Lewis Hobba - Success Is Never Enough

Published Oct 22, 2023, 7:00 PM

Lewis Hobba grew up idolising Triple J. But despite being chosen as Triple J’s drive-time co-host by the age of 30, and being selected by Andrew Denton as one of Australia’s most creative and talented young performers for the show Hungry Beast, Lewis never felt like he succeeded in anything.

In this Vulnerabilitea House, Lewis tells Hugh, Ryan and Josh what it was like behind the scenes for him during this time and how he dealt with crippling anxiety on a daily basis until eventually seeking help.

To listen to Lewis's podcast 'Silver Bullet', follow this link: https://bit.ly/3ScFmyB

To hear Ryan's episode where he talks about shame, jealousy and finding his purpose, follow this link: https://bit.ly/46AfnW3

To purchase our Vulnerabilitea House card sets, follow this link: https://bit.ly/3PBFlkR

The Imperfects

We're all imperfect. On this podcast, Hugh van Cuylenburg, founder of The Resilience Project chats t 
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