food, all natural nutritional supplement. You can't believe the difference you will see in your dog. You want a free jumpstart trial bag, call them eight three three three three my dog, or go to Roughgreens dot com. Slash Jesse.
We'll be back the Jesse Kelly Show on air and online at Jesse kellyshow dot com.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a wonderful Thursday. Reminding you you can email your love, your hate, your death, threats, your questions. Most importantly, because tomorrow is an ask doctor Jesse see Friday. Get those questions in now to Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com. Now let's finish this up here because we're gonna move on. I don't want to dwell on it. It sucks, but it is what it is. Donald Trump is accomplishing incredible things during his second term as president. So far, I'm very very impressed. Obviously we need some things to ramp up, the ignoring of judges, deportations, things like that. But I'm very very impressed. But Donald Trump still remains the absolute worst chooser of GOP reps to endorse in the history of the Republican Party. It baffles the mind. Lindsey Graham. Do you remember when Pete Hegseth Trump nominated Pete hegg Seth, great pick by the way, Trump nominated Pete hegg Seth, and then the rumblings were starting to come from the GOP Senate that Pete Hegseth wasn't going to get through. Do you remember what we talked about on that show. You remember I told you what my sources were telling me. You know who the ringleader was on the stop Pete Hegseth bandwagon in Washington, d C. He had to do it mostly behind closed doors. You know who the ringleader was, This gentleman.
Some of these articles are very disturbing. He, you know, obviously has a chance to defend himself here. But you know, some of this stuff is going to be difficult. You know, time will tell. I like Pete, I'm known him for a very, very long time.
Like potential trouble. Huh, you seemed like potential trouble.
What's in the artic Well, I mean some of the things have to be addressed. And you know, we'll see.
He was doing much worse than that behind the scenes. Trump comes out gives him a full throated, pun intended endorsement. It's just a bad spot for Trump. There's no way to defend it, there's no way to explain it is just really bad at it. And the problem with that is we have a thousand battles to fight, as we talk about all the time. Winning the presidency was one of those. But we have to change the United States Senate, the GOP, we have to change the House. We have to change state legislatures across the country. My own state included, the Texas State legislature is putrid. We have a thousand battles to fight, and because we do, we want the biggest, most popular, most important voice on our side. That would be Donald Trump. We want him to constantly aid us in these fights. But the truth is it's just time to accept he ain't gonna In fact, there are going to be many times where you can support and probably should support Donald Trump and you should completely reject whoever he endorses. Well, that sucks, but I don't have an yeah the way to put it. He sucks at it. And if I sound a little stressed, it's not even about the Lindsey Graham thing. Oh by the way, you know the Heritage Foundation, you know they give scores for GOP senators. How much do you hate the GOP Senate? A lot? Right? Can you even name four or five good ones? Probably, but not many more than that you hate the GOP Senate. Do you know what the average Heritage score for the GOP senator is? I believe it's seventy eight percent, maybe seventy six, seventy eight percent. Do you know what Lindsay Graham's score is? Fifty six? He's a Democrat from a blood red state who works against us at every turn in the critically important GOP Senate and now we'll never be rid of him ever. Now we're stuck with him because we can't stop doing this. And what stresses me the most is this guy is running for Senate next year in the red state of Texas that could elect any Republican who happens to walk in. And this guy by the name of John Cornyan already knows the game he needs to play. In President Trump's first term, he made America great.
And Texas Senator John Cornyan had his back.
And we're especially grateful to your wonderful Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz.
This is John Cornyn. It's an honor to represent Texas in the US Senate. In President Trump's first term, I was Republican whipped delivering the votes for his biggest wins. Now I'm running for reelection and asking for your support, so President Trump and I can pick up where we left off.
Now. To clarify, Donald Trump has not weighed in on this race next year, but John Cornan is facing a primary challenger, probably against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and Ken as of right now, is pulling ahead of John Cornyn. We have a chance to bounce a rhino from a red state next year and replace him with somebody you agree with a lot. Maybe not all the time, but a lot. We have an opportunity next year to replace this guy.
Hi, I'm Texas Senator John Cornyn. The last year has proven quite a challenge as we've navigated the impact of COVID nineteen, but with safe and effective vaccines finally being administered. There's light at the end of the tunnel. Getting vaccinated is the fastest way that life can return to normal. Under the effective leadership of Director Ray, the agency has remained committed to doing things independently and by the book section seven oh two of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
I've called this.
The most important law that most people have never heard of. It's been called the crown jewel of US intelligence.
We desperately need Donald Trump to get one right next year. It is the greatest opportunity I can remember in years to replace a disgusting loser rhino with somebody decent. And we need him to get it right. And that's really the whole reason for this little rant tonight. I want this to get into the White House, and I want them to begin pleading with him now to get it right. Please, please, mister President, get this one right next year. Please. All right, let's move on, shall we? Let me tell you why Jasmine Crockett and her type they belong in the house.
Hang on truth attitude.
Jesse Kelly, it is the Jesse Kelly Show on a wonderful, wonderful Thursday. Let's be done. With all that, I'm moving on and forgetting it all, just keeping my eyes on that John Cornan race next year one one weekend definite. When now let's talk about something else, something something that can get uncomfortable, but sometimes the truth gets uncomfortable. We look at the craziest members, oftentimes evil, treasonous members of the House of Representatives and we want them removed. You see it all the time. AOC should be removed. Jasmine Crockett should be removed. Al Green, that idiot who made that big stink at the Trump State of the Union, which wasn't the State of the Union. Hey, that guy should be We want him removed. This goes right along the lines of term limits as well. We need term limits. Well here's the truth, and I'm not going to have a term limit argument, give or take that. I don't care. But we live in a representative republic and we don't like oftentimes who represents us. But the truth is they represent us well certain areas and certain people. Let's talk about Jasmine Crockett for a moment, because you can't turn on the news without seeing that more on running her mouth. You know, Jasmin Crockett, You know what everyone calls her now and so many people call her look at that ghetto trash. She's ghetto ghetto, you know, acting like she's what a ghetto black woman like, that's what they're acting like. Okay, well, you know what the truth is about Jasmin Crockett. I've played you the video before. Jasmine Crockett is an incredibly articulate, well spoken human being who went to one of the top private schools in her area. Highly highly educated, articulate human being. So why does she talk y'all the colonizes? You go, Carol, why does she talk like that now? Because Jasmine Crockett wanted to get into Congress. She's a politician. She wanted to move from the state to the Feds. She wanted to go to the United States Congress, and said, Jasmine Crockett took a long look at her district, and Jasmine Crockett made the correct calculation. The best way to get elected in her district is to speak like she's a rapper. And now did it work for her or not? There she sits in Congress. Clearly, Jasmine Crockett. Remember the people we send to the US House, what are they actually a member of the US House of what now the House of Representatives. The person you send your congressman. He is there to represent you your district. That's what he's there to represent. Jasmine Crockett put on the ghetto trash skin suit she wears because she believes that properly represents her district. In her district agrees. Her district met her. They saw all the ads, they heard how she talks, and they said, yeah, that's what I want. Glue those fingernails on. That's what they decided. The ilhan Omar another great example. Ah, she should be she's a trader. She should be removed and deported. Okay, you can deport her all day long. I'm all game for that. Ilhan Omar has faced the primary, faced a very legitimate primary. Last time. The people in her district they had choices. They went to the ballot box and they chose ilhan Omar. You can deport her, but you shouldn't kick her out of the house. She represents her district perfectly. Go down the list AOC Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi would catch these calls all the time. She did something evil. Remove her. Nancy Pelozi's evil remove her, remove her. Nancy Pelosi represents her district in San Francisco to a t. She is the representative they deserve. She's the representative they chose. And we don't like that because we don't like looking in the mirror. No human being does. I don't either. We don't like that. I don't like looking in the mirror and seeing Wow, you're bald. That hurts It hurts me to my soul. Nevertheless, the mirror don't lie. We look at all the losers we have in the House of Representatives and it hurts us to admit they represent us. Quite well, that doesn't mean it that one district represents you. So don't I mean, don't get indignant and well, AOC doesn't represent me. I'm nothing like her. We're talking about a country as a whole, and we're talking about different individual districts. They represent us, and they represent us well. Kathy Hokel, Look, Kathy Hochel, governor of New York. It's not just representatives. Governor in New York is a great example of this. She's constantly out there embarrassing herself with things like this.
Wich morning, women get up, take their children to school, care for aging parents, put dedication into their work, and yet their paycheck is still smart than the one a man gets for doing the same job. That is infuriating.
It's also a lie. I'm not gonna sit here and bore you with the same details you've heard on every show and read on social media about the women not getting equal pay is a complete lie. I don't have to bore you with all the details of that. You already know those facts right now. Kathy Hochel knows those facts too, So why would she get up and tell lies like that? Because New York the state, not every New Yorker, but New York the state. That's what they want to hear. That's exactly what they want to hear. And when they go to the polls, they vote for the person that tells them those lies repeatedly, over and over and over and over again. That's a fact. Let's focus on something good.
Ship building fall and your Mississippi ship building in past. Gagoula has just received a multimillion dollar national security contract. The investment is expected to strengthen the United States national security presence in the Arctic and reinforce Mississippi's role in the shipbuilding industry. Officials say the Coastguard requires a new fleet to protect interest in the Arctic, hence the investment in building new polar security cutters for the Coastguard.
I know you're probably your eyes are probably glazed over right now, and you don't understand why that matters or why you should care at all. We the United States of America, we must become the global leader in building ships. Isn't that so boring? Don't you find that boring? Most people do. I don't, but see Christics at cool like me. But you know who's currently the global leader in building ships? China. When you can build ships, it's not just merchant ships, it's naval ships. Ship building is shipbuilding. You can build any kind of ship you want to build, as long as you have shipbuilding capacity. Well, two thirds of the earth is covered by water. You had better be If you want to lead the globe, you would better lead the globe in shipping. And through decade after decade after decade of various ridiculous policies brought to us by Democrats and Republicans, as we crush the manufacturing sector in this country, as we put burdens and regulations on everybody, reason after reason after reason, the United States of America with all that coastline, all of our amazing workers, all the facilities at our fingertips. The United States of America doesn't build anything anymore. There was a point, and it may be worse than this now. There was a point in recent memory. This is fifteen years ago or so where China was putting multiple nuclear attack subs in the water for every one we put in the water multiple. That has to change the Trump administration, they are intent on changing it. I am good friends with a real logistics A logistics genius is probably what I call him. He's already working with the Trump administration. Donald Trump, to his credit, is aware of everything I just said, and he is tackling the problem problem. So good for him. Let's talk about the Ark of the Covenant. Let's do some emails. What I would think you'd be all down to talk about the arc? Isn't that something for you? Don't care about it anymore? What I'm asking Chris, anyway, you want to learn more about stories from the Book of Genesis. Seems appropriate? I bet even Chris does. Hillsdale College is offering more than forty free online courses, including stories in the Book of Genesis. I know that may sound maybe you're sitting there thinking, well, why do I need to I can read the Book of Genesis. I don't need to know anything else. Learning about the history around stories can bring stories to life and help you understand what's taking place inside of the story. You want to learn about. C. S. Lewis the Roman Republic. Hillsdale will teach you and your family for free. We have a weekend coming up. You want to do something fun and interesting and educational for your family. Hillsdale dot edu slash. That's Jesse Hillsdale dot edu slash Jesse.
We'll be back, miss dast catch up Jesse kellyshow dot com.
It is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. Remember tomorrow's and ask doctor Jesse Friday. You can email the show Jesse at Jesse kellyshow dot com ask me anything. The whole three hours dedicated to you and your questions on a Friday. Also Ross Kennedy Shipping Expert. Because we're a pretty professional operation here. I talked to myself into texting him during the break to talk about shipbuilding at America and loading and nerd stuff, and he's gonna join us next hour. So how about that, no big deal, just had a number in my phone? Now did the CIA files reveal the arc of the Covenant was found? This is from Insider Paper. I I'm not going to completely break down all this because it goes into the realm of odd and what I'm about to say, there's something that we've learned after doing radio for seven years, is when you delve into the world of odd, not even wrong. I don't even want to call them conspiracy theories, but things that are different. There is, without question, somebody listening who is a passionate about the subject and b knows a ton about the subject for instance, and I'll get back to the ark in a moment. For instance, history. One of the reasons I have to take my time when I decide I want to do a history subject on something. It's not always because I don't know enough to do a show on that history subject. I know a little bit. I enjoy history, so I read a lot and watch a lot. I have to take extra time because A I want to make the story good for you. I want you to enjoy it while we all sit back and learn and be No matter what history topic I am doing, because of the size of the audience. You know, the show's coast to coast and it's growing and all that stuff. No matter what the subject is, there will be somebody listening who knows way more about it than I know about it. And if I get something wrong. I'm not talking about an opinion where I like MacArthur or you hate MacArthur or I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about like something factually wrong. If I get something wrong, that person listening will understandably let me know, Hey, you got that wrong. I don't know that that's actually happened to us, though, has it happened Chris Well? I think once when we did something on Rome or something like that. I don't remember, but it doesn't happen. Haven't. But it'll happen. And I'm not even complaining. I'm fallible. I want to make sure I get it right. And so that's why I have to take my time now onto this particular subject. Central Intelligence Agency. They conducted experiments. Now you already know the Central Intelligence Agency has conducted many, many experiments in its time. People are aware of things like MK Ultra. In fact, we've done a history show I think on MK Ultra before MK Ultra was Remember we were in a Cold war against the Soviet Union. The world was starting to experiment with things like brainwashing, mind control. Can I can I say something to if I programmed Jewish producer Chris for long enough, can I then say something that will have him not seek out sale prices and maybe assassinate somebody? You know, the impossible tasks like that. That is what a lot of the brainwashing stuff went. So things like MK ultra they really did. They went around injecting people, oftentimes unknowingly, with things like LSD. Hey, let's just put some in his coffee and see what happens. It happens, eh, Prisoners, Yeah, good point, Chris Prisoners, Whitey Bulger, famous gangster from Boston. Shout out WRKO Whitey Bulger. He swore to the day he died that after they experimented on him with LSD when he was in federal prison I think in Atlanta, if I remember right, that he was messed up bad. Okay, So these things the CIA looked into everything, all right. In the nineteen eighties, they conducted experiments with people who claimed to be able to see things from great distances. I'm not talking about your vision here's what I'm talking about. Let's say I said that I had this, This ability ability would be that I can I can see inside of the Great Pyramids of Egypt from right where I am right now. There are people who believe they have this. H I don't. So Look, I don't want to. I don't want to. I don't want to put down your gifts if maybe you think you do. But there is there's a lineup thinking that some people do have this. Do I buy it? No, but maybe it exists. Central Intelligence Agency looked into that too. They looked into it enough that they got old of somebody and this. Somebody said, Hey, I'm looking at the Ark of the Covenant still around, still exists now. The Ark of the Covenant vantaged or vanished five hundred and six hundred years before Christ. It's off the top of my head. Chris looked that up five or six hundred years before Christ. What Chris is it? Because I said, Christ that you don't feel like doing it? Does that make you unc comfortable with what you did? Anyway? Five six hundred years before Christ, the Babylonians besieged Israel. Ark of the Covenant's gone arka the Covenant obviously holds the Ten Commandments. We're talking about something that was so sacred that if you touched it when you weren't supposed to, or in a way you weren't supposed to, you died. That's you could march. You saw Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Dark. You could march before you and it'll wipe out your enemies. Okay, it disappeared. Nobody has ever known where it is. People want to know where it is. They're at six hundred and twenty one years before Christ. You say, Chris Man, I'm smart. I knew it. What You're mad that I knew that, Chris? I bet you are. Anyway, the rumor is, with all these files and declassifications of things, that one of these seers who can see things, that he found it. CIA was talking to him. I'm not saying I buy it. I'm not even sure why I chose to do a radio segment on it, except gosh, that would be freaking cool. Tell me what, Chris, what, Chris? That's only in the movies. Okay, it's not in a government warehouse. If one of these morons and it actually I take that back, it absolutely could be in a government warehouse, but somebody in our government would have stolen and sold it on the black market or something like that. Anyway, there's a lot of bad people and you should get a burnas you can stop them. You should get a burn A pistol launcher for yourself and the person you love. Have you seen these road rage incidents with these dirty comedies out there stopping people, screaming at people, kicking indoors? What are you going to do if somebody approaches your car? Your daughter, what's she gonna do? The burn A pistol launcher shoots tear gas rounds in kinetic rounds sixty foot range on this thing. It hurts when it hits you, and then the real pain begins. You don't take anybody's life because it's non lethal. Therefore a George Soros prosecutor won't be able to throw you in prison. The rest of your life, you get to live, and it's legal in all fifty states, no permit, no background check. You want ten percent off of burna, go buy a couple, one for your car, one for someone you love. B y Rna dot com slash Jesse burna dot com slash Jesse dude, just got a home invasion and cooked off one of these things against The guy saved his friggin life. Burna dot com slash Jesse, We'll be back.