Evangelization - The Inner Life - January 24, 2025

Published Jan 24, 2025, 6:46 PM

Fr. Allen Hoffa joins Patrick to discuss Evangelization

  • (9:04) how do you evangelize without being imposing?
  • How does timing play a key role in evangelization?
  • Mary - I think it's an interpersonal relationship between humans and the Lord.  I think you can sit on your couch and reach out to the Lord. You don't need a human. I am a Catholic. I think reverence is imperative, but you only need your true sincere heart.

(21:12) Break 1

  • (23:07) Theresa - Why do we need to evangelize?  To see the truth.  Jesus did it all. I'm a former catholic. I've studied the church. How do you get saved? A million Hail Mary's?  Pilgrimages? It infuriates me you're leading people down the wrong path.

(37:49) Break 2

  • (40:42) James - I have personal experience doing evangelization.  Faith grew a lot.  Mass comes from mission which means to send.  Catholics are called to evangelize.
  • Jaime - I work in the prison system (ministry) and I go and attend services where evangelization is something that I do.
  • Flo – I evangelized and wasn’t sure if I did it right. What do you think?

The Inner Life

The Inner Life® with Patrick Conley is one-on-one Spiritual Direction on the radio. Every day, a Cat 
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