Jenkins and Jonez - Kendrick Lamar vs. Andrew Schulz

Published Dec 5, 2024, 10:59 PM

The guys discuss Andrew Schulz's response to Kendrick Lamar, and the assassination of a health care industry CEO #volume

The Volume.

Welcome to Jagus, Welcome to Jenkison Jones on The Volume podcast. Networking is Thursday, December fifth. We got a whole bunch of good stuff to talk about. We're gonna update you on our producer's hair. We're gonna talk about Kendrick and Andrew Seltz. We want to talk about the Spotify raps. I think we may or may not be talking about the Jason Bourne movie they got filmed in New York with real life participants earlier this week. I want to talk to y'all about crazy Major League Baseball rule and what you think of it. And I think we're talking about woes a little bit as well. So packed Thursday show. Appreciate everyone tuning in, whether you're on the podcast or on YouTube dot com slash at Jenkinson Jones like for hanging out live as always Jenkins and Jones Hosted by Dragonfly Jones Akay Tyler.

Hey, everybody have again?

You look sleepy, brother?


Man, coming at that meeting.

Work gets beating my ass, right, you got.

Meeting face, bro, you got that meeting face you look.

It's always that try to you know, get wrapped up before the years. December is always a rough mon fing hr Bro.

Yeah, oh that's ship. Yeah, I bet uh legether Jenkins JK. John was that Bubba's You don't look sleepy, but you sound asleepy just then.

Oh man, I don't know, man, ship, I feel good.

You always say you're handling a second baby very well. Most people are more tired than you have been with the second baby.

I don't know what it is, Bro, I just feel like I don't know, Like I just I just wanted. I signed up for this ship, you feel me? And also baby boys so chill like the first like so many beat our ads you're doing you know what I mean? Yeah we had yeah, so yeah, and I feel like that's the I got lucky with that or if I we would have shoulder he was chilled and then like has sony, Well what the fuck is this?

Like you know what I mean? But I like, yeah, the opposite. But I also think so many it was a reflection of where we were at. We were tweaking, you know what I'm saying, Like.

Y'all were in a circumstance, bro Covid.

She we got we got married, she moved in, you know what I'm saying, Like you had a baby nigga. It was like, you know what I'm saying, like combinations and ship. So we had to transition to a lot of ship. So but now you know ship, we gucci. Now you feel me.

So it's a it's a totally different environment with show us. You know what I'm saying.

Yeah, I tell her we did the reverse of y'all. I tell everyone all the time when we had many we're you know, a year in the parenting, we thought we were you know, gods, we were like, oh wow, you know, with all due respects, you know those.

Problems, we got the problems. You know, we jall got over there, finish.

Yeah, and then you know, we were we were saying stuff like, well, we have certain expectations in our household, you know, like.

Rules, you know.

Yeah, I came along and we were like, oh, gifted one. Yeah, we were just gifted one of the easy ones. Got it. I'm guard to b A K Mike Mother, And we're produced as always by the uh here suit and lovely Jackson Staffon and Josh Rodriguez. Is that how you say the word? Is it here suit? That's one of those words I've only ever seen, is that word? Harry how do you spell it? H I T E H I R s U T.

I never heard of it.

H I R.

I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. No, no, no, either hair suit or her suit. Okay, we're both excepted now. Just means Harry.

I remember saying apro pro pros pro appropriate because I've only seen it written.

I never, like, you know what I'm saying. There's a couple of words like that.

I was like, I read it a lot, but I never heard.

That's crazy, that's crazy.

It's hilarious.

I still sound out restaurant when I read it to spell it.

You know what, Yeah, every time.

I make fun of show all the time. She's valedictorian, U c l A magneticum, whatever the fuck. But like she never spelled restaurant once without counting on her fingers ever in her life, you know what I mean?

The opposite of this that I saw online the other day where someone was saying, like it dawned on me d A w N E d dawned on me.

They said, d O N d O N dawned on me. That's crazy.

There's for those I think it's it's like eggcorns or or spoonerisms or something. There's a name for that for like backwards just engineering the word, and there's Twitter is like a gold mine for that. What was We just had one we were talking about the John said it was vanilla vanilla abstract. Someone said, someone said, they're talking about cooking. They said, you gotta put the vanilla as.

Connotation of vanilla. I think I think like spell.

People talk about like how Google and like writing on computers and prevent us spelling, but I think like also being connected to phones all the time, because like I would be bored in my car in the car driving like through the throughout like state the status ship when we were on road trips and see words and try to like spell.

It was like weird games that I would play to get through a six hour drive.

Like you know, like how do I remember how to play spell restaurant?

You know what I mean? Like shit like that. So yeah, witness day, I say, I still say, what spell embarrassing?

You know what I'm saying?

Like shit like that, Like where the double less and the double R is you know what I mean? So yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm like embarrassing has a fat ass because of double less is at the end.

You can't forget the two s's, you know what I mean?

Like this is how I would think dessert has two s's because you want more of it.

Desert right right right right, like these little things that we would see anyway.

That's what the whole language is made out of though, because it's sucking. Eighteen languages stitched together, so the whole you know, little working arounds and ship like that. All right, Uh, Jackson, how was feeling about the beard? Are we committed yet to doing it for the whole month?

No, it's gonna be weak full of them on tweek.

Yeah, it looks good, it's not bad.

What do we think? What do we think?


I mean that is that is a that is a very respectable situation you got for like a short period of time.

I like it, Jackson, I like it a lot.


I do think I'm gonna need to uh trim it at some point or make care just.

Up, just just hit it with the with the with the and go go get go, get somebody to do it to set the word the lines should be, you feel me, and you can just kind of clean it up.

I do it. I do it for free. Ninety nine. I just did it.

I think it's not bad. We'll see, we'll see.

I'm committed to doing it at least until at least through our next episode.

I'll tell you that what what do you? What do you? What about it? Are you not? Why do you guys? Com how about that? It's just it's just.

I don't need to commit. I'm confused. Why you don't see what we see them? Yeah, I think that's a good that's a fair point.

That's a good question. I think it's just I'm not used to it. I'm just so not used to it. Like I've looked at my face.

Are you so conscious about that? Probably? But I'm just I think I'm just genuinely.

That's what it is.

Yeah, that's that youth, brother, Yeah, so consciousness about that, that's youth.

Yeah. Yeah, because like my like my upcoming like that loves the beard of course, Yeah it looks great, bro, But there's nothing about it. I'm gonna say something controversial. Yeah, your beard is coming in faster and fuller than I expected for an Asian American man.

That's not that. But no, like it's it's it's it's a.

That's that looks like when it when it hits like the motherfucking point that Mike's is it, it'll be fool like I got that, bro Like, I don't think it's that.

I think that's I'm getting aided by the zoomed noss of it all. I don't think it's quite that full. But we'll see. We'll see Alex and the Chata. Jackson's fighting to look.

Thirty, which is fun, which is hilarious. You know, I don't think how do they look? John?

I think you look like your age, looked like you a teenager.

But when you cut your face, face hair off, you know what I mean?

You know what I'm saying.

I agree. I just said Jackson, your beard kitman like a black man's.

Heavy on the heavy.

Chat said it. I did not say it. It looked like you got more.

I got some, you know, some season nigga, Like you know what I'm saying, Like, hey.

Man, you feel me? Yeah, hey man, I don't know, I don't know.


It was not enough to help his team to a victory the other night, however, Chat also.

Oh yeah, we lost the playoff game. It was tough, guys.

I got nineteen, but I may recount as nineteen, not seventeen, but we just didn't have enough.

I I mean, I know you got both. I played pretty goode. I started out well.

I had eight of our first ten, including a an and one like floater.

I was like a in this.

Point, I hit hit our first possession of the game, I had a three, and I was like, all right, I'm feeling good. And then I did something rare for me, which was like I flashed cut across the paint and hit and caught it and like made made a basket in the paint a rarity. And then the next possession, we gotta, we gotta stop and I they all know I'm gonna shoot. We played this team so like in transitions to I was able to give like a pull up heavy and like got by the guy and that's where I got the hand one floater, and then we were doing it was competitive for like, it was competitive most of the game. But then I like right at the end of the second quarter, they caught some momentum and then in the third quarter they want to We went on a just complete dry spelled they wanted to.

I don't know what it was.

We just kind of offense, well, you know, potentially is our dim our point guard got a migraine in the middle of point Our point guard got a migraine in the middle of the game, and so I think we were.

Able to find it after that.

But for four minute stretched we were play come on, man, we lose the rest of it.

It's all right.

I got a Scottie pip of migraine bro.

So they went on a big run and we we caught it back. I think we ended up getting it to like eight. I had a chance to hit three to make it to like five with like a minute left, but I missed it.

And so did he put did your point guard play with the migraine or he just set out?

He played for a little and then he sat that tough.

I wouldn't bro.


Remember I did that one podcast with the migraine, and I was like about to barf every time I would laugh. It was the it was the absolute like, I won't do anything with the migraine. I won't saying like id no, no, no, no, no, no no no. I'm saying like I won't. I literally will just look at my keys and be like I don't want to hear from you right now. If I have a micro.

That's crazy. We lost. It's okay, it's a little bit unfortunate, but it is what it is. Do you want to say, what shooter or a hooper? Are you like I'm a shooter?

That's that's the problem is Well, if it in transition good, but in the half court, my handle is just not good enough.

And that was what we we kind of needed. I needed it to be better.

Like if I had a better handle, I could have like stopped the dry spell on my own and I couldn't.

Can you create for yourself? Are you running through catches?

I'm running all over the I'm playing Steph Curry ball basically. Okay, the last thing I want to say that Steph Curry ball, I'm playing off. I'm playing off the ball staff Curry, not the on the ball stuff.

Balls. But I mean that's yeah, Reggie, Reggie Miller, Yeah, Reggie Miller. Right, one one final thing before I get off my soapbox.


I know we got a lot of new fans here, Dion and the chat said the painted Drake nails. Why though, I just want to say, deon because I like them, and what you what's your problem with painted nails?

I think the painted nails with those periods firefucking books. I was doing it before Drake did it first off that Yeah, but I think like I think like those things are tight. I think that's a dope little you know what I'm saying. A man beard and paint nails, like, yeah, you know what I'm saying. And frankly, I like scoring on people with nails.

You think you don't?

You look down on me, too bad, I'm scoring on you anyways, That's what the Chad was saying, even beer about the beard, even not even talking about so I respect it.

I think I kind of played like Jared war Man's chair.

He's not Steph Curry, He's Jared McKay'. That's the Jackson.

The dance moves. You need to see the dance moves Jackson. You know what I'm saying. I got that.

I fuck with Jared McCain's TikTok videos. Bro, I'm not mad at it.

Bro, you feel me. Do what you want to do.


That whole franchisees and disarrays at a cross roads, wondering where they're going, and that man is in the in the locker room, having at the top of his life dancing a rich baby Daddy.

I love it. I love it.

Like Rookie of the Year. He's doing his thing. You know, he's gonna be all right. He's having a blasting good man, bro, because that's that's that the the six going on and got shit to do with him. That ship was a mess that was waiting to happen before he got there, though.

Did you see he he put against Kyle Lowry's wishes? He put Kyle Lowry in one of his tiktoks some of the quotes we didn't said. This is going to be in a documentary about Kyle Lowry five years from now. Is the moment he knew it was time for him to retire.

And the boy TikTok man. You know, that's a different game. That's a different game that he came into, you know what I mean.

Yeah, he's gonna be in the in the documentary. You know, these young cats come in, they care more about social media and they'll cut to that TikTok like.

That makes me feel so old. I remember, I remember Kyle Lowry of Vilenova.

You know what I'm saying.

I remember, you know what I mean? I remember that Kyle.

You know what I mean? Like if we're talking about how he's like the the Wiley Vets anyway crazy.

The last thick from the chat about this and we could move on is Rishie a friend of the long time chat chat man guy. So it's not he's not actually throwing shape. But he said Jackson was too busy doing TikTok answers instead of tying up the game.

Jackson was over there trying to get his eyes, trying to get his beard lined up. It's all good, all right? Shall we talk about rapping podcasters?

Wrapping podcasters? Uh?

Andrew Schultz caught a line on a Kendrick song which I would have thought would have been like very exciting for him, you know. I would have thought that would have been like he would have been selling T shirts or something with that line on there. And instead, Uh, he sort of lost his mind a little bit in a way that reminds me of when Kanye south Park made a Kanye joke and Kanye flipped out for like six fucking months over it. Andrew Schultz has uh run the playbook of well rappers aren't good to women?


And also uh then did like a three minute thing about how if he was trapped in a jail cell with Kendrick, he could force him to have sex with him. So I don't really understand why this is happening or what. I don't know. Andrew Schultz is like fan base. I followed him on Twitter because it was a video of like him and his dad at Madison Square Garden a while back that I thought was like very sweet. But that's literally all I've known about him, and now, for some reason, he is a part of the Kendrick Drake saga. Tyler, what give me an opinion I can just take and have about Andrew Schultz.

I would say, first and foremost, motherfuck Andrew Schultz. I never liked the guy. I think we need to start there. But you know, it's like you said, I want to say that I was very disappointed with how split a lot of the opinions were on this, and so many of the opinions were split because there was folks who were team and we're like, oh, Kendricks, yeah, he got his licks in on Kendrick and bro, some shit is bigger than rat like, you know, especially if you're a black person, you know what I mean, Some shit is bigger than rap. Bro, And for Andrew Schultz to run that tired ass Like I said, it was a.

Play out of the what about Black on Black crime play?

That's all it was, bro, Because the fact is this, All women of all races get disrespected by men of their race, right. Misogyny is a constant that exists in all races. And the whole defense of why should I respect them if their own men don't respect them? That's a tired excuse that reveals who Schultz really is, because bro, like like I have never examined the dynamic between Latino men and Latino women, or Asian men and Asian women and try to find some type of validation that gets me licensed to disrespect their women. I don't give a fuck about what their dynamic is with within their race. I'm not gonna disrespect them for any fucking reason. Right, And that approach is only taken by not on black people to validate the feelings that they already have about looking down on black people.


That's the type of excuse that validates when they want to step on black people for whatever reason. And you know it's coming from someone who never thought highly of black women or black people to begin with. And that's the only validation that that's the only reason he ran with that excuse. Because I promise you, bro, we can have this discussion. I think it is a very valid discussion to point out that, yes, Kendrick was very hypocritical during that beef with the angle he took against Drake and he was budding around with abuses like Kodak Black and doctor Drake.

Very valid discussion to have there.

But if you think for a motherfucking second that Andrew Schultz said, oh, Kendrick had Kodak Black on mister Morale, I get to disrespect black women with my jokes. Now you think that's the route that motherfucker took. No, that's not how it worked. He cracks disrespectful jokes on black women because he doesn't think hilly of black women or Black people.

And it's that fucking simple. And like I said, Bro, some shit is.

Bigger than rat you know what I mean, regardless of how you feel about Kendrick, regardless of if you're on team Drake or whatever. When a motherfucker like that tries to use that as an excuse to disrespect black people, we got to join the line somewhere, dog, That's all I'm saying.

He's using niggas as an excuse to disrespect niggas, you know what I'm.

Saying, Like, that's crazy to me.

And then the dude sitting in there with him when he's doing it, just like like when do we, like, I don't know how we sit by and support some shit like that, you know what I mean? Like, I just I just think that's disgusting. But you said it all bro, Like, I'm gonna say shit, but that's just for me, Like watching that, I'm looking at this nigga like, are you gonna let them just say this shit?

You feel me like what bro like he's talking about you.

You feel me like this ain't your homie like something like I don't know what the Chexican like or whatever, but it's bigger than that too, Nigga. Like, Bro, like we talked about I said, before you have your nuts, you gotta keep them.

Are you looking at yourself in the mirror feeling good?

I don't know how you sitting there in his moments and and supported this shit, you know what I'm saying, and being a seat look yourself in the mirror, you know what I mean. I just think it's crazy, gee, but yeah, man, black, white, green, purple, you don't respect black women fucking period. It's big fuck, you know what I'm saying. So that's why I'm standing with that ship, you know what I'm saying. And for him to sit there for niggas to support that ship, that's whole ship, bottom line, nigga, and I got no respect for that type of shit, period.

Bro. What uh for the bigger context, I guess, Tyler, what do you know what Kendrick was referencing with the you know, letting a podcaster like I because I didn't even know that line was about Andrew Schultz, you know what I mean? I assumed it was about somebody, but I saw people on Twitter saying it was about Andrew Schultz. I assume that that's the case. But what what, like do you know what he's referencing in the in the first place, Like what is that part of his like act he like makes fun of black women or I literally don't know anything about this dude.

And Andrew Schultz is a dude who's who's been, who's been, who has collaborated with a lot of black folks, right Like he's he was Charlemagne's right hand man, that's kind of how he got in the game. And there was a clip that service like just a few weeks ago. If y'all remember the two British dudes, the two British black guys who were a big deal before and then they said Atlanta woman were ugly and then hell ring down on them, if you remember those guys. But he was on a pile with them and talking to them about if they date black women or white woman and he said that, he said, oh you got a beard, I know you date black women, and that that's cushion for when they hit you. Like, first of all, the shit isn't funny. And like I said, like I said, the jokes that Andrew Schultz cracks some black women come from a place of disrespect. Like bro, Like I can fucking intellectualize like I just did on why his humor is quote unquote problematic. But the fact of the matter is this, The motherfucker never passed the vibes test.

You know what I'm saying.

And we know black people, you know when white people joke on us, We know when those jokes are coming from a place of love, a good spirited place, and when they're coming from a place of ailed racism. And Andrew Schultz jokes about black people have always felt like they were coming from a place of ailed racism.

To me, Bro, that joke is not from a place of experience. You have not explainenced black women. I mean, for me, black women are pitting me of love.


You know what I'm saying, Like, that's you know, So the fact that you would say that, like, what are your experience? You have not experienced black women?

You feel me? So that's that's what you just saying this from what you know?

Shit you think which that's like you said, it comes from a place of racism, you know what I mean.

So that's bullshit. I think that that's yeah.

So I mean a nigga is talking about shit from a lack of experience from outside the culture.

We don't want that, you know what I'm saying. That's what that's the issue we have with Drake. You know what I'm saying. You are You are all that same? You know what I'm saying. Ell, you know what I mean?

Fuck that shit.

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I don't like, did we pie that much? Oh? There's how much time I'm spend away from my family? That's great?


Did y'all look at your Spotify or Apple things? You have any surprises on there? Minor? But I feel like if you have kids, those things are fucking useless. Bro. Like I I got Kendrick Kendrick Kendrick Party in the USA because that was Vinnie's walk up song. You know what I mean? So I'm not I don't. I feel like I don't really ever learn anything about myself in there. But do y'all have anything to surprise you on your wraps?

Let me pull up my my mother fucking Apple.

I'm an Apple guy.

I'm an Apple guy.

I use them both. I use them both.

So what's interesting to me is like, what do you have to explain that I mean from I mean, playlists are way better on on Spotify, so a way better. So what do you use Apple for? I used Apple for like albums, Okay, you know what I'm saying. So I'm listening to an album, I go to Apple. But if I'm listening to like, I wanna listen like my my number one artist is on uh on Spotify was D'Angelo. My number one artists on on Apple was no worries, you know what I'm saying, Like I had I think like the fourth listen to song was like a opera song, you know what I'm saying.

On Spotify, you know what I'm saying.

So like and then like the fourth listen to. The fifth artist was kense Lamar. But the fourth album, fifth album was like Charlotte Day Wilson.

You know what I'm saying. So, like that album crazy too, Bro? You feel me? Jackson, No, I don't know.

That album, but I love her. She's featured on a bunch of songs I really like.

I think it's called Cian Blue. That shit is crazy.

But yeah, like Larry June is like the second albu so like, yeah, it's it's just and then school Boy here you think I'm from the West Coast too, basically West.

Coast going crazy, you know, like with Crazy last year.

But yeah, but yeah, it's just it's just like I'm like two different people on the different apps, you know what I'm saying.

So you treated almost like a radio station. Like when you're in the mood, you go to Spotify. You're in a different mood, you go to Apple.

If I'm listening to an album, like an album, I'm going to Apple, you know what I mean.

Like that's where I have all why.

Cause like okay, I think Tyler tell that had a funny ass tweet when they talking about the suggestions and ship. Like because you listen to rap, it'll give you a big seane, you know what I'm saying.

On Apple?

But it goes off like the like the suggestions that are given.

On on uh on Spotify really literally based upon your taste, not just the genre.

You know what I'm saying.

It's a much better algorithm, so like I'll use those like you know, I guess my question.

Is I agree with you that Spotify's suggestions and playlists are better, So why not just use Spotify for albums as well?

I make the distinction.

I just was always Apple, so I just maybe I will eventually, but like over like the It's been like that for like five years, so I just think that's how I'm gonna I'm gonna have a foot in both.

You know what I'm saying, both.

Tyler Apple music is the only Apple thing he uses.

I'm not an anti Apple guy. You know.

If Apple has the best ship, I'll ride with it, Like you know what I'm saying. Like one of my most prospossessions is my motherfucking hundred and eighty gig iPod, you know what I mean? Yeah, but yeah, I think where Apple wins out is the it is it has the most user friendly interface for when you're driving and only have a second and a half to look away at your phone.


I think that's where Apple wins out a lot there too. Spotify's interface is not very you know, play a song.

Search to find what you want basically, you know what I'm saying, Like, yeah.

Yeah, so so ship. I'm looking at my Apple wrap.

My top artist number one Kendrick, number two, school Boy, number three, Vent Staples, number four, West Side Gun, and number five is Mabby Mabby. I've talked about Mobby's I love that kid man. I think he's like twenty three, twenty four, real young. Yeah, yeah, yeah, a kid from Charlotte who went to Howard University and studied fucking neuroscience and made like one of my favorite albums ever, Let the Sun Talk, while he was a neuroscience student at Howard. This year he dropped a new album and it's the name of that shit is Shadowbox and one of my favorite songs of the year. Please peep too much to Zel because that's like my number five most played song this year. And the pocket that he's in't on that motherfucker is just it's top notch trapping.

Mobby spell it m A v I. So for anyone who's not here, check him out.

Okay, for sure.

My fourth listening to album on Spotify is the polyphonic music library.

I know. But but but, like I said, I'm I'm like you on on Apple because when I'm writing, I listened to jazz or classical music for sure. So when I get this, when I get the raps or the what are the Apple calls at the replay or whatever, I just look at it. I'm like, Yeah, I wrote a lot of ship this year, I guess, you know, like I got a lot of I got a lot of Charlie Parker and Sonny Rollins on my you know, I haven't released new music yet, however many.

Years I'm looking at my top songs and not like us as number one, Thank God for Me by school Boys.

Number two that's just.

Either the never remix on No Worries speaturing Charlie Wilson, My ship right there, Fisher Cash co Bain is my number four song. I love it cast Cobain had a hell of a year, man. I really liked that kid bro. He has such a distinct sound man. And number five was was the track I mentioned with Mobbie Too Much to Zel.

So ship I played.

Sonny Miles is number two for most play songs we when you need planning my spot Larry June interlude, I.

Just that was my I played that song so many times.

I played a brillion times.

Kiss and Tell by Charlotteday Wilson Network, Tommy Richmond, you know what I'm saying.

Then there's like a Fisher was number six. Yeah, then like there's a.

I like Tommy Richmond, but his his presence on mine is that is Vinnie's h That was where it was like, Okay, you're just gonna have your own Apple Music account.

This is fucking what the funny is, sir. The Chasing Summers. It's been in my top ten since to drop like that album. I still have moments, particularly in the summer. Well I'm gonna play that album for two fucking weeks, you know what I'm saying, where like nothing is going to I did I do that with a Kumini too, Like I have like a moment I just don't I just.

Want to hear a Cumini. I just listen to.

There's gonna be a moment every year where I just can't listen to anything else.

The Chat has maybe the best idea they've ever had, and the Chat has a lot of good ideas. The chat suggested or is asking for us to make a Jenkins and Jones playlist, a collective Jenkins and Jones playlist, because we always recommend music and sometimes people forget or don't know how to find I don't know that spelling of the artist or whatever. Something someone was doing a playlist on.

Was it on Spotify? Someone was doing with the music because when when before this show had a contract we used John was John basically would just put up and coming music, and I what's funny about it is it was really you were really on some like you know, some nineteen fifties DJ who put the Beatles on type shit, like like John had an Old Town Road on like two months before that blew up. He had Meg thee stallions like free Lane or a freestyle ship before she blew up Meg this like that. So there are a ton of people who are famous. Yeah, you know a year before he got him, some kicked out of the Hall of Fame of Johns. But yeah no, but it was a lot. And so there was someone who was actually keeping a Spotify playlist of John's music selections. That that was I wasn't on Spotify, but that was super super super helpfuls. Yeah, but we should get something like that.

Were smoking with Larry Jones in like twenty fifteen, Yeah, you feel me like, and then we was trat Larry Jones. You feel mere talking about like Block forties before he was on his you know what I'm saying, expensive furniture.

Rap, you know what I mean, Like it was on this stuffed leather armres.

Yeah, yeah, before you know, I contes, you know what I mean, before he got to that type shit.

I like that idea. That's a yeah, that's a that's a that's a really good idea. Spotify has been a little extreme in my opinion of describing people. I have a friend who we always been joking with him that he's a lesbian forever because he listens to, like, like Phoebe Bridges is his like favorite musician of all time. But that's like he just listens to like, like women driven pop. That's like his thing. This was brother, this is no, it's like same too, but this is this was Spotify said about him. They said it was his pink Pilates Princess Struck Pop season.

I got the same.

One baby, same one baby. I think it's I think that was May for me. I think that I think I think that was May I got.

I got a West Coast grandma. Did you did you see that?


Yeah? That he said every year Spotify gets a little less subtle in the way it calls me gay.

That's what he said, was making the rounds.

Yeah, okay, all right, I want to I want to tell you all about that. I'm excited because I have a feeling that you guys maybe have not heard about this. Have you heard the phrase the golden at bat rule?

I saw this.

This is something that the Major League Baseball Commissioner is talking about implementing in either the upcoming season or an upcoming season. The Golden at bat would be something that either team could deploy once a game that would allow you to send up whoever you wanted to bat for one at bat.

Turning his motherfucker into a video game brother.

But did you did you see the the Metal Arc media Dan Levatard side of the story.

Yeah, he basically stole the idea from Dan.

Stu Got suggested this idea to the MLB Commissioner a couple of years ago, and.

He said, quote, you're wasting my time.

And both Dan was like, shut up basically yea, and Manford was like, I'm going to give you a serious answer. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and then two years later stealing the idea.

But it's like call it like he caught it, like the Magic at Bat and it was a total copying off your homework in middle school. He caught it the Magic at Bat and they're now calling it the Golden at Bat.

But it's not like society of the game has changed a lot, you know what I'm saying, like so much in two years, like you feel me so?

But also I don't think Dan will ever get students shut up again?

Do you feel me? I would? I would do you know what I did? But you know what I'm saying, good for him, Good for him. You can hold that over his head forever. This is the dumbest idea ever. And like they actually are using it.

Like, Bro, I would they better call that? This got said mat Bro.

Think about the sanctity of the game, you dumb radio man, Like that was the energy that Manfrey was giving him.

And now they're doing the rule.

But how do you do? How do you? How do you? How do y'all feel about it? Do you think that's over the gimmicky or do you think that would be exciting?

I think that's cool as hell. But I'm not a baseball purist. You know.

The whole thing about baseball is you always have to think, Okay, what are the purists? Are the peersts gonna be fine with this? Or is this gonna be disrespecting the motherfuckers from nineteen eighteen.

In their eyes? Right?

Like, Like, I guess basically what all this ship comes down to with baseball? And I can see like peers not liking it because because the fact of the matter is this, right, Like, say that you use your goal in that bat when the bases are loaded, right, Like, a certain star player is gonna get different pitches, you know, with in that situation than he would, you know, in other circumstances.


And if you're getting, you know, pitches where they're trying to strike you out and you you go yard with that ship, like, there is probably a point that be made that golden that back can juice your stats of it, you know what I mean?

Yeah, So, I mean you're gonna get up more in backs than others.

I mean it's per game, right, Yeah, you like the best player might get a extra bat per game.

You know what I'm saying, Like extra at back per game.

I do, that's crazy, But I feel like, how does that affect the opposing the opposing teams, like the going to use their pictures?

You know what I'm saying. You know what I mean? Like you know, like if you if you got you know, you got pictures.

You know, if the chuck and the bat the lineup is a right rightings and you send a lefty and as a fucking dog, do you have to get a whole new picture for this situation? And then you know, like I think, I don't know. I think that's I think it's interesting. I don't necessarily like it, though, because you're.

At heart there's a part of you that's a baseball purists.

Yeah, I don't necessarily like. I mean, like I think, you know, like I don't watch it anymore, but I love it growing up, and I think it's a I do. I do see the beauty in the game, you know what I'm saying. I just don't necessarily like it.

I don't.

I don't, I don't.

I I'm first of all, I think to Tyler's point, one thing you have to say that I respect about baseball is they are moving away from what the purists want, you know, I mean they are like they they instituted the designated hitter in both leagues, which was like a big like within the baseball community. That was like a fucking sin, you know what I mean. And and I do think they're they're realizing there's more people out there like me and Tyler who like sports but don't fuck with or didn't fuck with baseball heavily than there are baseball purists, which was a shrinking like group of people, you know what I mean. So I think what changed it? John? You said not much has changed in the last two years. I think what changed? And I don't have it. There's no reporting on this, but this is just my feeling. Was the World Baseball Championship game between the USA and Japan that Japan won ended on and at bat where Shohe was pitching and Mike Trout was at the plate. It was the most poetic, like the Japanese superstar the American superstar, and it was one of those moments.

The guy they yeah and like that.

That game was for me.

It's like, that's not what we're you know what I mean so, but.

It was one of those moments that for me that was like one of the first times I would have said, oh, I think baseball is cooler than me just liking the Dodgers or whatever. It was a it was a it was a dope moment. And so for sure Bro like bottom of the ninth to outs for the Yankees and fucking who did y'all have? Who? Who is up? Who is up?


Like the.

It was like, I don't remember who for fucking FORDU goos up?

And so Rob Manfred's sitting there going, oh, this could be Alex Verdugo or it could be Aaron Judge.

But also like as a fan too, like it'd be frustrating if say, situationally Otani's up, one out, bases loaded, we strike him out, and then it's like, oh, fuck, we gotta do this again.

Are you fucking kidding me?

If you were just like, no, this motherfucking gets another.

Six strikes to stay here for another three brothers, you know.

Got under that one. I'll just try again.

Like that's I don't know.

I hate it, person, I hate it, and I'm not too big of a baseball curist, but I hate this I don't like it at all.

It just I don't know, it just feels I think what made that moment special is that the universe set that up. It's not as special if it happens every night, you know what I mean? Is that fascinating again? But but I mean that's a big exclamation point.

On again every game. If the people using it in the.

Game right for football or big moment football, that's not a problem for basketball and baseball with how much content they have and trying to make it special, that's the question they have to answer because you can't let the universe give you four good games a year in one hundred and sixty two game seasons. But that was a moment. That was a breakthrough moment. That was a moment that people who don't give a fuck about baseball.

Were aware of and then thought about as soon as he saw it.

You know what I'm saying.

I just think like, like, that's a like that's the moment, And I think that's what they're looking for, is breakthrough moments. If show hays up, I'll probably text y'all every time it happens, even if it happens eighty times a season instead of four times a season. Oh, show hays up bottom of the ninth walk off situation. You know, like I'm texting y'all a hundred times more about baseball with this rule. That's that. And I'm not saying I'm really in favor of it either, but I just think for what breaks the rue, I don't think there's any question to me that it would be beneficial to them to do it.

Does it? Does that? Okay?

And the only people you got pissed off are people who are addicted to your sport, who said they weren't gonna go with the you know, when they added a designated hitter, who said they weren't gonna go when they put the pitch clock in, who said they were going to watch with the larger bases, who said they weren't going to watch when they ban the ship, They're gonna fucking watch baseball, So that that's not who they're making decisions for anymore.

How many changes are gonna make in the big leagues that don't affect, you know, where they're not picked up in the lower on lower levels.

You feel me like this is that?

Is that something that's gonna be picked up by all levels of baseball like I'm just wondering, you know, because it's the game is changing from what's being played as a kid. You know what I mean, When does that start, you know, evening out again, you know what I mean.

I mean, that's that's a good point. And they've gone the other way to where like every every youth league has a designated hitter.

Yeah yeah, I mean everyone everyone that's ten.

You so like that, like even bats ten, not even just it doesn't get hit her. So like there are rules that have almost trickled up. It feels like to the major leagues, you know what i mean. So, yes, you and ten before the d h oh yeah, yeah, for sure. I mean most youthly, most through twelve, you're batting everybody, like you know, you're batting your twelve, like you get into tournaments and stuff like that, and even then you're still batting ten.

Though when I was playing, it wasn't like that. He wasn't playing.

You was on your ass, nigga, you do some nice clean at ten.

He was looking cute. Yes, you're like to get you a nice little fit, my boy.

There's too many losses.

There's too many road bombs sitting out like one game bum was sitting the next game. He wouldn't he wouldn't sit for three other games, but the other three bombs would be swapping, you know what I mean.

Like so like, yeah, ge.

Te Bow was the only time there there was like a running line up.

That was it.

And I didn't play t ball. I went straight to coach pick. You know, I was too old for t ball when I started playing baseball. So like I was like a kindergarten I.

Love, I loved. I was too good to play te ball. No, not too good to particularly.

I knew you was gonna do that.

You know, I was in first grade, bro, just I was the first draft pick a number of years. Though, we want to get into it, you know what I mean.

Yeah, that was the thing.

Nigga was the nigga you did. But you gotta get to that.

But yeah, uh it's that way all stars and ship, at least out here, I mean, I don't it might still be that way in Saint Louis, I don't know, but out here, if you you you you put some lawyer's kid on the bench for two games in a row in a fucking rec league and you were.

Tell your kid at the right room, get the reps upigg, get the weight room, get you know, get the batting cage, Nigga, you.

Feel me, he list, I would love it not to be sitting on the bitch, my boy. You know what I mean. That don't involve the decisions of coaching making he makes a decision, you feel me?

Yeah, I mean as a coach, I don't disagree with you, bro, but you know it's just yeah, that's just not the way the world is. That's when people talk about participation trophies. There's really participation. Right field and batter twelt in the light. You know, right field was getting swamped right right you knew, bro, and I was a leftiest. I'm trying to pull that motherfucker. I'm heading it to the bum.

You know what I'm saying, Bro, I'm like, I'm like shin to the bomb.

I'm in third grade with an open stance, like you know what I'm saying. Like, Nigga, my right foot is lined up at the bum in right field. You know what I'm saying. You know where we're going, brother.

You know what I'm saying.

Right field is crazy anyway you're.

Not calling your shot, you're pointing at anything right field. You mean, I just love you not calling your shot to the fence but pointing between the eyes of the right.

You know, you.

This back leg is letting you know from leg is letting you know where that ballfucking ball going.

Oh man, that's fucking incredible. The only rules we have in our league is kids can't sit two innings in a row, and everyone bats so is so you could go right field, sit, right field, sit, right field, sit, but that would be the least and bat twelve. That would be the least someone could play.

Yeah, I think everybody can. I think everybody played every game.

But I feel like, you know, like some niggas was playing half the game, you know what.

I yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, that's it's good. That's and that that's that's that's roughly accurate. But I thought you were saying people would literally be like, thanks for being on the team and practicing, you're not getting in the game.

I mean, but think it's like it's a seven inning game and like elementary school, bro, we weren't playing nine. He's playing seven innings, right, and you're sitting three of these motherfuckers. Yeah, bro, don't take a mad class.

Two months till summer shout it down.

Oh you're playing like how many we had what eighteen games in regular season or some shit like yeah, yeah, you didn't get You're in a lot of reps.

Yes, anyway, my fucking Apple watch thinks I was asking it when the summer solstice is. I don't know why. Sorry, if anyone picked that audio up. Do y'all see the story that Chris Mannix posted about woes today? Yes, mm hm, I feel like I want to bring this up because this is a closely held belief of this show that you should not absorb yourself in your work and that you should remember that you are more than a profit making machine for some larger company. But among the reasons why woj left ESPN was he had a health scare that prompted him to have a realization about like work life balance, and it included I just want to read this because I thought this was crazy. Wojnarowski took notice of how many he associated with ESPN did not travel to Arkansas for a memorial for Chris Mortensen, a longtime NFL insider for the network who died from throat cancer.


It made me remember that the job isn't everything. Was Janowski told s I, In the end, it's just gonna be your family and close friend. And it's also like nobody gives his ship, nobody remembers breaking stories. In the end, it's just vapor.

That pens still still got some fire in it though, that Fen's still working.

Yeah, I you know what.

Is someone who you know, after his retirement from ESPN, I've just gained a real a lot of respect from him because you know, we discussed before when he retired, we saw so much outpouring from so many of his coworkers talking about just all the nice things he did, you know with her, like I'm with him, Like like Katie Nolan had that story of when she went on her first eight with her now husband, how she was talking to Wulge about how nervous she was about it and how he gave her advice about you know, just be cool, you know, y'all have a good time, blah blah, and then he came and checked on her the next morning to see how it went and KNT, you don't wind up marrying the dude, you know what I mean? And she was like, you know, you know, just stories like that, and I think and Wolch also mentioned that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer too. He said, you know, that was kind of a big part of it. He said, the cancer is I think the words he used are limited in scope and and and you know, yeah, yeah, he said, it won't require surgery or any like extensive treatment, and it's probably you know, gonna he's probably gonna beat it, and thank God, and and yeah, man, I mean just just it's it's it's kind of it's surprising that someone who was you can tell, was just so invested in his work just had you know, a moment of clarity where he was like, Yo, this shit ain't worth it.


You know, he was the best in the world at what he did. I think he's he was the best scoop man in in basketball. And then he just walked away from that shit because he was like, Bro, friends and family, that's all that really matters. I'm gonna go back to my alma mater and I'm gonna fucking you know, try to build that up, and I'm gonna spend way more time with my family.

And good for him, man, he seemed like he was even aware.

I think, like earlier, I remember reading an article when he was talking about like how you know, there was a point where he wants to throw his phone in the ocean, you know what I mean. Like so years probably he was kind of knowing, like this ain't like this. I'm the best at this. He could have really thought he was the biggest fucking deal and what he did was the biggest fucking deal. But he seemed really aware, you know what I'm saying, of what it is in the grand scheme, you know what I mean, and realize this is not the way to live when I have to be on my phone twenty four seven through sixty five and my and and I have people I love that are continually growing and getting older as well as I am, and it's just still liked Yeah, go ahead.

He said he's had a days where his screen time was sixteen to eighteen hours.


Yeah, and so like so like I mean, so he was on his phone and he slept. That's basically it, you know what I mean. So like so it seemed like you know that prognosi basically you know what I'm saying, you know, you know made what how he already felt more of reality. He was, Yo, it's time to make the decisions. But Yo, that what that may have turned out what twenty ms some crazy amount.

But yeah, I've gained a lot of recept. I mean that shit is Bars, Bro, that shit is Bars.

It's a dude that like easily could have been you know, I have you know, like the I mean, he always wanted to be a writer, you know what I'm saying. He always wanted to be in sports, and what he's created is is I mean, I know that lane is his lane, you know what I'm saying, And he's just like, yo, it's just not worth it. But there's this tweet that I always love that a shorty st I think the youth really look at you know, life differently than we are. They're trying to create a totally different existence than the one that we are parents, like, you know, truly believed in and we kind of just accepted.

They're like, yo, fuck this shit.

You know, nine to five. You know, living for a job is not the way. Your career is not the way. But it's the tweeter says like, I don't dream of pay labor. There's no dream job, you know what I'm saying. And I'm like, that's so fucking are you know what I'm saying, like a job you like love pool, but I don't have.

A dream job on dream of pay labor.

And I feel like they kind of epitomize that, like he realizes, you know what I'm saying that this is, you know, like having something that to mean because when you have a job like that, We've talked about this, you know, like there's no you're not You're not really having a job that's your dream job. It's very hard. You work harder than you've ever had before. People say you have working down in your life. That's it's the opposite.

You'll never stugles.

You struggle balancing life and your job, you know what I mean, because it matters to you, you know what I mean. So like you're missing out on a lot, you know what I mean, you know, like with this dream gig, so like just give it take any kind of realized what he was giving up and it wasn't worth that.

But yeah, I really respect it. I really really truly respect that.

Man and like him talking about like like yo, these tweets and ship it just goes into the vapor. That's the thing about being cracking on the platforms like social media is it comes in goals there's no staying power to the things that we create.

Now, you know what I'm saying. It's like the people, the.

People that you're that are above you are saying, We'll do it again, do it again, do it again.

Back in the day, you had like you.

You produced, you produce long form things. You had weeks and months to make something crack, you know what I mean. Now it's like daily, daily day.

This day ain't healthy. And he's seeing that.

So I mean, I love that, bro, And I hope people like Shorty's that you know what I'm saying, that want to grow up and create their own existence are seeing this, you know what I mean? Like, Yo, you know there's if you know, if you're doing something you love, there's a way to go about it, and what in what you do and don't want to sacrifice?

You feel me?

There was h I thought Chris Mannis did a great job with this story. There was like an accidental uh. I don't think Woes intended it this way. But to John's point, there is kind of a backhanded shot at at Sham's in this which is the quote that I read. It goes it's also like nobody gives a shit nobody remembers breaking stories in the end, it's just vapor. The next line is ESPN has since hired and Shams drawn since new Topics.

I think, like the thing the difference between them two, like I feel like Woe is just I think like Sam is kind of like a computer, like how he operates, you know what I'm saying.

I thought woes It seems like Woes isn't you know what I mean? Well different, He was like, you know what I'm saying.

It's like Eastern European newspaper grinder, you know, so like yeah, and and Shams grew up in this like digitally connected.

So Sham's probably like, you know, fuck it, I'm cool with this type of ship.

This is what I you know, you know.

Yeah, you know. It is interesting though that you just because you sort of reference it that like old newspaper guys ship. That is actually I think a really big dividing line in the like old legacy media thing. The debate that uh that Dan Leviatard had with with Steven A. Smith about uh, you know what has happened to sports media over the last while, that was Stephen A. Smith's response was like, we're both newspaper. Guys, are you really like, you know, coming at me like this is like what columnists were and you know, Dan, I think obviously it's correct about Yes, it's not supposed to be the whole fucking newspaper. It's just right like a jerkuad sports columnists or whatever. But yeah, it is that aspect of an interesting All right, y'all want to talk about Jason Bourne for on the streets of Manhattan. John doesn't want to talk about it.

The only thing that I'll say is just to echo the point that the conversation is that your your employer does not care about you. They held the meeting after this, They still had the stockholds the shareholders meeting. They've already posted the job posting to hire a new position.

So they I thought they I thought they canceled the meeting that they had were supposed to have.

Maybe what we're referencing for people who did not see and obviously right with the job. Yeah, he's the CEO of the United Healthcare Group was killed and what was very obviously a professional job based on the video that I saw against my will because I'm on Twitter, which means once every couple of days, you see someone die against Huh it looks professional. Oh, it's definitely a professional.

Hit him in the leg first, like he hit him in the leg first, like he fucked up a little bit given a leg first, and then he hit him in the back.

That's what I thought.

That's nobody to get to technical. But because he's using a suppressor, it's it's it's not he's not He's gonna have to shoot him multiple times. And what's the leg disabling shots?

Suppressor send your bullet. It makes your shots not as accurate as well.

So yeah, and then people were saying people are saying his gun was jamming, which it was not. He's cycling rounds out. Yeah, but he he he walked up. There's a bystander four feet to his right. Yeah, you walked up and put however many bullets in that dude. Bullets he had written words on it. Yeah. Yeah, and then and then walked away and disappeared in Manhattan.

Okay, this is the thing. Though, suppressor makes it less accurate. Cool, right, but he was what fifteen feet away from him? Where is he aiming? Where it's that inaccurate? He's that an actor as a professional that is hitting him in the leg. I would imagine you trying to take this nigga out. You're going you're trying to hit him in the head or somewhere near like you know, you know what I'm saying. I think like the a orders in the hamstring or like that, that can what are the chances of somebody bleeding out from there?

It's really more about how calm he was that he didn't like run up or do some and yeah, yeah yeah, that to me is like, you know, I don't know, bro, And unfortunately I've been president a couple of shootings and that's not how people behave you.

Know what I mean? For sure? Yeah yeah, they hit gas after that, dude.

So obviously social media it's it's been I have to say, to get to for the podcast, you get slightly serious, like we were living in this like strange dual reality of social media and legacy media. Right now, if you turn on legacy media, this is a tragedy. People are being gunned down in the streets of New York. I agree with that, by the way, Like I don't think it's good that people are being like shot on the streets. Generally opposed to that, you go on social media, and it is like a fucking.

He's doing backflips to nights week.

But the whole country's like sweet sixteen or something with the like you know what I mean. So it really is this just like stark divide on where we are right now as a country and as a world. And I don't really have like a larger point to make about it. I just find that fascinating of like you know, the newscasters are doing, They're like, oh, we regret to inform you that like voice, and then you go on to Twitter and people are like.

Get is fu Okay? What do people think? And what there's legacy media?

You know, is it is there is that a divide between people a legacy media or like because I don't think Twitter represents people. I think Twitter is a small so I'm wondering where, like where do.

People lie in general? You know what I'm saying. So I don't think that divide is probably as wide as you know.

Yes, I will say that, like on Instagram and Twitter, there was more bipartisan of the like baseball Republicans that I know and everyone else that I know who's very much not a Republican. There's more agreement over this being a good thing than there has been on like any other political for sure, topic I could bring up, which is a fairly big indictment of how horrible the fucking healthcare industry is. Yes, not just the system.

That's what I was talking to tell her this morning. Like I thought it was a systemic issue.

I didn't.

I didn't understand completely how bad the industry as a whole, and how like these people, these companies are pimping the system in particular ways, you know what I mean, like Tyler brou to the point where like you know, you want a job so you can have healthcare because like this it's so like I know, it's so expensive due to you know what I mean. And I thought that was like I thought the government and the system that was created was caused. I didn't really understand truly how you know, you know, predatorial, you know what I'm saying.

It's sort of these people, the companies.

Were Yeah, I mean, it's it's sort of a robrius right because it's like what the snake, you know, like the roborus, the snake eating its tail. Okay, okay, the company r O B O R O S I think, but like the companies are creating the system then allowing the company like, but you know, because of Citizens United and the fact that our conservative Supreme Court years ago made it such that, uh, companies can be considered people, and yeah, lobbying money can be considered free speech. Companies can give however much money they want to whoever. But that's if you're looking at a moment. The two moments in like American political history in our lifetime nine to eleven obviously, and the Citizens United ruling Citizens United basically made it like lobbyists can do whatever the fuck they want. You can spend as much money as you want, and so that's what creates a system where you know, when Obamacare was passed, that was super significant for me. I had a pre existing condition. I was uninsurable prior to that. That was a half measure though, right, that's not Medicare for all or some like big system wide change. But that was like took you know, getting blood out of a rock to get that. I don't here's my question, maybe this is a more fertile topic for us to talk about. Doesn't it feel like we've reached a point with the ultra wealthy where there's like news reports about people creating private armies and shit, doesn't it feel like it would be even if they're bad people and they don't care about human beings, wouldn't it be cost effective for them to have two percent less but have people not be starving and able to buy guns? Like that's the math I don't understand. Wouldn't it be safer for them if we all had a little bit more? That's the part of it that like I can't really add, you know, because this ship like that gun is everyone listening to this could afford that gun?

For sure?


I was, I was. I was what was interesting.

I was seeing people talking about people like him should fear for their lives in this society in the way it's set up now, and it was getting a lot of love.

And I can't say, I'm not gonna say it, but you feel what I'm saying.

Yeah, Like killing people is bad, to be clear, for sure, but people don't dude, took the person that is you know.

What I'm saying is.

It's also bad. And it's the old line is that you kill one person, you're going to jail. You kill one hundred thousand people, and it's the stock price.

Goes up, you know what I mean like that, and so those people, you know what I'm saying, like there should be repercussions, and one of those percussions at the system is not holding them accountable, you know what I mean.

So I think a recurring theme that we were seeing was a lot of people were like taking to join it, like, you know, this is for all the people who you are fucked over and denying claims and you know, all the death that you know, your your your company has brought on people. And you know, if that's the angle that you want to run with, so be it. I'm not at all going to defend healthcare healthcare as a fucking sham, you know. But but you know, there's a part of me that also thinks this is rich people shit, like if you have enough yeah, if you have enough money to put a higher hitman out on the CEO, Like I'm thinking that's some rich people should And then once we got the news that he was under investigation by the DLJ for insider training, I was like yeah and.

Started trading with other CEOs.

Yeah yeah, So I mean a lot of people want this to be like you know, some John Q public shit and I'm not there.

Yeah yeah, bro, yeah yeah yeah, John Q public doesn't like because and to the point about it being professional, this is a CEO who had been receiving threats according to his wife, and this dude knew when he was not going to have any security with him and where he would be. So like that to speaking to how professional, it feels like it is, right and so yeah, to Tyler's point, yes, there's a story. He's under DJ investigation for insider trading with other high level CEOs. So who do you think more likely reached out and touched this dude.

It's just greed and the motherfucker was making fifty mil a year and still needed to get over on the stock market.

Like really, motherfuckers just greedy dog right he made fifty damn that's crazy.

And these companies are generating double edgit billion year yeah, profit.

Like like off of like and like in this industry, like that's not where you know, I'm saying, like you should be operating, you know, you should be participating in predatory capitalism, you know what I'm saying, or capitalism to that and to that level, that's crazy, Like that's not the place that the Marcus shouldn't be deciding healthcare, my nigga, you know what I'm saying, Like pretty and they just get to choose, like Anthem.

The Anthem Blue Cross also and like parallel to this, announced that they were gonna stop uh or limit the amount of time that anesthesia is insured for, and they have since walked it back. The chat was saying, which is good news because of all the public outcry. But again, like they just get to choose somebody.

But but, but the thing about healthcare is the only reason anyone heard about that Antem Blue Cross thing is because this dude got killed.

Yeh yeh.

A year. They get made like that and they just strip away in a road. And you know, look we talked about on the show. But you know, my wife had breast cancer earlier this year. And if you've had any kind of chronic or serious health thing, like I've had three surgeries, my brothers better have surgeonies back. You get inside of the fucking monster. My friend, I have a close friend, I will say to him, I have a close friend who's like dealing with memory care and end of life care for his mom. It's a it's a literally like a part time job for him just managing the insurance part of it. But in Long Beach, I think I can tell this story. We had a company, the our only Fortune five hundred company in Long Beach. It was based here, was called Malina Healthcare. It was a family started healthcare company. They operated hospitals and all this other stuff. And the founders of the company were ousted. They were public company. They're ousted by their own shareholders, quote for not maximizing shareholder profit.

That's crazy because.

They stated that the mission of their company was to serve their patients, take care of their employees, and provide good value for the shareholders. And the shareholders said, no, you got that upside down, dog, Like it's the shareholders, then it's the employees because that's how money gets transferred into the shareholders, and then is the patients. And they literally kicked I mean they I mean, I'm not you don't feel bad for this family. They got quite a bit of money out of the deal when they got bought out, but they got kicked out of their own company from saying we care about patients like that was literally in the meeting, like in the minutes, like, oh, you're not maximizing shareholder profit, and if you're too focused on patients.

I mean the translation of that is you're not letting enough people die.

Yes, we can make.

More money, charging enough money in the process, right, Right.

That's the part where it's like a lot of these I've said very clearly capitalism on this podcast, and a lot of the industries to John's point, like Amazon or whatever, they become a billion dollar company. That's sort of a product of free market capitalism. I think it's still immoral, but like it's just business or whatever.

This is. People are dying because of this.

It's not like, oh, they're making billions because they sold a bunch of fucking books.

Like people are dying.

Here, like in your city. They're dying right all the time?

Right, Yeah, Yeah, the government should come in, bro, This is why you know that government.

This where government should get to you know what I'm saying.

Just I just kind of want to share something personal too, just to add to this conversation.

And I don't condone anything that happened, by the way, but like my brother died, I know, the die of ads and while he was dying in the hospital, we applied for some medication that could heal his ulcers. And like produce his pain, and he applied for it. He didn't have health insurance, didn't have him to employer, and the message we resically got back was that he couldn't get the medication because he couldn't afford it. Like they were just like no, he's basically like he's gonna die anyway, Like we're not going to bother even like sending this out to you and I just for me, like I I don't want to put it out there that like all this the CEO deserved what he got, but that can be like very radicalizing because I know for me, shit, yeah that was just like dude, are you fucking kidding me? Like my brother's life doesn't matter to you at all?

Like that's it was.

That was like a tough pill to swallow to kind of just like have a doctor in a hospital while my brother's like dying on the bed and be like yeah, well you know, unfortunately like doesn't have the money.

What can we do?

Like it's so I don't know this this healthcare system's messed up and something needs to change because I I I'm not trying to push back on Toller's point, but I do think it is really possible that what happened could be done by somebody who was driven by a similar experience to mine, because when that happened, I not to say that I was happy, but it was just like, yeah, I could see that, absolutely see that happening.

But I think the thing is and I thank you for sharing that. Obviously it's fucking horrible, and the unfortunate truth of it is, if you have anyone who has spent that amount of time in a hospital, almost everyone has a story like that of like, yeah, oh, we don't see your loved one as a person, or that you know they're in this graph and they're not on the part of the graph that you want them to be here, right Like that That is the that's the way that the system is constructed. I think though, like if you pull back, I always try and look at there's some Daoist term for like fish noticing that they're swimming in water. I don't remember what it is, but like I always trying and think of those things like what are we in right now that we don't even realize we're in, And like the media that we consume, the movies that we watch, are helping us to believe that this is like a feel good revenge story. Like those are the narratives that we've all watched cross culturally, Like if you watch black movies, if you watch white movies, you watch mob movies, you watch fucking Samodai movies, Like those are the stories that like we tell over and over again in America, and like it just doesn't like look at the history of our lifetime, bro, Like it just doesn't you know, unfortunately, well I want I shouldn't say unfortunately, but like things aren't usually connected to morals in reality, Like it just just happens, you know.

To me, it's like, as a if we're gonna be capitalists, we've if we're a capitalist society, you've lost the plot. When there's no humanity in health care, you.

Feel me Like.

If they're like in all industries, you know whatever, if there's no humanity in health care.

We've lost the fucking plot. What is it all for? If we're all what is it all for?

What is it for?

If if if if health care people that are providing health care are aren't even if they want, you are not allowed to mute move from a place of humanity.

You know what I'm saying. We need to you know, we.

Got to really back in and figure that out, you know what I mean. And I just think that's sick for a country with this GDP, you know what I'm saying, with this economy, and motherfuckers are dying because they can't get health care or are like you know, like your brother, like not getting what they need to at least leave in a peaceful way, you know what I'm.

Saying Like that, that's there's zero.

Excuse and anybody that is that is aiding and a betting in this system to continue.

I see how we could fucking happen. That's you know what I mean.

Bottom line is everyone who's on healthcare is paying money out of their pocket, getting money taken out of their check every month on it, every month after month, year after year, or a system that if they can find an out to let you die, they will.

You know, that's the harsh reality here.

And you know, like you said, John it you know, when we were talking earlier today, I was like, you know, when I was between jobs, one of the big motivators for me to get a new job so I can get back on health insurance. I was like, I need to get back on health insurance. God forbid, a medical emergency happen. Happened to me, I might fuck around and die like that should not be a legitimate concern that people have in a normal functioning society. And something that got brought to light, you know, after this assassination was the fact that U h SEE is being taken to court right now because they're allegations that they implemented an AI algorithm to deny claims at a higher rate than their human claims reviewers were. They were leaving it up to algorithms to sentence people to death because.

Human beings weren't comfortable enough doing it.

Yeah, this shit is just so cold and callous, bro.

It's just like I said, it's a system where we pump all us working class folks, pump all this money into it month after month, and if they can find it out to let us die, they will will.

The one thing to go back to. Fuck Andrew Schultz. I don't even know if this is appropriate to say in this spot, But having navigated for myself, for my wife, for our children, for my brother, and for my dad, having negotiated the healthcare system with some fairly high level stuff, the only people reliably that we were ever able to count on in those situations to be human and to say call this number, not the number they gave you. Call this number was black women. That's about any industry that's out.

If you talking about black women, my nigga is fuck you forever, point blank forever standing on that ship the fuck you talking about?

All Right?

I knew we were gonna end on like a more serious topic, so I saved a better note for us to end the podcast on, which is which is? The chat was asking When we were doing Jackson's hair review, we did not do the hair reveal for Josh.

Run all right, see what happened.

So I'm just thinking straight up, I got the haircut, I'm gonna show it.

I'm out like I'm just stalling a little bit because I wanted to keep the curls, Like I I the whole point was like, my hair got really curly, and I wanted to keep the curls.

You wanted the procerly on top.

Yeah, I went to a barber. I never want to just situations like I'm not around my barber. And I showed him the picture that I showed everybody. And when it got to the point where he did the fade. After he did that, he went to the top and he's like, do you want me to trim off the top?

He said, trim. I thought trim was a little and ended up being most of it.

So I have a.

Haircut that doesn't really show all the curls.

Man, he hated on the curls. It's like a nigga when they cut your waves out of your hair.

Bro, Yeah, pretty much, but it's not that you know what I'm saying.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah for sure, yeah yeah yeah yeah. Also, what you put in your hair for the for the joint, like, what type of texture? What?


What is this? This?

There's nothing right now, I have no say.

What texture do you have because there's there's there's curl cream you could put in your ship.

He doesn't know, he doesn't know. He doesn't know.

Oh, you don't know.

I always cut my hair short to a black woman.

Listen, this is through, Okay, this is this is the advice that I have for Josh because this is when Vinnie's hair gets cut too short. And I told Josh we could pull curls out of his hair when it's that length. But it's a leaving conditioner curler called BedHead. I'm sure there's other products like if that's the one we use. And the most important thing that shar taught me was not to use your palms, but to use your fingers. Because you use your palms, you can flatten it down. If you use your fingers are working through. You'll be surprised how curly your hair at that length could get. John uses a cream. We use the pumper because I'm an idiot.

We use a little shave moisture joint. It's for kids, you know what I mean?

But like, yeah, so it really gets the curls out, moisturizes the fuck out of her hair, you feel me. I get the comb her hair every morning, so I get to see the change. You know, I love the baby girl hair, you know what I'm saying. But like I get to see the change like that, that's the one is one of the daughter because I wanted to always wanted to be the one where you know, like you know, so I could wanted to braid and all that. Ship rather doesn't trust me completely yet, but we getting there. I did it one time and she sucked with himself. I just calmed every morning. I calmb every morning. I'm the person that she does the stoles.

I did Vinnie's. I did Vinnie in Maya's hair because I'm I have the morning duty, so I did their hair every day for forever. Vinnie's old enough now to do it himself. But I was joking with Josh and said, I'm so glad we get to participate with you on your ethnic hair journey.

Oh wow, I'm excited. I'm ready.

That's what.

That's what that's.

Hand. It was like, we're gonna figure it out.

I've never had this haircut before. I don't see yourself.

Yeah, yeah, you look you look it looks good. I like it, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, you know how like when your hair is long as ship or like I know it, it situates your face, your features, your head shaped, you know what I mean.

So yeah, does cha? Congratulations, my boy? Thank you. The Chad says, Josh looks handsome.

The Chad says, the barber did him a little dirty, but that it looks good still that yeah, he looks like.

I can see that.

The director.

You do look like you can. You do look like you could be You do look like you could be a little Politiesian right now, though actually I get that you're like right in the cross section of a lot of different non white ethnicities right now.

I'm like, I'm a whole bunch of things.

So yeah, I love Nay.

All right, that's all the time we got. We'll be back, I assume on Sunday we will get uh, we'll get word out of y'all on all that soon.

That was filling.

Bye bye

The volume.

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