Martin "Rac" Heppell - The other F word... FAILURE

Published Jul 10, 2022, 8:00 PM

We all fail. All of us. Why? Because we’re all imperfect. And no one talks about failure more passionately than The Resilience Project’s own Martin “Rac” Heppell. And he’s today’s guest lecturer in The Academy of Imperfection.

Some of you may remember Rac’s first memorable appearance in The Vulnerabilitea House last season. If you haven’t heard it, we know you’ll want to listen (or re-listen) after this one - link below.

Failure, the other F word, is something we don’t like to talk about. It’s embarrassing. And sometimes it’s shameful. But as Martin explains, it’s important that we DO talk about failure. Because failure isn’t just normal… it’s crucial for our growth.

Feel like a rev up? This ep’s for you.

Rac’s back, baby… RAC’S BACK.

ALSO… here’s some extra info about Rac that’ll be helpful before listening to the ep:

- When Rac was a kid, his family spent some time living with a head-hunting tribe (there’s more on this in Rac’s first episode from last season)

- Between 1993 and 1995, Rac played 7 senior AFL games for St Kilda and Melbourne

- Rac works with The Resilience Project as one of their main Speakers, spending the majority of his time at schools, helping kids around Australia.

To listen to our previous episode with Rac, follow this link:

The Imperfects

We're all imperfect. On this podcast, Hugh van Cuylenburg, founder of The Resilience Project chats t 
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