Jason and Mike give you the real reasons Lamar Jackson hasn't played in the Super Bowl yet. Jason and Mike react to Ohio State becoming the first champion of the 12-team College Football Playoff. And Pete Fiutak joins the show for all the big storylines coming off the Natty!
Thanks for listening to the best of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmen podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight from ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon at Fox Sports Radio dot com, or stream us live every night on the iHeartRadio app by searching FSR.
This is the best of the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon on Fox Sports Radio.
Hello, Welcome inside, Happy Monday, the Jason Smith Show with my bass friend Mike Harmon. And I know the National Championship.
Game was over. It was done. We were writing the epitaph for Notre Dame. Not so fast, Jaden.
Greathhouse has just caught a touchdown pass for Notre Dame.
They are set to go for two.
That would make this a two score game with three minutes to go in the third quarter. Ohio State had just continually dominated Notre Dame since the initial drive of the game. Notre Dame is in a shovel pass to love make it thirty one fifteen still a two score game. As much as Ohio State is dominated, Great House striking just like we've seen him do in the postseason earlier. This is now suddenly, thankfully become a game that's not just going to be a slow and steady march towards crowning Ohio State. He catches a nice slant pass, breaks a couple of tackles, a big spin move, and he is off to the races to help make this a game. Still three minutes to go in the third quarter.
Turned and spun and it was shocked there was nobody there to drill him. And it had been the issue for Notre Dame every down after that first drive, that eighteen play drive that started things like, well, all right, we're throwing haymakers right away, Ohio State.
March is right back.
And then Notre Dame could not get a stop out a third down. All right, first down, yeah, great, cool, second second and long cool, all right.
Third down conversion yeah yeah.
And then they finally stopped him on a big third down because well, the wide receiver was wide open and Howard missed him and they had to settle for a field.
Go like, wow, yeah, Will Howard's Will Howard's having a great night tonight. Just think of the night. Kyle McCord would be having if we'll ring oh Man.
Yeah, you guys were the ones that coaxed the greatness out of him.
Yeah, I mean, look, just wait till Kyle McCord goes number one overall. Was even.
It's his fault we lost to Michigan. Look, so thirty one fifteen, still a ways to go for Notre Dame. But they do get back in it. And sometimes games are difficult to break down. Sometimes they're nuanced, sometimes they are Hey, listen, there's more than what we just saw. But this game so far has been pretty simple. Uh, Ohio State is the better team. They have the better roster, they're more talented, They are the better team. Notre Dame is a good team. They're a really good team. They're not at Ohio State's level. This is why we talk about one hundred million dollars roster that Ohio State. I see twenty million dollar roster. I'm like, Dudn't you think they only spend twenty million dollars on this team? Say they spend twenty million dollars in the quarterback position.
Just stop.
What we are seeing, what we have seen so far is just Ohio State is better and they're putting it out there and in a weird way. And I know it's gonna say weird when I say this, Notre Dame's touchdown on the opening drive might have been a great thing for Ohio State because what did I say. My only concern for oheis iiO State was coming into this game that they that the Michigan Ohio State team would show up where Howard makes a couple of mistakes and Chip Kelly and Ryan Day get really conservative and you turn that game into a toss.
We're not going to throw the ball.
We're going to try to control clock and and try to just win this game and just outlast them. That's the only thing I could have seen them losing to Notre Dame for. And the fact that Notre Dame goes down the field and Riley Leonard, who I'm sure ready for an ice bath after that first drive, he goes in for that touchdown. Ohio State knows, no, we need to be aggressive from here on it we're trailing. It was a ten minute drive. We're finally getting the football. Let's go, let's go, let's go three touchdowns to end the first half.
That was it was.
It was I don't know that I'm saying it was the best thing for all has State, but this certainly put the possibility of, hey, we're gonna ease our windings and we're not gonna make mistakes.
Our talent's gonna overwhelm.
Eventually, it took that off the table because I've seen Ryan Day and Chip Kelly do that right Michigan a couple other games.
I've seen them say, hey, we're going.
To back off, throw in the football because Howard's throwing a couple of picks, or for whatever reason, Hey, we really don't don't want to give the game to the other team. And that's what happened against Michigan. They got scared and they got really conservative. And I saw that happening tonight. Notre Dame's really good defense there back seven. We've talked about them, but that first touchdown took that off the table. Took off the table. Hey, well, let's let's let's try to ease things here, Let's run the football, let's established linscreamge.
No, this was man.
We got a answer that was that was ten minutes down our throat. That was always version of the draw all the way down. So that really played into Ohio State and took that off the table, and Ohio State has just been terrific since then. Notre Dame absolutely needed that touchdown to have any kind of make the fourth quarter, make anything look any good here in the next week. Yeah, the hope that was on that first, you know, me selfishly looking at it, not only because I picked Notre Dame like potentially a fool?
Here would you upset by a perfect weekend? Otherwise four and oh this should be a terrible way to be terrible.
I was perfect this week. I was.
If you listened to me, you went undefeated in NFL picks this weekend. Wait a second, as long as well hang on, the Textans are playing, you went undefeated if you listen to me, wait for it. Wait textans are wait for it. Just would you just wait for it? Frostburg?
Just wait?
The Chargers aren't playing either. Okay, you would have been undefeated. If you listen to me this weekend football picks, you would have gone four and oh. All you had to do was listen to me. Yeah, so I had listen and then just go the opposite way of what I just picked. Undefeated, defeated undefeated, or just listen to me.
You did it?
Because you went opposite me. That's the only reason you did what you do. That's what you do.
Yes, you did?
You are you hate you hate my family, my wife's family in Detroit, all right, you hate dan Quinn, but somehow you picked him anyway, So I know that was not what you want to do.
What do you things about dan Quinn?
All the time?
Gave up one hundred and fifty eight Jordan, Here he is in the NFC.
Men, you hate you hate him, you hate my family, and you still win again.
So now I know you.
I tell you we're going to come back on the Lions. For all the trick plays uh and chicanery through the year, you just what just went the opposite It just went the No, it's not true. I just thought I was just right. That would be No, you went the opposite way.
You need to give reasons when when you said I'm going out one of those shows that you said.
Here's a pick. Who do you like? I like the other team? Why? I don't know.
Look, I leave that the homer where they might do that just randomly name a team.
Now you see the thing is I always thought that that would be a great gambling strategy.
Now hear me out on this.
Okay, sure is that if you're a beat and lots of we're all bad gamblers, right, if you're a bad gambler. Now I've had a great hot year picking football games. This was a screeching halt. But like, if you're a bad gambler and you lose money, can you be a great gambler by just saying, Okay, this is what I think for this game, and then just go the opposite, Just bet the opposite.
Would you win? You know what would you win?
You might need would you would you win if that has a small steak and have that over the course of next season.
I'm just saying, like, you know, here's what I think. And instead of that, I'm going the other way. Like when I when I lock in, what do you want? I like this game?
Because I think this is gonna happen, and this is gonna happen. This is gonna happen. Okay, great, are you ready to make your bet?
Give me the other team and that's my bet. Wait, why because I'm going opposite of what I did. I wonder if that's if that can be a successful gambling strategy.
But what's curious right. You know.
On top of that, it's like I had a pretty good year picking against the spread. I can show the documentation off it, but I had no money on the line because it was for giggles. Right, just all right, here's the line, just like the Houston Kansas City game. Well, if you lost on it, then you didn't get the right line because that line was sitting at eight and a half all week long. And then people are like, well, it's nine and a half. It's like if you got any wait, it was nine and a half.
But but that it's always what what did it go off at?
That's always wait, went off at nine and a half? So off, but you might have gotten it early. Yeah, but sobody, But what do you know about talking about the game?
Hey, this is either.
A really devastating win for you, or it's an incredibly devastating loss, or it's an incredible win, or it might not be either.
So you have to pick something. You know, you can't just say hey either it's well, and you can't.
Really is not the specificity of it anyway, because they still quote frown on that. Meanwhile, I'll go one of these Meanwhile, go go to this website, right, now and make your names on the next thing. But the curiosity in this game was would the man demand coverage for Notre Dame be be enough? Right with all the wide receivers, with all of the options that you have. For Ohio State, would they have enough in the secondary? We've lauded the style they've played with all year long for Notre Dame, and the answers no, because there seems to always be an extra man. So like they haven't been able to get pressure up front on Howard clean pocket all day long without bringing an extra guy, and there it's just becomes the Swiss Army Knight and it becomes the right pick your poison? Which guy is Howard gonna single out on a given throw? So yeah, it's it's a game in theory. We'll see if we can get a good fourth quarter here live Live betting got up to twenty four for twenty four and a half.
Really down.
Yeah, so now you're feeling you're feeling okay, I feel a little bit better if you got in there. Yeah, where do we sit right now? First down for Ohio State. They were just faced a third and short. They were able to convert, so they have the football up thirty one fifteen over Notre Dame a minute and a half to go in the third quarter. Look, if Notre Dame is going to win this game, it needs to be goose eggs on the scoreboard for Ohio State the rest of the way. Really, I mean really, Ohio State is one score of any kind away from clinching this game, all right, I mean it could be a safety, could.
Be a rouge, a ruge, could be a rouge.
Right, and kick it off the net comes down, I said, you might have to explain to people what a rouge rouges.
The Canadian football is still going, I mean, if you're.
A but I don't But I don't know how much people are.
Really in tune with the rules of Canadian football.
People don't know the rules of most of the pro games they're watching from the United States.
When do we go for two points? Let me look that up. Oh really, that didn't go. No, it's the.
Blackjack card you buy for ninety nine cents in Vegas.
I mean, you don't figure this out.
So this I mean they need and Ohio State's got the football right now at their own forty yard line. It needs to be goose eggs. If it's goose eggs the rest of the way. Yeah, well, any score thirty four to fifteen, that'll do it. Because you're right now, you're talking about Notre Dame getting two scores and two point conversions and shutting Ohio State out. And that's a really difficult thing. And as I say this, Notre Dame just commits a really bad penalty. Marcus Freeman is ready to throw up on the sideline. It was a second and long for Ohio State. Ohio State throws a screen pass and it doesn't go and wow. One of the defensive linemen takes two full steps and pushes Will Howard, who then plays dead. Well Will Howard, okay, Unlike Patrick Mahomes, Will Howard was actually pushed and fell to the ground. It was an awful penalty. It was two full steps. Obin takes two full steps before he pushes Will Howard, who goes to the ground. It is a fifteen yard penalty. Now a first down for Ohio State on the Notre Dame forty seven yard line, like they're they're one play away from getting the football back. I get your And that's the thing is I get your frustrated. I understand I understand what's been going on all game, and you're losing it. Boy, you just want to put a hint on a guy that's, you know, one pass away from having a perfect day.
I get it, I get it. But when you're two steps away, you can't.
You can't go after him. I mean, you didn't even get a good hit him. So much daylight on him, but you know what I mean, it was a shove. It's like it's not even a good hint. Yeah, but you can't do it.
You can't.
No, No, it's a terrible it's a terrible decision. I'm just saying, like the frustration that you talk about the greatness that we've seen from this Ohio State offensive line taking care of business and running the lot of scrimmage has been there all night long, uh, chunk yardage on run plays and obviously Howard working from a clean pocket.
I get it.
You're frustrated that you haven't gotten there. Guess what, you didn't get there either, because you didn't. It's not like you were one step away and then you drilled him. But if you're gonna take the fifteen yard penalty, you might as well go, you know, get get to the rib cage at that point in stead of a half ass shove.
To where he goes to the ground. But it's plain as day.
I always think, I see what you did right there, plain as days he did. I mean, I always think, well, eventually at some point defensive players are gonna understand, Hey, can't can't go after the quote? Yeah, yeah, no, no, No, it's still gonna happen, Still gonna happen, Still gonna go after.
It's still gonna do it. I know you can't, still gonna do it, but I only touched him up.
Still good enough, Still gonna do it. Wow, Exit out about a Fresca. Exit swollen down the Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmen live from the Tirec dot Com studios. Now you're listening to us now, but did you know that you could also see us. Be sure to check out the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports Radio on YouTube and you'll see a whole bunch of video highlights from our shows, all put up by Elijah, who's hanging out with us getting our videos up there right now. Be sure to subscribe so you always have instant acces to our Fox Sports Radio videos on YouTube. Elijah working very hard, not playing on his phone playing block Blast or Subway Surfer.
He is working very very hard here. Wait what subway surfer? Dude? Really? Subway Surfer is awesome. Subway Subway Surfer and Temple Run are there. You can play him forever? All right?
Subwaysurfers great? Hey, you know you know where it takes place? Where in the subway? Yeah shocker. So coming up next, we'll have more on Ohio State and Notre Dame and headed to the fourth quarter Ohio State driving are they putting the ball away? Plus we get into Lamar Jackson and the conversation that you haven't heard all day that we're going to have about why Lamar Jackson is at home and other quarterbacks and moving on in the playoffs. That's next Jason and Mike Fox. Now, look, I'm not a weather man, but I'll give you my forecast. Snow and ice are coming. It'll make driving a challenge. Thankfully, the experts a tire rack know a thing or two about conquering winter's worst rain, sleet, slush, whatever winter means to you. Ti Iraq has tires that'll elevate traction and breaking and keep you safe, all season tires, all weather tires and if you live where it snows a lot, dedicated winter tires.
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Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
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The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon muchava live from the tirec dot com studios. In an emergency, like during the fires that recently swept through Los Angeles. You want rapid Radios instant pushed Talkualkie talkies for clear national lt coverage and one touch communication, peace of mind for connecting with family in an emergency. Go to rapid Radios dot com now for up to sixty percent off and free shipping. That is up to sixty percent off and free shipping. Well, we were basically another half second away from the National Championship game being over thirty one to fifteen. Ohio State had the lead and they were driving. They had a bad penalty on Notre Dame where Notre Dame took to Obi took two extra steps and hit Will Howard became a first down for Ohio State. Ohio State throws a screen pass that goes for a long game right the Egbuka goes for twenty four yards and falling down like he's falling down it is. It is not even a half se like maybe a quarter of a second away from the game being over, because he's going down around the twenty yard line. Even if Ohio State doesn't get a touchdown, they kick a field goal and that's it. But the ball gets punched out just before his knee hits the ground. And Ohio State gives up the football and Notre Dame gets it again another quarter second away. It was from the game being over, and now Notre Dame is still sort of alive. They are driving as well. That their faced with a fourth down right now, a fourth and five from just inside the thirty five yard line of Ohio State. You could say this is a rubber hit the road play and a game saving play and Riley Leonard's able to complete it for a first down. So here's Notre Dame Greathouse with a big grab again, went in doubt, go to Greathouse. He has had a big game, He's had a big second half. So now Notre Dame has the ball inside the Ohio State twenty yard line down two. Scores out that he touched down two touchdown two. But wow, I mean you're talking about just hold onto the football and the game is likely over, and instead it's punched out and Notre Dame has life.
Me getting ready to hit the ground to punch out another to the long highlight reel of why Peanut Tillman should be going to the Hall of Fame. Former Bear and now federal agent Peanut Tillman.
Uh and do you think Peanut Tillman when he when he when he grabs a guy and when theyre when when he grabs god Red like he does the Peanut.
Poet, he does like whatever's yeah whatever.
The criminal is running away and he grabs him with the left hand on the left shoulder, and the criminal turns and then he punches out whatever. He says. It's a big swipe either when he's stolen his phone, any kind of weapon. I mean it's gone like a big briefcase with the nuclear codes in it or something. Whatever it is, because you know, could be the nuclear football, you know, Peanut Tillmany. You never he punches out the nuclear football. Oh my goodness, it's loose. The nuclear football is loose. Peanut Tialban's falling on it. First striped shirt comes running out. I like this cut and print. There's one for the next movie.
But yeah, moving the ball well once again, because if nothing else, you're you're gonna end up with a field goal. Try at a minimum taking care of the football, of course, but you're also gonna run another three minutes off the clock.
Right. That's the other part is that you.
You shorten the fourth quarter along the way here and now we're looking at a big possession, still a lot that needs to happen, but you're staying there's still a chance. And this game's not over because when we were getting ready to come on air, let's let's be honest about it, like a right national title game, Ohio State, they're loaded, it's done not so fast.
I really a quarter of a second from being over because you see his head clearly, isn't it. But but his knee is maybe I don't know what, not even ten inches from the ground. Not even maybe you can see that it's off the ground. Controversy there, we tell you the truth with all all the calls here, right, the Notre Dame, the bad penalty was a penalty to extend the Ohio State drive. His knee is no more than tended because he's actually falling when he's when he's going trying to go like he's actually falling down. So it's not like he you know, he's hitting, he's like he and he's that close to the ground and the ball is punched out and now here's Notre Dame second and goal inside the ten yard line, trying to cut this Ohio State lead to one score.
All of a sudden, all the Ryan Day haters have gotten back on their computers and they're amending the letters that they'd already been writing.
They're still gonna be upset if somehow Ohio State wins a national championship. You're gonna get maybe not have maybe a good one out of every three Ohio State fans. It's gonna be three Ohigh State fans a lie and say, hey, how do you feel about this? First o Higo State fans gonna say, won the national title, Man, it's awesome. Second one's gonna say, we won the national champion it's awesome. Third one's gonna say, eh, we lost to Michigan. That's gonna be at least that's good base. That's gonna be that. But we lost the Michigan that's great, But we lost the mass.
So that's that's the side of a healthy fan base that you still have to have. Everything else could go go right, but it didn't go one hundred percent right, so you gotta be salty about it.
That's good.
So we'll have more from this game coming up in a bit again, Notre Dame knocking on the door. Steve de Seger will have more in what's trending coming up in a couple of minutes. But look, coming off this huge week in the NFL, so many big storylines to get to, none bigger because we called it. I told your Friday. The storyline I'm looking forward to the most is that the loser of the game between Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson is going to be Oh they're overrated, they stink. Oh they stare it no matter what happens. Oh, they stink, they stink, they stink. Okay, so now obviously the Ravens lose. Mark Andrews drops the two point conversion that would have sent the game to overtime, and now all that's out there, all the boo birds are out there for Lamar Jackson.
Two turnovers in the first half, Marta.
Yeah, it wasn't Lamar Jackson's best game, but still faced with the football, you know, ninety yards from from the end zone, he drives them down for a touchdown, They score, and it's a two point conversion away from tying the game.
Now I want to say two things about this. He did what he was supposed to do.
I got him down there, scored a touchdown through the pass to Mark Andrews, right, and if you want to be mad at Lamar Jackson, oh, go to have the touchdown?
What had the touchdown?
Let me just say this first of all, if that happened, right, even if Mark Andrews catches that ball, Josh Allen's got ninety seconds and two timeouts. Sure, how do you think that's gonna end? All I can say, you think that's well?
And I put this on Twitter because let me help you here, is that your team had given up six points in the second half, and he can.
Said, well, they gave up twenty one in the first half. Yeah, seven of them came after a twenty four yard drive caused by Lamar Jackson.
Yeah, okay, So the assumption, what would you rather have?
Tie ball game?
And this guy's got to go drive them into where bass can kick a field going. Yeah, he's got a big leg, but is it greater than Hey, we have to convert an on side kick?
What is it? Three three point eight percent?
And then we've got to do it, and then I've got to trust Justin Tucker.
Yeah. No, so Mark Andrews, everybody trying to absolve him.
No, no, Well, which is why he doesn't talk to anybody lost the game because that but no, no, no, but we catch it.
But but if he does catch it, it's Josh Allen ninety and I've seen that movie so many.
Times and his look. Nobody's a bigger Josh Allen supporter than I am. But that's been used the last twenty four hours quite a bit to try to Oh.
I mean, we like Mark.
Andrews, great player, good guy from all accounts, one of the shining examples of all that's right with our sporting world.
It's his fault.
No, obviously you should have got and he had the fumblest one to all those. But what I'm saying is that it's not like if he catches that ball, they win the game. Right, if he catches that ball, at best, you're going to overtime. Sure, maybe now you went from having a chance to keep playing to losing, But it's not like we went from winning to losing. You went from okay, now we don't have the football, we're giving it back to them. And the best quarterback outside of the guy on our sideline is you know has but you at least two yards and whereby you don't have one.
But if you have one time out and they can kneel the ball out. But it wasn't. But it wasn't a win or lose. It wasn't a It wasn't a we win or we lose.
Its well, mean time, we have a chance to keep going, right that that's where we at least get to play some more meaningful football. Yeah, as opposed to, Hey, look there's josh Aahen kneeling down. But this is something you haven't heard all day about Lamar Jackson, and it's it's it's the truth. When it comes to how you view him as a quarterback. Is he great? Absolutely? Is he a Hall of Famer? Absolutely? Why can't he get over the hump? Why can't Lamar Jackson get to the super Bowl? I'll tell you because when you're not the best team in your conference, it is hard to get to the super Bowl.
Look at the AFC.
Since Lamar Jackson's come into the league, right, We've had the end of the Patriots dynasty, the Chiefs dynasty one time. And since Lamar's come into the league, has there been a team other than the Chiefs or the Patriots, who were the two best teams in the conference for the last twenty years make it to the super Bowl when the Bengals won in Burrowhead a couple of times is not just me being able to say Burrowhead. You want to go back to the beginning of the two thousands, right, you had the Patriots dynasty, and then you went from the Patriots being the best team for the better part of twenty years, and then the Chiefs took over and they've been to four Super Bowls since the Patriots stopped going. So you're talking about the two best teams in the conference are taking up three quarters to four fifths of all Super Bowl appearances. And when Lamar has been in the league one year, the best team in the AFC didn't make it right because the Chiefs were still better than the Bengals. Bengals were hot Borough wins the game. Mcfeersoon makes the fifty yarder. But when you're not on the best team, it's hard. And a game like yesterday where Lamar Jackson turns the ball over twice in the fridge hasn't done that in what five years? When he doesn't play an A plus level, you're not going to win because the rest of your team is.
Not good enough.
Whereas for the Patriots, hey Brady could have a pedestrian game and guess what, patri find a way to win because their defense is really good.
They'd run the football well. Same thing from the Chiefs.
Hey, Mahomes might not have the best game, but hey, they're gonna be clutching the fourth quarter. The defense is gonna make plays. You couldn't trust the Ravens defense to make plays. The offense is not you know, doesn't have people that can really pick it up. If Lamar Jackson doesn't play well, if you're not on the best team in the conference, it is hard. It's hard. So I'm not making an excuse for him. I'm just saying, look at the reality, right since he's come into the league one time, a team that wasn't the best in the conference made it because the Patriots were the best team when he came into the league. Super Bowl, Super Bowl, Brady leaves the air of the Patriots over. But there's Mahomes, Mahomes, Mahomes, Mahomes, Mahomes. The Chiefs were then the best team. The Ravens have never been the best team in the AFC. Never, And when you're not, look how hard it is to get to the Super Bowl. And so this is why Lamar has not been there.
Has he had really good playoff games, yeah? Has he had okay playoff games, yeah? But the bottom line is, even when he doesn't have an A plus game, you're not gonna win because your team is not that good. That's why Lamar Jackson hasn't gotten to the Super Bowl.
Well. Taking the ball out of Derek Henry's hand seems pretty.
Curious and not giving him an opportunity to continue to sledge hammer in frigid temperatures and to make things a little easier a little more Lamar Jackson design runs. He carried the ball six times in that game. It's much like last year. We questioned a lot of the play calling and decision making by the Baltimore offense and coordinator and they got fired because they didn't run the ball in the second half of that game. In Baltimore radio, I was telling you earlier. I checked in with one of my guys. I go, hey, what's the biggest thing? Goes, well, Harbass sucks. Lamar can't get over. I go how far before he actually got to Andrew? He goes, you know, if folks just kind of pushed that off to the side, it was everything else and what we couldn't do. So the question for John Harbaugh is does he deserve the same treatment as Mike Tomlin at this point in terms of winning a big one.
But we'll put that aside for a moment.
Yeah, Look, you had an opportunity to go and win this game, right. You gave up a couple of bad turnovers early, the interception whatever the miscommunication was, the air mailing it that he did, and the fumble is just a terrible play on a million levels to set up a short field. But all in you still had the puncher's chance and your defense did its job against Josh Allen. Josh Allen did not look like a superhero yesterday. Right, one hundred and twenty seven passing yards, he finishes just twenty rushing yards. But he's a bulldozer in the red zone, so you're able to do that. I still question that third down call and then kicking the field goal, but that and to even open the door, but that's a whole other discussion for another time. With Lamar Jackson, you're playing at a superman level. I think you've made the argument before talking about the A list games that you would get all season long from a Peyton Manning or Drew Brees. And then when things get ratcheted up, the rest of your squad's got to come with you.
And they're certainly there. Jay Flowers is in.
There, excuses, reasons, whatever when we talk about it, because he was on even all year long, so it wasn't like he was a nine catch a game guy that suddenly isn't there. But the Lamar Jackson, Yeah, the margin for error was not there against his Buffalo squad on the road. And folks can do whatever they want about the Chiefs, whine about the Chiefs however you want just win.
Exit out, about a Fresco exit, Swallen Dome, the Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Carmen.
Something different.
But when you understand Alwa, he's never been on the best team and it's really hard and when you're not the best team to get there. Because you're saying, these are two dynasties that were taught. We went from the Patriots dynasty to the Chiefs dynasty. Already, you know that that opportunities to go we're going to be limits can once every couple of year, three four years, if you're lucky, if you're lucky.
Yeah, I'd also saw the lot of comparisons to the well here we're banning and hear whatever, like you're not guaranteed. You know, you brought up the car the your guy, Joe Burrow, I always want to make him Carson Palmer for some reason, Joe Burrow and all those folks that thought it was gonna be the long run of Hail to the Bengals. Yeah, awful hard. Isn't it awful hard to get back? That looks like a blip on the radar where we're sitting right now. Why because you're in the same damn division as Lamar Kadson and that Pittsburgh team that's just.
Good enough to be vexing exit out by a Fresca exit swollen down The Jason Smith Show with Mike Carmon Live from the Tirech dot Com Studios. So a lot more NFL on the way, big weekend to get to, but first special delivery.
Steve to Sagres tell us what's trending.
People say he is the Ryan Day of Fox Sports Radio. He can do a lot of great things, but one tiny thing goes wrong.
And everybody hates him.
Yeah, I've just been yelling at Lou Holtz for no reason. That's why it's not a bad way to pass time.
By the way, they are on cable doing Lou holds impersonations on the sideline during the game. That's how lopsided this thank got National Championship game in college football going on in Atlanta. Ohio State led thirty one to seven in the third quarter, scoring points on their first five drives. Thirty one to fifteen is now the lead with under six and a half minutes left in the fourth quarter. The buck guys on the opening play of the fourth did fumble long drive for Notre Dame to get a first and goal at the eight. They settled for a short field goal attempt, no good off the upright. Ohio State has just punted six to twenty five left in the national title game. Buckey's up thirty one to fifteen. Quinch On Judkins three total touchdowns for Ohio State, nine kerries ninety six yards. The Chicago Bears new head coach is Ben Johnson, who is Detroit's offensive coordinator. The past three years, the Lions were the league's top scoring offense. Former Saints head coach Dennis Allen is due to be a candidate to be his defensive coordinator. The colts new defensive coordinate is lou Anarumo, ex of the Bengals. Indies defense was ranked twenty ninth this past year. Tennessee's new special teams coordinator is John Fossil from Dallas to the NBA. Charlotte beat Dallas today one ten, one oh five despite thirty three points from Kyrie Irving. The late game's about to start with the Clippers hosting a Bulls team that's lost five in a row and the Pelicans, with thirty seconds left in overtime, lead Utah one twenty one one nineteen. Utah was up twenty to three after less than five minutes in this game, led by twenty five later might be losing it overtime, and Zion Williamson of the Pelicans is out due to illness. In college hoops, Georgetown won at Villanova on a last second layup, sixty four sixty three. Easy wins in college basketball in New Jersey today as number one UCLA beat up Baylor, Number seven Texas all over number eight Maryland NHL Saint Louis in a shootout wins at Vegas five to four and the Blue Jays are signing outfielder Anthony Son.
Tenderback to you, Thank you, Steve O.
The Jason Smithshore with Mike Carmon live from the tirerack dot Com Studios. So, since we last left you in this game, Notre Dame driving. They were faced with a fourth and long. They try a field goal to cut the lead to thirty one to eighteen. Make it a still a two score game, but a touchdown two point in a field goal, except in true Chicago Bears fashion, it jinks off the left, upright.
Ohio State takes over kills some clock.
Now Notre Dame has the football back with about five and a half left to go, down by two touchdowns and two to two point conversions. We'll have more on this game coming up, and also straight ahead, Hey, the guy we thought who was the best head coaching candidate and all of the NFL got a job of the team we thought he was going to be to get the job with.
Is it the right move he That's next Jason and Mike Fox.
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific.
Full Sports Radio. Sorry, I'm watching the game.
Jason alab Tischer is watching the something I've never I've never said before.
Alex Tischer is watching the game. Jason, isn't it weird that I'm actually here for the game? It is miss Yeah, first one in a long long time.
Yeah, I mean just watch him, that's why. Yeah, he forgot the game. Usually hosts a party. Yeah if something must have fallen through this year. But he's watching the game. Why I'm watching the game. Well, we'll get to Ben Johnson and the Bears coming up. However, Hey, hey, we got a game here, which makes Marcus Freeman's decision to kick a field goal a few minutes ago really not great. But no, tre Dame gets a big look down to down two scores. You need a touchdown and two two point conversions to tie this game. What do you do if you're Riddey Leonard, I'm gonna throw to Jaden Greathouse, who makes another big catch in the end zone. Forget about oh, Riddy Leonard's improving his draft stock and oh you know yet, Will Howard's approving his d No, dude, but bleeping Jaden Greathhouse and come on, five for one eleven two touchdowns. He's been great in the playoff, and they run a trick play for the two point conversion. They run a little bit of a flip wide receiver option pass all alone in the back of the end zone for the two point conversion, and Notre Dame now trails buy a touchdown.
It is thirty one twenty three.
They have all three timeouts left, four to ten to go in the fourth quarter. And again I'm gonna go back to what I said a few minutes ago. This game was a fraction of a second away from being over, but Notre Dame forces a fumble on a long pass. It was gonna give Ohio State the ball deep in Notre Dame territory, up sixteen, and from that play on, Notre Dame has had life and now they're down by eight. Now to get back to the conversation, we had a few minutes ago, down thirty one to sixteen, Marcus Freeman and Notre Dame face with a fourth and goal from the Ohio State nine yard line, and he elects to kick.
A field thirty one.
Thirty one fifteen is a score and the election field that would turn it into a thirteen point game. Which really you sit back and go what because it's still a two touching chugdown game.
Yeah, and you still no matter what, you still need to a touchdown at two and two field.
It's a mess.
Now you don't need two touchdowns and two two point conversions, but you still need two touchdowns. You still need to get up and down the field. Stop the up and downfield twice. I don't understand the philosophy behind that. Especially it's not fourth and third. I don't care if it's fourth in a mile. You kind of have to go for it. You're at the eight yard line, Yeah, it's it's fourth and goal from the nine. How do you I get that? You had three plays, it didn't get anywhere, but uh, you need It's midway through the fourth quarter.
Of the National Championship game. What do you think is gonna have you kick a field goal? Okay?
Oh I say it's gonna say, oh, you just took five minutes off the clock up for for a field goal.
Oh awesome, like Marcus Freeman again clock management. I do the class every year. It's twenty grand. Now it's gonna be twenty five grand.
A co wh' because you know it's a buyer's market twenty five grand.
A coach come out to understand.
When to go for two, when to kick a field goal, when to not, when to call time out, when to not. We're branching out now with my end of season weekend that coaches can come and attend and I teach you all about how to manage a clock in the final four or five minutes of the game.
Yeah, it's a question that still needs to be asked.
I mean, they because they get stuck because he dooints the field goal. Now they ended up forcing an Ohio State punt, But three minutes.
Elapsed off the clock.
So you got the ball back with about six minutes left, six play, eighty yard drive, make good on it right plus two point conversion. But that's three minutes you're not getting back talking about field position, et cetera. And now you're still at an eight point game. Now we got three seventeen Howard with a big run for a first down, so we'll see how the defense holds up. But yeah, as he ran out there, I did everything I could. I even shut my microphone off to make sure I didn't audibly curse on air as he trotted the kicker out there because it made absolutely no sense.
No, I don't know why. I mean, if it was a way to cut it.
If it was a sixteen point game and you try to cut it to thirteen, which is what's going through my head and the whole time, Oh kick its thirteen to ten. If it's sixteen to thirteen, Uh no, if it's thirteen to ten or to eleven, uh all right, still let it, love it. But at least it's you didn't need a field goal at the end, if you had a touchdown, but this was sixteen to thirteen.
It's I I didn't get that. I really didn't get that. No, hey, you know what, maybe maybe karma godam oh, you're gonna kick a field goal when you shouldn't be.
I'm gonna make it hit the upright, and the football gods came out to tell you.
The football gods are funny that way.
Sometimes you need to be humbled.
No, if we learned anything from the chic blank the whole hogan, and sometimes you need to be humbled.
Those are two things. No field goal for you. Uh Now, who are the happiest p in the world? Ask me that question. Who are the happiest people in the world.
The happiest people in the world are the people who got Notre Dame plus twenty seven in game bet.
It was like plus twenty five and a half whatever it got to plus.
Twenty seven and a half.
So if you got Notre Dame plus twenty seven and a half early in the second.
Half, you're feeling great right now.
Man, You're like, yeah, look at me, look at the confidence at Notre Dame.
It's still Ryan Day. Give me take my money. I'd love to know what the volume is on that. I'll text firm and see what kind of info we can get in terms of what kind of volume you get on an in game betting thing where a line is starting to creep.
Out as far as it did.
Dude, Ohio State fans right now are going I just want the game to end.
I don't know how to feel.
I love my team, I love Ryan Day, but he could blow this and we lost to Michigan. I can't stand Ryan Day. What am I rooting for? Am I rooting for us to hold on to win? I'm I rooting for Ryan Dason. Get the guy out, because even if we win, I'm not gonna be happy. Because we still lost to Michigan. Like Ohio State fans right now have no idea.
What's noying is they just showed a shot of Ryan Day on the sideline. He was all rosy cheeked and fresh faced when it was a big lead. And now that's an eight point game and they call a quarterback draw going to the outside and he gets taken down at the line of scrimmage, setting up a huge, huge third down. Ryan Day looks like this game has elapsed like three days. All right, this is one of those. All right, you're a method actor and you've stayed awake for three days because you've got a call that you got to know.
The weight of the world is on your shoulders. Oh yeah, yeah.
So Ohio State has run the ball the last couple of plays. They run the ball with Will Howard. They are set up with a big third down and eleven with two forty five left to go. Wide receiver got away with a huge hold on the outside. Just bear hugg demand Notre Dame could be one third down stop away from getting the football back at Ohio State. Nation their head, they're gonna explode. Are we talking over time? Are we crowning Ohio State. That's coming up next right here, Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio to Ryan Day to Chip Kelly, they drop a hat. When it's third and eleven and we can clinch a national championship. Let's throw the ball to our best player. Doesn't matter if he's a freshman, doesn't matter. Instead of hey, let's try to go over the middle, let's try to get something for a first down, Will Howard throws it up because Jeremiah Smith, who is Ohio State's best player. Look, he came out of high school a year ago, the number one recruit in a wide receiving recruit in the country. They said, we're gonna throw it to our best player and he is wide open fifty yards downfield to play goes for fifty seven.
The ball was actually a.
Little bit underthrown, or probably would have been setting walked in because Smith had to stop a little bit. But catching the ball was what he needed to do. So instead of hey, it's fourth down, we're punting, they throw it up deep. It's a risk, but it goes, and you throw to your best player on a game on a game changing play, and he had not had a big game right very pedestrian type game so far. He comes down with a big catch, and now Ohio State, with less than a minute left to go, is set to kick a field goal that would give them an eleven point lead with just about thirty seconds left to go for Notre Dame. Look, they're not gonna have hardly any time anyway, but if this field goal goes, that's gonna be it. If not, at least Notre Dame would have thirty seconds to try to get down the field.
Nod did the original line for this game, which was nine all week, so you got that going as a setup for the tribe. But you know, third and eleven, we're all on our feet, getting out of our chairs, like, all right, here's the big play. We'd seen the efficiency of Ohio State on third down. I think it was eight of ten over the course of the night, including a couple of big plays from Howard with his arm, and they go for the downs well, and that ball hung up there forever and he's wide open, and you see he's got the step. It's like, is the defender going to be able to collapse? Like it's a great theater that falls harmlessly into his arms and eventually down and this.
Is where we get our game ending situation.
But Howard running down the field, they kept the ISO on him, eyes as wide as can be because he just made the money throw right there. Ryan Day, we talked about him aging rapidly on the side. I think was starting to come in on his beard. That's that's what happened, And all of a sudden it just went back to that perfect jet black just that fast.
Oh yeah, No, he needs cucumbers for his eyes too, like saying, man, some sleep, dude, right, But he.
Held up really well when they were up big, Like, the eyes looked okay, Cheruba, look on the cheeks nice and rosie. And then all of a sudden the blood drained from his face and he aged rapidly and then well, I mean, that was the best sprint he's done in years. I think going out on the sideline after that completion.
Cucumbers on your eyelids, all of those amazing. The Jason Smiths are with Mike Carbon live from the tire rack dot Com Studios. It's gonna be academic. At this point, Ohio State has just kicked the field goal, make it a thirty four to twenty three lead. Fieldings good, Uh, twenty six seconds left, Ohio State will be kicking the ball off here. But look that that's gonna be it and they're gonna be the national champions. Now, you know, you know want a crazy story, you want a great story. So this whole game, Ham's gonna be pissed. No, no, well yeah, okay, I just keep telling Pam. Look, Michigan fans, what do they like? I saw what did I see some people writing this weekend? Michigan fans hoping for a meteor on Monday night?
Right? Uh?
You know She's always like, who am I rooting for? My knockcause you know Michigan. I said, well, listen, you know one of them is gonna lose, right, that's what one a You're gonna lose? No jeus, But I don't know, but Notre Dame, Notre Dame, because she's grown up with a great, healthy hatred for Notre Dame. But I said, but the hate of Ohio State's got a gorge because, yees, someone's would be big. Last week either when Penn State was in the thing, I said, I know, but you know one of them is gonna lose. You know, you gotta let that hate out. Yeah, so today you want this is a great story. Today we went to a friend's house, uh this afternoon, and unfortunately it's two of our friends. I coached soccer with him for a long time there. Her mother lost her house in the fire in the Palisades and so her and and his sister and brother in law are staying with them, right. So, and he's he's a great guy. He came to practice a couple of times and I had he's a goalie coach. I had him coach my goalie.
He went to I think went to Wisconsin on a on a on a scholarship and really great dude. And so now they're all living with my friend and his wife while they try to figure stuff out. So he comes to me and says, and we're we come there he goes. He goes, man, I'm so nervous about tonight. I go why, and and my friend goes, I'll let him tell you. And I said what, And he goes, So I made this ten team parlay bet a year ago, and I said what. He goes, I made a ten team parlay bet and he just bet like just regular run of the mill. He bet a combination of soccer and football all the way through a ten team bet, right ten team bet, and I said, oh, you just take a look at it.
He goes, look at this. I'm looking at it.
It's like a you know, an EPL game from like from like May, and then another game here, and then he's got a couple of football games from the season. He goes, I've hit on all of them, and I need one more. And I'm scrolling through and I'm scrolling through and I see, oh, you bet like Lions over the Jaguars was or somebody over the Jaguars. I said, oh, that was the first Mac Jones game. Okay, here, Oh this is a game he bet the over in a Packers game and it was Alik Willis game. I said, oh, you won that one for the over because he overcame way down and Milik will Have scored a bunch of points and it came down to tonight.
It was a five dollars bet. This is a year bet. A year bet.
He has Notre Dame money line to win the National Championship. If Notre Dame had won this game, thirteen thousand dollars, thirteen thousand dollars, if Notre Dame won the National Championship tonight. A year of these bets. Now the reason I said what they said, They're not going to call you to try to have the bet because you don't have the points. It's betting Notre Dame because he bet Notre Dame when they lost in Northern Illinois, sure to you know, and they were like thirty five to one at that point. And now we a five dollars bet. He would have won thirteen grand if Notre Dame had won.
How about that? Did they? But did they? Well?
Special delivery Steve de Seger has the big breaking news right now. It's a final at the National Championship Ohio State and Notre Dame.
Is Overking news from Fox Sports.
See what you got for us. The short answer to the question is no.
Ohio State beats Notre Dame thirty four twenty three. The buck guys, who were up thirty one to seven in the third quarter, scoring points on their first five drives tonight, eventually Will Howard two hundred and thirty one yards passing two scores, Quinchhn Judkins three total touchdowns. The Ohio State, remember, although seated eighth, was ten and one until losing at home to Michigan.
Since then, they beat up Tennessee and.
Number one Oregon easily and then eliminated Texas twenty eight to fourteen in a game it was tied mid fourth quarter. Most of this game was a round final score buck Guy's thirty four twenty three.
Thank you, Steve O. Now here's the thing.
This is a game that a year ago, a year ago, what I say about Ohio State. If they don't come into this season as the overwhelming number one team in the country, something is wrong. Well, they weren't number one, but they were close, and they should have been most talented roster in the game. This game is not a surprise, all right, Ohio State and Notre Dame sounds great, But there's a reason why this spread was nearly ten points, one hundred million dollars roster. Ohio State is better everywhere. They're better on offense, they're better on defense, They're deeper, they have better recruits, they are better everywhere. This was honestly closer than I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be close a little while, and Notre Dame who it was like Rocky and Rocky four. No matter what you do, you can't you can't knock them down. Can't knock them down, can't do it no matter what. And they were going to keep it closer a while, but eventually Ohio State's talent was going to overwhelm them. And it probably would have if Notre Dame doesn't get that fumble in, you.
Know, late third quarter, that was gonna be in the game. It'll play a game and.
They're able to stay in it. But this is not a surprise. This is not some magic potion. This is not Hey, what did Notre Dame not do that? They they should have done what. Ohio State was the better team. It was a little bit closer, which I give Notre Dame a lot of credit for. And but this was the result we thought was gonna happen. Ohio State of your national champions. Thirty four to twenty three is your final. They're fourteen and two. They win it all.
And this was the.
Expected result from a year ago. It didn't go exactly how they thought it was going to go. But here we are at Ohio State of the champs.
Yeah, first play at this fourth quarter, but either way, the point being, you're just outside the red zone. If nothing else, you're taking another three minutes off the clock. The efficiency there, but we saw the big play and Smith, who'd been quiet all all game, unlike you for catching back Smith, why this Smith never got so much? He did score the early walk in touchdown right after a great drive, like because the opening opening salvo of this right the eighteen play drive by Notre Dame, It's like, okay.
We got something.
And then Ohio State with a great counter eleven play drive of their own seventy five yards. Smith did easy touchdown. You've been quiet, four catches twenty five yards and then you get that third and eleven play. I mean, that'll live in infamy. Marcus Freeman's not gonna fore. He's gonna be thinking about that for the next six Oh yeah, yeah, right, you're playing man demand. But the man, the man on the best player on their team, the guy, the guy that should go back and say I want to go pro right now is wide open for a huge game that helps ice things. Just amazing resourcefulness and resiliency from Notre Dame. Didn't They didn't quit because it would have been very easy to hack it. And you pointed out when it got up to twenty seven and a half was the line at one point and just big play and Leonard kept taking hits, kept getting back up, and you know, thirty four twenty three year final, they covered that big number. But you know, for the buck Eys, it's what you expected. I just think a year ago they wouldn't have been in this dance. They would have been left down in the doorstep, just like Alabama. That's all those other squads.
Look, we'll get to the playoff and how the playoff works and the changes that are gonna come for next year. But because that's absolutely going to be a big part of what we see from here and here on out. But let me just say this now. With Ohio State Ashy champions, you remember that old commercial that was on TV that always says four out of five doctors recommend crest right to for.
Yeah, whatever brand it was, but yeah, there was twenty percent that were just wild men.
Four and five. It was like, well not five, five, No, four out of five? What is that other fifth doctor?
Get paid by somebody else?
And I remember my teacher and my math teacher in middle school. Someoney said you see that commercial. He goes, yeah, well, here's how they do this. They go to the doctor and they wave one hundred dollars bill in his face and they go, you want to recommend and Crest everybody?
The doctor says yeah. They give them a hundred dollars for the first four guys. They realize the fifth guy, Oh, we got to make it sound ridiculous. We can't make it sound ridiculous, so we go, you don't want to recommend Crest for anybody with one hundred dollar bill in his face. No, I don't recommend Crest. Okay, now have the commercial. So I really if you.
As a kid, you get someone coming in and talking about payoffs and Pala Rodney, Dangerfield and back to school, the math class.
What do you want?
I like that the math class. But I'm telling you what I said last hour. If you line up now, let's say three three Ohio State fans national right right now. If I got three random Ohio State fans ranny random ones right now, I lined them up in front of me and I said, Okay, how do you guys feel right now? How do you feel the first one's gonna go, Oh my god, I can't believe we did it. It was such a big game. It was so nerve wracking and I didn't think we'd get there after losing the Michigan.
But look at us. We've did it.
We won won the national check. Now we got one over Michigan. Now we got we won the most reason.
One all right, great, thank you, thank you. That's great. Second one, I say, hey, how do you feel?
Oh, we won the title. We should have done this all along. That's why we spent all the money. Ryan Day is a great coach. Will Howard's a great quarterback. I'm glad we got rid of Kyle McCord. I knew we were good. We were the best team we want.
I'm so excited. I'm getting so drunk. Thank you, that's great. That's good. Okayond that's good. Third one, third one. I would say, hey, how do you feel right now?
And the third fan would go, yeah, yeah, we lost to Michigan. That's that's exactly what a good porte of the basic No, that's sure.
And then he got me sitting over there as a Northwestern guy going, day, thanks for the contribution to the funds by winning the title. We lost to Michigan. We still have a full share. We not like Oregon in these others. Yeah, no, it might actually be more than a third, especially the way this game closed out, like you made him sweat, Like Ryan Dan Company, you made him sweat. So those Ohio State fans might be a little more uh more a cerbic.
There might be more of them. I don't know any Ryan Day is okay, he just won the national champion. Yeah, I don't know. He opened the door and let him back in the game.
I'll give him Mulligan for this year, you know what, I'll give what we can start. We can start fresh next year. We can start to get all those losses to Michigan. We can start fresh. That's Brad's what we'll do.
Did they just hold up our fingers.
Because right now, I guarantee you, Michigan social media are.
Gonna say back to back Natty's.
That's gonna go up there, back to back Natties for Michigan, and that's gonna be.
The jiff of Ryan Day, just going what happened at the end of the game, when the fight was going on and they're trying to plant.
The flag, what happened? What happened that that that's how that's gonna go. We don't have anything from Michigan football yet.
Yeah, they're waiting.
They're waiting, they'll be creating lying in wait exit help of Fresco Exit swollen down The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon Pete.
Few tax stops by.
College Football News Inside or Extraordinaire. What about Ohio's dates victory? What was the key for the and who's the early pick for the national title game next year? All that and more coming up next right here Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio. Hey, it's a new year. What new goals do you have for twenty twenty five? If you want real change, you gotta change the what and the how. And if that change is losing weight, let me tell you about PhD weight loss. I've been doing PhD weight loss now for a little over a month. I'm averaging losing over three pounds a week. It is fantastic. I bought new pants this phantomnic Q new pants. I'm byts I got well not yet, maybe parachute pants. I'd be like hammer hammer oh oh oh. Being held accountable is what you need sometimes in a diet weekly wigans with an expert nutritionist who knows me what's best for me and easy to follow eating plan with no prep required, no extreme exercise, no drugs. Eighty percent of your food is shipped to you with no extra cost. Visit my phdeweightloss dot com. That's my phdweightloss dot com. If you're thinking of losing weight and I have quotes, aren't sure what to do, contact PhD weight Loss. It's entirely over the phone, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Schedule a consultation call today. Visit my phdweight loss dot com. When you call today, tell him Jason Smith and Mike Harmon sent you.
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Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Fox Sports Radio.
The Jason Smith Show with My best friend Mike Harmon Home live from the tire Rag dot Com studios as Ohio State All speaking at the podium. Now, will Howard allowed on the podium? Yeah, he fought his way up there, this time wearing his National championship T shirt over his shoulder.
How much you bet some and you're like, no, we screwed him last time. He's got to get up there. He's the quarterback.
Let him up?
Well, man, but come on, I'm just picturing uh Winona Ryder from Stranger Things.
Will Will let Will up, Let Will up.
Uh, they're your national champions thirty four to twenty three over note tra Dame joining us now I'm hot line a man who also said a year ago, Uh, yeah, High State's gonna be the best team, gonna win the national title.
He has stuck with it all the way through.
I know he's been nervous a couple of times during tonight's game, but the Buck guys come up with a win. For the owner, editor proprietor of College Footballnews dot com. You're one stop shopping for everything college football. It is longtime friend of the show. Pete feu tech Pete, what's up man? How's it going?
You didn't even need to watch the season. I told you like a year ago what was gonna happen. You could have done so much else with your life, done so much more. You could have painted, sculpted, you could have you know, you know, helped out the baby seals. But you know, we watched and we saw all this and uh but yeah, you got this is what's great about this is if you're Ryan Day, it's you know that it's the cliche that those coaches love it when their team wins the game and you know they got the win, that they can yell at their team because you know, they was too close and they made a bunch of mistakes and doing Now the fan base gets to do just that. They got their national championship and they can still yell at Ryan Day for losing to Michigan and making that way too close late and all that kind of stuff.
Yeah, no, they're gonna give a mulligan on this year. Mulligan. Anybody got to do it next year. You got to do everything next year.
Yeah, but yeah, yeah, there's gonna be Yeah, you want a national championship. I mean, but I mean it would have been nicer if we had beaten Michigan, not even losing to Oregon. That doesn't even factor in their heads. You know, it is the it is the well we have that loss and you know we wouldn't have been there last year. It's like just everyone enjoyed this. If you're a Buckeye fan, this is you won a national championship with your turn. It's probably not going to be your turn next year. It's all this kind of works. But they were the more talented team, and it's just look, Notre Dame at the worst, weirdest time they stopped being Notre Dame. I mean, Marcus Freeman, I love you, but what are you doing kicking the field goal? That's not what It's not how you got here, you know, And just why did they go? It went to Texas, They ran the ball down Ohio, they'd throw it, and then they stopped like it is the weirdest game plan for them. And they're going to be kicking themselves over this loss for a while because I don't think they win. But they certainly did not help themselves with the way they played.
You know, there's so many twists and turns to this game, right you had the Yeah, I don't understand the Marcus we talked about the Marcus Freeman fieldal attemt would have happened. What's the purpose of cutting a game from sixteen to thirteen. But in the end, I think even if Notre Dame had not looked, they still got to go for it on fourth and goal from the nine and get it and then get the two point contusions. Yeah, but I think there you know, for yes, a lot of questions about Notre Dame and what they did, but I don't know that that would have changed this outcome because still Ohio State found a way to win.
They won by eleven points. They clinched again.
Even if all that happens, I'm still not sure that Notre Dame finds a way to get all the way back and win this.
Oh no, I'm with you, But I mean, look, what did this team do all year? They always they said a historic mark. I think it's just that they came out today that no one in the last ten years scored more points off of turnovers. And they got the turnover, you know, because they doesn't screw up. They finally get that takeaway. And they always had this weird Uncanning neck of making it. And I know how these great red zone defense. But Riley Leonard, Yeah, I know, no one's gonna think he should or Sanders of cam mord or anything, but that guy can that guy was kind of slippery in the pocket and make kept making play after play after play. There's something to him at the next level, I think, and get it. You have to make that fourth down and you have to hit the two, and you have to do it again. But again, that's not what your brand is that they all year they've been able to make those type of plays. And at the very end there, man did Ohio States start to puck her up fast and they got that play. But he again, better team, more talent. They there really good right out of the gate. But yeah, there even at least showed that you know, this wasn't you know, some fluky team. They were a real deal team that should have been there.
It's funny on the giant pass play to Smith, We're sitting in the studio, Pete and I'm like, there's a safety over the top right right, No, no, and the ball hangs up there forever. It's like, look, I like chaos in between the white lines. You and I've been doing this with Jason for a long long time, Like really wanted that ball.
To say a lot of bounds, you know, a lot.
As a nation, we deserved a two point conversion just at the very end with two seconds to go, But what did we get? Instead? We got an easy pasy cover there no problem. I mean, I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that against the best kick blocking team in the country, I guess I have to kick the field goal. But like, what's the one thing that can really mess you up? It's a block kick by again? Is he that kicked blockbore kicks than anybody in America going the other way? And just just for the theater of it had right, what were the story been a Ryan Day? If you get a block kicked for something insane like that, you know it's.
Funny you say that, Pete, because you know it was in a weird way. Right, first drive of the game, Notre Dame runs it down Ohio State's throat. It's a ten minute drive. Riley Leonard, I'm sure needed an ice bath after the first drive in a weird way, in a weird way. I think that was great for Ohio State because the one read, the one way I saw them losing this game was if the Michigan Ohio State shows up and that is the old eight team that puckers, that gets unaggressive and tries to hell, we're not going to make mistakes. Will Howard throws a couple of turnip picks. And no, no, we're going to do that. This is what's going to turn it into a toss up game if they and they could try to meander their way, let's feel our way in, let's try to run the football here. But Notre Dame taking that ten minute drive and going down there, that sort of took that off the table for Ohio State. They had to be They had no choice but to be aggressive and bang, bang, bang three touchdowns, you know, in the next three possessions to end the first half. In a weird way, I thought that touchdown really just took it away from OHI took the puckering away from Ohio State for a long time, and it was we have to be aggressive. We're down seven, they had the ball for ten minutes, let's go, let's go, and they jump out to that big lead at halftime.
Or it could have been the first Oregon game where Ohio State did do all that. But Oregon pounded them up front and was the more physical team and just you know, they hammered away on them, which was what I thought Notre Dame was about to do. And you know, for all that, you know, was exhausted, but he got like twenty minutes of real time rest. I mean there was a long kind of drive. There are all these commercials at the end of the quarter, so he got some real time to kind of you know, you know, catch his breath and get it back. And again, this is more than college than any other, you know, especially the pros, where you've got to mix it up. You got to if something works, you do it until they stop you. And what did they do on the first play of No Name's next drive. They try to outpass and they were ready for it, and all of a sudden you had that. Then they kind of panicked a little bit, and second down didn't work, and then all of a sudden you just got out of your game plan when all you had, when nor Dame would they had to do it was perfect. That first drive was amazing because what you do is just keep cranking positive plays. You just get three yards here, three yards here, two yards here, set up a third and two and then just Riley Leonard barrels it. That's your offense. Keep doing that until they stop it. And they just what they do. They came out throw no kind of into the sight of like meek play and then a sack and then three and out in the Ohio State Bam bam bamd. You know. So that's what drove me nuts about this is like again, if here, Marcus Freeman, you got them power away, just keep doing it, and they didn't do it.
Speed Feud Tech with Us Jason Smith Show with Me and Mike Carman here live from the TIREC dot Com Fox Sports Radio Studios. You follow Pete on Twitter at Pete Feutech, read him and review every bit of it, all the the recaps, all of the previews, all of that College Footballnews dot com. This season is just beginning as he starts to watch all sorts of random high school football games from this book.
God, no, or are you're getting ready for.
White Sox baseball?
I don't know high school football now.
That's just I'm trying to expand span your.
Purview, actually just trying to figure out who's on what team.
That's true.
That's because seriously, like now it's like it used to be like, okay, we know some back you know right now we kind of knew who you're, like you basically know, like without really even looking, who's your top five team next year? I don't know Alabama, Ohio State Michigan. But but still, I mean there's still there's so much movement now, uh, and it's still happening that this is kind of is kind of the crazy fun time, even though the world starts to care about the NFL a little bit more, especially this late year.
All right, well, and so we get this finale in Ohio state.
You know, as you said, if you just listened to a year ago and did something else, learned a romance language or something along the way, that you would have gotten here. So how do we review this first twelve team playoff?
What do you think worked?
It was great? You know, look, it was fun. It was you know, again we said before when this happened, you had to get those you know, wild card type games out of the way. You had to get the Chargers out of there. You had to get just prove that the Packers and Steelers didn't belong. And then the good teams played off, so Steeler, so you know, we got there, and then all of a sudden would we get We got a really good games. And the other kind of byproct which I totally did not see coming, was that the bull season was fun because the guys who are still there really wanted to play, so you didn't get these teams full of guys who were just out there trying not to get hurt. Uh. And there were a couple of there was one game where you had out there, but you really didn't have that really ugly, you know type of game where the guys who was working out because you had you know, basically both sides, you know, always almost always had guys who lost a ton of players. So the bull season was better, and certainly this was a whole bunch of fun with you know, you had a late kick to beat Penn State for Notre Dame. Certainly, the Texas game was amazing. The Texas Arizona State game was amazing. And you know this game for you know, the uglies that started to look a little bit there all of a sudden, that became a lot of fun and uh, certainly generated more interests and I didn't And what I do think is going to happen is going forward, this really will be one of those you know, the commercial says, you know playoff you area where you really are going to have this as a tent pole thing. Uh wow, okay, college football playoff times now?
All right, Pete, So looking ahead. I know you got a lot of look aheads coming up. As you put on on Twitter, this is the fun time. Now you have your look aheads to next year season review stuff. Let me ask you this early thoughts on saying, okay, who could be playing for.
The national title next year?
If I said, right now, obviously we have so much to go and you get to figure out who's playing where.
If I to say who are teams, you would say, hey, not.
Surprised if these two teams are playing for the championship next season.
I mean, just let's just stick with it. I mean, like you know, Ohio State is gonna get more players again. I mean, you're they lost this base of guys who came back, and you're not gonna have the Jack Sawyers and the jtds, you know, but you're still gonna have Caleb Downs. You're just gonna go out there in this transfer portal. You're gonna get the right guys who are up there. Uh. Certainly Texas is still gonna be good, but they're gonna blow it again to its Texas. Uh. But Archie Manning is gonna be the big story of the season.
And let's let's see what Michigan does you know. Look, I think that's part of the reason about this bold season is when you win these things to kind of carry something the off season where you know, look how Michigan, you know, ended its season wasn't always pretty, but you didn't have a quarterback and you still beat Ohio State in Alabama to close the year out. You know, that's pretty good, you know, no matter how you're going to take it. So it's all the big names as usual. George is gonna be awesome again. I mean, all these teams are good, but regulars are going to be really good.
There it is Pete few Tech, our man, our insider extraordinary. Check out college Footballnews dot com. Everything you need for college football the year and review of the projections for next year. Pete is always Thanks for being our guest all season long. Look forward to talking as soon as we get ready for.
The NFL Draft.
Absolutely have a good one, guys, be good buddy, Thank you.
There goes Pete few Tech. Great stuff from him, all this good man. Yeah. Look, all the intriguing teams are in the Big ten right once again.
You know we talk about the Big ten, the SEC all these teams because yes, Ohio States bringing a lot of talent back. Are they losing some, Yes, but they're bringing back.
And they'll be able to buy some more.
The Michigan's had gonna have a great defense next year, and they got Bryce Onderwood coming in Penn Stay.
It's you know the road or the road of the.
National title that again once again is going through the Big Ten. It's going to be crazy and uh and but next year is going to be no different than this year. Big Ten will be the number one conference. We're going to try to pick it. Should they take three teams? Four teams from the Big the Big Ten? Well, let's let's see spend the rest.
Of the night going through all of their schedules and predicting wins and losses.
Shelley Exit out abouta Fresca exit Swelling Dome The Jason Smithson with Mike Harmon live from the tiraq dot Com Studios