Jason and Mike react to MIKAL BRIDGES game-winning bucket for the Knicks at the buzzer. The guys debate if there is a legit landing spot for Russell Wilson. Plus, a silver lining about LeBron James injury!
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Greetings, Welcome inside final hour tonight the Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. Home out live thetirack dot Com studios. Tirac dot com. I'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Ti rack dot com is the way tire buying should be well. If come a long way in the last half hour now mckelibridges, take as many minutes as you want. Off you're upset, nick starters are playing too many minutes. Take as many minutes it's off as you want. Next game. In celebration of three at the buzzer wins it for the Knicks over the Blazers. As the officials tried to give the game look at you. But Bridges, with three seconds left gets the inbounds, hits a three nix win. They escape with a one point victory.
You sound like Chris Collins earlier today when he was talking about the Sweat Lodge. They had the Northwestern Wildcats in with no air conditioning in their hotel.
Was there any five degrees? The conference hates us, But I also you wait your getting You really are getting more. Frank Stanz up every time you do that. The conference hates us. Rocket front off. We gotta get Kaylea Williams. Go get Klea Williams. They said we have to leave. We have to beat the traffic.
I've been told I need to yell more more outrageous thing hot take nonsense. That logic and the cohesive arguments I've been making for years are only gonna get me so far in this business.
What the hell is that supposed to be?
Exactly so what I did immediately after you tweeted about Michael Bridges saying take whatever time you want, I wrote our guy, Rick Buker, who joined us last hours, go see what I deal with.
See what I deal with, and he immediately liked it.
I don't think it was on the page for more than twenty five seconds.
Before I got yeah, yeah, I got here. So there you go. We are a family. But I don't know.
Uh, I can't even relate to people how you reacted to the shot being made because Alex would have to a hit the dump button or just hit a bunch of bleeps.
I'll tell you what.
So I was very barely barely barely, barely, barely, barely barely.
Beat the Blazers, and you lost your mind. Look, the Blazers, led by three officials, nearly pulled the upset of the next Wow. Every play in the last minute was a Was the Blazers going to the free throw line? Well, you were tired and you were reaching. That's what happens when you play heavy minute every fifty to fifty. No, it's going to the Blazer's ridiculu. Let's call the Josh Hart turnover in bounds. Uh a walk, a clear walk. Note, we're gonna go that carry and let the Blazers go to the free throw line. Like, the officials did everything they could in this game to give that game to the Blazers broadcast.
He even did the slow motion replay in that going. Well, what are we gonna call it? It really was like it was I don't I don't know that it was three. I think it might have been. You know, it wasn't even quite the euro step like it was. Wow, that's that's like four steps. But if something else he also turned the blake did the complete carry start again?
Stop, take two steps ridiculous, then start again like that was insane.
We should really hear if they mentioned it in the final call. Uh, you know what, we should hear the final call. Let's hear the final call.
Rebound Brunson Knicks want to push, don't have numbers nor cross.
Over anyway in the paint foul call That block.
By Jamimes Throws who just continues throwing his body at these Laker defenders, and this one's gonna hurt. He fell down hard along the base on his back and now rolling over in team underneath to our left.
Table for one in hell Frostburg. I have your table right here, it's ready to go there. Come on, man, I mean, didn't happen. He's didn't wishing on. I mean, come on, you're gonna sit down at that table. It's gonna be on fire. Your chair is on fire. They're gonna say, would you like water, Yeah, we don't serve that here.
Sorry, you need ten miracles and Jesus to barely beat the Blazers.
Dude, you lost. You lost to the Nets last night. The Nets, the Nets who didn't have KD really good right now, didn't have anybody. You lost to the Nets last night. No, look, and this is look this show's and and look. Bridges has played well since Jalen Brunson's injury. It's not not the greatest of optics that he says, you know, our starters need less minutes, which they do, but he's not the guy to say that. But what we saw tonight. Look the Knicks. Yes, they escape with a win over the Blazers, who were terrible, but this still underscores this is what happens to the Knicks at the end of every game. They rely on Jalen Brunson to it some kind of shot, and the offense goes stagnant, and when they get into the final minute with a five point lead, it's like other teams going into the final minute with a game tied. Because the Knicks they don't have any creative offensive sets for the final ends of games, and they wind up missing four shots. Other teams are able to score because look, the Knicks defense isn't what it was, and like tonight, that's exactly right. The Knicks had a five point lead with forty five seconds left, but even no bruntson no creativity missshots, the Blazer are able to tie the game and send it to overtime. This is why when I think about the Knicks and the playoffs, I go, Yeah, after the first round, you're not gonna close against the Celtics like this, which is who they're gonna wind up getting. You're not gonna close against, or it could be the Cavaliers. You're not gonna close against either team like this? Like what are we doing? You know? Like you have to find some way at the end to run your offense and not just rely on Hey, Jalen brunt is gonna do something. Oh okay, great, And and look, there's not a guy in the league I think that has made more pressure shots in the final minute of games than Jalen Brunson or has led some status. It's either he's made more shots or his plays have led to direct baskets. Nobody's done that more than Brunson this year. And but that's not You're not gonna be to survive like that in the playoffs. And here the Knicks offense is still the same. You figure, okay, no Brunson. Here at the end, they'll go low to cat, they'll fake Nope, Nope, it's bad shots. It's Josh Hart and and and and here, all of a sudden we go to overtime and the same thing. The Knicks have a couple point lead down the stretch. They can't keep the ball in bounds. The official will make a couple of calls, and the Knicks have to rely on the on this three Now, I'm happy as hell. I love the fact they won. I love how they won. It was awesome. But still, the apparently is that the Knicks have are evident and and against against the you know, the the two best teams in the East. That's not going away. You know, well, you.
Don't have any depth the loss of Brunson. We watched it, even in that final minute of the Lakers game. Well, the guy's just looking at each other like, all right, who's supposed to take the shot? I was waiting for you to have an expletive complying out of your mouth right there.
Smith But all of that to say.
Bridges made his statement, or at least that's the word traveling, that he was the guy to stand up and raising it because he's played forty three minutes a night now, Yeah right, with no bruntson, with no bench. Someone had to say it because we watched it in the defense. Forget about the officials for a second. I know you want to make them the focal point, and they certainly are on the metal stand, no question about it. But you see tired legs, and we watched the Knicks over the course of the you know, this is not your defensive Tom Thibodeau work of brilliance that we've become accustomed to. This is you're winning in spite of it. You know they're in spite of their defensive woes. Cat has been exposed. It was time and time again, inasmuch as we can plain and kind to mock at times, you know, the individual efforts of a Luca or Lebron taking defensive steps off. We've seen that from the Nicks a bunch and towards the end of the game, what do you got tired legs? Like, all right, I gotta follow the give, take the fall instead of point defense, like, all right, I'm gonna kind of reach it. Maybe I get the ball, Maybe I don't. We saw that a number of times down the stretch, and you would have torn out whatever hair would have been on your head out. I'll tell you, I think you plucked your eyebrows. I might think he did one of those things you might have like in what was it the Internship they had that nervous guy that kept pulling out his oh eyelashes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm plucking my eyebrows. No to tell you what, I tell you what I did. I was so upset at the officials, and it was upset at Josh Hart who trying to and this is what led to the go ahead basket is that he didn't he brain cramped that I can't run along the baseline and he tried to run along the baseline to endbound the ball and the officials blew the whistle. I'm like, okay, well that's on him. Wellion, but oh count and distance? So mad right, and and I'm mad but they allow the walk that the travel and the carry uh okay, And I'm mad. And then I'm telling you and I'm saying they're doing all they can to give them this game. The Blazers getting every single call, They're getting every touch foul down there. It's ridiculous. They keep sending players to the free throw school. Henderson is going to the free throw line like he's Kobe in his prime center the free throw line. I thought I wish I had a blood pressure that moment. And then Bridges makes the show we're watching here in the studio while Martin Wis is doing the update. We're watching the studio. Bridges makes the shot and I'll tell you, I yell, blank you blank you blank you?
Yeah, eat it?
Blank you blank you. That's exact scept I wasn't saying.
I think at the end you got a good shotting but you're double birds.
You're flying around. What the hell? Just that screen was so small? You thought the Blazers won.
Well, yeah, there was a big thing with NBA TV. I do want to bring that up for a second. Why are the Knicks games blacked out in Los Angeles?
Okay, Knick games, they had a problem, like NBA TV had a huge problem with its Uh I know they're not good, but that bad no, no, no, like like and anybody trying to watch games tonight, like you can only watch on the mix because the NBA there was something wrong at least what we had here in our area where there was something wrong with the with the This has never happened before. I've never seen something like this where you can't watch a game. Never. Yeah, where there was only the mix was what we had to watch the games on tonight. That was like half a mix. Yeah yeah, I mean the Knicks. The Knicks were on half of the time. Well, that's the thing. The other game was long over. Well you can't show that's the thing. I know. They can't put it up to a whole full. I know. I know this from from when I did Fantasy Zone at Direct TV, is that once there's only one game left, you can't go to it full. You have to do some kind of about how about you just squeeze it an inch or two on the on the right now. Well now, we've never had that issue ever, but we but tonight, And I don't know how many people dealt with this issue. I think it might have been all but the NBA, you know, trying to watch local games out of markets not you couldn't do it. You had to watch it on the mix. And there's like six games on the screen. Like I can't see this. I'm barely I'm fifty four. I'm trying to go. This is on half of a TV. I'm standing like eight inches in front of the television watching it, Like how do I lie? I'm like rain Man when he gets all the way close up to stufftree. I'm there, you go, Okay, I gotta be this close to see what's happening, because how is this only on half a television? Really was unconscidable? But you got your w and you got your final call. Unless you didn't, it's all good. No, no, we got I mean we're never gonna hear it, obviously, but it's okay. I mean I got, I got to hear Brunsons. It doesn't matter. Frostburg's going to hell. It's okay. Yeah, but hadn't you decided that, like ten what at this point I have time share? Yeah, but I think it's at certain points, like it's like the Statue of Limits. He's got a club set. Okay, Well, look Frostburg, what you did there eight years ago? Now the statue is up and now he's got new things coming. Then, well, I love how the criminal brings up a statue of limited keep keeping him in hell.
He's always looking at the laws and how they are refined and revised through the years.
To make sure at some point he'll be scott free.
Instead, he goes by Jason Smith instead of Mason Frostburg.
You are a sports criminal because you rob at least I'm not a federal criminal. You rob people from what they want to hear every single night.
Really, you think one person out there wanted to hear that nixt final call barely barely, barely, barely, barely barely beating Blazers barely.
How did you did you barely barely barely, barely, barely, barely barely beat the nets last night? Oh no you didn't. You lost? Sorry? Sorry? What say that? How's the view when we when we when we talk about teams losing the teams you really shouldn't lose to Let let's talk about that.
Get bounced in the first round. You're gonna want to call me, hey, hey, second, you know what I'm gonna do?
Hey, get it right? Second round when they get nicks were given.
Four and a half.
Hang a banner for that. We made it to the second round? Yeah, two years in a row absolutely two years old. The second round of the playoffs, that goes right over whatever Taylor Swift batter of they have an MS whoa right, then they take that down and go yeah, error tour selling out. Hey, two straight second round appearances for the Nicks, and the play person to ask for that final call will be the first. Mort and Weiss played it. Mort Weiss got to play in his other art and Wiss entertains the nation. You decided really really okay? All right, just okay, see where we're at. Okay, all right, just make sure that everybody heard Hell for Frostburg gets a little bit bigger right now. But that's a long time. That's okay. You lost to the Nets, It's okay. Just let me know. Am I going to get my mail in hell? You're you're upset? Not if I'm delivering it. No, not if I'm not. You know what you're gonna you know what in hell? You only get Knicks games. You are only going to get in You're only going to take it all back now you're getting on a small screen mini NBA TV two is what You're gonna get Knicks games on exit out bout a Fresca exit swollen down the Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon live the Tyraq dot Com studios. All right, coming up next, we getting back into the big day of NFL free agency. Has Russell Wilson played his final down in the NFL plus potentially good news for the Lakers and Lebron. It's next right here, Jason to Mike Fox Sports Radio. Well, another week, another three pounds I've lost on PhD weight loss. Now over thirty pounds overall, six inches on my waist. PhD clients lose weight the very first week. It's fast, easier and healthier than popular weight loss drugs. No nasty drug side effects, no cravings for junk food, no injuries, no plateaus are failing. You'll learn how to eat, keep the weight off, and look and feel ten to twenty years younger. If you're thinking of losing weight and have questions about anything, give PhD weight loss a call. It's entirely virtual over the phone, designed to be convenient and flexible to your schedule. Just call today to get match with an expert nutritionist. Mike and I check in with our nutritionists every week. They help us out with questions. We have food, we They have been rocks for us this entire process. They will be rocks for you as well. The phone numbers eight six four six four four nineteen hundred. That's eight sixty four six four four nineteen hundred. Tell them Jason and Mike sentha and get two additional weeks free including meals. That's my phdeweightloss dot com my phdweightloss dot com. The phone number again, eight sixty four six four four nineteen hundred. Tell them Jason and Mike sentija two additional weeks free including meals eight six four six four four nineteen hundred eight six four six four four one nine double zeros.
The ball high nixt two have one sign out into heart that the Bridges, but two three for the win top of the.
Key, got it, got it, Michale Bridges, the game won, are at a Horn and the Knicks escape pull on overtime win in Portland.
Jason, you cried fore you got anything to say? Hmm, I guess last time I played that highlight.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
That was from the way back machine. Certainly, Jason, that's back when the Knicks were good.
Ah up, not that far back.
That's got to be back when insanity was going on. Yeah, I dinna need a copy of that. By the way, I got you just pre coach at that Fox Sports Radio the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon live from the tirerack dot Com studios. So that was great. I just got Robin the Landlord Marvin, so be careful saying that too loudly though he just said it.
He shouted to the world and was in the song.
So we are waiting kind of a bit of a letdown today, or I thought for sure. Okay, Monday we had Sam Darnol and Justin Fields. Tuesday we add Daniel Jones. Today we're gonna get Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson. We didn't, okay, if they want. If the NFL had it in the script that the guys are going to sign later in the week, we have one day of wondering. Aaron Rodgers let go today by the Jets officially, still waiting to find the destinations for Rogers and Wilson. Now, we talked about Rogers a few minutes ago in that Hey, look it's the Steelers the Giants. Maybe he's trying to make the Vikings happen. But for Russell Wilson, we have to start coming around to the fact that we may have seen him play his last down in the NFL. Unless he wants to be a backup somewhere. He's okay with that, which doesn't happen to Hall of Fame players, it doesn't. But the only two landing spots for him are the Steelers and the Giants, right, and that's it. Right for Rogers. We're talking maybe a couple of teams, but these are the teams. Everybody else is quarterback in the draft somewhere else. Yeah.
Dulac of the Pittsburgh Post is at says that Steelers have made an offer to Rogers and he's quote mulling it.
Yeah. So for for Wilson, you know, this is it because these are the two teams. If the Steelers wanted Russell Wilson, they would have signed him, right, they would have signed But they're waiting. So you know, as much as Mike Tomlin wants saying, oh, look, how they understand we had to move on from him, So if they wanted him, they would have signed him. The Giants also could have signed him by now, but instead they wanted to make a move form Matthew Stafford. Look elsewhere. If they wanted Russell Wilson, they would go after him, right they would. They would sign him because Aaron Rodgers is not really a fit with the Giants if not talked to him. So where else are you gonna go for your quarterback? If you're the Giants, You're gonna wait until the draft and hope that well at three, we like Shador Sanders enough to take him, because cam Ward will certainly go, and you hope that maybe the quarterbacks don't go one two. But the Giants hold the key to everything, and if the Giants want Russell Wilson, they could have had him. Not only that, they could sign Russell Wilson and still get their quarterback at three if they want to. They could still go Russell Wilson and Shador Sanders at three if he's there, They could go Russell Wilson and coming back around early part of the second round for Jalen Milroe or Quinn Ewers or Kyle McCord or one of those guys. They could do that, so it's not like Russell Wilson and the decision is keeping them from deciding what their quarterback plans are for this year. So again I default to if the Giants wanted Russell Wilson, they would have had him already, they would have signed him. So where does he go? I mean, really and Hall of Fame guys. Look, we talked about it last night. It's sad that Rogers and Russell Wilson are sitting here and the desperation is oozing out of every pore of their body. It's oozing off of Aaron Rodgers mustache. I want to keep playing, dude, you're done. The league is telling you you're done. Okay, let's see. But for Wilson especially, it's I don't know that there's a landing spot for him, and they're it is more heat on Rogers because he closed the season well right the last eight to ten games he was pretty good, whereas Wilson had a few good games in the middle of the season when he took over. Because Mike Tomlin was adamant that I'm going to Russell Wilson as soon as soon as I can, so I'm going he didn't have to, but he still went there. He had a couple of nice games, and then the end of the season was terrible and the Steelers realize we have to move on from him. The rest of the NFL realizes, Okay, maybe Russell Wilson's at the end. So I don't know that there's a fit. I don't know that there's a fit. And when it comes to Wilson, it's the case of other teams are saying, all right, Wilson's near the end? Is he absolutely at the end? Because last year might have been the last death cry he had as a quarterback where he really has fallen off the last couple of years, and maybe that five or six game run in the middle of the season before the bad five or six games at the end, maybe that five or six game run was it. Because we don't want to get him a year too late, which is what's gonna happen getting Rodgers, or too late too But this is about Russell Wilson. So other teams are saying, yeah, if we were confident Wilson was gonna be even the guy from two years ago, we could go in on him for a year and he can be someone that is a bridge quarterback to our next guy. But we're not gonna go to Wilson if he's completely and totally washed and he's that close, because if we only got five or six, if the steel has only got five or six games out of him last year before he fell off the cliff, is he really gonna play better this year? Is he? Or is he just done? And it would be we don't want to get on the hook for a guy who that six game stretch might have been his last shining moment, and now we're gonna get a guy who's completely done.
Yeah, I wonder when it comes down to it, if this Dulac report is there and he's been there forever right, it was him and.
Ed Bouchette for all those years.
But it becomes the question of if if Rogers decides not to whatever else is on the table, whether he's pondering television, podcasting, wandering the earth, maybe the Giants, maybe the Browns, like all of these things, there's still a couple of landing spots. The Russell Wilson thing back to Pittsburgh from a football standpoint just makes too much sense after DK Metcalf comes over, because that's all he does well at this point, has put the ball up for grabs, and what do Pickens and DK do best go get the balls that have been put up for grab downfield. But he can't get along with Arthur Smith and they've already you know, put his his space and he's not going anywhere.
So for Mike Tomlin, what are you doing?
Like there's reports that reaching out to Mason Rudolph to bring him back.
That's the answer. Come on.
So for the Steelers, they gotta get on there. I'm going to Pittsburgh this weekend. I might just show up and start knocking on doors and trying to get some I need some answers. This makes no sense because you get again we talked earlier in the show. Listen to the podcast. It'll go up at the ft the end of the show. Download to give it five stars. We'll love you forever. All of those things with Captain Kirk Cousins kind of being in the mix as well of what are the Falcons.
Really doing there?
Are they just waiting for some market conditions whereby it's easy to move him and they come to some agreement on the money with him another team and they get out of that business. So you got these veteran quarterbacks hanging around. It's the recognize that not everybody's Tom Brady moment for I think a lot of these guys is that you don't get to go out with a glory bound run.
How many guys really get to go out quote on top where they're not physically absolutely decimated which forces them?
John Elway tell me that guy wouldn't have signed up for another year if his body wasn't defeated.
And look, Drew Brees at forty already couldn't throw the balmore than you are. And Brady knew. Brady went out on as much of a high note as possible, and the fact that he did tells me he knew that. Okay, next year is not going to be but it's not going to be him right right there? This is there's version to me. I was this year. Russell Wilson's not going to be him next year. Neither is Aaron Rodgers. And as much as you want to think you can play, I always default to this. I'm the rest of my life. I'm going to say. The story is that you know you can want to play, but you have to understand when when you're at the end, and not only that, when the rest of the league is telling you you're done, right, Because I remember I still remember interviewing Ron Darling a bunch of years ago, and we were talking about retiring. Someone was retiring, and I said, well, how did you know when it was time to retire, he goes, I didn't. I was in spring training. I the hitters told me it was time to retire the hit or that when I couldn't get anybody out, I knew it was time. That shit.
You might feel great physically, you may be in a good mental space thinking, all right, I'm in command, I'm not favoring any part of my body, all those things. But if you got no movement on your ball, right, you're done.
And this is the same philosophy of This is the NFL telling Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson, you guys are done. And maybe because the Steelers want to continue to shop in the bargain basement section of the store for a quarterback because for some reason they didn't want to go in on anybody else this offseat didn't want to invest in the quarterback position, which is crazy. But this is the only reason why even one of them has any heat. But the rest of the rest of the league is saying, yeah, we think you guys are done. We think we think you're finished, and Russell Wilson specifically, we think you're finished. And like I said, it's sad to see this when when these guys who were you know, Rogers going to the Hall of Fame and Russell Wilson's probably gonna be a Hall of Famer too, But to end your career where I'm so desperate to stay in because I don't know how you control the narrative after this, right, I don't know how if you're Russell Wilson you decide I'm retiring, Well, dude, they retire. You weren't getting it, You're getting a gig. How does Aaron Rodgers do it if nobody else wants him? Right? How does he go from I've had a I'm going on a darkness retreat and I'm coming out and telling everybody I'm retired, Like, you can't control the narrative.
Well, but at least with him, like either his agent got du like to say this, Hey, there's an offer out there, because I think this is where we'd start hearing the protestation of these Steelers.
Or now we don't don't have an offer out there.
Again, So if he's legitimately got an offer, he could at least say, you know what, I decided I'm done.
Russell Wilson doesn't have that luxury. But think about the last two years. Both of these guys teams eight a tremendous.
Amount of money to just say, you know what, we're out of that business.
Yeah we saw enough. Now you mentioned the Jerry Dulac report. Let me not that I'm doubting it, but let me just let me just throw this at you. Is that if you were Aaron Rodgers and you have an offer from the Steelers, nobody else is going to sign you. You're not going to get in a better situation, no than quarterback in the Steelers this year because this is a playoff caliber team. You're coming in with Pickins, Metcalf and Jalen Warren's going to be the number one and you know, Gainwell just signed. He's a pretty good third down back. You have a great defense. You know you have it already. If that offers out there, what are you waiting for? Like, what's what are you It's not gonna I fail to see where. Oh I want people to think about what I'm gonna do. I want to hold the NFL hostage. You have an offer from the Steelers. Why have you're not said?
Maybe the NFL decided that they needed to wait more college basket, you know, at games tomorrow. Wait another day, wait for it. Maybe he waits another week. Hey waity, it's March madness. Oh no, we're tipping off now we're not. And they do it like the Joker in the nineteen eighty nine classic Batman, and they shove the mayor off the screen. In this case the NZAA tournament.
Oh, I thought we were gonna get an Aaron Rodgers' announcement, but instead Saint Francis won last night and they're sixteen and seventeen and going to the NCAA tournament. So we need to make sure we talk about that. Oh yeah, let's wait another day, wait a day for for Aaron Rodgers to come to Pittsburgh. Like, really is if if you have that offer, you don't say yes, don't you get a HOGI don't you don't you want to say calling him eight right now? Uh? Don't you don't you seize the narrative and say yes, I'm ready, I'm coming to play this. It would seem that you'd go attack that moment with all the money means. He seemed more more pumped up about staying with the Jets, then it would be going to sign with the Steelers, like come on, man.
Really, I really thought he was gonna go do the whole Broadway tour again, like all of those things when he was on the ferry and coming towards.
Yell Statue would be great.
Gone to Alan Town, a plate Alan Town, come along and listen to all the byes of Broadway.
It's Aaron Rodgers in Hades Town. Where did you hear that song? Where did you hear that song? I was running on the road. I was running up from Hell, and I looked back to see if Russell Wilson was behind me, and I turned around, and there he goes. There it goes, bro.
I don't have to be faster than the bear or the devil.
I just have to be faster than him. Only one of us made it out. I'm sorry for Sephonie. I'm sorry sorry Russell Wilson. I turned around to see if you were there, and they go down Now I would have to say if I'm if I'm making a prediction for tomorrow, if I'm thinking tomorrow, if this is true, Aaron Rodgers signs tomorrow. We hear about Rogers with the Steelers tomorrow, but again, why would you not sign tonight? But okay, is that we get Rogers to the Steelers tomorrow, and then everything comes down to the Giants because the Giants. When I say the Giants control everything, it's not just Russell Wilson, they control quarterbacks in the draft. Because if the Giants signed Russell Wilson, potentially that takes them out from Shador Sanders to three because they have a quarterback for this year, right does it necessarily? But that could take them out for a quarterback at three, which means Shador Sanders would then slide potentially to the Saints at nine. And if the Saints don't take him at nine, because you know they're paying Derek Carf for the next ten years, and suddenly it's the Steelers at twenty one and the Rams at twenty six. So there's the next two teams that could get quarterbacks. So Shador Sanders could fall all the way through the draft. Conversely, if the Giants don't sign Russell Wilson, then they know they're pretty confident they're getting Shador Sanders or cam Ward in the top three in the draft. So you know that because they're not just gonna walk in and say, yeah, we're gonna run it back with Tommy Cutletz again. They can't do that, right, So you know that that if that happens, then you know where the quarterbacks are going in the draft, because there's no way they sit there with a quarterback sitting there at three and say nope, say yeah Travis Hunter instead, wait, really okay, and then they have to tell Shador Sanders, oh, we're gonna have you come sit in the commissioner's room, and you're not gonna have you sit in and show you on camera as you slide down the draft. Now we're gonna wait and go over here. So the Giants really they hold the key to everything. So after the Steelers will be the first domino with Rogers to fall, then it's gonna be Wilson. And I'm telling you the Giants arena in the mix for Aaron Rodgers. They're not. Wilson tried to go visit a couple of teams visited with So it's the So it's really the Giants are nothing for him. So so again, I'd come back to the beginning of the conversation. If the Giants wanted him, they would have had him by Now. Nothing's gonna happen with Aaron Rodgers. That's gonna make them say, oh, now we're gonna go get Russell Wilson.
Well, maybe Shane's kid isn't finished simulating the season.
Oh, you might be Oh, it could be right, Okay, didn't think about that telling where we needed to go get.
Also, everybody might just be afraid when in this scenario, when you talk about the Pittsburgh quarterback slot, they might be afraid of Super Bowl champion Kenny Pickett now running amuck in Cleveland. Since we're at Pittsburgh, just give me thirty seconds real quick. We lost a legend, Craig Wolfley, great football family. He and his brother oh broadcast per years right, part of our Fox family like the Deep Pipes. While he and Tounch Jilkin, who passed away a couple of years ago, they had their show in Pittsburgh. They were the one of the first ever really welcomed me on as a regular contributor there in Pittsburgh. Broke my heart to see the news of his passing away. Circus killer that yeah, Syracuse killer of the You know, the Pittsburgh community did a lot of outreach, a lot.
Of great things.
His brother Ron had announced he was stepping away from the Cardinals later this year, so we you know, good thoughts to the family there, all the y Insers, the Pittsburgh folks, because they were always so welcoming to me that I would be remiss if we were talking about the Steelers this much and not giving a nod to a guy who was part of that team, part of their organization for forty years.
Exit out about a Fresca exit Swallen Dome. Jason Smith Mike Harmon live from the Tirech dot Com studio as well, said my friend coming up next could where possibly be even better news for Lebron James and the Lakers than we thought when it comes to his injury. That and the express pros pro of the week coming your way next right here, Jason.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific.
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon. Our best of podcast goes up in about fifteen minutes iTunes, iHeartRadio app, wherever you get your podcasts from, just search Jason Smith and Mike Harmon, it'll pop up, download rate, subscribe us, give us five stars. We'll love you forever in Hamper and ever again. About fifteen hands from now. Wherever you get your podcasts from, you will find it. Thank you for your support. As always, soble Domination. Smith has good news for the Lakers and Lebron James and a silver lining to his injury. According to many reports, Lebron James returning to Los Angeles for treatment on his groin injury right. Initially was supposed to be out two weeks, and it looks like that's what it's gonna be, and Lebron is back. Everything looks good and potentially he could be back right at the beginning of next week, which would be two weeks. Right, So it's all good news. And when this injury happened, it was all doom and glooming and chicken little running around the sky of Holly. And I saw this, I said, you kinda see this a little bit more with a little bit more nuanced. It's not a serious injury, and we were never from the beginning, this never seemed like it was a serious injury. And Lebron Okay, yes, he's gonna be out a little bit. But number one, was this really a two week injury or was this like it's a week injury. But we can get Lebron a break for a couple of weeks because this is where the silver line and this injury comes in as long as it's not serious. Hey, you're relying on Lebron to get you through to the Western Conference finals at least with Luca this year, and you know he gets banged up and you know he's gonna be running on empty at some point. You I want to postpone that this is the perfect time for two weeks off for him to be able to rest, recuperate and then come back with It's not too close to the end of the season where you're worried about him getting you know that he's rusty, or it's way too long before the playoffs start. No, you're gonna have a nice ten twelve ish games for him to get back in the swing and be ready to go. And let's face it. Do he and Luca really need time to mesh. No, they hit the ground running right away, right, So we told right away, watch watch how well their games mesh with each other. It's gonna be like when the Lakers went and got Paalgasol and they just started winning every single game. So when this injury happened, as long as it wasn't, oh, it's doom and gloom and he's done. I saw this from This is gonna be something that the Lakers. Really it's gonna wind up being a being a boon for them. You know, we're still eight months away from the playoffs so much. Yeah, so this is gonna be a boon for them and a silver lining that. Okay, in the end, it's Lebron getting a two week break. Now, you want to think that it's gonna be with teams that you can handle. Have been able to beat the Nets even without Lebron, you couldn't. You want to try to finish second in the West, but look, anybody can finish anywhere now between two and seven in the West, right, still a long way to go. So as long as Lebron's coming back for the final ten to twelve games, okay, that's me make your final push, and maybe he's gonna be fresher when he returns. This was not the doom and gloom part of the season for the Lakers that we thought it was gonna be. I'm like, Okay, yeah, he'll be back, and watch him come back. I'll make a big book. Watch him come back two weeks after he got hurt. What he'll be back two weeks after he got hurt.
Either that or he comes back early and he's a hero because look out, quickly he heals.
He's a cyborg.
And it's all the hero returns and everything else, you know, part of it. As you made your argument him sitting there going load management. I'll let you choose your own movie gift adventure. Is it the Denzel Denzel Washington sitting back in the chair, go and see when he throws his hand out, Or is it the Leonardo DiCaprio sitting there in the barca lounger with the cigarette pointing at you.
You could choose either one of those.
But all of that to say, you know, for Lebron, it's also a all right, you want Luca, you know, you see how great lucas all right, he gets he gets this rough patch, because remember he did post that on social media. That's what gives us some bad optics in terms of the timing of all of this is Lebron had posted, Hey, we got those six games in eight days, and look at the Juggernauts. We got to play a couple of games against Denver, mixed in there a couple of other heavyweights.
So the out Do you think he was doing that saying oh, no, I'm not saying we're pointing out these games. I'm saying, yeah, I'm not playing these I'm not gonna be here. I'm not gonna be here for that. Tell little Johnny and Little Susie, we're not buying the three hundred levels for this one. I'm booking out. I'll be back after the six.
But then you do the over you know, under promise, over deliver, like you would do for an earnings report. It's like, well, this deal may come in in Q three, maybe a Q four. No, let's push it off. And then it comes in. You're like, oh, we beat our arnings. Look at us, We're heavyweight champions the world in the finance world. Same thing for Lebron two weeks, maybe a little longer want to be careful here. He is back for one of those big nationally televised games playing the hero.
Yeah. Look, the schedule goes like this, right, you're talking about Tomorrow and Friday Milwaukee and Denver back to back, then Sunday against Phoenix, back to back Monday against San Antonio. Right, so you have back to back Thursday, Friday, back to back Sunday Monday, and then back to back Wednesday and Thursday. Yeah. I think after that back to back Wednesday Thursday of next week, that's when we gonna feel pretty good. I feel spry after that. I think Saturday at home against the Bulls, I think that's when that's when you expect to see him pretty good. Spot. I'm expecting that one.
Either that or he's coming back to La early at the urging of JJ Reddick to come have words with you and me.
That could be it as well. That could be it as well. Who hates two more? Does JJ Reddick hate me more? Or does Lebron hate stephen A. Smith Moore? Or does Frostburg hate the next more? I mean that's scene, there's no question that's see. But I'm glad we mentioned the Knicks next year, speaking of the Knicks. If you're ready for a new job, not because the Knicks are looking for people, although maybe they might come. Maybe. If you're looking for a new job, let Express Employment Professionals help expresses hiring for jobs in a variety of industries. Job seekers never pay a fee at Express. Check out expresspros dot com to find your location. That's expresspros dot com. And now it's time for the Express Pros Pro of the week. And well, when you hit a big three with no time left to walk off after you say, hey, coach, everybody on our team needs to play less minutes, well, Mical Bridges, you get to be the pro of the week.
Three point four to go, Bridges holds the ball high next to have one sign out into heart back to Bridges, but two three for the win, top of.
The key, Got it, got it, Michale Bridges.
The game won.
Are at the Horde Heat the Knicks Escape pull on overtime when.
In Portland's Escape Radio Networks on the call, Yeah, okay, Escape, that's skate We No, we don't have Jalen Brunson, how but however we need to. We want to. That's all I know. I know how I missed him. Do you want to go to hell by playing the Brunton injury again? May? Really? Yeah? I talk about Hades Town. That's you, man, That's gonna be all the way down. Great highlight. Now it's not a great highlight. You're celebrated, not for you. You're celebrating a guy getting hurt.
We really did show off our musical theater chops today though, yes we left no stone unturned.
Well, I'm living here in Hades. That's a billy Joelden the music for Hades down.
Well, there is a beach of joh He may miss the playoffs, but he's gonna be fin stop stop stop.
I bet you we see Jalen Brunston before we see Lebron James. How about that? Yeah? Yeah, exit out about a Fresca exit swollen down. The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon, Coming up next my buddy Ben Mallard. This is Fox Sports Radio, Bridges, Yo,