
Snohomish Mayor John Kartak on the Proud Boys vs Antifa conflicts at otherwise peaceful BLM protests

Published Jun 3, 2020, 9:51 PM

Snohomish Mayor John Kartak on the Proud Boys vs Antifa conflicts at otherwise peaceful BLM protests

Welcome back to the Jason Rancher on AM 7 70 k t th and 94.5 FM on the Greater East Side. The city of Snohomish has seen some demonstrations since over the weekend, and video that was posted online shows some scuffles between counter protesters, mixing it up with some of the members of the Black Lives Matter protest, which included high school students. In one video, one of the counter protesters, an adult, punches a teenager in the face and other cases. Some of the counter protesters were carrying a Confederate flag, leaving some wondering whether or not they're the ones looking for trouble. Or maybe we don't have all the details to the story. Joining me on the line to give us the details is the mayor of Snohomish, John Karr. Tack Mayor. Cardiac. Welcome back to the show.

Hi, Jason. Thank you for having me on the show. Ah, there's, ah better circumstances I would rather be interviewed by. But

this is just

one of those things where I would like to set some of the records straight and actually, much of the record straight. I won't be able to speak to every single issue because there's ongoing investigations. But I would Ah, I would really like to straighten out some stuff.

Well, go ahead. The floor is yours.

Okay. Very good. So we had on Sunday afternoon a situation where there was a threat and the threat was against our city. And that was by the Emerald City Antifa. There was a, uh, social media posts that was put up and then taken back down. It was noted, and my police chief called me

Sunday afternoon early, and ah ordered me to meet at the emergency operations center that he was activating. And as soon as I got there,

there were over 50 officers there waiting and waiting. Uh, you know, in Q for the situation as it may unfold that they would be ready to converge on the, um where the problem area. And so the emergency operation centers at the fire

station just north of on the north end of town. Anyway, there was a bus. Officers were ready to converge if necessary. Based on some conversations I had with my chief, we both had decided that we didn't want to make the massive presence down on First Street because there's no sense in giving credit where credit's not dio the antique is a group of thugs in any way. We didn't have, ah, fairly significant presence. Besides that, down on First Street, we put some assets at the police station. We put some assets in front of City Hall, recognizing that ah, the the situation in Seattle Public buildings tend to be targets in any way. Meanwhile, um, my police chief wasn't the only one who picked up on this news.

There were, ah, large contingency of truck drivers, and I don't know if that means big rigs or pickup trucks, but, uh, my, my understanding is ah ah, large group of truckers came into Snohomish and got out of their trucks and, ah, they walked up in down First Street to protect it. Um, uh, just about every single business owner on First Street came out to stand in front of

their own businesses.

We had, ah, a bunch of bikers come in and they came down to protect First Street. And so this is the remarkable difference between the Seattle model and the Snohomish model, and the issue is, is that there were some, um, some, maybe less desirable. Who showed up in some of these in some groups that maybe have reputations that, uh uh whether they're warranted or not


their reputations that

are you? Are you referring to the proud boys

names I'm not gonna give? I'm not gonna give any names because I'm not gonna give credit

anything. I've mentioned Antifa

well, and that's and that's kind of white. I asked that question because you point out, Aunt Eva. And you should, by the way, point out Antifa Antifa groups in this region. And people are out of control. But, Teoh, hold on one second.

Give me just one second just to point out Emerald City and TV has said that they have not. They were not the ones responsible for the posts at the same time. By the way, though, their Twitter account and their instagram account has both been suspended. So take that. For what it's worth, usually these accounts don't just get suspended,

that yeah, and everybody is gonna have to decide for themselves whether that whatever that value is. But when you have police agencies, um, of every sort from every municipality, practically across Snohomish County, showing up with ah SWAT team. And I mean, we had the officers from Arlington from Edmunds, Everett, ah, cities all over the area. Washington State Patrol. We had the, ah, the Washington State liquor in cannabis here, and they don't all show up unless there's a credible threat. They don't do this because

I think that's fair.

Would like to stage something you got that those who want to challenge this. I find that highly offensive

to our police agencies, to my police chief

in any way. With all that.

What's taking place is there have been some all right, all left groups that show up. There's actually a motorcycle gang that's known for being notorious. There's some members that showed up a swell, and for whatever it's worth, they don't define our town.

They come into our town, uh, are our community tends to be welcoming to all people of all races, all colors, all genders in any way. So what happens is is that there are media types who will come in and take advantage of certain imagery if then So, unfortunately, there was some very ugly imagery that happened to show up. They do not define my community,

but let's

your car. Tacky


Mayor. Cardiac will moment and take a breath for because I want to throw it some of the questions.

And by the way, if you just the way

that you

know, I I can tell that you're upset in it. And I can tell that this means a lot to you cause you care deeply about your community. And for those of you are just joining us. We're talking with the mayor Snohomish John Karr. Tack of some of these situations happened over the past several days of protestors on both sides, clashing at times. And we have information t suggest that was posted online. Then Antifa was going to be showing up in the law Enforcement agencies in Snohomish County took this very seriously the same time you also had proud boy members showing up. There was video of two things that I do think is alarming. And we should talk about it because you don't want it, Teoh. You don't want it to define the city of San Amish. So number one we saw that some members

One second It does not.

Yes, You do not want it to define correct?

Not fine. Are

you do not want it to define. So let's call it out. On the one hand, we saw the Confederate flag being carried, which does not make sense in the city of Snohomish. In the number two, there has been video. There has been video showing a new adult. I don't know who he was with. He was part of the counter protesters punching in the face. Ah, kid. A high school student who was participating. The black lives matter.

Yeah, just ugly. Just terrible.

Both of those things

in any way, I can tell you. Ah, well, we've had ah, people come into our city ever since Sunday. Actually, on Saturday, the day before this, we had a very peaceful

ah example of people showing up and holding signs and protest ing racism, protest ing What happened to ah, poor fella who had his a neck put on a knee, put on his neck in which killed him. And it's one of those things where we had a very peaceful demonstration with maybe up to 500 people the day before. And then when this threat came down for Sunday, they decided they wanted to hit small town America and America's best small town would be Snohomish. That's why they chose Snohomish. Ah, and we did have, um ah. Identified upto five antifa members that did show up, including ah, leader who apparently is very recognizable. Um,

who was here and anyway, what they What they saw was a very unified community. And maybe, and not just maybe there certainly were undesirable elements within this, I think on the right and all left side in anyway,

what they saw, uh, let them know that No, they're not going to burn this town down. And so I put out ah, message after speaking with people on the phone for nearly the whole entire day straight and not being able to field probably 90% of my calls that were just rolling in and rolling him. Um, I decided I needed to send out a message so that everybody understands my position as the mayor of this community. I represent a wonderful community. The people who showed up in Snohomish, Uh, that that, uh, brought ugliness to Snohomish does not represent this community. And I've got friends who live up on the hill that overlooks our valley. Where in towards Snohomish and even last night, after several people showed up down on First Street of the same ah, oftentimes of the same, um, the same nature. They said that in the evening they saw a white car, white

headlights after white headlights after white headlights, coming up Highway nine and turning on the marsh road and going out westwards towards test toward I five. The people who were coming into Snohomish to show this ugliness is does not define this community. It's outside elements. And, ah, sure, are there some people somewhere in this enormous community? Maybe there's a person or two who, ah, who doesn't define this community very well, given that's a given.

But my community itself is very open, very welcoming, very kind. There was a high school student that was told about

this a couple years ago. He tried a social experiment walk up and down Main Street. That's our first Street without talking to a single person. This was for one of their high school classes. I was told anyway, they were not able to do it. They tried several times. It was not successful because there's always somebody there who approaches you and says Hi And so the ugliness that

certain media types have taken advantage of the beast march, my community and, um, totally

change the nature of what initially took place in my town where townsfolk and members of this community showed up to, ah, to protect this town is, uh, that I find that reprehensible, that that my community has been besmirched like

I do as well. And I can hear the passion in your voice. And I'm glad you're there speaking out against whomever is on either side of the political aisle or people who aren't political at all. If anyone's gonna act out, it's not gonna be taken lightly in the city of Snohomish. Their Mayor, John Karr Tech. Thank you so much for stopping by. I really appreciate it.

Okay. Thank you, Jason. I appreciate you giving me a voice.

Absolutely. You're listening to the Jason Rancho. We're gonna continue this conversation when we return right here on K t th

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Jason Rantz is Seattle’s fresh, contemporary conservative voice. Young and urban, passionate and bol 
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