Father Allen Hoffa joins Patrick to discuss Exposing the Harmful Sin of Pornography
What is Integrity Restored and what has Father been doing to fight the battle against Pornography?
(10:23) What is Pornography according to the Church?
What do you say to people who think Pornography is a private sin?
(17:17) Why is Porn known as the Drug of Choice?
(20:2) Break 1
How does AI affect Pornography?
Is Human trafficking tied to Pornography?
(27:02) Mary Lou - Has had a personal experience. was engaged to a physician. He was addicted to porn, and I had to end the whole thing. I've never married because the three men in her life had issues with pornography.
(38:59) Break 2
We got an email from a woman who was addicted to porn.
(40:31) What can we do to fight Pornography?
Ann - Exposed to porn as a child. Thoughts still come up. Is there a prayer out there or something I can do to block these thoughts?
(47:31) George - At what point if you deal with an addiction can you begin dating again?