This episode is all about what's important to you! That’s why Bobbi is highlighting all your questions in a full episode Q&A!
Why did she choose to become a make-up artist? What’s her favorite sunscreen? What’s the best advice she’s ever received? Her favorite over-the-counter products? How often does she wear make-up? What’s her own personal beauty routine? Her at-home product hacks for your skin? How to face a boardroom of men with confidence? And so much more...We asked you what you wanted to know, and here are the top questions. They were a bunch and I'm going to do my best getting through them. So the first question is why did you choose being a makeup artist as a career. Well, I give my mom the entire credit for why I am a makeup artist, because when I finished one year of college and wanted to drop out, my mother said, you can't. You have to go to college. And I said, but mom, I have no idea what I want to do. And my mother said to me, forget what you want to do for a career. Pretend today's your birthday. You could do anything you would want. What would it be? I really wasn't sure. And I thought, and I thought, and I said, I'd like to go to marshall Fields department store and play with makeup. She said, well that's easy. Why don't you be a makeup artist? And I said, I don't want to go to beauty school. She said, no, I'm sure there's a college somewhere that could help you study makeup. Well there wasn't, but I found Emerson College that allowed me to create my own major based on the creative arts. So I studied theatrical makeup from Emerson College, fell madly in love with makeup, and I have not turned back since I did it. I am still doing it, how many years later. The next question is what did you dream of being when you were a little girl? Was it always beauty oriented? Honestly, when I was young, I only wanted two things. I wanted to either be a teacher or a mom. So I am very fortunate that I get to do both. Next question, what is my favorite sunscreen for my face? You know, truthfully, I have a couple of different ones. I have been wearing the clean sunscreens, but I'm having a lot of trouble because they're very, very white, and I don't like to lighten the color of my skin and look pasty. So I'm still experimenting. I've been using a bunch of sunscreens from the lab and then I'm working on It's not there yet, but I also have some go twos by my by my you know back door, where I put my sunscreen on Supergroup. I love their products. I have one from um Tinted and I have one from my friend Tina Craig of You Beauty. Another question, what is my favorite dinner and dessert. Well, my favorite dinner. Some of my favorite things are. I love caviare, so that's usually a birthday or an anniversary, hopefully someone buys me caviare, which I like to eat on cucumbers and not on potato chips because I feel better on the with the cucumbers. But I really do love cavia. I also love steak tartar, I love oysters, and I like really good friend bread and dessert. Honestly, I'm not a big dessert person because I used to be a major sugar addict and I realized that sugar wasn't making me feel great, so I pretty much just slowly stopped eating it and just replacing it, you know, replacing the bad sugar with good sugar. So fruit, I do a lot of blueberries. Sometimes I put some homemade whipped cream which doesn't have sugar. Sometimes I will have a coconut ice cream where I'll do a little bit of that. So I have learned not to have dessert with cocktails. Those things do not work well for me at all. And my what is my food guilty pleasure? Well, guilty would mean I know I'm not going to feel great after it, and it would definitely be pizza. I just I love really good pizza and I'm not someone that can have one piece. It's usually three pieces, and that's my guilty pleasure and I love it. And I once had as we had, someone had given me caviar as a gift and it was a big one and it was left there was left over, and I did put caviar on my pizza. It was quite decadent, and once was enough. I won't do that again. Okay, this is a tough one to answer. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? Well, I will quote a few people. I will quote Um, you know my my mother that always taught me, no matter what, be nice to everyone because you never know when you're going to meet them again. Um. I've also heard someone say be nice to everyone, you never know what they're going through. So I like a combination of both. And my father gave me incredible financial advice when I was a young just out of college and UM was having a lot of trouble paying my rent and trying to budget. I called him up one day and I said, Dad, I can't budget. I'm having such trouble. Could you show me how? He said, no, I'm not going to show you how to budget, but it's your job. And I thought he was going to say to learn how to do it. He said, it's your job to figure out how you're going to make more money. And I thought that was really great advice. And at the time I put an ad in a local paper and for doing makeovers and I made some more money, so that was pretty good advice. The next question is do I recommend shaving your face so makeup goes on smoother. I would say I do not. I do not. I know a lot of people do shave their face, and if you are someone that's getting laser, you have to shave it. But I think in general, you know, there's some natural fuzziness that grows on people's faces, and once you shave it off, it just grows back. So I'm not someone that recommends shaving people's face. Another question, what is my favorite over the counter beauty product that you could find at a drug store? Well, um, snail polish. Everyone always asked me what read I wear. I would wear geranium. I definitely buy that at the drug store. I also buy a lot of Dr Bonner's Peppermint soap, which I have in every bathroom and shower in my house. That's one of my favorite um. I've also bought some myceler water um because that really, especially for shoots, helps get all the eye makeup off. But I really have trouble buying makeup drug stores because you can't try them, so you end up thinking you like something. When you get home and put it on, you realize it doesn't look like it did in the package. Another question, I love this one. How many days a week do I wear makeup? Well, um, in the summertime, when it's hot and I have a little color on my skin. I would say I probably put makeup on three to four days a week, and it depends if I'm working or not. And there's days where I, like today, I haven't put anything on. I just actually like, that's not true. I just put it. Before I started this. I just put a touch of shimmering oil on my cheek because I had nothing on it all. But luckily I wear glasses, so I can kind of get away with things that other people can't. What is my beauty routine in the morning. It's not always the same, because there's days where I go see my trainer at the gym. I take a shower at the gym, which luckily for me, is across the street from my office, and I wash my hair and I come over and then there's a hairdresser there because I have some kind of a shoot, which most days I happen to be on camera, even if it's just for TikTok. So those days, while my hair is getting done, I will pull out my makeup bag, which really is not a very full bags. Got a lot of samples and a lot of things that I have taken out that I need um. But I basically put on a moisturizer. I put pels under my eyes, I use the pencil around my nose. Then I throw on what the foundation, and then I'll take a pencil to fill it in. And then depending on what I'm doing, I add definition to my eyes and my brows, throw on a Messcara, put some blush on, put a lip on, and then put a little bit of the miracle Bomb. But that's a full on makeup for me. When I'm meeting friends for dinner, which is my favorite way to get ready, my hair is usually in a ponytail and I throw on Miracle Bomb, throw on some Escara. Probably I need a pencil under my eyes because the older I get, the darker it's getting. And then I might throw a bomb on my cheeks and lips and be done. So that's kind of Bobby being me. Now. The next question is about becoming a grandmother. I don't even know how to answer this because the word grandmother just seems so crazy to me that I'm at the age where I could be a grandmother, And honestly, I'm at the age where I could have had, you know, a fifteen or a twenty year old grandkid, if you know, like my mom did and my grandmother did when I was born. But what I'm most excited about, Number One, I love babies. I just love newborn babies. I love the whole of the soothing them when they're crying. I don't even know what it's going to feel like being a grandmother because it's my kid's baby, so I can't say that, But I mean, just the idea that I get to buy little girl clothes is pretty exciting to me. So we'll have to We'll have to touch back on this one for sure. Okay, next question, are there any natural oil products we might have in the kitchen and make a great at home product for your skin. I actually have a lot of tips of things that you can do in a pinch. And you know, oil on dry skin is the secret. So whether you pull out of your cabinet and olive oil, which smells more like cooking than on your face, you can absolutely put it on your on your face. Olive oil is great for your cuticles in the winter time. This is a trick I got from my dad. Is take olive oil and just gently warm it up in the microwave and put it on your feet and on your hands. It feels really good. It's really emollient. You can also now this is great if you're not shaving your legs, but really coarse sea salt, you could use um when you're in the shower, mix it with you know, I max it with oil sometimes, but then you have to be careful not to slip in the shower. But if you're you know, make sure you wash it after that. You could make your own scrub, So that's really good. I've never been one to go into my refrigerator and put you know, either eggs or milk or yogurt on my skin, but I know people do that, but I think honestly oil is the best thing. What product has a misconception of being really but actually isn't Huh. I don't really know how to answer this one. I would say there's so many claims on products out there, whether it's going to you know, you're gonna lose ten pounds if you buy this one product. We we've all seen those ads. That doesn't work. And by the way, if it's something that's going to cause sudden weight loss, it's not going to be good for you. So there's those kind of claims which I don't like. There's there's if you buy this product, it will fix your got in two weeks. I don't like those claims, and I certainly don't like marketing claims that say that a skincare product is going to get rid of wrinkles, because it doesn't. You know, the best thing you can hope for a skincare product is that it hydrates and and smooths your skin. So I don't really love when people think something is going to be like the end all, I guarantee that there's something wrong with it. Another question, I have really dry skin, and wearing makeup dries it out even more, what sort of ingredients do I need to look for in my skincare to help with my extremely dry skin? Well, I have extremely dry skin, and I just got back from Colorado, and I didn't think it was possible to be dryer, and I am. And so the first thing I do when I feel, you know, that my skin is just extra dry, is I make sure that I'm drinking enough water, because honestly, hydration on the inside really will help your skin on the outside. And also make sure that you're eating the right oils, because a lot of women who kind of have like die to themselves, you know, to these crazy, crazy extreme diets, they have such dry skin, and and you need to be eating healthy oils. You need avocado, you need olive oil, you need egg yellows. You know, for a while the craze was no fat in your diet, and it's just that's not accurate, especially for health and the way that you that you look, and those things are both really important. So first of all, check that out and make sure that your lifestyle is not getting in the way. Like, for example, if you are going out in the sun without sunscreen, it's going to draw your skin out. If you are parting at night a little too much, that's going to draw your skin out. So lifestyle really does have a lot to do with it. But if you want to have your skin feel amazing, the secret is oil. And if you guys want to know the truth, a moisturizer is oil and water emulsion. Basically it's oil and water. And yes, there's other things you put in it to to be more you know, efficacious, or to you know, to smell better, to feel better, but basically, um it's oil and water. So I like to just use faced oil. Um I Jones Road makes a bunch of things that are very oil infused, and I'm not afraid of heavy bombs because it's not about taking a heavy bomb and putting it on heavily. You just you start with the least amount possible and you can always add more for wherever you're dry. So don't be afraid of oil on your skin. And also a lot of my friends with oily skin they don't get the oil either. They like to put a small amount of light oil on their skin. They say it helps regulate the oil. So you know, do what works for you. Another question I got is what is my workout routine? Well, I have done everything, um, I from high impact aerobics to CrossFit to everything, and where I've kind of landed is at a very comfortable place for me because I move around a lot, and I think that really helps. I'm a walker, I walk a lot. I I'm not someone that listens to podcasts or music. I usually pick up the phone and call someone, whether it's you know, an editor that I need to needs to interview me. I love doing it on the walk, whether it's my sister, my mother, my father, or my friends. You know. I need to kind of go through the lift at ALTA because I don't sit around my house talking to people, so I like to walk and do the same thing. I try to walk for ten thousand steps a day. Um. I usually don't make that, but there's days where I do much more like on a weekend, I'll easily do twelve. This this weekend, I actually did nineteen thousand steps because I walked with a friend and then I went to a film festival where you had to walk all over So that was that was a crazy high one. But my husband actually walks about nineteen thousand steps because he walks the dogs and then he plays golf and then he never stops moving, so um, he could pretty much eat whatever he wants just by walking. So I do a lot of walking. I also do weight training minimum twice a week. I keep saying I'm going to push it to three, but right now I do twice a week. I also have a Peloton treadmill which is relatively new, which I'm going to start hopping on because that's how I love to push my cardio. And I don't do um the peloton bike as much anymore because I seem to always makes my neck a little tight. So I haven't quite mastered exactly where I'm going to sit. But I love moving my body because it really does help my brain as well as my body. YEA, So another question is do I have any tips for going into a board full of men? Oh? I I could probably do an hour at this, but yes. First of all, you have to make sure that you somehow take a really deep, big breath before you walk in. You have to make sure that you are dressed very comfortably what you feel your best and not what you think you should wear. And you need to certainly be there on time, if not a few minutes early, so you can kind of feel the room. And then my biggest advice when you're on a board with a bunch of guys is let them talk. Be reactive, speak loudly and interrupt when you feel you have something important to say, but don't sit on the edge of your chair trying to get a word in. Just set yourself back, listen, and know when you're going to speak. What is the advice I wish I knew when I was starting out in my career or creating my first business. I mean, look, I wish I had a crystal ball that said you're gonna make it, don't worry, You're gonna be able to pay your rent and more. I wish I had that. But certainly the advice I would give other people starting out, it's just know that it requires an miss amount of work. It requires not giving up. It requires being able to know when to either take a pause or to shift when you need to, and sometimes just taking a pause because you don't know what to do until you figure out what you are doing, so you know, that's probably the best advice. And I also give people advice don't think that you need money to do what you're doing. There's ways to start out and do things with way less money, and it doesn't mean you're going to be successful just because you have investments. What is my ideal vacation? UM, I am someone that loves the beach. I love the ocean, I love the sand. I don't like swimming in the ocean in but I certainly like looking at it. My favorite vacation in the world is in the Bahamas. It's usually um when I have my family together, and probably it's during one of the holiday times, so I have less work, less obligations to hop on a zoom or on a phone call. But I find it really peaceful to be sitting on a beach, particularly not when it's hot. I don't like being at the beach when it's super hot. I like at the end of the day when the sun is going down. And whenever I am at the beach, I am definitely have a hat on um and there's always an umbrella and there's full on sunscreen. But I really do love the beach more than anything. Someone says. I always asked my guests this at the end of the show, But what is my advice that may help change someone's life? Really? Just stop, no, you got this that you could do this and it doesn't have to happen overnight. That you really could just go forward and just not be afraid to fail, because there really isn't such a thing as failure. It's just a message out there telling you to do something else or do it differently. But honestly, just keep going. You just got to keep going and eventually you get somewhere where you know. Sometimes it's where you should be, in other times it's where you didn't know that you should be. So just keep going straight and not stopping. Thank you guys so much for all these questions. I couldn't get to all of them, but I'm happy to answer as many as possible. So for any other questions I didn't get to answer, please go to our Instagram at the Important Things podcast and drop them there. So I hope I answered your questions. Thanks for listening. Follow us on social at the Important Things podcast on Instagram and just Bobby Brown on TikTok. See you guys next time