Hour 1: Lidia Curanaj - Acting As An Animal Becoming The Norm

Published Dec 31, 2024, 3:15 AM

The entire immigration system needs reform. We need to rebuild the system, and the Biden administration should be held accountable for what they did to our country. Criminal are running around acting like animals. Joe Gamaldi joins the show to talk about being lax on criminals, billions spent on illegals and foreign countries, while the American people suffer. 

This is a Jesse Kelly Show. Welcome to the Jesse Kelly Show. I'm Lydia Saran, I filling in for Jesse. I was here last week and thankfully I'm back again. If you want to see me and know more about me, you can follow me on social media at Lydia News. L I D I A N e w S. Because I'm not even going to bother and try to say how to spell my last name. It's Albanian and it's my husband's fault, and my maiden name is Albanian as well, so I don't even want to bother. It's uh So That's why I'm just Lydia News and you could see me on Newsmax. I actually ran over here after my Newsmax show. I filled in for Chris Salcedo from until five pm Eastern, and I ran across. I know this means nothing to all of you unless you're here in New York City, but I literally ran from fiftieth and Third all the way to fifty fifth and sixth Avenue, almost by seventh Avenue, and I had to go through all the throngs of all the New Yorkers that are here looking up at the lights and they're going to the Christmas Tree and then I'm seeing all of these guys. So this is a very beautiful midtown area and this is expected all the crowd Saint Patrick's Cathedral. But then I'm also seeing all of these migrants everywhere. Illegal aliens is the actual proper legal term. And they're selling all of their you know, fake counterfeit bags on the streets that god, you know, God only knows what that funds. And I'm just looking around and saying, this is we don't this is we deserve better than this. We are a first world nation and we've opened our doors to everybody and anybody. And yes, I'm ethnic Albanian. I'm first generation American. I didn't speak English until I was five years old, So yes, I believe in immigration legal My parents had to wait four years for their visa to come through. I have a real and do. I think the immigration program needs to be possibly dismantled and rebuilt again, absolutely from top to bottom. So I understand the controversy over the H one B visa program because it's been abused. It's been so abused. It's supposed to get the best on the brightest role of the world, which hey, I want the best and brightest. We wouldn't have had the Manhattan Project, you know that built the atomic bomb, Albert Einstein, we wouldn't have had SpaceX Tesla, Elon Musk to name a few of these of immigrants that have come here, innovators, brilliant minds. But that is like point zero zero one percent probably of the people that are brought in by the government with this H one B VISA program. Instead, you have companies that abuse it, and they're bringing in like Amazon forklift workers and they're paying them less money. So now there's this big fight. Elon came out and said, you know what, because initially he was, you know, he was supporting Vivek, who initially started this conversation talking about American mediocrity. And then you know, Elon came back today after and then Trump also came out and said he supports it. In the past he kind of said, he said he didn't, now he supports the program. And then Elon Musk said, what I'm just saying right now, we gotta we gotta redo the whole thing because there's a lot of fraud going on. You explained to me, namely one single federal program that doesn't have waste, doesn't have fraud. And you know what, Elon musk vivek Ramaswami, you guys are gonna be in charge of the Department of Government Efficiency. You're gonna trim the fat, You're gonna make sure, let's do this, let's do this. And I really hope and pray that under this next Trump administration they fixed this broken immigration system. And I say it's bro You can say, oh, well, it was fixed on the Trump No. Trump had to put in almost one hundred executive orders to fix the border. And then that's why Joe Biden came in and on day one My york Is bragged and said, oh look, we're gonna undo every thing that Trump did. And that's how they were able to dismantle every single thing that Trump did. So that's my fear. So Trump's gonna fix it again as soon as he comes in day one. They're going to have this mass deportation plan, They're going to steal the border, all of that. He's going to put back all the executive orders. But how do we know that there's not going to be another deep state puppet, another swamp creature like a Joe Biden to come in four years, eight years, God only knows when down the line and dismantle it all again because with twenty million, that's how many estimated twenty million illegal aliens because they don't know the real number running wild in in our country. I don't I worry. How are we ever going to get our country back? I know Trump, if anybody can do it, Trump can do it. In coming borders, our Tom Holman can do it. All of our police officers and ice agents, they can do it. But it's going to be a daunting task. Coming up in later in the hour, at the bottom of the hour, we're going to have the national Vice President the Fraternal Order of Police, Joe Gomaldi. He's also an active lieutenant in the Houston Police Department, and so he's going to talk to us more on the grounds about what police officers are going through, specifically when it comes to all of this illegal alien crime. You notice that words matter, and that's why you turn on the news. They don't even they say migrant birds migrate. These are people and this is an invasion and Joe Biden has presided over the largest invasion in modern history. I don't even understand why anybody's trying to interview him. I know what twenty one you know, twenty one days until he's gone. But that shouldn't excuse what he's done to us. He aided and embedded an invasion, He went against his oath of office. Every single person that violated the law that they circumvented, even the immigration laws we have on the book, they should be held accountable. They want to go after Trump over like some lady aging Carrol right, Oh, yeah, she can't even improved when she met him. She wants us all to believe that she happened to be walking down the street in Manhattan. Trump, who was very famous at the time it still is even then back then in the eighties, walked up to her, took her into a department store raped. I mean, come on, it's insane, It's absolutely insane. And nobody talks about who funded that lawsuit? Who funded it, George Soros? Who else funded it? Read Hoffman? Two huge huge Democrat donors, I mean read Hoffman is I mean, really nobody talks about that. And then now an appeals court here in Manhattan just upheld the verdicts and the damages, the five million What a joke, What a joke of our justice system. And that's of course it's happening here in Manhattan. You know, the district attorney here, Alvin Bragg. Meanwhile, a poor lady was burned to death, right, she was incinerated, incinerated Sunday. We still don't even this was a week ago, over a week ago. We still don't even know who she is because she was burned that badly beyond recognition and by a Guatemala Uli who was deported in twenty eighteen and then snuck back in and Joe Biden rather than him coming out and saying, you know what, because he came out with some regrets, right, rather than him coming out and saying, you know what, I regret allowing every time Zack can harry from God only knows what, jungle and ghetto whatever, all these people to come into this country, to this country from where they say, one hundred and thirty countries from like forget about third world countries. I'm talking about some of the people that came in. Think about the type of mentality a person has to possess to rape children. Think about the type of mentality, because that's what a lot of the illegals are doing sex crime arrests. They're they're up across the board in these Democrat cities. And who who is these illegal aliens are doing it? Because you think they just came here all of a sudden decided to be pedophiles and low lives. And pos's no, they were there. They were in their home country doing the same stuff. They emptied the prisons, they emptied the mental institutions, and then they came here. That's what's happening. Like President Trump told us, warned us what's going to happen. That is what happening. And this guy, this Sebastian Zabeta here in New York, think about how depraved and what a monster you have to be that he poured alcohol on this woman, litter on fire, and then fan the flames with his shirt. Okay, he was deported again in twenty eighteen under Trump and snuck back in because of Joe Biden rather than Joe Biden saying, you know what, I feel bad about this illegal invasion. All the innocent lives Jocelyn gare Lake and Riley, this poor unnamed woman. I mean, we could go on and on. How many innocent women, children, men, police officers, you name it, that have died as a result of the illegal aliens. One hundred fifty billion dollars estimated. We taxpayers are spending to foot the bill for these illegal aliens that are ungrateful. By the way, a lot of them right.


That's not his regret, that's not his regrets, But his regret is, oh, why did I drop out? Hey Joe, you didn't drop out. Nancy Pelosi stage the coup. So when we come back, we're gonna talk more about the crime in America, specifically in the Blue Cities California. Can you believe the Californians are waking up to the crime. They're sick and tired of it. They put in this Prop thirty six. We're gonna talk more about that. We'll also talk about a new drug that makes fentanyl look like candy and it's causing like people to turn into zombies. I don't need to scare you all in the new year, but we need to like wake up and see what's really going on. Because you're not gonna see this on TV, unless, of course, you watch my Seawan Newsmax. You're not gonna hear about this stuff unless you listen to Jesse Kelly. You listen to people like me, and you find out what the real truth, what's really going on, and then you're not gaslet by the Democrats who continue to lie in your face. I'm Lydia Sarana again. You could follow me on social media at Lydia News l I DA NYWS and we'll be right back.

Jesse Kelly.

Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show. I'm Lydia saran I filling in for Jesse Kelly. You can follow me on social media at Lydia News l I d I A n e w S. Like the news that you watch on TV. I have two shows on Newsmax every Saturday and Sunday Saturday at five pm Eastern, Sundays at noon Eastern, and then I fill in during the week on Primetime usually or from twelve until two pm Eastern, so I'm all over the place. I used to do a radio show for another station. So I've been a lifelong journalist for a long time and just what's going on in the world today, just it really makes me sick. I'm a mother, I have a seven year old daughter, So the fact that we pay all this money and taxes and everything, and yet we can't be safe are cops. Instead of putting the handcuffs on the criminals, they're putting them on the cops, demonizing the cops every which way they go. And it's because of the It's not even it's O Biden, of course, it's these radical judges. It's the district attorneys, you know, like the one here in New York City, Alvin Bragg. The sorrels funded elections matter, Local elections matter. And I can say this because I'm a white woman, the white woman like my age is two, late thirties, early forty. They're the reason for this, the collapse of our society. Okay, because they feel bad, right, Oh, I feel bad. I feel bad. I was watching Sopranos with my husband and we were watching We were watching an episode and Carmela, remember Tony's wife, She felt bad because AJ was expelled and Tony slapped him across the face. And I was like, yeah, slop them across the face, which I'm not advocating, but sometimes the kids needs a smack. And Carmela went crazy, how could you?


And then Tony's like, well, this is why, and it's true. You know, we're letting kids and I hate to compare kids to criminals and animals, but they're just running wild and they it's almost like they don't know any better, and they get used to a certain way of life and it becomes like the norm to be an animal, to do whatever you want, and and then to take drugs. I mean, where where is Where is the outrage over the drugs that are pouring across our border?


Where where's the outrage? Think about all the chemicals pouring in. I guarantee you every single person listening to me right now knows somebody that is has a drug problem. Know somebody right I Gary, or or maybe they themselves have a drug problem. It's everywhere and they Now there's a new drug. It's called trank. It makes fentanyl look like rock candy because you know, fentanyl is super cheap and it gets people high and messes them up. There's an area in Kensington, Philadelphia, people walking around like like zombies. I want you to take a clip number ten. I want you to take a listen to this. Uh uh. There's there's this guy. He's he's going out there. He's trying he's trying to interview people. These drug addicts number ten down to the bone.

So it's been numb ever since.

You know, I don't want to do this, then no more, but I just can't.

This is a choice for you to be doing this every day.

It's a choice.

I mean, I can choose to get picked up right now and go to rehab.

Boom, oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh.

If you're watching this this, whoever, do not come down here because it makes you worse, not better.

I am in Kensington, Philadelphia, right now, and right behind me, right here, we have someone that is overdosing on shrink. It is a new drug that has been spreading across America. They're mixing this new drug called shrink with fetanol and it has caused a lot of cash.

Here, yeah, a lot of chaos. And then in California they voted in it's called Prop Prop thirty six, so it's this new Prop thirty six. Seventy percent of voters voted in Prop thirty six. It it's tougher penalties for cereal retail thieves. So you normally they just get a ticket. You could get arrested for shoplifting, like here in New York in New York City, Chicago and all these blue citys, you could get arrested thirty forty times. We have literally people that get arrested like fifty times, and it's just a revolving door. They get brought in, they get let out, and it's to fund their drug habit. And so Prop thirty six in California tougher penalties for cereal retail thieves, mandated drug and mental health treatment, and more tools to hold drug dealers accountable. And guess who is against it. Gavin Newsom, Governor Newsom. Yet, he's been bragging that since this law went into effect on the eighteenth, in the past two weeks, they've already seen crime go down. It's incredible already because guess what, they're putting the bad guys behind bars and keeping them there because that's how crime goes. It's a small percentage of people that are committing the same crimes over and over again. So if you just remove and imprison that bad element, then other people will be safe. And you can't coddle them. Some people that are drug addicts, they need to be forced to get help. But listen to what Gavin Newsom said, Clip number eight regarding this Prop thirty six, it's already proven to be successful.

After this initiative's done with not one new dollar. It's about mass incarceration. It's about bringing it back to nineteen eighties mindset where it's possession of drugs and you end up in state prison at the cost of one hundred plus thousand dollars per taxpayer. It's funded by big oil and Walmart. What a liar and conservative right wing das. The impact is going to have on the black and brown community as next level, and the fact that I saw a pull today and so seventy percent of people want to support it. I was wondering what state I was living in.

You're in California, dumb, dumb, and you know what this right here, this should disqualify him from running for president, right because you know he you know, they were going to have him do it instead of Kamala. But Kamala was like, well, I'm black and I'm a woman, so you better vote for me. You better have me, you better you know when you know, when poor Joe got woken up on that Sunday afternoon, you know, Jill was like, Joe, honey, honey, who we go for ice cream. No no, honey, no, honey, you're you're not going to run for I'm not gonna be president. No no, no, no, you're not gonna run for president anymore. Who's gonna do it? Well, they put out the tweet. They haven't put out the second one, honey, but it looks like it's gonna be Kamala what because you know, they were worried because she's a woman, and because she's a woman of color. They wanted Gavin Newsom because he's slick and you know, I guess some people consider him good looking. But this right here, the fact that he was against this prop thirty six because he doesn't want to put people behind bars and try to make it sound like it's racist or whatever, they should disqualify him from ever running for president for anything, right, for anything. But you know, we'll see what's gonna happen, because unfortunately Democrat voters they just they they say they care about something, but then they they vote against their own self interests. Like I don't even understand it. I don't understand what's going on with Democrats. Like be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I mean, Jimmy Carter, very nice guy, so they say, right, and look what he did to the country. The one good thing that came out of it we had Ronald Reagan after that, So it's not about being nice. Sometimes you gotta be tough. Sometimes you gotta do the tough things in order to get results. I'm Lydia Soar and I at Lydia News l I d I A anyws. When we come back, we're going to be talking to Joe Gomaldi. Don't go anywhere.

Feeling a little stocky, Follow like and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly DC.

Welcome back to the Jesse Kelly Show. I'm Lydia Sarrami filling in for him and you can see me on Newsmax. I have a show every Saturday at five pm. Sundays at noon Eastern. You can follow me on social media at Lydia News l I d I A anyws. Uh. We've been having a great conversation here talking about the crime that's it's specifically because of the Democrats and they're ridiculous policies. Cops want to do a good job, that's what they were hired for, you know, and and the and unfortunately the Democrats the judges, you name it. I mean, what's the point of a cop arresting somebody if they're just going to be let out once again? I mean I said it before. You literally have here in New York City a person, a shoplifter can be arrested forty fifty times and they just turn them out. You can do drugs. I've literally seen that on the street. They have needles and that's okay, Philadelphia. It's all over the place. So let me talk to Let's bring in somebody that I have on my NEWSMAC shows. And I love his passion and his fire and he tells it like it is, and you guys are just getting to know me. I do the same. He's the national vice President of the Paternal Order of Police. Lieutenant Joe Goimaldi, Lieutenant, thank you so much for joining us, oh.

Lydia, thank you so much for having me on, and thank you for that wonderful industment. I certainly appreciate that.

Yeah, I mean you know what, like, how frustrated are your officers, specifically when it comes to the drug crisis. Everything. At the end of the day, you look at all the crime, right, it goes all the way down to the drugs. If somebody's selling it, somebody's buying it, somebody's doing something to get money to buy I mean, and yet we don't take it seriously in this country, and we want to just hand out needles, right, We want to do education, and unfortunately some people need prison time, they need to be forced into rehab in order to stop their addiction.

Well, yeah, you're absolutely right. I mean, I've been a police officer for almost twenty years now and I've never seen morale as bad as it is right now. And it's pretty simple. We're going out there every day. We're willing to put our lives on the line for our communities because that's what we do. But when we arrest these dirt bags and put them in jail, they're out before the ink on the paperwork is even dry. It's incredibly demoralizing for us. And let's just be real. There has been a toxic cocktail that has been shoved down the throats of the American people over the last several years. It's rogue DA's, it's activist judges. It's barrel form, which has been an unmitigated disaster anywhere it's been. It's open borders, so all of these things have coalesced together to create in much less safe and less safe country than we have become accustomed to. Over the last three years, we've seen our homicide rates fight nationwide, it's over twenty thousand homicides a year. We haven't seen those numbers since the mid nineties. And to your point about you know, coddling these people who are using drugs, guess what, it's not good for our community and it's not good for them. Do you know how many drug addicts said it took me going to jail to get clean. Do you know how many drug addicts are the ones that are breaking into your cars, that are shoppliping for these source, filling up transh bradgs fill of crap and just walking out the door. There is this sickness involved in this and the way that you get them to comply is you have to put them in jail and make sure they go through a treatment plant plan. That's how we get things back on track, not just letting them out over and over and over again. Yeah. Giving.

Oh, here's a vending we literally have here in New York City vending machines with needles and like the narcan Amy that it's just it's out of control. In San Francisco, there was this clip on social media where a paramedic was interviewed. They said, how many overdoses do you go to a day? He's like forty to fifty and they're mostly people in their twenties thirties. And by the way, felony theft charges in Chicago have surged by one hundred and fifty four percent this month after Soros DA Kim Fox got the boot. So you have also these district attorneys that they refuse to prosecute people. So, like you're saying, the cops are doing their job, they're arresting these people, and yet the das won't do it. I don't know, Like, I don't understand why doesn't the government and the governor should should kick them to the curb. All these das and judges that don't want to do their jobs.

Well, you know, what I think I really see, and what we're seeing nationwide, is that the American people are waking up to this. You know, the American people aren't stupid, they're just very busy people. They got to get their kids to soccer practice. They're not gonna you know, they got to make sure there's food on the table. They gotta go to work. They're not going to go to a city council meeting and yelling scream because you know, they actually have a job. They can't just stand around yelling and screaming and politicians all day long. But they're waking up now and they're starting to show their values by their vote. We are seeing road DA is getting booted left and right across this country. There has been an awakening, and I think you're certainly seeing it. Just in our past election in November, the American people saw very clearly that we were on a fork in the road and down one path with chaos and disorder, and down the other was law and order. And that's why people went out and droves and voted for President Trump. This is a mandate. Everyone is tired of the lawlessness. And to your point about all of these steps and what occurs in our communities, look at what it's doing to our urban communities. Businesses are closing left and right. And I'm not even talking about your mom and pops who have long since gone away. I'm talking about your CBS, your Walgreens. There's no grocery stores moving to the area. It creates food deserts, banks flode open, it creates financial deserts. So the very people that these far left lunatics cling to support, which is our lower income folks in our urban communities, they are setting them up for failure for generation. It's sickening what they've done to our urban communities.

I told you he was good.


This is again, This is Lieutenant Joe Goimaldi. He's the vice president of the Fraternal Order of Police. And you know what, Joe. Today the White House announced a two point five billion dollar weapons eight package eight package for Ukraine. This comes after the Treasury announced it'll be giving three point four billion. We give all these billions of dollars to foreign, foreign countries to fight wars that we have no business fight getting involved in. And then and then we're giving all this money to all these illegals, billions and billion here in New York the last two years alone, five billion. They're expecting it to double by next year to pay for all these people. Yet, what do we do to our veterans, What do we do to our home What about the drug addicts? Why don't we have mental institutions, drug like something in between, say a jail and a mental hospital. And that's the other thing too. You'll go to the mental hospital and then they kick you out within a couple of days, two weeks. Literally, We'll see people walking around here in midsam Manhattan with the hospital bracelets still on them, and then they wonder why there was a lunatic recently in New York City. He stabbed dead three people. There was that Jordan Neely guy with Daniel Penny, the homeless arranged guy. He'd been arrested over forty times. He ends up dying. I mean, it's just we could go on and on, all of these horrors that could be prevented. The very people Democrats claim to be protecting and helping with their radical Left referendum are the people that are being hurt the most.

Yeah, you mean to tell me that if we had an extra ninety billion that we didn't send to the Ukraine and that we instead put into our urban communities, we couldn't make a difference, and that we couldn't make American lives better, And that maybe if we weren't funding every single legal immigrant that came across the border and we actually secured our border and we put American first, Nan to tell me that we couldn't increase the quality of life for the people in our communities. And to your point, the people in our urban communities are suffering. They are the victims of crime. They don't have the same opportunities, and it's all being taken away from them because we are prioritizing people that are here illegally, or we are prioritizing people who are breaking the law. I mean, if it's such a novel concept to just say no, we're going to prioritize Americans. We're going to prioritize people who are trying to come here and do it the right way. We're going to have to make sure and prioritize people who follow the law as opposed to those who break it. I mean, at what point did we switch, you know, foot this switch in the criminal justice system where we give a damn more about the violent, dirt, bad criminals than the victims that they're impacting. I mean, the trauma that these families have to go through because some da or some politicians thought bail reform was a good idea. All of these crimes are avoidable. We're talking about hundreds of thousands of needless victims in this country, and you know, people say, well, Joe, you get really worked up about this. Of course, because people are dying and they're suffering trauma that could be completely avoidable. It's sickening, it really is.

Joe, do you want to stick around because we got to go to break and then I do want to get to talk more about what's going on throughout the country. Automobile. Have you seen your insurance rates? Guys, there's a reason it's going up. We're gonna talk more about all the stores, everything. Our whole way of life is changing, but we can take it back. We can bring it back, and that's why it's important to have these conversations. Lieutenant Gomaldi, don't go anywhere. I'm Lydia Serrana. You could follow me at Lydia News l I d i A ANYWS. I'll be right back. He doesn't care if you believe him, but he's right. Jesse Kelly, welcome back. I'm Lydia Soarran I filling in for Jesse Kelly. You can follow me on social media at Lydia News l I d A ANYWS News. Because I'm a journalist and I've been one for a very long time. And yeah, I say a long time. I mean if you want to count. Since I was twelve years old, I wanted to be a journalist. And it's really sad what's becoming the media and how it plays cover up for the Democrats. They become little activists, little they live in their little bubble world. If you bid for everybody, and you know what, it's it's bad. It's it's horrible. We were coddling criminals and we're treating cops and people that care about this country like they're I want you to listen to Don Lemon. I know he's irrelevant, but he just I love it when he makes a fool out of himself. Take a listen to what he says here about MAGA supporters number six.

Some farmers say without these workers, they have about two days that they can run their farms and then after that it's over.

Oh my gosh, I love this.

Now you're finding out, you dumb idiots. Now you're just figuring this out. You're so stupid, and you deserve it. You deserve it because you're so dumb. Jim, it's ahypocricy. So go with me here. Yes, I'm gloating over your stupidity.

He's so racist. I know he's black, but he's like he's an elitist and he, you know, parties in the Hampton's and stuff, because like he's making fun of the farmers that they're not going to have migrants. That's all he thinks that they're good for. Right, clean the toilets and do your migrant farm work. Give me a break. Let's bring back in Lieutenant Joe Gamaldi, National Vice President of the Fraternal Order of Police. Joe, I wanted to also ask you about this new drug that's hit the streets. It's called trank and if they mix it with the fentanyl, so people are overdosing in record numbers. What are you hearing about it?

Yeah, I mean it's absolutely terrible. As if we needed any more delivery systems for fentanyl in this country, they come up with new and innovative ways to basically kill people and make sure that everybody understands just how bad it is. I mean, fentanyl is the number one killer of American adults. We've seen ages eighteen forty nine. We're talking one hundred thousand people a year. And why are we seeing this? Because we have an open southern border that allows this poison to just pour over into our communities. That's part of the reason why we need to secure our border because make them misafe. The cartels are not going to stop unless we stop them at the border. And I can't even believe that we have to continue to have this conversation and make sure that ventinylism pouring in. I mean they're not just leasing it with new crank. They laced it with we They laced it with cocaine, anything they can put it into. And that's why we're seeing record amounts of overdoses. To your point, you know the paramedic in San Francisco who have to go to fifty in a day. That's also on our officers as well, who now have to carry Narcan as a part of just standard issue equipment to make sure we can save people who are overdosing on drugs. It's completely out of control. But here's the ruugh. We know how to fix it. Secure our border, Throw the book at drug dealers, throw the book at violent criminals, and we can take our streets back. Not rocket science, folks.

Yeah, I've interviewed quite a few drug addicts, former drug addicts and they tell me if they thank the police officer, thank god they put me behind bars. I've gotten emails from people saying, my son's an addicts he's on the street. I beg the police to arrest him, to force him into rehab. We're asking people that are irrational, that are literally out of their minds to make rational decisions. They wouldn't be in this predicament if they were okay in their minds. Clearly, they don't know what they're doing half the time. That's why this guy that lit the poor woman on fire, he was high on K two, which is a synthetic form of so called marijuana. And that's the other thing too. They legalize marijuana everywhere everywhere. People shouldn't. I don't even drink people shouldn't drink alcohol. Why are we so obsessed as a nation to try to numb ourselves marijuana, Take a pill, do this, do that. Unfortunately, kids are still going to try an experiment. But it's not how it was back in my day or your parents' day. Grandparents say they do a hit of marijuana, that one hit, that first pill they ever take, they could die. And yet what are our Democrat leaders doing about it?


They just say it's racist. Everything is racist. You put somebody behind bars, it's racist. Joe, I want your final thoughts. Are you hopeful with Trump coming in that they were going to see a sea change here?

Yes, I am very, very hopeful for the future of our country. I'm ever the optimist, but certainly when it comes to America. Listen, as I said before, the American people made a decision when they went to the ballot box and they left a mandate. It is very clear that they want law and order in this country. They are tired of the war on cops that saw three hundred and seventy eight police officers shot last year, the highest number since we started tracking the data. Shootings of police officers are up sixty percent last year. The FBI released a report that said it was the highest number of assaults on officers in the last gate. The American people are tired of businesses closing in their communities. They're tired of having to ask the attendant to open up the damn case just to get some two paste and deodor it. The American people are tired. They made it very clear what they want. They want law and order, They want safe streets and they want the madness to stop. They demanded it, and now it's time for all politicians to deliver. So I'm talking to the Republicans who now controlled the Senate and the House and the Presidency. We are not going to sit idly by and just let y'all waste away the next two years. We expect results. We expect you to act on the mandate that the American people have given you. And as far as the Democrats are concerned, I'm certainly hopeful that they step back from the cliff of lunacy that they had the entire party on, they come back to the center and realize what really matters, which is the safety of our communities and the prosperity and opportunities that people who live in those communities.

He definitely does say the Trump We've given him a man, and he has to fulfill that manday to the what seventy five million plus Americans that went out and voted for him. Lieutenant Joe Gamaldi, thank you so much for joining us. And how can people follow you on social media?

Oh Lydia, thank you so much for having me on You can find me at Joe Gamaldi on Twitter and Instagram. Easy to find, search me up, give me a follow, and thank you so much again.

All Right, thanks Joe. You know here we are. We got you know, we got a lot more to talk about. We're gonna talk about, of course, China. Did you hear that the Treasury Department got hacked? This coming just a few days ago, the JD vance Trump their phones, they were hacked. What the heck is going on? What the heck is going on?

You know?

I mean, it's just absolutely insane that I also spoke to a plastic surgeon and he told me that plastic surgeon offices are getting hacked and there'd be a sex stortion. So they're hacking plastic surgery offices, right, surgeon offices, and then they're threatening the surgeon and there's threatening to give me money or I'm gonna put your naked photos online. I just don't understand. How are we allowing We're the greatest country in the world. How are we allowing China to constantly best us over and over again. I'm Lydia Saran I at Lydia News l I d I A n e WS. You can watch me on Newsmax Saturdays at five pm as well as Sundays at noon noon pm Eastern we'll be right back

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