Check out this Encore show from September 19, 2024!
Father Joseph Illo joins Patrick to discuss Eucharistic Adoration
What is Eucharistic Adoration.
(7:30) what is the history of Eucharistic adoration?
What is so special about Eucharistic Adoration?
(17:28) Mary Pat - Sacre Cour in Paris and even through the war, they had 24/7 adoration. Tabernacle of Paris. Was at Olympics and they had a sacrilegious thing going on and all lights went there except Sacre Cour.
(21:21) Break 1
Lori - When you go to adoration, is it ok to put headphones on and pray the rosary or chaplet? Also, what happens if you fall asleep during adoration?
(26:02) How to deal with distractions in adoration?
Patrick shares an email about the helpfulness of virtual adoration
Barbara - Would never have survived my son's deployment without Eucharistic adoration. Also has helped with many crises in life. It's essential.
Marilyn - Raised doing holy hours when she was young and now carries that tradition as an adult.
(39:27) Break 2
Can you take photos of the Eucharist?
Sandy - Used to go with friend to Basilica in Baltimore at 4am. It was dark when we went in and it was light when we came out. It was so profound! an hour with Jesus and then there was light!
Duncan - Encouraging priests to speak about adoration and encourage parishioners to go. Jesus is really there and it shouldn't be a secondary thing to do. Has had it at his parish for 20 years. So many graces and miraculous things including vocations.
11:50 Gloria - Goes to a small church near house. Tabernacle is off to side and they have 4 kneelers by tabernacle. Is that adoration or do you have to have Jesus in the monstrance? I do a holy hour in front of the tabernacle.
(46:52) - Troop shepherd for American Heritage Girls troop. Teaches Catholic faith awards. Working on patch for Eucharistic miracles. Going into adoration chapel with them next week for first time. How do I get across to the young people about silence and being in the presence of God?