Father Rob Kroll joins Patrick to discuss Conflict and The Spiritual Life
What is good conflict and bad conflict?
(8:31) How do we deal with Conflict avoidance?
Yoli - Some family members are democrats and others are republicans. When we talk about it, I raise the point that we're trying to have a conversation about it.
(20:36) Break 1
How can we speak charitably with family members who have left the faith.
(26:07) What is the DESC model for resolving conflict? Father explains
(35:20) Michelle - ongoing conflict with sister. She is incredibly jealous of things that happened a long time ago. It has escalated to the point that I don't know how to interact with her now. I don't want to get to a state where I avoid her. Having a hard time with that.
(40:05) Break 2
What do we do if an argument becomes too heated?
(43:46) Patrick shares an email about a daughter who “married” a woman. They feel like they lost a daughter because of their Faith.
How do you deal with someone who doesn’t admit fault to anything?