Published Jan 22, 2025, 7:13 AM

UCONN’s Dan Hurley Is fully embracing his villain role. Jason and Mike debate if the Dallas Cowboys head coaching search ultimately ends in disappointment. And it’s been nearly 2,000 DAYS since Joel Embiid has played in Denver!

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Hello, Welcome in side our three D The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon Livethetirack dot com studios tirec dot com and help you get there at unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tiraq dot com is the way tire buying should be. We'll get back into a big story out of the NFL coming up in a couple of minutes. But college basketball tonight. Yukon ranked nineteenth ight. Yukon had had a rough start to the season and then they won a bunch of games in a row. They lost a couple of games, but don't go to Hawaii. The two time defending NCAA champions beat Butler in overtimes the look on Butler's not having a great year. It's more of a slog for Danny Hurley in Yukon this year. But they win eighty to seventy eight. You know, they nearly lost two home games in a row, which we haven't seen from them in a long time. But the reason this game we're talking about this is because this is a game was on FS one tonight and FS one had this and you know, first it was lip breeding and then you could see what he said. Danny Hurley disagrees with an official about a call late in the first half of this game. He goes onto the floor to talk about it with the referee and the official walks away from it, which you know that happens. Official will listen to a coach for a little while, so you see it, all right, I've had enough. I'm walking away. I don't want to give you a technical I don't want to do I'm walking away from this right now. Happens all the time. But this official is walking away from Danny Hurley, who is not happy that the guy's walking away from him. And Danny Hurley says to the referee, said to the official, don't you turn your back on me. I'm the best coach in the blanket sport, and that is just brilliant from Danny Early. Don't turn your back on me. I'm the best coach in the blank and sport. Like the fact that this is This is what I'm gonna say in the middle of a game to get a refory to listen to me. Hey, who turned you back? You don't turn your back on the best coach of the sport. Come on, man, I see Patrick Mahomes. He's the best quarterback. He gets all the calls. Referees come over, they explain stuff to him. They explain stuff to Josh Allen. You don't turn your back on me. I say what I want to say, and you listen to me. It's the best use of me. Don't turn your back on me since Clever Lane. Get it to Apollo Creed in Rocky three.

There you go take it. It's a good in nineteen eighty two. Eighty three got expin millennials. What Rocky three is the yay if they haven't seen it, and then your parents, your grandparents, your aunties, your uncles, and everybody that you know in your life have failed you.

Well, I watched Rocky yet that's a fail. You should be living with someone that's a fail.

No spoilers, that's a catastrophic fail in a giant blind spot in your idea of self perseverance in the American way.

All right, brother, brother exactly, brother, because.

He's in there too, just in case. And I don't know if it's cool to talk about him right now, but either way, the point for Danny Hurley is he becoming a great supervilion villain or you get tired of his act.

No, you know, look, basketball needs the big coaches needs the big personalities, right, and when Jim Beheim retired, he was always the great anti hero people like watching Syracuse. But he was always a big rockstar head coach because you know, he rubbed people the wrong way, right, it was all thing well and it was lying on the sideline, and but he was someone that was interesting and you cared about whether you rooted form or against him. Danny Hurley is kind of Jim Beheim on steroids, because he wins a little bit more and he's a little bit more grating because he is in your face about it. He is always an in your face guy.

Kind of like coach k wagging his finger at you about storming the corner.

Coach K was never a coach. K never appeared rude like Danny Hurley appears. I don't like, I'm just gonna lose my temper and yell like coach K. At least, hey, I'm gonna bring it back here. He he had, He had more of a modicum of Okay, you know, Dad is upset, but everything is fine. He's gonna explain why he's upset to you and and we're gonna learn from this. Whereas Danny Hurley's just Dad's gonna yell at you and then you sit in your room until you figure it out on your own, and then you show up better be ready to play. Like that's kind of like Danny Hurley is much more of an old school coach, where hey, nowadays, you know, negativity doesn't sell, right, And then that's a big thing, you know, going through youth sports, as I have, negativity to players does not sell. It's sold in the seventies and the eighties and the nineties, where a coach would yell at you and brate you to try to turn you into a man and and make sure that you were doing the right thing. That's all but but you know what, kids, and God bless them, kids that aren't down for that now, no, no, no, the minute you you you're overly negative with it, just down for that, they're not they're not down with that. No, they're not down with that. Going back to the eighties, the minute you are negative with a player to the point where they just tune you out forever, it's just WHOA not down with this? And I'm not listening to you anymore? Like negativity doesn't really sell. And it's tough because I still see guys coaching who were my age, you know, in the in their early fifties, and it's yeah, well this is the way I grew up and go, yeah, but that's not the player. Now. You have not you have not been able to identify with the current player and what it's like to be a gen Z or younger athlete, right. You just you just don't get it. You're trying to coach player. This is the way I was coaching. This is the way. I think it's the right way, and maybe the parents like it, and maybe the parents all. I really respect this guy, he really is, but you know what, the kids hate it, and the kids hate it and they they don't show up to practice and they they turn they turn their back on you, and sudden you're like, what, I don't understand, you're a bad kid. You'll understand. You have to be able to connect with the kids. Danny Hurley is more of an old school coach with that, but he is. The thing that sets him makes him different is that, yeah, he'll he'll get into it with you, but he'll also like you heard Casey Jacobs and say, listen, he loves on his guys so much like he he has his guys back and he's not afraid to tell him everything that's going on. But they know in the end, coach has our back and he loves his guys and he gets them in that that frame of mind of playing at the best they possibly can. So in one sense he's kind of a throwback, but in the other sense, okay, he gets what it is to keep the guy kids motivated to play well. They all say great things about him, but yeah, the pub image of him isn't quite isn't quite that great. Uh, it's it's it's a little bit. He's very polarizing and he's a w W E manager from the eighties. Yeah, he is really the persona he's taken on. So you think he's the mouth of the South, he's Jimmy Harks pretty much in all I need is a megaphone and got it. He's got it full on. Yeah, and that in a shrill, high pitch laugh. Yes, well the drill laugh always helps that. If Danny Hurley does that. In his postgame pres commins, yeah we want again tonight, guys, and he gets up and walks away. That might work. I'm the greatest coach. There is the best.

I mean, he steals from everybody else best there is the best there was.

Will be. Don't turn do back on me.

This coach is Oh look him, he's getting edge dated Hanny Hurley.

Oh no, the big right hand. Yeah, it's it's too bad because he's a guy. You know, he almost is a little bit you wanted to say more contemporary thing because I said Beheim bud Hey wins more. He's actually he's actually a lot of geno orient that he's kind of prickly wins a lot. You can't you can't that loook players like him. But boy, you come across really bad sometimes and really and make people want to hate you and root against you, Like it just happens that way. Like for whatever reason, some people have that as part of their their person out of their DNA. So that's maybe more of a little bit more apt comparison for Danny Hurley. But bottom line is, you know, when when March rolls around now and and and college basketball, which is really a one month sport, you know, we're kind of gearing up for you know, once we get out of the Super Bowl and we're getting it, like we go right into March madness. We go to actually go into NFL Free agency, which then goes into March Madness. But uh, you know, that's where I really think that there should be even more attention spent on Danny Hurley because he's one of those coaches that at least cuts through and and and and as you have a big time opinion on him, and and maybe that makes college basketball a little bit less regional than it's become the last few years. No, certainly, you look, we need our characters. And you mentioned Gino.

Uh, Gino's in his John Harbaugh Mike Tomlin phase of hey, why are you gonna win again? I mean really win again? And for for Danny Hurley, yeah, we need a super villain. We need someone to rival him, though, we got to figure out who that is. We gotta start propping someone up here. Smith just salty and they don't win enough. They won tonight, but you beat Wisconsin, but you know they don't win enough to to where we we can make him the uh the super villain?

No, and I can't know and I can't get behind a coach. It seems like every time he's at a press conference he wants to quit, Like is he resigning now? Is there? Wait till tomorrow? Hey our kids?

I mean they look, I'm the hardest working guy in the building. Uh, match my energy. Wait a minute, that seemed to use That used to be a call to action on radio somewhere if I remember.

Yeah. Correct. But the thing is, I don't know that he needs a rival because when you're an anti, when you're a hero, you need a rival, right, Like that's absolute true, Like that's why the Avengers movies do. So we got a Villainy villains are really good. All of the best action movies, all the best superhero movies. I can point to the same thing. How good was the villain? The villain was great and that's why the movie was so good. What's the worst Avengers movie age of Ultron? What Avengers movie had the worst villain age of Ultron? Right, it doesn't matter. There's great one Liners is great, but you need you need a great villain. But when you're an anti hero and and and Danny Hurley is kind of an anti hero where you can root for him, you can root against him. Sometimes you can root form it against him in the same game. Sometimes you can rootform against him from week to week. Like everybody's kind of your friend and your enemy. So it's not like you really need another anti hero. Now he gives me enough, you know, back and forth with rooting for him and rooting against him and rooting form boy, I really want him to win win ga. No, now I want him to lose. Now he's too arrogant for me. I don't like him, like he gives you enough anti hero ness where okay, the really the hero and the villain is him, Like he's part hero, part villain. You need a villain. The true heroes of the game they need villains. They need villains to run around and do different things. So that's why I think, you know, just pay more attention to Danny Hurley and everything'll be good.

No, it's the best man, It's it's you know. I can't wait to see what he what he does the rest of this season. And if they actually lost this game, how much greater would his tirade be? But certainly the anti hero I mean, look, yesterday was the seventeenth anniversary of the premiere of Breaking Bad, So anti heroes. That's it, Danny Hurley, next one get his sitcom coach?

You just lost your second game in a row at home? Like, are you still the best coach in the sport? Like do you really think you're still the best? Store? Or as other people passed you by? Like what what do we think right now? Where are you right now? If I'm doing the rankings right now? Like we're right? Because wow, two losses in a row at Oh, that hasn't happened a long long time.

Has anybody ship passed you this week? If you were to rank yourself against other coaches.

You didn't lose to Brad Stevens and Gordon Hayward Butler, Like you tell you you almost lost one eight and Chi Butler team, So you lost lost the game today? Were you the better coach today. Hey, if you only kept your team's record as far as if you coach better than the other guy, what would your team's record game? What would your record just about not win? The actual score of the game, what would that be? What would would you record be? If I sit down and watch this one with me, You guys won by twelve, But I don't think it was your best effort. I think you got I think the score of this game coaching wise, I think maybe it was a toss up. Maybe maybe you lost by a bucket at the buzzer. You might have lost this one.

I think you were a little on cruise control here. You're loosing the tie. You sat down, you took a drink of water, and don't really think you were giving me your best effort.

So minus two, I'm the best coach in the blood. Turn your back, I'd be the best coach on the blankets. That's it.

I'm sending him a sparkly Hart Layden jacket to wear for a future game and a megaphone.

Exit out bout a Fresca exit swollen dome. The Jason smithser with Mike Carmon live from the tirec dot Com Studios So you wanted to bring you that big story with Danny bigs story, Well, yeah, dude, he's the best bleeping coaching great story he had.

College basketball season started.

He started it tonight by saying, don't turn your back on me. I'm the boss. Isn't today it can support? But isn't today the official start of college basketball at March three? Okay? I just thought since football finally ended, maybe we go right from college college college football to college basketball? We go right? Must be a slow night, uh? Coming up next, we get into a coaching opening in the NFL that is just headed down a road to disappointment. And it's not the Jets. Trust me, it's not the Jets. I mean it could be, but what we're going to talk about, it's not the Jets. That's next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio. Hey, it's a new year. What new goals you have for twenty twenty five? If you want real change, you got to change the what and the how. For change to happen, you need to want it and you need accountability with clear target goals, a plan, simple easy steps, trust and respect. What am I talking about? I'm talking about getting healthier? I started doing PhD weight loss a little bit over a month ago and it is going fantastic. I'm averaging about three and a half lost pounds a week. I feel great. I'm down to size in my pants already, and it is terrific and they are able to keep you accountable. Right, you can talk to expert nutritionists who know you. They know what the best is for you. They give you an easy to follow eating plan. No prep is required, no extreme exercise, no drugs. Eighty percent of your food is shipped to you at no extra costs. They show you how to eat out at restaurants to make it easy. Any place you go to eat, there's something there for you to have for lunch or dinner. It empowers you to be the best version of yourself. So if you're ready, visit myphdweightloss dot com. That's my phdweightloss dot Com. Give them a call and find out if it's for you. It's done entirely over the phone, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. That's my phdweightloss dot Com. When you call today, tell them Jason and Mike sent you from Fox Sports Radio. That's my Phdweight Loss my phdwightloss dot com.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon live for the tirerack dot com studios. Lakers lead the Wizards right now. The Wizards have only won two games all year eighty nine seventy seven early in the fourth quarter. This will be another one of those. The Lakers are back games. Yeah, yeah, you beat the Wizards. They're terrible.

Dude. We'll beat the Knicks ass right now.

Yes, stop just stop. Man, don't want any Nick smoke. You do not want that. Yeah, and you do not come.

On we walk into and rob you.

It's staying at Wow. Wow. That doesn't That doesn't escalated greatly. That's not very nice at all. Uh So we'll keep you updated on this game. Uh the again, it'll be all the Lakers are back back. But yeah, I mean he's got to win against Brooklyn. So two columns, there's a win column and a loss.

Columns Lakers, and then I'm supposed to kiss your ass because you beat Brooklyn.

Come on, now, I'm just saying, who's got a better record, who's a better team, That's all I'm saying.

Who plays a cupcake schedule?

We play? Yes, that's right. Yeah, we play Syracuse four times. We're beating the crap out of that. Yeah. Uh. As the NFL head coaching openings are slowly being settled, right, we saw a couple of decisions today. Kevin O'Connell now gets extended with the Minnesota Vikings, which, thankfully for that is a terrific head coach. Josh McDaniels comes back and probably is now professor emeritus as offensive coordinator of the New England Patriots. Right, he should have that job now for the rest of his life. He certainly did it long enough. He's coming back again. Was the third time he's come back, Like it was not a thematical Yeah he should be he is. He is Professor Offensive Coordinator emeritus of the Patriots, and he really will hold that job the rest of his life. I really be accurate. Well, it's nice to, you know, get the band back together. It's you old.

You know what what you like, what worked, what you trust. He had a vision when you were a player that you watched unfold. Well enough, so I guess you run it back?

Well, I guess why not? Sure, Hey, let's bring everybody back from the odds. Hey, Teddy Bruski will come back and play. He's fifty one, doesn't matter. Let's bring Bruske back. Let's bring all these guys back to play. Why not. What's Charlie Weiss doing? Oh? Hey, Rabel, can you still play? Yeah? I can play and coach? All right, great, get out there going. But what's going on right now with the Dallas Cowboys is just insanely fun because now, according to a couple of different media reports, two different people have emerged as quote favorites for the Cowboys head coaching job. Now it looks like nothing has gone anywhere with Dion Sanders. Over the course of the past week. They exchange ideas, phone calls, conversations with Ian Jerry Jones. But the two guys who have been pointed out by different experts have been Kellen Moore to come back where he remember, he was the OC there and Jerry didn't want him there anymore, so he had to leave. But now you can go back as a head coach. So failing upward and Ian Rappaport today having the report that Brian Schottenheimer is also at the top of the list for the Dallas Cowboys, and I shake my head and I go, this is who you fired Mike McCarthy for. Really, the guy that didn't lose the room, you fire him for? Just someone you're gonna push around, because you're gonna push either of these guys around, and you're gonna hire somebody. I don't believe it. I mean, I don't know if maybe I'm missing one, but I don't think either Kellen Moore or Brian Schottenheimer has been brought in for an interview with any other team, Like I really, I don't think any other team has brought these guys in. But yet here potentially the finalist to be the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. If I'm Mike at Parsons, I'm like, I gotta get out here. I don't want a contract extension for man, I'm just gonna play out in it free agency. I'm not staying here, man, this is ridiculous, Like like Jerry Jones firing Mike McCarthy. You you had, you know. I don't know if he's just waiting for and hoping that if I leave, i'll lead a job open long enough, maybe someone's gonna show up and say, hey, I want to come back and coach. Maybe it's Belichick, I don't know. Maybe it's par Sales. I don't know. Maybe, but if I hold it open long enough, I'll get a phone call and he's just standing in his office going ring ring ring, Come on, ring ring ring. I mean, I I don't get how this is the situation you've got rid of Mike McCarthy for when you need someone who needs to be able to set a new culture, get the most out of the offense they can. You are hiring guys that one you kicked, one guy you kicked out, and one nobody wants them. I don't get it. I really don't. Yeah, it's the curiosity.

I mean, I don't know what the demands were from McCarthy.

There were a lot of rumors about what was at play. Right.

Was it a hard line of longevity for the rest of the staff giving them some assurances that it wouldn't be shaken up in a year's time, or his own longevity that he wanted extra years. All of those things dollars cents control which he knew he wasn't going to rest away, or just looking at it and saying I've run run its course, right, And whether they actually got to that next phase of negotiations. A lot being made out of the Kevin O'Connell extension, right of Well, how contentious was it before they actually got.

Ink to paper. Don't know.

Well, we'll always have to speculate and theorize about how close that came, right the Jay Glazer report that you had inquiries about trades. That's how far apart things were a couple of weeks ago. But with McCarthy leaving, he knows what's in the guts there, right, not only dealing with Jerry and Steven, but also where you're at talent wise Washington. It would appear that they've figured out organizationally, you know, this good base from which to build right, upgrade the O line, maybe get another pass catcher to go along with McLaurin. They found a gem and Brown who stepped forward. Zach Ertz while healthy is a big time playmaker. Maybe you get an upgrade at running back Eckler Robinson, good to great kind of thing you've got the Giants. They've bottomed out, so they're chasing you that they're not far behind as bad as they are. And I think that's the funny part of it, right, Jerry might have laughed at Shane and everything with the hard knocks. Look at these guys, Look how dumb they are. Hey, Jerry, we didn't win very many more games than them, and we have many of the same questions at a quarterback. Who's gonna come back off a huge injury? Remember we had Zeke Elliott. We thought we were gonna coach something out of Yeah, that's where we were, Jerry. So you got that problem. And the Eagles aren't going anywhere, right, they had a down year last year.

We've got to see how hurt Hurts is.

And people may still not believe him in him or Sirianni, but recognizing where you are, and maybe Mike McCarthy just said, you know what, I did what I could did full Vegas Blackjack dealer and just walked away instead of really knuckling down in negotiations.

And guess what, these guys all talk to each other, Jason. So if you had any anybody.

Else that was interested in the job, you don't think they're ringing Mike McCarthy or Jason Garrett when he's done with his NBC hit, Hey Jason, what's it like working there? Well, he gave me a long rope. I was there a long time.

Just ballpark it for me. I don't want you to air any dirty life. Just tell me what it was like. Then. I just want to understand.

You look really happy with a nice, warm glow on TV.


Is that because you've really gotten yourself away from Dallas.

I every time it looks like Dallas is going in a direction where you think, okay, maybe no, no, no, wait, Like I said, if you put Jerry Jones on a bicycle and just said, to win the Super Bowl, you just have to ride this bicycle straight for one hundred yards and there's nothing in the way. It's not like the road is filled with glass. There's no people waiting with pitchforks or anything else. Just ride a nice on a nice even a brand new paved road. Right, Like, are you playing paper Boy? Because didn't all those things happen in paper Boy? People would pitchforks and yeah, tooy, these are people upset that I'm not getting the paper to them. Just drive a night that this it's freshly paved. You can still smell the tar. Oh, it's just drive that bike, just ride it straight down the road. Yeah, we got it's all good for you. We got people along the way to help you. We got people that give you water everything else. And he would find a way. He'd get right out of the starting gate and he get going about ten yards, and you think things are good. And then you would just start going in circles. And you got going in a circle. He would go up on the curb, he would fall, he would get back on, he wouldn't be able to pedal. The chain would come off. You have to put the chain back on. Then you'd start going. The tire would be flat. You'd stop and pump up the tire. You get back on, and then you do one of those things where you miss the pedal and you scrape your knee and you stop, you put some first anointment on your knee, and by that time it's like, forget it, man, you can't drive this bicycle one hundred yards. That's the cowboys. That's Jerry Jones. And this was a chance of Hey, you fire Mike McCarthy. Okay, there's lots of guys out there, go get him. And no, now it's gonna be Kellim Wore again, Kellen Moore, who was there and the Cowboys said, see you. Or Brian Schottenheimer, who nobody wants is ahead, No, nobode's even talking to. He wasn't even hot for a head coach, and he was the OC of the Jets twelve years ago and they were making the playoffs. I mean, he wasn't even that hot bend. But now, yay, hey he knows a team a little bit. Now he's a guy that Jerry can control. Like cowboys have to just sit here and say what is going on? Man? Like are we trying to win? Or are we trying to or is it just we can win only if Jerry Jones gets all the credit. And everybody comes to that realization at some point. But when you're getting paid a lot of money, what are you gonna do? But like, this is this is how it goes for the Cowboys. They are doomed to just that wheel, that wheel of no matter what we do, we're never gonna get off this. We're just gonna keep going in a cycle of hey, we have enough talent to tease you. And then we're gonna fall on hard times, fire our head coach, bring a new head coach in that's the same thing before, and have the same thing happened once in a while. Our talent will go out. Us get to like ten, eleven or twelve wins. But eventually, after a few years, things are gonna get weird and we're gonna wind up with somebody new. Jerry's gonna pay the wrong guys Like the Cowboy, They're just doomed to continue to write this same chapter. This is thirty five years in counting now for the Cowboys. It's not like this is like a ten year run where hey man, the last decade's been rough. This is like since since the Super Bowl in nineteen ninety five rough for the Cowboys.

Shottenemers worked with ten different franchises in the National Football League, never a head coach. I guess he's been around and he knows these guys, so that's a plus. And just you know, from McCarthy, I mean, are we calling it a firing since it was announced before the contract technically expired, because I don't think he gets paid out that last day From Jerry, I think they just fixed the glitch. But either way, you're now looking at options that were really far down the depth chart. If you went and looked at the initial odds, they would be the field surprise guests along the way. I mean, the Bears got deep uh, and you at least knew all the candidates there. They end up getting Ben Johnson, of course, but all of those guys like, all right, there might be a reason for this and this and this.

I'm not seeing the win here. There's not there. Well, there is no win. There's no not anymore. There's no win. That's the thing the cou They're playing a rig game. How do we win? That's a surprise. There is no win. There are no there are no winner. You can't win. You just you just get to play. You just get to play and and and be part of the conversation. I really I I if I'm the cow, if I'm Dak Prescott, right, as as many questions as people have about me, if I'm Micah Parsons, I'm going, what am I doing? Is it really worth it? Is it really worth it to be here when I'm just going to be doomed to to maybe at some point being good enough to make the play win one game? But that's it because the roster is mismanaged and we don't really have a real GM. I mean, these are not new problems. But at some point the players have to be the ones to say, okay, enough right or it doesn't need to be public, but it needs to be. Hey, this is what needs to happen if we're gonna win. But nobody challenges Jerry Jones. There's nobody in the organization to challenge Jerry Jones. The coach doesn't do it, the players don't do it. At least there's pushback once in a while with other teams and you disagree with the owner. But Jerry Jones got it to a point where hey, we're afraid to even say. No players ever say anything bad about Jerry Jones. No coaches do. But I'll tell you what if one of the players said something, if it was Parsons or Dak or CD Lamb, everybody would listen because Cowboys fans have had it, and Jerry Jones would find himself the most unpopular guy in Dallas. If it came to hey, a player is taking me on, and it's now me versus this guy, everybody's gonna have the player's side if one of the Dallas players, we just have enough guts, one of the stars would have enough guts to say, hey, enough, this is what needs to happen, this is what I see. Things would be better for the Dallas Cowboys. But when you can run unchecked with your power, look at what happened, Look a look at where the Cowboys are right now. They need somebody to stand up and say, I got the guts, I'm not afraid to say this and do it, and it's got And you have to be someone who is confident in where their standing is, someone who is getting paid, someone who is also not afraid if they have to go play someplace else. So that's why it's got to be one of the big name players. But if that happened and the first guy could take on Jerry Jones within the Dallas Cowboys, that's gonna get change because change is not gonna happen from outside. Jerry Jones is not going to listen to anybody criticizing the Cowboys from outside. He's not going to listen to Troy Aikman. It's got to be from inside. Inside. You have to pay attention to it. So if someone had the guts, it would be a that'd be the big thing that could make change for the Dallas County.

He was from Ed Werder's Twitter account going back to December nineteenth, a quote from Micah Parsons, it would be nice to be surrounded by good players. Players are gonna help you win championships. I want to keep as many guys as possible. I want to work with them. And ready, here's the most controversial thing I can say all the things during the course of the year, what did the Bears do one after another that we need a leader, amend we need to very vocal every opportunity they got in front of a camera, on local radio spots, whatever else. And then finally they heard the cacophony of voices and whatever the end pitch was to McCaskey, they approved a thirteen million dollars a year head coaching job for Ben Johnson with no head coaching experience. You actually have to follow the leader, and for the first time in my adult life, the Bears are the leader.

Jerry Jones, congratulations on that. You gotta find, as you always say, find your wins, damn right time, not to find out what's trending in the wide world of sports. A guy who always finds the wins. Well he has to, because you gotta tell us who wins and loses. It's Steve de Saeger with what's trending.

Looks like the Lakers are finding a win at home right now, with four minutes left leading Washington one oh five eighty eight. This would be lost number eleven in a row for the Wizards. It would put their record at six, just eleven. Really, it feels like it should be more to us. Actually, it seems like they haven't since what Halloween.


Actually, six and thirty six would be the Washington record. After tonight, Denver sent Philadelphia to a seventh straight loss, one forty four to one oh nine. Nikola Jokich a triple double in three quarters of work. The Nugget shot sixty one percent from the floor. Good news for six Ers that Paul George did play, missed previous couple of.

Games with a groin.

Entry had nine assists. Portland won at Miami, won sixteen one oh seven for the heat. Guard Tyler Hero was out with a groin. Entry New York a winner at Brooklyn ninety nine ninety five. Karl Anthony Towns twenty five points sixteen rebounds, big comeback at Toronto for the Raptors to beat Orlando one oh nine ninety three, despite twenty six points from Paulo Bencero of Orlando. The Magic had led in the first quarter thirty two to eleven. In late night college basketball, about six minutes left at fifteenth ranked Oregon, the Ducks lead sixty to fifty eight over Washington. Ohio State came back to win at number eleven per due UCLA edge number eighteen Wisconsin. Nineteenth ranked Yukon won in overtime against Butler. Texas beat number twenty two Missouri, and Arizona State won at number twenty three ranked West Virginia. The late game in the NHL goes to Florida five to two at Anaheim. Earlier, Nashville trailed five to one in the second, but it still won seven to five against San Jose. At the Australian Open, Madison Keys of the US took her quarterfinal, as did number two Egos Fiantek into the Baseball Hall of Fame, Echiro Suzuki, C. C. Sabathia, and Billy Wagner. The Vikings gave coach Kevin O'Connell a contract extension. Minnesota went fourteen to four this past season, losing to Detroit two times and the Rams two times. The Patriots are hiring Josh McDaniels as offensive coordinator for new head coach Mike Rabel. New England spoke with McDaniels today. The Jets today talked to Lions defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn again and they're trying to finalize a deal Glenn former Jet reportedly has an offer, and Yes, Dallas interviewed it's offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer for its head coach opening. The Cowboys have already interviewed Kellen Moore, Robert Salla, and Leslie Fraser. By the way, the NFC Championship game is on Fox TV Sunday, three pm Eastern Time, Washington at Philadelphia, Washington, a team that had already won seven in a row by the time at upset Detroit over the weekend in the Divisional round.

Back to you, Thank you, Steve though the Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmon live from the Tirech dot Com Studios. In the last twenty four hours, two NBA teams have gotten absolutely drubbed. Not Cleveland, if I'm a GM. I call both of these teams and ask them about their best player. If they want to trade them, who are they now? It's aid best player that's coming up next Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven pm Fox Sports Radio.

The Jason Smith Show with My best Friend Mike Harmon Livethetirack dot Com studios. And boy, it has not been a last gray twenty four hours for the Golden State Warriors and the Philadelphia seventy six Ers. No, the Warriors get blown out by forty last night at home, but the worst loss the Warriors have had since Rick Barry was playing for the team. And then tonight the Sixers going to Denver and get drubbed one forty four to one oh nine. They are eleven games under five hundred. But not just that. It's another game in Denver that Joel Embiid does not play out with nie soreness, he doesn't play in the game. The last time Embiid played a game in Denver was twenty nineteen. Fans are hoping for the big Embiid Jokic matchup. They still don't get it, and don't think the Denver fans didn't know it, because here's the chant that rocked through the second half of this game. They're yelling where's and be at Where's and bet that. I mean, it's a next level bunch of trolling. And look, obviously for Jokic tonight triple double twenty seven to thirteen and ten. He also had forced deals in the block. What do both of these teams have in common. We've talked about this differently at different times of the year for both of these clubs. The Warriors are in a run now where they play. I think eight of their next nine are at home, and Curry even said last night, Hey, we'll know where we stand for the rest of the season after these eight games. Which will you know? Hit you right around the trade deadline. The six Iers are now eleven games under five. They're three games out of the playing round. The season's over. If George point though, yeah, you know, but this is how it goes. Hey, if you're embiid can't play, Paul George is playing every game, right, He's an iron man. Paul George. Look, he's fantastic. If I'm at GM in twenty I call both of these teams. I call the Sixers, and I call the Warriors, and I call the Sixers and I go, what do you want for Joel Embiid? You know it's not working. I know it's not working. He needs a change of scenery. You need to move on from this. How's this gonna work? Because I will gamble back for the next two postseasons and Beid will He'll magically be healthy when he goes to another team because you know what's done, and you know it's done here in Philadelphia with Joel Embiid. So what do you want to move on from? We can move money around. Let's do it. I'll go in for Embiid for the next two postseasons. I also call the Warriors and say, look, you guys aren't going anywhere. Is Steph ready to move to come play for a championship because he knows if he wants to win, the next two seasons are probably his best. Hey, next two postseasons are awesome. I'm sure he wants to come back and finish with the Warriors. You're not any closer to winning at all. You can help set the team up Steph is not a selfish superstar. Does he really want to play when things aren't going well and they're going in a different direction, when you can barely make the playing round every year? And I call the w and I grease the skids on getting Steph Curry to think, Hey, if I really want to win again because I like winning, right, all you had to do is watch him win the gold medal all by himself at the end of the fourth quarter of the championship game, and go he should get all the gold medals. I call the Warriors and say, what's it gonna take. What's it gonna take for Steph Curry? Yes he's older. We'll set you up. And honestly, both of these teams have to listen because the Sixers need to move on easily, because hey, you got a guy that you're just waiting for this to end. He can't get on the court. Is he motivated to get on the court. Is he gonna be in shape? Is he gonna be out of shape? You need to start anew But for the Warriors, at least, okay, Steph is playing at a high level. But still this is more about Steph Curry going guys. I want to win again, And I mean, do you really want to be that one town superstar your whole career to the point where you give away the last five or seven years of your career because you're not gonna win. Is it really worth it? So those two five I call the Sixers, I call the Wars and say what do you want for these guys? And I grease his kids try to make one of these things happen. No, I like that.

You can keep Embiid though I want no part of it, because as soon as he's unhappy again, what's his incentive to play really well? Like he's he's already taken all the incoming from Philadelphia and he didn't even spell the name of the football team wrong, so you see all that.

Comes with it.

I end up going and seeing if I can get Tyrese MAXI, Hey, can I release you of.

The best guy on your roster.

It's a bigger price because with Embiid, I mean you basically have to get the Sixers to agree to pay off everything or it's a no go. I need like nine hundred but we got to make the salaries matchup, so we get to that fun game.

In that process, the step thing.

You saw the photo and a little video of him and Jason Tatum, and then Steve Kerr kind of trying to listen in, like, what are they talking about?

What's going on? Dude? You got to get out of here. That's terrible.

I was doing some lilip reading for you there in that drumming. And then you had the third story, which is the ongoing saga Jimmy Butler because he was wearing some really cool Phoenix Sun's kicks tonight in their loss to Portland. Oh sure, hey, let me show you lost to Portland. No, Tyler hero, but yeah, lost to Portland.

Hey, guys, question real quick, what do you got frost Perk? Was Todd Gurley still on the Rams the last time, Joelane? But you played in Denver?

Oh, hang on, I will throw twenty nineteen. I'm gonna say, yes he was on the Rams. Mike, Yeah, yeah, sure.

You both cheated.

No, how did I cheat? You asked within a second.

Unless I may Queen alive the last time, Joel embiid.

Oh tweet, Yes, the Queen was still alive in twenty nineteen. Yes, Queen was still alive.

This game is rigged.

Queen Well she's not.

James Harden is still a rocket.

Oh wow, Oh.

I can't keep track of as many Dallians. I'm gonna say, no, he was not a rocket. I'm gonna oh, really was Justin Herbert in the NFL? The last time, Joelle.

Keep my quarterbacks?

Oh it's been a long time. I mean, what was the last time Justin you have? That wasn't it was twenty nineteen?

Only two thousand days?

How many days hasn't been since? And plated days?

I saw one one tweet that had him with a running with the black and white nuggets of the seventies.

Look, we'll have more on these trade topics and a big story out of Major League Baseball coming up next. Right here, Jason, Mike, this is Fox Sports Radio.

The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon

Jason Smith and Mike Harmon bring their extensive experience in sports talk entertainment to late ni 
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