Jason and Mike welcome in NFL Insider Jason La Canfrora to talk all things Playoffs and Coaching Carousel. What's more embarrassing for MLB? The Mayor of Philadelphia Cherelle Parker misspells Eagles. And we reflect on this year’s Baseball Hall of Fame Class!
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Hello, Welcome inside, Happy Tuesday, The Jason Smith Show with my base friend Mike Harmon.
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Tire buying should be. Well the Hall of Fame call today, Mike Hart. I gotta tell you the first thing I did when I found out that Eachiro, Suzuki, Eiro, cc Sabathia, Billy Wagner, Metsio get into the Hall of Fame. And the big topic right away, obviously, is Eachiro is one vote away from being unanimous, which who didn't vote for Eachiro? I mean, come on, first thing I did was I texted Rob Parker. I said, dude, you voted for each Hero, right? He texted me back loll of course. I said, you should tell everybody it was you, even though it think just going to tell everybody it was you, because if you if I put that out on social media, said hey, I got a feeling Rob Parker was the guy who didn't vote for you. That would take off. People go, oh, look at that. He works with him, he knows him. He would say Rob Parker didn't vote for Eachiro. I could absolutely have made that happen.
It would be the greatest heal turn that you could possibly take.
And that's why you know there is an account that is a Mets beat rioter that claims to be the guy, but we haven't been able to corroborate that. But to be able to be the one to go out and say, yeah, full heel, I'm gonna be that guy.
Remember all those years ago the Shaquille O'Neill vote unanimous, but one there was Fred Hickman.
Was it not? So?
I mean, you know you've got you've got circumstances in the past, and then.
Well defend it. Right, if you want to defend it, have at it.
If it's just you don't think the guy and anybody should ever go in you know, unanimous, or you don't like the first ballad idea because guys in the past weren't unanimous.
Get over yourself. For one h two it's a museum U three.
Uh they you cost him this guy, I mean, that's an extra inscription. Man, that's an extra hundred bucks of signature for the rest of his life. Unanimous. Now, now here's the thing. Now here's here's what's come out in the last hour. Because as soon as I saw, of course the Mets are going to keep each.
From the right from a unanimous all of vabe the Mets.
Now, according to this bio on Twitter, and it seems I'm saying this seems legit. There's a guy named Mark Gooden who says he's a senior VP beat writer for the National Inquirer. Three times POLLUTU and all this stuff. Hall of Fame voter says didn't vote for Eachiro. So he actually has that in his profile that he didn't vote for Eachiro. So this is out there and and and you know, and it looks like that's who it's signed by. When when you see some of the some of the ballots that are out there, that looks like that's who signed it and printed his name.
So I don't know, you know.
I mean, he actually says on his Twitter account, I'm the senior beat writer. I didn't vote for eachiro. So I mean he's starting to wear it, I think a little bit. But I you know, I don't know, man, I mean really, I mean, there's been no real confirmation other than this sky's saying it was me.
It was me. I did I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. I did it. That's like the guy that's like the dream cop at.
The end of the TV show where the person just comes in and confesses and says, yeah, I did it.
Well, tell us why. Okay, I'll tell you why.
All the things you're never supposed to do, right, don't don't admit anything, don't tell the plane does not Only.
Am I gonna admit I'll tell you why I did it?
Yeah, you want me to write it down and make a statement, Sure, I'll unburden myself.
So, I mean, it seems like this is who it is. But I mean, uh, but just this whole, this whole, this.
Whole stink of hey, Mets guy keeping each room for the Hall of.
Fame, we're getting in unanimously.
I'm like, really, each row is a guy you voted for, for good, for U, for Rivera. Right, you couldn't, Mets guy couldn't keep Rivera from getting unanius.
No, no, no no, but we're gonna have We're gonna.
Not vote for each row on here, which I mean, come on, man, I mean seriously, the guy had two hundred hits every year's first ten years in the majors.
He didn't get to the major till he was twenty seven.
Right, he may have been the great Him, Him and Ricky Henderson are probably the greatest top of the lineup hitters that I have ever seen in my life. I don't think anybody's gonna dispute that from you. He was terrific defensively as well. I don't know what you want three thousand hits if he has a full major league career, right, if he's somehow able to come over from Japan early and I gotta wait, you gotta play and get posted. We see this now with Sasaki and Young Modo last year. But if he was able to come over when he was twenty two, right, let's see he comes over when he's twenty seven and he gets two hundred hits a year. Let's just let's just go conservative and say, Okay, two hundred hits a year for him from the age of twenty two to twenty seven. He's probably breaking Pete Rose's hit record. He's probably he's probably topping forty two fifty six. But no, no, no, I'm not voting. I'm not voting for each Heiro on thet I just won't. I mean, I mean I did to vote for Chase Utley, right, Like, I mean, what'd you do? Like how'd you treat this? I don't understand, Like, like, who are you voting for.
On this ballot? Ahead of each Eero Sazo? Yeah? Was anybody else get voted for ahead of each row?
It is interesting because he's followed by a bunch of baseball writers. National Inquirer not in right inquir is the tabloid Inquirer just says a very real periodical that employs two good and seventeen, a great publication that has two hundred and thirty one followers, So I think it's parody and he's having fun with it and he's creating a heel accounts.
Yeah maybe maybe, But all of that.
To say, there is somebody out there that really should at least give us the rationale as to why you didn't want Ichro Suzuki to be immortalized as the unanimous you know, because we've already got one, right, we got Mariano Rivera, so that's our We've already broken that barrier. And certainly you go back in the annals of history and you had some silliness where we have you know, so many guys that didn't vote for Maze or go back to the inaugural class didn't vote for Babe Ruth. So plenty of precedents of stupidity about pettiness amongst writers.
Yeah, because here because it's the National Inquir not the nationally No.
That's Inquire. Look at what their bio says on their Twitter account.
Yeah, and it says employer of Mark Gooden, who is who has owned this? So it's like, what the hell is it really like Batman? Occasionally I do update it there. I mean, just got to keep people guessing. I don't want to give the true identity. But here's the thing, like, like, like is this if you find out it's somebody else and this is a you know, it's a satirical account and everything else you find this out, like what do.
You you know what?
Like, like does it ever go away that, oh, Mets guy didn't vote for each your oat right, Because that's the first thing you hear, right, Mets guy didn't vote for guys like Mike Puma who've covered the Mets for a long time.
They're gonna get you didn't vote for each your o Puma. No, not me. I didn't do it. I didn't No, that's right.
Yeah, it's it's now always going to be Mets guy, salty Mets guys.
Guy who voted for Chase Utley. Yeah, yeah, I mean I I don't understand. I mean, one guy on his ballot.
Here's the other thing, like, like you have to you have to cover baseball for a long time. You gonna do a lot of things to be able to vote for the Hall of Fame. Like I really, I mean, I can't believe we haven't gotten more on this story outside of this guy saying it was me it was me. I'm looking for attention, Like, I can't believe we haven't gotten that. Like, I think this guy is legit, you know, for whatever this is, whatever he does, But is this a real publication?
What is he?
Is he really right? Is he telling the truth about what he's doing? Like, I think the guy is legit, but what he does and actually having a vote.
Like who knows? Man? I mean, who knows well?
The Baseball Writers' Association of America. I mean it's ballot number two fifty five was the one from twenty twenty one that he posted up there. So, uh, same thing here, let's look at the ballot. Yeah, but is it his bat off a film? It's cut off to where you don't have a number on this one. Yeah, because then you'dn't be able to corroborate and they'd be able to just say, well, this was turned in by and registered to X, you know what I mean. So, whether this is legit or not, it makes for great fodder because now it's the great mystery. We could do this as well, you know, a a podcast of all the great travesties in voting history for different awards and systems.
Oh, Fred Hickman not voting for Shack right when he was going to be unanimous MVP and Fred Hickman voted for Alan ivers and I remember it his MVP ceremony, Shack said, I want to thank everybody for this, even a guy who didn't vote for me, like he had fun with it going. I could have been unanimous at no. No, no, I'm voting for Alan Iverson for MVP. I mean, the bottom line is somebody didn't vote for no matter how cut it up, right, Like, what's worse for Major League Baseball that somebody who you know, if if it's a parody account and somebody had a real vote and didn't vote for him, or is it just somebody who covered the game for a long time and doesn't feel like each Ro's a Hall of Famer. That's like lose lose because either you have the hey, you're not really taking care of your house where some kind of parody account or whoever it is is going to come in and vote and you allow them to have a vote, or oh yeah, you actually employ someone that doesn't think each Rosuzuki is a Hall of Famer.
Well you're already.
I don't know, I don't know what the worst one is I don't know. And again I keep want to put out there. I'm just gonna keep telling people it was Rob Parker. I'm just gonna keep No.
That's good. But I mean you've got to we've got.
This with the when we used to have the balloting for you know, the college football you know coaches Paul Hey, uh, sid filled this out. Okay, cool, Uh, but it's attributed to the coach. Or you've got Heisman voters, or in baseball for the Hall of Fame, people that haven't been on the beat forever, their legacy plays. They may not watch a game in a month, but they're voting on the Hall of Fame. Hell, you got guys that profess to watch all the time. It's like, all right, who is their league? Nah, I got nothing for you. So it's it's unfortunately, it's a necessary evil unless you want to go to full on veteran Paul players and change up how you're doing that, Like they have those committees. Once you're off the ballot altogether, right and you're ten years alive. But in the interim, yeah, you got to clean up your house because one way or another, this is making a laughing stock of your process, not because someone didn't put eachro on, but I may put your name on it. The old j Moore when he was with us here at Fox Sport's radio, that was that was to drop you to here a hundred times in a prof.
Try put some respect on it, and that puts, you know, absolutely late. I think Jane Moore got d' Angela Russell traded. I guarantee it. I guarantee that was the guy.
He probably had the final say, waved his finger and made it so. But but legitimately it's the all right, we want to know, like more curious at this point.
Yeah, it's who it is.
But give me some sort of rationale of why other than just because I didn't want to. Yeah, I mean, I don't know, hiding behind some parody clients. I don't know what I really I don't know what's works for baseball. If hey, we're not taking care of our own house and we let some crazy you know, get in here and not vote for Eatro or oh no, no, the guys we trust implicitly one of our guys didn't vote for each Like, I don't know.
I don't know any of the game. I don't know like I'm trying to think, like if I had a big fan.
I got a bunch of kids, right, I have a bunch of kids, and let's say one of my kids gets busted for stealing a mailbox.
Right in theory, right, let's.
Like father like son. Yeah, like apple doesn't fall.
Too far from the tree. Right, Let's say one of my kids gets busted.
Right, has Zoe ever been called to the principal's office? You know, the backpack full of knickknacks and a sort of chotchkes.
No her friends, But boy, I stole mailboxes. I got license plates in my backpack.
What do you need?
It's like, like, what's words if I had a big fan, Like he said, Okay, one of your kids is but god stole a mailbox? Oh my god, I told my kids. I told that story. What was really funny one night? Like what I wanted to be Hey, the kid who's always in trouble that you would kind of expect it from, and boy, I really needed to keep a better eye on the kid or the kid who's got all the straight a's.
That I trusted.
Hey, Hey, it's our shining example going to get a scholarship to college, Like like like, what's more, what's more embarrassing? Which kid stealing, the stealing the mailbox in line would be more embarrassing.
I gotta think it's I gotta think it's worse for I don't know, I don't know.
No, it's it's be because now you got two delinquents. Yeah no, but but I'm but I'm just thinking that, actually, and what did that guy get away with all the other years before he finally got caught?
But where's the other you were had a close eye on him. He was only getting so far.
Dad, Let me, Dad, let me tell you this, this whole mailbox saying that's the that's the tip of the iceberg.
Don't wait, hip deep in, don't ask me what you don't want to know.
Remember when I asked, asked our next door neighbor, I wanted a little extra closet space.
Yeah, he actually built a false wall here. Watch this.
I just feel like he'd be sitting there like McConaughey in the first season of True Detective is making the things with the beer cans and talking about Dora Lang and all that. What's going on here? Time is a flat circle? What do you tell telling me? What do you did you did you vote for eachro or not? I don't understand.
It's so great, but it's it's just a great mythology that now em and hs from this. And if I'm Rob Parker or one of the other nine million voters or whatever the number of visual number is at this point, I think that's Heisman voters. I would want an answer. I would want the Writers' Association of America to follow up on this again. Uh as much of why didn't someone vote for Intro? As a do we have a problem in our system where a guy on a parody account.
Who might have been legit at one point I don't.
Know right exactly, like yeah, like that he kept a vote and now he's made he's clowning us all.
I don't know.
It's like this, It's like the spy TV shows. Is it worse that that that the the assassin is evading the the or is it worse that there's a mole from inside?
Like like what's worse? Like we can't get the guy like then he.
Got through our writing process and he's now already.
He's so smart he's eliminating everybody.
We can't get Eddie Redmain or oh we actually have somebody working against.
The fact that you got someone called the Jackal? Is that really all you're trying to do? Whitname?
Why did we play the Jackal song by Ronnie Jordan? Coming back, Tyson will find that in a couple of minutes, it's the Jackal Exit out about a Fresca exit swollen down the Jason Smith Show of the Mike Arment Live the tirec dot com.
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Well, we'll have more baseball on the way.
We'll break down the rest of the Hall of Fame and just why you have to just shrug your shoulders and say Hall of Fame is what it is. But coming up next all the big news from the NFL. It's a Jason Locke in for a Tuesday, Special time, special day for him. As we take a look at everything going on, Are we really going to see an upset in the conference championship games this weekend?
Are we ever going to see the Cowboys hire a head coach.
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Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
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Visit my phdweightloss dot com. That's my phdweightloss dot com. When you contact them, tell them Jason and Mike from Fox Sports Radio cents be healthy again, PhD weight Loss. What was starting to see some coaches get retained. Kevin O'Connell agree to a multi year extension with the Vikings. Today, Josh McDaniels is coming back to the Patriots as offensive coordinator, but the Cowboys still don't have a head coach.
Oh what's next?
So the best way to break that down? I love Ai Jerry Jones. We head the Hotline. Welcome inside. Longtime friend of the show Odyssey one O five seven the fan in Baltimore, Washington Post NFL insider Jason lock and For he's on Twitter at Jason lock and For. I can confirm Jason lock and For was not the person who did not vote for Eachiro for the Hall of Fame today, James want to get that out there, I don't want if he's asking you about.
That, yeah, not me, not me. I mean he kind of figured one person or a couple of people would do it though, right, I mean, just seems to be the times we're living it all.
Right, So we're talking the head coaching situations here. Yeah, okay, we thought Kevin O'Connell would get his contract extension. Here comes Josh McDaniels back with the Patriots. The Cowboys seem like they're gonna choose between Kellen Moore and Brian Shott. I mean, tell me, tell me, Jerry Jones, tell me, tell me, tell me. This is not who Jerry Jones fired Mike McCarthy for Jay.
I won't believe it until I say it. That just seems like such an incredible cop out all the way around, and not that he's not capable of it, because again, he just wants something he can sell, or just something he can push around, something that will provide no pushback, something of an empty vessel that he can coach the team through. And boy, either of those HighRes would be just that. I mean, he didn't walk Kellen Moore running his offense anymore, you know, seemingly ten minutes ago and nobody's wanting shot. And when they've had him running it, they've generally decided, you know, within a season or two later, that yeah, that's not for us. And then the what kind of staffs are those two are going to put together? Like, I don't know, man, Look this is this is these are feastoms and if you know, the guy running that village wants to do something that seemingly no sound football person would do, there's no way to stop them. So I I part of me, the common sense part of me, is like, some of this is just travel and some of this is just grandstanding. And then if beyond ride General white Horse, it's going to be even more. You know, look at us, I fool they all, but I don't know, man, like like I don't know, my god, Yeah, good luck, good luck.
Held down.
They make the big splash Jason as they go, and they get Ben Johnson in reported thirteen million dollars a year. The hard knocks they did with the Bear stunk. I want to see the inner workings of this and the pitch they made to McCaskey to spend the money.
Yeah, look, they they've got the quarterback. He knows that Demons, you know, pretty well for preparing to face them twice a year. He also knows the best team in the division really well for leading their offense the past a few years. So it makes a lot of sense in that regard. He was going to take a job this year. He changed agents a while back, and you know, I think his mindset had changed a little bit, and this was he was taking, in all likelihood a job whether you know, if they won a Super Bowl or you know, went out the first round. So I don't think there is an influence at all by how the season ended. This is already headed towards that track. And you know, his representation, Rick Smith put together that thing in Detroit. Nobody wanted to go to Detroit coming out of the dregs of you know, Matt Patricia and all that and nobody's won in Detroit forever, and nobody took Detroit seriously and Ben Johnson was part of a thing there that turned Detroit around. So I have serious reservation about Ryan Poles as the general manager. But Ryan Poles is the guy to be able to build that offensive line out the way it needs to be built. And we'll see how long you know that part of the marriage last. I would think Ryan Poles, you know, better have one hell of an offseason because if they don't, how are you going to let him keep picking players for this young head coach. I just don't think that's going to happen. So, you know, good luck with this free agent class is not all lot out there, so they're gonna have to draft, well, they're gonna have to manipulate the draft board and maybe move around a little bit. We'll see. But you know, if you're Ben Johnson and you don't want to deal with the chaos and craziness of the Jets, sorry, and you don't want to go to New Orleans where they're in salary cap hell, and they've got to gut that thing still, And even though it's you know, a somewhat weak division, there's not great talent there, and there's no real great easy road to a quarterback Jacksonville. They've been trying to hire him there for you know whatever, they've wanted him in the past. Like, I just I don't think he wants anything to do with that situation. And the Raiders don't have a road to a quarterback. So yeah, if you were going to take one this time around of the ones that are out there, that's a pretty good that's a pretty good one to take, I think.
Jason looking for our guest Jason Smith, Mike Harmon lifrom the tirec dot Com Studios. All right, speaking of now off season, I can only imagine what the last thirty six hours have been for you in Baltimore.
Is it all Lamar's fault? Is it all Mark Andrews's fault? Like, like, what's what's not all Lamar's fault?
Yeah, I mean I don't know. You'd have to be on a different planet to think of you.
No, I mean, what what.
Are people saying? No, no, no, Like, what are people saying all Lamar can't come through? Is it all Mark Andrews dropped the ball?
Like? What is it?
What is it there?
Well, I mean I think it is. It's it's just sort of consternation and confusion. Like the defense which last year, not in twenty twenty four, but the twenty twenty two season, you know, became the first in NFL history to lead the league and points allowed, fact takeaways in Lamar, Like in Lamar Jackson's playoff history, they created two turnovers. Like so we can talk about early in Lamar's career when he turned it over, but they have created two turnovers and the entirety of his playoff existence. But how is that, like, how is it possible? Like that just seems somewhat impossible. And Lamar, whose first half wasn't is you know, wasn't an ideal back in half was unbelievable. But Lamar has two turnovers for the first time in the AFC Championship game less, and he does it all in the first half of the game. And again, he hadn't done it to the Chiefs game a year ago. It's just it's hard to secure. Mark Andrews has been one of their most productive offensive players in the regular season in the history of their organization. He's been a joke in the playoffs. And it's not just this game I mean, you can look at any metric to evaluate him regular season to postseason. He's not the same guy. Got a twenty percent drop rate in the playoffs, like he's got a five percent to operate in the regular season. He's never had a playoff touchdown, and he was a huge player at the first game where he went over fifty yards receiving with Lamar in a playoff game, and nobody's going to remember that. They remember, you know, the two drops in the fumble. So I think it's it's trying to make extensive of all that of why a team an average seven point three yards of play pulled Josh Allen one hundred and forty seven total yards and four point six yards of play as an offense, produced one hundred and fifty yards more than the other team on the road in average conditions and still lose. It's it's it's, you know, it's kind of tough to sort out. It's another game where they didn't run the ball in the ways that a lot of people thought they would have should have, and they didn't run it ultimately with the volume that a lot of people would say they should have. Lamar's legs not being activated at all not a single design run for Lamar. Pretty bizarre. And so you know, they're really good at finding ways to lose in the playoffs and they're not good enough for finding ways to win.
So when we talk again next week, Jason Locking for Washington Post one five seven the Fan, Aaron Baltimore, who are we talking about for two weeks and what storyline?
As are we following to the Super Bowl?
I mean, Patch Mahomes is sixteen and three in the playoffs, so I'm not betting against team, you know, And are the Bills going to turn them over three times? Because I'm old enough to remember like around week nine when Patrick Mahonmes was leading the league and in a substance, and I don't be unthrown one. They haven't turn the ball over, I don't think since that game against the Bill, So I don't think they're handing this away. That's that's not what they do. And that build defense, to me, is really reliant on takeaways. And if the safeties are beat up, mean Baltimore had throw the ball and Minogle field all they wanted. They were split in the safeties and you know Raps banged up the nickel guys banged up now. I don't know, man, I don't think they're beating the Chiefs and Narrowhead and then the other one. Man, I'm not betting against Jade Daniels. I mean, I think they can come out with an early game script Tyke, an early lead, get the Eagles a little, get those fans. Maybe turning on the Eagles forced the Eagle to open it up more than maybe they'd like, Like they'd just like to run, say Calon Barkley thirty times and you know, win that game nine to seven if they had to. But I don't think that's going to be in the cards. I don't know. I mean, I know that they're not going to blitz like crazy like they did the last game against Washington. But still that happened this kid through five touchdown passes on Vick Fangio's defense. You can't tell me that's not in their heads a little bit, you Knowing to Kobe Dean, I think is going to be a problem. How healthy is Jayden Hurks? Like, are we buying that he's anything close to healthy? Like, I don't think he is. You're gonna practice this week? I'm not so sure, you know, And you got Kuna Mitchell banged up. You got a few people all banged up in their secondary. I take Washington, and I know rookie quarterbacks in the Agency championship game. This is where the story generally dies. But I'm not sure that this kid done fucking conventional wisdom yet.
Are at Jason Lock and for that is at Jason Lock and fora honesty Washington Post one five seven, Jay as always, buddy, appreciated man.
We'll talk to you next week after the games.
My pleasure. Guys have a great week.
Be good, buddy, Thank you. There goes Jason Lock, and for I mean, yeah, I mean look that he's right in that. Okay, Hey, Usually this is.
Where we get to the end of a big run, a magical run, because one great player against a great team. Generally, the great team wins. Except that absolutely did not happen last week, and the Lions are home because of it, and especially now this week.
Like I felt worse about the Commanders last week than they do about them this week.
Right, I felt worse about them last week. They're not gonna win. They win now I feel really good about them because the Eagles have all kinds of injury issues and yeah, Jalen Hurts.
I mean he couldn't move like he could. Well, you saw his post the last last quarter of that game. Yeah, his post game.
He's standing there with Saquon Barkley and they ask him about his injury.
He goes, I finished the game.
Yeah, oh, and like very tersely like asks something else.
Yeah, I finished the game.
I mean, okay, who I mean, get get ready. Roja Warski could be coming in for a lot of this game.
Oh, nicely done. Hurts gets hurt.
Man, I'll tell you, uh the Jason Smiths TIREC dot Com Studios. Oh yeah, yeah, I think you. I mean I think he's actually going to be at the stadium and if something happens, they give him the ghost sign and he gets and he gets dressed, and he goes down and comes out of the half time.
Hey everybody, how you doing? Hey it's good.
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Time Now to find out what's trending in the wide world of sports. From special Delivery Steve de Sager. He was the one who told the voter, hey, don't vote for each your row. I really don't think he's a Hall of Famer.
My goodness, who was that for?
Credl As I mentioned on the previous show, I'm a fan of the sport and of.
The Hall of Fame.
You owe me an explanation for this, whoever you are.
But again, I want to say, as soon as it came out, I texted Rob Parker, you voted for Eachiro.
He told me, yes, so it's not Rob Parker.
Rob's big thing was how are people voting for ten people for.
The Hall of Fame.
Yeah, you know, legitimate question, some misselle. You're allowed to, You are allowed to. Some voters today literally said out loud. They did so only because they don't want some guys to fall off the ballot, you know, getting under five percent of the vote, they would automatically be off and not considered for the ten years. And they want more discussion at least on Brian McCann or whoever into the Baseball Hall of Fame, Eachiro Suzuki, C C. Sabathia, and Billy Wagner. Eachiro, mostly with the Mariners, had over three thousand hits in the majors and five hundred stolen bases, and won a Gold Glove in each of his first ten years with Seattle.
The vote was.
Nearly unanimous for Suzuki, just one vote. Shy.
By the way, you were talking football, nor key quarterback has ever started a Super Bowl. Rookies in conference championships are zero and five, including the losses by Mark Sanchez and Joe Flacco years ago, or brock Perty who started and of course didn't finish in recent years. But the NFC Championship game is on Fox TV Sunday, three pm Eastern Time, Washington at Philadelphia. They split their two regular season meetings. Then the AFC title game is Sunday, Buffalo at Kansas City. The Bills beat him in Buffalo in November. The Chiefs have been nine to zero until then. This is their fourth playoff meeting in the last five years, and Kansas City's won the previous three. The New York Jets talked to Lions defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn again today and they're trying to finalize the deal. Glenn reportedly has an offer. Dallas interviewed its offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer for its head coach opening. The Cowboys have already interviewed Kellen Moore, Robert Sola, Leslie Fraser. The Patriots are hiring Josh mcdaniels's offensive coordinator for new head coach Mike Frable. New England spoke with McDaniels today. By the way, New Orleans, due to bad weather, rescheduled its interviews. Temperatures in the twenties there tonight and some snow. New Orleans is going to be hosting the Super Bowl in two and a half weeks, but they say the temperature will be in the sixties in a couple weeks when the media and the teams are there for the week. The Vikings today gave head coach Kevin O'Connell a contract extension to the NBA. The Knicks won ninety nine to ninety five at Brooklyn Karl Anthony Towns twenty five points sixteen rebounds. At Toronto, the Raptors were trailing Orlando in the first quarter thirty two to eleven, and still came back to beat the Magic one oh nine ninety three, Portland one at Miami won sixteen one oh seven. There are two late games. Lakers about to start at home against Washington, which has lost ten in a row. Philadelphia has dropped six in a row, and they're losing at Denver early second quarter forty three to thirty two. Kawhi Leonard of the Clippers will miss a second straight game tomorrow due to his bad knee, and Cleveland's Evan Mobley will miss a third straight game tomorrow due to a strained calf. Upset in college hoops, so High State came back to win at number eleven Perdue Yukon in overtime edge Butler. Currently, Arizona State is leading at number twenty three West Virginia forty eight to forty eight minutes to go back to you.
Thank you, Steve O.
The Jason Smith Shore with Mike Carmon live from the tyrack dot com studios.
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Get off the air.
Now, coming up next audio you absolutely have to hear. I have a sneaking suspicion. We're gonna be playing this audio for the rest of this week, and if a certain NFL team wins on Sunday, we're gonna play it all the way to the super Bowl. That's coming up next right here, Jason and Mike Fox.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific.
No aged, you know, I was watching television the other day and like some of you, didn't know how to spell eagles, Like that was a whole thing, you know, spell eagles.
I could do Fox Sports.
Radio The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon live from the Tirech dot Com Studios. Now, we had a pesky thing called the National Championship Game last night in college football. But now we're free and clear. We're free and clear of that now, so now we can get into the ongoing drama that is the Mayor of Philadelphia.
This weekend.
It's something that really just started to hit the mainstream in the last few hours. The mayor of Philadelphia, Charrelle Parker, is catching a lot of heat for a pregame Eagles chant she tried to lead before their playoff game on Sunday.
Now she has since.
You sort of apologize for this, but you know what, in case you don't know what we're talking about, let's just play it for you.
Here is the mayor trying to.
Psych up the crowd a little press conference, get everybody ready for the Eagles game on Sunday against the Rams.
Hey, ow g.
Yes, let's go birds, guys.
Let's give her one more chance.
Oh do you hear the chance to spell Eagles?
This is the mayor of Philadelphia. I understand another chance of that because the e E A g l e S is the Eagles chant, right, like j E T s e A g l e s Eagles.
Let let's give another chance to get it right?
Hey, ow g.
Yes, really e L G S l e s that's el ghisles. Yeah. I don't understand.
Now, hang on, she's worse because at least Tony Richardson got the first three letters, like.
He just went back the landing.
Okay, yeah, but okay, j E T. It should just be an S. But he did j E T. He got the first three letters right. She bifted on the second letter, she said. But someone might have held up the card that had the wrong thing. I mean, there might have been a bunch of people, you know, like you know when you paint your chest and you're supposed to stand in a line and you do it wrong. Maybe that was what happened here. I need a starting at people in the crowd. I need a card to tell me how to spell eagles. I need a card.
No, no, no, no, I'm not saying you do when I'm saying maybe you were looking out and that's how they were arranged. They had two l's even supposed to be an A, and he just think somewhere and he screwed me.
Instead of with somebody holding an E, someone holding an A, someone holding a G, it was someone holding an E. Then the next person was holding an L, the next person holding a G. The next person was an S, then an L. Then even if they get the letters around and they spelled gales or something like that, all I know is she took me.
She did have a fun comment today she was She actually talked about today in the Pursuit of perfection as part of a press conference. She goes, Listen, you know none of us are ever perfect. That we keep striving for it, which is great. Here I know about perfection since I didn't know how to spell eagles the other day. But like this is this is like this is not like E G, L E S. Like, oh, I forgot the A. You know, this is not all I forgot the A or I forgot the G. You know, I missed a letter. This was I'm putting the wrong letter second, and then I'm putting an S as the fourth.
That are like, I'm missing like four letters here in this.
I'm like them of the slots you can get eagles wrong, She's missing like four of them.
Hey man, this is like being on Wheel of Fortune and you just have something in your head and it goes haywire.
Oh yeah, yeah, look at this epic fail on Wheel of Fortune from last night.
This is way worse, way worse.
You know, because part of.
Me thinks, not that I'm conspiracy theory, but boy, you know, every week or so to keep Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy in the news, like there's a story of somebody who really has a horrible epic fail to a question that gains a lot of viral attention.
I wonder, is that one hundred percent legit?
Is that biffing of it? One hundred percent legit? Really?
All like this happens and it helps to prove the point Frostbert was trying to make over a week ago.
Oh yeah, Jason thought I was kidding.
Oh no, no, no, she said nobody could read her, right, No, I for you, clearly she needs to read that AJ Brown book or maybe to start a little bit you know, lower at that.
But uh, you're count in thet.
Yeah, because maybe because Elgasis that sounds like a name from Lord of the Rings, like like we're going to Els battling Sniegel in a prequel.
Yes, I think you just invoked something from the Fifth Ring of Hell E lgs E. I mean, I don't know how that's what you get out of it. I know it was really cold.
I remembers that I have the shit, But wow, man, I don't, I don't. I don't understand it. I don't understand how that's how you bif that so badly.
You know, we all have a bad day, bad moment, and maybe it got some extra attention for some of the pet projects because.
People were curious how she would respond.
So she Kensington Wellness Court and help get some extra attention on it.
So you think maybe, like when when people throw a bad first pitch on purpose because it will gain notoriety on the you look at the first pitch that Fitty sent through, look at the first pitch so and so through, because people will pay more attention if you just throw it over the middle of the plate.
So you think maybe this could have been a This could.
Have been one of those Hey, I misspelled it, but I didn't really Now you're paying attention to me. I don't want to talk about rolling out my economic plan for twenty twenty five.
No, no, no, I think it was terribly botched. And then what do you do when you break a few eggs? Hey, we got any extra vegetables in there and maybe some leftover.
Ham or something, so I can make an omelet. Yeah, that's what we did here.
Hey, I've got to go to this unveiling of a wellness court and thing to help support people, maybe get treatment instead of jail. Here's how I can make the best out of my bad situation.
Hashtag Elgas's Elvis ilgussag elgis.
She's holding Karen Bosses beers.
Oh, I tell you Frostburg off the top row. Coming up next, something we haven't gotten to about today's Hall of Fame voting and wife. You didn't get in the Hall of Fame as a baseball player, don't worry, You'll get in at some point.
That's next. Fox.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon live from the Tirerach dot Com studio. Personally, if you're overweight, you know what I knew it and if you're sick of it, schedule your consultation call today with PhD weight Loss. Visit my phdweightloss dot Com. That's my phdweightloss dot Com. When you talk to him, tell him Jason and Mike cent you're from Fox Sports Radio. Be healthy again, that's PhD weight Loss. Well, as we get we'll get back to spelling later on, because I think there is something to be said for spelling.
Uh. Major League Baseball Hall of Fame.
The new class was announced today to no one's surprise, Echiro Suzuki uh nearly unanimous. Of course, one person didn't vote for eachro for some unknown reason.
It was not Rob Parker.
Said, now it could be a parody account that that voted somehow voted for that didn't.
He works for just.
It's pretty good. Uh So we talked about that.
We'll get into that part of it a little bit later because something a little bit different here about the class this year. That's Etro Suzuki, c CE, Sabbathia and Billy Wagner.
And you know, every.
Time, you know, the Hall of Fame comes up and it's and it's you know, here's Echiro and Sabbathia and Billy Wagner.
Like it makes me.
It makes me feel old, like not many things in sports make me feel old when I think about seeing someone's career fully as an adult that is fifteen eighteen years not like, hey, I remember when I was a teenager and I watched airk career and you know they finished when I was thirty whatever, But like when I'm a full blown thirty year old man and somebody else's career starts, and I remember it because I was a full blown adult, the whole thing. And then we talk about their Hall of Fame. It makes you feel old, like, yeah, and I remember everything about.
This guy's career.
It's not like these hazy memories like when you're eleven or twelve and I thought this happened. I thought he had a home run that was seven hundred and fifty feet turned out to be three hundred and seventy five feet.
But this is, yeah, Echiro Sabbathia Wagner.
These are all guys like my entire life, my thirties and forties. Yeah, watch them play and watch them play really well for a long time. Not much makes me feel old.
This does, Yeah.
Oftentimes for me, it's when the juniors start finding their way into the game, right, because we're old enough that we watched a lot of Ken Griffy Senior right in his final years of playing in Cincinnati and New York and whatever. And then Junior came along, had his whole career. He's been retired forever.
And in the Hall of Fame forever.
So you have that, But now you see so many like college football players. We watched their dad's whole careers and now there they are on.
The grid iron.
But yes, certainly I remember Inchro coming to the US, What a huge deal that was he and Albert Poolholes in two thousand and one. And we're watching these guys iss grown ass men, one you know, who'd been played seven years in the pros in Japan, the other coming into Saint Louis and and watching them just dominate from day one, watching their whole careers and thinking about how long I mean, that's five years retired. Like I'm looking at the class for next year, I'm.
Like, that guy's been on a baseball for five years already. Come on.
Yeah, But you know, but the thing is about the class, because this is another big thing is that you know, you hear we make fun with Jason Cole and call you vote for the Hall of Very Good, the Hall of very Good. But quite honestly, when I look at the careers of CC Sabbathia and Billy Wagner Metsio, uh, these guys were really really good, but were.
They Hall of famers?
Like like you have to be it's gotta not even be a debate, like you're a Hall of Famer or you're not. And you know, I don't mean from the perspective of all Billy Wagner on the ballot for the last time and now finally he gets in. Look, I get the I get the business of baseball, and that, hey, it looks bad if we have a Hall of Fame year where only one person goes in, it looks like it looks like it's a bad year for baseball. We had nobody else worthy of the Hall of Fame. So and that's a big benefit for a lot of players who have a borderline resume, is that, hey, the sport wants to make it look like they have they have stars everywhere, So we want to put it at least three people every year, at least five. We want to get as many people in as possible every single year. Can't have a year where just one person gets in, because honestly, eachiro this should have been he gets in, right, you know, And and and the fact that Sabbathia and Billy Wagner get in. Look, CC Sabathia was really good. And now to get in the Hall of Fame, it's pretty simple. If you're really good over a long period of time, and the end of your career, isn't I'm falling off the cliff.
And sometimes doesn't matter if.
You do that, because you look get a guy like Miguel Cabrera, like the guy last ten years, but it doesn't matter.
Look at what he did the first ten years. But like you know, like CC Sabathia.
He played nineteen years in the league, you know, twelve years as e er was over three and a half. You know, forget about the wins. The wins are impressive. Two hundred and fifty one wins is pretty good. But he was always a pretty good pitcher. And you know, he had a good three three or four year run without Sabathia is really really good. But the vast majority of the time he was an average pitcher. I'm not even asking to have an ERA under three, you know, or under under two or so you have an ERA minuscuitant. No, but his ERA was over three and a half, twelve out of his eighteen years. Like Billy Wagner, you know, hardly ever led the league in anything. You know, as a closer. Yes, he's got great over the course of his career, and his batting average that he's given up to opponents over players who have faced over eight hundred batters in their careers the lowest, Like you can look anywhere for stats to find something, but when you look at the over the longevity of nineteen years, two hundred and fifty one wins, like, that's what's gonna do it because baseball to stop being able to put in a lot of stars because of the Mitchell era and all the steroids. A Rod's not getting in, Bonds, Clemens, all these guys aren't getting in. But they want to be able to keep putting players in because they want to make it look like we still have great players. So you're in a sweet spot now where there's a lot of players the last few years where I go, yeah, I don't know, man, Yeah, I mean really they were. But when I see somebody, oh, you're a seven time All Star, well, you played nineteen years, so that meant like every three years you were good enough to be an All Star, Like like that's something that stands out to me. And and you know, Casey's a mathean his and his era three out of every four years was was pedestrian at best, which is really what you want to measure a picture by.
What's his era? Look like, what's his whip look like?
And his whip wasn't great, right, his whip was up near one point three for his career, But he won games, he was popular, and he was someone that was able to stay in the rotation for a long time. Even at the end of his career when as era is up over four, he's still able to make twenty five to thirty starts for the Yankees, and and and that's that's a big thing, just being healthy enough to make all these starts and to not be to the point where, hey, your record is two and nine, your e RA is five and a half, you're either in the bullpen or releasing you. All you have to do is just be okay enough to not get a demotion and and and you can wind up putting together.
Enough stay that's a point nineteen years. Here's where we vote people in.
I mean, so that's really what it's become is that if you're if you're really good for a long period of time, of course you're going to assimilate numbers and it's gonna look like you had an amazing career. But when when I can sit back and make an argument against you, just as much as I can make one for you. Are you really a Hall of Famer? Like I said, I can make the argument against cacuz A Bathea, I just did. I make the one against Billy Wagner.
I just did.
Can't make one against Eachiro Suzuki hall of Famer. I mean it should be that easy. Yes, there are borderline cases here and there where it's, man, I don't know this. This guy did this and then like Craig Bgo three thousand hits? Did he really have? Was he really that great? Or was he just able to play second base for a long time and be able to hold the job down and be steady?
Like, is that a Hall of Fame? Like that's a big debate, right, that's about three thousand. It's is a magic number, man, you know, but I mean when I can make an argument for you, I get that the new thing is just Hey, if I play fifteen eighteen years, you know, seven or eight All Star appearances and I don't wind up, you know, falling off the cliff at the end. Yeah, I got a great case for the Hall of Fame, and I'll probably make it because because Baseball wants to put players in, they hit it. They hit the skids with the steroid era, and they went through a lot of years where people didn't get in. So now I want to just keep putting players and keep putting players in, even players now who didn't get in that are the big senior candidates like Dave Parker got in, And I was like when I were Dave Parker when I was a kid, I was so scared. Dave Parker was such a big, fearsome hitter, and he had a great army.
They would play the Cobras thing every time he came up.
You'll get Dave Parker's numbers, Like, Okay, Dave Parker was good, but he played a long time, and he was able to hold onto his starting job and play one hundred and forty games. And when you can do that, of course you're gonna hit. If you have some kind of talent, you're gonna hit twenty some odd home runs. You're gonna knock in eighty runs or seventy five runs. That's pretty good, but it's not Hall of Fame. But the line has blurred so much to the point where players know, if I just have a really good career for fifteen to eighteen years, and I can just hold on to my job. I can stay healthy and play one hundred and forty games. I got a great shot to get in the Hall of Fame.
Yeah, I mean it's we come back to aggregation.
The whole Mitchell era, right, the Mitchell Report itself seems to be discarded, and it was right.
They said, Hey, we were just trying to get a survey.
But you know, the information got leaked, some got affected, some didn't. Some wag their fingers at Congress and were stat aggregators and later failed tests. And then you have to decide, you know, it was the time, did you hold it against it? You know, some get up on their little soap boxes and keep wagging their fingers. They never gave back the millions they made calling those games and turning a blind eye.
You know when everybody.
Talked about how much more access you had back then.
Yeah, you didn't know what was going on. I guys, I wave at all of.
You as you go through, but you know, and then selectively deciding which guys you like from that era, which you don't.
You know.
Sammy Sosi has now been embraced by the Cubs. Does that mean they'll embrace him back in Major League baseball in the voting, Yeah, probably not Kurt Shilling. You don't like his politics, so you leave him out because he's a guy that his numbers would match up with Sabbathia and all these other guys. Right, So it just becomes at times a bit arbitrary as to how you because.
It's look, it's loaded with scoundrels.
We've always talked about that, and now we get into, you know, aggregation versus domination.
The next on the active players list for pitching for wins, Garrett Coles at one hundred and fifty three wins is two hundred the new threshold for longevity and history and the curiosity for me though Jason comes with the people that are voting for it, like it's one thing that it goes to a committee of former managers and ball players, and they may see a guy's value is different than what's just on the back of the baseball card, like a Dave Parker or a Dick Allen that go in this year versus Billy Wagner's been on that for ten years, and I like Billy Wagger.
I'm happy he gets in. Right, he was like five foot nothing like me. Five He could throw ninety eight miles an hour.
I meant cannon for an arm of longevity, all that stuff, and what eighth all time saves and whatever else like I'll start stumping from Mark Burley while I'm at it, while we're having these conversations. But it's just that idea of when you get to the Veterans Committee in those then I understand all right, now it's you're looking at it through a different lens. But when it's a hey, he's been on the ballot for ten years, it's his last year and he gets in. That's why I raised my hand and go, why'd you come over this year? Why not year nine? Why not your aid? Why did it take all these years to convince you to get to critical mass next year? Is interesting because you look at all the first time ballot guys. Here's not a single one of those guys that you say, all right, he's getting in. No, suddenly Andrew Jones gonna pop over.
Yeah, the threat that's why the vote, that's why the voting gets to be the way it is, because what it should be is that listen, do we really have that many players that should make the Hall of Fame?
You know what?
Vote for the top three this year. Right, vote for your top three, and then see how many people don't get in. But no, vote for your top ten, and maybe somebody can get enough votes whatever, and you can squeak them through. When here's on the thing top ten, you gotta rank him, you gotta rank him, you gotta put.
Them on this list.
And yeah, Andrew Jones will probably wind up getting way more votes because he's close. He might be the Billy Wagner of next year.
He's the guy that if he stopped playing after ten years, he'd be in the Hall of Fame.
But well, those final five years really bad. I mean, it got him over the four hundred homer threshold, but that didn't mean what it did to us twenty five years ago. Now, I mean the four hundred home run club was a big deal. Yeah, sure it well, yeah, five hundred. I mean it was rarefied air. We're talking, you know, and all those guys like it's greatness. And then four hundred became the threshold, and then now.
What is it? Yeah?
I mean, look, Baseball's put in the way they have the voting. They've greased the skids so we can get more people in, right, and and I under I understand what they're doing. It's just very difficult to say, hey, Eachiro and CC Sabbathia and Billy Wagner, like okay, I mean, come on, man, Like there's it's almost like it should be like tiers of the Hall of Fame.
Like it like like Sanders Coach like like like the like.
There should be Hey, there's a top tier Hall of Fame that players like Eachiro get in.
Then it could be the next tier where like C. C.
Sabathia gets in and Billy Wagner gets in, but that top tier for like Rivera and Jeter and you know, and each You're all like that needs to be some sort of thing. Hey, you know, we're we're we're up here now, okay, just so you know, this special wing of the Hall of where we're special Hall of famers. These guys are the Hall of Fame. However you want to do it, because just when you say, oh, wow, you compare Eachro to the two of them, it's like, wow, Okay, there's really no comparison, right, none of them. Neither of them dominated like Eachiro did for the time of his career. Not that they weren't good, but again, it's Hall of fame rights. That's one of the big sayings that I've always prescribed to a Hall of fame, not hall of very good and right hall of fame. It should be easy, it should be an easy thing. But this is what you get when you baseball wants keep putting people in. Just again, play fifteen plus years. Don't lose your job. Stay, stay, stay where you can. Just be solid, and you will put up enough numbers and get credit for.
The Hall of Fame. Well that get us into the Radio Hall of Fame. Make it. Make an all star team every three or four years. You're good. That's all you need to do. Every three or four years. It's fine.